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December 27th, 2007, 03:57 PM
Benazir Bhutto Assassinated sorry not sure if this was allowed.

I was always of mixed feelings about this woman, she seemed to be good and what Pakistan needed. But on the side I always thought she might have this truly evil side and have a dark agenda.


(CNN) -- Benazir Bhutto, who was assassinated Thursday in Rawalpindi, was the first female prime minister of Pakistan and of any Islamic nation. She led Pakistan from 1988 to 1990 and again from 1993 to 1996.

Benazir Bhutto died Thursday after a suicide bombing at a political rally in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Bhutto, 54, spent eight years in self-imposed exile in Great Britain and Dubai after President Farooq Leghari dismissed her second administration amid accusations of corruption, intimidation of the judiciary, a breakdown of law and order, and undermining the justice system.

She was found guilty of corruption and sentenced to five years in prison. The conviction was later overturned but she remained in exile until this year.

She returned to Pakistan in October after President Pervez Musharraf signed an amnesty lifting corruption charges. Video Watch political history of Bhutto �

In a September 26 interview on CNN's "The Situation Room," Bhutto said she expected threats against her life as she prepared to lead a push for the restoration of democracy in Pakistan.

"After military dictatorship an anarchic situation developed, which the terrorists and Osama (bin Laden) have exploited," she told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "They don't want democracy, they don't want me back, and they don't believe in women governing nations, so they will try to plot against me.

"But these are risks that must be taken. I'm prepared to take them," she said.

Bhutto narrowly escaped injury on October 18 when a suicide bombing near her convoy in Karachi killed 126 people.

"Soon thereafter, I was asked by authorities not to travel in cars with tinted windows -- which protected me from identification by terrorists -- or travel with privately armed guards," she wrote for CNN.com in November.

"I began to feel the net was being tightened around me when police security outside my home in Karachi was reduced, even as I was told that other assassination plots were in the offing."

"I decided not to be holed up in my home, a virtual prisoner," she wrote. "I went to my ancestral village of Larkana to pray at my father's grave. Everywhere, the people rallied around me in a frenzy of joy. I feel humbled by their love and trust."

Musharraf declared a state of emergency and placed Bhutto under house arrest twice in November as anti-government rallies grew in Rawalpindi. The arrest warrant was lifted November 16.

She filed a nomination paper for a parliamentary seat on November 25 and appeared headed for a power showdown with Musharraf before she was assassinated Thursday. See a timeline of Bhutto's political career �

Bhutto was the daughter of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, former president and prime minister of Pakistan, who was hanged in 1979 for the murder of a political opponent two years after he was ousted as prime minister in a military coup. Benazir Bhutto was the de facto leader of her father's Pakistan People's Party.

Her brother, Murtaza, was killed along with six others in a 1996 shootout with police at his home. Another brother, Shahnawaz, died mysteriously in France in 1985.

"I know the past is tragic, but I'm an optimist by nature," Bhutto told Blitzer in September. "I put my faith in the people of Pakistan, I put my faith in God. I feel that what I am doing is for a good cause, for a right cause -- to save Pakistan from extremists and militants and to build regional security.

"I know the danger is out there, but I'm prepared to take those risks."

Benazir Bhutto earned degrees from Radcliffe College and Oxford University and received an honorary degree from Harvard University in 1989.

She leaves her husband of 20 years, Asif Ali Zardari, two daughters and a son.

Bhutto's husband issued a statement Thursday from his home in Dubai saying, "All I can say is we're devastated, it's a total shock."

President Bush, on his ranch in Crawford, Texas, said Bhutto "refused to allow assassins to dictate the course of her country."

"We stand with the people of Pakistan in their struggle against the forces of terror and extremism," Bush said. "We urge them to honor Benazir Bhutto's memory by continuing with the democratic process for which she so bravely gave her life."

