5e Warlock Spells

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Warlock Spells

0-Level Spells

  • Arcane Deflection With a wave of your hand, you create a barrier of arcane energy to deflect attacks.
  • Astral Barrier Reinforce yourself with starstuff to blunt an incoming attack.
  • Glyph Trap You cast a glowing pool of magic upon the ground by drawing a glyph with paint, or something that can mark a surface, that damages and hinders anyone who wanders through or is pushed into it.
  • Haeptic Counter You focus on the energy kept within you and release it in a defensive manner.
  • Hydro Barrier Throw water in front of yourself to blunt an incoming attack.
  • Spectral Shield You invoke a minor protective force to grant yourself a +1 bonus to your AC.
  • Static Armor You generate a shocking aura on a willing creature's armor that damages attackers.
  • Temporal Blur You briefly glimpse the future, which allows you to narrowly evade an attack.
  • Temporal Rift Reduce the movement speed of a target
  • Vortex Gaze The target is forced to look into your eyes and is shown an image of the Vortex itself
  • Acid Balm Deal acid damage while grappling.
  • Blink, Variant Teleport yourself
  • Clothes Beam Cast a beam of whirling cloth to cause a creature to be clothed.
  • Conjure Blade, Variant As a bonus action, you create a bladed weapons in your hand that can be used normally
  • Conjure Blade As a bonus action, you create a bladed weapon in your hand that can be used normally
  • Conjure Elemental Weapon Summon forth an elemental weapon from any common stick.
  • Dark Chain You attempt to pull a creature towards the ground, damaging them in the process.
  • Drop the Bass
  • Eldritch Legerdemain
  • Firebrand You throw a small shining ball of fire at a creature within range that brands it with your mark.
  • Flash Powder A burst of powder that explodes, confusing and harming a creature within range.
  • Force Whip Create a magical whip you can wield as a weapon.
  • Grum's Flaming Pile of Poo Toss a flaming pile of poo at your enemies, that continues to burn for 1 more round, and makes them smell bad.
  • Gurgle Spit a ball of animated poison.
  • Homing Needles You create and launch a barrage of flying, magical needles at a creature of your choice that you can see within range.
  • Ice Blade You pull moisture from thin air, forming it into a sword of solid ice.
  • Luis Gustavo's Aura of Blades Aura of blades, a defensive cantrip that will teach foes to keep their distance
  • Manic Manacles You cause heavy black chains to encircle a creature you can see within range.
  • Minor Step A quick, short range teleport.
  • Minor Telekinesis You temporarily gain the ability to move small objects or creatures with your mind.
  • Minor Telekinetic Field A minor telekinetic field centered on the caster that allows the manipulation of entities up to a certain combined weight within its range.
  • Moth Swarm You propel a swarm of Moths from your hands
  • Nightly Terrors Conjure a pair of formless, black entities next to you from the realm of nightmares that only you and your chosen target can see.
  • Obvious Banana You conjure a used banana peel to knock prone a bipedal creature.
  • Phantasmal Notebook Summon a phantom notebook and writing quill
  • Pseudopod Strike An ooze-themed melee cantrip
  • Shadow Warp Become as a shadow, dashing through the darkness.
  • Shiver You harness a piece of the void to teleport an object.
  • Short Warp You jaunt through space a short distance.
  • Snowy Barrage A barrage of snowballs erupt from your hands, pushing enemies back
  • Summon Spirit Drink up me hearties, yo ho!
  • Thaumophone Conjure a magical synthesizer to augment your performances.
  • Veitch's Marvellous Letter You conjure a letter with up to 150 words written in it. It flies to a target that you designate at a speed of 6 mph.
  • Vitriolic Blast A simple, ranged acid attack.
  • Death Sight You touch a creature and give it an insight into its imminent death.
  • Exit Beam Magic your way out of a dungeon by having a spell do the thinking for you.
  • Precise Strike Another take on true strike, using the model of spell design of the "blade cantrips".
  • Acidic Blast Shoots beams of acidic energy at enemies.
  • Almighty Strike You clap your hands and create an almighty aura that sends a blast wave out in a 30-foot sphere centered on you.
  • Arc A ranged lightning attack which can jump between foes.
  • Arcana Rune A runebolt channeling simple but powerful magic to deal damage, and one that can weave together with other Rune spells for increased damage. The Rune Spells are Earth Rune, Smite Rune, Chill Rune, Arcana Rune and Storm Rune
  • Arcane Attraction A cantrip to pull folks closer.
  • Arcane Bolt You fire a bolt of magical energy that seeks its target before exploding.
