Bestiary (Hyrule Supplement)

The following is a list of all creatures unique to the Hyrule campaign setting, but is not an exhaustive list. It does not presently include creatures which are found in Hyrule but not unique to it.

Campaign Setting: Hyrule
Player's Guide
Character Creation
Common: deku scrubs, gerudo, gorons, hylians, and zora
Uncommon: anouki, kokiri, koroks, rito, skull kids, and tokay
Fighter: brute, darknut, spellsword, sword savage, archer, tunic
Opportunist: assassin, garo, mystic, skirmisher, picaroon
Researcher: technomancer, witch, wizzrobe
Sage: earth, fire, forest, light, shadow, spirit, water, wind
Scion: dragon, fairy, mask, poe
Backgrounds & Languages
Adventuring Gear
Tools and Vehicles
Potions and Poisons
Mounts and Animals
Other Goods and Services
Downtime Activities
World of Hyrule
Divisions of the known universe
Central Province
The Forsaken
Southern Hyrule
Islands of the Great Sea
Islands of the Sky
Gods of Hyrule, their worship, and how they influence the world
History of the Light World as known by Hyruleans
Dungeon Master's Guide
This world bears many monsters unique to it
Legendary NPCs
Figures of myth, history, and happenstance
Ruins, dungeons, and temples are littered with various hazards
Marks of Prestige
Epic Boons
Optional Rules
Exotic Races
Fragile Weapons
Optional Actions
Prestige Classes
Recovery Hearts
Targeted Attacks
Quests, dungeons, and storylines ready for exploration
Tables for random generation of dungeons, encounters, treasure, etc.

Creatures by CR

CR 0

Boe 0 aberration
Bot 0 ooze
Fairy of Life 0 fey
Fairy of Navigation 0 fey
Gel 0 ooze
Mini Floormaster 0 aberration
Morth 0 monstrosity
Seeker Entity 0 fiend
Toado 0 monstrosity

CR 1/8

Baby Dodongo 1/8 dragon
Bokoblin 1/8 humanoid
Cucco 1/8 beast
Deku Baba 1/8 plant
Eldin Ostrich 1/8 beast
Keese 1/8 fiend
Lowder 1/8 beast
Megmat 1/8 beast
Popo 1/8 aberration
Shadow Keese 1/8 fiend
Skull Puppet 1/8 construct
Stalchild 1/8 undead
Stalhead 1/8 undead
Swarm of Morths 1/8 monstrosity
Tailpasaran 1/8 aberration
Torch Slug 1/8 ooze
Walltula 1/8 beast

CR 1/4

Bubble 1/4 aberration
Bulblin 1/4 humanoid
Business Scrub 1/4 humanoid
Cursed Keese 1/4 undead
Deku Hornet 1/4 beast
Deku Scrub 1/4 humanoid
Digdogger Kid 1/4 monstrosity
Eeno 1/4 elemental
Fire Baba 1/4 plant
Fire Keese 1/4 fiend
Gohma Larva 1/4 monstrosity
Ice Keese 1/4 fiend
Kokiri Scoundrel 1/4 humanoid
Loovar 1/4 beast
Magtail 1/4 monstrosity
Miniblin 1/4 humanoid
Mogma 1/4 humanoid
Moldorm 1/4 monstrosity
Octorok 1/4 beast
Peahat Larva 1/4 plant
Real Bombchu 1/4 monstrosity
River Zora 1/4 humanoid
Rope 1/4 beast
Skull Kid Miscreant 1/4 humanoid
Stalfos 1/4 undead
Stalhorse 1/4 undead
Swarm of Keese 1/4 fiend
Tektite 1/4 beast
Toado Swarm 1/4 monstrosity
Vengas 1/4 beast
Wosu 1/4 humanoid
Zol 1/4 ooze

