View Full Version : NBK2000 PDF, buy it now...
May 20th, 2004, 10:38 PM
I've been working on it as I can for the last 4 years or so, and still haven't gotten anywhere near to what I would consider finished with it.
And I know people have been asking about it for almost as long.
So...I'm going to give people an option here.
A) Buy it as it stands now, some parts polished, and others rough.
B) Wait till it's perfect.
The rough and ready won't have everything the finished product doesk, and will be on a CD, but you'll have it now.
The finished product will be on DVD, and nice and polished, but it might be a few more years.
The new PDF, as it stands, is over 8MB, and like 700 pages, not including the 400+ of the original, so that'd be 1,100+ pages.
May 21st, 2004, 12:32 AM
Depends on the price. If it's reasonable, I would fork over for both :D
May 21st, 2004, 01:32 AM
Only 700 more pages? and what about RTPB file? And other refrence books OCR'ed in it? and videos? and some useful warez? May be nothing of them.
Even though I'd like to purchase it and read it till the final version comes:)(hope it will:))
May 21st, 2004, 02:28 AM
I would seriously like to buy it as is.. how much?
May 21st, 2004, 09:42 AM
I would not mind buying a copy, PM the details
Range capable right now $5-25 + S/H
Also can you give us a rough TOC?
I have a million more questions but I will wait to see what you have to say about it before assisting in the anslaught of questions.
Also please reflect on these points before making a ruling:
1. People by nature are cheap and tight-wads, nothing against the members.
Most that vote buy later, would probably not buy it then.
2. The usefulness of cash on hand would help in expidiating the process to completion.
You could add alot more and hopfully get more done faster with the capitol gained.
3. I have been here through its many incarnations and have bene following your DVD,
from the onset.... My grandchild will probably be the first kids on the block to get a copy...
I would like to get it sooner. Facts are facts, shit takes time and this project has been taking longer. I have offered before and the offer still stands I would love to buy some "Pre-Release's" from you. to help fund the operation, to have it completed sooner. Also so as to gain more knowledge. You have been teasing us with its contents for YEARS!... You dirty jail-bait highschooler.
4. All joking aside. We have had many projects come and go. It would be nice to see some real progress. I mean come on man this stuff is costing you out of pocket, why not put some back, and share so wealth of knowledge while you are at it.
May 21st, 2004, 10:29 AM
I might be intrested in a copy of your knowledge but given this forums general paranoia and reluctance to send copies of CDs, books PDFs around the world because it would result in an exposure of idenity.
Also, this being an international forum, I'd also see problems in cash transfer. You prefer a cash only system, but sending cash in the mail is quite risky. I also prefer cash only butwhen it comes to buyinh things abroad I normally choose a money order. I am on the the other side of the world remember.
So given possible problems with cash transfer and idenity if they can be solved and explained you might have one extra customer. I might also be more intrested if we have maybe a small list of the articles ideas you currently have?
Al Nobel
May 21st, 2004, 11:51 AM
It would be interesting to know which parts are already finished.
Maybe you could give us the table of content?
May 21st, 2004, 01:07 PM
I'd be interested in purchasing a copy of what is currently finished. But maybe you could give some special benefits to those who do make a pre-release purchase, such as discounts on future pre-releases, and even the final copy. Maybe exclusive updates to the progress, such as a newsletter style email system with some kind of a journal of what's been going on with this project.
May 21st, 2004, 04:02 PM
Like a good wine the DVD gets better with age. I have seen a few excerpts and the quality of information is better than anything you can get on the net, or buy as a published book.
I would rather wait for the fully completed version simply because the buildup and anticipation are better the longer we wait (like waiting for Win 95 vs a service pack). A dinner is so much better with all the courses, rather than one course at a time.
A table of contents would be nice...
May 21st, 2004, 04:41 PM
I'll compile a Table of Contents, and up that so people can make more informed choice about the subject.
The reason I'm posting this is because, as mentioned, this has been about 4 years in the making, so it's probably far beyond the attention span of the average internet user who's used to instant gratification. :p
Realize that, "Only 700 more pages" :rolleyes:, in addition to the original content, equals about 2 Tom Clancy novels, or "Shogun" by James Clavell, and almost "War and Peace" by Tolstoy. This has NOT been an afternoons work! :D
Even more so because this isn't fiction, but fact, and highly illustrated (by me) fact.
So that it has been 4 years in the making is not unexpected (by me), though I admit to being too much of an optimist about completion dates. :o
The price for the CD would be $30, but that includes shipping anywhere in the world, goat-zakistan countries paying extra for donkey express.
There'd be videos, tutorials, exclusive scanned books, warez, and all the rest of the stuff that'd be on the DVD, just not as much of it (obviously).
I've already been looking at domains for a site to post updates for the DVD, as well as general ranting, and have a few names in mind now that I can afford to buy one.
People who bought the PDF now would get a head start on everyone else who waits, as once some of the techniques in it are used, they'd become patterned by the piggies, making any late-comers who used them easy pickings.
May 21st, 2004, 04:57 PM
Hell yeah, I would buy both, as it stands and the finished product. Considering how much work you have put into it makes the $30 seem almost wrong to pass that up, and almost wrong to be getting something someone put so much work into for so cheap. $30 buck!? I'll take a copy, Hell I wouldve been sellin it for $50 if I were you. Well anyway, just tell me when and where to send the money and I'll take a copy now, and later. kick ass man.
May 22nd, 2004, 06:42 AM
As FinnBell said. I'll buy both. Just let me know where to send the money.
A lot could happen before the DVD is 100%. I'ed rather have a rough copy now in .pdf just to have the info at hand. When the DVD comes out, great, I'll buy that too.
May 22nd, 2004, 08:02 AM
I would also purchase both. Learn what I can from the first one, and learn more from the final product. Just let us know where to send the money!!
May 22nd, 2004, 08:53 AM
Issues and Opinions
NBK2000's PDF
Our Grand Future
One of the beauties of the final DVD when it is released is the size. Right now we can expect, uncompressed for it to be around 7-9gig.
Now if NBK where to compress thing we could get about 12gig. We all know that this project will not be completed till about, I would venture a guess to say some time near 2007?
But will that be enough by the standard of that time in the future?
By then the "Blu-Ray" format and its up incoming rivals will have been sorted and a standard met. Our overhead available
There two competing standards for the technology platform of the future of DVD Formating. One of these technologies being the "Blu-Ray Disc" and it is endorsed by at least Matsushita, Hitachi, LG, Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Thomson.
The Blu-Ray disc enables the recording, and rewriting of up to 27 gigabytes of data on a single, single-sided disc.
The Blu-Ray blue ray DVD technology supporting companies are reportedly planning to enhance the new format by developing larger capacity. Examples of future directions are such visions as over 30GB on a single sided single layer disc and over 50GB on a single sided double layer disc.
The first Blu-Ray recorders are already on the market. With Sony leading the way with the BDZ-S77 recorder in Japan where it sells for about $3,500 US.
The theory in place behind the Blu-Ray format is the use of a new blue-violet laser technology (where it derives it's name), with a smaller wavelength of 405 nanometers (nm). This works out to a smaller laser beam-width, so that the pit[the 1's and 0's of CD's and DVD are represented as Pits and Lands. Pits being small holes and lands being longer not larger holes] that represent a single bit of data can be made smaller.
