5e Undead Monsters
Undead Type Monsters, Quality and Featured
These monsters have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.
Name | CR | Speed | Size | Type | Alignment |
Undead Type Monsters
Name | CR | Speed | Size | Type | Alignment |
Adamantine Skeleton | 6 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Adze | 4 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Aegislash | 6 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. | Medium | undead | any alignment |
Akikage | 7 | 40 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Alghoul | 1/2 | 35 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Anabast | 20 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Archlich | 23 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | any evil alignment |
Army of Darkness | 17 | 30 ft. | Gargantuan | undead | neutral evil |
Aswang | 3 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Atropal | 30 | 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (hover) | Huge | undead | lawful evil |
Avatar Knight | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Avatar of Death, Rebalanced | — | 60 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Equal to the size of the creature that summoned it | undead | neutral evil |
Basilisk Zombie | 2 | 10 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Bastellus | 3 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Beeblezug | 2 | 15 ft. | Small | undead | unaligned |
Berenike Knight | 3 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful neutral |
Blood Hulk | 8 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Blood Zombie | 1/2 | 20 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Bloodborn | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Blossom Haltija | 5 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Small | undead | chaotic neutral |
Bodak, Variant | 7 | 20 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Boneclaw | 7 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Bonecrusher | 7 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | lawful evil |
Bonie | 1 | 30 ft., climb 20 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Burnt Treant | 13 | 40 ft. | Huge | undead | chaotic evil |
Buwan Aswang (Chiropteran Horror) | 5 | 30 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Cadaver Colossus | 19 | 30 ft. | Gargantuan | undead | neutral evil |
Cairn Wraith | 3 | 25 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Caller in Darkness | 4 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Camel Zombie | 1/8 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Carnogeist | 17 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Huge | undead | unaligned |
Chaos Space Marine, Plague Marine | 10 | 25 ft. | Large | undead | any evil alignment |
Chaos Space Marine, Rubric Marine | 10 | 25 ft. | Large | undead | lawful neutral |
Clamshell Haltija | 5 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. | Small | undead | chaotic neutral |
Corpse Behemoth | 6 | 30 ft. | Huge | undead | neutral evil |
Corpse Gatherer | 19 | 40 ft., burrow 10 ft. | Gargantuan | undead | neutral |
Corruptor | 4 | 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Couatl Scorned | 4 | 30 ft., 90 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Crypt Horror | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Crypt Stalker | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Cursed Bokoblin | 1/2 | 20 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Cursed Keese | 1/4 | 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Tiny | undead | neutral evil |
Death Drinker | 2 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Death Sovereign | 24 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Death Sword | 10 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Huge | undead | unaligned |
Deep Tentacle | 1/8 | 5 ft., swim 40 ft. | Medium | undead | unaligned |
Demise Armor | 10 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | unaligned |
Demizen Ancient Red Dracolich | 30 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Gargantuan | undead | chaotic evil |
Demizen Vampire Lord | 30 | 80 ft., fly 150 ft (hover). | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Demizen Wraith | 10 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Devourer | 1 | 20 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Dire Ghoul | 8 | 25 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Doublade | 3 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. | Small | undead | any alignment |
Dragapult | 10 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. | Medium | undead | any alignment |
Drakloak | 5 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. | Small | undead | any alignment |
Draugr | 4 | 20 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Draugr Deathjarl | 25 | 20 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Dread Wraith, Variant | 26 | 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Dread Wraith | 25 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Dreepy | 1/4 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. | Tiny | undead | any alignment |
Drowner | 1 | 35 ft., swim 35 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Drownie | 1 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Dust Lich | 13 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | any evil alignment |
Eater of Souls | 1/2 | 20 ft., fly 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Eater of Worlds | 7 | 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. | Huge | undead | chaotic evil |
Entombed | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Entombed Crypt Lord | 18 | 30 ft. | Huge | undead | neutral evil |
Entombed Marauder | 7 | 30 ft. | Huge | undead | neutral evil |
Feather Haltija | 5 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Small | undead | chaotic neutral |
Fell Turtle | 1 | 10 ft., climb 5 ft., swim 20 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Floating Skull | 0 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Tiny | undead | lawful evil |
