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View Full Version : My country is going to shit!

September 20th, 2007, 06:56 AM
It seems the do-gooder politicians are out in force again attempting to sway the public (idiots) for their pathetic vote. Todays fine example:


Once again they are playing the 'terrorism' card to try and get shit passed, last time I checked there has never been a terrorist attack on our soil.

And another example:


Goodbye privacy, the feds can be up your ass for 3 weeks without having to get a court order. What a fine way to fuel the propaganda machine, monitor 10,000 people to see if someone googles something suspicious, arrest all of the 'terrorists' and use that to restrict our freedom even more. Combined that with the fact they can hold someone for a few weeks without charge if they are suspected of being a 'terrorist' and its clear this place is going to shit.

Not happy to say the least...

September 20th, 2007, 09:57 AM
"My country is going to shit!" -- Welcome in the "Club" buddy...

September 22nd, 2007, 04:53 AM
Yes I read that article with interest. I saw what they are trying to do and its amazing what they try to get done under the "terrorism" tag. I am wondering where they will stop in order to control the information, forcing the censoring of internet sites is pretty big and unfortunately I'm sure RS would probably be one of the first sites blocked.
Well it was not a total disappointment as we can always just use a proxy server to browse but that would be an annoyance. I'm sure they would have difficulty blocking the content through all of the proxies out there so at best it may just stop all of the Kewl's from accessing the information that they shouldn't be looking at anyway to protect the community.
It is good to know that we are a resilient community and we will hopefully survive any oppression from increasingly totalitarian governments.

September 23rd, 2007, 01:54 AM
it seems the snakes have read Goerge Orwells' 1984, because just like oceana's government launches missle strikes into the cities and blames it on an agressive neighboring enemy, our masters tell us their destructive deeds (9/11) were terrorist attacks, what a covienient excuse, a never ending state of fear to speed up the process of exchanging freedoms for imaginary safety.
Everything is going to plan, billions are being made by defense contractors, and the enemies of israel are being snuffed one by one, and the sheeple are yet herded into a smaller pen.

September 23rd, 2007, 02:33 AM
Encrypted sites that look innocuous on their face and decrypt with a valid
userid and password combination may be possible. The problem is that one
snitch or disgruntled member could blow the entire works. Count on
politicians being the dickheads that they are. We have to stay a couple of
steps ahead of them. This is why I like PGP so much ! As NBK pointed out in
a thread, encrypting even routine messages puts a strain on the paranoid
types at NSA. It relates to increasing the burden on their computer systems.
I vote for encryption to keep fucking with their heads !

September 23rd, 2007, 04:29 PM
I feel sorry for you ChippedHammer, looks like another free country bites the dust (happened here long ago), but here's somthing you can try...


It was designed for getting around internet censorship in places like China but sounds like you'll be needing it soon, the only problem is that it needs a user in a "Free" country, and those are getting harder and harder to find.

September 23rd, 2007, 05:19 PM
Come to friendly canada. Its cold sure, but at least we have public freedom.

September 23rd, 2007, 11:21 PM
Come to friendly canada. Its cold sure, but at least we have public freedom.

I think you're confused.

I have personally felt the wrath of the anti terrorism act of Canada.

But you're more or less right, our huge (7000-9000) national shortage of law FORCE members makes things pretty peachy here, at least for the time being.

September 24th, 2007, 12:42 AM
A hammer in a teddy-bear still hurts when it hits you. ;)

September 26th, 2007, 08:40 PM
Come to friendly canada. Its cold sure, but at least we have public freedom.

Really, what about Hate Crime laws?

Section 319(1): Public Incitement of Hatred

The crime of "publicly inciting hatred" has four main elements. To contravene the Code, a person must:

* communicate statements,
* in a public place,
* incite hatred against an identifiable group,
* in such a way that there will likely be a breach of the peace.

Under section 319, "communicating" includes communicating by telephone, broadcasting or other audible or visible means; a "public place" is one to which the public has access by right or invitation, express or implied; and "statements" means words (spoken, written or recorded), gestures, and signs or other visible representations.

All the above elements must be proven for a court to find an accused guilty of either:

* an indictable offence, for which the punishment is imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
* an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Section 319(2) defines the additional offence of communicating statements, other than in private conversation, that wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group.

