Hyrule: Sage (5e Class)

Campaign Setting: Hyrule
Player's Guide
Character Creation
Common: deku scrubs, gerudo, gorons, hylians, and zora
Uncommon: anouki, kokiri, koroks, rito, skull kids, and tokay
Fighter: brute, darknut, spellsword, sword savage, archer, tunic
Opportunist: assassin, garo, mystic, skirmisher, picaroon
Researcher: technomancer, witch, wizzrobe
Sage: earth, fire, forest, light, shadow, spirit, water, wind
Scion: dragon, fairy, mask, poe
Backgrounds & Languages
Adventuring Gear
Tools and Vehicles
Potions and Poisons
Mounts and Animals
Other Goods and Services
Downtime Activities
World of Hyrule
Divisions of the known universe
Central Province
The Forsaken
Southern Hyrule
Islands of the Great Sea
Islands of the Sky
Gods of Hyrule, their worship, and how they influence the world
History of the Light World as known by Hyruleans
Dungeon Master's Guide
This world bears many monsters unique to it
Legendary NPCs
Figures of myth, history, and happenstance
Ruins, dungeons, and temples are littered with various hazards
Marks of Prestige
Epic Boons
Optional Rules
Exotic Races
Fragile Weapons
Optional Actions
Prestige Classes
Recovery Hearts
Targeted Attacks
Quests, dungeons, and storylines ready for exploration
Tables for random generation of dungeons, encounters, treasure, etc.

This class is intended to replace cleric and druid in the Hyrule campaign setting, and is designed for the variant rules it uses.
It can effectively be used in a traditional setting, but may function best if the campaign uses the Spell Points variant rule
(DMG, page 288) or equivalent.


In ancient times, the gods blessed a small handful of humanoids with sacred magical power. Although these chosen few had little else in common, they all had sound judgment and uncanny wisdom. Due to these similarities, the chosen few have historically become formally known as the Seven Sages. It is believed by many that these few were granted such immense magical power that they became immortal and now dwell eternally in the Sacred Realm.

In the countless generations that have passed, few if any beings have been granted the immense and distinct power of these legendary Seven Sages. Nonetheless, there have been a few who have manifested similar magical capabilities of a mysterious, seemingly divine origin. Usually but not always, these magical capabilities originate when the individual completes a great task of faith or willpower, such as a pilgrimage or an act of self-sacrifice. From the point this supernatural power manifests, that individual is known as a sage. It is believed by some that all sages can somehow trace their lineage back to the Seven Sages of legend.

Although a sage can become a powerful force of magic, their spells tend to be more subtle than those of a researcher. Their magic is more often focused more on the breadth of what can be accomplished over time, rather than the height of what can be accomplished in a single moment.

Although it is not always inherently obvious from looking at a sage, each one embodies a different essence or domain that shapes that particular sage’s supernatural gifts. The most renowned of these elements include Earth, Fire, Forest, Light, Shadow, Spirit, Water, and Wind, though others exist.

A sage is usually, but not always, of a good alignment.

Creating a Sage

Princess Zelda, of the Hyrulean Royal Family, is a renowned sage of light.
Quick Build

You can make a sage quickly by following these suggestions.

  1. Wisdom should be your highest ability score. Constitution should be your second or third highest ability score.
  2. For your background, choose hermit.
  3. For your Sage Domain, choose Sage of Light.
  4. For your cantrips, choose guidance and minor ward.
  5. For your equipment, choose scale mail, a longsword, and a wooden shield.

Class Features

As a Sage you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Sage level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Sage level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, shields (except heavy shields)
Weapons: All simple weapons
Tools: One musical instrument
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: You are proficient in your choice of one skill in the following list: Animal Handling, History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Performance, Persuasion, and Religion.

If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 11, you gain proficiency in one more of the listed skills, for a total of two.
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 15, you gain proficiency in one more of the listed skills, for a total of three.
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 19, you gain proficiency in one more of the listed skills, for a total of four.