  • Arcane Grenade A small, ranged magical explosion
  • Arcane Strike For those mages that wade into the fray.
  • Astral Light By gently waving your hand in a circular motion a stream of light sheds over the area that you do so in creating a trail of aurora, either on the wall or in the air.
  • Blast You create a blast of pure destructive force.
  • Blast Cantrip Blast your enemies with elemental power, using the most generic of cantrips
  • Bolt Strike You enhance your next attack with electric energy.
  • Bolt of Time A beam of energy with an indigo hue streaks towards a creature within range.
  • Boreal Strike Your blade emanates a misty cold aura and freezes all in its path.
  • Chill Rune A runebolt channeling simple but powerful magic to deal damage, and one that can weave together with other Rune spells for increased damage. The Rune Spells are Earth Rune, Smite Rune, Chill Rune, Arcana Rune and Storm Rune
  • Chilling Wind
  • Coldslinger Spin up a bowling ball of ice before slinging it right at a target.
  • Conduct You channel lightning through your hand to smite a creature or object you can touch.
  • Corroding Strike You enhance your next attack with Acidic energy.
  • Daunting Volt Blade Your weapon is charged with electric energy, released upon impact.
  • Discord Bolt A bolt that pulses with a chaotic nature
  • Earth Rune A runebolt channeling simple but powerful magic to deal damage, and one that can weave together with other Rune spells for increased damage. The Rune Spells are Earth Rune, Smite Rune, Chill Rune, Arcana Rune and Storm Rune
  • Eldritch Burst You launch an invisible blast towards a target.
  • Emberbolt
  • Farron's Dart You hurl a tiny projection of bluish-white energy at a creature or object within range.
  • Fire Splash You hurl an exploding bolt of fire at a point within range.
  • Firesweep
  • Flame Ring You make a weapon attack that rings the target in flames.
  • Force Cannon fires a swirling ball of air
  • Forceful Flash A ball of magical energy hurtles toward a creature in range and blinds them with a flash of bright light.
  • Forceful Strike Magical energy coats your melee weapon and gives it more forceful attacks.
  • Froststrike You enhance your next attack with frost energy.
  • Grum's Lonely Missile Fire off a magic dart at one target within range. One is the loneliest number..
  • Hershey Squirt You cause the target to lose control of their bowels.
  • Hoarfrost Blade Your weapon is coated in fractalline frost as you attack.
  • Ice Shards You evoke shards of ice to rain into an area.
  • Ignites You extend your hand and a volcanic explosion sears your foe, taking more damage if they took fire damage previously.
  • Ignitions You extend your hand and a volcanic ignition sears your foe, making them more vulnerable to fire.
  • Kinetic Garrote You create and attack with a garrote made out of force.
  • Kinetic Throw You manipulate the power of force to toss your target.
  • Lightning Field A cylindrical aura of electricity sweeps around you for a moment, jolting adjacent foes.
  • Lightning Orb You summon a ball of electric energy to strike a creature within range.
  • Lightning Whip You create a lash of lightning energy that strikes at one creature of your choice that you can see within range.
  • Mage Fist For those mages that wish to brawl.
  • Megaton Punch Super Punch!
  • Pillar of Sand You cause a small pillar of sand to erupt from a point on the ground that you can see.
  • Pixie Storm You point at a creature within range, and they are assailed with a magical storm of glitter.
  • Plague Blast
  • Power Beam You project a beam of force from your melee weapon to attack from a distance.
  • Powerful Strike (5e Cantrip)Control your foes with the power of force.
  • Psionic Blast
  • Psionic Kunai You launch a blade that slices the mind.
  • Psionic Strike You enhance your next attack with force energy.
  • Pyrokinesis Manifest your magical power by igniting a fire.
  • Radiant Blade You make a weapon attack that rings the target in radiant flames.
  • Radiant Flame Blade You make a weapon attack that rings the target in radiant flames.
  • Radiant Strike, Variant Imbue your weapon with radiant energy, striking your foes with the power of one's will or faith.
  • Radiant Strike Imbue your weapon with radiant energy, striking your foes with the power of one's will or faith.
  • Rune Blast You draw a rune in the air and blast an object or creature in range with different types of damage.
  • Shadow Blast Create a blast of shadows to defeat you enemies and torment your friends.
  • Shartrund's Energy Blade The caster raises her hand, a sword of flame forms in her grip and she strikes the goblin that is hurtling up the path, igniting it. Screeching in pain, the goblin jumps back and frantically pats himself out as the wizard readies herself for another strike.
