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April 17th, 2003, 08:29 PM
I'm at the library reading the march issue of "Law Enforcement" magazine when I see that the unworthy unter-forum known as TOTSE had an entire article dedicated to some lamer article they had posted about "Beating the SWAT team".

I had to laugh at the stupidity of both the article (quoted verbatim) and the piggies response.

How is that such drivel, like TOTSE gets media coverage, and we don't? I've never heard of any TOTSE members blowing up malls or sniping people like ours have! :mad:

'Course, this would be a double edged sword if we got the wrong kind of attention.

I'm tempted to write this guy and send him a REALLY interesting article (anon) to let him know that there are people out there who think of things much more serious than some pimply faced teenager in Hobokin.

April 17th, 2003, 11:16 PM
I think any attention we may get from them would be the wrong kind of attention,
It is rather amusing that TOTSE even got an article, one would think that even a not so bright Law Enforcement officer would realise that a pathetic place like that is not much threat.

April 18th, 2003, 12:41 AM
No I like that ieda cause it mean that we can infer Cops are still by majority with out intelligence..

The fact that
1.) They even go thier shows their very lack of common sence and ability to smell shit. [I know several members here are members their, Well my views are just that Mine.]
2.) They found some article on TOTSE sooo interesting that they thought to write a article on it....

Now all the other police officers are going to read the dribbble and recase their brains aswell to the moronic nature of the author of the articel in LE .

April 18th, 2003, 01:55 AM
We would do well to remember the police are sheeple too, perhaps more so than the rest of us because they are the �party members� to use a 1984 analogy. They are just as frightened by the netizins actually using their horrible free speech rights to publish dreaded countermeasures to their invincible doctrine of smashing down doors and putting citizens to the gun.

First, they will likely laugh off the suggestions the TOTSE article proposed as I can almost guarantee they are in keeping with the usual top notch quality of the site (sarcasm alert). Second, they will add another log to the fire of resentment they have for this Internet thing that they say is nothing but criminal teenagers out to destroy the government and pedophiles waiting to kidnap your children.

I doubt it even occurs to the police that there may be better places out there with far more effective discussion as to how to defeat their tactics. All their minds see is a big evil site where thousands of criminals flock. I say let them have their fame; they are certainly large enough to warrant it. While the cops are wasting their time developing countermeasures against the demented ramblings of a pimply faced teenager other places on the web will flourish. On the other hand I fear places like TOTSE will be held up as examples for why the Internet should be banned and the First Amendment repealed.

April 18th, 2003, 07:56 AM
I think it'd be better to let the cops wallow in their ignorance as to the real threat out there.

Much better to have them continuing to greatly underestimate the small majority, than to be more cautious/prepared.

But I see how frustrating it is that TOTSE gets the limelight...

April 19th, 2003, 04:07 AM
Slight correction, it was "Law and Order", not "Law Enforcement".

I'm pissed about TOTSE, but realize that we've basically been avoiding piggie attention, which is why we haven't been hassled by them (yet).

Anyhows, since I couldn't let the slight pass, I e-mailed the piggie who wrote the article (via mix-master), and sent him a text copy of the RTPB's, suitably edited to obviate any web-search revealing the site of orgin (like RTPB), and leaving out the more sneaky RTPB's like sewing cuff keys in the pants and such.

I told him that his review of the TOTSE article was amusing, but that TOTSE catered to the lowest-common denominator on the web, and that there were people who were much more serious threats...people like me (un-named, of course) who read L&W to keep up with the piggies and what they know...something no one at TOTSE would even think of doing, which is why there's been NO reaction on their lame site to the article written about them, because none of the unter-TOTSite's know of it. :p

And while the tactics in the TOTSE article were rather lame, and the piggies response to them was OK, that they would die regardless of what they tried to do if someone with both the finances and the skills to make seriously lethal weapons desired to do so for the purpose of killing pigs, either in defense or ambush.

The only reason the pigs haven't been dying in droves is a fortuitous combination of the stupidity and lack of skills in the majority of criminals, the "snitch" culture that gives the crims the hope of easy sentences if they give up someone rather than fight it out, and the lack of heart most have to begin with.

Someone with heart like the LA Bank Robbers had pigs bleeding in the streets, and if they'd poisoned their bullets, none would have survived. Mandatory sentences and "Three Strike" type laws are reducing the chances of crims giving up rather than fighting. Better to "hold court in the street", since surrender gets you life in prison anyways, what's the point of surrendering? Better to die like an Outlaw, taking pigs with you to Hell, than to rot in some overcrowded prison.

I'll spare you the rest of the rant. ;)

What can I say man, pigs rile me, and TOTSE too? TOO MUCH! :mad: