View Full Version : Feinstein's Concealed Carry Permit?
February 7th, 2003, 04:28 PM
I've just heard that Diane Feinstein, amongst other prominent rabid anti-gun supporters was found to have applied for a Concealed Carry permit! Are any of our US members able to verify this?
If true, I find it quite shocking. How can anyone be so hypocritical and shallow?
February 7th, 2003, 05:07 PM
Apparently it's quite true (and disgustingly hypocritical, I might add). Check out:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
This page contains coomentary from the Fort Worth Star Telegram, 60 Minutes, and <a href="" target="_blank"></a> . Trustworthy enough sources, I'd assume. Just goes to show that not only is she a hypocrite for carrying a concealed pistol while she wants TOTAL gun control for the rest of us, she's also a moron when it actually comes right down to "gun safety" and "gun responsibility" (which I find rather reprehensible, since she's always ready to jump on the bandwagon about "irresponsible gun owners", and demand more gun bans, "keep-you-guns-locked-in-a-gun-cabinet" type laws, and mandatory trigger lock laws, ostensibly in the name of "safety"). Actually, I read in SOF magazine that not only does she carry a pistol, but that back a few years ago when she had "bodyguards" (this was back during 1995, after the OKC bombing and the "lunatic fringe militias are coming to get us all" media scare), she felt they should be authorized to carry submachine guns to protect her; however, I cannot verify this. As for how she could be so hypocritical and shallow...that's easy...she's a politician.
February 7th, 2003, 07:02 PM
How can she be so hypocritical? Simple, she's a politican! :)
[old joke]
Q: How do you know a politican is lying?
A: Their mouth is moving.
[/old joke]
See, this goes to the very nature of what being a politican is all about. They want things for themselves while keeping them from others. These are the same people who, as children, would say "It's MY ball so I make the rules!".
There was some anti-gun radio talkshow host, several years ago, who shot a burglar with an unlicensed pistol in his home. Even after that he still maintained the BS about "irresponsible" gun owners and the need to ban them! :rolleyes:
June 17th, 2003, 12:43 AM
Diane Feinstein is more than a hypocrite. She is a wealthy elitist who views people in terms of class. People like her in the so-called upper levels of position and power fear people who they consider to be of a "lower class". These "upper class" elitists are probably sociopaths - the rules don't apply to them. Or more simply put - DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO.
While we're on the topic of gun control, several years ago Carl Rowan Sr., a well known Washington D.C. columnist and gun-control hypocrite, shot a kid for smoking a joint in his(Rowan's) swimming pool. He claimed the kid tried to attack him. The handgun that Rowan used was ILLEGAL in D.C..
When asked what he thought of his violation, he claimed he had a right to a gun because of his economic/social status. He also stated that ordinary people don't have a right to own a gun. This is hypocrisy. As I recall, he beat the gun charge - the rest of us poor schmucks wouldn't be so lucky. I imagine we would have been convicted on that gun felony and served several years in Federal prison.
I had to reformat your post to correct the formatting error. In the future, just type your replies in the reply window, rather than composing them on your computer and pasting them into the reply window.
Also, the use of the occasional paragraph break makes your reply much more readable, rather than one long running sentence.
Kid Orgo
June 18th, 2003, 07:18 PM
These people give gun control a bad name.
I was about to say they give politicians a bad name,
but it's the politicians that give politicians a bad name.
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