About Equipment
- Acid
- Adventuring Gear
- Alchemical Silver
- Alchemist's Fire
- Alchemist's Lab
- Ammunition
- Antitoxin
- Armor
- Armor Qualities
- Armor Spikes
- Armor for Unusual Creatures
- Arrows
- Artifacts
- Artisan's Outfit
- Artisan's Tools
- Axe Weapons
- Axe, Orc Double
- Axe, Throwing
- Banded Mail
- Barding
- Battleaxe
- Blowgun
- Bludgeoning Weapon
- Bolts, Crossbow
- Book of Infinite Spells
- Bow Weapons
- Breastplate
- Buckler
- Bullets, Sling
- Caltrops
- Candle
- Cart
- Chain
- Chain Shirt
- Chain, Spiked
- Chainmail
- Cleric's Vestments
- Climber's Kit
- Clothing
- Club
- Coach Cab
- Cold Weather Outfit
- Courtier's Outfit
- Crossbow Weapons
- Crossbow, Hand
- Crossbow, Heavy
- Crossbow, Light
- Crossbow, Repeating
- Dagger
- Dagger, Punching
- Dart
- Deck of Many Things
- Disguise Kit
- Double Weapon
- Entertainer's Outfit
- Equipment
- Exotic Weapon
- Explorer's Outfit
- Falchion
- Feed
- Finessable Weapon
- Flail, Dire
- Flail, Heavy
- Flail, Light
- Flask
- Flint and Steel
- Food, Drink, and Lodging
- Full Plate Armor
- Galley
- Gauntlet
- Gauntlet, Spiked
- Getting Into and Out of Armor
- Glaive
- Greataxe
- Greatclub
- Greatsword
- Guisarme
- Halberd
- Half-Plate Armor
- Halfspear
- Hammer Weapons
- Hammer, Light
- Handaxe
- Healer's Kit
- Heavy Armor
- Hide Armor
- Holly and Mistletoe
- Holy Symbol
- Holy Water
- Improvised Weapon
- Ink
- Javelin
- Jug, Clay
- Kama
- Katana
- Keelboat
- Kukri
- Kusari-gama
- Lamp, Common
- Lance, Heavy
- Lance, Light
- Lantern, Bullseye
- Lantern, Hooded
- Large Shield
- Large Weapon
- Leather Armor
- Light Armor
- Lock
- Locked Gauntlets
- Longbow
- Longbow, Composite
- Longship
- Longspear
- Longsword
- Mace Weapons
- Mace, Heavy
- Mace, Light
- Magic Armor
- Magnifying Glass
- Manacles
- Martial Weapon
- Masterwork Armor
- Masterwork Tool
- Masterwork Weapons
- Medium Armor
- Medium-size Weapon
- Melee Weapon
- Merchant's Scale
- Messenger
- Metal Armor
- Monk Weapon
- Monk's Outfit
- Morningstar
- Mounts and Related Gear
- Musical Instrument
- Needles, Blowgun
- Net
- Noble's Outfit
- Non-Metal Armor
- Nunchaku
- Oil
- Padded Armor
- Peasant's Outfit
- Pick, Heavy
- Pick, Light
- Piercing Weapon
- Piton
- Polearm Weapons
- Projectile Weapon
- Quarterstaff
- Ram, Portable
- Ranged Weapon
- Ranseur
- Rapier
- Reach Weapon
- Road or Gate Toll
- Rope, Hemp
- Rope, Silk
- Rowboat
- Royal Outfit
- Saddle
- Sailing Ship
- Sap
- Scale Mail
- Scholar's Outfit
- Scimitar
- Scythe
- Shield Spikes
- Shields
- Ship's Passage
- Shortbow
- Shortbow, Composite
- Shortspear
- Shuriken
- Siangham
- Sickle
- Simple Weapon
- Slashing Weapon
- Sled
- Sling
- Small Shield
- Small Weapon
- Smokestick
- Spear Weapons
- Special and Superior Items
- Spell Component Pouch
- Spellcasting and Services
- Splint Mail
- Spyglass
- Stabling
- Studded Leather Armor
- Subdual Weapon
- Sunrod
- Sword Weapons
- Sword, Bastard
- Sword, Short
- Sword, Two-Bladed
- Tanglefoot Bag
- Teleportation
- Tent
- Thieves' Tools
- Thrown Weapon
- Thunderstone
- Tindertwig
- Tiny Weapon
- Tools and Skill Kits
- Torch