In place of gaining proficiency in a skill, you can instead gain proficiency in any one tool or vehicle of your choice.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The Sage

Max Spell
1st+2Sage Domain, Spellcasting21stWis modifier
2nd+2Sage Domain feature21st+6
4th+2Ability Score Improvement22nd+18
5th+3Bless or Bane23rd+24
6th+3Sage Domain feature33rd+30
7th+3Divine Body34th+36
8th+3Ability Score Improvement34th+42
9th+4Sacred Sage (2 uses)35th+48
10th+4Sage Domain feature45th+54
12th+4Ability Score Improvement46th+66
14th+5Sage Domain feature47th+78
15th+5Sacred Sage (3 uses)48th+84
16th+5Ability Score Improvement48th+90
18th+6Sage Domain feature49th+102
19th+6Ability Score Improvement, Immortal Body49th+108

Sage Domain

At 1st level, you choose a sage domain. This domain generally describes the landscape or aspect of nature from which your powers are drawn. Your domain usually correlates to your upbringing, background, or race. A sage who grew up near an active volcano, for instance, is most often a Sage of Fire. You usually discover your domain and your supernatural powers when you complete a great task of will or faith, or experience a personal trauma.

Your sage domain affects what sage spells you can cast, and may grant you bonus proficiencies at 1st level. Your choice also grants you features at 2nd level, and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels.

See below for details on each of the eight most plentiful domains: Earth, Forest, Fire, Light, Shadow, Spirit, Water, and Wind.


You draw your powers from vague forces derived from the land and the gods, and even you do not completely understand them. You cast spells through instinct and faith.


You initially know two cantrips of your choice from the sage spell list appropriate to your sage domain. You learn additional cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Sage table.

Spell LevelMP Cost
Magic Meter

At 1st level, you gain a number of magic points equal to your Wisdom modifier. At 2nd level and every sage level thereafter, you gain 6 more magic points. To cast a spell, you must expend a number of magic points dependent on the level of the spell. See the adjacent table.

You can cast a spell at a higher level than normal by expending additional magic points. For example, casting fly, a 3rd-level spell, normally costs 5 magic points. It can be cast as a 5th level spell, allowing it to affect more creatures, by expending the magic points needed to cast a 5th level spellwhich is 7 magic points.

Your magic points are fully restored after a long rest. Some class features and magic items can otherwise restore magic points.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use a musical instrument in which you are proficient as a spellcasting focus for your sage spells. You can instead use either a divine focus or a druidic focus.

Preparing Spells

You prepare the list of sage spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the sage spell list appropriate to your sage domain. When you do so, choose a number of sage spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your sage level (minimum of one spell). The spells cannot exceed your Max Spell Level, as listed on the Sage table.

You can also change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of sage spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Spellcasting Ability

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for sage spells, since you learn your spells through instinct, and exert them through willpower. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spell learned through this class and when making an attack roll with one.


Starting from 3rd level, you can sacrifice some of your own health to heal or harm others.

As an action, you can expend one Hit Die from this class to cast inflict wounds or cure wounds at its lowest level without expending magic points.

Any Hit Dice you expend on this feature cannot otherwise be used during a short rest, and are restored when you finish a long rest.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

If your campaign is using the feats optional rule, you can replace this feature with a feat for which you qualify.

Bless or Bane

Beginning at 5th level, you can channel your supernatural gifts into a powerful blessing or a debilitating curse. A creature with a blessing or bane gives off a faint magical aura that can instantly be detected by any sage, or by any creature using a sense like detect magic.

Regardless of whether you bless, bane, or cancel, you can only use this feature once and regain the capability to use it when you finish a long rest. Any blessing or bane you make ends when you either fall unconscious or finish a long rest.


As an action, you can bless a creature within 5 feet of you, causing it to feel resolute and warding it from harm. You cannot bless yourself. While blessed, the creature has a +2 bonus to saving throws.

When a creature you have blessed makes a saving throw, you or the creature can use a reaction to end the blessing and grant advantage on that saving throw. Immediately after the save is made, the blessing ends.

When a creature you have blessed is targeted by an attack, the creature can take the Dodge action as a reaction, which imposes disadvantage on the attack roll and all attack rolls against the creature until the start of its next turn. Immediately after the creature uses this reaction, the blessing ends.

