August 26th, 2008, 02:46 AM
As any Maryland gun owner can tell you, the gun laws in this state, especially
as it pertains to handguns, as I was painfully made aware of years ago, are
extremely strict and a real hassle.
All it takes is an incident against someone who is connected, in this case,
politically to the powers that be. This latest incident will surely result in the
heat being turned up against Maryland gun owners. Read on:
Lt. Gov. Brown's cousin killed in shooting
Woman was killed after being held hostage by ex-boyfriend in Gaithersburg, police say
By Gadi Dechter | Sun reporter
6:46 PM EDT, August 25, 2008
Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown's cousin was fatally shot in Gaithersburg on Saturday night by her ex-boyfriend, who was then killed by Montgomery County police officers responding to the domestic dispute, officials said today.
Catherine T. Brown, 40, a teacher at Beauvoir National Cathedral Elementary School in Washington, was pronounced dead at the scene after being shot in the garage of her home in the 9400 block of Vineyard Haven Drive in Montgomery Village, police said.
The lieutenant governor flew back to Maryland this morning from Denver, where he was participating in the Democratic National Convention. "I leave my fellow delegates with a heavy heart, and I ask that everyone keep my family in their prayers," he said in a statement.
About 10:30 p.m. Saturday, police responded to reports of a woman being threatened by a gunman, authorities said. When officers reached the scene, they found Catherine Brown being held hostage in her garage by her ex-boyfriend, Michael K. Wilson, who had a gun.
Related links
Catherine Teresa Brown
Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown As police officers tried to negotiate with Wilson, "shots were fired," according to the police account. Investigators found that a bullet from Wilson's gun struck and killed Brown, while several shots from one or both of the responding police officers killed Wilson, who was also pronounced dead at the scene.
Montgomery County Officers Sandra Moss and Kenneth Moreau were placed on routine administrative leave while police investigate the shootings.
Wilson was a private security guard at Washington National Cathedral. The circumstances surrounding his dispute with Brown remain under investigation.,0,4366603.story
If Lt. Governor Brown, holds antigun beliefs even close to that of Governor
O'Malley, then we're in for more draconian measures being pushed through
the General Assembly. Count on it !
as it pertains to handguns, as I was painfully made aware of years ago, are
extremely strict and a real hassle.
All it takes is an incident against someone who is connected, in this case,
politically to the powers that be. This latest incident will surely result in the
heat being turned up against Maryland gun owners. Read on:
Lt. Gov. Brown's cousin killed in shooting
Woman was killed after being held hostage by ex-boyfriend in Gaithersburg, police say
By Gadi Dechter | Sun reporter
6:46 PM EDT, August 25, 2008
Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown's cousin was fatally shot in Gaithersburg on Saturday night by her ex-boyfriend, who was then killed by Montgomery County police officers responding to the domestic dispute, officials said today.
Catherine T. Brown, 40, a teacher at Beauvoir National Cathedral Elementary School in Washington, was pronounced dead at the scene after being shot in the garage of her home in the 9400 block of Vineyard Haven Drive in Montgomery Village, police said.
The lieutenant governor flew back to Maryland this morning from Denver, where he was participating in the Democratic National Convention. "I leave my fellow delegates with a heavy heart, and I ask that everyone keep my family in their prayers," he said in a statement.
About 10:30 p.m. Saturday, police responded to reports of a woman being threatened by a gunman, authorities said. When officers reached the scene, they found Catherine Brown being held hostage in her garage by her ex-boyfriend, Michael K. Wilson, who had a gun.
Related links
Catherine Teresa Brown
Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown As police officers tried to negotiate with Wilson, "shots were fired," according to the police account. Investigators found that a bullet from Wilson's gun struck and killed Brown, while several shots from one or both of the responding police officers killed Wilson, who was also pronounced dead at the scene.
Montgomery County Officers Sandra Moss and Kenneth Moreau were placed on routine administrative leave while police investigate the shootings.
Wilson was a private security guard at Washington National Cathedral. The circumstances surrounding his dispute with Brown remain under investigation.,0,4366603.story
If Lt. Governor Brown, holds antigun beliefs even close to that of Governor
O'Malley, then we're in for more draconian measures being pushed through
the General Assembly. Count on it !