View Full Version : Isonews now Izonews and Why it Affects Us
April 11th, 2003, 12:32 AM
Go now and behold the face of Big Brother as it appears on the Internet at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Familiarize yourself with the color scheme, the graphics, and the governmental propaganda because you will probably see more of it in the future, maybe even here at The Forum.
A few months ago the domain for isonews was hijacked by the US Government despite the fact the domain was not even in the US. The government has been quite inept at this as well because people have still been able to access the site through its IP link. Now they have closed tho holes, but isonews has moved to a new home.
At the request of isonews’s call for support I am letting everyone know the new address is <a href="" target="_blank"></a> please pass this on. They are also suing the government for illegal seizure of the domain as it was beyond the jurisdiction of the US government. The Internet does not belong to America despite the apparent ignorance of the government in this respect.
I have been operating under the assumption that such a fate will eventually happen to us. I have been developing tactics and countermeasures to defeat any shutdown of The Forum and defend us against a criminal attack by freedom raping criminals with badges. Lets just say an emergency archive is the least of things that will be available to members.
April 11th, 2003, 02:58 AM
Lets just hope the forum and the forum ftp is hosted in a country that doesn't have laws to prevent it from operating fully. Perhaps the admins should take this incident into serious consideration and make some sort of analysis over every single factor that could be used against us... If the US is resorting to online attacks to shut down sites outside their own juristiction then thats something that we should use as part of the consideration.
April 11th, 2003, 06:48 AM
The American Gov/t is not used to the Idea that their are things it does not control... My question though is why did they spend so much effort on that single one site?
I Know that have shutdown ones like Raise The Fist, thanks to WebArchive you can atleast still see some clips of it.....
But realy I can not see why the Gov't would waste time and money like that, though I hope the get the shit sued out of them so that get off this horse, and not think about pulling crap like that again.
With out some sort of kick in the bottom to get their head stright the Gov't could start to get even too much more cocky then they allready are.
As to the details of the Site I will leave it to Mega to deal with answering that side, they have yet to screw with us, and I hope they never do.
April 11th, 2003, 07:33 AM
I'm glad that the Australian government doesn't do stuff like this, although I think that they may decide to start sooner or later.
Al Koholic
April 11th, 2003, 09:35 AM
Thats pretty amazing and yet at the same time...not surprising at all. While I have wondered about why this site hasn't been subject to injustice such as isonews was, I have not come to a conclusion as to why we haven't been taken down yet. Especially with the new legislation being passed, you would think that this site would be one of the first to get taken down like this. It's certain that they know this place exists so there must be a reason to leave it up. Perhaps it gives investigators the ability to keep close tabs on our activities without having to go track us all down since most members write about their tribulations here. Could be that instead of a task force in every country watching our front doors, they watch from here to a large degree. This is the only reason I could imagine the government having for leaving this board up. I'm glad that you have a backup plan mega. I was reading some other thread about how each member could become a small "forum payload" by having copies of the site on their harddrive. I'd gladly do this as I have plenty of space. I suppose the data could also be put on a cd as well to increase its safety. Anyway, happy posting whilst censorship has not yet laid its evil mark here.
April 11th, 2003, 04:21 PM
God, the US is starting to get braver, and braver with its little shinadagins. I used to think that they had some sense, but now I realize that they no longer do. In a matter of years Americans will not have any rights at all. I fear the day when we common home chemists have the tree letter agencies breaking down our doors, and putting us in handcuffs. In barely 200 years the once free, and great American nation is becoming a dictatorship. I do hope the forum has a backup plan because the US could at any moment clamp down on our rights.
April 11th, 2003, 06:28 PM
Look around us here. Nobody here is really threatening the US or their economy. That's why this site is still available. ISONEWS went down because their subject matter helped piracy groups, which hurt the US economy in "any way, shape or form". :rolleyes: The minute that somebody here actually goes out on an attack of some sort, or starts to manufacture explosives for commercial sale at extremely low prices, then you can expect this wonderful forum to disappear.
