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Races Faun (5e Race) Gremlin (5e Race) Spriggan (5e Race) Suffering Orcs (3.5e Race)
Classes Alchemist (5e Class) Barbarian of the North (3.5e Class) Bounty Hunter (3.5e Class) Cardcaster (5e Class) Diabolist (5e Class) Feywalker (5e Class) God's Eye (3.5e Prestige Class) Inquisitor (3.5e Prestige Class) Investigator (3.5e Class) Justice (3.5e NPC Class) Lawkeeper (3.5e Prestige Class) Magehunter (3.5e Prestige Class) Noble (5e Class) Occultist (5e Class) Spellbane (3.5e Prestige Class) Time Thief (Pathfinder Class)
Character Options Alchemist's Apprentice (5e Background) Bloodkeeper's Barricade (5e Background) Epitheos Monastery (5e Background)
Skills Basic Local Info (3.5e Knowledge (Local) Skill Use) Decipher Sentinel Stone or Mark of Justice (3.5e Knowledge (Arcana or Religion) Skill Use) Determine Legality (3.5e Knowledge (Law) Skill Use) Forensic Pathology (3.5e Heal Skill Use) Hide Your Trail (3.5e Survival Skill Use) Specific Info (3.5e Gather Information Skill Use) Spot Sense Motive or Spell Use (3.5e Sense Motive Skill Use) Throw Off Pursuit (3.5e Diplomacy Skill Use) Torture (3.5e Heal Skill Use) Torture (3.5e Intimidate Skill Use) Urban Tracking (3.5e Gather Information Skill Use)
Feats Abyssal Hide (5e Feat) Alchemical Artillerist (5e Feat) Arcane Ley Lines (3.5e Feat) Arch Nemesis (3.5e Feat) Astrologer (5e Feat) Avatar (3.5e Feat) Balor Wings (5e Feat) Barbaric Past (3.5e Feat) Bardic Lore (3.5e Feat) Beast Line (3.5e Feat) Bloodkeeper Arts (5e Feat) Bondsman (3.5e Feat) Boundaries of the Past (3.5e Feat) Brew Epic Potion (3.5e Feat) Brew Greater Potion (3.5e Feat) Brew Unstable Potion (3.5e Feat) Cardshark (5e Feat) Careful Listener (3.5e Feat) Cartomancy (5e Feat) Chosen of Fortune (5e Feat) Co Dependence (3.5e Feat) Cosmic Ritualist (5e Feat) Couatl Crest (5e Feat) Damage Reduction (3.5e Feat) Defensive Stance (3.5e Feat) Delusions of Grandeur (3.5e Feat) Destiny Denied (3.5e Feat) Deva Wings (5e Feat) Devil’s Arm (5e Feat) Distracting Stance (3.5e Feat) Divine Champion (3.5e Feat) Divine Ley Lines (3.5e Feat) Dretch Belch (5e Feat) Dwarf Line (3.5e Feat) Elf Line (3.5e Feat) Expeditious Alchemy (5e Feat) Forgotten Lore (3.5e Feat) Greased Lightning (5e Feat) Great Destiny (3.5e Feat) Greater Damage Reduction (3.5e Feat) Greater Maiming Strike (3.5e Feat) Greater Stunning Strike (3.5e Feat) Group Tactics (3.5e Feat) Hard to Fool (3.5e Feat) Holy Drive (5e Feat) Improved Damage Reduction (3.5e Feat) Improved Defensive Stance (3.5e Feat) Improved Maiming Strike (3.5e Feat) Improved Stunning Strike (3.5e Feat) Imp’s Eye (5e Feat) Indomitable (3.5e Feat) Infernal Horns (5e Feat) Infernal Mask (5e Feat) Inspired Past (3.5e Feat) Intuitive Diviner (5e Feat) Maiming Strike (3.5e Feat) Metaknowledge (5e Feat) Monastic Past (3.5e Feat) Mounted Musketeer (5e Feat) Multiple Stunning Strike (3.5e Feat) Net Master (3.5e Feat) Noble Past (3.5e Feat) Paragon of Beasts (3.5e Feat) Past Life (3.5e Feat) Perfect Body (3.5e Feat) Perfect Flesh (3.5e Feat) Perfect Mind (3.5e Feat) Perfect Self (3.5e Feat) Perfect Soul (3.5e Feat) Pernicious Poisoner (5e Feat) Planetar Visage (5e Feat) Slippery Tongue (3.5e Feat) Solar Gaze (5e Feat) Sorcerous Past (3.5e Feat) Soul of Light (5e Feat) Spellsense (3.5e Feat) Stunning Strike (3.5e Feat) Superior Damage Reduction (3.5e Feat) Superior Maiming Strike (3.5e Feat) Suppress Spell Energy (3.5e Feat) Swordsaint (5e Feat) Twist the Knife (3.5e Feat) Unicorn Horn (5e Feat) Virtuous Past (3.5e Feat) Vrock Feathers (5e Feat)
