View Full Version : Issues and Opinions
- Gentlemen, prepare yourselves for martial law. (11 replies)
- Welcome to.. Obamanation! (3 replies)
- ISPs are pressed to become child porn cops (13 replies)
- Voice Changing and Imitation (12 replies)
- Domestic violence abusers could get gun rights (4 replies)
- FBI Guardian system (1 replies)
- Fellow Americans, get your guns while you still can! (6 replies)
- Obama, next US President (45 replies)
- EU: Bye bye Roguesci! (15 replies)
- Obama: The Empty Suit (26 replies)
- Comrades, the time is near.. (29 replies)
- REACH, new chemical directive of EU and the security (5 replies)
- A Place Called Chiapas (5 replies)
- ATF Explosives Manufacturing License: Obtaining a State Water Pollution Control Certificate (0 replies)
- "Anti-Terrorism" laws used to spy on noisy children (8 replies)
- Vote? (18 replies)
- Maryland Gun Owners Beware (2 replies)
- Man arrested for mere threats directed towards Obama (12 replies)
- Comcast Guilty of Net Neutrality Violations (3 replies)
- Scientist Commit's Suicide in Anthrax Investigation (11 replies)
- A strange turnaround... (18 replies)
- British government makes Orwellian proposal (11 replies)
- Judge Orders YouTube to Give All User Histories to Viacom (7 replies)
- US Second Amendment: Felons (17 replies)
- Need to get crackin' (1 replies)
- Does this seem disturbing to you? (5 replies)
- U$A Court Decisions (15 replies)
- Media control by Google? (0 replies)
- Kentucky Stategov Terrorists Want to Destroy Internet Anonymity (6 replies)
- Fitna: a movie critical about Islamisation (20 replies)
- Tibetan protesters beat like hell, IN AMERICA (6 replies)
- It's About Freaking Time!!! (11 replies)
- Germany Limits Internet Spying � US Fedgov Take Note! (27 replies)
- PA synth on MEGA'S CHEM LAB (14 replies)
- Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library reims survivalists and insurgents alike (4 replies)
- An excellent piece on gun-control (21 replies)
- Identifying TSA bullshit? (11 replies)
- Benazir Bhutto Assassinated (39 replies)
- Palestine and Israel (reply to WWII) (45 replies)
- Armed man stormed Bilary Clintons office, has hostages. (4 replies)
- California Approves Bill To Microstamp Cartidges When Fired (22 replies)
- The indomitable patentable megalomania. (4 replies)
- Police UAV's in America (35 replies)
- US House Bill 4128 (19 replies)
- Bomb sniffing dogs in prison (2 replies)
- Man steals ordnance in NAS (7 replies)
- I have seen the enemy... (7 replies)
- Gun license, why not. (29 replies)
- Thought Crime Bill Passes House! (21 replies)
- Endangered Species - The Chemistry Set (15 replies)
- Chemical Engineer or Chemistry Major? (8 replies)
- Defending a Higher Power (21 replies)
- Fertilizer banned by the fedgov, US obesity problem soon to be corrected (31 replies)
- sociopaths (23 replies)
- House Resolution 3835 (23 replies)
- President for Life. (99 replies)
- A career in chemistry (4 replies)
- 17 year old Brit Arrested for Allegedly having the Anarchist Cookbook (23 replies)
- Israel asks U.S. foreign aid be paid in EUROS (43 replies)
- My country is going to shit! (43 replies)
- German terror plot foiled, 1500 pounds of peroxide seized (48 replies)
- Google: Do You Trust It? (53 replies)
- Idiocy Concerning Hackers (21 replies)
- How the Explosive and Weapons Forum changed your life? (24 replies)
- "Sheeple" Debut on TV Ad! (2 replies)
- July 17th Executive Order. (7 replies)
- Online search warrant via CIPAV (9 replies)
- Website bomb-making lessons to be outlawed across Europe (33 replies)
- London Car Bomb scare (22 replies)
- Your Explosives Safety Precautions (21 replies)
- New Quebec Gun Control Law (8 replies)
- Beating CCTV (spy drones in the UK) (14 replies)
- So the Police Came to My House Today... (7 replies)
- Muslims arrested in plot to raid Fort Dix, New Jersey (28 replies)
- Being a career criminal (55 replies)
- Considering RapidShare ? (4 replies)
- The Bishop, a new serial bomber in the making? (10 replies)
- Pgp 9.5.3 (2 replies)
- Death to RFID! (13 replies)
- GOP revives ISP-tracking legislation (1 replies)
- Race War Planned in South Africa? (73 replies)
- UK X-Ray Cameras (19 replies)
- WACO II Alert: Tax Evasion in NH (87 replies)
- NSA Backdoor in Windoze OSs (21 replies)
- War on terror, (world war 3) first Afghanistan, next Iraq, now Somalia? (4 replies)
- Bush Administration puts nuke plans online (52 replies)
- To Enslave A World (6 replies)
- A nightmare coming true? (46 replies)
- Holy Kim-Chee! (96 replies)
- 9/11 (62 replies)
- Teachers (10 replies)
- Divine Strake � 700 ton explosive bomb (3 replies)
- "The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography" (0 replies)
- Liquid explosives terrorist plot in UK foiled (66 replies)
- How would you stem the tide of the islamic hordes? (241 replies)
