View Full Version : London Car Bomb scare
June 30th, 2007, 06:55 AM
Interesting how sophisticated those al Qaeda wanna-be terrorists are, isn't it?
Taking two Mercedes sedans and placing LPG gas cylinders, petrol cans and some pounds of penny nails into it's trunk. What a big bomb threat!
A BLEVE from a LPG gas cylinder would have likely just popped open the trunk and would have released a fire ball of two or three metres. The action would be confined to the rear end of the car anyone standing at the hood of the car would have very much likely got way just scared but otherwise unharmed.
Now and these are the highly dangerous terrorists of al Qaeda? This is the reason they take our civil rights away?
simply RED
June 30th, 2007, 07:18 AM
It does not matter if there is one cigar lighter in the car or it is a truck full of ANNM...
Terrorism does not matter here, the price is your civil rights. Less civil rights, more money for the corporations.
Either they will organize the terr-act or just wait it to happen, this will only be a reason to restrict us even further.
There have always been terrorism! Remember Karlos the Jackal, Ulrike Meinhof, Red Fraction Army, ETA, IRA etc etc...
During the Cold War plane jacking, hostage situations, demolition terr-acts have been more frequent than now.
In Vietnam the US army has maybe 10times more casualties than in Iraq!!!!!!
Anyway the idea to use terrorism as an excuse to restrict science and civil rights is kind of new.
June 30th, 2007, 07:36 AM
If this was indeed a terrorist incident, why wait for Toady Blair to leave?
Smells of BS.... specially when the "insurgents/terrorists/alqaeda/badguys" have shown over and over that they have no trouble with hi-explosives.
I think it has something to do with the new guy pissing on the same hydrant Toady pissed on. Just to show he can do it too.
June 30th, 2007, 07:55 AM
I love how they included that he had like 100L of petrol in there, watch out guys he's got a full tank! :p
June 30th, 2007, 01:11 PM
Its really amazing just how much the media likes to over blow things and exagerate to the point that its discusting. I neard that they took 6 cars and loaded them all full of AN/FO and managed to detonate one of them!!:rolleyes: . Did they indeed get on to go off? Other websites say the piggies found them all before they could be detonated.
June 30th, 2007, 01:24 PM
Look at it from that perspective. Gordon Brown comes from the left wing of Labour, he is certainly not a Neo Con like 'The Poodle' Blair.
Qui bono? The pigs as well as the british Secret Intelligence Service must fear that he might reinstitute some civil liberties. So they use their instruments and persuade some illiterate camel jockeys to place some pseudo car bombs. Now Brown can only show a tough stance against terrorism and that serves the pigs and the intelligence services quite well.
If you look at former terroristic acts like fom the IRA, the german RAF, the italian Red Brigade they all were much more professionell, they got a lot of their arms and explosives from Libanon, Syria, Palestine and other muslim countries like Yemen. But today our Al Queda muslim fanatics have to use LPG Cylinders and Petrol Cans? Give me a break.
June 30th, 2007, 01:43 PM
I am actually kind of glad all they used was propane cylinders and gasoline. These are two common materials that everyone can, and does, get all over the civilized world. How can they legislate and ban fuel, nails, and fine German automobiles?
June 30th, 2007, 01:48 PM
News just in- apparently two towelheads have crashed a "burning car" into Glasgow Airport.
After the impact, one of the men from the car reportedly got out of the vehicle and ran into the terminal building while on fire, having spread petrol over themselves
They're obviously trying to destroy the UK by raising its carbon emissions.
June 30th, 2007, 02:51 PM
For the car-bombing to have succeeded even if the detonators and any primary explosives had gone off, there would have to be access to and sufficient mixing with oxygen, for incendiary materials like gasoline, natural gas, LPG, etc. to be explosively detonated by self-propagating combustion, as well as heating to above the flash point of the fuel-air mixture. The primary "conventional" explosive (e.g. TNT, nitroglycerin, RDX, nitrocellulose, TATP, NH4NO3, NH4ClO4, initially detonated with a heavy metal azide or fulminate set off by a current from a timing device) packed inside the gas bottles and gasoline containers and nails etc. would probably have provided the necessary heating and (on rupturing the gas bottle and gasoline containers) mixing with air.
