5e Bard Spells

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Bard Spells

0-Level Spells

  • Arcane Deflection With a wave of your hand, you create a barrier of arcane energy to deflect attacks.
  • Radiant Song You touch a creature and cause an eerie song to play, warding away danger.
  • Spectral Shield You invoke a minor protective force to grant yourself a +1 bonus to your AC.
  • Blink, Variant Teleport yourself
  • Bubble Spray A veil of mist surrounds your opponent making it harder for them to see
  • Conjure Rotting Tomatoes As you wave your hand, you conjure rotting tomatoes.
  • Drop the Bass
  • Earthen Servant You summon a small creature made out of earth.
  • Flash Powder A burst of powder that explodes, confusing and harming a creature within range.
  • Grum's Flaming Pile of Poo Toss a flaming pile of poo at your enemies, that continues to burn for 1 more round, and makes them smell bad.
  • Marsh's Dodgeball Throw a ball (or fruit) of force at your foes yelling some silly phrase.
  • Massage With a magic touch, you relieve the stress of others.
  • Minor Distortion In the grand scheme of things, we make many choices. Where exactly we stand, how we move when we see a sword being swung at our head. Sometimes, you're standing in the perfect spot to mitigate a hit you take. Through the use of magic, one can instantly move themselves to said spot as if that were the choice they'd made.
  • Minor Telekinetic Field A minor telekinetic field centered on the caster that allows the manipulation of entities up to a certain combined weight within its range.
  • Obvious Banana You conjure a used banana peel to knock prone a bipedal creature.
  • Phantasmal Notebook Summon a phantom notebook and writing quill
  • Shiver You harness a piece of the void to teleport an object.
  • Short Warp You jaunt through space a short distance.
  • Snowy Barrage A barrage of snowballs erupt from your hands, pushing enemies back
  • Summon Food Summon ze consumptibles to your location for yourself and your compatriots.
  • Summon Instrument Conjure one handheld musical instrument.
  • Summon Spirit Drink up me hearties, yo ho!
  • Thaumophone Conjure a magical synthesizer to augment your performances.
  • Veitch's Marvellous Letter You conjure a letter with up to 150 words written in it. It flies to a target that you designate at a speed of 6 mph.
  • Death Sight You touch a creature and give it an insight into its imminent death.
  • Exit Beam Magic your way out of a dungeon by having a spell do the thinking for you.
  • Know Direction You instantly know the direction of north from your current position.
  • Non-Destructive Scan Detects all visible creatures behind an obstacle.
  • True Level Help a creature stay on their feet.
  • Arcana Rune A runebolt channeling simple but powerful magic to deal damage, and one that can weave together with other Rune spells for increased damage. The Rune Spells are Earth Rune, Smite Rune, Chill Rune, Arcana Rune and Storm Rune
  • Arcane Bolt You fire a bolt of magical energy that seeks its target before exploding.
  • Arcane Sneak Attack Charge a weapon with mischievous energy to make Sneak Attacks more deadly.
  • Blast You create a blast of pure destructive force.
  • Blast Cantrip Blast your enemies with elemental power, using the most generic of cantrips
  • Boreal Strike Your blade emanates a misty cold aura and freezes all in its path.
  • Chill Rune A runebolt channeling simple but powerful magic to deal damage, and one that can weave together with other Rune spells for increased damage. The Rune Spells are Earth Rune, Smite Rune, Chill Rune, Arcana Rune and Storm Rune
  • Coldslinger Spin up a bowling ball of ice before slinging it right at a target.
  • Corroding Strike You enhance your next attack with Acidic energy.
  • Discord Bolt A bolt that pulses with a chaotic nature
  • Earth Rune A runebolt channeling simple but powerful magic to deal damage, and one that can weave together with other Rune spells for increased damage. The Rune Spells are Earth Rune, Smite Rune, Chill Rune, Arcana Rune and Storm Rune
  • Eldritch Burst You launch an invisible blast towards a target.
  • Force You extend your hand and emit a wave of imperceptible force
  • Force Cannon fires a swirling ball of air
  • Grum's Lonely Missile Fire off a magic dart at one target within range. One is the loneliest number..