CR 1/2

Acro-Bandit 1/2 humanoid
Aquatic Miniblin 1/2 humanoid
Armos 1/2 construct
Baba Serpent 1/2 plant
Big Deku Baba 1/2 plant
Bio Deku Baba 1/2 plant
Bulblin Summoner 1/2 humanoid
Bullbo 1/2 beast
Chameleon Lizalfos 1/2 humanoid
Cursed Bokoblin 1/2 undead
Dragonfly of Termina 1/2 beast
Electric Keese 1/2 fiend
Geldarm 1/2 beast
Geozard 1/2 humanoid
Geru 1/2 humanoid
Goron 1/2 humanoid
Hiploop 1/2 beast
Hokbok 1/2 plant
Hrok 1/2 monstrosity
Kodongo 1/2 dragon
Kokiri Seer 1/2 humanoid
Pegursa 1/2 monstrosity
Pengator 1/2 monstrosity
Plain Chuchu 1/2 ooze
Quadro Baba 1/2 plant
Ropa 1/2 aberration
Skulltula 1/2 beast
Skytail 1/2 aberration
Snapper 1/2 beast
Stalhound 1/2 undead
Toadpoli 1/2 monstrosity
Wallmaster 1/2 aberration

CR 1

Aru Lowder 1 beast
Big Moblin 1 humanoid
Buzz Blob 1 ooze
Chuchu 1 ooze
Dark Chuchu 1 ooze
Fire Toadpoli 1 monstrosity
Flame Bubble 1 aberration
Floormaster 1 aberration
Gekko 1 humanoid
Gerudo Warrior 1 humanoid
Gerudo Witch 1 humanoid
Ghini 1 undead
Gimos 1 construct
Goron Caster 1 humanoid
Hardhat Beetle 1 monstrosity
Helmasaur 1 beast
Kargaroc 1 beast
Leever 1 plant
Mad Scrub 1 humanoid
Peahat 1 plant
Poe 1 undead
Vire 1 fiend

CR 2

Big Eeno 2 elemental
Bulblin Captain 2 humanoid
Chilfos 2 elemental
Cursed Bubble 2 aberration
Furnix 2 monstrosity
Gecko Dodongo 2 dragon
Geldman 2 elemental
Giant Peahat 2 plant
Goron Warrior 2 humanoid
Great-Horned Rhinoceros 2 beast
Gyorm 2 fiend
Mago 2 humanoid
Mask Entity 2 fiend
Miniblin Captain 2 humanoid
Mothula 2 monstrosity
Possessing Poe 2 undead
Scythe Poe 2 undead
Skull Kid Magician 2 humanoid

CR 3

Acid Lizalfos 3 humanoid
Aeralfos 3 humanoid
Armos Knight 3 construct
Big Pengator 3 monstrosity
Bipedal Dodongo 3 dragon
Daira 3 humanoid
Fire Lizalfos 3 humanoid
Flashing Rope 3 monstrosity
Geru Swampfighter 3 humanoid
Gleeok Head 3 undead
Golden Bee 3 beast
Guardian Scout 3 construct
Heedle 3 elemental
Ice Lizalfos 3 humanoid
Orange Iron Knuckle 3 humanoid
Orange Lynel 3 giant
Pols Voice 3 monstrosity
Pumpkin Head 3 undead
Redead 3 undead
Seahat 3 plant
Staldra 3 undead
Stalfos Knight 3 undead
Taros 3 fiend
Wolfos 3 monstrosity

CR 4

Aquamentus 4 dragon
Deep Python 4 monstrosity
Electric Lizalfos 4 humanoid
Eye of Majora 4 fiend
Forest Moblin 4 humanoid
Geozard Chief 4 humanoid
Golden Cucco 4 beast
Keeleon 4 aberration
Lanmola 4 monstrosity
Shadow Beast 4 humanoid

CR 5

Beamos 5 construct
Dinolfos 5 humanoid
Fat Moblin 5 humanoid
Gerudo Elite 5 humanoid
Gohma 5 monstrosity
Golden Rope 5 beast
Like Like 5 plant
Lord Bullbo 5 beast
Manhandla 5 plant
Wrath Entity 5 fiend

