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  1. Gentlemen, prepare yourselves for martial law. (11 replies)
  2. Welcome to.. Obamanation! (3 replies)
  3. ISPs are pressed to become child porn cops (13 replies)
  4. Voice Changing and Imitation (12 replies)
  5. Domestic violence abusers could get gun rights (4 replies)
  6. FBI Guardian system (1 replies)
  7. Fellow Americans, get your guns while you still can! (6 replies)
  8. Obama, next US President (45 replies)
  9. EU: Bye bye Roguesci! (15 replies)
  10. Obama: The Empty Suit (26 replies)
  11. Comrades, the time is near.. (29 replies)
  12. REACH, new chemical directive of EU and the security (5 replies)
  13. A Place Called Chiapas (5 replies)
  14. ATF Explosives Manufacturing License: Obtaining a State Water Pollution Control Certificate (0 replies)
  15. "Anti-Terrorism" laws used to spy on noisy children (8 replies)
  16. Vote? (18 replies)
  17. Maryland Gun Owners Beware (2 replies)
  18. Man arrested for mere threats directed towards Obama (12 replies)
  19. Comcast Guilty of Net Neutrality Violations (3 replies)
  20. Scientist Commit's Suicide in Anthrax Investigation (11 replies)
  21. A strange turnaround... (18 replies)
  22. British government makes Orwellian proposal (11 replies)
  23. Judge Orders YouTube to Give All User Histories to Viacom (7 replies)
  24. US Second Amendment: Felons (17 replies)
  25. Need to get crackin' (1 replies)
  26. Does this seem disturbing to you? (5 replies)
  27. U$A Court Decisions (15 replies)
  28. Media control by Google? (0 replies)
  29. Kentucky Stategov Terrorists Want to Destroy Internet Anonymity (6 replies)
  30. Fitna: a movie critical about Islamisation (20 replies)
  31. Tibetan protesters beat like hell, IN AMERICA (6 replies)
  32. It's About Freaking Time!!! (11 replies)
  33. Germany Limits Internet Spying � US Fedgov Take Note! (27 replies)
  34. PA synth on MEGA'S CHEM LAB (14 replies)
  35. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library reims survivalists and insurgents alike (4 replies)
  36. An excellent piece on gun-control (21 replies)
  37. Identifying TSA bullshit? (11 replies)
  38. Benazir Bhutto Assassinated (39 replies)
  39. Palestine and Israel (reply to WWII) (45 replies)
  40. Armed man stormed Bilary Clintons office, has hostages. (4 replies)
  41. California Approves Bill To Microstamp Cartidges When Fired (22 replies)
  42. The indomitable patentable megalomania. (4 replies)
  43. Police UAV's in America (35 replies)
  44. US House Bill 4128 (19 replies)
  45. Bomb sniffing dogs in prison (2 replies)
  46. Man steals ordnance in NAS (7 replies)
  47. I have seen the enemy... (7 replies)
  48. Gun license, why not. (29 replies)
  49. Thought Crime Bill Passes House! (21 replies)
  50. Endangered Species - The Chemistry Set (15 replies)
  51. Chemical Engineer or Chemistry Major? (8 replies)
  52. Defending a Higher Power (21 replies)
  53. Fertilizer banned by the fedgov, US obesity problem soon to be corrected (31 replies)
  54. sociopaths (23 replies)
  55. House Resolution 3835 (23 replies)
  56. President for Life. (99 replies)
  57. A career in chemistry (4 replies)
  58. 17 year old Brit Arrested for Allegedly having the Anarchist Cookbook (23 replies)
  59. Israel asks U.S. foreign aid be paid in EUROS (43 replies)
  60. My country is going to shit! (43 replies)
  61. German terror plot foiled, 1500 pounds of peroxide seized (48 replies)
  62. Google: Do You Trust It? (53 replies)
  63. Idiocy Concerning Hackers (21 replies)