  • Healing Touch Using your well practiced knowledge of how to add great amounts of entropy to enemies, you are able to logically reverse the most minor injuries by magic, with slight risk.
  • Heated Hands This Cantrip allows the user to melt up to 6 in. sheets of ice by simply placing there hand on the desired melting spot.
  • Hershey Squirt You cause the target to lose control of their bowels.
  • Kinetic Garrote You create and attack with a garrote made out of force.
  • Kinetic Throw You manipulate the power of force to toss your target.
  • León's Small Wind Creates a small sphere of wind to target an opponent
  • Pixie Storm You point at a creature within range, and they are assailed with a magical storm of glitter.
  • Plasma Bolt You fire a bolt of hyper charged matter that simultaneously burns and electrocutes your enemy.
  • Powerful Strike (5e Cantrip)Control your foes with the power of force.
  • Psionic Kunai You launch a blade that slices the mind.
  • Psionic Strike You enhance your next attack with force energy.
  • Shenanigan You launch an unpredictable and everchanging bolt of energy at a creature or object within range.
  • Smite Rune A runic bolt channelling simple but powerful magic to deal damage, and one that can weave together with other rune spells for increased damage.
  • Spellfire You conjure arcane fire in your hand that can can be used for light and combat.
  • Spellstrike You increase the accuracy of your attacks using your magic power.
  • Starlight Bolt A bolt of brilliant light streaks toward a creature within range.
  • Storm Rune A runebolt channeling simple but powerful magic to deal damage, and one that can weave together with other Rune spells for increased damage. The Rune Spells are Earth Rune, Smite Rune, Chill Rune, Arcana Rune and Storm Rune
  • Thundering Whip Summon forth a thunderous whip to rattle and deafen foes.
  • Thunderous Strike A thunderous strike meant to push back the foes of the War wizards and bladesingers.
  • Chloromorpho
  • Concealment
  • Deepen Shadows Remove the light from a 10 foot cube and cause the area to become darker.
  • Grain of Sand Make grains of sand appear to be grains of wheat.
  • Label Place a small permanent magical label on an item. The label can be seen by any spell caster or magical creature.
  • Shadow Garrote With a subtle gesture you carve a slice of shadow from the air around you and cast it toward your foe. It wraps around the creature's neck and squeezes the life from it.
  • Shadow Mist You conjure an illusory swarm of inky black clouds.
  • Warding Flare You throw up your hand to create a flash of light and distract a creature that is attacking you.
  • Accelerate/Decelerate Your mastery of time manipulation allows you to make some changes to the speed of objects, or even people.
  • Cleanse Wound A cantrip that provides healing? What is this madness?
  • Combat Nab The caster can run up to a target and grab some small thing from them that is not well attached.
  • Elemental Edge Alter the elemental properties of an equipped weapon, changing its damage type
  • Erasure You can paint over the body of your target, erasing parts of it.
  • Floating Figment You suspend all held items in the air, as if the items are unaffected by gravity.
  • Glass Form
  • Inferno, Mace
  • Inferno, Quarterstaff
  • Lengthen Gladius Elongates a Roman Shortsword into a Javelin.
  • Magic Card Turn ordinary playing cards into deadly weapons.
  • Minor Stasis A light object or creature is stopped in time until touched.
  • Origamist Create magical origami.
  • Poisoned Blade You coat your weapon with a deadly poison created by magic.
  • Quicken Enhances the speed of a creature.
  • Selo's Accelerando A percussive marching beat echoes across affected creatures, hasting their movements slightly for the duration of the performance.
  • Spectral Throw Throw a ghostly duplicate of your melee weapon.
  • Splitting Chords A short-ranged musical attack
  • Step Up You slightly hasten your own movement, or the movement of another creature within range.
  • Summon Umbra Summon the aspect of Umbra onto your blade to channel its dark power
  • Sunder Generate minor destructive vibrations with a touch
  • Temporal Surge You give up some of your time and grant it to an ally.
  • Unhinged Willpower Transform your sheer willpower into a damaging force.
  • Venom Strike Your blade is coated in a crippling neurotoxin
  • Weapon Shift A melee weapon you are wielding transforms into a nonmagical melee weapon for the duration.
Needs Work