The only thing worse would be if some of Lugovoi's left-over KGB-supplied polonium-210 had also been added to the mixture.
But was it really Al Qaeda or the Taliban at work, in London? Who paid for those two spanking new Mercedes cars which, being undamaged, the pigs will presumably appropriate for their high-ranking officers to drive, and which (together with their cargos) must have cost hundreds of thousands of $s, assuming they were not stolen? I would have thought that Al Qaeda would have been too smart for something like that not to succeed, and too suicidal not to use suicide bombers instead, like what they do in Baghdad. It looks like another 911-style "own goal" to garner political suppoprt for the Government.
July 1st, 2007, 05:16 AM
This bombing attempt was absolutely pathetic.
New MERCEDES used in the bombing?
Petrol (not-dispersed into the air?!!) used as a "primary"?
Acetylene used as a "secondary" (AGAIN not-dispersed??!)?
Nails on the floor of the trunk?
They're not terrorists. They're idiots!
Would have had almost the same effect just setting the car on fire using a timer on Kensington High Street for god's sake!
Just throwing a Molotov Coctail down the stairs at Hyde Park Underground station would have been more effective strictly tactically speaking - not to mention value-for-money.
Hell - just DRIVING the Mercs at Whitehall and Parliament - or Buckingham Palace, or the Tower, or Piccadilly Circus, or the London Eye, or Wembley Statium, etc., etc. would have more effective!
July 1st, 2007, 08:58 AM
False-flag operations are just like a Hollywood war movie in that they don't require actual technical skills, just props and actors.
Much smoke and flame, but no real injury or damage.
July 1st, 2007, 02:04 PM
The closest the incident got to terrorism was the media drumming it up to be more than it was. No news report, no feelings of insecurity, no terrorist act - simple. BIG news report, lot's of scared people, TERRORISM!! :eek: :rolleyes:
Anytime I see the media go into a feeding frenzy over such a small morsel I am reminded of something Winston Churchill said many moons ago - "He who thinks he can trade a little freedom for a little security will soon find he has none of either"
Wonder how much of either we have left....
July 1st, 2007, 03:44 PM
Pathetic. Terrorist attack my ass. I light up bigger camp-fires (and ofcourse better burning, too). But it certainly served its purpose for the new goverment.They know how to keep the shit cooking. Mass hysteria, strip-searches and arrests in the street, hunder people lining up at the airports and other mass transportation. Time to ban anything flammable or having wheels.
July 1st, 2007, 05:15 PM
Mass hysteria, strip-searches and arrests in the street
I live in London, and I haven't seen any of those ;)
July 2nd, 2007, 02:04 AM
You have heard of copycat killers right? Well surly there are hangers on and looky loos with the terrorists. Wannabes who have no training, education, or real convictions who are the kewls of the terror world. They see their contemporaries causing trouble and they want to join in too. How do you build a bomb once you've spent all of your daddy's money on the new cars? What would a kewl do? Some gasoline, a propane tank, not much thought, and you get a big stinking dud. :)
July 2nd, 2007, 07:42 AM
P.S. to my post above:
We may never really know for sure whether Al Qaeda was behind the 3 failed car bombs (all of which were rigged in the same way, copying those used in Iraq, but all had the same defect in the detonating mechanism) in London and Glasgow, for the simple reason that they would not want to be made to look silly by claiming responsibility for the 3 failed attacks.
However, we do know now that the immediate perpetrators were Muslim criminals, in view of one of those caught in Glasgow screaming "Allah, Allah, Allah" as he was being arrested by a pig. So they did it in the name of and on orders from Dog-Spelled-Backwards, and on promises of a free and premature trip to Paradise with 72 virgins as their reward for killing themselves and as many other people as possible.
But it has come out that the British Government received two weeks' warning of the attacks, including that London and Glasgow were to be targets, but failed to act upon it, so it looks like another 9/11-style "own goal".