There by taking up less space on the disc surface. So more bits of data can be crammed onto the standard diameter 12-cm optical disc. The data capacity increases to a maximum of 27 GB for a single-layered Blu-Ray Disc.
There are actually three data capacities with a single-layered disc: 23.3 GB, 25 GB, and 27 GB. A dual-layered double-sided Blu-Ray Disc can hold up 46.6 GB, 50 GB, or 54 GB, ***without having to flip sides.***
The Advanced Optical Disc (AOD). The AOD Format is being promoted by Toshiba and NEC as the direct competitor of the Blu-ray Disc.
AOD has a capacity of limit currently of 15 GB for single sided and for dual-sided, the maximum capacity would be 30 GB. It uses the same size cover layer and head reading unit as the current standard DVD. Their by cutting the cost to manufacture both the player and the writers down.
What ever comes out for the home entertainment market will have a direct relation to the home PC market. Not only for video player but for recorders as well. If AOD takes the lead we are screwed. With the price for a Blu-Ray recorder at roughly $4,000 right now one would expect once the cheaper technologies markers get into the race the price will drop to reflect that. Now that price drop will be with no regard to how long the format and technology has been, that price drop would still be to come. So we could easily hope to see the price of the Blu-Ray recorder drop down to the $1,200 to $700 dollar range.
Now take a second to stand back and admire all of this. NBK2000 placing over seven years of work into this. The DVD[current standard format] being loaded with personally crafted manuals and books, book scans, movies, warez and other misc things.... All of this fitting on a 7-9gig DVD. Now add to this the playground of room on Dual-Sided / Double-Layered DVD.. I mean come on 54gig's NBK2000 could retire on the sales of it alone. It would stand [assuming all would be of the quality claimed] as one of the greatest works of chemists, survivalist.. and mean the list can go on and on. The heavies would undoubtedly come a knocking wanting to represent and market it... Paladin Press, Delta, Loompanics and the lot.
This is but a possible future. But one that is more easily created through investment in the present..
Still same points as before.
1.)Table of Contents
2.)Secured Structure for sending payment
3.)Secured Structure for receiving shipment
4.)Partial ownership in your very sole for the next three years to get the DVD out.... as not all sequels suck ass. [Bill managed 6+ Books and two movies, Kurt got 5 books done and I believe it was four movies total]
5.)Updates on current progress.
[I finished this out at 4:00am in the morning. I aplogize if there are areas that I missed and need correction. Ie.. sentence fragments and the lot. Never try and write a Eng 102 paper in a hour at 3:00am and hope to have gold :) Anyways hope to find some tasty samples, if even they are just a nice overview of what the CD would include]
May 22nd, 2004, 02:39 PM
"The price for the CD would be $30, but that includes shipping anywhere in the world, goat-zakistan countries paying extra for donkey express."
Of course, I would pay extra for Federal Express or DHL (the only two I like and trust) need to worry about that. I would *insist* on courier delivery. And the most convenient way I can send money to US would be to use Western Union.
But right now, I'm afraid its not on. Security is extreme here in goat-zakistan. If they find anything like that being shipped in my direction (assuming its full of what I think its going to be full of), I'm done for. Which is why I voted, not yet.
I also suggest, that some kind of encryption be used for the files on the CD and DVD.. so that some Pork doesn't get anywhere if he or she tried to see what was on it. That way, they'll just destroy it. If they get to see whats on it, however, they'll come to have a little chat with me.
May 22nd, 2004, 03:59 PM
I didn't mean to say 700 pages as very less, I meant to say that I expected much from a four year old project. One thing I didn't get yet is that this Beta:) release will be on CD but a CD is only 700MB thats why I was afraid I won't get Books and RTPB and movies etc..Other option is multiple CD's but that means 15 CD's for 10GB.
Anyway 30$ is actually too cheap(not forme though,but for the book) though I'd have been happier if it would have been even cheaper:).
As darkdonkey said I've the same question....
Mode of payment?
Mode of receiving?
Mode of shipment?
Encryptin policy?
At last and at least the long awaited project is coming out.Hats off..............
May 22nd, 2004, 05:23 PM
There's less than 700 pages because this is from the last compiled version, which doesn't include all works in progress.
There are some pages that are simply indexes of intended articles, and others that are simply placeholders.
The CD would be encrypted (upon request), either to a PGP key created by the recipient, or a passphrased self-extracting PGP.exe file, whereupon I'd e-mail the passphrase upon notification of successful receipt.
To goatzakistan countries, I'd highly suggest encrypted versions, as it'd be better to have lost the money and the CD, then to have a visit from the local secret police. :eek:
The articles are scattered about because the file hasn't been optimized, but the bookmarks are in proper order.
Escape & Evasion, 1-14
Improved Grenades, 15-22
Adamsite, 25
SURVEILLANCE, 64-66 (none)
SEXPIONAGE, 67 (none)
PGP Floppy, 86-89
Laws of Power Examples, 90-93
LESSONS IN POWER (stalin video), 94-96
Killology (Training to kill), 97-102
FINGERPRINTS-Elimination, Alteration, and Duplication thereof, 103-109
PGP Tutorial, 110-132
Hostages, 133-135
RTPBs, 136-154
Countering Dog Attacks, 155-160
CAMOUFLAGE, 181-186 (mostly pics)
TOMORROW FILES (Autonomous Roving Torpedos (ART)/The Paper Wiretap/Meat Puppets), 232-234
THE RULES (Abbreviated RTB for underlings), 237-240
SHOTGUNS, 252 (none)
Rifles, 258 (none)
PIPE SAFE, 265-267
HAND GUNS, 268-270 (litle)
PRECIOUS METALS, 271-272 (little)
LESS LETHAL WEAPONS, 287-288 (index)
NBK2000 Title Page and main index, 289-292
HEAVY WEAPONS, 293-294 (index)
DEMOLITIONS index, 296-297
CHEMICAL WEAPONS index, 298-300
IDEAS (Untraceable Phone Calls/Hooker Cab/Body Snatcher/Baby Decoy/Urban Q-Truck/The Confessional Channel/Wrong Way Drug Runners/Perpetual Credit), 301-312
INFRARED TV GUNSIGHT (revised), 313-319
MUSTARD GAS, 320-337
LANDMINES, 352-367
GEMS & JEWELRY, 384-385 (index to included bookz)
WAVEFORM MODULATION, 386-388 (partial)
Spall Velocity Chart, 400
MMAN, 443
I'm most satisfied with the Thermobaric, SC, EFP, and mustard gas articles, which I consider essentially complete. These are also the most technical articles, which I spent the most time upon, which is why most of the other articles aren't as finished.
I'd feel confident in saying that any three of the four would justify the cost, and be undervalued at that, considering how much you'd spend for a Springer-Verlag book on just one of the subjects that'd be 90% fluffer in the form of history, law, techno-physics over your head, etc, rather than the essential facts distilled into immediately useable form.
I figured that, since the people who'd be reading this would be Forumites, that having the technical aspects of these devices compiled in one source would simplify my own work here, by answering all the questions before they even needed to be asked. :)
The IDEAS and TOMMORROW FILES sections are my own personal musings on various aspects of crime and future criminality.