1st-Level Spells

  • Armour of Jenova You summon a colourful aura of aberrant energy around you that harms creatures close to you.
  • Begone Thot, Variant In the wise and eternal words of Jesus, whose words are kept alive through the scriptures of the Thot Patrol, "If she breathes, she's a thot."
  • Block Seed Prevents conception.
  • Brand Don't touch my stuff!
  • Endure Elements Protection from normal environmental hazards.
  • False Blade Afraid your 9th level spell might actually kill someone? Well no more!
  • Mark This is mine, and we both know it.
  • Repel Pushes any Large or smaller creature or object away from you to a certain distance.
  • Shield of Stasis You create an invisible barrier of stasis in front of a creature or object that intercepts spells, creatures, projectiles, etc. and traps them in time.
  • Suppress Pain
  • Surge Accelerates a creature's action to a bonus action.
  • Air Wave With a swing of your weapon, you attack a target within range with a wave of cutting air.
  • Attract Summons a Small or Tiny object that you can see to yourself.
  • Bakudo8 Bakudō #8. Seki (斥, Repulse; "Repulsion") is a Kidō spell.
  • Blue Shield Basically a ridable Tenser's Floating Disk.
  • Call Bird Call one bird to aid you as a pet.
  • Conjure Ammunition Conjure a handful of ammunition.
  • Create Air Creates fresh air around target and up to 2 other creatures.
  • Create Building Creates a building whose size varies depending on the level casted at.
  • Drop Bass Drop the bass. On their head.
  • Fitzmyr's Sage Hands A modified version of the mage hand cantrip, by a kenku wizard. Effective for use of offence, utility, and defense, but not the best at any of them. An all-rounder for 1st level spells.
  • Healing Mist
  • Icy Weapon You freeze the air around you to create a weapon of pure ice.
  • Magic Scimitar
  • Magnet Orb You conjure an orb that pulls foes towards it.
  • Planar Calling You summon creatures from other worlds to fight by your side.
  • Punishing Pitchfork With a flourish, you strike your weapon downward into a portal that forces a necrotic pitchfork to hit an opponent in range.
  • Shell Kick
  • Spell Blade You conjure a blade of force in your free hand.
  • Summon Weapon Summon a weapon or object from a pocket dimension into your hand.
  • Uncanny Outfitting Any armor or attire you are wearing is instantly doffed, and at your option any armor or attire stowed on your person is instantly donned in its place.
  • Detect Weapons For the duration, you sense the presence of manufactured weapons within 30 feet of you.
  • Know Recipe Learn how to cook a dish
  • Minor Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents not it's exact location.
  • Truer Strikes
  • Bakudo30 Bakudō # 30: Shitotsu Sansen (嘴突三閃, Beak-Piercing Triple Beam is a Kidō spell.
  • Bakudo4 Bakudō #4: Hainawa (這縄, Crawling Rope; "Slithering Rope") is a Kidō spell.
  • Begone Thot By denouncing the thot-hood of an enemy one may strike them down with lightning.
  • Black Snow You create a sphere of dark snow that is laced with acid in a 10-foot sphere centered on you.
  • Blast Cast Blast your enemies with elemental power, using the most generic of spells.
  • Cyclone A spell that sends a cylinder of air around an area moving creatures about.
  • Dongle's All-Purpose Mending A general purpose spell, invented by Dongle, that combines the effects of Cure Wounds and Mending, to a certain extent.
  • Franklin's Funny Missiles This spell is derived from an old bard named Franklin experimenting with existing spells; he created a much more potent, if delayed, version of the Magic Missile spell.
  • Frost Breath You blow a critically cold cloud of frost at your enemies.
  • Frost Strike Infuses your weapon with the power of frost.
  • Hado1 Hadō #1. Shō (衝, Thrust) is a Kidō spell.
  • Hado4 Hadō #4. Byakurai (白雷, Pale Lightning) is a Kidō spell.
  • Healing Dagger Creates a shining dagger which heals those that gets hit by it, instead of inflicting damage.
  • Healing Wind You speak a word of power, and gentle wind envelops any number of creatures of your choice that you can see within range.
  • Homing Shards why is it that every time you use your "magic water" I end up getting soaked?
  • Icicle Crash With a loud smashing sound, you shower the area in front of you with shattered ice.
  • Kiss of the Petals You create a pretty cone of projectiles which can nonlethally disable your opponents.
  • Last Words Go out with a witty one-liner and a bang. Or just a bang, that works too.
  • Push Your enemy is blasted in the face with sheer kinetic force.
  • Step Into Darkness Shift through darkness with pretanutral speed.
  • Water of Life A creature you touch, which must be in a body of running water, regains a number of hit points equal to 1d12 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
  • Calder's Starry Sky You project a map of the stars into the air.
  • Color You permanently change the color of cloth, leather, or any other inanimate object.
  • Elonia's Glamour
  • Horrific Visage You choose a creature within range and reveal the horrors of the void to them.
  • Hush You touch a creature and imbue it with silence.
  • Illusionary Box A paradise in a box!
  • Muffle A spell that hushes a creature, making it more difficult to detect.
  • Obscure Illumination Obscures a light source so one may see in the dark without either giving one's position away or resorting to darkvision-like solutions. Unlike darkvision, one can distinguish colours (as permitted by the torch's quality of light)
  • Placebo Grants temporary relief and protection from harm and ailments.
  • Silhouette, Variant Cause a creature to appear as a translucent black silhouette of itself
  • Silhouette Cause a creature to appear as a stark black silhouette of itself
Needs Work