When a creature you have blessed makes a death saving throw, it gains advantage on all death saving throws. The blessing ends when the creature becomes stable, regains 1 hit point, or dies.

A creature can only benefit from one blessing at a time, and cannot simultaneously be affected by the spell bless.


As an action, you can curse a creature within 5 feet of you with a bane, causing it to feel weak and unfocused. While baned, the creature has a -2 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws.

When a creature you have baned makes an ability check or attack roll, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the roll. Immediately after the roll is made, this bane ends.

A creature's bane ends immediately if it is targeted by an effect like remove curse, or if it completes a short or long rest. A creature with the Legendary Resistance feature can use one instance of this feature to end its bane at any time.

A creature can only be afflicted with one bane at a time, and cannot simultaneously be affected by the spell bane.


As a reaction, you end the effect of a bane or bless on any creature within 60 feet of you, even if it is derived from another sage.

Divine Body

At 7th level, the divine magic that flows from you has begun to augment your body. You have advantage on any Constitution saving throw made to go without food or water, or made to prevent disease.

Sacred Sage

Beginning at 9th level, your capacity to bless or bane begins to grow. You can use your Bless or Bane feature one additional time before you need to finish a long rest.

At 15th level, you can use Bless or Bane feature three times before you need to finish a long rest.

Immortal Body

At 19th level, the divine magic surges and protects your body so strongly that you do not need to eat or drink, you are immune to disease, and you no longer age.


When you reach 20th level, you can call upon the gods and the forces that be to reshape the world in a dramatic fashion. As an action, you can cast the wish spell.

Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.

Sage of Earth

You draw power from subterranean caverns most of all, but can draw some strength from any area of dry earth. The magic you wield deals in large amount with ground, caves, tremors, stone, gems, and to some extent the afterlife.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency with medium armor and shields (but not heavy shields), as well as battleaxes, crushers, flails, and warhammers.

You can read, write, and speak your choice of either the Goro or Stal language.


At 2nd level, your maximum hit points increases by 2. Your maximum hit points increases by 1 for every level you gain in this class after this.


Starting from 6th level, you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed.

Earthen Safeguard

Beginning from 10th level, you have resistance to both acid and poison damage, and have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.

Any creature you have blessed also gains the benefit of your Earthen Safeguard while it is blessed.

Down to Earth

Beginning from 10th level, you can augment your curses with earthen pull. Any creature you have baned that attempts to move away from you treats that movement as difficult terrain. Movement towards you is not affected.

When a creature you have baned moves, you can use your reaction to reduce its speed to 0 until the end of its turn. You can use this effect to halt its movement mid-stride. The bane ends at the end of the creature's turn.


Beginning at 14th level, you can detect movement or the presence of other creatures through the ground beneath you. You can detect and pinpoint the origin of vibrations within a radius of 10 feet, provided that you and the source of the vibrations are in contact with the same ground or substance. Tremorsense can’t be used to detect flying or incorporeal creatures.

Stalwart Stance

Starting at 18th level, you automatically succeed on any saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.

Sage of Fire

You draw power primarily from active volcanoes but can also draw some from mountains in general. As a sage of fire, you likely have a vigorous spirit. The magic you wield often deals with flame and heat.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency with all martial melee weapons (but not martial ranged weapons), with bombs, and with fire rods.

You can read, write, and speak the Subrosian language. If you already know this language, you can learn another language of your choice.

Extra Cantrip

At 2nd level, you gain the produce flame cantrip, and it does not count against your Cantrips Known. If you already have this cantrip, you can gain another cantrip from your sage spell list.

Wise Defense

Starting at 2nd level, you can rely more on predicting and reading opponents' attacks to evade them, rather than relying on your reaction time or nimbleness of movement. Whenever you would add your Dexterity modifier to your AC, you can choose to add your Wisdom modifier instead. You cannot do this if you are already adding your Wisdom modifier to your AC, such as with a monk's Unarmored Defense.


At 6th level, you gain a climb speed equal to your base walking speed.

