SRD:Psionic Restraints
Psionic Restraints: Each of the various psionic restraints is an iron cuff that cunningly locks around the wrist (DC 27 Open Lock check). The cuff limits the total number of power points a psionic creature wearing it can use in 1 round (regardless of the creature’s total power point reserve), or completely damps the ability to use psionics. All types of psionic restraints prevent the free manifesting of powers.
Restraint Type | Allowed Power Points/Round | Market Price |
Lesser | 5 | 1,000 gp |
Average | 3 | 6,000 gp |
Greater | 1 | 12,000 gp |
Damping | 0 | 24,000 gp |
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Strong psychokinesis; ML 16th; Craft Universal Item, bend reality, dispel psionics; Weight 1 lb.
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