Warrants of Seizure

Section 320 of the Criminal Code provides for the seizure and forfeiture of physical hate propaganda material kept on any premises for distribution or sale.

Section 320.1 added under the Anti-Terrorism bill in 2001, allows the courts to order publicly available hate propaganda to be deleted from computer systems, such as a Web site. The individuals responsible for posting the offensive material are given the opportunity to convince the court that it does not constitute hate propaganda. This provision applies to any hate propaganda located on a Canadian computer system, regardless where the owner of the material is located.

Additional Hate Provisions

The courts may define the motivations of hate, bias or prejudice as aggravating factors when sentencing an offender for other offences, such as assault, damage to property, threatening, or harassment. The result is usually a more severe punishment (section 718.2(a)(i)).

The fact is that many of the messages posted in this forum could get the poster 2 years in the jug and by reading it, and having it stored on your computer, you could have your private property siezed by the government! You call that freedom?

September 27th, 2007, 09:11 AM
And I would risk arrest for my loli hentai collection! :eek:

September 27th, 2007, 02:17 PM
Here in New Zealand, which like Australia, Canada, the U.$.A., and U.K., belongs to the "Echelon" network for electronic eavesdropping on communications, the Electronic Secret Police doing the job are called euphemistically the "Government Communications Security Bureau" (GCSB), the counterpart of the NSA and the U.K.'s GCHQ. Their main asset, other than their Wellington offices, is a big radio dish near Blenheim, used to intercept all radio and telephone communications into and out of New Zealand. It is suspected they also tap all local telephone calls, but neither confirm nor deny this. They work closely with the ordinary Secret Police, called the Security Intelligence Service, or "Big SIS" for short. Because we have a female Prime Minister and Speaker of the House and Attorney-General, it is called "Big Sister", rather than "Big Brother" after Orwell's. In the last few years, there has been an enormous increase in ordinary Police corruption and brutality, as in Australia.

September 27th, 2007, 10:06 PM
And I would risk arrest for my loli hentai collection! :eek:

No that would come under section 163

... / Making child pornography / distribution or sale of child pornography / Possession of child pornography / Defence / Defences / Other provisions apply.

163.1 (1) In this section, "child pornography" means

(a) a photographic, film, video or other visual representation, whether or not it was made by electronic or mechanical means,

(i) that shows a person who is or is depicted as being under the age of eighteen years and is engaged in or is depicted as engaged in explicit sexual activity, or
(ii) the dominant characteristic of which is the depiction, for a sexual purpose, of a sexual organ or the anal region of a person under the age of eighteen years; or

(b) any written material or visual representation that advocates or counsels sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act.

(4) Every person who possesses any child pornography is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

So your Hentai would probably land you in jail for a further five years! Remember if you want to commit a crime in Canada do somthing forgivable like rape or murder, oh yea and be black, then you get off scot free!

Here in New Zealand, which like Australia, Canada, the U.$.A., and U.K., belongs to the "Echelon" network for electronic eavesdropping on communications,


used to intercept all radio and telephone communications into and out of New Zealand. It is suspected they also tap all local telephone calls, but neither confirm nor deny this.

Actually the way I heard Echelon works, since it is "illegal" for the member organizations to spy on their own countries they swap the jobs with each other, eg. Canada spies on the U.S. who spies on the U.K. who spies on Canada, and Australia spies on New Zealand and New Zealand spies on Australia and then they all swap their info with each other and hence nobody has broken the Letter of the law (although the spirit is totally fucked over)! There was a book written on Echelon in Canada, I'll look it up. Aren't you glad globalism is working so well?

September 27th, 2007, 10:58 PM
My 2 cents. Face it, the whole world is going to shit. Government leaders worldwide do not trust their own citizens. The leaders have become more inept with each passing generation. Globally the general decay can be closely be paralled to the decay of Rome.

October 8th, 2007, 08:09 AM
Anyone want to help overthrow the government with me?

I don't know what you Americans are waiting for, doesn't your constitution allow you to overthrow the standing government if they gain to much control or get out of hand?

October 8th, 2007, 10:53 AM
Anyone want to help overthrow the government with me?

I don't know what you Americans are waiting for, doesn't your constitution allow you to overthrow the standing government if they gain to much control or get out of hand?

Thats a question that should be asked your friends and likely minded people near you.

