Mounts and Animals (Hyrule Supplement)
Hyrule is flooded with fauna of all shapes and sizes, some of which has been domesticated over countless generations. Clever or resourceful adventurers might purchase or otherwise acquire some of these creatures for anything from a combat asset to a cute little friend.
Handling a large amount of beasts at once can prove to be somewhat difficult. Other than financial burden, there may be virtually no limit to owning and stabling a large amount of animals. However, maintaining control over numerous animals on the field of battle or the depths of a dungeon can prove difficult. As a general guideline, a player-character can effortlessly maintain control over any tamed animal granted by class or background features, plus one more. Proficiency in the Animal Handling skill allows you to maintain control over yet one more tamed animal. Anything beyond this limit may cause your animals to run rampant or flee, or require so much of your time and effort that you become less perceptive or responsive to more immediate dangers.
In Hyrule, a "mount" is a beast of burden that is also suitable for riding. One is most commonly used to enhance traveling speed or combat maneuverability. (See Mounted Combat.) A mount can also be used to carry excessive geat that would otherwise slow you down. Although horses are the easiest and most common mounts to train, Hyrule is home to numerous others.
As a general rule, you can only ride and effectively maneuver a creature that is one size category larger than you. For example, a Medium hylian needs a Large horse, whereas a Small deku scrub requires a Medium pony.
Mounts are often used to pull drawn vehicles over land. A beast pulling a carriage, cart, chariot, sled, or wagon can move weight up to five times its base carrying capacity, including the weight of the vehicle. If multiple animals pull the same vehicle, they can add their carrying capacity together.
Saddles. Saddles are vitally important for any long-term riding of a mount. Forgoing one is particularly uncomfortable for both mount and rider, and sacrifices your ability to easily and safely control even a well-trained mount. Without a saddle, you have disadvantage on any check to stay on your mount. If you ride bareback for more than an hour, every hour both you and the mount must make a Constitution saving throw. The DC is 10 + 1 for each hour past the first. On a failed saving throw, you or the creature suffers one level of exhaustion.
Mount | Cost | Size | Speed | Carrying Capacity | CR |
Donkey or mule | 80 r | Medium1 | 40 ft. | 420 lb. | ⅛ |
Goat | 150 r | Medium | 40 ft. | 180 lb. | 0 |
Mastiff | 250 r | Medium | 40 ft. | 195 lb. | ⅛ |
Pony | 300 r | Medium | 40 ft. | 225 lb. | ⅛ |
Boar | 500 r | Medium | 40 ft. | 195 lb. | ¼ |
Dolphin or porpoise | 1,000 r | Medium | 5 ft., swim 50 ft. | 165 lb. | ¼ |
Snapper | 1,800 r | Medium1 | 20 ft., swim 25 ft. | 195 lb. | ½ |
Eldin ostrich | 2,000 r | Medium | 50 ft. | 180 lb. | ⅛ |
Sand seal | 200 r | Large | 10 ft.2, swim 20 ft. | 300 lb. | ¼ |
Bull, cow, or ox | 350 r | Large | 40 ft. | 480 lb. | ¼ |
Horse, draft | 450 r | Large | 40 ft. | 540 lb. | ¼ |
Camel | 500 r | Large | 50 ft. | 480 lb. | ¼ |
Horse, riding | 600 r | Large | 60 ft. | 480 lb. | ¼ |
Loftwing | 10,000 r | Large | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | 420 lb. | 1 |
Loovar | 1,900 r | Large | 0 ft., swim 40 ft. | 360 lb. | ¼ |
Bullbo | 2,000 r | Large | 40 ft. | 450 lb. | ½ |
Horse, war | 3,000 r | Large | 60 ft. | 540 lb. | ½ |
Malgyorg | 5,000 r | Large | 10 ft.2, swim 20 ft. | 420 lb. | — |
Gyorg | 10,000 r | Large | 0 ft., swim 60 ft. | 420 lb. | — |
Great-horned rhinoceros | 15,000 r | Large | 40 ft. | 600 lb. | 2 |
Giant horse | 10,000 r | Huge | 70 ft. | 1,200 lb. | 1 |
Elephant | 20,000 r | Huge | 40 ft. | 1,320 lb. | 4 |
Neptoona | 50,000 r | Huge | 0 ft., swim 80 ft. | 720 lb. | — |
1. Despite its size, this creature can bear either a Medium or Small rider.
2. This creature has a speed of 60 feet in the loose sand of beaches or desert dunes.
Battle Companions
Companion CR | Minimum PC Level |
0 | 1 |
⅛ | 2 |
¼ | 3 |
½ | 4 |
1 | 5 |
2 | 6 |
3 | 7 |
4+ | n/a |
When roaming the wilderness, it is common for adventurers to take on one or more trained beasts that aid them in battle in a more direct fashion. Certainly a beast can be more loyal and less expensive than a comparable hireling. Below are feasible options for a battle companion that can be acquired at almost any given bazaar. Any of the mounts from the previous section can also function as a battle companion if it is not mounted. A battle companion acts on its own initiative, but if it is loyal it will obey your commands if it can understand them. A trained combat companion will understand only vital commands, such as to heel or to attack a specific creature you designate, and is incapable of more specific or advanced tactics such as flanking or scouting ahead.
If you are proficient in the Animal Handling skill, your DM may allow you to train your own combat companion as a downtime activity.
Remember that any battle companion is considered an NPC, and unlike a typical mount may take a share of XP in combat if it was of significant help. "If the party received substantial assistance from one or more NPCs, count those NPCs as party members when dividing up the XP," (DMG page 260). Optionally, your DM can deem that any battle companion you have takes a portion of your XP instead of a share of the entire party's XP. As a general guideline, if the companion's Challenge Rating is less than 4 and at least four steps lower than your level (see adjacent table), then it by default considered an insignificant help and can be used without consuming XP.
If a DM doesn't use XP or prefers not to use this limitation, there should be another counterbalance in place at low levels to prevent battle companions from outshining player-characters.
Creature | Cost | Size | Speed | Carrying Capacity | CR |
Wolf | 1,000 r | Medium | 40 ft. | 180 lb. | 1/4 |
Octorok | 1,200 r | Medium | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | 150 lb. | ¼ |
Animal Gear and Services
- See also: Tools (Hyrule Supplement)#Vehicles.
Item | Cost | Weight | Details |
Feed (per day) | 1 r | 5 lb. | Feed for a Small or smaller creature instead weighs 1 lb. Feed for a Huge creature instead weighs 20 lb. |
Stabling (per day) | 1 r | — | Exotic or powerful creatures may demand more expensive or elaborate stabling. Stables may refuse unusual creatures outright. |
Saddle, Riding | 100 r | 25 lb. | Riding bareback, or without a saddle, is particularly uncomfortable for both mount and rider, sacrifices your ability to easily and safely control even a well-trained mount. |
Saddle, Military | 200 r | 30 lb. | With a military saddle, you have advantage on any check to stay on your mount. |
Saddle, Exotic | 600 r | 40 lb. | An exotic saddle is required for any aquatic or flying creature, but otherwise acts as a riding saddle does. |
Barding, Medium | x2 | x1 | Armor designed to protect a Small or Medium beast. Any type of armor without Properties can be purchased as barding, but costs twice as much. |
Barding, Large | x4 | x2 | Armor designed to protect a Large beast. Any type of armor without Properties can be purchased as barding, but it costs four times as much and weighs double the norm. |
Barding, Huge | x16 | x8 | Armor designed to protect a Huge beast. Any type of armor without Properties can be purchased as barding, it it costs sixteen times as much as weighs eight times the norm. |
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