View Full Version : A day for appreciating our mothers!
May 8th, 2004, 11:05 AM
To all my fellow rogue scientists,
It is in the spirit of endearment and praise of my mother that I post this thread. The day comes every year; Mother's Day. Some of us buy flowers and send cards and some of us do not! It is a day not just for thinking of our mothers as the reason we exist, but also a day to question who we really are. What does it mean that we were born in the place we were, in the time and to what family? Some of us are born rich and some poor. Some healthy and some unhealthy. Some of us have families that love us and some do not. Yet, I would not make this thread a philosophical one, but rather a simple opportuinity to say just what it is that we appreciate about the woman we call Mother.
So I shall begin my laudation:
She is kind and loving! She is wise and discerning.
She is willing to listen to her son. She is a good cook.
She is virtuous. She always has my best interest in mind.
She prays for me. She cares for me when I am sick and she shows compassion for me! She is worthy of love! She is an incredable person!
Please feel free, everyone, to reply with what it is you appreciate about your mothers!
May 8th, 2004, 06:29 PM
My mother was a whore that taught me what the meaning of hate was.
And she was the inspiration for RTPB #1 "Trust No One".
I'll always be thankful to her for that lesson.
May 8th, 2004, 07:08 PM
Our mothers fucked someone someday and thanks to that, we are here in this world full of shit where, after decades of immeasurable suffering, we will die; after horrible tortures in this grim, gloomy place, we will cease to exist. Every pain, every deception in this fucking life, we owe to our mothers's filthy act of fornication. They cowardly forced us to exist in hell. How lovely.
Edit: Here, I found a lyric I was looking for; very suitable for this topic, its from the album Outlaw Anthems, by the group Blood for Blood:
Mother Dear
Here I am
I am a monster but I was made
Here I stand
I am a beast that was born of pain
Bred to hate in this world gone insane
But now I'm here to stay
and I live to spit in your face.
'Cause I am from the outside
And I am everything that you despise.
Bred to hate in your society's eyes, it's a society of lies
And I live to spit in your face...
Mother dear,
Look at your darling young one.
Mother dear,
Look at what I have become.
Mother dear,
I am you bastard disgrace.
Mother dear,
I will spit in your face.
This is my laudation.
May 9th, 2004, 10:37 AM
I second that.
My mom wonuldn't let me get a rifle when I was a kid because she wanted 'peace in this house.' The bitch literally thought I would fucking shoot her if I had a gun. I finally moved out because my parents effectively told me they thought I was some kind of maniac. Not that she didn't know that she had done some very bad things to me; to her, cleaning my room out meant five trashcans at the curb while I was sent to the relatives.
You can tell when they're not sorry: it happens more that twice.
God is on her side: "You must respect your father and your mother." I remember when my dad made me write up something on the biblical place of children, and the main reference in the bible turned out to be "Fathers do not be exasperating your sons." :)
I really ought to give you her contact information so that you could all tell her that we pyros are really very nice, stable people, but that could lead back to me.
May 9th, 2004, 05:47 PM
Someone once said "Men are what their mothers make them" I guess thats good or bad. My mother is the person I love most in this world, she has been there for me even when I was the biggest fuck in the world to her. I owe everything to her. I guess that makes me a mamas boy. Oh well I guess. Now as for fathers day, this post would look a bit different..
May 9th, 2004, 11:53 PM
On the radio today I kept hearing about mothers day. It occurred to me that it annoys me when people say mothers "gave the gift of life". Fathers are no less responsible for it. I mean, why is it that mothers get all the credit (or blame)? Sure, they are a little more involved for the first few months, but it's not like I would be born if it wasn't for my father, too. Just like a women to take all the credit, just like they take all your stuff when they leave ;) . Besides, what sort of gift is it if it is forced upon you?
I went for dinner and did shit like that with my mother today, but I am SO glad I live with my dad.
Chew on this: If someones mother is strictly religious and they believe in eternal damnation, then logically if they have a son/daughter there is a chance that person will end up in Hell. To me, it seems like a heinous crime to create even the smallest chance of someone going to hell for eternity. Especially doing it to satisfy some selfish motherly urge. Sure, the offspring might end up in heaven but if there is even a one in a million chance that they end up being tortured forever, shouldn't that be enough to make a non-evil person want to keep their pants on? I mean think about it... in pain forever. There is a saying that goes something like "After 100 years, eternity is just beginning". But I mean shit, after a billion years eternity is still just beginning. Maybe someone who understands religion can shed some light on this, but otherwise, you know what I say? "Pfff, religion".
May 10th, 2004, 01:30 AM
I went to Wal Mart in the middle of the night last night (horray 24 hour service) to get a card and some flowers. I like to go at night to avoid the crowds, but low and behold even at 2 AM there were all these Johnny-come-latelys all over the cards. All the cards were picked over, but I found a good one, the remaining flowers were barely hanging on to life, but I managed to find a nice bouquet. The line was also quite long. Tell me again why I go at night? I did get a nice parking spot though...
May 10th, 2004, 03:48 PM
Mother.. Just the word rolling off my tongue conjures up endless memories of years of ruthless abuse and agony. Why should we pay for the crimes of humanity because of our mother's insatiable need for cock? Why should we be forced into enduring a life of molestations and beatings?! I've been suffering the ill effects of her slutass every moment of my life.
I hope your fun was worth my agony... mother.
May 10th, 2004, 05:51 PM
WOW! Lot's of mom's out there have made quite an impression on us, haven't they?
Maybe Mother's Day should pay tribute less to mom's and more to daddie's paycheck...
Had it not have been payday when mom saw that fateful gleam in Dad's eye we might all have just been BLOWJOBS! :(
Jacks Complete
May 10th, 2004, 07:08 PM
Had it not have been payday when mom saw that fateful gleam in Dad's eye we might all have just been BLOWJOBS! :(
LOL! That's one way to look at it.
Guess I missed the day... Oops.
Still, I love my parents. Regardless of anything else, you shouldn't be angry at them for having you. Sure, be angry for what they have (or haven't) done, if it was something that they had control over, but if you were born trailer trash, and they didn't beat you, then what can you moan about? You've got ten fingers (mostly) and ten toes, you are obviously bright and intelligent, and your folks didn't decide to stick your head in a vice for ten years to be able to sell you to the freak show as a tiny-headed retard...
Sure, be angry, but at least you have the capacity to be angry!
May 11th, 2004, 06:02 AM
I agree with Jack's Complete.
I LOVE my mother(and my father), and I am not shy to confess it. Yes, life is not the best place to live ;) , but my parents did nearly everything to make my life better. I will thank them for it forever.
P.S.: Think about this: When you aren't born, you cannot make any funny things like explosives. For me, it is counterweight of the life miserability!
May 11th, 2004, 10:26 AM
This Mother's Day I put flowers on my mother's grave. She's been gone for a
couple of years now. I don't blame her for some of the abuse I suffered.
She, my brother, and I suffered at the hands of an abusive alcoholic - that is
my father. Mom did the best she could with what she had and I thank her for
May 12th, 2004, 12:58 PM
I totally agree with Ropik. Im just glad Ive been born so that I can do the fun things like study organic chemistry, and make explosives. The one thing that can always make me happy. there is NOTHING like the feeling you get when you light that big ass fuse, you run back to shelter and you wait.........then theres always that briefest of moments that you think"is it gonna work?" then BOOOOOOOM!!!!You gotta love the feel of that shockwave shaking the earth. AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!thanks mom.....and dad I guess.
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