December 27th, 2007, 04:57 PM
B.B. had it coming (holding political rallys with minimal security/protection). Musharraf and his brutes on one-side and the fundamentalists on the other. And she, right in the middle. The only way she could have survived is staying in exile. Now she is dead and Musharraf is having a hard-on 24-7.

December 27th, 2007, 07:07 PM
Ouch that's not gonna do any good for the "War on Terror" under way in Afghanistan if Pakistan completely unravels into civil war, seeing as Pakistan is a gateway to Afghanistan for terrorists seeking to join the mujahideen and, oddly enough, an important US ally in the area. I wonder if the US will seize the opportunity to "stabilize" (occupy) Pakistan if civil war erupts, I'm sure they'd love to get a shadow government in place to help Hamid Karzai rebuild Afghanistan.

December 27th, 2007, 07:59 PM
This has me worried, there are enough people in Pakistan who are pissed off at Musharraf, and you know that this will be laid at his door, weather he did it or not. So now we have an unstable government, pissed off people, and fundamentalists waiting in the wings, imagine a Pakistan, with nukes, run by the cousins of the Taliban, if you live in N.Y. you'ed better get some 1,000,000,000 sunblock.

December 27th, 2007, 09:33 PM
India will burn before NYC. I have speculated in the past that if a nuclear exchange takes place, it will have the highest probability of starting between India and Pakistan. Once a nuke is dropped in anger for the first time (modern era, excepting Japan), this will very likely remove the stigma from using nukes for other countries like Iran, North Korea, Israel, Russia, and other countries with little concern for human life. It's all down hill from there...

Let this be a lesson to Hillary.

December 27th, 2007, 09:49 PM

"The spark that will start from Hind (India-Pakistan subcontinent) will engulf the whole world"... Prophet Mohamed.

The above is not a confirmed saying.... no historical backing of time and place, when it was said, so it is probably something someone made up... but if true...

What you said.

December 28th, 2007, 11:07 AM
I say if something is going to go down, no better time than now. The US government is starting to run wild with new bills stealing our freedoms for the option of "safety" from the evil terrorists and a good portion of the world is dying from starvation and disease anyway.

That Bitch Hilary, assuming she becomes president, would probably try and resolve the nuclear war with peace talks up until a nuclear warhead came through her window. So if this is the beginning of what will ultimately be the end, I can honestly say that I'm not too worried about it. Although it would be tragic, its only a matter of time. There are too many mentally unstable leaders out there for something not to eventually happen!

December 28th, 2007, 12:28 PM
You have to see the goodside of a possible nuclear war -> nuclear-winter -> end of global warming :)

December 28th, 2007, 01:29 PM
Now there's some positive thinking. It may not be the best way to stop global warming, but hey, if it works, it works. Maybe we could get Al Gore to shut up then. I really don't understand why we even mess with the middle east. I do not think that it is coincidence that both the Bible and the Koran say that the middle east will be the site of the beginning of the end. We should just annihilate the whole subcontinent and be done with it.

December 28th, 2007, 01:45 PM
The Subcontinent is "South Asia"... it is in no way considered part of the "Middle East".

Thank you very much.

December 28th, 2007, 02:14 PM
Her return to Pakistan is surely a bad decision to all, because when she came to Pakistan 2 months ago she was "greeted" with bomb attack in which 200 people lost their lives.
Now she died in similar shit.

Pakistan is some kind of "american ally in war on terror".
I wouldnt call it that way, because one can clearly see that only maybe their leadership and small part of people is pro-american,
and one day pissed people lead by islam fundamentalist would overthrow that pro-american government and things similar to Iran would happen.

Fightnings on streets seen these days after death of B.B. just show chaotic state in that country, and divided people.

December 28th, 2007, 07:14 PM
India will burn before NYC. I have speculated in the past that if a nuclear exchange takes place, it will have the highest probability of starting between India and Pakistan. Once a nuke is dropped in anger for the first time (modern era, excepting Japan), this will very likely remove the stigma from using nukes for other countries like Iran, North Korea, Israel, Russia, and other countries with little concern for human life. It's all down hill from there...