- Tower Shield
- Transport
- Traveler's Outfit
- Trident
- Unarmed Strike
- Unarmed Weapon
- Vial
- Wagon
- Wakizashi
- Waraxe, Dwarven
- Warhammer
- Warship
- Water Clock
- Wealth and Money
- Weapon Categories
- Weapon Qualities
- Weapons
- Whip
- Wizard's Spellbook
- About Epic Magic Items
- Absorbing Shield
- Acid
- Acid Resistance
- Acid Warding (Epic Armor Enhancement)
- Acidic Blast (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Adamantine
- Adamantine Battleaxe
- Adamantine Breastplate
- Adamantine Dagger
- Adventuring Gear
- Alchemical Silver
- Alchemist's Fire
- Alchemist's Lab
- Ammunition
- Amulet of Catapsi
- Amulet of Epic Natural Armor
- Amulet of Health
- Amulet of Inescapable Location
- Amulet of Mighty Fists
- Amulet of Natural Armor
- Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location
- Amulet of the Planes
- Anarchic
- Anarchic Power (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Animated
- Annulus
- Antimagic Armor
- Antitoxin
- Aporter
- Apparatus of the Crab
- Armor
- Armor Qualities
- Armor Spikes
- Armor for Unusual Creatures
- Armor of Arrow Attraction
- Armor of Rage
- Armor of the Abyssal Horde
- Armor of the Celestial Battalion
- Arrow Catching
- Arrow Deflection
- Arrows
- Artifacts
- Artisan's Outfit
- Artisan's Tools
- Assassin's Dagger
- Averter
- Axe Weapons
- Axe of the Dwarvish Lords
- Axiomatic
- Axiomatic Power (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Backbiter Spear
- Backstabber
- Bag of Devouring
- Bag of Holding
- Bag of Tricks
- Banded Mail
- Banded Mail of Luck
- Bane (Weapon Enhancement)
- Barding
- Bashing
- Bastard Sword
- Battleaxe
- Bead of Force
- Belt of Dwarvenkind
- Belt of Epic Strength
- Belt of Giant Strength
- Berserking Sword
- Blessed Book
- Blinding
- Bludgeoning Weapon
- Bodyfeeder
- Bolas
- Book of Infinite Spells
- Boots of Dancing
- Boots of Elvenkind
- Boots of Landing
- Boots of Levitation
- Boots of Skating
- Boots of Speed
- Boots of Stomping
- Boots of Striding and Springing
- Boots of Swiftness
- Boots of Teleportation
- Boots of Temporal Acceleration
- Boots of the Winterlands
- Bottle of Air
- Bow Weapons
- Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals
- Bracelet of Friends
- Bracers of Armor
- Bracers of Defenselessness
- Bracers of Epic Armor
- Bracers of Epic Health
- Bracers of Relentless Might
- Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals
- Breastplate
- Breastplate of Command
- Brilliant Energy
- Brooch of Shielding
- Broom of Animated Attack
- Broom of Flying
- Buckler
- Bullseye Lantern
- Bulwark of the Great Dragon
- Cabinet of Feasting
- Caltrops
- Candle
- Candle of Invocation
- Candle of Truth
- Cape of the Mountebank
- Carpet of Flying
- Carriage
- Cart
- Caster's Shield
- Celestial Armor
- Censer of Controlling Air Elementals
- Chain
- Chain Shirt
- Chainmail
- Chaos Diamond
- Chaosbringer
- Chime of Interruption
- Chime of Opening
- Circlet of Persuasion
- Clay Jug
- Cleric's Vestments
- Climber's Kit
- Cloak of Arachnida
- Cloak of Charisma
- Cloak of Elvenkind
- Cloak of Epic Charisma