Thrall, you must remember that I've got a thing called a "life" that interferes with my writing. I don't have the luxury of being rich or having a fat advance from a publisher to live on while I'm not working to support myself. When you've written as much, in less time, as I have, than you'll have something to talk to me about. :p
May 22nd, 2004, 07:54 PM
While the Blu-Ray may be available, it will require a whole new set of players capeable of running the disks. I am sure the companies love the self obsolescing of old DVD players, but we consumers will not. It will be 5-7 years before any such format reaches ubiquity. I remember when DVD drives came out in 1997; I only bought one this Christmas. CD-R drives came out at about the same time, and CD-RW quickly thereaafter, but they were not economical until late 2001.
DVD-RW drives have just started to dip below $100, a good consumer price. I don't think we will have to worry about blu-ray for quite awhile. Scientists have recently discovered a way to entangle up to 4 photon beams to create a wavelength 1/4 that of the smallest wavelength of light. If they can commercialize this technology they can increase the capicity of a blue laser disk by 16 times (4x the width times 4x the length). We could have 432 GB disks! And that's just one side. There is no reason why they can't combine 5 beams, or 10, or 20 in theory. Imagine: 10 TB disks!
May 22nd, 2004, 09:39 PM
The option of having both, works for me. And obviously, if you can generate a bit of revenue now to create a better product later...go for it.
As for the writing work load, good job. It is easy to not appreciate the volume of work until you try to do it yourself. I once dedicated at lot of my free time to create a 60,000 word project and report on a specialised customer service idea for my employer, it won the company the second biggest contract ever and after all that work, all I got was a couple of awards, some media recognition and no commision (not a bloody razoo). So NBK, if you want something now. Just do it, at least you will know where you are going and what the outcomes should be.
I am sure a number of forum members would be willing to have the unpolished version for the reasons that
1. They cannot wait
2. Paranoia that it may not be available later
3. Chance to develop their knowledge beyond other available literature, plus stimulate ideas beyond "What can I do with this chemical that a got from the hardware store?"
4. It helps you get revenue to create a final product
5. It provides a chance for some free editorial feedback on what is writen so far.
Best of luck with it all.
mongo blongo
May 23rd, 2004, 12:05 AM
I totally want a copy! It's been too long already for the that taste of enlightenment. :)
I like the idea of the self-extracting PGP file.
May 23rd, 2004, 03:34 AM
�To goatzakistan countries, I'd highly suggest encrypted versions, as it'd be better to have lost the money and the CD, then to have a visit from the local secret police.�
Exactly.. isn�t that what I had said? Except we don�t have a �secret police"� we have something called the FIA (like the FBI) which will� in case the DVD is encrypted and can�t be accessed� assume I�m ordering porn and think nothing of it (but probably destroy the DVD as well). But my name will be flagged on some computer and my phones, emails, etc., will be observed, just as a precaution.
I would rather that didn�t happen.
Which brings me to this point�. Maybe the FBI or in my case, the FIA, is better trained than the average cop, and maybe they wear cooler sunglasses, but Pork will always be Pork. And Porky is allergic to the internet.
So why not, � I�m talking of the future DVD version only� set up a secure encrypted server (might be your own computer even), and you let me download after you get my payment? Nothing physical for Porky to lock on to�. Just a download. As it is, I can get a movie off the internet in a few hours. In a few more years, this thing will be, maybe a hundred times faster? I�ll just pluck it off your server (with your permission of course, after you confirm payment received), leaving Porky with his thumb up his arse. The poor chaps still using dial-up can opt for the physical DVD itself, of course.
Meanwhile, have a look at this picture from yesterday�s paper I just scanned. This is what might happen to me if they do see what�s on the DVD (or CD). Note the caption, LOL.
May 23rd, 2004, 01:21 PM
Corona's idea would be good for our safety, but that would make very easy the effort of distributing free copies of the pdf without NBK's permission. Hell, people would hack his file, and distribute it under their own names. NBK, I think you should sell your pdf as a DVD/CD/whatever, not as a pay-per-download. That would ruin your work.
Posted by Corona: The poor chaps still using dial-up can opt for the physical DVD itself, of course. -- Having a 56K dial-up modem hasn't stopped me from downloading 500MB or larger, if necessary, files. Patience is the key. Speaking of patience, I would not buy an incomplete version now. I prefer to buy the complete, perfect version, even if I have to wait five, ten, or twenty years.
May 23rd, 2004, 02:14 PM
No, his file won't be hacked, because he'll encrypt it different for each person who requests it (he said PGP, didn't he?). I'd even be willing to pay extra for the privilege of a special encrypted download (for the hassle of encryption)... whatever he thinks is fair. He gets more money, saves on postage and should be happy. I get my virtual DVD instantly and I'll be happy.
Just a special service for paranoid freaks like myself. If not... then I'll just have to get the physical DVD like everyone else and hope for the best. By that time, the world might have settled down, and Porky would be back oinking in his pen.... maybe... maybe not.
As for hacking NBK's efforts... Seen the FTP? Most of the stuff upstairs are scanned copies of printed books. If they can be "hacked" and passed around, what is a DVD? Whats to stop me.. if I were a bastard... from making copies of NBK's DVD and flogging them in the bazaar, under the counter? I can copy DVDs too, you know. LOL.
May 23rd, 2004, 07:17 PM
How do you expect to get paid? I assume that at least one person on this forum is a cop whose life�s purpose is to catch you ;) So if he orders a DVD, how to you get his cash without revealing yourself? It is safe to assume that if you wanted cash, the drop would be watched. If you use an online service like PayPal it is just a matter of them giving up your info. You don't have an off-shore bank account we can wire money to do you? Maybe if you found the Russian/Swiss equivalent of PayPal the American piggies would be unable to compel them to give you up?
While I'm on the topic, just how much legal shit could someone get into if caught ordering your DVD? And how much shit would you receive? I suppose not too much if the cookbook can be sold in stores, and as far as the sheeple are concerned it�s the same thing.
Perhaps you should ask Mega to set up some sub directory of rougesci? Then get that secure, set up ssl or whatever, and take orders that way. It wouldn�t protect from a cop ordering, but it�s better than posting your mailing address on the forums.
Oh, and to address the �what if other people distribute copies?� point:
NBK, being a genius, would personalize each copy sold (in a minor way but each would be different none the less) so, if a copy shows up on Kazaa, his loyal followers will report it and he will cross reference that copy with his list of copies/names/address�. Then, once he knows who gave up the copy, he gets in his car and ruins your shit. Plus, people are greedy and like to keep things for themselves.
Oh, and I would order both. More info for me, more money for NBK. Win freekin' win!
May 23rd, 2004, 10:40 PM
I'll take a copy too.. just tell me how to order
May 24th, 2004, 05:32 PM
Use sten to encode a number on to a single photo in the PDF.... Okay I have school in like 20 min and I have to get ready.
1.) Use Sten technologies to allow you to encode a photo with a number.
2.) Unique number for each user.
3.) Database set up listing User[full info] and code
4.) When copy shows up on the P2P's. Just look for the code and cross reference
5.) Just the meer thought of this might stop most from attempting to steal from you.