Oh on a govermental level I agree that Pakistan would nuke India first, but what I'm talking about is if/when Pakistan falls into chaos then militants, aka al-queda, will get hold of Paki nukes and you can be sure that they will use them against the "Great Satan" of America and his little satan buddies in Europe, Canada, Austaralia, etc..., but once nukes start going off, anywhere I agree its downhill from there. At least we'll not have to worry about global warming though, thanks to nuclear winter! (To bad, global warming would be great for Canada, I was looking forward to a beach front cottage on Baffin Island. :) )

Charles Owlen Picket
December 29th, 2007, 10:06 AM
Fucking tragedy. She was a voice of reason -> I was told many Pakistanis loved her. This shit has got to come to a halt. I always found it grotesque that Hillery posed with her as if "Here we are ...TWO strong women, together".... What tripe. Hillery would never risk HER ass in the same manner.

Man Down Under
December 29th, 2007, 10:49 AM
I wonder if the current government of pakistan has any contingency plans to destroy their nukes, rather than allowing them to fall into the hands of radicals, just like White S.A. did to keep nukes out of the hands of the ANC?

December 29th, 2007, 10:55 AM
Today the "spokesman" of Pakistani Al Qaeda leader Baitullah Mehszud denied the assassination claim presented by the ministry on Friday. (Which was based on taped phone conversation, so they say). He also said that the killing was planned and carried out by the goverment and the military.

December 29th, 2007, 12:11 PM
I was told many Pakistanis loved her.

:p :p

Where did you get THAT idea???

Here is a Pakistani (me) telling you to look up "Al-Zulfiqar" on Wiki. :rolleyes:

Or how about asking the daughter of her brother and his widow if they liked her.... the same brother they say she had shot to death? This lady collected enemies like I collect dandruff.

And no, I'm sure we don't plan on destroying our nukes. It is impossible for them to fall into "wrong hands". Our safeguards are rather better than most other people's.

December 29th, 2007, 12:36 PM
I think opinion of real Pakistanis, like Corona, is the most important, since he knows the matter better than us who are few thousand kilometers from Pakistan,
and are saying bullshit like "I heard ..."

December 29th, 2007, 01:17 PM
:p :p
This lady collected enemies like I collect dandruff.

You collect dandruffs?

Man Down Under
December 29th, 2007, 01:46 PM
And no, I'm sure we don't plan on destroying our nukes. It is impossible for them to fall into "wrong hands". Our safeguards are rather better than most other people's.

What if the wrong hands are elected into power? (The ANC scenario)

What if the wrong hands seize control via a coup with massively popular support of the populous? Would the military accept them as the new rulers?

December 29th, 2007, 03:13 PM
Do you think that Mu$harraff's $ecret Police, aided and abetted and financed by Bu$h, were behind the assassination, which was a typical Muslim suicide
shooting and bombing with scores of other people killed (done, as usual, in the name of and on orders from old Dog-Spelled- Backwards, who promises suicide bombers a free trip to Paradise with 72 virgins for killing as many other people as possible, and who Bu$h also worships)?

I am surprised at how little security precutions she took for her own safety, standing up on an open dias and in an open-topped car surrouinded by a crowd. She survived another suicide-bombing attempt on her life, which killed about 200 other people, just after returning to Pakistan, on 18th October, only because she stayed in a converted shipping container (with small windows made of bulletproof glass) mounted on the back of a large truck. It is astonishing that, after surviving one attempt, she did not take the same or similar precautions - either using the shipping container, or surrounding herself with bulletproof glass, or else giving her campaign speeches and participating in rallies by closed-circuit TV and videoconferencing from a secure location nearby.

December 29th, 2007, 05:22 PM
I have heard her family and her are the largest owners of slaves in Pakistan.

