Tools (Hyrule Supplement)

Proficiency with a tool helps you to do something you couldn't otherwise do, such as craft or repair an item, forge a document, or pick a lock. Proficiency with a tool allows you to add your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make using that tool. Tool use is not tied to a single ability, since proficiency with a tool represents broader knowledge of its use. For example, your DM might ask you to make a Dexterity check to carve a fine detail with your woodcarver's tools, or a Strength check to make something out of particularly hard wood.

Campaign Setting: Hyrule
Player's Guide
Character Creation
Common: deku scrubs, gerudo, gorons, hylians, and zora
Uncommon: anouki, kokiri, koroks, rito, skull kids, and tokay
Fighter: brute, darknut, spellsword, sword savage, archer, tunic
Opportunist: assassin, garo, mystic, skirmisher, picaroon
Researcher: technomancer, witch, wizzrobe
Sage: earth, fire, forest, light, shadow, spirit, water, wind
Scion: dragon, fairy, mask, poe
Backgrounds & Languages
Adventuring Gear
Tools and Vehicles
Potions and Poisons
Mounts and Animals
Other Goods and Services
Downtime Activities
World of Hyrule
Divisions of the known universe
Central Province
The Forsaken
Southern Hyrule
Islands of the Great Sea
Islands of the Sky
Gods of Hyrule, their worship, and how they influence the world
History of the Light World as known by Hyruleans
Dungeon Master's Guide
This world bears many monsters unique to it
Legendary NPCs
Figures of myth, history, and happenstance
Ruins, dungeons, and temples are littered with various hazards
Marks of Prestige
Epic Boons
Optional Rules
Exotic Races
Fragile Weapons
Optional Actions
Prestige Classes
Recovery Hearts
Targeted Attacks
Quests, dungeons, and storylines ready for exploration
Tables for random generation of dungeons, encounters, treasure, etc.

Your race, class, background, or feats give you proficiency with certain tools. Your DM may allow you to train towards tool proficiency as a downtime activity.

Artisan's Tools

Proficiency with an artisan's tool represents training in how to craft and repair appropriate objects with the relevant tools. Without proficiency, any attempts to craft or repair items with the tools are inherently crude if at all effective.

Tool Cost Weight Description d100
Bombsmith's Tools300 r10 lb.Various tools for crafting bombs, cannons, or other items that make use of explosive powder.0002
Brewer's Supplies200 r9 lb.Various containers and devices for brewing ale or other beverages.0308
Calligrapher's Supplies100 r5 lb.Fine inks, pens, and brushes for decorative handwriting and lettering.0912
Carpenter's Tools80 r6 lb.Hammer, saw, nails, and other tools for crafting furniture, buildings, and other structures primarily out of wood.1321
Cartographer's Tools150 r6 lb.Various parchment, inks, and measuring devices for the making of accurate maps.2224
Cobbler's Tools50 r5 lb.Threads, tiny animal skins, small cutting knives, and other materials for the crafting and repair of shoes and other footwear.2528
Cook's Utensils10 r8 lb.These include the likes of a whisk, spatula, pots and pans, and other assets for the creation of meals both functional and fine.2937
Glassworker's Tools300 r5 lb.Tools for the craft and manufacture of windows, glass sculptures, and the like.3841
Jeweler's Tools250 r2 lb.Tools for the cutting and polishing of gemstones, precious metals, and fine jewelry.4247
Leatherworker's Tools50 r5 lb.Tools for tanning, treating, and crafting animal skins into leather armor, hide garments, or other products of animal skins. Also included are the various tools for skinning animals.4853
Mason's Tools100 r8 lb.Trowel, chisel, and other instruments for constructing buildings or other structures primarily out of bricks, stones, and dirt, or similar materials.5462
Painter's Supplies100 r5 lb.Brushes, paints, inks, canvases, and an easal for both creating fine works of art and true-to-life depictions.6366
Potter's Tools50 r3 lb.The various tools used when creating items from clay, from ceramic pots to clay bricks to artistic sculptures.6771
Smith's Tools200 r8 lb.Hammer, tongs, and various other tools for working metal into everything from locks to longswords.7280
Taxidermist's Kit200 r4 lb.A taxidermist’s tools consist of leather needles and punches, a pair of leather shears, a scraping razor and a fine-blade knife. Proficiency with a taxidermy kit allows you to successfully skin, tan and preserve hides, as well as mount and sell taxidermied creatures.8183
Tinker's Tools500 r10 lb.Various intricate tools for repairing or even creating complex mechanical gadgets, such as hunting traps, clocks, or simple automatons.8486
Weaver's Tools10 r5 lb.Sewing needles and other tools for crafting fabric, whether creating garments, pillows, towels or other goods.8792
Woodcarver's Tools10 r5 lb.A small knife and other fine instruments for the precise cutting and shaping of various woods, or similar materials.9499

Professional Tools

Proficiency with a professional tool represents training in how to how to perform a given profession, trade, or service. Without proficiency, you may be unable to perform anything but the simplest of tasks with the relevant tool.