  • Shenanigan You launch an unpredictable and everchanging bolt of energy at a creature or object within range.
  • Shinsu Baang
  • Smite Rune A runic bolt channelling simple but powerful magic to deal damage, and one that can weave together with other rune spells for increased damage.
  • Solar Blitz Radiant flames come from the tip of your weapon, striking all your foes in a flash of light.
  • Soul Claws Your soul shapes into a wicked claw that pierces the body of a creature you touch.
  • Spellfire You conjure arcane fire in your hand that can can be used for light and combat.
  • Spellstrike You increase the accuracy of your attacks using your magic power.
  • Static Strike Imbue a weapon with arcing lightning as you strike.
  • Storm Rune A runebolt channeling simple but powerful magic to deal damage, and one that can weave together with other Rune spells for increased damage. The Rune Spells are Earth Rune, Smite Rune, Chill Rune, Arcana Rune and Storm Rune
  • The Dungeon Masters Key You summon a D20 the size of a fireball to hit your foes!
  • Thunder Shock
  • Thundering Whip Summon forth a thunderous whip to rattle and deafen foes.
  • Thunderous Strike A thunderous strike meant to push back the foes of the War wizards and bladesingers.
  • Valkyries Strike You send holy energy through your weapon, and empower an attack.
  • Vent Anger You vent your anger and pulse out hot air in a 15-foot sphere centered on yourself to cool yourself down.
  • Concealment
  • Deepen Shadows Remove the light from a 10 foot cube and cause the area to become darker.
  • Label Place a small permanent magical label on an item. The label can be seen by any spell caster or magical creature.
  • Shadow Garrote With a subtle gesture you carve a slice of shadow from the air around you and cast it toward your foe. It wraps around the creature's neck and squeezes the life from it.
  • Shadow Mist You conjure an illusory swarm of inky black clouds.
  • Shady Visage You obscure the features of the willing creature that you touch.
  • Warding Flare You throw up your hand to create a flash of light and distract a creature that is attacking you.
  • Aging Bolt Ages a target
  • Blood Bind Bind your own life force to that of another creature in order to inflict the same damage you deal upon yourself to them.
  • Blood Blade You create a blade out of your own blood to use as a weapon.
  • Bloodbridge The caster creates a bridge of blood between 2 creature, taking the blood of one and giving it to the other.
  • Coagulate You cut yourself to form a magical mote to assault a creature in range that you can see.
  • Dark Exchange You touch an injured, willing creature, concentrate on the wound as the sinew magically stitches close wounds, graft overs burns and otherwise closes and protects the injured creature.
  • Death's Garrote You infuse your garrote with the power of death.
  • Death Blade You enchant a blade you wield with a slain soul.
  • Death Bolt You hurl a dark ball at a creature or object within range.
  • Desecrate Strike Imbue your weapon with necrotic energy as you strike.
  • Fingers of the Necromancer Rays of necrotic energy shoot from your fingers, withering anything you shoot.
  • Ghostly Hands You touch a willing creature and cover its hands with ghostly energy.
  • Grum's Fix 'em/Hurt 'em Caster chooses to either heal or damage a target, using their own lifeforce.
  • Jolt Cadaver You compel a dead or undead creature into a sudden, jerking motion.
  • Minor Animate You animate a number of tiny creatures to serve basic purposes
  • Momentary Relapse A cantrip that deals temporary damage.
  • Necro Blast A beam of necrotic energy streaks toward a creature within range.
  • Necrotic Overlay, Variant You imbue your weapon with necrotic power.
  • Necrotic Overlay You imbue your weapon with necrotic power.
  • Necrotic Sickles You conjure necrotic energy from the lower plains of existence to give your weapon an aura to increase your attack power
  • Poe Reprise
  • Roll the Bones Control dice made of bone.
  • Shadowblade With a couple quick movements, you pull a sword made from solidified shadow from thin air that lasts for the duration.
  • Shadowstrike You enhance your next attack with necrotic energy.
  • Shrieking Skull
  • Soul Drain Your hands sap health from others to bolster yourself
  • Spectral Scythe Create a blade of necrotic energy at the end of a staff.
  • Tear You cause the matter of a creature or object that you touch to split apart.
  • Vicious Rant You lace your words with withering magic and aggressively rant at a creature or object in range.
  • Wyrd Reconstruction You mend a creature's wounds with risk of further injury.
Needs Work
  • Ivote's Delivery Service Deliver items to your friends by placing them inside an enchanted container, or just teleport the items around.