6.) PGP encryption, forced MAX setting for it, so that the Piggies can see anything on it. [though thre have been expolits to PGP I will write up a article on it later]
Jacks Complete
May 24th, 2004, 06:54 PM
Use sten to encode a number on to a single photo in the PDF
Not sure, but wouldn't the encode get crushed by the decompression/recompression?
And wouldn't it be "cheaper" to just leave a single character a few pixels off to one side, or use a line of size 12 in amongst the other size 11 text, or even just a few hidden lines, white on white, which you couldn't see, but the person with the password (nbk2000) could see by unlocking it.
Heck, customise the order of the files! There are hundreds of thousands of possible combos...
Back on topic: NBK, your DVD is bound to be worth it's weight in shiny things, and not just another coaster! Work out some way to take payment, and I would buy it now, as long as there is a "coupon" towards a discount on the final version! Give us early adopters a few pounds off, since you would know you could trust us (a little more, anyway)
May 25th, 2004, 01:58 PM
Wow, its funny you mention the Livens Projector... I just borrowed and
returned the technical manual issued by the us army (WWII tech manual).
I returned it without OCR scanning the book because It diddent intrest me
that much but if it helps you i can re borrow it and scan it and email it to you.
I have several scanned WWII tech manuals on military chemistry, explosives,
etc. but I dont have an FTP account and cant upload the books I have
May 25th, 2004, 09:25 PM
I suppose for me it all depends on the price. I'd happily pay good money for this because I assume the literature contains awesome content, but I'm just going to be paying for it again later (since I'd prefer the finished version).
I'm also a bit concerned about this "preview" of sorts because of the crackdowns on this sort of thing. It would really suck if this unfinished version was released, feds put a freeze on it, and it never gets finished at all.
May 25th, 2004, 09:48 PM
The feds will stop it how? Unless NBK lables the package "Criminal Activity 101" They aren't going to catch it.
The cops are to NBK what meteorologists are to weather; they can see the storm brewing but there�s jack shit they can do about it. ;)
May 25th, 2004, 10:23 PM
There seems to be some misconception that NBK's book is somehow illegal. That could not be farther from the truth. I'll admit there could be a crackdown if laws change in the future, but as it stands we still have the First Amendmant to protect us (at least in the US). I don't think any country of the world, with the exception of the suckistans, would punish the purchaser of such information.
Even if they do go after NBK all they can do is sue in civil court, like what happened to Paladin Press. Fortunatly for NBK (or is that unfortunatly?) he has no financial assets to go after, unlike a big business like Paladin.
I say why bother ripping the DVD to sell when you can arrange with NBK to buy dozens of his disks and sell them legitimately. You members of The Forum could make extra cash selling copies to like minded friends and associates. I am sure for every member here who wants a copy there are 100 people who don't know about us who would love to have one.
May 26th, 2004, 06:15 AM
"There seems to be some misconception that NBK's book is somehow illegal."
"Improved Grenades" and "GELLED NITROGLYCERINE" are jumping up at me. These titles are also Pork-Magnets. Why not just label them "understanding tax reforms" and "how to make your own toothpaste"? I will understand what they are.
I'm not exactly living in Soviet-Russia... I did openly buy CDs featuring kewls like Jolly-Roger, Phucked-Agent, etc. ...(this was before I realized they were idiots). No problem. But thanks to 9-11, I'd rather not push my luck. So I've thought up the perfect means to get the DVD....
1. fly to US
2. persuade NBK (how?) to meet in dark alley
3. make the exchange
4. shove DVD up my arse and fly home.
That might be a bit painful, but so what? Its not like anyone cares.
EDIT: It seems my feeble attempt at humor hasn't been understood in the spirit I wrote it, so OK.. I'll say it plainly. I was only making a point as to how much more preferred an encrypted software download would be for some people like myself. It is a simple thing and full of common sense and it won't take much extra time. I have said I would be willing to *pay extra* for the favor if any hassle is involved. If a download is not possible.. even after I've offered to pay extra for it... well, I guess the DVD isn't for me then.
Why should I suffer if the rest of the world is too cheap to get faster internet?
May 26th, 2004, 07:55 AM
Okay here is the deal [as I see it]. Most of you that have problems [ph33r the piggies] with getting the DVD assume two things.
1.) That the [ Insert your paranoid fear of group [X] here] know of NBK's Real Name, Whereabouts, Blah blah blah...... and that they are watching his [trans]actions
2.) That they some how care enough in their lives to bother with you. Sorry Bob you are not so significant.
[There is no All-Seeing eye. Snap out of it, you paranoid fools. This is not a flame. Just a re-direction to reality]
How much longer are you going to follow the poll, before a decision is made?
Lamely enough could you spend a day to bother making a Jewel case cover and CD label.
Sorry, it would just seem a nice little thing. Wall candy if you will. Okay you've got me, after years of surring the corperate machine. I love flashy things.
Anyways, just curious on the status.
May 26th, 2004, 05:01 PM
I'm ready to sell it now, I just have to arrange for a safe place to have the money mailed to, and I'll have to arrange for individual "water-marking" of each copy of the PDF to ensure accountability for any sharing.
Yes, it'll be US$ only, as I'm not fucking around with checks/money orders/paypal/ or any other traceable form of payment. When I'm ready, I'll e-mail each person and tell them where to send their money to , which, upon receipt, will get me to my computer to create their individual copy, as I'm not wasting a few hours of my life doing so without having the money in hand already.
To those who wish a e-mailable version, I can do that, but it'll only be the actual PDF itself, without the extra contents like warez or reference files, as I've no broadband access now. Though, if you buy just the e-mail'd PDF itself, I'll give you a price break on the full DVD, seeing as how you did without everything else the first time around.
Everyone who buys the CD now, you're paying full price the next time too, as you know you're getting a "lite" version now, thus have no reason to complain, having had the option of waiting for the perfected version and all that.
The file will be encrypted by default, for everyone, either to your PGP key or as a self-extracting PGP archive .exe. This is so that, if you get busted doing something, your dumb ass doesn't bring the heat back unto me when the piggies search your house and find the NBK CD, which you'll be getting aa an unlabeled CD-R in a thin jewel case, no liner inserts or custom labeling.
The PDF will be in a seperately encrypted file from all the reference materials and warez, so that you can quickly extract and read the PDF without having to extract the entire disk, which can take an hour or so, depending on your system.
If you're smart, and I'm assuming you are, you'll label it yourself, to something boring like "Micheal Bolton, Live, 2002", so the persons searching will hopefully overlook it. :D
You'll also set up a RAM drive, or a PGP encrypted "virtual drive" that can contain the entire disk, so you never have have a plain-text copy of the disk contents anywhere on your system, what with caches and data remnants and all those other GOTCHA! details.
If the piggies find it in the mail, it's trashed, and you simply deny all knowledge of its contents, which is doable if it's a self-extracting archive, as anyone can send anyone anything without the recipient knowing what it is.
If it's encrypted to your PGP key, and they find it on your depends on how your government feels about the use of cattle prods on testicles, whether or not you'll give it up (and you will! :eek: )
Best to get the self-extracting version, as you can honestly say, even when their shoving the cattle prod up your ass, that you don't know the passphrase for it, because I'll mail it to you only after you've had it for a while and say it's OK to get the passphrase.