Overthrow? Like starting with terminating mayors and goverment officials? Got guns? = We travel!

Like any other constitution (yes even our country's) the American constitution isn't worth the paper that its written on. Cause there isnt any written law, bill or else that cannot be worked-around with political wit or legal-expertise. And no citizen will protest as long as he is satisfied enough with what he has or atleast he isn't willing to jeopardize that little that he has. The masses are kept numb in a lukewarm puddle, while the polit leaches suck on them for the rest of their empty-headed lives.

The paradox part. To liberate your country from bad and evil, first you have to turn things even worse for the sheeple. Until they scratch them self blood and start stampeding. Cause they wont do nothing until they refrigerator are full and their TV is on... nice numb and lukewarm

October 9th, 2007, 05:33 PM
Like any other constitution (yes even our country's) the American constitution isn't worth the paper that its written on.

If a people have the love of liberty in their hearts no government can take it from them, if they do not have the love of liberty in their hearts no constitution can give it to them.

It seems to me that governments the world over have been infantizing their citizens, making them think that goverment is the all caring father and they are just passive childern, even ignoring that daddy has been molesting them for years, we need to grow up or daddy is going to kill us.

October 10th, 2007, 06:04 AM
If a people have the love of liberty in their hearts no government can take it from them, if they do not have the love of liberty in their hearts no constitution can give it to them.

It seems to me that governments the world over have been infantizing their citizens, making them think that goverment is the all caring father and they are just passive childern, even ignoring that daddy has been molesting them for years, we need to grow up or daddy is going to kill us.

"People" dont want freedom anymore(or thats the last thing on their wishlist).They want security, comfort, stability etc... and the goverment is more then willing to provide the illusion of these, for a nominal fee (very pricey), which includes: freedom, self-determination, freespeech...

"You don't need freedom, you need security. Cause the world is a dangerous place and only I, The Almighty Goverment with money, military, police and with its apparatus, can keep you safe. You can't live without me in FREEDOM, cause your weak and scared, you big baby." ;)

Charles Owlen Picket
October 10th, 2007, 11:18 AM
In the Orwellian double-speak of the day, Security IS Freedom. Thus you need to sacrifice your liberties for the Freedom of security.

This is the total BS of the current "safe-think" that gets stupid laws like those in the UK in motion. Those laws that arrest a young man for possessing a book! Those are the Laws that in Kalifornia, present a bolt-action sporting rifle as a "sniper rifle", etc, etc.

This exactly WHY the media describes anti-social, pathological shootings as "gun violence". This is the concept of "Objectification": the object is responsible for the action.
The "logic" is twisted and the concept convoluted, but it sells. It sells to morons who allow themselves to be continually frightened instead of thinking a subject through; they wallow in fear....And fear becomes the buying motive of the public from political salespeople.

October 10th, 2007, 04:20 PM
"You don't need freedom, you need security. Cause the world is a dangerous place and only I, The Almighty Goverment with money, military, police and with its apparatus, can keep you safe. You can't live without me in FREEDOM, cause your weak and scared, you big baby."

In the Orwellian double-speak of the day, Security IS Freedom. Thus you need to sacrifice your liberties for the Freedom of security.

And we stay in the cradle, under the care of big brother, until the grave. What will we be in 100 years? Every seen H.G. Wells "The Time Machine" (The old one, not the new one.) We'll all be Eloi, unthinking herd animals under the control of the Morlock elite. What a future.

October 10th, 2007, 09:59 PM
Chip, welcome to the club.

Hate Crimes. I commit a "hate crime" by being alive, I'm Caucasian!

My 2 cents. Face it, the whole world is going to shit. Government leaders worldwide do not trust their own citizens. The leaders have become more inept with each passing generation. Globally the general decay can be closely be paralled to the decay of Rome.

Oh, I beg to differ! The Government trusts us, to act like good sheeple and be led to the slaughter without resistance!

They don't trust us to act like we should and put bullets in the brains of those who dare defy the Constitution (assuming you're an American), metaphorically speaking, of course :rolleyes:

They say all societies fail, we can reverse that deadly trend if people would get off of their lazy asses and act.

Anyone want to help overthrow the government with me?

I don't know what you Americans are waiting for, doesn't your constitution allow you to overthrow the standing government if they gain to much control or get out of hand?