- Cloak of Epic Resistance
- Cloak of Etherealness
- Cloak of Poisonousness
- Cloak of Resistance
- Cloak of the Bat
- Cloak of the Manta Ray
- Clothing
- Club
- Codex of Infinite Planes
- Cognizance Crystals
- Cold Iron
- Cold Iron Longsword
- Cold Resistance
- Cold Warding (Epic Armor Enhancement)
- Cold Weather Outfit
- Collision
- Composite Longbow
- Composite Shortbow
- Coup de Grace (Weapon Enhancement)
- Courtier's Outfit
- Crawling Tattoo
- Crawling Tattoo of Concussion
- Crawling Tattoo of Energy
- Creating Magic Items
- Creating Psionic Items
- Crossbow Bolts
- Crossbow Weapons
- Crowbar
- Crystal Anchor
- Crystal Ball
- Crystal Hypnosis Ball
- Crystal Mask
- Cube of Force
- Cube of Frost Resistance
- Cubic Gate
- Cup and Talisman of the Demigod
- Cursed Items
- Dagger
- Dagger of Venom
- Dancing
- Darkskull
- Darkwood
- Darkwood Buckler
- Darkwood Shield
- Dart
- Decanter of Endless Water
- Deck of Illusions
- Deck of Many Things
- Deep Crystal
- Defending
- Demon Armor
- Dimensional Shackles
- Dire Flail
- Disguise Kit
- Dislocator
- Disruption
- Dissipater
- Distance
- Distant Shot (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Donkey
- Dorjes
- Double Weapon
- Dragonhide
- Dragonhide Plate
- Dragonskin Armor
- Dread (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Druid's Vestment
- Drums of Panic
- Dust of Appearance
- Dust of Disappearance
- Dust of Dryness
- Dust of Illusion
- Dust of Sneezing and Choking
- Dust of Tracelessness
- Dwarven Plate
- Dwarven Thrower
- Dwarven Urgrosh
- Dwarven Waraxe
- Ectoplasmic
- Efficient Quiver
- Efreeti Bottle
- Electricity Resistance
- Elemental Gem
- Elixir of Fire Breath
- Elixir of Hiding
- Elixir of Love
- Elixir of Sneaking
- Elixir of Swimming
- Elixir of Truth
- Elixir of Vision
- Elven Chain
- Elven Greatbow
- Entertainer's Outfit
- Etherealness (Armor Enhancement)
- Everburning Torch
- Everdancing (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Everfull Purse
- Eversmoking Bottle
- Everwhirling Chain
- Exceptional Arrow Deflection (Epic Armor Enhancement)
- Exotic Weapon
- Explorer's Outfit
- Eye of the Orc
- Eyes of Charming
- Eyes of Doom
- Eyes of Expanded Vision
- Eyes of Petrification
- Eyes of Power Leech
- Eyes of the Eagle
- Falchion
- Feather Token
- Fiery Blast (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Figurine of Wondrous Power
- Finaldeath
- Finessable Weapon
- Fire Resistance
- Fire Warding (Epic Armor Enhancement)
- Flail
- Flame Tongue
- Flaming
- Flaming Burst
- Flask of Curses
- Flint and Steel
- Floating
- Folding Boat
- Food, Drink, and Lodging
- Fortification
- Frost
- Frost Brand
- Full Plate Armor
- Galley
- Gate Key
- Gauntlet
- Gauntlet of Rust
- Gauntlets of Fumbling
- Gauntlets of Ogre Power
- Gem of Brightness
- Gem of Seeing
- Getting Into and Out of Armor
- Ghost Touch (Armor Enhancement)
- Ghost Touch (Weapon Enhancement)
- Glaive
- Glamered
- Gleaming
- Glove of Storing
- Gloves of Arrow Snaring
- Gloves of Dexterity
- Gloves of Epic Dexterity
- Gloves of Object Reading
- Gloves of Swimming and Climbing