1st-Level Spells

  • Armor of Prometheus A protective magical force surrounds you, manifesting as a spectral flame that covers you and your gear.
  • Armour of Jenova You summon a colourful aura of aberrant energy around you that harms creatures close to you.
  • Blaze of Wrath Using all your might, you channel your energy into a single, powerful fiery punch.
  • Block Seed Prevents conception.
  • Brand Don't touch my stuff!
  • Broken Ward
  • Countertrip No more pesky cantrips for you...
  • Enhanced Durability A useful spell for temporarily increasing durability by increasing AC and granting temp HP.
  • False Blade Afraid your 9th level spell might actually kill someone? Well no more!
  • Force Armor You touch a willing creature who isn't wearing armor, and a protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. The target's base AC becomes 13 + its Intelligence modifier. The spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the spell as an action.
  • Ice Ward You throw up your hands as you are attacked, and icy symbols protect you from harm and slow your assailants.
  • Mark This is mine, and we both know it.
  • Repel Pushes any Large or smaller creature or object away from you to a certain distance.
  • Rift Balance Chronomancers are tasked with keeping balance in the Astral Plane, whenever you remove something, something must take its place.
  • Arcane Tether Conjure a rope that brings two things together
  • Attract Summons a Small or Tiny object that you can see to yourself.
  • Blue Shield Basically a ridable Tenser's Floating Disk.
  • Conjure Ammunition Conjure a handful of ammunition.
  • Create Building Creates a building whose size varies depending on the level casted at.
  • Drop Bass Drop the bass. On their head.
  • Fitzmyr's Sage Hands A modified version of the mage hand cantrip, by a kenku wizard. Effective for use of offence, utility, and defense, but not the best at any of them. An all-rounder for 1st level spells.
  • Glacial Crash You conjure a large chunk of ice and launch it at a creature in range.
  • Grum's Spectral Melee Weapon You exchange an object in your hand for a spectral necrotic damage weapon from the Ethereal Plane.
  • Magechain The target must succeed on a Reflex saving throw or be restrained for the duration.
  • Magic Scimitar
  • Magnet Orb You conjure an orb that pulls foes towards it.
  • Minor Distortion In the grand scheme of things, we make many choices. Where exactly we stand, how we move when we see a sword being swung at our head. Sometimes, you're standing in the perfect spot to mitigate a hit you take. Through the use of magic, one can instantly move themselves to said spot as if that were the choice they'd made.
  • Planar Calling You summon creatures from other worlds to fight by your side.
  • Punishing Pitchfork With a flourish, you strike your weapon downward into a portal that forces a necrotic pitchfork to hit an opponent in range.
  • Shadow Spray
  • Shell Kick
  • Spellblade
  • Summon Astral Beast As you close your eyes and reach one hand out in front of you, you speak the astral words for beast, and astral. Blue astral energy sparks from your hands and the surrounding area as a small dog-like form materializes in an empty space within range.
  • Summon Weapon Summon a weapon or object from a pocket dimension into your hand.
  • Detect Secrets You grant yourself magical perception that greatly enhances your ability to uncover hidden mysteries.
  • Divine Empowerment A willing creature is imbued with the power of a god
  • Eyes of Time After requesting assistance from the Lord of Time you temporarily have access to the knowledge of the entire history of this world.
  • Flame Tongue You gain the ability to speak with flame, which relate to you who or what has been within their light radius.
  • Know Recipe Learn how to cook a dish
  • Minor Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents not it's exact location.
  • Truer Strikes
  • Aether: Ascent A blast of wind magic allows you to throw your sword upwards with great strength, lifting your target off the ground or ascending great heights.
  • Aether: Quickdraw By invoking wind magic around the blade in you hand, you are given a moment of intense speed as you slash; propelling yourself forward to strike a distant target.
  • Agni Shine You throw a hand forward and send a roaring ball of flame roughly 1 foot in diameter towards a target within range.
  • Arcane Smite
  • Blast Cast Blast your enemies with elemental power, using the most generic of spells.
  • Corrosive Flame You snap your fingers, invoking chaotic green flames to engulf your target.
  • Dark Force You channel the dark force to damage your enemies.
  • Eldrige Blast This is what you get when you can't correctly spell the word "eldritch".
  • Elemental Armor You cover yourself with a layer of elemental energy that shields you from incoming attacks.
  • Fiendish Desecration You invoke the fury of your fiendish deity and smite all good creatures within the spell's radius.
  • Fire Whip You create a magical whip of fire that can be used as a melee weapon.
  • Fire shot a miniature fireballs that fly everywhere
  • Forcewave Knock down your foes with a blast of pure force.
  • Frost Strike Infuses your weapon with the power of frost.
  • Ganon's Fist You concentrate destructive energy into a single, supernaturally-powerful punch.
  • Gorgath's Rock-Volver High Nooning with some cheap stones. David and Goliath these dudes.
  • Hellfire Bolt You send a bolt of infernal flames toward a creature you can see.
  • Ice Spike A spike made of ice thrusts from the ground towards target creature.
  • Last Words Go out with a witty one-liner and a bang. Or just a bang, that works too.
  • Lee's Fume Punch Channel forth your anger in the form of a pillar of flame from your fist.
  • Magic Burst Expends all spell slots of one level to create a huge explosion.
  • Push Your enemy is blasted in the face with sheer kinetic force.
  • Revert Time A creature you touch has its wounds revert back in time.
  • Riddle (5e spell)You call upon an extraplanar entity, an alien intellect or devious fiend, becoming a conduit for its power as you speak out a complex riddle.
  • Rock Splash Chuck a big rock at somebody and hit them with shrapnel.
  • Spin Attack
  • Spirit Excalibur Summon an obscenely long sword of energy.
  • Step Into Darkness Shift through darkness with pretanutral speed.
  • Zodiac Strike The raw power of the zodiac ring and its components placed into a small orb.
  • Calder's Starry Sky You project a map of the stars into the air.
  • Color You permanently change the color of cloth, leather, or any other inanimate object.
  • Horrific Visage You choose a creature within range and reveal the horrors of the void to them.
  • Hush, Variant Your footsteps and armor make no noise
  • Muffle A spell that hushes a creature, making it more difficult to detect.
  • Obscure Illumination Obscures a light source so one may see in the dark without either giving one's position away or resorting to darkvision-like solutions. Unlike darkvision, one can distinguish colours (as permitted by the torch's quality of light)
  • Silhouette, Variant Cause a creature to appear as a translucent black silhouette of itself
  • Silhouette Cause a creature to appear as a stark black silhouette of itself
Needs Work
  • Decaying Necrostrike Strike a creature with your weapon and infect them with an unholy decay.
  • Eilistraee's Moonfire
  • Eruption A derivative of the Flare Blade Spell meant for stronger casters and weaponry. The blade is enwreathed in blue flame that grows to a white intensity as the spell is held, eventually resulting in a massive explosion that threatens to consume even its caster.
  • Eruption Counter A variant of the Flare Counter meant to be used with a larger weapon and deal greater damage. However, unlike the Flare Counter, this spell cannot be used consecutively.
  • Fits o' Laughter Disable your foes with fits of uncontrollable laughter!
  • Know Thy Foe A spell that lets the caster peer into the defenses of their target.
  • Magical Deflect Enhance your reflexes to deflect melee weapons.
  • Scan Divine a deeper understanding of a creature
  • Weight of 1000 Years, Variant You close your eyes and focus on the Vortex of Time condensing the memories of the past millennia into a single thought. When you open your eyes you gesture above the target and then snap your hand down as all these thoughts and memories are solidified and is forced upon the target.