To me on the outside with my minimal information she seemed alright, but I had this intuition that told me she was not what she seems, I was always telling my family I dont trust her. She seemed to be pandering to both sides to much and I always feared she had some ulterior motives that did not coincide with her popular persona.

Not only was her lack of security bad for her but it was a boon to those around her, if her security was really tight or she just didnt put herself into these situations 100s of people would still be alive, I think it was borderline greedy to come out like she did . She put so many peoples lives on the line whenever she came out unprotected like that so she could be in the public eye.

And how is Pakistan an ally in the war on terror if they sign Cease fire with pro taliban militants? just a few links to show I am not making this up


December 29th, 2007, 08:37 PM
I wonder if the current government of pakistan has any contingency plans to destroy their nukes, rather than allowing them to fall into the hands of radicals, just like White S.A. did to keep nukes out of the hands of the ANC?

Personally I'ed doubt it, Pakistan worked to long and hard to get nukes to have any thought of destorying them.

was told many Pakistanis loved her.

Where did you get THAT idea???

Isn't the PPP the most popular party in the country, irregardless of connections with socialist gurellias, they must be doing somthing right.

This lady collected enemies like I collect dandruff.

Seems like the only people in Pakistan who don't have enemies are dead men. :(

And no, I'm sure we don't plan on destroying our nukes. It is impossible for them to fall into "wrong hands". Our safeguards are rather better than most other people's.

What makes your security so good?

And how is Pakistan an ally in the war on terror if they sign Cease fire with pro taliban militants? just a few links to show I am not making this up

The tribal areas that Pakistan signed away are full of Pashtuns, just like Afghanistan (so I understand) so the government just said "Fuck it" and gave up on them, shame they won't let the Western Allies go in there though, since they're not.

December 29th, 2007, 11:07 PM
Hillary seems like the type to try an appeasement policy with terrorists and despotic regimes. Look how well that work out for France in the 1930s :)

I don't imagine a woman Prime Minister in a male dominated Muslim country would be very popular at all. What's the male population of Pakistan? There's your suspect pool...

December 30th, 2007, 12:01 AM
First of all, have a look at the pics on the front page of today's paper (DAWN). You can see the assasin shooting at her.


Make sure they have updated it to *today's* Sunday paper. It is updated at 12 noon local time.

And please read this as well... very interesting.


Damn... the assasin dude is what I imagined NBK looked like... (no offense intended).


Pakistan has more women in both the lower and upper houses of Parliament than most other countries. And this Bitch who died was elected twice. First woman leader of any muslim-majority country.

So with all due respect, I am sure you are wrong in your opinion.


Pakistan has had nuclear weapons since 1983. And not one security incident. Not one.

We are so good, that the US... with all it's intel... still doesn't know what kind of nukes we have, where they are, how they are stored, the complete command and control mechanism.... Nobody knows anything.

PPP is the most... God I miss NBK... he would understand what I'm about to say right now... popular with the poor people because Bhutto's daddy (another bastard we had the pleasure of hanging) started this political tactic of cultivating and mobilizing people in the slums... specially those in Karachi's slums. These slums are full of people of african decent. Niggers have no brains! These are their hard-core shock troops.

Bhutto (both daddy and now the daughter) gave these inner city scum guns and ammo. All the rioting has taken place in THOSE areas.

The largest party in Pakistan is PML-Q. The PPP is not the most popular... just the biggest noise-maker.


Yes. These people are feudals of the worst kind.

We deal with the pro-taliban so that when the US leaves, we can screw the hell out of Afghanistan all over again.

Pakistan had only 3 enemies... India, USSR, and Afghanistan. Two of them went to hell. You think we won't take steps to make sure we can't take care of Afdirtistan if they look at us cock-eyed ever again?