I'm game. I'll gladly lock and load to save this country from falling down the toilet. Now is the time, soon it will be too late. I say, we have around 50 years before "resistance is futile." Maybe I am being too optimistic, 20 years?

We do have a Right to Revolution, but I don't know the technical details of it, surely they have been altered since it's original writing though.

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin

October 10th, 2007, 11:22 PM
This thread is getting a little risqu�.

Shit, you should all know what I think on the subject, and there is a thread around here about active demonstration resistance ideas.

Remember, we are on the net, and this forum is open to everyone, and it wouldn't be that hard to get your user name traced back to you, or even worse, have The Forum shut down.

Remain vigilant, and keep in contact with a few people. If we all do that, we should be able to all find each other if the SHTF. Until then, don't give them a reason...

Kaydon - Resistance is never futile. You just need to become more and more intelligent about it.

ChippedHammer - Any word on those legislations that were going to be passed through the senate? Because that is dangerously close to the crackdown for me....

simply RED
October 11th, 2007, 10:30 AM
In the current times resistance is incredibly hard because the majority of people love to be slaves. The order gives them physical surviving in exchange for their complete obedience.

Talking will not open the peoples' minds. Action should...

October 11th, 2007, 05:23 PM
This thread is getting a little risqu�.


Remain vigilant, and keep in contact with a few people. If we all do that, we should be able to all find each other if the SHTF. Until then, don't give them a reason...

I'm not too worried about being tracked down, I welcome all challengers.

I doubt the Forum will be shut down.

I'm sure, should all hell break loose we all would find one another.

Joe Blow isn't interested in becoming intelligent, and we need them as cannon fodder ;)

October 23rd, 2007, 03:53 AM
simply RED - I agree with you all the way. Actions speak louder than words.

Kaydon - I implore you, if you haven't already, go read the "active demonstration resistance ideas" thread, and then see what you think. Especially the last post (http://www.roguesci.org/theforum/showpost.php?p=74713&postcount=18).

Whether you think that RS would be shut down or not is irrelevant, it is the concerns the moderators have for your safety, as well as every else's that matters.

October 23rd, 2007, 01:08 PM
That was a great thread.. I liked the idea of crushing the power grid. Seemed plausible.

If only we could have a forum where people could discuss a revolution without fear of imprisonment for conspiracy to commit a domestic terrorist act.....

Somehow I doubt the moderators value *my* safety. I don't value my own safety for that matter.

Does anyone think the feds are actually watching this forum like an eagle watches it's prey? I mean, with the sign in to view thing, and the fact I'm sure NBK knows enough about computers to know when there are some prying eyes in the background? Who knows.

Jacks Complete
October 24th, 2007, 07:16 PM
Whilst any member is dispensable, and could be left out to hang for the greater good, we wouldn't do it on purpose, unless the member forced us to. At least, that is my understanding as a mod.

Don't draw a load of heat down on the forum, and you are welcome to stick around, unless you are an ass, then you'll be leaving anyhow.

As regards people watching the forum, of course it is being watched! Even if we vetted every registration via some kind of PI service, do you really think we would work out who is an LEO here for fun and who is an LEO here for work, versus those here to gather data on members. And even if we somehow stopped them getting on, since the UK and most other countries routinely store all data traffic and can intercept anything we send, they could still read it, without us ever knowing.

Assume this place is full of those who would do you harm. Keep your info to yourself, and don't make it trivial for anyone to find you. At least make them work!

October 25th, 2007, 10:21 AM
I regularly see people signing up from every branch of the US military, PMC's like KBR, the armed forces of various countries, NGO's, private corporations, independent consultants, firarms manufacturers, and other people in the trade.

Today, we had 2 people from the US military (both navy), and a company that manufacturers silencers sign-up, so I'd like to think they'd have better sense than sign-up to a k3wL board. ;)

The one thing I've only seen a handful of times is overt law-enforcement, like FBI or ATF. We know they're here, but they don't have the balls to be upfront about it, instead preferring to hide behind false fronts. :p

October 28th, 2007, 06:19 PM
You guys aren't even close to kidding. (NBK - can I borrow the teddy bear line?)

A long time ago I promised to "... defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic."
Lately, I just don't know which way to jump.