  64. How the Explosive and Weapons Forum changed your life? (24 replies)
  65. "Sheeple" Debut on TV Ad! (2 replies)
  66. July 17th Executive Order. (7 replies)
  67. Online search warrant via CIPAV (9 replies)
  68. Website bomb-making lessons to be outlawed across Europe (33 replies)
  69. London Car Bomb scare (22 replies)
  70. Your Explosives Safety Precautions (21 replies)
  71. New Quebec Gun Control Law (8 replies)
  72. Beating CCTV (spy drones in the UK) (14 replies)
  73. So the Police Came to My House Today... (7 replies)
  74. Muslims arrested in plot to raid Fort Dix, New Jersey (28 replies)
  75. Being a career criminal (55 replies)
  76. Considering RapidShare ? (4 replies)
  77. The Bishop, a new serial bomber in the making? (10 replies)
  78. Pgp 9.5.3 (2 replies)
  79. Death to RFID! (13 replies)
  80. GOP revives ISP-tracking legislation (1 replies)
  81. Race War Planned in South Africa? (73 replies)
  82. UK X-Ray Cameras (19 replies)
  83. WACO II Alert: Tax Evasion in NH (87 replies)
  84. NSA Backdoor in Windoze OSs (21 replies)
  85. War on terror, (world war 3) first Afghanistan, next Iraq, now Somalia? (4 replies)
  86. Bush Administration puts nuke plans online (52 replies)
  87. To Enslave A World (6 replies)
  88. A nightmare coming true? (46 replies)
  89. Holy Kim-Chee! (96 replies)
  90. 9/11 (62 replies)
  91. Teachers (10 replies)
  92. Divine Strake � 700 ton explosive bomb (3 replies)
  93. "The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography" (0 replies)
  94. Liquid explosives terrorist plot in UK foiled (66 replies)
  95. How would you stem the tide of the islamic hordes? (241 replies)
  96. Chilling Effects on Amateur Research in Chemistry � a Wired article reprint (30 replies)
  97. Shots fired in the Capitol (6 replies)
  98. Can anyone make it stop? (21 replies)
  99. United Nuclear and The United States CPSC (3 replies)
  100. CIA cover of 2600 agents blown (4 replies)
  101. Google books and the Association of American University Presses (1 replies)
  102. Loompanics gone (11 replies)
  103. The $100 laptop (w/ linux) (10 replies)
  104. Censoring has begun (1 replies)
  105. Information now being banned? (19 replies)
  106. What happened to Sciencemadness? (9 replies)
  107. Big Bang in London (165 replies)
  108. Rainbow Tables and Breaking of Hashes (17 replies)
  109. Magic Lantern FBI Snooping (5 replies)
  110. Politics in Australia (14 replies)
  111. P.A. Luty's misery and ill treatment by authorities (74 replies)
  112. When the Crackdown Comes (239 replies)
  113. It's all about the piracy... No it is not! (37 replies)
  114. how to defeat fingerprint sensors (2 replies)
  115. Good idea/Already been done! (6 replies)
  116. Message to NBK (0 replies)
  117. Favorite explosives odor? (55 replies)
  118. Why I Hate Rent (Rant) (62 replies)
  119. Helium Shortage (22 replies)
  120. For sale (0 replies)
  121. Informers online (13 replies)
  122. perfume salesmen knockout robbers (6 replies)
  123. NBK2000 PDF, buy it now... (78 replies)
  124. The database of all knowledge. (5 replies)
  125. A day for appreciating our mothers! (12 replies)
  126. Any site with hyperlinks = "material support" to terrorists. (8 replies)
  127. Isnt the brain... (4 replies)
  128. Ammonium Nitrate banned in Australia. (7 replies)
  129. Terrorists using information found here? (19 replies)
  130. Fireworks Banned in Florida (6 replies)
  131. Karachi Bomb (16 replies)
  132. Is this for real? (7 replies)