But until then, I think that they will just keep on tapping our phone lines, watching our computer activities and in extreme cases, following us individually...
Ezekiel Kane
April 11th, 2003, 09:14 PM
There was one incident in the past, in which one forumite decided to go crazy and suicide bomb a mall, killing 7 and injuring dozens. However, this incident is in no way related and to no degree represents the intentions or actions of the forum or its individual members. Besides, that bombing was in a foreign country.
The main difference between EWF and isonews is intent. The intent of EWF is to inform the percentage of the population that chooses not to stay ignorant of that which has the potential to kill. We are if anything MORE peaceful than the average citizen for encouraging peaceful if any use of the information we provide. As such, we don't need disclaimers.
Isonews had disclaimers, but if a government agency wants something badly enough, disclaimers don't mean shit. Everyone knew the intention there - software piracy. A disclaimer can protect you for awhile, but in the end it's the intention that matters. As long as our intentions stay true, the government will probably not have any reason to see us as a threat. After all, we aren't.
Ghostcustom 24
April 13th, 2003, 12:15 AM
Even still, the government (and the population) is afraid of those that posses knowledge. I agree that one day this site will probably be shut down, but my question is what will the admin.'s and moderators (those are personally connected to this) do as individuals when the government comes after them?
April 13th, 2003, 01:13 AM
The fact that weaker have fallen and the strongest of all Forums is still here thriving great as ever, I do not believe that they will mess with us... I do see they being "scenarios" where they might but it all require random acts as we all witnessed before as mentioned by another.
The whole idea of the Gov't Seizing sites out of its jurisdiction though is something that we need to keep a eye on. Also we need to make others aware of the fact that the Gov't is running rampant over stepping its legal authority, raping the rights of others in its quest for total world domination.... I know that might seem like a joke to most of you but just please keep a open eye.
<small>[ April 13, 2003, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: darkdontay ]</small>
April 13th, 2003, 02:53 AM
The reason that this site hasn't been taken down is because nothing technically illegal goes on here. We still have freedom of speech sort of, so they know that they can't take this site down. Nothing is sold here, it is only information nothing more. Information without any digital copyrights and as such is perfectly distributable. However, the day will come when it will be shutdown, or at least some kind of attempt will be made to shut it down. We will just have to wait and see.
April 13th, 2003, 05:35 AM
Now what about the passing of Senate bill 606 that made it so that Paldin Press had to take some of their books off the catalog?
I will dig around for a link.... Though I hate looking to deep into this I do not want to see this site ever go dwon, I have learned many great things from here.
This site is more of a Free Forum Library then a simple site.
Ezekiel Kane
April 13th, 2003, 01:51 PM
Hmm, good point darkdontay. But if I remember correctly, that was due to the fact that Paladin Press's book Hit Man was used as a guide for three murders. The court's ruling was several million $ to the plaintiff, giving up the right of Paladin Press to publish it in the future and the destruction of all copies of Hit Man in their possession. Other civilizations have destroyed books in the past. The first name coming to mind starts with an A and ends with dolf Hitler.
Nevertheless, Hit Man was later posted online to The feds have yet to attack sites with Hit Man. Information online spreads like wildfire, because it's easy to transfer and easy to find. They can shut us down, but they can't shut us up.
April 14th, 2003, 05:51 AM
Senate Bill S606 criminalizes the distribution of information on explosives under certain circumstances.
I cant for the life of me find a refernce to the bill. I mean I can not find a online record of the bill to show you.
April 14th, 2003, 11:34 AM
I just tried to find it myself Darkdontay. It seems that they are trying to cover it up.
Also, its a bit scary to think that Big Brother is becoming so bold in what it does. And the fact that most of the general public will go right along with it, at least until they find theirselves on the end of a rope because they didn't know that having fertilizer and gasoline in the same building is a federal offense. Or some other shit like that. Its going to take something major to convince people to stand up for their rights, and by the time that happens, its going to be too late.
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