October 31st, 2007, 10:44 PM
More on the crapification in progress:

Item 1:
"A mandatory University of Delaware program requires residence hall students to acknowledge that "all whites are racist" and offers them "treatment" for any incorrect attitudes regarding class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality they might hold upon entering the school, according to a civil rights group."
More: http://wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=58426

Item 2:
Ceremonial Flag-Folding Readings Pulled From Military Funerals -
The ceremony that is normally read during military funerals describing the meaning of each fold of the US flag as it is retired, then given to the family of the fallen, has been stopped due to a letter written by Steve Muro, Director, Office of Field Programs, National Cemetery Administration. (Does he have this authority?)
Apparently, there was a misprint or a misreading in a recitation, somebody complained to the white house, which passed the issue off to the Nat. Cemetery Administration (we have one?).
Charlie Waters, parliamentarian for the American Legion of California, said he's advising memorial honor details to ignore the edict.

"This is nuts," Waters told the Press-Enterprise by telephone from Fresno. "There are 26 million veterans in this country and they're not going to take us all to prison."
More: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,306186,00.html

Item 3:
New York Governor Eliot Spitzer authorized the state to give Illegal aliens drivers licenses. Assclown. You guys to the south want jobs? Come through the FRONT door.
More: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/30/opinion/30tues1.html?hp

Item 4:
Portland, Maine will allow middle schools to distribute birth control pills to girls as young as 11 (WTF?!?!?) - without parents knowledge.
More: http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=59704&src=110

Item 5:
There is such an overabundance of illegals in Oregon that the local schools have asked the Secretariat of Public Schools of Mexico for curriculum & textbooks - (remember the Alamo - Santa Anna's great victory!)
More: http://www.kgw.com/news-local/stories/kgw_091907_education_mexican_curriculum_.ede64566. html

Item 6:
"Superman" now stands for "truth, justice, and, " well that's it. Thx DC, you suck.
Captain America was shot on court house steps this spring. Thx Marvel Comics. You suck.
G.I. Joe - once ..."a great American hero", Government Issue Joe himself, has been renamed "Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity" and now answers to the UN, in an upcoming, vomit inducing movie. Oh yeah, Cobra is no longer a terrorist organization - that would be offensive to terrorists?!?! Thx Hasbro - you suck.
If I remember right, the guy who lent his likeness to the GI Joe doll (OK, action figure) was a marine at Guadalcanal. His task force was slaughtered, and he ran back and forth between every machine gun emplacement he could find so that the japanese would over-estimate his number(s).. He held off 2 regiments like this. The only thing he asked of Hasbro was that GI Joe would always be a US Marine. Yeah. Ooo Rah!
More: http://www.glennbeck.com/news/10302007b.shtml

Item 7:
Navy SEALS in Afghanistan let possible Taliban go for fear of LEGAL reprisals back in the states. Then get shot to hell and back after they are ratted out, and surrounded by over 200 Taliban. SEAL team 10 taken out by lawyers?!? WTF?!?
Read: Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10, Marcus Luttrell

I could go on for days, but with 100,000 Turks on the northern Iraqi border, and the DOD retrofitting stealth bombers with 30,000lb MOPs (headed for hardened targets in Iran, I bet) - I'll bet the world's about to get REAL busy.
(Police went door to door taking guns in New Orleans during the post Katrina flood - didja hear THAT one?) I'm oiling up my reloading dies.

November 1st, 2007, 05:57 AM
Whilst any member is dispensable, and could be left out to hang for the greater good, we wouldn't do it on purpose, unless the member forced us to. At least, that is my understanding as a mod.

Don't draw a load of heat down on the forum, and you are welcome to stick around, unless you are an ass, then you'll be leaving anyhow.

As regards people watching the forum, of course it is being watched!

Government doesn't care about few hotheads talking revolution. It's when you start stocking up on illegal weapons and explosives when they start paying attention. And if they wanted to shut this forum down, they could do that already based on all the explosives talk here because explosives are illegal.

Oh, I beg to differ! The Government trusts us, to act like good sheeple and be led to the slaughter without resistance!

They don't trust us to act like we should and put bullets in the brains of those who dare defy the Constitution (assuming you're an American), metaphorically speaking, of course :rolleyes:

They say all societies fail, we can reverse that deadly trend if people would get off of their lazy asses and act.