CR 6

Big Octo 6 beast
Black Moblin 6 humanoid
Dark Hinox 6 giant
Deku Toad 6 monstrosity
Diababa 6 plant
Dodongo Snake 6 construct
Fokka Knight 6 humanoid
Golden Octorok 6 beast
Golden Tektite 6 beast
Goron Hero 6 humanoid
Great Moldorm 6 monstrosity
Redead Knight 6 undead
Tough Taros 6 fiend
White Wolfos 6 monstrosity

CR 7

Fiery Aeralfos 7 humanoid
Flare Dancer 7 elemental
Golden Bokoblin 7 humanoid
King Bulblin 7 humanoid
Knucklemaster 7 aberration
Stone Hinox 7 construct

CR 8

Arrghus 8 aberration
Gleerok 8 dragon
Red Lynel 8 giant
Silver Lizalfos 8 humanoid
Silver Moblin 8 humanoid
Stalmaster 8 undead

CR 9

Armored Dodongo 9 dragon
Dark Dinolfos 9 humanoid
Goht 9 construct
Morpha 9 ooze
Odolwa 9 giant
Stalchampion 9 undead
Thermogleeok 9 dragon
Volvagia 9 dragon

CR 10

Death Sword 10 undead
Fokkeru 10 humanoid
Gerudo Grandwitch 10 humanoid
Helmaroc King 10 monstrosity
Horsehead 10 giant
Super Aeralfos 10 humanoid

CR 11

Corrupted Guardian Stalker 11 construct
Darknut 11 humanoid
Fire Gohma 11 monstrosity
Gleeok 11 dragon
King Dodongo 11 dragon

CR 12

Fokka Elite 12 humanoid
Ghirahim 12 fiend
Great Mothula 12 monstrosity
Grinexx 12 dragon
Iron Knuckle 12 humanoid
Phantom Ganon 12 undead

CR 13

Blizzagia 13 dragon
Blue Lynel 13 giant
Patra 13 fiend

CR 14

Colossal Octo 14 monstrosity
Helmasaur King 14 beast

CR 15

Digdogger 15 monstrosity
Zant 15 humanoid

CR 16

Golden Lizalfos 16 humanoid

CR 17

Dark Beast Ganon 17 fiend
Ganondorf, Dethroned 17 humanoid
Three-Headed Gleeok 17 dragon
Trinexx 17 dragon

CR 18

Silver Lynel 18 giant

CR 19

Golden Lynel of Holodrum 19 giant
Golden Moblin 19 humanoid
Great Aquamentus 19 dragon

CR 20

Bestial Ganon 20 fiend
Great Gohma 20 monstrosity

CR 21

Demon Vaati 21 fiend

CR 22

Great Gleeok 22 dragon

CR 23

Vaati 23 humanoid

CR 24

Ganon 24 fiend
Great King Dodongo 24 dragon
Majora 24 fiend

CR 25


CR 26

Ganondorf 26 humanoid

CR 27


CR 28

Golden Lynel of Hyrule 28 giant

CR 29


CR 30

Demise 30 fiend
Primordial Gleeok 30 dragon

CR 35

Calamity Ganon 35 fiend

Creatures by Type


Arrghus 8 aberration
Boe 0 aberration
Bubble 1/4 aberration
Cursed Bubble 2 aberration
Flame Bubble 1 aberration
Floormaster 1 aberration
Keeleon 4 aberration
Knucklemaster 7 aberration
Mini Floormaster 0 aberration
Popo 1/8 aberration
Ropa 1/2 aberration
Skytail 1/2 aberration
Tailpasaran 1/8 aberration
Wallmaster 1/2 aberration


Aru Lowder 1 beast
Big Octo 6 beast
Bullbo 1/2 beast
Cucco 1/8 beast
Deku Hornet 1/4 beast
Dragonfly of Termina 1/2 beast
Eldin Ostrich 1/8 beast
Geldarm 1/2 beast
Golden Bee 3 beast
Golden Cucco 4 beast
Golden Octorok 6 beast
Golden Rope 5 beast
Golden Tektite 6 beast
Great-Horned Rhinoceros 2 beast
Helmasaur 1 beast
Helmasaur King 14 beast
Hiploop 1/2 beast
Kargaroc 1 beast
Loovar 1/4 beast
Lord Bullbo 5 beast
Lowder 1/8 beast
Megmat 1/8 beast
Octorok 1/4 beast
Rope 1/4 beast
Skulltula 1/2 beast
Snapper 1/2 beast
Tektite 1/4 beast
Vengas 1/4 beast
Walltula 1/8 beast