If you live in one of the goatzakistan countries, I'd suggest you wait a month after you get it, before asking for the passphrase, so the goats (no pigs in muslim countries, remember? ;)) will have raided you before you can incriminate yourself with the passphrase.
In the US, as it stands today, it's still legal to discuss such information, though one of Jewstein's bills was passed years ago that made it illegal to discuss the making of explosives with the intent to commit a crime with it, which is fine, since I only describe the construction of the weapons, not the use (legal or not) of them. :p
I'm, personally, of the opinion that it'd be better to get it know while you can, because no-one knows what tommorrow will bring, as I could be killed crossing the street today and that'd be the end of it all, as no one else has a copy of the PDF, being the paranoid bastard that I am. :(
May 28th, 2004, 11:45 AM
I'll take the light & the super versions when available should be more of it
May 28th, 2004, 03:04 PM
When I'm ready, I'll e-mail each person and tell them where to send their money to , which, upon receipt, will get me to my computer to create their individual copy, as I'm not wasting a few hours of my life doing so without having the money in hand already. :(
NBK, by what method of selection are you using to email the information as to where we send payment? Is it just those who have expressed interest here, or the actual poll vote? Or is it just to everyone in the forum?
I felt I should ask, as myself, and I'm sure many others, would like to be sure they are not overlooked.
May 28th, 2004, 05:05 PM
When I announce it, anyone interested in buying it can send me their e-mail addy at my forumscan e-mail, and I'll e-mail them the address.
DO NOT E-MAIL ME YOUR ADDRESS NOW! I've not yet arranged a secure mail drop-off, so until then, no e-mails, OK? Thank you.
Forgot to mention it last time, but I'll also be creating a section in the Forum just for the people who buy the PDF, so they can give me feedback/ask questions and get clarification/etc. This will not be publicly viewable, only for the purchasers.
June 1st, 2004, 03:50 PM
NBK, I'll buy both versions. Thank You !!! :D Just e-mail me with the
particulars about payment and shipping. I don't worry too much about the
fucking cops around here. They're too busy writing tickets to get money for
this cash-strapped state. I agree with Mega on the legality. I disagreed
with the judgement against Paladin because anyone with a basic knowledge of
firearms can silence a .22 LR. How many of you ever put a firecracker in a
soda can ? Noticed how it suppressed the bang ? To those still pondering
the decision to buy - like the man said, get it while you can !
August 20th, 2004, 03:48 AM
I'm in . Where do you want the money sent ?
August 20th, 2004, 04:29 AM
NBK! Don't you think you should hurry up a bit(will be good for me of course) after the iDefence incident. Now that "the system" has already started making it's moves and started suppressing information on "the net",you should distribute the knowledge WHILE YOU CAN or before "empire strikes back";). What I personally feel is that if you distribute onle....say 10 copies at whatever prise in due course of time it will spread EXPONANTIALLY;)
August 20th, 2004, 10:37 AM
When I'm ready, I'll e-mail each person and tell them where to send their money to , which, upon receipt, will get me to my computer to create their individual copy, as I'm not wasting a few hours of my life doing so without having the money in hand already.
NBK, maybe I am wrong but I believe you are a programmingwise guy. So instead of individualized copies, you may code an app executable, place your PDF in resource(s) compiled into your executable and protect (i.e. encrypt) your executable with Armadillo. There is Armadillo Digital River copies on the net which is free.
With your PDF placed/compiled into resource(s) of the app, you may extract the PDF and show it on an OLE container of your app on the fly. Since your app is encrypted, it is very hard to crack your app and see the contents of the resources.
With Armadillo you may even create hardware locked apps. In this manner the person who purchase your program even cannot install it on another computer. (However, I must confess that a hardware locked app may complicate issues of licensing. I mean when your prospective customer changes, say his HD, the licence shall be invalid and the program shall not run).
If your app does not include a default certificate (security certificates are security feature of Armadillo which prevents the unlicensed customer to use your app without licensing), everytime the individual who purchased your app, have to enter the key everytime s/he runs your app. In this manner you may render your program piggy proof :D).
However, please don't be offended but you must also devise a method not only to protect yourself from not being discovered by us/piggies but also protect us from not being discovered by yourself. This issue concerns me very much Wise Elder. Regards.
August 20th, 2004, 02:39 PM
I will be more than willing to buy both.
August 20th, 2004, 04:34 PM
Yes, I'm much inclined to release a copy of it ASAP, thanks to IDefence. :p
September 1st, 2004, 03:25 AM
I'd pay, that is if I had cash atm. Maybe we could work out how it is to be paid. Is information not more valuable than money? what could a full time locksmith contribute ;) . Maybe I can send information on car entering, or home entering, how to disassemble locks how VATS and MATS on GM cars works, show the art of impressioning at work for non sidebar locks.
Also some information on (practical!!!) HERF (high energy radio frequency) weapons could be provided.
email me at
September 1st, 2004, 01:57 PM
I will buy both as soon as any of them are ready
this seems too good to pass up.
September 1st, 2004, 02:47 PM
I would like to have a copy too, but not right now, I can wait 2 to 3 years until is perfect, and the paranoia of terror is settle down (keep dreaming!!!). I know the price for this valuable information will rise as years pass by, but Where esle in the world can you get such amount of "illegal" information?
I can wait.
November 21st, 2004, 05:50 AM
I would be interested in buying an incomplete version, as well as the finished version down the road.
December 18th, 2004, 06:41 PM
A page from the new format to be used for 2.0. :)
December 20th, 2004, 03:21 AM
Honestly all the in-the-dark-alley stuff bothers me. We're just discussing and trading information on how to, and we're all like-minded adults who wouldn't use this information to hurt anyone except potentially ourselves for being undercautious. Whatever happened to the free pursuit of knowledge? I personally will write you a friggin check and bedamned the consequences. The more open we are the harder it is for them to say we're committing a crime.
On to a better subject. I can't wait NBK. I want both. And honestly if i can pay 60 dollars for the new LOTR Dvd set then i can damn well pay at least that much for an unbelievable collection such as your providing. So yeah. Sign me up.
December 30th, 2004, 09:42 AM
I would prefer the complete edition personally, but I'll buy it if it comes out early I guess. So NBK we all know you have beautifully criminal way of thinking, what if this is a big scam? That would be hilarious. Don't worry NBK I'm not being serious I trust you, at least enough to send me what I pay for.
January 24th, 2005, 12:37 AM
Being a tight ass with money hasnt really made me a wealthy man. Seeing as what I've read in your nbk2000.pdf I found thouroughly enlightening and enjoyed spending an hour or so reading it...... I'd say, sure!. You desearve something for your ideology and research information to text time. But exactly how much I wouldnt know. Why not take it to paperback and approach Loompanics Unlimited inc with it? Or Paladin...oops! scratch Paladin. The owner caved on his Hitman lawsuit and that alone shows a weakness trait I'd avoid. Maybe Delta press too.
But Loompanics has been known to peddle alot of crappy titles that your NBK2000.pdf would blow out the water. That is if the chapters that are unavailable are as good as the ones I've read.