July 2nd, 2007, 07:49 AM
I live in London, and I haven't seen any of those ;)
Of_course I read this on some BBC/Sky/CNN affiliated news site. It's obviously true if they say its happening! :D Why would they lie? :rolleyes:
According to that, it's exactly as true as the headline about "TERROR BOMBING IN LONDON". Media making a big fuss about it. They first try to scare the shit out of the people by saying: TERROR ATTACK.
The second time it's: "SECURITY ALERT RAISED TO CRITICAL", cops are flooding the street, strip-search, arrests, everyone is a suspect, blablabla. Whats that good for? Hysterizing the population thats what it is. So nobody gives a crap about anything else.
So its not hard for me to believe that they are writing BS.
July 2nd, 2007, 11:59 AM
After the subway bombings the last time, didn't the British gov trot out a piece of evil anti-freedom legislation designed to strip peoples rights... I think it was that law where they can detain anyone for months without charging them. The legislation never had a chance in hell, until right after the attack.
Now then, what piece of freedom stripping, civil rights raping, big brother state creating, nazi book burning piece of legislation did they slip on to the agenda this week? I doubt you guys across the pond celebrate the High Holy Day of July 4, so it's business as usual right? Plenty of time for Parliament to slip in a law nobody wants but the government.
July 2nd, 2007, 01:28 PM
Yeah, the media love terror alerts. Psychotic muslims lurking on every corner with grenades and kebab knives..."dramatic" police raids across the country. I guess it sells papers, but the more dangerous thing is that the government can use this artificial hysteria to pass more unwanted legislation.
mega: that part of the Terrorism Act was rejected by Parliament in the end, although they reached a compromise where people can be locked up for 28 days. Still bad.
That said, the UK isn't as oppressed as a lot of people across the pond think. From people I know in the US, you guys seem to have an even more draconian government than us- just look at Gitmo.
IMO, gun legality isn't the best way to measure freedom, mainly because guns kill people, and therefore there is a legitimate argument for banning them (I don't agree with it, just saying that the anti-gun lobby does have a reasonable point).
It's the little things like drug/alcohol laws, jaywalking, age of consent (no, I'm not a paedo ;) ), tax flexibility, etc. Stuff that shows how much control the government has in your day to day life- from what I've heard, that takes place much more in the US.
For example, suppose that local government officials want to develop some green space into a housing estate for welfare scroungers. If over half of the local population was against the idea, and they went ahead with it anyway, that would be a clear sign that democracy didn't exist- far more than whether you can own a 9mm or not.
Of course, you can't deny that the amount of CCTV in London makes it look like a scene from 1984. But CCTV itself isn't a sign of autocracy, it depends on who's monitoring it. Dictatorships have always existed, long before cameras and biometric ID cards, and consequently, technology in itself can't take away freedom. The real danger lies in a dictator using such technology to control the population in a way worse than ever before.
shady mutha
July 2nd, 2007, 06:56 PM
What a bunch of fools. Would have thought they would have a least added a couple beer kegs of match heads or fireworks for some extra effect, buts its a good thing they didn't I guess.
I miss the good old IRA, least they had some style.
If these guys are so desperate for virgins, why not just buy them? Instead of joining a suicide group, create a robbery group and clean up. Then go on holidays and root all the virgins you want.
But seriously, I hope they don't try to pull a bullshit stunt like that in Australia. We won't stand for it, instead of being scared the true blue aussies will wipe every muslim from this beautiful island and then have a BBQ and some beers.
Jacks Complete
July 2nd, 2007, 07:49 PM
It's sad that three out of three terrorists can't crash a car properly.
It's even sadder that our rights are being stripped away due to three failed attempts to crash a car properly!
July 3rd, 2007, 05:20 PM
British terror probe focuses on doctors
By BEN McCONVILLE, Associated Press Writer
GLASGOW, Scotland - The fast-moving investigation into failed car bombings in Glasgow and London has swept up at least six physicians and a medical student, officials said Tuesday, including a doctor seized at an Australian airport with a one-way ticket. Many of the men had roots outside Britain — with ties to Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and India — and worked together at hospitals in Scotland or England, officials said.