We will ...and have.... taken care of Al-Qaeda... the policy is to make deals with the "good taliban".. those who hate Al-Qaeda who aren't locals at all (Al-Qaeda is made of mostly Uzbeks and Arabs). The Taliban are not Al-Qaeda necessarily.

Pakistan will do what is in it's own interests... why should we do what the US wants us to do?

Try not to read too many Indian websites when it comes to Pakistan.. they have their own cute spin. :p

Man Down Under:

Bad guys (I assume you mean Islamic political parties.. extreme right-wingers) have only ever had 13% of the votes in Pakistan, whenever elections have been held.

They don't have the electoral power. Never did.


Yes, dandruff. Big problem. Also looked here in RogueSci for possible home-cure, but didn't find any. :o

Man Down Under
December 30th, 2007, 02:55 AM
I wonder if the current government of pakistan has any contingency plans to destroy their nukes, rather than allowing them to fall into the hands of radicals, just like White S.A. did to keep nukes out of the hands of the ANC?
Personally I'ed doubt it, Pakistan worked to long and hard to get nukes to have any thought of destorying them.

White S.A. could have said the same thing (Too long, etc.) but they knew well enough what would happen if the negroids got their hands on nukes. Would Pakistan have the same convictions if (say) the Taliban was about to win power?

December 30th, 2007, 05:06 AM
No, we would not. The 300 nukes (the number right now acording to some estimates) will remain, I'm sure. And as Mushi said, "we have enough for a defense... now we are making more..", there is no stopping or slowing down of nuke and missile programs.

Whatever has been made public about Pakistan's nuclear doctrine (quite a lot actually), self-destruction of nukes has never been considered a part of the equation.

SA only had 6 nukes (not 300) and no missiles and no "atomic cities" (like the Russian Arzamas-16 or America's Los Almos). We have invested in a whole infrastructure that can protect itself and can't be done away with just like that.

Man Down Under
December 30th, 2007, 09:03 AM
White S.A., the worlds largest gold and diamond exporter (at the time) would have had ZERO difficulty in producing as many warheads and missiles to deliver them as desired.

However, they didn't have a blood fued fueling rampant militarism like pakistan and india have with each other, which is why they never got into such a pointless endevour as penis OOPs, I mean nuclear missile envy.

Would any of those 300+ nukes prevent Karachi from being turned into a mushroom cloud if the indians launched their nukes? No. All you could do would be turn New Dehli into a similar mushroom cloud, but you're still just as dead and dying as you were without the nukes, only that much poorer for having them.

Fortunately Canada has virtually nothing of interest to nuclear-armed arab terrorists, so I'm in a position to talk about lack of nukes as a good thing. :p

I'm sure if some arabs did nuke Toronto, we too would have no trouble in assembling a nuke and dropping it on mecca within a few months. We have the materials, know-how, and skill to do so, lacking only the will.

Charles Owlen Picket
December 30th, 2007, 10:13 AM
I'm sure if some arabs did nuke Toronto, we too would have no trouble in assembling a nuke and dropping it on mecca within a few months.

If that happened you'd get some free nukes to use VERY quickly!

December 30th, 2007, 01:53 PM
Looks like ZOG may have had good reason (http://existentialistcowboy.blogspot.com/2007/12/bbc-censored-benazir-bhuttos-reports.html)to want her dead.

BTW, Man Down Under, you state that Canada has "nothing of interest to nuclear-armed Arab terrorists"; this implies that nuclear terrorism is a means of somehow stealing something. What kinds of things do you suppose "Arab terrorists" would like to steal?

Man Down Under
December 30th, 2007, 05:23 PM
Interest as a target to destroy, not to take.

How many people in the world know about Toronto, as compared to New York or Hollywood? 1/100th? Less? Probably.

The 'Great Satan' is the target. Oh, and the jews. They'd be first, then G.S., while my canuck ass sits here and gets an all-over tan from the fallout. :)

December 31st, 2007, 02:20 AM
Corona - Love that newspaper article you put up. I'm glad to see it isn't only Australia that has corrupt media more interesting in "shock factor" than actually reporting the facts.