Equipment Alchemical Torch (5e Equipment) Ammunition, Bullet (50) (5e Equipment) Ammunition, Fire Arrow/Bolt (20) (5e Equipment) Ammunition, Rounds (20) (5e Equipment) Ammunition, Shot (20) (5e Equipment) Ball and Chain (3.5e Equipment) Barrel Chain Rifle (5e Equipment) Blunderbuss (5e Equipment) Carbine (5e Equipment) Elephant Gun (5e Equipment) Elephant Pistol (5e Equipment) Facemold Paste (5e Equipment) Fire Lance (5e Equipment) Flareshot (3.5e Equipment) Flashstone (3.5e Equipment) Flintlock Revolver (5e Equipment) Glacial Effector (5e Equipment) Gun Cane (5e Equipment) Gun Kit (5e Equipment) Gun Shield (5e Equipment) Hand Blunderbuss (5e Equipment) Hand Cannon (5e Equipment) Harmonica Pistol (5e Equipment) Harmonica Rifle (5e Equipment) Harquebus (5e Equipment) Harquebus Hybrid (5e Equipment) Hexagonal Rifle (5e Equipment) Hybrid Pistol (5e Equipment) Investigator's Kit (3.5e Equipment) Iron Hands (3.5e Equipment) King's Walking Staff (5e Equipment) Lead Ingot (5e Equipment) Leather Gag (3.5e Equipment) Lever Action Carbine (5e Equipment) Lever Action Pistol (5e Equipment) Matchlock Musket (5e Equipment) Matchlock Pistol (5e Equipment) Midnight Dust (5e Equipment) Mithral Net (3.5e Equipment) Mithral Rope (3.5e Equipment) Mother's Milk (3.5e Equipment) Musket (5e Equipment) Needle Rifle (5e Equipment) Pepperbox Pistol (5e Equipment) Pepperbox Rifle (5e Equipment) Pistol (5e Equipment) Pocket Pistol (5e Equipment) Poppy's Kiss (3.5e Equipment) Powder Flask (5e Equipment) Repeating Flintlock Pistol (5e Equipment) Rest (5e Equipment) Revolver (5e Equipment) Revolving Blunderbuss (5e Equipment) Revolving Carbine (5e Equipment) Revolving Rifle (5e Equipment) Rifle (5e Equipment) Rotating Revolver (5e Equipment) Saber (5e Equipment) Silk Net (3.5e Equipment) Smoke Bomb (5e Equipment) Sparksprig (5e Equipment) Strolga (3.5e Equipment) Thundershot (3.5e Equipment) Torturer's Lab (3.5e Equipment) Triangular Bayonet (5e Equipment) Truth Serum (3.5e Equipment) Turret Pistol (5e Equipment) Turret Rifle (5e Equipment) Volley Musket (5e Equipment) Volley Pistol (5e Equipment)
Magic Items Adamantine Bullet (5e Equipment) Blood Drinking (3.5e Equipment) Bloodkeeper Crystal (5e Equipment) Bottled Spirits (3.5e Equipment) Calamity Blade (5e Equipment) Circle of Thought (3.5e Equipment) Clinging (3.5e Equipment) Cloak of Shadows (3.5e Equipment) Collar of Dreamless Sleep (3.5e Equipment) Collar of Pain (3.5e Equipment) Collar of Pain Control Ring (3.5e Equipment) Death Coins (3.5e Equipment) Dire Bear Mask (5e Equipment) Dragon's Breath Shot (5e Equipment) Enchanted Manacles (3.5e Equipment) Figurine of Wondrous Power, Bloodhound (3.5e Equipment) Figurine of Wondrous Power: Agate Cat (5e Equipment) Gloves of Subtle Casting (3.5e Equipment) Goblin Mask (5e Equipment) Hag Mask (5e Equipment) Hill Giant Mask (5e Equipment) Honor's Seat (3.5e Equipment) Jawbreakers' War Mask (5e Equipment) Key Talisman (3.5e Equipment) Mana Manacles (3.5e Equipment) Manacles of Ghostly Binding (3.5e