2nd-Level Spells

  • Angel Beat You begin singing a melodious tune with a voice gifted by the gods, you fill your whole team with health and the vigor to fight longer and harder.
  • Bound Item An Item you have previously bound returns to you from a long distance.
  • Bound Weapon A weapon you have previously bound to you returns to you from almost any distance.
  • Dancing Rune Weapon You conjure a ghostly replica of your weapon, which hovers alongside you.
  • Implode Poison You conjure a strain of poison within a creature you can see within range, which then explodes within the target
  • Moving Platform A rock is thrown and grows into a platform that can support up to 3 average sized humanoids.
  • Soul Gem You capture a creature's soul in a gem.
  • Steal You attempt to rob a creature you can see within range of one of its possessions.
  • Storm Shield A shield of lightning protects you from harm, and harms those who would harm you. (Basically a stronger version of Shield
  • Summon salesman You wave your hand and a friendly-seeming Genasi appears.
  • Tydellbub's Instant Latrine A useful spell for non-combat emergencies.
  • Bone Lore Hold a piece of bone. The spell brings to your mind a brief summary of the significant events in the life of the creature it came from.
  • Detect Amount This spell tells you how much of a kind of object or creature is within the bounds of a specified area.
  • Determine Lineage This spell determines the lineage of a creature back several generations.
  • Locate Portal Locate a existing portal in a crystal shell.
  • Telepathic Message You send a telepathic message to any single creature in sight.
  • Bakudo10 Bakudō #10. Geki (撃, Strike) is a Kidō spell.
  • Call of the Sussura All undead creatures within range must make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid falling into a trance.
  • Coin Sending Spend a coin and it travels from creature to creature through the money system until it reaches the creature you intend to receive it.
  • Concussion There ain't nothing like a magically induced concussion to remove an opponent from the field!
  • Daze Monster
  • Heartbreaker
  • Lesser Mind Blast Using one's mind to blast an enemy's mind into submission
  • Omen A way to give a creature cryptic messages via dreams.
  • Bone Shield Create six bones that spin and float around you. Each with an innate will to block for you.
  • Critterkill When you need to clear the tavern floor...
  • Remove Breath Force the air right out of someone's lungs.
  • Thirsting Blade On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects as well as 2d6 necrotic damage. You regain a number of hit points equal to the necrotic damage inflicted by this spell.
Needs Work