I'd try to get it published if I had your talent with words and drive to make it an e-book or pdf.
Why limit it's potential. Because it does truely have Loompanics written all over it and theyre stuff goes for $15-40 US
Of which your only gonna see a portion, but still. Be the ball. Set your sights at the head and skip the vest all together.
Opinions are like assholes....
January 29th, 2005, 07:18 PM
None of them are worthy!
Every one of those publishers are
A: Pussies who sell out their customers to the Man!
B: Bitches who sell out to keep their insurance rates low, after getting big $$$ donations to "Fight for freedom of speech" (their very words!).
C: Unworthy untermensch in general.
I've yet to see a single book on the subject of E&W or crime by one of these fucks that's worth the paper it's printed on.
So, if I'm going to make money on this (which I'm not), I'll have to do like O(+> (The artist formerly known as Prince) and sell it myself to keep unworthy leeches from trying to make me their bitch! :mad:
BTW, I'd hope NBK1.1 took more than an hour to read.
Mr. Pseudo
July 14th, 2005, 08:58 PM
I love to get one of the 'lite' copies, as well as the full version. You'll get my order as soon as you provide the payment info. :D
Mr. Pseudo
July 14th, 2005, 08:58 PM
I love to get one of the 'lite' copies, as well as the full version. You'll get my order as soon as you provide the payment info. :D
July 21st, 2005, 08:39 PM
okay I have been waiting for this thing for YEARS now... Is thier any chance of getting a beta copy, you set the price.
I should be able to squeeze fifty from this check now now, and if the price is higher we can talk, but man I getting ravaged with hunger, and there has not been enough new other publications to quinch my longing thirst.
July 21st, 2005, 08:39 PM
okay I have been waiting for this thing for YEARS now... Is thier any chance of getting a beta copy, you set the price.
I should be able to squeeze fifty from this check now now, and if the price is higher we can talk, but man I getting ravaged with hunger, and there has not been enough new other publications to quinch my longing thirst.
August 17th, 2005, 11:24 AM
I do beleive that this is well worth the ammount that was stated of being charged, and I have read NBK's posts with interest, and looking at what he has written, I know he will do everything to keep HIS ass safe first and ours a close second I beleive personally..
I would liek to ask however in the test page, I was curious as to what language was in there or was that just filler chat?
October 15th, 2005, 10:21 AM
First of all, I'm in for a copy of NBK2000.
Ver 1.1 kicks total ass, and I would have paid for that. For some obscure reason, I'm unable to change my details, but no matter, if you could submit an address to email you about money and all the other details that we will need to know, I would be your personal slave (metaphorically speaking).
As for your wonderful book being distrobuted without your permission over the net. Even if each copy was "marked" in a way that you know who had purchased it, and distrobuted it, all that would allow you to do would be to find the person, not stop the distrobution. Once it had started, it would be horror (it would be unstoppable).
The only way to really stop that would be for each DVD to be hardware encoded, or possibly encoded so that the passphrase would only be able to used once, so that if we did happen to need to re-install it, then we would need to ask you for another phrase (maybe have a few dozen back up codes). So that way, you would be able to keep a track of registered users, and even if someone did get a copy from the net, they would have to ask you to read it, and if you don't know them, then they lose.
Maybe have those phrases limited, so that someone could only ask for a new phrase once every year or so. I havn't lost the data on my HD for at least that long, but its up to your judgement.
I hope that all made sense!
January 18th, 2006, 01:25 PM
So whats happening with this nbk2000? Also, is the information it contains original articles written by you, or ripped from other sources?
January 18th, 2006, 01:56 PM
NBK has not yet finished it. It contains a mixture of assorted books and other literature as well as some of his own brilliance.
January 18th, 2006, 09:34 PM
I've caught a couple of teasers from it over some time and I can tell you (if you are willing to take my word for it, that is) it'll be well worth any wait you've had so far. He strikes me as a man who doesn't disappoint (and in return does not like to be disappointed).
The man is a wealth of knowledge and is not by any means greedy with that knowledge. That much I can assure from my few correspondences with him.
January 20th, 2006, 12:54 AM
I see, though I'm not sure its very ethical to rip other authors work and claim 'fame' and money for it. I'd much rather see some original work, he definatly has the capacity to produce it.
January 20th, 2006, 08:56 AM
The real difficulty with the NBK PDF is how will anyone actually pay for it? In some countries, making a financial contribution for the NBK PDF, or even this forum could result in the contributor suffering a mysterious disappearance? The previous argument of "we have free speech and there's no laws restricting knowledge" is unfortunately no longer valid in many countries in 2005. Even if it was, they will try their hardest to work around any consitutional rights you may have.
Jacks Complete
January 20th, 2006, 06:31 PM
It is true that NBK has taken his time putting his PDF together. However, from the messages I've had, he is getting there. It's not a load of filler, and that's why it is taking so long.
Of course, a lot of stuff is ripped from various places, but if the content are usually bad copies of copies of copies, or banned outright, or heavily restricted in some other way, then most have little issue with it getting out to a select few in a useable electronic format. And he's got to fill the DVD!
As for payment, yes, this is a taxing thing. There have been many minds working on this issue. Oods are, it is going to be trust, to a large degree. Some form of escrow, cash transactions, dead drops and pre-paid credit cards, even PayPal has been mooted. Almost every transaction has a risk, even at a shop. You buy it from the market, get home and the box has some rocks in it, or the DVD is blank. So, odds are, a small bundle of notes in a posted envelope, inside another envelope, going to somewhere dead, so the outers can be removed and the envelope be re-posted on to another dead-drop. From there, an encrypted DVD with no or mis-markings will wing its way to the buyers' address, after which the key will be sent via some other means.
A second way might be a concealed PayPal using multiple email addresses, one for each person, as a one-time use, and a third might be Western Union. Fourth might be goods in exchange, rather than money.
Many options.
January 22nd, 2006, 05:09 PM
I have learned a lot of things about anonymous money money transfer. While you can use cash and money orders to anonymously buy stuff, its not so for the one receiving. It is too complicated to actually have an address(s)(mail drop or otherwise) that is directly visible to all customers.
That gives the address directly to your adversary to stake out and see who actually picks it up.
The best way is to use an electronic pseudo-anonymous currency such as e-gold. while e-gold asks for personal information and a phone number for your account. They never verify it. The only purpose for it is if you lose your password they can verify your identity and call you and let you have access to your account. So just dont forget your password. So just don't enter real information when you sign up.
Anyone can buy e-gold through an exchanger like or anonymously with cash or postal money order in the mail. after it is received they deposit in in your account and you can send it to another account number.
Since in the US, you can't have anonymous mailboxes you have to show 2 forms of id proving your address. so basicly you have to commit fraud with fake identification to get an anonymous mailbox where you can receive lots of mail at the same address. Then they have enough to bust you just from the photocopy of your fake identification for fraud.
But if you just want to receive one package at a time, Such as a cashout check from selling your gold. Or a single package you can use other methods. like the hotel method, where you make reservations at a cheap motel have a package or letter shipped there with your name on it. Then cancel the reservations and tell them that a letter was already mailed there and you've arranged for someone to pick it up for you. Lots of other similar methods
Or other things like that. It's not worth doing that for each customers envelope of cash that is a publicly given address.
