View Full Version : Man steals ordnance in NAS
November 16th, 2007, 03:15 PM
So today or sometime last night some unidentified man here in Pensacola STOLE LIVE ORDNANCE! He took it straight from the NAS practice field on an ATV, drove off and never got caught. The local media reported that he was not stopped because the guards in the area did not spot him until he already had the ordnance in the back of the vehicle and did not want to shoot for fear of detonating the device... he just drove off into the forest unmolested.
I, for one, am incredibly surprised at the chutzpa of whoever did this. To enter a live fire naval air exercise just to steal a bomb, the guy must be stupid as all hell. Even though the ordnance being dropped was not active it was still live, and if they find him... well, lets just say there will be no interviews of him for a VERY long time!
Although I personally would like a few pieces of the thing, it certainly is not worth your life to do such a ridiculous stunt.
Damn rednecks.
Edit: It was on TV, haven't found it online yet
Charles Owlen Picket
November 16th, 2007, 04:18 PM
I'd be interested to see the link. The type of heat that poor dumb son of a bitch will bring down on his head for some shit bomb casing, 1/4 lb booster, & cheap HE is incalculable. No doubt it is fuze-less, cheap "practice-grade" Korean-war vintage carpet type. I can't see anyone loading a 500 pounder on an ATV & they wouldn't waste a smart weapon on a practice site.
Casings sell for about $300 at some gun-shows. The guts are crap. Someone is displaying a great deal of social-Darwinism. He most likely already succeeded is breeding - but if he didn't he won't get out till he has little interest in fatherhood. My guess is a plea bargain at 10 years straight Federal time and then off to do a State bit for whatever they can make stick. I really have little sympathy for abject stupidity. That stunt is not really a show of balls as it will maintain itself in the minds of the federales' as it made them look flat-footed (& they hate that....). If the genius really wanted the thing he should have, at minimum, done the deed at night.
November 16th, 2007, 05:41 PM
The guy did have guts to steal live ordnance but what worries me was the wrong spelling.....
Ordinance is different from Ordnance:) and they have different meaning also.
Ordinance- is about rules, orders and related matters; ordnance is about military armaments:D
November 16th, 2007, 07:38 PM
Maybe the guy believes in Allah, and stole the dud to blow up a synagogue. One can only hope. :)
November 16th, 2007, 07:41 PM
Hmmm... I guess you learn something new everyday! Well I asked a officer about it and he said they have not found the guy, my grandfather said that he will ask around (he ex military and has local friends :D )
Jacks Complete
November 19th, 2007, 07:27 PM
Ah, that's nothing. A mate of mine has a great set of photos of him on a live-fire range in Scotland, sitting on top of a 1000lb. bomb that never went off, and he's got quite a collection of UXO at home. Well, ok, not at home, rather in a bunker some way away... but he just went up at night with a metal detector!
November 27th, 2007, 03:28 PM
Maybe the guy believes in Allah, and stole the dud to blow up a synagogue. One can only hope.
Hope that it blows him up at the same time, killing two birds with one stone? :p
I'm not entirely sure what you could hope to achieve by doing something like this. Probably just an opportunist idiot who's going to regret what he did.
Unfortunately, I can see this being used as yet another reason for draconian firearms laws. "More people demand weapons, so we need to crack down on them".
November 27th, 2007, 05:37 PM
I just want to get to see this guy looking so scared he shits his pants running around trying to get and escape with the ordnance. I mean come on a live fire exercise I have seen videos if your not where your supposed to be say goodbye.
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