2nd-Level Spells

  • Acid Spray You throw a small ball acid that explodes and rains acid upon your foes.
  • Arcane Sphere Movable sphere of pure arcane energy.
  • Blocking Blade You summon a blade of mystical energy to protect creatures around you
  • Boreale's Deep Strike Vanish for a short period of time, and reappear next to enemies.
  • Fountain of Night You call forth a slow-moving, intangible horror which damages and frightens everything in its space.
  • Gravity Bomb, Variant Use gravity to pull creatures into an orb you create, before exploding it.
  • Gravity Bomb Pulling enemies in before creating a warp explostion
  • Hellfire Harpoon A burning chain with a hooked dagger which flies out from the caster and impales a foe, viciously dragging them towards the caster or location.
  • Internal Flame Summons fire inside a creature's stomach
  • Moving Platform A rock is thrown and grows into a platform that can support up to 3 average sized humanoids.
  • Pulling Shade A swirling mass of darkness ensnares and decays your victims.
  • Steal You attempt to rob a creature you can see within range of one of its possessions.
  • Storm Shield A shield of lightning protects you from harm, and harms those who would harm you. (Basically a stronger version of Shield
  • Summon salesman You wave your hand and a friendly-seeming Genasi appears.
  • Ancient Tether Closing your eyes you feel the astral ley lines flowing all around you. Opening your eyes your reach forward and touch an object or a creature and attach a ley line to the object.
  • Determine Lineage This spell determines the lineage of a creature back several generations.
  • Eyes of Fate After requesting assistance from the Lady of Fate, you temporarily have access to the deepest intentions and desires of all the people in this world.
  • Projectile Sense The creature you touch gains a modicum of protection from ranged attacks for the duration of this spell.
  • Ancient Path You wave your hand across the footprints behind you as you encourage the time around them to speed up leading to complete cover of the footprints.
  • Sinister Surroundings Lay a land low with feelings of dread.
  • Smoke Screen You create a smokescreen that blocks vision and harms those within it.
  • Blood Boil You cause the blood of nearby enemies to boil.
  • Blood Boiling Boil the blood in the veins of a creature you can see in range.
  • Bone Shield Create six bones that spin and float around you. Each with an innate will to block for you.
  • Crimson Skin You draw blood from a fresh corpse to form armor and weapons for yourself born from necromancy.
  • Critterkill When you need to clear the tavern floor...
  • Lingering Poison You inflict a creature in range with a toxic affliction that slowly deals damage for up to 1 minute.
  • Raise Ghoul
  • Raise Mount
  • Remove Breath Force the air right out of someone's lungs.
  • Soulfire Strike Convert part of your soul into a bolt of energy to directly attack an enemies soul - causing them to become exhausted.
  • Thirsting Blade On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects as well as 2d6 necrotic damage. You regain a number of hit points equal to the necrotic damage inflicted by this spell.
  • Withering Ray You create three rays of necromantic energy and hurl them at targets within range.
Needs Work

3rd-Level Spells

  • Conjure Mannequin You create a glyph which summons simple humanoid constructs if triggered.
  • Conjure Minor Devils You summon lawful fiend creatures that appear in the unoccupied spaces that you can see within range.
  • Elusive You can dart suddenly to and fro, becoming uncannily nimble and hard to pin down.
  • Invoke Wolfgeist You summon the spirit of a slain Werewolf.
  • Raksha's Wash Cycle By forming a summoning circle, an item is transported to a different dimension for cleaning and purification, potentially with a chance of drastic failure, and the cost of it being a free service.
  • Scatter Banish You attempt to send one creature to a location within 60 feet. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be teleported.
  • Searing Choker You reach out and conjure a circle of super-heated metal around your victim's neck.
  • Servant Permanence Remove the time limit of a servant, binding it to eternal service.
  • Step Like Thunder Step, but without the thunder.
  • Analyze Creature Figure out how tough something is!
  • Arcane Sight This spell makes your eyes glow blue and allows you to see magical auras within 120 feet of you.
  • Local Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents, not its exact location.
  • Scout A spell that allows to create a visage of yourself that can move through objects.
  • Soul Reading You target a focal point in sight and read the souls of any being within a radius around it.
  • The Murderer's Ear This dark ritual creates a locus of divination out of the ear of a murderer.
  • Dire Charm You magically infect a living creature with murderous impulses, unless that creature makes a successful Wisdom saving throw.
  • Snooze You cast a cloud of sleeping powder.
  • Youngblood Give someone a refreshing de-aging brain massage. Also, you can decrease their mental age if you want to.
  • Afterburner You move super-humanly fast, leaving a trail of fire behind you.
  • Astral Guardian Calling for assistance from the Astral Plane, an ethereal apparition of a Guardian Form Chronomancer materializes in front of you in a 10-foot area.
  • Dark Flare A stream of dark fire bursts forth from your hand.
  • Enhanced Darkness
  • Firebeads A series of fiery beads spring from your hand, darting across the battlefield.
  • Freidyne With a somatic gesture, you evoke a spherical blast of white light at a point within range.
  • Glacial Pass You cause a 5-foot square of ice shards to rise out of the ground then move in a 30-foot line.
  • Isaac's Missile Swarm An upgraded version of Magic Missile, with slightly higher damage and restrictions.
  • Lesser Purge You strain a drop of pure divinity from your god or patron, letting the raw power burst out to consume those around you.
  • Lightning Spear You create a bolt of lightning in your hand, similar in shape to a spear and hurl it at a creature or object within range.
  • Magic Warhead Fires off a larger version of Magic Missile that not only automatically hits its target, but also damages those around it.
  • Niflbolt A spell that both damages and obscures the vision of the target.
  • Royal Flare A brilliant streak of sunlight flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range then blossoms with a high-pitched "flash" sound into a radiant ball of sunlight energy.
  • Slashing Darkness You launch a hissing ribbon of pure darkness from your hand.
  • Sound Burst You emit a concussive sound wave, damaging creatures within the area.
  • Storm Front You fire a thin bolt of lightning at a creature or object within range.
  • Time Bomb A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range in which you set an invisible time bomb which then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of arcane when activated.
  • Zone of Frost Call forth a zone of cold, freezing the ground and anyone caught in the effect.
  • Creeping Darkness You create an amorphous cloud of inky darkness that fills a 10-foot cube.
  • Doomhound
  • Fade Immediately after taking damage, you fade from view and become harder to hit and locate.
  • Greater Disguise Self
  • Inception You break into someone's mind a plant a seed that grows into an idea.
  • Shadow Evocation You tap energy from the Plane of Shadow to cast a quasi-real, illusory version of a sorcerer or wizard evocation spell of 2nd level or lower.
Needs Work
  • Master Spark Bringing your hands together, palms forward, you fire a white, rainbow-tinged beam of light and heat energy from your hands that is 90 feet long and 5 feet wide.
  • Sealing Strike Trap a creature in stasis with your ranged weapon

