OGC:Dire Bear Mask (5e Equipment)
Dire Bear Mask
Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)
While wearing this mask your sense of hearing and smell heighten, and you are filled with the primal urge to hunt. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing and scent, and unarmed attacks with your hands and teeth deal 1d10 bludgeoning or piercing damage plus your Strength modifier. You also gain the ability to speak with beasts as if the speak with animals spell has been cast on you.
This half-mask is fashioned from wood, carved to like the face of a monstrous, overgrown bear, held around the face by a bear fur strap. It covers the face and eyes of the wearer, leaving the mouth exposed to bite and roar. Red flecks of dried blood stain the wood around its mouth opening.
Long ago, the mask was created by a tribe of druids devoted to the bear. The bear was a powerful totem for them in their worship and their daily lives. The druids’ imbued the mask with their devotion and their reverence for the bear, and over decades that devotion manifested itself as magical power within the mask. How the mask fell out of the druids’ possession is unknown.
This mask has been traded amongst or passed down by hunters, druids, and rangers of woodland areas. It is often found in woodland cairns or among ordinary goods in borderland trading posts. Currently it is in the possession of Micah, a mad druid who dresses up as a bear and hunts humans and elves who hunt and forage in his forest.
Optional Drawback:
The mask contains the primal spirit of a vicious dire bear, and it concerns itself with animalistic violence and the hunt. Language and higher thought are not priorities for the mask, so it secretly seeks to shed them from its wearer. Every time the mask is worn, you must roll a d20. On a roll of 1, you lose the ability to speak, read, and write in one of your known languages (randomly determined). This effect can be removed with a greater restoration spell.
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