- Gloves of Titan's Grip
- Gnome Hooked Hammer
- Goggles of Minute Seeing
- Goggles of Night
- Golem Armor
- Golem Manual
- Golembane Scarab
- Grappling Hook
- Great Dislocator
- Great Invulnerability (Epic Armor Enhancement)
- Great Reflection (Epic Armor Enhancement)
- Great Spell Resistance (Epic Armor Enhancement)
- Greataxe
- Greatclub
- Greater Bracers of Archery
- Greater Horn of Blasting
- Greater Ring of Universal Energy Resistance
- Greatsword
- Gripsoul
- Guisarme
- Halberd
- Half-Plate Armor
- Hammer
- Hammer Weapons
- Hammer of Thunderbolts
- Hand Crossbow
- Hand of Glory
- Hand of the Mage
- Handaxe
- Handy Haversack
- Harp of Charming
- Hat of Disguise
- Headband of Epic Intellect
- Headband of Intellect
- Healer's Kit
- Heartening
- Heavy Armor
- Heavy Crossbow
- Heavy Flail
- Heavy Horse
- Heavy Mace
- Heavy Pick
- Heavy Shield
- Heavy Warhorse
- Helm of Brilliance
- Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic
- Helm of Opposite Alignment
- Helm of Telepathy
- Helm of Teleportation
- Helm of Underwater Action
- Hempen Rope
- Hide Armor
- Holy
- Holy Avenger
- Holy Devastator
- Holy Power (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Holy Symbol
- Holy Water
- Hooded Lantern
- Horn of Blasting
- Horn of Fog
- Horn of Goodness/Evil
- Horn of Valhalla
- Horn of the Tritons
- Horse
- Horseshoes of Speed
- Horseshoes of a Zephyr
- Horseshoes of the Peerless Steed
- Icy Blast (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Icy Burst
- Immovable Rod
- Improved Ring of Climbing
- Improved Ring of Jumping
- Improved Ring of Swimming
- Improvised Weapon
- Incense of Meditation
- Incense of Obsession
- Infinite Arrow Deflection (Epic Armor Enhancement)
- Ink
- Instant Fortress
- Intelligent Items
- Invulnerability
- Invulnerable Coat
- Ioun Stone
- Iron Bands of Binding
- Iron Flask
- Iron Gauntlet of War
- Javelin
- Javelin of Lightning
- Kama
- Keelboat
- Keen
- Ki Focus
- Kukri
- Lamp
- Lance
- Landing
- Lantern of Revealing
- Leather Armor
- Lens of Detection
- Lesser Bracers of Archery
- Libram of Gainful Conjuration
- Libram of Ineffable Damnation
- Life-Drinker
- Light Armor
- Light Crossbow
- Light Hammer
- Light Horse
- Light Mace
- Light Pick
- Light Shield
- Light Warhorse
- Light Weapon
- Lightning Blast (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Lightning Warding (Epic Armor Enhancement)
- Linked
- Lion's Shield
- Lock
- Locked Gauntlets
- Longbow
- Longship
- Longspear
- Longsword
- Luck Blade
- Lucky
- Lyre of Building
- Mace Weapons
- Mace of Blood
- Mace of Ruin
- Mace of Smiting
- Mace of Terror
- Magic Armor
- Magic Item Basics
- Magic Item Descriptions
- Magic Weapons
- Magnifying Glass
- Major Circlet of Blasting
- Major Cloak of Displacement
- Major Ring of Spell Storing
- Manacles
- Manifester (Armor Enhancement)
- Manifester (Weapon Enhancement)
- Mantle of Epic Spell Resistance
- Mantle of Faith
- Mantle of Great Stealth
- Mantle of Spell Resistance
- Manual of Bodily Health
- Manual of Gainful Exercise
- Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms
- Manual of Quickness in Action