3rd-Level Spells

  • Aura of Blades You conjure up a barrier, around yourself, made up of small spinning blades to harm and protect.
  • Bakudo21 Bakudō #21: Sekienton (赤煙遁, Red Smoke Escape) is a Kidō spell.
  • Bakudo37 Bakudō # 37: Tsuriboshi (吊星, Suspending Star) is a Kidō spell.
  • Chorus of Awe A heavenly chorus which bolsters the resolve of your allies.
  • Chorus of Destruction A heavenly chorus which shatters the minds of your foes with its sheer awesomeness.
  • Convalescence A wave of warm, blue healing energy washes over a creature within range, healing its wounds.
  • Glyph of Teleportation Teleportation has always been one of the more useful bits of magic and mages are always looking to improve on it. This method while simple is fairly versatile.
  • Invoke Wolfgeist You summon the spirit of a slain Werewolf.
  • Raksha's Wash Cycle By forming a summoning circle, an item is transported to a different dimension for cleaning and purification, potentially with a chance of drastic failure, and the cost of it being a free service.
  • Scatter Banish You attempt to send one creature to a location within 60 feet. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be teleported.
  • Sheer Heart Attack A spell that deploys a small heat-seeking drone that explodes when it reaches its target.
  • Something Gives you something.
  • Analyze Creature Figure out how tough something is!
  • Coin Lore Hold a coin. The spell brings to your mind a brief summary of significant transactions in which the coin was involved.
  • Fly Eye This spell allows the caster to see 360 degrees around itself.
  • Local Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents, not its exact location.
  • Retrocognition Predicting the future is so cliche. Allows the user to predict the past.
  • Soul Reading You target a focal point in sight and read the souls of any being within a radius around it.
  • Yuya's Tracking Spirit Summon a spirit to lead you to someone
  • Blow Mind Blow everybody's mind
  • Control Living Skeleton Control the internal skeleton of a living creature
  • Crushing Despair You cause crushing despair that dampens the spirts of those hit.
  • Dire Charm You magically infect a living creature with murderous impulses, unless that creature makes a successful Wisdom saving throw.
  • Enchant Item This spell both adds progress to crafting magic items and can be required to finish the enchantment of an item.
  • Good Hope This spell instills powerful hope in those around you, relieving them of their worries.
  • Intensify Emotions You attempt to create strong emotions in a group of people.
  • Lesser Zone of Euphemisms Twisting the framework of communication itself, you create a space where proper etiquette is compulsory.
  • Lock of Guilt A lock that attaches itself to the hearts and souls of the guilty.
  • Melody of Lasting Start up a rousing song that you can sing for hours on end to keep up your spirits.
  • Porghum's Painful Pun You make a horrid but insightful play on words.
  • Selective Invisibility The caster has gained the ability to erase their image from another creature’s mind.
  • Shard of Hope You cause motes of light to radiate from an ally, strengthening the resolve of allies.
  • Youngblood Give someone a refreshing de-aging brain massage. Also, you can decrease their mental age if you want to.
  • Blinding Heal Cleansing wounds with blinding light.
  • Coned Blast A blast in a 20 foot cone from you dealing 6d6 force damage.
  • Emerald Splash A cone of magical emeralds that cut their targets. No one can deflect it.
  • Great Lightning Spear A miracle that launches a great spear of lightning. Said to be the legacy of an ancient clan whose leader was revered as the God of Sun.
  • Lightning Spear You create a bolt of lightning in your hand, similar in shape to a spear and hurl it at a creature or object within range.
  • Mass Arcane Cure With the power of the arcane arts of a Magister you can heal more than 1 creature at a time
  • Reverb A spell that bombards your target with sounds.
  • Sound Burst You emit a concussive sound wave, damaging creatures within the area.
  • Sticky Fingers A spell that summons a zipper that can aid you.
  • Sunlight You touch one object that is no larger than 15 feet in any dimension and cause it to shed sunlight. An upgraded form of the light cantrip.
  • Sunspark You create a brilliant, blinding glowing orb to illuminate the way before you.
  • Chameleon You change yourself to blend into your environment.
  • Fade Immediately after taking damage, you fade from view and become harder to hit and locate.
  • Fool's Speech You touch up to eight willing creatures. Creatures affected by this spell gain the ability to speak in a secret language that is incomprehensible gibberish to all other creatures.
  • Greater Disguise Self
  • Other A spell that makes you appear as another creature to divination magic.
  • Shadow Evocation You tap energy from the Plane of Shadow to cast a quasi-real, illusory version of a sorcerer or wizard evocation spell of 2nd level or lower.
  • Death’s Caress Create a deathly aura that gives your allies increased attack power.
  • Vampiric Blade With a successful melee weapon attack, this spell drains the life from an opponent
Needs Work