Personally, my favourite is (and I quote)
Another image shows the sharpshooter open fire on the unsuspecting political leader with remarkable aplomb. He is just a couple of metres away from his target.

Nice sharpshooter he is. He needs to be a few metres away to actually hit anything. Media boo boo.

From what I have heard, I believe that the government wanted her out of the way (Military controlled, Muslim government), didn't provide a security cordon, had her shot (they had already tried bombing her) then blew the place up to cover the evidence and make it look like a terrorist attack.

Only things that aren't so damn obvious are the fact that they are willing to let the PPP exhume the body, and that they didn't provide a security cordon.

I'd assume that the body they give to the PPP is so burnt it is unrecognisable as a single person, and that no one expected a security cordon, so they didn't provide it (also a waste of man power, if they are all going to die anyway).

Finally, either the shooter was going for the 72 virgin thing, or he didn't know about the bomber. His calmness either means that he was a professional, or knew he was going to die.

I can just see it, the ragheads exporting suicide bombers to countries that don't want to waste their own men.

Man Down Under
December 31st, 2007, 03:43 AM
That's something I was wondering about, is the shooter and the bomber one and the same, or different people?


Never mind. I saw an AP video that said the shooter was also the bomber.

The armored SUV she was in held up very well to the explosion. You can see hundreds of frag pellet hits on the SUV, but the interior was untouched.


Government says she died from a skull fracture caused by a handle in the SUV, not from the gunshot wound.

December 31st, 2007, 04:35 AM
Fortunately Canada has virtually nothing of interest to nuclear-armed arab terrorists, so I'm in a position to talk about lack of nukes as a good thing. :p
I'm sure if some arabs did nuke Toronto, we too would have no trouble in assembling a nuke and dropping it on mecca within a few months. We have the materials, know-how, and skill to do so, lacking only the will.
I understand that Canada (like Australia) has large uranium reserves - most of the uranium from which is exported to the U$A for enrichment in U-235 for nuclear power plants and bombs, and the wherewithall to build its own U-235 enrichment plant.

December 31st, 2007, 06:51 AM
Corona - Love that newspaper article you put up. I'm glad to see it isn't only Australia that has corrupt media more interesting in "shock factor" than actually reporting the facts..

Errr... that (DAWN) is one of Pakistan's most respected english-language newpapers.

Now imagine what our "gutter press" is like (usually Urdu language papers). "Man raped by gang of women found collapsed in bushes.." :o

Nice sharpshooter he is. He needs to be a few metres away to actually hit anything. Media boo boo.

If you look at the front page of the newspaper (Sunday's paper.. yeterday) using the "epaper" link, you will see he is shooting her with a handgun. I have never used a handgun (or any gun) but I have heard people say that would be considered a good shot? With all the movement of the car and the crowd?

From what I have heard, I believe that the government wanted her out of the way (Military controlled, Muslim government),

By saying "Muslim controlled", you are implying she was killed because of religious reasons? Because she was a woman? That is nonsense.

During her previous terms of office, the lady worked very well with the islamic bunch. And besides the islamic parties are boycotting this election. They had no reason to kill her. Besides, this isn't how they operate.

The Govt. didn't kill her, I'm sure. She had already been taken care of, so to speak, as her nomination papers were rejected on the grounds that you can't be Prime Minister for a third time (it's in the Constitution). Bhutto could not be Prime Minister... she was campaigning for party seats only, including her own. But she couldn't have become Prime Minister.

By killing her... and if the elections are held on time... the killers have made sure, that the PPP gets the sympathy vote big time.... something the Govt. doesn't want.

Believe me, the Govt. is not that stupid. They didn't do it.

Who did it?

Well, Bhutto snubbed some very important people in her party by not offering them any important positions in the Govt. if her party was voted into a majority and when she formed the Govt.