- Manual of Silver Magic
- Manual of Stealthy Pilfering
- Martial Weapon
- Marvelous Pigments
- Mask of the Skull
- Masterwork Armor
- Masterwork Silver Dagger
- Masterwork Tool
- Masterwork Weapons
- Mattock of the Titans
- Maul of the Titans
- Medallion of Thought Projection
- Medallion of Thoughts
- Medium Armor
- Melee Weapon
- Merchant's Scale
- Merciful
- Metal Armor
- Metamagic Rod
- Mighty Cleaving
- Mighty Disruption (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Mindarmor
- Mindcrusher
- Mindfeeder
- Minor Circlet of Blasting
- Minor Cloak of Displacement
- Minor Ring of Spell Storing
- Minor Ring of Universal Energy Resistance
- Minus 2 Sword
- Mirror of Life Trapping
- Mirror of Mental Prowess
- Mirror of Mind Switch
- Mirror of Opposition
- Mirror of Suggestion
- Mirror of Time Hop
- Mithral
- Mithral Full Plate of Speed
- Mithral Heavy Shield
- Mithral Shirt
- Monk Weapon
- Monk's Belt
- Monk's Outfit
- Morningstar
- Mounts and Related Gear
- Mule
- Mundane Crystal
- Musical Instrument
- Necklace of Adaptation
- Necklace of Fireballs
- Necklace of Strangulation
- Negating (Armor Enhancement)
- Net
- Net of Snaring
- Nine Lives Stealer
- Noble's Outfit
- Non-Metal Armor
- Nonlethal Weapon
- Nunchaku
- Oathbow
- Oil
- One-Handed Weapon
- Orb of Storms
- Orc Double Axe
- Padded Armor
- Parrying
- Pearl
- Pearl of Power
- Pearl of the Sirenes
- Peasant's Outfit
- Periapt of Epic Wisdom
- Periapt of Foul Rotting
- Periapt of Health
- Periapt of Proof against Poison
- Periapt of Wisdom
- Periapt of Wound Closure
- Phasing
- Philosopher's Stone
- Phylactery of Faithfulness
- Phylactery of Undead Turning
- Piercing Weapon
- Pipes of Haunting
- Pipes of Pain
- Pipes of Sounding
- Pipes of the Sewers
- Plate Armor of the Deep
- Poisons
- Polearm Weapons
- Portable Hole
- Portable Ram
- Potion of Poison
- Potions
- Power Resistance (Armor Enhancement)
- Power Stones
- Power Storing
- Projectile Weapon
- Psibane
- Psicrown of Fiery Ruin
- Psicrown of the Astral Legion
- Psicrown of the Beast
- Psicrown of the Cautious Warrior
- Psicrown of the Crystal Mind
- Psicrown of the Discerning Watcher
- Psicrown of the Dominator
- Psicrown of the Evader
- Psicrown of the Great Dominator
- Psicrown of the Temporal Juggler
- Psicrown of the Traveler
- Psicrowns
- Psionatrix
- Psionic Armor
- Psionic Item Descriptions
- Psionic Restraints
- Psionic Tattoos
- Psionic Weapons
- Psychic
- Psychoactive Skin
- Psychokinetic
- Psychokinetic Burst
- Punching Dagger
- Quarterstaff
- Quarterstaff of Alacrity
- Quickness
- Radiant
- Random Psionic Items
- Ranged
- Ranged Weapon
- Ranseur
- Rapier
- Rapier of Puncturing
- Reach Weapon
- Reflecting
- Repeating Crossbow Bolts
- Repeating Heavy Crossbow
- Repeating Light Crossbow
- Restorative Ointment
- Returning
- Reverse Capacitor
- Rhino Hide
- Riding Dog
- Ring Gates
- Ring of Adamant Law
- Ring of Animal Friendship
- Ring of Blinking
- Ring of Chameleon Power
- Ring of Chaotic Fury
- Ring of Climbing
- Ring of Clumsiness
- Ring of Counterspells
- Ring of Djinni Calling
