OGC:Final Vision (3.5e Spell)

3e Summary::You can relive the last few minutes of a corpse's life.

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Final Vision
Level: Clr 3, God's Eye 2, Inq 1, Nec 2
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: One dead creature
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

A more powerful version of testimony of the broken window, this spell allows you to touch a corpse and relive the last few minutes of the victim’s life. You may concentrate for up to one round per caster level; for each round of concentration, you relive an additional round in the victim’s life, slowly rewinding from the moment of death. Every time you cast the spell, the vision begins again at the moment of death, so you cannot reach deeper into the past by casting the spell multiple times.

While you are reliving the life of the victim, you are completely unaware of your surroundings in the real world; during this time you are considered to be flat-footed. While you perceive the world through the eyes and ears of your target, you use your own ranks in Spot, Listen, and Search, and may notice details that your victim missed. This is a recorded experience; the mind of the victim is not involved in any way.

This spell cannot be used on a corpse that has been turned into an undead creature or targeted by the absorb revenant spell (from Atlas GamesOccult Lore).

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Section 15: Copyright Notice (place problems on the discussion page).
Final Vision from Crime and Punishment, © 2003, Atlas Games; Author Keith Baker, based on original material by Keith Baker. It is covered by the Open Game License v1.0a, rather than the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3. To distinguish it, these items will have this notice. If you see any page that contains Open Game License v1.0a material and does not show this license statement, please contact an admin so that this license statement can be added. It is our intent to work within this license in good faith.
Crime and Punishment Transcribed Content
Crime and Punishment
Classes Bounty Hunter (3.5e Class) God's Eye (3.5e Prestige Class) Inquisitor (3.5e Prestige Class) Investigator (3.5e Class) Justice (3.5e NPC Class) Lawkeeper (3.5e Prestige Class) Magehunter (3.5e Prestige Class) Spellbane (3.5e Prestige Class)
Skills Basic Local Info (3.5e Knowledge (Local) Skill Use) Decipher Sentinel Stone or Mark of Justice (3.5e Knowledge (Arcana or Religion) Skill Use) Determine Legality (3.5e Knowledge (Law) Skill Use) Forensic Pathology (3.5e Heal Skill Use) Hide Your Trail (3.5e Survival Skill Use) Specific Info (3.5e Gather Information Skill Use) Spot Sense Motive or Spell Use (3.5e Sense Motive Skill Use) Throw Off Pursuit (3.5e Diplomacy Skill Use) Torture (3.5e Heal Skill Use) Torture (3.5e Intimidate Skill Use) Urban Tracking (3.5e Gather Information Skill Use)
Feats Bondsman (3.5e Feat) Careful Listener (3.5e Feat) Group Tactics (3.5e Feat) Hard to Fool (3.5e Feat) Indomitable (3.5e Feat) Net Master (3.5e Feat) Slippery Tongue (3.5e Feat) Spellsense (3.5e Feat) Suppress Spell Energy (3.5e Feat) Twist the Knife (3.5e Feat)
Equipment Ball and Chain (3.5e Equipment) Flareshot (3.5e Equipment) Flashstone (3.5e Equipment) Investigator's Kit (3.5e Equipment) Iron Hands (3.5e Equipment) Leather Gag (3.5e Equipment) Mithral Net (3.5e Equipment) Mithral Rope (3.5e Equipment) Mother's Milk (3.5e Equipment) Poppy's Kiss (3.5e Equipment) Silk Net (3.5e Equipment) Strolga (3.5e Equipment) Thundershot (3.5e Equipment) Torturer's Lab (3.5e Equipment) Truth Serum (3.5e Equipment)
Magic Items Blood Drinking (3.5e Equipment) Bottled Spirits (3.5e Equipment) Circle of Thought (3.5e Equipment) Clinging (3.5e Equipment) Cloak of Shadows (3.5e Equipment) Collar of Dreamless Sleep (3.5e Equipment) Collar of Pain (3.5e Equipment) Collar of Pain Control Ring (3.5e Equipment) Death Coins (3.5e Equipment) Enchanted Manacles (3.5e Equipment) Figurine of Wondrous Power, Bloodhound (3.5e Equipment) Gloves of Subtle Casting (3.5e Equipment) Honor's Seat (3.5e Equipment) Key Talisman (3.5e Equipment) Mana Manacles (3.5e Equipment) Manacles of Ghostly Binding (3.5e Equipment) Manacles of Maintenance (3.5e Equipment) Mantle of the Inquisitor (3.5e Equipment) Message Stones (3.5e Equipment) Monocle of Aura Comparison (3.5e Equipment) Orb of Dimensional Stability (3.5e Equipment) Orb of Silence (3.5e Equipment) Phantom Blade (3.5e Equipment) Portable Cell (3.5e Equipment) Powder of Power (3.5e Equipment) Ring of Truth (3.5e Equipment) Robe of Deception (3.5e Equipment) Rod of Containment (3.5e Equipment) Sentinel Stone, Greater (3.5e Equipment) Sentinel Stone (3.5e Equipment) Silent Passenger (3.5e Equipment) Sleeper Net (3.5e Equipment) Spectacles of Speculation (3.5e Equipment) Spellbane's Bolt, Greater (3.5e Equipment) Spellbane's Bolt (3.5e Equipment) Stone of Wit (3.5e Equipment) Tentacle Rope (3.5e Equipment) Thought Disruption (3.5e Equipment) Trackless Boots (3.5e Equipment)
Spells Agony (3.5e Spell) Anathema (3.5e Spell) Animate Net (3.5e Spell) Aural Disruption (3.5e Spell) Ban (3.5e Spell) Blood Spilled Anew (3.5e Spell) Bumble (3.5e Spell) Cloak of Silence (3.5e Spell) Cloud the Guilty Mind (3.5e Spell) Detect Bloodtraces (3.5e Spell) Detect Heretic (3.5e Spell) Detect Magical Residue (3.5e Spell) Detect Mystical Streams (3.5e Spell) Direct Conversation (3.5e Spell) Endure Pain (3.5e Spell) Excommunicate (3.5e Spell) Final Vision (3.5e Spell) Follow the Bloody Trail (3.5e Spell) Form Bloodstone (3.5e Spell) Garble (3.5e Spell) Greater Mark of Justice (3.5e Spell) Hinder (3.5e Spell) Indelible Mark (3.5e Spell) Induced Illiteracy (3.5e Spell) Light of Truth (3.5e Spell) Malediction (3.5e Spell) Mystic Opposition (3.5e Spell) Mystical Manacles (3.5e Spell) Mystical Void (3.5e Spell) Opposing Currents (3.5e Spell) Painful Truth (3.5e Spell) Pins and Needles (3.5e Spell) Read the Guilty Face (3.5e Spell) Scatterbrain (3.5e Spell) Scourge (3.5e Spell) See the Face (3.5e Spell) Sever from the Source (3.5e Spell) Sleep of the Unjust (3.5e Spell) Steal the Painful Memory (3.5e Spell) Testimony of the Broken Window (3.5e Spell)
Divinity Justice (3.5e Cleric Domain) Silver Book (3.5e Deity)
Variant Rules Judicial Curses (3.5e Variant Rule) Legal System (3.5e Variant Rule) Magical Nets (3.5e Variant Rule) Restraints (3.5e Variant Rule)
Creatures, Templates and NPCs Bloodhound (3.5e Creature) Magehound (3.5e Creature)

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