A lot of people... long time loyalists... left the party saying they couldn't work with her anymore. She didn't care and told them to fuck off.

There is also the matter of her super-corrupt husband... the party workers even suggested to Benazir to divorce Zardari (her hubby) if she wanted the respect of the voters again.

It could've been from inside her party (PPP). I think it was. In fact, hubby Zardari stopped them from conducting an autopsy. And he wants the elections as soon as possible (for the sympathy vote obviously).

Remember, the Bhutto family introduced violence into Pakistani politics. Her goons were responsible for many many people "dissapearing".

So I am not surprised. None of us are.

Of course, Dubya and his kid brother, Mushi, will take the opportunity to pin this on Al-Qaeda. No harm in that.

I'd assume that the body they give to the PPP is so burnt it is unrecognisable

No, the body was very intact. Only a bullet hole in the neck.

Finally, either the shooter was going for the 72 virgin thing, or he didn't know about the bomber. His calmness either means that he was a professional, or knew he was going to die.

There is no mention of the "72 virgins" in the Koran, btw. :p

How do we know the guy is dead? Is there any way he could have escaped the blast shrapnel? I have not seen the video... I am in the middle of nowhere right now with no TV and lousy internet....

Everyone sez, shooter and bomber are not the same person.

December 31st, 2007, 07:45 PM
For practical purposes, militarily speaking, New York is the largest city in the world, it is the financial center of the world, and it is an internationally recognized symbol. It is headquarters to the UN, and it has political embassies for almost every nation on Earth. Population matters most of all because on an average day you can kill more people with a single nuke in NYC than any other city in the world. Political and economic considerations are secondary factors... America would be damaged by the destruction of LA, even Chicago, but the destruction of NYC would cripple our economy because it is such an important financial center.

If some group is angry at Canada for whatever reason (who hates Canadians?), waiting for a gathering of political leaders at the capital would tear the country apart, just like it would with a nuke going off in Washington, DC during a joint session of the House and Senate during a presidential address. Such an act of wiping out all of Americas political leadership, corporate lobbyists, and government lawyers could improve the nation. They keep a pair of cabinet members away, just in case, for continuity of government, there are no great collection of industrial, scientific, or medical establishments in DC, nor are there vital natural resources. We would just refocus from partisan politics and gridlock to get back to traditional small government. That, or California, Texas, the Confederacy, the Bible Belt, and the PAC 10 all declare their independence and the USA goes the way of the USSR.

Because the US fedgov knows these cities are prime targets, there are extensive radiation detectors and active militarized police anti-terror troops ready to go. Some place like Toronto might not be as well guarded, a more optimal target of opportunity. The "that will never happen here" attitude is no defense against a terror attack because there need not be no rhyme, reason, or pattern to a terror plan. That's what makes terrorism terrifying...

PS. Corona is right about the 72 virgins thing. This was a quote made by some Western speaker criticizing the religion, a quote that has now been parroted so many times by so many people it is accepted as fact. If I recall correctly you would get millions and millions of virgins; only someone who we would say barely escaped going to hell rather than heaven would get as pathetically few as 72 virgins.

January 1st, 2008, 08:15 PM
Today I heard a supposed audio clip of a suspected Al-qaida leadership conversation that was taped or bugged, cannot remember the nature of receiving the audio. But nevertheless the two fellows named 3 individuals and one was asking if (by name) they were the ones then he offers praises, then the second man says it was only 2 of them and names them by name. then they both praise them and God.

I have trouble believing it was just one man. Al-qaida is to smart to do that, the two man theory seems plausible, and they most likely had help from the inside. This was very well plotted, and the second man was there most likely as a secondary suicide attacker should the first guy fail, and they both most likely had bombs, that would explain 22 deaths by the blast, but it is not unheard of by a single suicide bomber.