Equipment) Manacles of Maintenance (3.5e Equipment) Mantle of the Inquisitor (3.5e Equipment) Mask of Humanity (5e Equipment) Mask of the Dragon (5e Equipment) Mask of the Feychild (5e Equipment) Mask of the Infernal Offspring (5e Equipment) Mask of the Shamed Royal (5e Equipment) Message Stones (3.5e Equipment) Monocle of Aura Comparison (3.5e Equipment) Moon Powder (5e Equipment) No-Headed Coin (5e Equipment) Octopoid Mask (5e Equipment) Orb of Dimensional Stability (3.5e Equipment) Orb of Silence (3.5e Equipment) Phantom Blade (3.5e Equipment) Portable Cell (3.5e Equipment) Powder of Power (3.5e Equipment) Rain Match (5e Equipment) Ring of Truth (3.5e Equipment) Robe of Deception (3.5e Equipment) Rod of Containment (3.5e Equipment) Sentinel Stone, Greater (3.5e Equipment) Sentinel Stone (3.5e Equipment) Silent Passenger (3.5e Equipment) Sleeper Net (3.5e Equipment) Spark Staff (5e Equipment) Spectacles of Speculation (3.5e Equipment) Spellbane's Bolt, Greater (3.5e Equipment) Spellbane's Bolt (3.5e Equipment) Stone of Wit (3.5e Equipment) Stoneborn Death Mask (5e Equipment) Tentacle Rope (3.5e Equipment) The Ghost Hood (5e Equipment) The Proclaimer (5e Equipment) The Slashed Faces (5e Equipment) Thought Disruption (3.5e Equipment) Trackless Boots (3.5e Equipment) Visage of the Vampire (5e Equipment)
Spells 5e Mag Spell Agony (3.5e Spell) Anathema (3.5e Spell) Animate Net (3.5e Spell) Astromancy (5e Spell) Aural Disruption (3.5e Spell) Ban (3.5e Spell) Blood Spilled Anew (3.5e Spell) Bumble (3.5e Spell) Cloak of Silence (3.5e Spell) Cloud the Guilty Mind (3.5e Spell) Conjure Deep Abomination (5e Spell) Detect Bloodtraces (3.5e Spell) Detect Heretic (3.5e Spell) Detect Magical Residue (3.5e Spell) Detect Mystical Streams (3.5e Spell) Direct Conversation (3.5e Spell) Dreaming Tide (5e Spell) Drowning (5e Spell) Eclipse (5e Spell) Endure Pain (3.5e Spell) Excommunicate (3.5e Spell) Final Vision (3.5e Spell) Follow the Bloody Trail (3.5e Spell) Form Bloodstone (3.5e Spell) Garble (3.5e Spell) Greater Mark of Justice (3.5e Spell) Herculean Force (5e Spell) Hinder (3.5e Spell) Indelible Mark (3.5e Spell) Induced Illiteracy (3.5e Spell) Light of Truth (3.5e Spell) Magnitude-Based Spellcasting (5e Sourcebook)/Animal Whisperer Malediction (3.5e Spell) Mystic Opposition (3.5e Spell) Mystical Manacles (3.5e Spell) Mystical Void (3.5e Spell) Opposing Currents (3.5e Spell) Painful Truth (3.5e Spell) Pins and Needles (3.5e Spell) Putrefy Food (5e Spell) Read the Guilty Face (3.5e Spell) Scatterbrain (3.5e Spell) Scourge (3.5e Spell) See the Face (3.5e Spell) Sever from the Source (3.5e Spell) Sleep of the Unjust (3.5e Spell) Steal the Painful Memory (3.5e Spell) Testimony of the Broken Window (3.5e Spell) Universal Potion (5e Spell)
Divinity Foresight (3.5e Cleric Domain) Justice (3.5e Cleric Domain) Silver Book (3.5e Deity)
Variant Rules Capacity (5e Variant Rule) Chain Fire (5e Variant Rule) Double-Action (5e Variant Rule) Experimenting and Grafting (5e Variant Rule) Firearm Customization (5e Variant Rule) Judicial Curses (3.5e Variant Rule) Legal System (3.5e Variant Rule) Loud (5e Variant Rule) Magical Nets (3.5e Variant Rule) Match Loading (5e Variant Rule) Misalignment (5e Variant Rule) Misfire (5e Variant Rule) Rest (5e Variant Rule) Restraints (3.5e Variant Rule) Shot (5e Variant Rule) Turret Chain Fire (5e Variant Rule) Unwieldy (5e Variant Rule) Volley (5e Variant Rule) Warfare (5e Variant Rule)