None of the plotters arrested so far is named on U.S. terror watch lists that identify potential suspects, according to a senior American counterterror official who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.
Staff at Glasgow's Royal Alexandra Hospital said Tuesday the suspect badly burned in the failed attack on Glasgow airport was Khalid Ahmed, a Lebanese doctor who both worked there — as did the Iraqi arrested with him — and was being treated there under police guard. One of the doctors from India, 27-year-old Muhammad Haneef, was arrested late Monday at the international airport in the Australian city of Brisbane, the Australian attorney general said.
Haneef, who was being held under counterterrorism laws, worked in 2005 at Halton Hospital in England, hospital spokesman Mark Shone said. A 26-year-old man arrested Saturday in Liverpool also practiced there, Shone said. "The doctor was regarded by the hospital as, in many senses, a model citizen — excellent references and so on," said Queensland Premier Peter Beattie. Police in Glasgow said two more men — aged 25 and 28 — were arrested Sunday in residences at Glasgow's Royal Alexandra Hospital, where staff identified them as a junior doctor and a medical student.
Amid increased security at British airports, train stations and on city streets, two men attempting to buy gas canisters at an industrial estate were arrested in Blackburn, northern England, under anti-terrorism laws. Police said it was too early to determine if the men were linked to the London and Glasgow attacks. Authorities said police searched at least 19 locations at a time of already high vigilance before the anniversary of the suicide bombings in London that killed 52 people on July 7, 2005.
In the latest attacks, two car bombs failed to explode in central London on Friday, and two men rammed a Jeep Cherokee loaded with gas cylinders into the entrance of Glasgow International Airport and then set it on fire Saturday. The British government security official said investigators were working on one theory that the same people may have driven the explosives-laden cars into London and the blazing SUV in Glasgow.
Bomb experts carried out a second controlled explosion on a car at the Royal Alexandra Hospital hospital Monday, after a similar blast Sunday. Police said the car was linked to the investigation, but no explosives were found. Authorities identified Bilal Abdulla, an Iraqi doctor who worked at the Glasgow hospital, as the other man arrested at the airport.
A man arrested late Saturday on a highway in central England was also a physician, Mohammed Jamil Abdelqader Asha, police said. A Jordanian official said Asha was of Palestinian descent and carried a Jordanian passport. Azmi Mahafzah, Asha's instructor at the University of Jordan medical school, said he knew Asha during his studies and training from 1998 to 2004. "I didn't even have the impression that he was religious," he told The Associated Press. "He is not a fanatic type of person." The family of Asha's wife, Marwa, who British authorities said was also arrested, denied she had links to terrorism. "Marwa is a very educated person and she read many British novels to know England better, a country she liked so much," her father, Yunis Da'na, told The Associated Press in Jordan.
Police were also investigating an attack on an Asian news agent early Tuesday in Glasgow, in which a car was rammed into the shop and caught fire or set ablaze, and the torching of a real estate office next to a mosque near Edinburgh on Monday. Officers have yet to establish if either attack was racially motivated, but Osama Saeed, the Muslim Association of Britain's Scottish spokesman, said tension was increasing.
July 6th, 2007, 03:54 AM
Data point: I flew out of LaGuardia soon after this happened, and was shocked to find myself whizzing through security with no hassle whatsoever. (No liquid container checks, no separate "random check" line; no nothing!) In fact, flying was almost as fast and convenient as I remember it being pre-2001. For some reason, the US hysteria mongers didn't see fit to interfere with domestic flights out of New York City, at any rate.
However, as I was passing by a television tuned to FOXNews, I noticed the anti-immigration propagandists were using the spectre of Muslim doctors committing domestic terrorism as an excuse to call for restrictions on professional work visas. So I'm sure we'll see a bill or two of that ilk introduced in Congress before too long.
Ugh. It never ends, does it.
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