People seem to love Canada, but even Al-Qaeda has there eyes on us, last year or the year before cannot remember, 19 men were arrested after they had purchased 2 tonnes of ammonium nitrate and were running a terrorist training camp in the woods north of Toronto, they were either going to truck bomb the CN Tower, Or some major financial buildings in downtown, these guys were amateurs though and were definately very low end low skilled al-qaedar's or wanna bes. Not to mention Al-qaeda's Bin laden has purportedly mentioned Canada by name in threats on Western Nations.

And finally on the nuclear issue of Canada. Canada HAS nukes. Someone I know in my family was a Military Police guard, and was guarding nuclear warheads in a secret facility on a base. Also in regards to nuclear material, we have tonnes of reactors , even on University grounds, some of them even have nuclear weapons grade material. there is no shortage of places to get the material needed.

January 2nd, 2008, 07:30 AM
How could Al-Qaeda possibly benefit from the murder of Bhutto? I can think of a bag of disadvantages but no pros.

The tape is a piece of garbage. The tape came from Musharraf, and thats says everything about its credibility and authentity. And Al-qaeda denied the killing of Bhutto.

January 2nd, 2008, 08:18 PM
"Al Quaeda" is often parroted in media, blaming them for every possible thing, but I think they did less terrorist acts than somebody want you to know.

Dont forget, in this modern world media are general instrument of force.

January 23rd, 2008, 01:53 PM
The strangest thing about the assasination of Benazir Bhutto is the recent report from the investigators of Scotland Yard that, there were THREE places from where the bullet fire came.
Fact 1) The most important was a Bullet hole in a metal hoarding which made a straight line with the head of the Victim and a roof top about 180 yards away from the SUV.
Fact 2) Four gun Shots were heard, three from the pistol of the assasin but where did the fourth came from??? Probably someone with a rusted old musket with schmidt and bender top of line riflescope on it.
Fact 3) Her security guards from her home town Naodero were removed and police was given charge and at the time of bombing no police was anywhere near her. Looks like they had a divine revelation that they may get martyred.... so they ran away with their tails between their legs...
Fact 4) WITHIN 2 hours the crime scene is washed away with the NOT so powerful water canons of FIREBRIGADE Trucks of VOLVO Brand..
These facts go so long that it is almost crystal clear that what happened was absolutely planned to the last trickle.

I was about 300 yards from the First Bomb blast. The thing her party (PPP) leaders, especially the younger ones, were shouting was the fact that NO security arrangements were made with the SECURITY in mind. It seemed just amateur level security and everyone was happy with it.

I last saw her in larkana when she was en route on her trip to her home from Larkana. i stood only 3 feet from her SUV when it stopped in front of us... She waved hands... smiled happily and the scurity vehicle behind started to honk its toots. She sped away.

One more thing that i have seen is an interview of BB in which she said that Omar Shaikh has assasinated Osama Bin Laden. This interview is available on the Youtube.
Omar Shaikh is the same person who is the convicted killer of Daniel Pearl. His appeal for the death sentence is pending hearing before the High Court of Sindh at Karachi.

Daniel Pearl's killer is in fact in jail in a town called Jacob abad for alleged recovery of opium. It is a rumor that he was assasinated so that he could not take from Pakistan a list of rogue agents working in the province of Baluchistan. The Baluchistan province has the Balauchistan Liberation Army supported heavily by MI-6 of U.K, the leader Bugti killed by the Pakistan Army.

In the end it all seems to be true to the fact that Pakistan is being pushed to Balkanization and the borders to be segregated along ethnic divisions. It is just a chain being made with BB as just one of the Coupling.

The country is at the verge of Civil war and anyday now the cities can erupt.

May 5th, 2008, 11:33 PM
All I have to say is that she was a good woman who fought for what was right and it is a damn shame she is dead, not that I didn't see it coming, but it is still terrible. She is a great example of the kind of person we should all aspire to be.