4th-Level Spells

  • Alice's Chaos Recall Suddenly damage a creature attempting to teleport, and possibly stop it all together
  • Dimensional Anchor A green ray springs from your outstretched hand at a creature or object you can see within range.
  • No U Sends any spell cast at you back at the caster lmao
  • Rumplestiltskin's Catch Missiles Tired of Weeb Space communists blasting you at range? This spell will catch any projectile that comes your way!
  • Veil of Compressed Time Closing your eyes and outstretching your arms and muttering a few Astral words a blue glow envelops your entire body, this extra layer constantly shifts to where any impact is found.
  • Web of Alarms This spell allows the caster to place 6 advanced alarms within 300 feet.
  • Windflower Wind Barrier A protective wind barrier protects the caster from damage.
  • Blade Lightning You create a sword made from lightning for the duration.
  • Bèta Radiation
  • Chaos Hand You infuse your hand with destructive chaotic energy and touch a creature.
  • Choke You raise your hand and choke up to six creatures within range and elevating them several inches off the ground.
  • Hands of Elements Your hands become engulfed with energy that you can toss towards your enemies.
  • Light Beam Fire a beam of light that deals damage, and is more effective against creatures with lower hit points.
  • Lightning Strike
  • Message Connected
  • Minor Mark Sigils appear to bolster a target creature in one of several ways.
  • Mordenkainen's Force Missiles You create powerful missiles of magical force, which darts from your fingertips and unerringly strikes their designated targets.
  • Nuclear Missile A bombardment of nuclear energy destroys the very essence of your enemies.
  • Splitting Orb You hurl an orb of life-draing energy to strike a creature in range, and rip the life from a radius around that creature.
  • Stoneburst You undo stone in thunderous fashion.
  • Thumb Trick Be a disgusting necromancer, you sick sick weirdo.
  • Tri-Disaster You speak, commanding your chosen elements to wreak havoc on a targeted area.
  • Twin Bolts of Demonfire You summon two churning bolts of dark-colored liquid fire from the lower planes and hurl them at targets within range.
  • Wall of Tentacles You create a wall of tentacles on a solid surface within range.
  • Fool's Gold You touch a pile of up to 150 copper coins or an object made out of copper, brass, or bronze that weighs less than 1 pound, you turn them into gold.
  • Poof When a hostile creature approaches you, you momentarily become invisible.
  • Split Causality Using the Astral Energy that flows around all creatures you can temporarily split the conscious mind from the instinctual mind.
  • Anesthesia You end your target's pain, allowing them to keep fighting.
  • Awaken Skeleton Bless a skeleton with the gift of sentience. Maybe it will thank you for it.
  • Awaken Undead Bless an undead with the gift of sentience. Maybe it will thank you for it.
  • Blood Rain Rains blood in an area that inflicts necrotic damage, but rejuvenates undead
  • Bone Cleaves Steel Risen soldiers are empowered by their master, increasing their damage, accuracy, and effectiveness against armored opponents.
  • Bone Pile Reanimate bones to fight for you.
  • Dareun's Overexertion Create a loop of power, which grows stronger as the target strains.
  • Hunger/Thirst A cruel curse that inflicts unending hunger or thirst
  • Jumpstart Temporarily cause a person to die in order to fully revive them.
  • Necromancer's Enervation You release a black ray of crackling negative energy from your pointed finger that suppresses the life force of any creature it strikes.
  • Soul-Stealing Fist Your fist rips energy from a creature you use to bolster your defenses, leaving it stunned.
Needs Work