Armos 1/2 construct
Armos Knight 3 construct
Beamos 5 construct
Corrupted Guardian Stalker 11 construct
Dodongo Snake 6 construct
Gimos 1 construct
Goht 9 construct
Guardian Scout 3 construct
Skull Puppet 1/8 construct
Stone Hinox 7 construct
Sword Spirit construct


Aquamentus 4 dragon
Armored Dodongo 9 dragon
Baby Dodongo 1/8 dragon
Bipedal Dodongo 3 dragon
Blizzagia 13 dragon
Gecko Dodongo 2 dragon
Gleeok 11 dragon
Gleerok 8 dragon
Great Aquamentus 19 dragon
Great Gleeok 22 dragon
Great King Dodongo 24 dragon
Grinexx 12 dragon
King Dodongo 11 dragon
Kodongo 1/2 dragon
Primordial Gleeok 30 dragon
Thermogleeok 9 dragon
Three-Headed Gleeok 17 dragon
Trinexx 17 dragon
Volvagia 9 dragon


Big Eeno 2 elemental
Chilfos 2 elemental
Eeno 1/4 elemental
Flare Dancer 7 elemental
Geldman 2 elemental
Heedle 3 elemental


Bestial Ganon 20 fiend
Calamity Ganon 35 fiend
Dark Beast Ganon 17 fiend
Demise 30 fiend
Demon Vaati 21 fiend
Electric Keese 1/2 fiend
Eye of Majora 4 fiend
Fire Keese 1/4 fiend
Ganon 24 fiend
Ghirahim 12 fiend
Gyorm 2 fiend
Ice Keese 1/4 fiend
Keese 1/8 fiend
Majora 24 fiend
Mask Entity 2 fiend
Patra 13 fiend
Seeker Entity 0 fiend
Shadow Keese 1/8 fiend
Swarm of Keese 1/4 fiend
Taros 3 fiend
Tough Taros 6 fiend
Vire 1 fiend
Wrath Entity 5 fiend


Blue Lynel 13 giant
Dark Hinox 6 giant
Golden Lynel of Holodrum 19 giant
Golden Lynel of Hyrule 28 giant
Horsehead 10 giant
Odolwa 9 giant
Orange Lynel 3 giant
Red Lynel 8 giant
Silver Lynel 18 giant


Acid Lizalfos 3 humanoid
Acro-Bandit 1/2 humanoid
Aeralfos 3 humanoid
Aquatic Miniblin 1/2 humanoid
Big Moblin 1 humanoid
Black Moblin 6 humanoid
Bokoblin 1/8 humanoid
Bulblin 1/4 humanoid
Bulblin Captain 2 humanoid
Bulblin Summoner 1/2 humanoid
Business Scrub 1/4 humanoid
Chameleon Lizalfos 1/2 humanoid
Daira 3 humanoid
Dark Dinolfos 9 humanoid
Darknut 11 humanoid
Deku Scrub 1/4 humanoid
Dinolfos 5 humanoid
Electric Lizalfos 4 humanoid
Fat Moblin 5 humanoid
Fiery Aeralfos 7 humanoid
Fire Lizalfos 3 humanoid
Fokka Elite 12 humanoid
Fokka Knight 6 humanoid
Fokkeru 10 humanoid
Forest Moblin 4 humanoid
Ganondorf, Dethroned 17 humanoid
Ganondorf 26 humanoid
Gekko 1 humanoid
Geozard 1/2 humanoid
Geozard Chief 4 humanoid
Geru 1/2 humanoid
Geru Swampfighter 3 humanoid
Gerudo Elite 5 humanoid
Gerudo Grandwitch 10 humanoid
Gerudo Warrior 1 humanoid
Gerudo Witch 1 humanoid
Golden Bokoblin 7 humanoid
Golden Lizalfos 16 humanoid
Golden Moblin 19 humanoid
Goron 1/2 humanoid
Goron Caster 1 humanoid
Goron Hero 6 humanoid
Goron Warrior 2 humanoid
Ice Lizalfos 3 humanoid
Iron Knuckle 12 humanoid
King Bulblin 7 humanoid
Kokiri Scoundrel 1/4 humanoid
Kokiri Seer 1/2 humanoid
Mad Scrub 1 humanoid
Mago 2 humanoid
Miniblin 1/4 humanoid
Miniblin Captain 2 humanoid
Mogma 1/4 humanoid
Orange Iron Knuckle 3 humanoid
River Zora 1/4 humanoid
Shadow Beast 4 humanoid
Silver Lizalfos 8 humanoid
Silver Moblin 8 humanoid
Skull Kid Magician 2 humanoid
Skull Kid Miscreant 1/4 humanoid
Super Aeralfos 10 humanoid
Vaati 23 humanoid
Wosu 1/4 humanoid
Zant 15 humanoid