4th-Level Spells

  • No U Sends any spell cast at you back at the caster lmao
  • Veil of Compressed Time Closing your eyes and outstretching your arms and muttering a few Astral words a blue glow envelops your entire body, this extra layer constantly shifts to where any impact is found.
  • Windflower Wind Barrier A protective wind barrier protects the caster from damage.
  • Acquire Attendant You gain the service of a humanoid attendant.
  • Bakudo77 Bakudō # 77: Tenteikūra (天挺空羅, Heavenly Rickshaws in Silken Air) is a Kidō spell.
  • Diamond Storm A cone of diamonds shot into the air at your enemies to tear them apart.
  • Invoke Boargeist You invoke the spirit of a slain Wereboar.
  • Zantetsuken You teleport to an enemy and slash them with a blade, rending them apart.
  • Atum's Guidance Is this a spell that let's you read your opponents soul for truth? YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!
  • Dowse Location You create a tool which guides its holder to the location from which you cast this spell.
  • Hermit's Wisdom A spell that brings forth knowledge and wisdom, through purple vines that extend from the spellcaster's arms.
  • Instrument of Life A spell which whenever an ally hears it, it gives them life but if an enemy hears it, it gives them death.
  • Message Connected
  • Minor Mark Sigils appear to bolster a target creature in one of several ways.
  • Shadow Hand A hand that reaches from the shadows to leach life from your opponent.
  • Echoes Choose one creature you can see within range. For that creature, every sound is amplified and reverberates with distressing loudness.
  • Fool's Gold You touch a pile of up to 150 copper coins or an object made out of copper, brass, or bronze that weighs less than 1 pound, you turn them into gold.
  • Instant Audience
  • Mirage
  • Mirage of Despair You affect one target in range that you can see. That target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature sees everything around it in the worst possible light.
  • Poof When a hostile creature approaches you, you momentarily become invisible.
  • Split Causality Using the Astral Energy that flows around all creatures you can temporarily split the conscious mind from the instinctual mind.
  • Zone of Silence
  • Enroot Casting this spell will make you enemies one with the forest.
  • Gender Bend Forcefully change the gender of the target
  • Golden Wind A spell that imbues life into whatever you touch.
  • Leafify Transform a Large or smaller unattended object into a Tiny, pocket-able leaf.
  • Might of Giants A creature you touch gains the strength of a giant for a limited time.
  • Pebble Blink Blink with the party to the place where you picked up a pebble earlier in the adventure.
  • Softwood Choose one humanoid you can see within the spell's range. The target is encased in a layer of wood.
Needs Work