5th-Level Spells

  • Astral Entity You close your eyes and focus on the Astral Energy around you as your form slowly starts to dissipate in blue flashes until you completely leave the material plane.
  • Frozen Defenses You become a statue of ice for a few seconds, nullifying oncoming attacks and chilling nearby creatures to the core.
  • Helotry Channel magical energies through an ally, allowing them to cast spells using it
  • Perfect Cube Conjure an invincible cube.
  • Stun Monster A creature in range must succeed on a Strength saving throw to break through, or be paralyzed for the duration.
  • Conjurer Joke
  • Five Sided Shelter 'By completing The Trial of the Green Lion from the Five Faced King, you are granted a space to seek refuge from the elements and rest peacefully'
  • Glitterdust
  • Riddle You call upon an extraplanar entity, an alien intellect or devious fiend, becoming a conduit for its power as you speak out a complex riddle.
  • Spike Storm You fire hundreds of needles, daggers and other small blades from your hand, ripping at everything in their way.
  • Control Person You control the mind of a humanoid, which can only resist with the force of its personality.
  • Infernal Law You invoke the Pact Primeval, the oldest rules governing the cosmos, and the bonds of infernal law descend upon whomever your gaze lands upon.
  • Reverse Morality
  • Assquake
  • Astral Release Harness the planar disruption caused by the severing of a soul for a last-ditch effort to destroy your enemies.
  • Chaos Storm You pound an area with blasts of chaotic energy.
  • Dragon Meteor You leap into the air and then fire a modified version of the master spark downward, sacrificing range for width and firepower.
  • Durnash's Flames The creature that took damage is wracked with flames of intensity proportional to its pain.
  • Fallen Meteor A bright streak of light that appears in the sky when a meteorite is heated to incandescence in the atmosphere.
  • Fire Volley For the duration of the spell, you can repeatedly shoot bolts of fire.
  • Goldweaver's Ray You charge for a few seconds, and release a massive swarm of force bolts.
  • Nexus Weapon You imbue a weapon you touch with psychic power.
  • Random Spell Cast a random spell from your class spell list
  • Swift Blade Bane A slashing force that powers your blade, infusing it with magical power.
  • Swirling Storm
  • Time Trap
  • Witchfire You conjure a mysterious screaming purple flame which burns the body and soul.
  • Wizzro's Blast
  • 10cc of Time Stop Stop time and take a half-turn as a reaction to anything.
  • Accelerate Self Uttering the Astral words for time and accelerate, you feel yourself speed up, to you the world seems to be moving at a snail's pace.
  • Awaken Self Awaken yourself from loss of intelligence, volition, or consciousness, or resume sleep.
  • Baleful Polymorph Transform enemy into harmless animal
  • Decrepit Hands Cripple one of your hands to cripple the hand of your target.
  • Giant Size You cause a willing creature within range to grow to a much larger size.
  • Imbue Harmlessness
  • Power Word Recharge Oh, the only way to regain expended charges is by waiting it out, you say?
  • Seamless Space Connect two nearby points in space seamlessly.
  • Stamp The study of negative energy has allowed you to understand how to share it's affects with others
Needs Work
  • Call Mr. or Mrs. Lanky A long limbed spectral servant appears.
  • Force Possession Attempt to force a new spirit into a dying monstrosity. The spirit type is determined by the gem stone used(Jade=Fey, Obsidian=undead, Ruby=Feind, Saffire=Celestial). If successful you may attempt to permanently charm the new creation.
  • Inflict Exhaustion A port of 3.5's ray of exhaustion with a different name
  • Organic Graft Graft Your foes limbs on to yourself
  • Stupefy A more diverse, less powerful cousin of Feeblemind.

6th-Level Spells

  • Conjure Dragon You summon a dragon of challenge rating 6 or lower.
  • Misty Gate
  • Suffocate You lift the mote and the air swirls out of it as it teleports the air from a creature's lungs into the Plane of Air and forces them empty.
  • Talisman of Summoning You touch a nonmagical piece of jewelry, and enchant it with the power to summon yourself.
  • Twisting Tendril You create a twisting wreathing tendril of necrotic energy.
  • Woeful Stab A dagger in the back might hurt for some time, but the pain of a woeful dagger never ends.
  • General Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents not it's exact location.
  • Dancing Plague You lead a crowd in a frenzied, deadly dance.
  • Form Contract Bind a fiend within a weapon, armor, or jewelry.
  • Mind Switch You attempt to take control of a nearby living creature, forcing your mind and soul into its body, and its into yours.
  • Cascade of Thunder You summon a virulent thunderstorm that lasts for the duration, damaging creatures in range with electric shocks.
  • Earth Shatter Summon a massive lightning bolt to empower your weapon and shatter the ground in your way.
  • Purge You strain a drop of pure divinity from your god or patron, letting the raw power burst out to consume those around you.
  • Shadow Axe You conjure in your hand a battleaxe made of shadow.
  • To Ashes Closing your eyes and reaching a hand forward towards a target within range you mutter the Astral words for Time, Accelerate, and End as dark blue light beams out of your hand towards the target
  • Zone of Power You create a zone of slightly bluish energy that suffuses an area you can see.
  • Landscape of Fear The terrain around the targets appear to be made of its worst nightmares.
Needs Work

7th-Level Spells

  • Time Walk you infuse the time piece with time magic allowing you to go back in time and see the past
  • Last Laugh Your enemy dies of its own laughter.
  • Power Word Pacify You utter a word of power that can compel one creature that you can see within range to immediately cease hostile actions.
  • Gorgon's Glare You create a horrifying illusion, changing your face to that of a horrifying monster.
  • Harrowing Insanity You cause a creature to see horrifying visions in everything.
  • Mergewall A creature you target is turned into a painted version of itself.
  • Moat of Lava This spell creates a moat of lava around yourself.
  • Shape Flesh Permanently change a creature's physical appearance
Needs Work

