Elemental Edge (5e Spell)

Your spell sends traces of magic into the edge of a weapon, and cause its physical properties to be changed in some way. Upon casting this spell, you can change the damage type of a weapon based upon your chosen Edge.

  • Flame Edge: The weapon takes on a low ember, causing its edge to become red-hot. The damage type of the weapon is now Fire damage.
  • Cold Edge: The weapon frosts over, and becomes ice cold to the touch. The damage type of the weapon is now Cold damage.
  • Shocking Edge: The weapon begins to produce small arcs of electricity. The damage type of the weapon is now Lightning damage.
  • Air Edge: The weapon vibrates with a low hum. The damage type of the weapon is now Thunder damage.
  • Forceful Edge: The weapon pulsates with an unseen energy. The damage type of the weapon is now Force damage.
  • Toxic Edge: The weapon glows with a sickly green light, and smells faintly of almonds. The damage type of the weapon is now Poison damage.
  • Biting Edge: The weapon's surface becomes caustic, reacting violently with other substances. The damage type of the weapon is now Acid damage.
  • Psionic Edge: The weapon begins to produce a unnerving aura.The damage type of the weapon is now Psychic damage.
  • Holy Edge: The weapon glows with the light of a shooting star. The damage type of the weapon is now Radiant damage.
  • Evil Edge: The weapon begins to produce a deathly aura. The damage type of the weapon is now Necrotic damage.
Elemental Edge
Transmutation cantrip
Casting time: 1 bonus action
Range: touch
Components: V,M (a melee weapon)
Duration: Instantaneous

For the duration, you can use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls on melee attacks using this weapon. Regardless of what edge is cast the weapon now counts as magical for the sake of overcoming resistances, and the weapons damage die will increase by one step. ex: If the spell was cast on a target's short sword, the damage die will increase from 1d6 to 1d8. You may use the weapon as a melee attack or melee spell attack. The effect lasts until dismissed.

At higher levels the damage die increase by an additional step at 5th level, 11th level, and 17th level.

One-handed: 1d4 -> 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 2d6 -> 2d8 -> 2d10
Two-handed: 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 2d6 -> 2d8 -> 2d10

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