I'm game. I'll gladly lock and load to save this country from falling down the toilet. Now is the time, soon it will be too late. I say, we have around 50 years before "resistance is futile." Maybe I am being too optimistic, 20 years?

I see that I'm at the right place. The question is what we can do to increase our freedom? Armed resistance is of course suicidal at the moment, but learning about explosives like you guys do in this forum is ONE WAY, because it won't leave you defenseless when time comes to REALLY start defending your freedom.

Regarding fighting the government in non-violent ways, count me out. I don't have 100 years to spend on that. My plan is to develop technology to live on an island (there's now technology that produces 100kW power from one 12-foot buoy), then develop advanced tech like antigravity and scalar weapons which is now being suppressed, and then fly circles around F15's or other obsolete junk that the Empire would try to send against us. I'll be starting an online group for that soon.

Basically what you want to do is start working to create the future you want, in a similar way that a waitress does when she goes to night school to get a degree for a better job. If you do nothing, nothing will change. At least not for the better.

November 1st, 2007, 04:51 PM
Folks like to think talking is acting, or violence is stupid or unnecessary. I say it's the only way. Since when did a bully ever stop picking on you because you told the dean/principal? The only way is to show the bully who's the real boss.

The best thing to do is just prepare. That's all anyone can do really.

November 1st, 2007, 05:40 PM
Nmp2, I read that article. I'm a racist because I'm white ? Wow ! These
university administrators should meet my Eastern Shore cousins ! :D They'll
never apply for admission for University Of Delaware after I show them this
article. I can see my young cousins being told that they have to proclaim
that all whites are racists. This is the predictable reaction:


BTW, I saved a copy of that article on my hard drive for future reference just
in case I need to refer back to it. Articles like that one probably don't stay
on the net for too long. In fact, I'll put in the FTP under MISCELLANEOUS.

November 1st, 2007, 06:06 PM
That's what they want.

The politically correct thought police want everyone, Whites included, to believe that all Whites are racist.

November 1st, 2007, 06:52 PM
Further into that article, it says that if you're black, you CAN'T be racist.
Wait until the NAACP hears that!
"...we can't be...? WHAT?! NOBODY's tellin' me what I can or can't be!"

Check "Dog the Bounty Hunter". His career is pretty much over now due to a phone call to his son. Granted, a figure in the public spotlight must be way more aware of his actions than the rest of us, but last time I checked, it's not illegal to be a racist, just to act on it. The University of Delaware wants to change that. They are graciously offering to RE-EDUCATE those who have "incorrect" thoughts. Holy George Orwell, Batman! Is it 1984 already?

Gee, I wonder if they have "camps" for this re-education...

November 1st, 2007, 07:16 PM
If you read the article, further down, it states that there's no such thing as
"reverse discrimination", that it is a term coined by racists. Then can
someone please explain "affirmative action" to me ? If I'm denied something
because I'm white, it's race discrimination. They can't have it both ways !

Some students are resisting the so-called "treatment" that the university
sees as a "moral sickness". The only sick people at the University Of
Delaware, are the fucking liberals trying to shove this shit down students'
throats ! Expect to see more of this idiocy and students resisting it.

This university needs to be sued. The university has even hired male RAs for
one-on-one sessions for male students who resists the indoctrination. I call
this "pussification" because it attempts to get males to reject male identity.
What's next ? Castration of resistant males ?

Charles Owlen Picket
November 2nd, 2007, 10:47 AM
Actually every time you utter a PC phrase or succumb to PC indoctrination, you are being castrated. This is the "feminization" of the young. Especially in the USA where speaking out usually gets a person ostracized in the university community.

What IS racism really? Does it have a definition that is concrete and does not change with the circumstances to fit a PC agenda?
The concept that people of colour cannot be racist because they have no "power" is an old one and full of BS. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) now freely recognizes the existence of racism on the part of Blacks and says so [as well as posts articles describing same].

November 2nd, 2007, 02:54 PM
Good point Charles. My country still suffers from the described problem. Somehow coloured people cannot be racists, or commit racist crimes. And whites are always accused of a rasict crime if something happens to a "poor" mud. Cops are affraid to cuff them.

November 4th, 2007, 01:21 AM
A Study of Our Decline:


Essays on the nature of the decline of Western Civilization.