Tool Cost Weight Description d12
Apothecary's Kit100 r3 lb.This kit contains a variety of instruments such as clippers, mortar and pestle, and pouches and vials used by herbalists to create remedies and potions. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to identify or apply herbs. Also, proficiency with this kit is required to create antitoxin and potions of healing.0102
Disguise Kit250 r3 lb.This pouch of cosmetics, hair dye, and small props lets you create disguises that change your physical appearance. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to create a visual disguise.03
Farmer's Tools80 r12 lb.Includes various equipment for growing and maintaining crops such as a shovel, hoe, pitchfork, sickle, watering can, and the like. Proficiency lets you add your proficiency bonus to grow, maintain, or harvest domesticated plants.04
Fishing Tackle10 r4 lb.This kit includes a wooden rod, silken line, corkwood bobbers, steel hooks, lead sinkers, velvet lures, and narrow netting. Proficiency lets you add your bonus to any ability checks to locate and catch fish or other aquatic animals.05
Forgery Kit150 r5 lb.This small box contains a variety of papers and parchments, pens and inks, seals and sealing wax, gold and silver leaf, and other supplies necessary to create convincing forgeries of physical documents. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to create a physical forgery of a document.06
Navigator's Tools250 r2 gpThis set of instruments is used for navigation at sea. Proficiency with navigator's tools lets you chart a ship's course and follow navigation charts. In addition, these tools allow you to add your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make to avoid getting lost at sea.07
Prospector's Kit100 r10 lb.This kit includes a miner's pick, brushes for dusting away sand, and the like. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to locate or analyze geological features such as mineral veins, precious metal veins or fossils.08-09
Poisoner's Kit500 r2 lb.A poisoner's kit includes the vials, chemicals, and other equipment necessary for the creation of poisons. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to craft or use poisons.10
Thieves' Tools250 r1 lb.This set of tools includes a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers. Proficiency with these tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to disarm traps or open locks.11-12

Musical Instruments

Attempting to play a musical instrument without proficiency results at best in simple, improvised music.

Tool Cost Weight Description d20
Bongo or Drum60 r3 lb.A percussion instrument consisting of treated animal skin pulled over the open end of a barrel or other wide-mouthed tube. It is played by striking the skin with hands or blunt objects.0103
Fiddle, Viola,
or Ukelele
300 r2 lb.A wooden string instrument consisting of a bear-shaped body and a long handle, with strings drawn tightly over its longest axis. It is usually held with the bottom of the body against the player's chin, and the handle held in the player's off hand. The player's dominant hand works the strings with a bow, plucks the strings, or various other techniques.0405
Flute20 r1 lb.A keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one end and which has a side hole over which air is blown to produce the tone.0607
Guitar400 r10 lb.A flat-bodied stringed instrument with a long fretted neck and usually six strings played with a pick or with the fingers. It is usually held at the player's waist level with a belt-like strap that rests across the player's shoulder.08
Hurdy-Gurdy300 r10 lb.A wooden box about a foot across, which is chiefly operated by turning a crank at various speeds. Complex and adjustable string instruments are inside.09
Horn or Trumpet30 r2 lb.A small brass or woodwind instrument, roughly conical in shape, comprised of one of numerous materials. It is played by blowing into the narrow end of the cone, and may or may not be keyed.1012
Lyre300 r2 lb.A stringed instrument with a flat, wooden, and U-shaped frame through which several parallel strings are pulled tight. It is usually played by holding the frame in one hand, and plucking strings with the opposite hand.1314
Ocarina30 r1 lb.A woodwind instrument about the size and shape of a potato, which is usually made of clay. It is played by blowing air into the mouthpiece and covering several of the various specifically-sized holes in its body.1516
Maracas30 r2 lb.A pair of drumstick-sized and shaped hollow wooden objects filled with seeds or other materials. Shaking them with different intensities and speeds creates varying music.17
Pan Flute120 r2 lb.A woodwind instrument consisting of multiple pipes of gradually increasing length. Different pitches can be obtained by blowing into or across different tubes.18
Recorder or Shawm2 r1 lb.A long, tubular woodwind instrument with a conical opening at one end. Like a whistle, it is played by blowing into the narrower end. Different pitches are achieved by covering various specifically-sized holes across the tube with one's fingers.1920


You can be proficiency with either horse-drawn land vehicles (land vehicles) or aquatic vehicles drawn by sail or pushed by oar (water vehicles). Proficiency allows you to add your proficiency bonus to ability checks made to maneuver and maintain vehicles of the relevant type.

Land Vehicles

Land vehicles are usually drawn by draft horses, mules, or other creatures that can be found on the page for mounts and animals. The costs below assume such a creature is not included.