5th-Level Spells

  • Create Portal Creates a portal in a crystal shell for a ship to pass through.
  • Riddle You call upon an extraplanar entity, an alien intellect or devious fiend, becoming a conduit for its power as you speak out a complex riddle.
  • Bakudo58 Bakudō # 58: Kakushitsuijaku (摑趾追雀, Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows) is a Kidō spell.
  • Direct Strike You gain insight into the target's defenses, making it easier to land critical hits.
  • Compel Suicide You compel a creature to kill itself.
  • Control Person You control the mind of a humanoid, which can only resist with the force of its personality.
  • Mind Fog Mind fog produces a bank of thin mist that weakens the mental resistance of those caught in it.
  • Reverse Morality
  • Astral Release Harness the planar disruption caused by the severing of a soul for a last-ditch effort to destroy your enemies.
  • Bakudo62 Bakudō # 62: Hyapporankan (百歩欄干, Hundred Steps Fence) is a Kidō spell.
  • Eternal-Force Blizzard You unleash magic emulating eternal cold, solidifying the very air itself momentarily, threatening to deep-freeze even the souls of creatures caught within.
  • Exploding Spaghetti Meteor You summon a giant flaming bowl of spaghetti from the heavens, which explodes into a burst of radiance when it strikes the ground.
  • Mùspelflame You summon a comet from the heavens, which explodes into a burst of radiance when it strikes the ground.
  • Resonant Shockwave Fire an ultrasonic arrow that damages all enemies that survive the sudden impact.
  • Sunlight Spear One of the ancient original miracles, that launches a spear of sunlight.
  • Soul Tap You tap a creature's soul causing physical and mental disorientation.
  • Withering/Burning A terrible curse that inflicts mortal dependence on light or mortal aversion to light.
Needs Work

6th-Level Spells

  • Talisman of Summoning You touch a nonmagical piece of jewelry, and enchant it with the power to summon yourself.
  • Bone Telling Throw bones and see what you get!
  • General Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents not it's exact location.
  • Locate Remains You sense the direction to the remains of a creature, as long as some portion of the remains is within 1 mile of you.
  • Dancing Plague You lead a crowd in a frenzied, deadly dance.
  • Greater Zone of Euphemisms At your word, reality is purged of all rudeness and negativity
  • Lucky Charm Choose up to twelve creatures of your choice that you can see within range. For the duration, each creature gains a +1 bonus to AC, attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
  • Mind Switch You attempt to take control of a nearby living creature, forcing your mind and soul into its body, and its into yours.
  • Energy Burst You unleash a wave of bright searing energy all around you.
  • Guardian of the Living A creature of your choice that you can see within range and that took damage during this turn regains hit points equal to 5d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
  • Ijuyr's Symphony A rousing song that heals and invigorates allies.
  • Sympathetic Vibrations By attuning yourself to a freestanding structure such as a building, bridge or dam, you can create a damaging vibration within it.
  • Aura of Invisibility Magic wraps around you and your surrounding allies, hiding them from the view of others.
Needs Work
  • Erase History A spell to sever a creature from its social life.
  • Forget
  • Limb Growth You sculpt the flesh and bone used for this spell into a limb for the target creature.