Big Pengator 3 monstrosity
Colossal Octo 14 monstrosity
Deep Python 4 monstrosity
Deku Toad 6 monstrosity
Digdogger 15 monstrosity
Digdogger Kid 1/4 monstrosity
Fire Gohma 11 monstrosity
Fire Toadpoli 1 monstrosity
Flashing Rope 3 monstrosity
Furnix 2 monstrosity
Gohma 5 monstrosity
Gohma Larva 1/4 monstrosity
Great Gohma 20 monstrosity
Great Moldorm 6 monstrosity
Great Mothula 12 monstrosity
Hardhat Beetle 1 monstrosity
Helmaroc King 10 monstrosity
Hrok 1/2 monstrosity
Lanmola 4 monstrosity
Magtail 1/4 monstrosity
Moldorm 1/4 monstrosity
Morth 0 monstrosity
Mothula 2 monstrosity
Pegursa 1/2 monstrosity
Pengator 1/2 monstrosity
Pols Voice 3 monstrosity
Real Bombchu 1/4 monstrosity
Swarm of Morths 1/8 monstrosity
Toado 0 monstrosity
Toado Swarm 1/4 monstrosity
Toadpoli 1/2 monstrosity
White Wolfos 6 monstrosity
Wolfos 3 monstrosity


Bot 0 ooze
Buzz Blob 1 ooze
Chuchu 1 ooze
Dark Chuchu 1 ooze
Gel 0 ooze
Morpha 9 ooze
Plain Chuchu 1/2 ooze
Torch Slug 1/8 ooze
Zol 1/4 ooze


Baba Serpent 1/2 plant
Big Deku Baba 1/2 plant
Bio Deku Baba 1/2 plant
Business Scrub 1/4 humanoid
Deku Baba 1/8 plant
Deku Scrub 1/4 humanoid
Diababa 6 plant
Fire Baba 1/4 plant
Giant Peahat 2 plant
Hokbok 1/2 plant
Leever 1 plant
Like Like 5 plant
Mad Scrub 1 humanoid
Manhandla 5 plant
Peahat 1 plant
Peahat Larva 1/4 plant
Quadro Baba 1/2 plant
Seahat 3 plant


Cursed Bokoblin 1/2 undead
Cursed Keese 1/4 undead
Death Sword 10 undead
Ghini 1 undead
Gleeok Head 3 undead
Phantom Ganon 12 undead
Poe 1 undead
Possessing Poe 2 undead
Pumpkin Head 3 undead
Redead 3 undead
Redead Knight 6 undead
Scythe Poe 2 undead
Stalchampion 9 undead
Stalchild 1/8 undead
Staldra 3 undead
Stalfos 1/4 undead
Stalfos Knight 3 undead
Stalhead 1/8 undead
Stalhorse 1/4 undead
Stalhound 1/2 undead
Stalmaster 8 undead

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gollark: Jython is, however, Turing-complete, unlike Macron.
gollark: Idea: name some ransomware "rustc".
gollark: I should found the Rust Organization.
gollark: Apparently there was some success in finetuning GPT-2 for it.
gollark: Energy trips per time.
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