When you cashout your e-gold, you can even use western union anonymously, or have a check sent to any address. When you do that, every customer doesn't know the address that the actual money got sent to. Just the Gold exchange people. You could have exchanged it through a couple other exchanges or account numbers first so its not the same account number you received money from.
also if you dont even want to do any of the above you can get anonymous debt cards, virtual debt cards or there are even proxy buying services you can use e-gold with. that will buy anything from any online store that accepts credit cards if you send them gold plus a comission. lots of services are offered.
also to ship a product and have an added veil of anonymity is anonymous remailer. you label all your packages with addresses on them and ship it to a remailer out of country like in europe or something, and they will put shipping and a foriegn post mark on each one from there. there are also domestic services too. a lot of them take e-gold too.
Also, get customers to send shipping addresses to you via encrypted PGP/Open PGP. So, that if any plaintext monitoring of email is going on they dont have a heads up on a package to intercept. Like what address its going to. Also it protects the customers privacy.
Now most of what I written is usable for actual contrabad. (not including passing through customs, which a DVD will be no problem.(which does not matter domesticly))
NBKs dvd isn't really even illegal. From what I understand it would be lots of original material, plus some copyrited material, and copyrited software. I'm not sure. Many people sell this stuff all the time in the open. If he got caught he prolly couldn't even get arrested or wouldnt get jail time it seems. If he sold just original content than it would be completely legal in the US(for now) unless they wanted to screw him over illegally and suppress his material. forums actually charge a yearly membership fee payable by credit card to get access to lots of pirated gunsmithing ebooks. and its run by a custom gunworks company in the us with an address and everything thats public. They are still going.
I had to write up on this. I am starting to use e-gold all the time to buy stuff over the internet anonymously so I thought I'd share what I've learned, so people know it is possible. I know many people who do this.
Thought I'd add, you have to do all of these transactions with anonymous encrypted internet, not just a proxy, because an open proxy transmits everything in plaintext which is easily intercepted. either use Tor or an encrypted shell account SSH tunnel combined with anonymous wardriving(with wifi internet) with a directional antenna and wifi mac address spoofing(google wardriving)(preferably)
February 7th, 2006, 06:42 AM
So NBK, how is it actually going? Is there a vague ETA on the final copy of your book? I'm pretty eager to get my hands on that peice of literature.
Recent laws are making me nervous, so ordering it now before it becomes illegal to do such a thing in the land down under would be preferable I think for many people. That way, we have something good to run by when the crackdown comes, and we have it BEFORE said crackdown.
Jacks Complete
June 28th, 2006, 10:57 AM
The biggest danger I see with the DVD is that it will contain copyright infringed materials, which will allow the powers that be to screw everyone with a copy for 6 months+ in jail per infringement, and unlimited fines. To do this, they would simply claim you were a terrorist, and blow hte whole thing up like they always do, and then months later you are up on a minor charge, but they got it into the higher courts where they tend to have more power over the judges, better barristers, etc. and you get stitched right up.
As long as it is encrypted (and it will be!), and a note says "Key to follow" or somesuch, then the most they can do is take it off you. Laws promising prison time for not handing over your keys (such as the UK have) are then avoided.
You then have the benefit of the doubt. Which the police/government have yet to remove completely.
July 1st, 2006, 08:59 AM
I also want a copy of the unfinished and finished DVD as soon as I can get it.
I will start saving money now to change to $US.
Any ideas on how much it will cost?
E-mail me when you have the information at
EDIT: sorry, I read through this thread but didn’t see anything about the price.
July 1st, 2006, 01:43 PM
I believe NBK2000 already stated a price on the 1st page of this thread.....
The price for the CD would be $30, but that includes shipping anywhere in the world, goat-zakistan countries paying extra for donkey express.
Unless something has changed or he came to his scences the price should be the same.
.I'm sure everyone on the site is biting their nails in anticipation for the final release date. I read somewhere that sometime around 2007 should be closest time of arrival. I know I sure can't wait to hear the sweet sound of that release date. But you can't rush a good thing, its better to get the complete, polished perfect copy that will blow your mind (Along with other things) than to try to rush him into releasing it premature. If the rest of the book is as good as Version 1.1 then it is well worth the wait and well for $30 we are laughing all the way home from the mail box with our shinny new DVD containing one hell of a good Book by non other than NBK him self and if that's not enough to for you; you still get all sorts of treats & Goodies in the same package.
The biggest danger I see with the DVD is that it will contain copyright infringed materials
My whole computer is full of so called copyright infringed materials along with hundreds of disks full of that kind of stuff too.... I'm sure everyone who orders this DVD has the same kind of things on their computer & has many back up disks of their own library as well. Its a risk we all take, and one we are all aware of but don't really care about.
July 11th, 2006, 12:20 AM
Well NBK could sell it prematurely and make money.
And if those same people who bought the premature version
wanted to buy the full, he'd make more money.
I've never read the 1.1 version but, it sounds like its good.
And who cares if it illegal in your country - then why are you doing explosive?
My email for info on ordering etc.
July 11th, 2006, 04:00 PM
Well here's your lucky day, boy do I have a treat for you!
NBK2000 V1.1 for download on Rapid Share.
It's also available on most file sharing places I.E. eMule,, Limelite
I guess it's up to NBK2000 if he wants to release his master piece early and then sell the full finished copy when it's done, I for one would rather wait for the Perfect Release! Having read and re-read version 1.1 I don't want to get another 1/2 or 3/4 finished copy only being left wanting more. That’s like going to a movie only seeing the 1st 1/2 hour of it then having to wait for the rest of the movie. Version 1.1 is all the teasing I need, I'm ready to wait for the complete copy myself.
Also on another note, there seems to be a lot of paranoid people on here, concerned about the cops busting people who order this book, well if there are going to be multiple release's of this book, it will only make it easier for the pork to catch on and trace people and the author of the book. One release with all the copy's going out in a given amount of time, will insure a stealth undetected release, making tracing by the pork harder. thus people can have some piece of mind about not worring about the police or authorities
July 12th, 2006, 08:54 AM
Sweet, Thanks man.
I just finished skimming it, its excellent. Definitely wait till its perfect.
July 12th, 2006, 10:56 PM
Is their a Official statement as to the current status of the DVD?
Also what is the current project release date of it?
July 16th, 2006, 08:28 AM
As we all know the time of the crackdown is getting closer and closer, unfortunately we can never really be sure when it�s going to happen.
NBK - If it were to happen before some of us could get a copy how or where would we contact you?
July 16th, 2006, 08:29 PM
But the crackdown is NOT getting closer and closer. You will soon see that you and all who think it is are surely mistaken. It has for years been upon us but will not be realized as if if someone had just flicked a lightswitch. The grip simply is allowed to get tighter and tighter... slowly... until alas you realize it has been upon you for years and you are so far in it's grasp that to even breathe is difficult.