7th-Level Spells

  • Teleport, Variant This spell instantly transports you and up to eight willing creatures of your choice within 10 feet, to a destination you select. This is a simplified variant of the standard teleport spell.
  • Greater Geas You place a magical command on up to 6 creatures within range that are currently facing you.
  • Last Laugh Your enemy dies of its own laughter.
  • Power Word Pacify You utter a word of power that can compel one creature that you can see within range to immediately cease hostile actions.
  • Delayed Blast Time Bomb A beam of white light flashes from your pointing finger, then slowly goes away as a small bead floating in the air up to 5ft or on the ground
  • Fire Tornado You create a swirling large tornado of fire around you.
  • Golden Experience Golden Experience! A spell that causes life energy to overwhelm your target's senses.
  • Major Mark Sigils appear to bolster a target creature in one of several ways.
  • The Hand ZA HANDO! This spell allows you to turn your hand into a space removing weapon.
  • Control Undead A powerful spell that controls undead.
  • Resurrect Skeleton You touch the skeleton of a dead creature that has been dead for no more than a century, that didn't die of old age. If its soul is free and willing, the creature returns to life with all its HP.
  • Create Major Helm You touch a Chair or similar object, creating a temporary Major Helm.
  • Deathly Polymorph Transform yourself into an undead creature.
  • Flatten Target Turn other creatures and objects into paintings
  • Grove Enroot Casting this spell, will turn a group of enemies into a grove of trees.
  • Mergewall A creature you target is turned into a painted version of itself.
  • Shape Flesh Permanently change a creature's physical appearance
Needs Work
  • Dojo Teleports the caster and any WILLING ally to a dojo outside of time and space to train the dojo is set up to train ranged melee or magic combat skills as well as to practice other noncombat skills time limit is 1/2 hour per character level releasing the spell returns you safely to where you were before casting.
  • Ensemble of Elegance Create a sphere of haste.
  • Flatten Self Turn yourself into a Painting

8th-Level Spells

  • Lazarus Pit You summon a pit full of green liquid that has healing and rejuvenative properties.
  • Moody Blues A retro-cognition spell that allows one to see a replay of past events.
  • Control Monster You control the mind of a creature, which can only resist with the force of its personality.
  • Greed You corrupt the heart of your enemy, giving them a crippling weakness for wealth of all kinds.
  • Mute
  • Power Word Forget You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to forget an event.
  • Power Word Sleep You speak a word of power that can compel a creature to sleep.
Needs Work

9th-Level Spells

  • Beckon Kraken Command a kraken to come to your aid.
  • Boy II Man's Curse RO! SHAM! BO! A spell that saps the life energy from creatures you beat in Rock, Paper, Scissors.
  • True Mind Switch You attempt to take control of a nearby living creature, permanently forcing your mind and soul into its body, and its into yours.
  • Bites the Dust Bomb Type 3: Bites the Dust! A spell that turns your target into a time reversing bomb. As a bonus, it also can kill the target after time has reset.
  • Enhanced Permanency The spell you know and love is back with a vengeance!
  • Maya's Symphony An eerie music begins to play, summoning a spirit that protects and heals allies.
  • Noval Strike Invoke the mighty power of the number nine!
  • Purple Haze A savage and deadly virus created by magic that devours the flesh and quickly kills those infected with it.
  • Microcosm You warp the consciousness and senses of one or more creatures, sending the victim(s) into a catatonic state.
  • Consumptive Touch Drain the soul of a creature, causing it unbearable, deadly agony.
  • Dark Chant You damn nearby creatures to a void of eternal punishment after completing a chant invoking the power of death.
  • Miasma of Death, Variant To devastate the weakings that dare to stand before you in defiance.
  • Soul Slice You extend your mystical powers and grasp at the soul of your enemy, cutting it in two obliterating half.
Needs Work
  • Brain Wash implant fake memories in a creature you’re touching, the creature if not willing must make a salvation roll on wisdom
  • Heavenly Rebuke Harness the curse of a fallen angel to smite your foes to the depths.
  • Knowledge Instant knowledge floods your mind.
  • Supremacy You enchant a willing creature within range with overwhelming power for 8 hours.
gollark: Okay then. Make your shell run from `/rom/programs/` too and it will be non-broken.
gollark: ... well?
gollark: Some offense, but... ColroOS is basically a package manager, a broken shell, and a few wrappers for CraftOS programs?
gollark: Ah, an old version, so not tweaked.
gollark: That is useless and not what I meant.
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