Four-Armed Skeleton | 4 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Gastly | 1 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | any alignment |
Gengar | 6 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Medium | undead | any alignment |
Ghastly Warlock | 4 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Ghini | 1 | 10 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Small | undead | chaotic evil (50%) or chaotic neutral (50%) |
Ghoul Jester | 5 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Ghoul Lord | 6 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Giant Badger Skeleton | 1/2 | 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Gibbergeist | 5 | 40 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Small | undead | unaligned |
Gleeok Head | 3 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Small | undead | lawful evil |
Grave Guard | 3 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Greater Wight | 5 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Greater Zombie | 1 | 20 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Grimhound | 2 | 30 ft. | Small | undead | unaligned |
Halfling Vampire | 5 | 25 ft. | Small | undead | lawful evil |
Haunted Armour | 5 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | any lawful alignment |
Haunter | 3 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. | Medium | undead | any alignment |
Hexwraith | 5 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Honedge | 1/4 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. | Small | undead | any alignment |
Horror Knight | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Incorporeal Skeleton | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Jikiniki | 1/2 | 30 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Kayang/Pennaggolan Shogun | 19 | 30 ft., fly 50 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Keeper-Moth | 1/2 | 20 ft., fly 45 ft. (hover) | Small | undead | unaligned |
Lesion | 3 | 20 ft, fly 10 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Lich Wraith | 26 | 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Liver Leech | 0 | 15 ft., climb 15 ft. | Tiny | undead | lawful evil |
Living Wall | 8 | 0 ft. | Huge | undead | chaotic evil |
Lumbering Zombie | 1/2 | 20 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Maramorian Sand Echo | 6 | 30 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | undead | lawful neutral |
Maramorian Skull of the Sky Thief | 5 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Small | undead | chaotic evil |
Marshadow | 18 | 30 ft. | Small | undead | chaotic neutral |
Martial Glory | 12 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | chaotic neutral |
Masked Horror | 5 | 30 ft., climb 20 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Mind Shade | 9 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Mob of Skeletons | 9 | 30 ft. | Gargantuan | undead | neutral evil |
Mob of Zombies | 9 | 20 ft. | Gargantuan | undead | neutral evil |
Monstrougeist | 22 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Gargantuan | undead | unaligned |
Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant | 21 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Mourngul | 14 | 10 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths | 25 | 30 ft., swim 80 ft. | Gargantuan | undead | neutral evil |
Necrolyte | 2 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Necromanwich | 4 | 0 ft., fly 15 ft. (hover) | Tiny | undead | chaotic evil |
Necromass | 30 | 45 ft. | Gargantuan | undead | chaotic evil |
Necrosteed | 1 | 60 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Needle Haltija | 8 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic neutral |
Nightcrawler | 19 | 50 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Gargantuan | undead | chaotic evil |
Nightmare Wraith | 6 | 60 ft., fly 90 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Nightshade Zombie | 5 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Nightwalker | 16 | 40 ft. | Huge | undead | chaotic evil |
Nightwing | 14 | 20 ft., fly 60 ft. | Huge | undead | chaotic evil |
Nimble Skeleton | 1/2 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Nosferatu | 9 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Nuckelavee | 13 | 50 ft., swim 40 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Ogre Skeleton | 2 | 40 ft. | Large | undead | lawful evil |
Phantasm | 10 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Phantom Ganon | 12 | 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Phantom Train | 15 | drive 60 ft | Gargantuan | Undead | Neutral |
Pixie Skeleton | 1/4 | 10 ft., fly 25 ft. | Tiny | undead | lawful evil |
Plague Creeper | 7 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Plague Zombie | 1/2 | 20 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Poe | 1 | 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Small | undead | chaotic evil |
Possessed Zombie | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Possessing Poe | 2 | 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Small | undead | chaotic evil |
Pumpkin Head | 3 | 40 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Queen of Twisted Hearts | 12 | 30 ft., fly 20 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil (80%) or chaotic evil (20%) |
Redead | 3 | 15 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Redead Knight | 6 | 20 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Reforming Skeleton | 3 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Remnant | 10 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Revenant | 5 | 30 ft | Medium | undead | neutral |
Rot Lord | 25 | 35 ft. | Large | undead | lawful evil |
Rotbringer | 19 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Rotted Treant | 9 | 20 ft. | Huge | undead | neutral evil |
Rust Monster Skeleton | 1/4 | 10 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Sack Horror | 3 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Sanguine Seeker | 6 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Sculpergeist | 3 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Scuttlegeist | 3 | 60 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Small | undead | unaligned |