Now, when I count backwards from 3 to 1 you will awaken feeling refreshed, but see the world for what it truly is and all that is happening around you. You will pay close attention to detail but scrutinize all media and look past hidden agendas therein. You will still have a strong desire to give NBK your money but you will not beg for anything in return for it, DVD or otherwise (ok, you can leave that last one out... but honestly... don't you think he'll post when it'll be ready when it's closer to being finished? Why the urgency? Standing in line to pay one good man to "bring home the bacon" doesn't ever ensure everyone gets a helping... NBK is here everyday but hasn't replied to this thread since January 29th. Beg him and he will come :rolleyes:).
3...2...1... Google!
July 17th, 2006, 03:08 AM
festergrump - First of all I didn’t understand most of the rambling you said.
It depends on your view. Many people on this forum believe in this crackdown, I myself am one of them.
Just because you don’t think there is going to be a shutdown of this site doesn’t mean there won’t be, and just because I think it will get shutdown doesn’t mean it will.
Did everybody think the hive or rhodium’s chemistry archive would just disappear? No, whether it was a crackdown or not doesn’t matter.
If this site is shut down in any way between now and the release of the DVD, I wouldn’t want to miss out. I’m acting in caution
I’m also going to start backing up the forum in word documents incase the posts and useful information is lost, crackdown or not.
I would like to suggest another poll, "Do you think there will be a crackdown?" it would turn out interesting.
EDIT: Sorry for my previous post, shouldnt have used the words "all know".
July 17th, 2006, 04:51 PM
As taken from Mega's "When the Crackdown Comes" thread:
Many freedom loving citizens fear a day will come when the United States government will impose draconian controls upon its citizens in order to maintain some sort of Big Brother regime. There will likely be no single day in which this happens, but rather a death by a thousand cuts in which our freedoms will be eroded one by one. New legislature like the Patriot Act and impending criminalization of copyright infringement mandating jail time are steps in the direction of the day of the rope.
Sentence 1:
True, many do fear such a day, but see sentence two.
Sentence 2:
Also true. Been happening slowly for a very long time. We don't feel the cuts because they seems so very small at the time, so we overlook them as they are not fatal... but they are rarely ever "healed" while still others are applied. (search chinese fishnet torture)
Sentence 3:
This refers to the stiffening of penalties for minor infractions until "The Day of the Rope". (the day you realize it's too late to do anything to defend.)
I agree completely, which is what I was merely trying to reitterate to you and anyone else who believes there will one day be a total and complete crackdown on we citizens, our weapons, and the knowledge we may possess. It has been in effect for decades and election of a figurehead from either party into office will matter none at all, since both party's agendas regarding this crackdown are one and the same despite what lies are told just prior to election time.
Please re-read my last post if my point evaded you. It was not a personal attack on you at all (we're on the same team, right? ;) ). If it seemed so, let me apologize right now for that, but do understand that some of it was written only in jest. My sense of humour sometime seems lost on everyone but myself! :eek: :(
My further point and one which I felt regarded this very thread and poll was that it's almost ludicrous to beg one man to commit to a release date for his works or to beg for him to rush the process when the information he offers is available to all, though not as a compilation. Every one of us has a tool of comparable comparison (computer with internet connection) sitting right in front of us to do the very same work... yet many still beg NBK to complete this task for them with urgency. WHY?
In short, I guess what I was trying to say is to cut the man some slack and let him work at his pace. But if any still feel that his DVD release will not reach their hands before this site goes down under pressure of the government, I'm sure Mega is still accepting donations to either put toward a legal defense or host the site offshore for just that scenario.:D
July 29th, 2006, 10:38 PM
Sorry for the time I�ve taken to reply but I forgot about my post I was typing.
Also true. Been happening slowly for a very long time. We don't feel the cuts because they seems so very small at the time, so we overlook them as they are not fatal... but they are rarely ever "healed" while still others are applied. (search chinese fishnet torture)
When I searched that all that came up was porno :P �pink fishnet bikini mature as a result of Anal big lesbian ... mature pussy asian teen big aged mature busted cock torture� LOL.
But I found this , seems similar. If you have any information on your fishnet torture please let me know, it sounds interesting.
My sense of humour sometime seems lost on everyone but myself! :eek: :(
I�m not very good with picking up humor, I took some parts as a rebuttal, which I had to reply to. I apologize if my last post was insulting, I wasn�t in a good mood.
It has been in effect for decades and election of a figurehead from either party into office will matter none at all, since both party's agendas regarding this crackdown are one and the same despite what lies are told just prior to election time.
I agree, but the site cannot slowly pull itself down slowly, were not going to see it come down one thread at a time. We will still have warning but there may be other causes for the sites collapse. Either way it will be gone and I would like to know other ways of which we could contact NBK if this happens. If NBK is reading this please reply.
In short, I guess what I was trying to say is to cut the man some slack and let him work at his pace. But if any still feel that his DVD release will not reach their hands before this site goes down under pressure of the government,
Or other pressure/cause I still want to be sure that there is another way of contacting him for the DVD, I�m not putting pressure on him to finish unless you were referring to the other forum members.
There is no harm in harnessing the information and saving as a precaution to the loss of the forum.
July 29th, 2006, 11:49 PM
Actually, the chinese fishnet torture I was referring to is quite a bit different than what's presented in the link you provided.
The eyes are definitely left intact because the visualization of what's being done to the victim is every bit as important as the acts themselves...
Quite simply, a section or sections of fishnet is stretched over a portion of the victims body to allow many squares of flesh to protrude outward from the victims body where slowly (and usually with a very dull or jagged) edged blade the torturer would cut from corner to opposing corner between the fishnet squares and allow the victim to bleed. Several of these cuts would be dramatically performed in a day, much to the delight of the torturer and onlookers, and also much to the carnivorous little "creatures of the night's" delight as well. Usually only one arm or other appendage would be worked until it could be worked no more and a new appendage was fashioned for attention. It takes several days do bleed out or die from such tiny cuts and an experienced torturer could draw it out for weeks, but death was usually not the intended outcome for this procedure. It was originally intended for extraction of information, humiliation, or striking fear in those who might wish to oppose in the future... very much like our own government might like to be doing to us free people this very minute.
Remember, a government with noone alive to rule over and dominate is not left with much fun at all. What good is power if there is nobody to oppress, deprive, tax, and make do your bidding unwillfully?
Apologies are rarely neccesary with me as I'm rather thick skinned in most regards. I wasn't trying to insult you or even speak directly to you from the beginning. It merely seemed to me that everyone has been "watching the clock" and waiting for NBK to produce a DVD of his latest findings of interest when they could be better utilizing that time spent harrasing him to seek out new things for themselves. Any information NBK can provide you with is useless if the consumer is too lazy to even search new ideas and developments on his/her own, let alone put anything he's discovered to a field test or gain experience in using.
Ultimately, NBK will have to speak on his own behalf. After all, it was he whom originally posted the poll. I just chimed in to give my opinions on the matter. I was especially vocally opinionated and irritable that day, as well, and lazy people (seemingly all around me in most everyday situations these days) tend to fuel that fire within me and bring out a rather negative side of me.
In regards to NBK's e-mail address... No offense, but I'll not be the one to hand it out since I don't have to filter out all the BS that might come from everyone having access to it. I've been told in the past that many have found it and used it to bother him with petty requests and questions, so IMHO it should be treated much like a telephone number... at least in such a way that if he wants you to have it he should give it to you personally.
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