- Chilling Effects on Amateur Research in Chemistry � a Wired article reprint (30 replies)
- Shots fired in the Capitol (6 replies)
- Can anyone make it stop? (21 replies)
- United Nuclear and The United States CPSC (3 replies)
- CIA cover of 2600 agents blown (4 replies)
- Google books and the Association of American University Presses (1 replies)
- Loompanics gone (11 replies)
- The $100 laptop (w/ linux) (10 replies)
- Censoring has begun (1 replies)
- Information now being banned? (19 replies)
- What happened to Sciencemadness? (9 replies)
- Big Bang in London (165 replies)
- Rainbow Tables and Breaking of Hashes (17 replies)
- Magic Lantern FBI Snooping (5 replies)
- Politics in Australia (14 replies)
- P.A. Luty's misery and ill treatment by authorities (74 replies)
- When the Crackdown Comes (239 replies)
- It's all about the piracy... No it is not! (37 replies)
- how to defeat fingerprint sensors (2 replies)
- Good idea/Already been done! (6 replies)
- Message to NBK (0 replies)
- Favorite explosives odor? (55 replies)
- Why I Hate Rent (Rant) (62 replies)
- Helium Shortage (22 replies)
- For sale (0 replies)
- Informers online (13 replies)
- perfume salesmen knockout robbers (6 replies)
- NBK2000 PDF, buy it now... (78 replies)
- The database of all knowledge. (5 replies)
- A day for appreciating our mothers! (12 replies)
- Any site with hyperlinks = "material support" to terrorists. (8 replies)
- Isnt the brain... (4 replies)
- Ammonium Nitrate banned in Australia. (7 replies)
- Terrorists using information found here? (19 replies)
- Fireworks Banned in Florida (6 replies)
- Karachi Bomb (16 replies)
- Is this for real? (7 replies)
- Do fruit flies dream of electric bananas? (1 replies)
- One more reason to wear a hat (5 replies)
- Hypothetical Question (2 replies)
- The World As I See It (32 replies)
- Violence the panacea (29 replies)
- Nazi Germany (53 replies)
- STOP the Bush administration NOW (153 replies)
- School shootings (25 replies)
- Follow This (5 replies)
- What do you think of the JFK assasination? (40 replies)
- gun control (70 replies)
- Saddam Captured? (49 replies)
- Crazy Court Ruling (6 replies)
- The media wants us dead (20 replies)
- To release it or not to release it, that is the question (5 replies)
- Legal Issues (9 replies)
- Belgian Members, can you help? (4 replies)
- Prince Charles (23 replies)
- Here we go again (12 replies)
- Do we have any Danish members? (8 replies)
- Pizza man turns to pink mist (33 replies)
- Risk of exposure from using digital cameras and photoediting software (12 replies)
- Terrordaq (8 replies)
- THIS is BAD! (31 replies)
- "Backpack Bomb" in Turkey (5 replies)
- Is there a God (241 replies)
- How far would YOU go? (97 replies)
- RFID (Radio Frequency ID) Tags (11 replies)
- hailz megalomania (5 replies)
- News Stories (5 replies)
- A review of the crapbooks. (113 replies)
- Law as it relates to pyro's (13 replies)
- Bit of a dodgey law (6 replies)
- For all you Brits - Archive File (3 replies)
- Home protection laws (38 replies)
- Questions (4 replies)
- Another reminder (11 replies)
- Teenager caught for selling TATP (34 replies)
- The muslim member of the BNP (16 replies)
- The Hit, version 2.0 (31 replies)
- Testing (11 replies)
- International courier account fedex,ups etc... (0 replies)
- Hypothesis (5 replies)
- Are we unworthy? (5 replies)
- Prosh (6 replies)
- I am WEEPING (11 replies)
- Hunt Season is on (4 replies)
- "Mother of all Battles" (16 replies)
- Isonews now Izonews and Why it Affects Us (14 replies)
- Americas Next Victim? (34 replies)
- Use a Firewall, Go to Jail (14 replies)
- Iraqi armoured column heading out of basra (4 replies)
- 3.Gulf War (78 replies)
- Who wants to make a wager? (29 replies)
- Favorite "Lab" Tool (54 replies)
- 10 Tons bomb (10 replies)
- Greatest Inventions (45 replies)
- Post-Explosion DNA Tracing (8 replies)
- Texas Scientists Beware the Gestapo! (53 replies)
- Laser eye surgery (20 replies)
- Government propaganda hits a new low... (7 replies)
- Fine palestinian craftsmanship (1 replies)
- U.S. patent office censoring? (14 replies)
- Feinstein's Concealed Carry Permit? (4 replies)
- We were on TV..... (26 replies)
- PGP messages for NBK (98 replies)
- Encryption is dead (5 replies)
- Cellular RADAR and people tracking (19 replies)
- A Refutation of Evidence Eliminator (53 replies)
- Using PGP Encryption a Forum How-To (45 replies)
- The Automatic Crapbook Generator (0 replies)
- For the cheap bastards in the audience (17 replies)
- Not a good sign for online civil liberties (64 replies)
- A Twin Towers Tribute - or General Mega's Lessons of Victory! (19 replies)
- News from the future! (6 replies)
- raied again (16 replies)
- New RTPBs (18 replies)
- International gun laws (112 replies)
- Govt. pulling public documents (4 replies)
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