Fire Resistance

At 6th level, you gain resistance to fire damage.

If you otherwise have or gain fire resistance, you also gain advantage on saving throws to mitigate or avoid fire damage.

Any creature you have blessed also gains the benefits of your Fire Resistance.

Furious Flame

At 10th level, you learn to augment your cursing cabability.

A creature you have baned loses any resistance or immunity it has to fire damage.

When a creature you have baned is targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to grant advantage on that attack roll made against it. The curse ends after the attack is made.

Heat Sense

Beginning at 14th level, you can focus to detect and pinpoint objects and creatures around you based on how hot or cold they are. When you use your action to activate your heat sense, you gain blindsight out to a range of 20 feet, which persists until the start of your next turn.

Fire Immunity

Starting at 18th level, you are immune to fire damage, and you cannot catch flame.

Sage of Forest

You draw power from woodland terrain, including marshes and jungles. As a sage of forest, you are attuned to fauna-laden wilderness and the animal life that dwells within. Your magic often is related to these domains.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency with hide armor and wooden shields, as well as hand crossbows, nets, seed shooters, shortswords, and whips.

You gain proficiency in one of the following skills: Animal Handling, Nature, or Survival. Alternatively, you can gain proficiency in woodworker's tools.

You can read, write, and speak the Deku language. If you already know this language, you can instead learn any one language of your choice.

Forest Discipline

At 2nd level, you gain one of the following disciplines of your choice.


You gain a climb speed equal to your base walking speed. If you take damage from falling, you can use your reaction to halve the damage you take from the fall.


You gain the druidcraft cantrip, and it does not count against your Cantrips Known. If you already have this cantrip, you can gain another cantrip from your sage spell list.

You gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill. If you are already proficient, or would later become proficient a second time, you instead gain expertise in this skill.

Nimble Defense

While you are wearing light armor, hide armor, or no armor, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC and to Dexterity saving throws.


You gain proficiency with longbows.

You gain proficiency in the Survival skill. If you are already proficient, or would later become proficient a second time, you instead gain expertise in this skill.

Woodland Navigation

While in forests, swamps, or jungles, you have advantage on initiative rolls, Wisdom (Perception) checks, Intelligence (Investigation) checks, and Wisdom (Survival) checks.

Land's Stride

Starting at 6th level, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement. You can also pass through nonmagical plants without being slowed by them and without taking damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard.

In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement, such those created by the entangle spell.

Any creature you have blessed also gains the benefits of your Land's Stride.

Restrictive Ground

At 10th level, you learn to augment your curses.

If a creature you have baned moves towards you, its moves as though restricted by difficult terrain. This effect does not affect fly speed, nor movement not made towards you.

When a creature you have baned moves, you can use your reaction to reduce its speed to 0 until the end of its turn. You can use this effect to halt its movement mid-stride. The bane ends at the end of the creature's turn.

Nature's Sanctuary

When you reach 14th level, creatures of the natural world sense your connection to nature and become hesitant to attack you. When a beast or plant creature attacks you, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your sage spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature must choose a different target, or the attack automatically misses. On a successful save, the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

The creature is aware of this effect before it makes its attack against you.

Wild Aura

Starting at 18th level, you and friendly creatures within 30 feet of you can't be charmed while you are conscious.

Sage of Light

You draw power from areas of perpetual light, and during the brightest times of day. As a sage of light, you likely have a strong sense of courage and justice. The spells you can cast often both smite your enemies and protect your allies, making you quite versatile and reliable in this regard.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency with medium armor and shields (but not heavy shields), as well as longbows, longswords, and rapiers.

Extra Cantrip

At 2nd level, you gain the light cantrip, and it does not count against your Cantrips Known. If you already have this cantrip, you can gain another cantrip from your sage spell list.

Radiant Resistance

At 6th level, the radiant energy flowing through you protects you from certain kinds of harm. You gain resistance to radiant damage.

If you otherwise have or gain radiant resistance, you also gain advantage on saving throws to mitigate or avoid radiant damage.

Any creature you have blessed also gains the benefits of your Radiant Resistance.