- Ring of Elemental Command
- Ring of Energy Immunity
- Ring of Energy Resistance
- Ring of Epic Protection
- Ring of Epic Psionics
- Ring of Epic Wizardry
- Ring of Evasion
- Ring of Feather Falling
- Ring of Force Shield
- Ring of Freedom of Movement
- Ring of Friend Shield
- Ring of Ineffable Evil
- Ring of Invisibility
- Ring of Ironskin
- Ring of Jumping
- Ring of Mind Shielding
- Ring of Nine Facets
- Ring of Protection
- Ring of Rapid Healing
- Ring of Regeneration
- Ring of Self-Sufficiency
- Ring of Sequestering
- Ring of Shooting Stars
- Ring of Spell Storing
- Ring of Spell Turning
- Ring of Sustenance
- Ring of Swimming
- Ring of Telekinesis
- Ring of Three Wishes
- Ring of Universal Energy Immunity
- Ring of Virtuous Good
- Ring of Water Walking
- Ring of Weaponbreaking
- Ring of Wizardry
- Ring of X-Ray Vision
- Ring of the Ram
- Rings
- Robe of Blending
- Robe of Bones
- Robe of Eyes
- Robe of Powerlessness
- Robe of Scintillating Colors
- Robe of Stars
- Robe of Useful Items
- Robe of Vermin
- Robe of the Archmagi
- Rod of Absorption
- Rod of Alertness
- Rod of Besiegement
- Rod of Cancellation
- Rod of Enemy Detection
- Rod of Epic Absorption
- Rod of Epic Cancellation
- Rod of Epic Might
- Rod of Epic Negation
- Rod of Epic Rulership
- Rod of Epic Spellcaster
- Rod of Epic Splendor
- Rod of Excellent Magic
- Rod of Flailing
- Rod of Flame Extinguishing
- Rod of Fortification
- Rod of Invulnerability
- Rod of Lordly Might
- Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection
- Rod of Negation
- Rod of Nightmares
- Rod of Paradise
- Rod of Restless Death
- Rod of Rulership
- Rod of Security
- Rod of Splendor
- Rod of Thunder and Lightning
- Rod of Withering
- Rod of Wonder
- Rod of the Path
- Rod of the Python
- Rod of the Viper
- Rods
- Rogue's Dice
- Rope of Climbing
- Rope of Entanglement
- Rowboat
- Royal Outfit
- Saddle
- Sai
- Sailing Ship
- Salve of Slipperiness
- Sap
- Scabbard of Keen Edges
- Scale Mail
- Scarab of Death
- Scarab of Protection
- Scholar's Outfit
- Scimitar
- Screaming Bolt
- Scrolls
- Scythe
- Seeing
- Seeking
- Shadow (Armor Enhancement)
- Shapeshifter's Armor
- Shard
- Shatterspike
- Shields
- Shifter's Sorrow
- Shock
- Shocking Burst
- Short Sword
- Shortbow
- Shortspear
- Shouds of Disintegration
- Shuriken
- Siangham
- Sickle
- Silent Moves
- Silk Rope
- Silversheen
- Simple Weapon
- Slashing Weapon
- Slaying Arrow
- Sled
- Sleep Arrow
- Slick
- Sling
- Sling Bullets
- Slippers of Spider Climbing
- Smokestick
- Sonic Blast (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Sonic Resistance
- Sonic Warding (Epic Armor Enhancement)
- Soulbreaker
- Souldrinker
- Sovereign Glue
- Spear
- Spear Weapons
- Special Substances and Items
- Specific Cursed Items
- Specific Epic Weapons
- Specific Magic Armor
- Specific Magic Weapons
- Speed
- Spell Component Pouch
- Spell Resistance (Armor Enhancement)
- Spell Storing
- Spellcasting and Services
- Sphere of Annihilation
- Spiked Chain
- Spiked Gauntlet
- Spined Shield
- Splint Mail
- Spyglass
- Staff of Abjuration
- Staff of Charming
- Staff of Conjuration