November 6th, 2007, 12:59 AM
Cheers, first post! I like everyones response on this thread, it shows a great deal of clue to catch on to the bullshit of contemporary life. I was wondering if anyone here has heard of Julius Evola? He was an Italian philosopher and occultist who was most known for being too extreme for Mussolinis Italy and getting banned from the Third Reich. In a nutshell, Evola analyzed modern life as a degeneration of the original ethos and spirit of a primordial Tradition that was realized in the meta-historical Golden Age (this is an era that has correspondances in many different cultures throughout history but is most prominently displayed in the ancient Aryan civilization). He characterizes many qualities of the Golden Age epoch, such as Tradition, timelessness, anti-individualism, anti-liberal, heroic, even anti-economic solar and uranian cults that rose above and destroyed the chaotic, vegitative, and animalistic cults and world views of other races that display merely sentimental, gynocentric, and dissolving characteristics. In contemporary society the rise of "goddess cults" is indicative just how far our society is declining (and how others here have undoubtedly noticed how hysterical our society is about "safety" and "tolerance" rather then risks and honor of accepting the consequences of failure). Such is a couple of the sign by which to recognize the Dark Age in which we live. Endless mechanization, consumerism, workerism, Marxism, liberalism, know that these are symptoms of the merely underlying crisis of heroic impotence.

But anyway, some of Evolas best shorter essays can be found at http://thompkins_cariou.tripod.com/id3.html I highly suggest The Occult War, The Two Faces of Nationalism, Youth Beats and Right-Wing Anarchists, Fascism and the Traditional Political Idea, and The Elements Of Racial Education (which I haven't been able to find online, sorry).

One of his main books can be found at http://members.aol.com/kabrenn/MenAmongtheRuins.pdf

and http://www.juliusevola.com/julius_evola/writings.html

It's my opinion that the world is going to go to shit for the next several hundred years if 1) the demograpic and cultural annihilation of Western peoples is not stopped 2) ecology destruction doesn't reverse 3) global capitalism is not destroyed. Like Nietzsche said, that which is falling should be pushed to accelerate it's demise. Politically I'm a National Anarchist as I believe the best way to weather the storm is to network with like minded people along ethnic and modern tribal lines to ensure mutual security and build an organic hierarchy that will fill the void in the place of a bankrupt socio-political system. I think this is the logical conclusions one can come to for a more ideal society if you accept the Fight Club ethos of self-transcendence.

A good talk that describes the practical way to start getting things going in the right direction is at http://bayareanationalanarchists.com/blog/2007/10/new-right-australia-welf-herfu.html

November 6th, 2007, 06:54 AM
One of the problems with men such as Evola and those that evolve organisations such as National Anarchist's is that they almost inevitably promote "tradition" over modern values or idea's.

The difficulty here is that once a modern idea has moved past its sense of newness, sometimes by a few years or a decade or so or more rarely a century has past, this "modern idea" becomes a tradition.

In essence, you have an endless stream of traditions to choose from that are purported to be superior to the current ideologies and methods. So which tradition is the best?

Perhaps the idea of trepanning to release the demons from mentally ill people is a good one? What about old monarchies and feudal societies? The list is endless, but the idea that one of the ideas could save us all is both false and pointless since if it could, it would have already. No society that has ever existed that we have accurate information on could ever be described as utopia, so if it is possible to be achieved (I have my doubts) it is yet in the future.

This doesn't mean that many old or traditional ideas are useless, just that they must be kept in perspective. Old ideologies however are useless as they have been proved wanting by history.

November 6th, 2007, 02:16 PM
Failure is it's own proof.

November 7th, 2007, 03:07 AM
Ahh, but the lure of trying something new for newnesses sake is powerful, and in trying something new the old, superior way is abandoned. It may be that the perfect system was discovered long ago, but "progress" led to it being abandoned. Perhaps the new way seemed better, but was flawed, and that flaw required many generations to realize. The new way became the only way, and the old way was forgotten.

The Spartans may have had the best society, or the Romans, or the Athenians, but whatever the best way is, we certainly do NOT have it now...

November 7th, 2007, 04:10 AM
Personal need for power by establishing the 'new and better' system, as well as disagreement with the existing ideology and its defenders, accounts for a lot of 'progress'.