Vehicle Cost Weight Description
Cart150 r200 lb.This two-wheeled vehicle can be drawn by a single horse (or other beast of burden). It comes with an appropriate harness.
Sled200 r300 lb.This is a wagon on runners for moving through snow and over ice, and comes with the harness needed to pull it. It is generally drawn by one or two horses (or other beasts of burden).
Wagon350 r400 lb.This is a four-wheeled, open vehicle for transporting heavy loads. In general, at least two horses (or other beasts of burden) draw it. It comes with an appropriate harness.
Carriage1,000 r600 lb.This four-wheeled vehicle can transport as many as four Medium passengers within an enclosed cab, plus two drivers. In general, at least two horses (or other beasts of burden) draw it. It comes with the needed harness.

Water Vehicles

Speed. The movement speeds provided assume calm waters. Particularly slow vessels may be unable to overtake strong currents, and all vessels can ride currents to add onto their normal speed. Vehicles of Huge size and larger traveling at speed handle very slowly, and in a combat situation may even take several rounds just to accelerate to full speed, or to turn its forward trajectory onto a perpindicular course.

Capacity. If the weight in a waterborne vehicle exceeds its capacity, it will begin to sink even in calm waters.

Crew. Most water vehicles require more than one individual to operate effectively without going off course or breaking down under the elements. Only one individual needs proficiency for the whole crew to benefit. In the following table, a "skeleton crew" is the absolute minimum number of capable humanoids needed to man and navigate the vehicle. Operating with less than an "ideal crew" is particularly exhausting, as each individual is effectively working all day with little to no rest. A skeleton crew can work for 8 hours without penalty. For every period of 8 hours after the first, each individual must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion. The DC of this saving throw is initially 10, and increases by 2 for every 8 hours worked after the first.

Item Cost Size Speed Capacity Skeleton
Oar20 rThis specifically-shaped wooden pole is ideal for pushing a raft, keelboat, longship, warship, or galley. One is usually at least 10 feet long and weighs about 10 lb., and can be used as an improvised reach weapon.
Raft200 rMedium15 feet,
or 1 ½ mph
400 lb.11A typical raft is about 5 feet square. It is maneuvered by using a pole or oar to push against the bottom of a river, or used to ride a river's current. A single raft can scarcely fit more than one Medium or two Small creatures. A typical raft can only survive a few journeys before falling apart. One raft weighs about 60 lb.
Rowboat500 rLarge15 feet,
or 1 ½ mph
800 lb.11A typical rowboat is about 10 feet in length, it operated by pushing against the water with a pair of particularly small oars (which are included in the cost). It can safely carry three Medium or six Small creatures. One rowboat weighs about 100 lb.
Lion Boat5,000 rLarge40 feet,
or 4 mph
600 lb.12A particularly small sailing ship with an overbearing sail, designed to ferry one Medium or two Small creatures at high speed. It is relatively swift and maneuverable, but is easily capsized even in calm and shallow waters. One is about 8 feet long and 2 feet wide.
Ferry10,000 rHuge10 feet,
or 1 mph
1 ton,
or 2,000 lb.
24This 10-by-20-foot ship has a cellar-like storage area below deck, and is propelled with a wide box sail. It was designed to be manned by a minimal crew. It is designed primarily to carry sizable loads over rivers and lakes, and can manage along coasts but would have difficulty at open sea.
Keelboat30,000 rGargantuan15 feet,
or 1 ½ mph
40 tons,
or 80,000 lb.
612This 50-to-75-foot-long ship is 15 to 20 feet wide and has a few oars to supplement its single mast with a square sail. It can carry 40 of cargo, or 100 soldiers. It can make sea voyages, as well as sail down rivers (thanks to its flat bottom).
Longship80,000 rGargantuan30 feet,
or 3 mph
50 tons,
or 100,000 lb.
1560This 75-foot-long ship with forty oars requires a massive crew. It has a single mast and a square sail, and it can carry 50 tons of cargo or 120 soldiers. A longship can make sea voyages. It moves about 3 miles per hour when being rowed or under sail.
Sailing Ship100,000 rGargantuan20 feet,
or 2 mph
150 tons,
or 300,000 lb.
520This larger, seaworthy ship is 75 to 90 feet long and 20 feet wide and has an ideal crew of 20. It can carry 150 tons of cargo or up to 300 soldiers. It has square sails on its two masts and can make sea voyages.
Warship200,000 rGargantuan25 feet,
or 2 ½ mph
2080This 100-foot-long ship has a single mast, although oars can also propel it. It has a massive crew of rowers. This ship can carry 160 soldiers, but not for long distances, since there isn’t room for supplies to support that many people. The warship cannot make sea voyages and sticks to the coast. It is not used for cargo. It moves about 20.5 ½ miles per hour when being rowed or under sail.
Galley300,000 rGargantuan40 feet,
or 4 mph
150 tons,
or 300,000 lb.
50200This three-masted ship has seventy oars on either side and has an ideal crew of 200. A galley is 130 feet long and 20 feet wide, and it can carry 150 tons of cargo or 250 soldiers. It moves about 4 miles per hour when being rowed or under sail.

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gollark: nunuoo
gollark: no² u²
gollark: Potato people, that is whom. Trust them not.
gollark: Who wants *that*?
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