Conjure Wraith (5e Spell)

Target one empty space within range, and pour the ashes out of the pouch. One minute later, a wraith will appear to serve the caster. Roll 1d20, and add your intelligence modifier. If you roll higher than 15 total, the wraith will serve you. If you fail, the wraith will explode, dealing 1d6 force damage to anything within 30 feet.

Conjure Wraith
3rd-level Necromancy
Casting time: 1 minute
Range: 30 feet
Components: M (A small pouch of ashes)
Duration: 1 hour

The wraith can target any corpse that has been dead for under 1 minute and create a specter, that will follow your orders. Both the specter and the wraith roll for initiative individually. The DM has statistics on both creatures. If the wraith is destroyed and a specter remains, it explodes, dealing 1d6 force damage to anything within 30 feet.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4 or higher, the wraith can create one additional specter, per spell slot used.

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