Scythe Poe | 2 | 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Small | undead | chaotic evil |
Sequestered Soul | 0 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) | Tiny | undead | lawful neutral |
Shadow Queen | 7 | 40 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Shadow Soldier, Rank 1 | 1/2 | 30ft | Medium | undead | lawful neutral |
Shadow Soldier, Rank 2 | 2 | 30ft | Medium | undead | lawful neutral |
Shadow Soldier, Rank 3 | 3 | 30ft | Medium | undead | lawful neutral |
Shadow Soldier, Rank 4 | 5 | 30ft | Large | undead | lawful neutral |
Shadow Soldier Rank 1 | 1/2 | 30ft | Medium | undead | lawful neutral |
Shadow Witch | 2 | 40 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Shedinja | 5 | 25 ft., fly 30 ft. | Small | undead | any alignment |
Shikki-Gaki | 1 | 20 ft., burrow 10 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Shinen-Gaki | 2 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) | Tiny | undead | neutral (25%) or chaotic evil (75%) |
Shivergeist | 4 | 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | any alignment |
Silent Abomination | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Skeletal Pirate | 1/2 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Skeleton Arcana | 3 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Skeleton Knight | 4 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Skeleton Monk | 3 | 40 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Skeleton Warrior | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Skeletron | 9 | 20 ft., fly 50 ft. | Huge | undead | neutral evil |
Skinstealer | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Skull Hunter | 13 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Skull Reaper | 24 | 80 ft., climb 80 ft. | Gargantuan | undead | chaotic evil |
Snappergeist | 6 | 15 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | unaligned |
Soul Scorcher | 6 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Spectral Guardian | 10 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | neutral |
Stalchampion | 9 | 40 ft. | Huge | undead | chaotic evil |
Stalchild | 1/8 | 15 ft. | Small | undead | chaotic evil |
Staldra | 3 | 40 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Stalfos | 1/4 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Stalfos Knight | 3 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Stalhead | 1/8 | 15 ft. | Tiny | undead | chaotic evil |
Stalmaster | 8 | 40 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Storm Giant Skeleton | 11 | 50 ft., swim 50 ft. | Huge | undead | lawful evil |
Strahd Von Zarovich, Variant | 18 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Terrorgheist | 13 | 25 ft., fly 80 ft. | Huge | undead | neutral evil |
The Four Kings | 10 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
The Jailer | 7 | 25 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Tormented Soul | 2 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Twilight Stalker | 9 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Typhus the Traveller | 18 | 20 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Tyrannosaurus Rex Zombie | 8 | 40 ft. | Huge | undead | neutral evil |
Undead Lake Monster | 16 | 20 ft., swim 40 ft. | Gargantuan | undead | chaotic evil |
Undead Sharkenbear | 5 | 35 ft., swim 45 ft. | Huge | undead | unaligned |
Undead Unicorn | 5 | 60 ft. | Large | undead | lawful evil |
Undying | 15 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Ursolavee | 8 | 50 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Vampire Lord | 26 | 50 ft., fly 80 ft. | Large | undead | lawful evil |
Vargheist | 2 | 30 ft., fly 50 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Varghulf | 8 | 50 ft. | Huge | undead | chaotic evil |
Verminoth | 30 | 60 ft., fly 240 ft., swim 60 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Wailing Hermit | 4 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Warhorse Zombie | 1/2 | 50 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Whale Zombie | 4 | 0 ft., swim 50 ft. | Huge | undead | neutral evil |
Wight King | 9 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Wight Tyrant | 8 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
World Feeder | 6 | 20 ft., burrow 40 ft. | Huge | undead | chaotic evil |
Wraith Weed | 9 | 0 ft. | Large | undead | chaotic evil |
Wraithguard | 10 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | chaotic good (50%) or chaotic evil (50%) |
Wrigglegeist | 1 | 20 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) | Tiny | undead | unaligned |
Wu Jiangshi | 6 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Yurei | 12 | 40 ft. | Medium | undead | chaotic evil |
Yveltal | 22 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Huge | undead | chaotic neutral |
Zappergeist | 6 | 60 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Medium | undead | unaligned |
Zombie, Child | 1/8 | 20 ft. | Small | undead | neutral evil |
Zombie, Kobold | 1/4 | 20 ft. | Small | undead | neutral evil |
Zombie Boss | 40 | 200 ft. | Titanic | undead | neutral evil |
Zombie Horror | 2 | 30 ft. | Large | undead | neutral evil |
Zombie Knight | 3 | 30 | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
Zombie Lord | 6 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | neutral evil |
Zombie Warrior | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | undead | lawful evil |
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gollark: If they peeked into private repositories, it would leak and destroy all trust, so they won't.
gollark: <@229624651314233346> Ooooh nooooo! Imagine if they saw code for open source stuff!
gollark: Again, <@!229624651314233346>, you haven't explained why that's *actually bad*.
gollark: No, I mean, why does this matter? <@113673208296636420>
gollark: <@113673208296636420>
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