- Staff of Defense
- Staff of Divination
- Staff of Domination
- Staff of Earth and Stone
- Staff of Enchantment
- Staff of Evocation
- Staff of Fiery Power
- Staff of Fire
- Staff of Frost
- Staff of Healing
- Staff of Illumination
- Staff of Illusion
- Staff of Life
- Staff of Mighty Force
- Staff of Nature's Fury
- Staff of Necromancy
- Staff of Necromancy (Epic Magic Staff)
- Staff of Passage
- Staff of Planar Might
- Staff of Power
- Staff of Prism
- Staff of Rapid Barrage
- Staff of Size Alteration
- Staff of Spheres
- Staff of Swarming Insects
- Staff of Transmutation
- Staff of Walls
- Staff of Winter
- Staff of Woodlands
- Staff of the Cosmos
- Staff of the Hierophants
- Staff of the Magi
- Staffs
- Stone Horse
- Stone Salve
- Stone of Alarm
- Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals
- Stone of Good Luck
- Stone of Weight
- Stormbrand
- Strand of Prayer Beads
- Studded Leather Armor
- Sun Blade
- Sundering
- Sunrod
- Suppression
- Sustaining Spoon
- Sutra of Tranquil Thought
- Sword Weapons
- Sword of Life Stealing
- Sword of Subtlety
- Sword of the Planes
- Sylvan Scimitar
- Talisman of Pure Good
- Talisman of Reluctant Wishes
- Talisman of Ultimate Evil
- Talisman of the Sphere
- Tanglefoot Bag
- Teleporting
- The Moaning Diamond
- The Orbs of Dragonkind
- The Saint's Mace
- The Shadowstaff
- The Shield of the Sun
- Thieves' Tools
- Third Eye
- Throwing
- Throwing Axe
- Thrown Weapon
- Thundering
- Thunderstone
- Time Buttress
- Tindertwig
- Tome of Clear Thought
- Tome of Leadership and Influence
- Tome of Understanding
- Tools and Skill Kits
- Torc of Free Will
- Torc of Leech Freedom
- Torc of Power Preservation
- Torch
- Tower Shield
- Transport
- Traveler's Outfit
- Trident
- Trident of Fish Command
- Trident of Warning
- Triple-Throw (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Two-Bladed Sword
- Two-Handed Weapon
- Unarmed Strike
- Unarmed Weapon
- Undead Controlling
- Unerring Accuracy (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Unguent of Timelessness
- Unholy
- Unholy Despoiler
- Unholy Power (Epic Weapon Enhancement)
- Universal Items
- Universal Solvent
- Using Psionic Items
- Vacuous Grimoire
- Vanishing
- Vest of Escape
- Vial
- Vicious
- Vorpal
- Wagon
- Wall
- Wands
- Warhammer
- Warlord's Breastplate
- Warship
- Water Clock
- Wealth and Money
- Weapon Categories
- Weapon Qualities
- Weapons
- Well of Many Worlds
- Whip
- Wild
- Wind Fan
- Winged Boots
- Winged Shield
- Wings of Flying
- Wizard's Spellbook
- Wondrous Items
- Wounding
- Wyrm Rod
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gollark: Here's a more complete version.
gollark: It orbits Pluto, which orbits Earth. Honestly, what do they *teach* children in schoÖl?
gollark: No it's not. If it wasn't in Earth orbit, then my banks of Earth-facing lunar railguns wouldn't really work.
gollark: It is in our orbit.
gollark: It would require much Δv to crash it into the sun, but escaping Earth's gravity is easier. "Out of sight, out of mind", as they say.
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