Blessed Smite

At 10th level, you learn to augment your blessings.

Whenever a creature you have blessed hits with a weapon attack, it inflicts an extra 1 radiant damage.

After a creature you have blessed attempts a weapon attack on its turn, you or the creature can use a reaction before the attack roll is made for the attack to automatically be a critical hit. The blessing ends at the end of the creature's turn.

Sealing Curse

Starting at 14th level, you learn to augment your curses to seal a creature's magic.

Any creature you have baned has a -2 penalty on saving throws made to maintain concentration on a spell.

When a creature you have baned uses its action to cast a spell, and can use your reaction to cast counterspell against that spell, regardless if you can see the creature or it is more than 60 feet away from you. When you cast counterspell in this way, it is cast as if using a spell slot equal to your Max Spell Level, and you expend no magic points to cast it. Once you use this effect, the bane ends.

Inspiring Light

Starting from 18th level, you and friendly creatures within 30 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, frightened, and petrified. This effect ends while you are unconscious.

Sage of Shadow

You draw power from graveyards or other areas of the dead, as well as areas of perpetual darkness. As a sage of shadow, you likely have a strong belief that unfortunate sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Your spells often manipulate others, set traps, or create illusions.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency with hand crossbows, morningstars, rapiers, scimitars, and shortswords.

You gain proficiency with one of the following skills: Deception, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.

You can read, write, and speak the Stal language. If you already know this language, you can learn any one language of your choice.

Unarmored Defense

While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

Shadow Discipline

At 2nd level, you gain one of the following disciplines of your choice.


You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Knife from the Dark

You have a +2 bonus on damage rolls with daggers.

Shadow Expertise

You gain expertise in one skill from Deception, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth. You must already be proficient in the skill to gain this benefit.

Enveloping Darkness

At 6th level, you learn to augment your blessings.

A creature you have blessed gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet, and has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to move quietly.

When a creature you have blessed rolls initiative, you or the creature can use a reaction to gain advantage on the initiative roll. If your campaign uses static initiative, it instead adds a +5 bonus to its initiative score. Once you use this effect, the blessing ends.


At 10th level, you learn to augment your curses.

A creature you have baned has a -2 penalty on Charisma (Deception) checks made to lie, and on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide or move quietly.

You can use your reaction to end the invisibility condition on a creature you have baned, and force it into its true form if it has changed shape or masked its form with an illusion. Once you use this effect, the bane ends.

Swift Shadows

Beginning at 14th level, your prowess with cunning magic accents your natural agility, and vice versa. You can add both your Dexterity modifier and Wisdom modifier to your initiative.

Aura of Truth

Starting at 18th level, you and friendly creatures within 30 feet of you can't be blinded or deafened while you are conscious.

Sage of Spirit

You draw power from desert terrain and dry climates in general. As a sage of spirit, you wield unusual tenacity, ferocity, and cunning. Your spells often encourage physical vigor and occasionally invoke the power of lightning.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency with duplex bows, hand crossbows, heavy crossbows, longbows, scimitars, shortswords, and lightning rods.

Unarmored Defense

While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

Climate Endurance

Beginning at 2nd level, you can endure both extremely hot and extremely cold environments without difficulty.

Fast Movement

Starting from 2nd level, while you are wearing light armor or no armor, your base walking speed increases by 10 feet.


Starting from 6th level, while you are wearing light armor or no armor, you can take the Disengage action as a bonus action.


At 6th level, you learn to augment your curses.

Any creature you have baned has disadvantage on any opportunity attacks it makes.

When a creature you have baned makes a Constitution saving throw, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on that saving throw. The bane ends after the save is made.

Storm Safeguard

Beginning from 10th level, you have resistance to lightning damage.

As an action, you can touch another creature to grant it the protection of your Storm Safeguard. Only one creature other than you can benefit from your Storm Safeguard at a time. You must maintain concentration to maintain this effect on another creature, as if concentrating on a spell, otherwise the effect on that creature ends.

Any creature you have blessed also gains the benefits of your Storm Safeguard.