Creatures, Templates and NPCs Abominable Beauty (5e Creature) Abrikandilu (5e Creature) Accursed Defiler (5e Creature) Accuser Devil (5e Creature) Ala (5e Creature) Algorith (5e Creature) Alseid (5e Creature) Alseid Grovekeeper (5e Creature) Amphiptere (5e Creature) Andrenjinyi (5e Creature) Angatra (5e Creature) Angler Worm (5e Creature) Anubian (5e Creature) Arboreal Grappler (5e Creature) Aridni (5e Creature) Asanbosam (5e Creature) Avatar of Boreas (5e Creature) Azza Gremlin (5e Creature) Baba Yaga's Horsemen, Black Night (5e Creature) Baba Yaga's Horsemen, Bright Day (5e Creature) Baba Yaga's Horsemen, Red Sun (5e Creature) Bagiennik (5e Creature) Bandit Lord (5e Creature) Bastet Temple Cat (5e Creature) Bearfolk (5e Creature) Behtu (5e Creature) Beli (5e Creature) Bereginyas (5e Creature) Bibliognost (5e Creature) Black Icer (5e Creature) Black Knight Commander (5e Creature) Blazing Spider (5e Creature) Blemmyes (5e Creature) Bloodhound (3.5e Creature) Blutsauger (5e Creature) Boloti (5e Creature) Bolt-Thrower (5e Creature) Bone Collective (5e Creature) Bone Crab (5e Creature) Bone Swarm (5e Creature) Bouda (5e Creature) Broodiken (5e Creature) Bucca (5e Creature) Bukavac (5e Creature) Buraq (5e Creature) Buraq (6e Creature) Burrowling (5e Creature) Cacodaemon (5e Creature) Cactid (5e Creature) Cambium (5e Creature) Carrion Beetle (5e Creature) Carrow (5e Creature) Chained Angel (5e Creature) Clockwork Knight (5e Creature) Cloud Spider (5e Creature) Contract Devil (5e Creature) Djehuty (5e Creature) Fidele Angel (5e Creature) Forvirskrípi (5e Creature) Gear Spider (5e Creature) Geode Spider (5e Creature) Giant Ant (5e Creature) Giant Ant Queen (5e Creature) Granitehead (5e Creature) Grimlock Brute (5e Creature) Grimlock Supplicant (5e Creature) Grinder (5e Creature) Hlaupa (5e Creature) Hydrodaemon (5e Creature) Kalke (5e Creature) Knútadraugr (5e Creature) Littoral Spider (5e Creature) Living Spellbook (5e Creature) Magehound (3.5e Creature) Magma Elemental (5e Creature) Maw Swarm (5e Creature) Mubida (5e Creature) Mud Elemental (5e Creature) Nihileth (5e Creature) Nihilethic Zombie (5e Creature) OGC 5e Template Preload Ochokochi (5e Creature) Oculite (5e Creature) Plaguebelly (5e Creature) Poludnitsa (5e Creature) Revilock (5e Creature) Revilock Paragon (5e Creature) Samovila (5e Creature) Sand Elemental (5e Creature) Slithering Crown (5e Creature) Slitherwhite (5e Creature) Smoke Elemental (5e Creature) Snow Angel (5e Creature) Steam Elemental (5e Creature) Storm Elemental (5e Creature) Thanadaemon (5e Creature) Thornfist (5e Creature) Thuull (5e Creature) Titivullus (5e Creature) Troglodyte Meatseeker (5e Creature) Troglodyte Wallower (5e Creature) Viy (5e Creature) Wailer on the Ice (5e Creature) Warmonger Devil (5e Creature) Íssax (5e Creature)

[[Category:{{{publisher}}}]] [[Category:{{{product}}}]]

gollark: Well, Keanu decided to *un*trust me. This is clearly RACISM.
gollark: And I wasn't stealing, just looking into the box.
gollark: It is very mean to kill trusted people.
gollark: Rightclick!
gollark: Can I install potatOS on this?
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