8th-Level Spells

  • Fiery Twin You create an elemental twin of yourself.
  • Hellhole You transform an area of land into a flaming hellhole.
  • Watery Twin You create an elemental twin of yourself.
  • Control Monster You control the mind of a creature, which can only resist with the force of its personality.
  • Greed You corrupt the heart of your enemy, giving them a crippling weakness for wealth of all kinds.
  • Mute
  • Blasting Bolt Make a ranged attack roll against a creature or object within range that you can see. On a hit, the target takes 15d10 damage of a type you choose from acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder.
  • Destructive Slash a sword of dark energy
  • Eradication Flame A beam of white flame sears into your foes.
  • Gamma Radiation You release a radioactive ray of Gamma Radiation.
  • Kraken's Tentacle You conjure a kraken's tentacle that sprouts from a body of liquid and attacks your enemies.
  • Power Power is very powerful
  • Power Word Crash You disconnect a creature from the matrix of reality.
  • Power Word Explode You speak a word of power that can compel a creature to explode.
  • Star Fire Invoke a supernova that crushes nearby opponents with unrelenting Force
  • Fusion
  • Permanence of Being A spell which makes a creature cease the aging process.
  • Warclaw You grow devastatingly powerful claws which can tear a tank apart or rip off the heads of enemies with ease.
Needs Work

9th-Level Spells

  • Genesis The spellcaster creates a finite plane with limited access: a demiplane. Demiplanes created by this power are very small, very minor planes.
  • Infernal Rain
  • Pillars of Time
  • Power Word Bees Compel a creature to explode into a swarm of bees.
  • Ragnarok Giant flaming swords falling from the sky to destroy your enemies. What could be better?
  • Summon Greater Daemon You summon a greater demon to wreak havoc upon the battlefield.
  • Sword Storm Launch a flurry of spectral swords at your foes.
  • Annihilation You tear a hole in the very fabric of space and time. This spell is a conversion of the one in "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil".
  • Antimatter Beam A beam of dark energy that obliterates all it touches! Ok, not really, but pretty close.
  • Apocalypse from the Sky One of the evilest and most destructive spells a creature could cast.
  • Baator’s Essence You call on the power of the great devil Baator, giving the caster some of his strength, and destroying everything around him.
  • Contained Apocalypse
  • Crowley's Complicated Combustion You create a deep force inside your body and then you combust with a flaming energy.
  • Eldritch Cannon Summoning your eldritch power you take it to a whole new level causing a huge massive beam of eldritch energy to come out of your outstretched hands.
  • Greater Purge You strain a drop of pure divinity from your god or patron, letting the raw power burst out to consume those around you.
  • Last Act As your final act of heroism you channel all of your arcane power into your body and then expel it as a destructive force that proves harmful to your enemies.
  • Mass Immolation You set a whole bunch of creatures on fire.
  • Pulverize Lift an enemy into the air and grind them to dust.
  • Quantum Shift You force open the strongest rip in time creating an aging vortex for any enemy inside its area.
  • Violet Inferno The deadliest spell of all time. Probably.
  • Ice Assassin You create a living, breathing creature that is a near-perfect duplicate of an existing creature, formed entirely out of ice.
  • Anti-Static Shield Shift time around a creature to protect them.
  • Brand of Undeath Causes all affected targets to be transformed into the undead should they die while under the spell's effect.
  • Consumptive Touch Drain the soul of a creature, causing it unbearable, deadly agony.
  • Contained Horrors
  • Create Demise Armor You create a bone sentient armor capable of protecting you and fighting at your side. There may be some balance problems, use it under your own responsibility.
  • Create Greater Undead After sacrificing one humanoid you must then choose a corpse within range that corpse becomes undead with the challenge rating of 20 or lower under your control. The corpse cannot be the humanoid sacrifice.
  • Curse of the Diminished Soul You curse a creature with a dire curse, giving it a -3 penalty to all saving throws.
  • Dark Chant You damn nearby creatures to a void of eternal punishment after completing a chant invoking the power of death.
  • Draconic Skeleton Transforms a willing dragon into a dracolich.
  • Energy Drain Drains hit points equal to hit dice.
  • Eversion
  • Flay Remove all the skin from a creature and keep them alive.
  • Impermanence of Being This spell begins or resumes the aging process on an unaging creature.
  • Miasma of Death, Variant To devastate the weakings that dare to stand before you in defiance.
  • Miasma of Death You point at a location within range and create a cloud of horrid decay which rises from the location and spreads to an area up to 50 feet.
  • Murder of Moths Seas of Moths Spew from your hand and devour your opponents in a merciless slaughter on their hunt for the light.
  • Necropolis you infuse an area with necrotic energy, turning control of the land to the dead.
  • Soul Slice You extend your mystical powers and grasp at the soul of your enemy, cutting it in two obliterating half.
  • Soul Strike You assault the soul of a creature within range, attempting to rend it from the body and disperse it into the ether.
  • Unleashed Shadows You unleash a powerfull wave of shadows that damages your enemies and heals you and your undead minions.
Needs Work
gollark: You will have to research exotic computer science literature and derive your own language from the purest structures of mathematics.
gollark: I think languages are only partially ordered at best.
gollark: I think you misunderstood the paradox.
gollark: Oh, you mean haskell for bare-metal... probably don't do that.
gollark: Esobot is down again? REALLY?
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