  133. Do fruit flies dream of electric bananas? (1 replies)
  134. One more reason to wear a hat (5 replies)
  135. Hypothetical Question (2 replies)
  136. The World As I See It (32 replies)
  137. Violence the panacea (29 replies)
  138. Nazi Germany (53 replies)
  139. STOP the Bush administration NOW (153 replies)
  140. School shootings (25 replies)
  141. Follow This (5 replies)
  142. What do you think of the JFK assasination? (40 replies)
  143. gun control (70 replies)
  144. Saddam Captured? (49 replies)
  145. Crazy Court Ruling (6 replies)
  146. The media wants us dead (20 replies)
  147. To release it or not to release it, that is the question (5 replies)
  148. Legal Issues (9 replies)
  149. Belgian Members, can you help? (4 replies)
  150. Prince Charles (23 replies)
  151. Here we go again (12 replies)
  152. Do we have any Danish members? (8 replies)
  153. Pizza man turns to pink mist (33 replies)
  154. Risk of exposure from using digital cameras and photoediting software (12 replies)
  155. Terrordaq (8 replies)
  156. THIS is BAD! (31 replies)
  157. "Backpack Bomb" in Turkey (5 replies)
  158. Is there a God (241 replies)
  159. How far would YOU go? (97 replies)
  160. RFID (Radio Frequency ID) Tags (11 replies)
  161. hailz megalomania (5 replies)
  162. News Stories (5 replies)
  163. A review of the crapbooks. (113 replies)
  164. Law as it relates to pyro's (13 replies)
  165. Bit of a dodgey law (6 replies)
  166. For all you Brits - Archive File (3 replies)
  167. Home protection laws (38 replies)
  168. Questions (4 replies)
  169. Another reminder (11 replies)
  170. Teenager caught for selling TATP (34 replies)
  171. The muslim member of the BNP (16 replies)
  172. The Hit, version 2.0 (31 replies)
  173. Testing (11 replies)
  174. International courier account fedex,ups etc... (0 replies)
  175. Hypothesis (5 replies)
  176. Are we unworthy? (5 replies)
  177. Prosh (6 replies)
  178. I am WEEPING (11 replies)
  179. Hunt Season is on (4 replies)
  180. "Mother of all Battles" (16 replies)
  181. Isonews now Izonews and Why it Affects Us (14 replies)
  182. Americas Next Victim? (34 replies)
  183. Use a Firewall, Go to Jail (14 replies)
  184. Iraqi armoured column heading out of basra (4 replies)
  185. 3.Gulf War (78 replies)
  186. Who wants to make a wager? (29 replies)
  187. Favorite "Lab" Tool (54 replies)
  188. 10 Tons bomb (10 replies)
  189. Greatest Inventions (45 replies)
  190. Post-Explosion DNA Tracing (8 replies)
  191. Texas Scientists Beware the Gestapo! (53 replies)
  192. Laser eye surgery (20 replies)
  193. Government propaganda hits a new low... (7 replies)
  194. Fine palestinian craftsmanship (1 replies)
  195. U.S. patent office censoring? (14 replies)
  196. Feinstein's Concealed Carry Permit? (4 replies)
  197. We were on TV..... (26 replies)
  198. PGP messages for NBK (98 replies)
  199. Encryption is dead (5 replies)
  200. Cellular RADAR and people tracking (19 replies)
  201. A Refutation of Evidence Eliminator (53 replies)
  202. Using PGP Encryption a Forum How-To (45 replies)
  203. The Automatic Crapbook Generator (0 replies)
  204. For the cheap bastards in the audience (17 replies)
  205. Not a good sign for online civil liberties (64 replies)
  206. A Twin Towers Tribute - or General Mega's Lessons of Victory! (19 replies)
  207. News from the future! (6 replies)
  208. RaiseTheFist.com raied again (16 replies)
  209. New RTPBs (18 replies)
  210. International gun laws (112 replies)
  211. Govt. pulling public documents (4 replies)