Starting from 14th level, your Storm Safeguard also provides resistance to thunder damage.

Vigorous Aura

Starting at 18th level, you and friendly creatures within 30 feet of you can't be paralyzed or stunned while you are conscious.

Sage of Water

As a sage of water, you are attuned to moisture, bodies of water, and frigid temperatures. Your spells often invoke cold, water, and moisture in one of various forms.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency with cutlasses, ice rods, and pikes.

If you do not already have a swim speed, you gain a swim speed equal to your base walking speed. If you already have a swim speed or otherwise gain one, you never provoke opportunity attacks when you use that swim speed to move.

Water Discipline

At 2nd level, you gain one of the following disciplines of your choice.


You can breathe both air and water. You have a swim speed equal to your base walking speed plus 10 feet. For example, if your base walking speed is 30 feet, then the swim speed you gain from this feature would be 40 feet. This swim speed is enhanced as described under your Bonus Proficiencies.


You are proficient in the Nature skill, with fishing tackle, and with the taxidermist's kit. If you were already proficient in Nature, you can instead gain proficiency in another skill available to a sage at 1st level.


You are proficient in the Survival skill, with navigator's tools, and with water vehicles. If you were already proficient in Survival, you can instead gain proficiency in another skill available to a sage at 1st level.

Sage of Ice

You have resistance to cold damage, and can endure even the harshest of cold climates with ease.

Blue Veil

At 6th level, you learn to augment your blessings.

If you have resistance to cold damage, any creature you have blessed also has resistance to cold damage.

If you have a swim speed, any creature you have blessed without a swim speed faster than yours gains a swim speed equal to yours.


At 10th level, you learn to augment your curses.

Any creature you have baned loses any resistance or immunity it has to cold damage.

When a creature you have baned is offered a saving throw to halve the damage it takes, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on that saving throw. The curse ends after the saving throw is made.

Swift Current

Beginning at 14th level, your cunning accents your agility, and vice versa. You can add both your Dexterity modifier and Wisdom modifier to your initiative.

Adaptive Aura

Starting at 18th level, while you are conscious, you and friendly creatures within 30 feet of you cannot be petrified nor have their forms magically altered.

Sage of Wind

You draw power in coasts and open fields, or other terrain where the wind blows vigorously. As a sage of wind, you are attuned to air and air flow. Your spells often invoke gas, wind, and the elements of weather.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency with hand crossbows, heavy crossbows, longbows, rapiers, scimitars, and shortswords.

Air Sense

At 2nd level, you become more inherently more attuned to wind and air than most. You gain the following benefits:

  • You are always accurately aware of the direction and speed of wind if you are able to feel it on your body.
  • You can instantly discern if the wind is derived from natural, mechanical, or magical sources; and whether or not the air you are breathing is created by magic.
  • You have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) check based on sound or smell.
  • You have advantage on any Intelligence (Nature) check made to predict the weather.

Extra Cantrip

At 2nd level, you gain the touch wind cantrip, and it does not count against your Cantrips Known. If you already have this cantrip, you can gain another cantrip from your sage spell list.


Starting from 6th level, you can use the power of wind to enable or augment flight.

If you do not otherwise have a fly speed, you gain a fly speed of 30 feet. This fly speed increases by 10 feet when you reach 10th level (40 feet), 14th level (50 feet), and 18th level (60 feet).

If you derive flight from another source other than this feature, such as the fly spell, your movement does not provoke opportunity attacks when you use that fly speed.

Pure Breath

Starting from 10th level, you can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to your levels in this class.

Any creature you have blessed also gains the benefit of your Pure Breath.

Blessed Flight

At 14th level, you learn to augment your blessings.

Any creature you have blessed without a fly speed gains a fly speed equal to 30 feet. If it already has a fly speed, it gains resistance to damage from falling.

Stiff Wind

Starting at 18th level, while you are conscious, you and any friendly creature within 30 feet of you automatically succeed on any saving throw to avoid being moved or shoved.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the sage class, you must have a Wisdom score of 13 or higher.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the sage class, you gain proficiency with light armor and all simple weapons.

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