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November 8th, 2008, 07:56 PM

Obama�s Anti-Gun Agenda Spurs Record Firearms Sales

Media skews record gun purchases as nutjob paranoia, yet Obama�s virulent hostility towards the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is on the record

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, November 7, 2008

Record gun sales across the United States are not a result of misplaced paranoia, as the media would have it, but as a sensible response to Barack Obama�s virulent hostility to the second amendment, which is on the record and documented.

Many fear that Obama could move to disarm American gun owners, potentially utilizing the �civilian national security force� that is �just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded� as the U.S. military he promised to create during the campaign. Obama�s intention to re-instate the expired Assault Weapons Ban is partly behind the nationwide rush to purchase firearms.

�Sales of handguns, rifles and ammunition have surged in the last week, according to gun store owners around the nation who describe a wave of buyers concerned that an Obama administration will curtail their right to bear arms,� reports the New York Times today.

Obama�s disdain for the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is clear - though he later denied it, in 1996 during his run for the Illinois State Senate, Obama told non-profit organization Independent Voters of Illinois that he supported a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns, a de facto national annulment of the second amendment.

Obama�s rhetoric that Americans have a right to bear arms is completely worthless, because he has consistently claimed that governments have the power to take that right away.

For example, in April 2008 Obama stated, �As a general principle, I believe that the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms. But just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can�t constrain the exercise of that right.�


During the 2004 debate over the assault weapons ban, Alan Keyes chided Obama, stating, �I am a strong believer in the second amendment. The gun control mentality is ruthlessly absurd. It suggests that we should pass a law that prevents law abiding citizens from carrying weapons. You end up with a situation where the crooks have all the guns and the law abiding citizens cannot defend themselves. I guess that�s good enough for Senator Obama who voted against the bill that would have allowed homeowners to defend themselves if their homes were broken into.�

Obama also cosponsored a bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month in 2000, supported the 2008 D.C. gun ban, voted against allowing persons who had obtained domestic violence protective orders to carry handguns for their protection, and has consistently supported measures against concealed carry.

Obama is also a board member of the Joyce Foundation, which funds gun control groups in the U.S.

Obama�s first appointment since winning the election, soon to be chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, also has an established record in pushing for gun control.

Emanuel cosponsored H.R. 1312 (Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2005).

He also voted NO on prohibiting product misuse lawsuits on gun manufacturers (Oct 2005), voted NO on prohibiting suing gunmakers & sellers for gun misuse (Apr 2003), has supported so-called �smart gun� technology, which restricts usage of firearms and has been given an F by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun control voting record.

It seems that Emanuel, whose father used firearms and explosives to full effect when bombing hotels and massacring civilians as a member of the terrorist Irgun group, doesn�t want to extend that right to law-abiding American citizens for means of self-defense.

Despite the corporate media�s efforts to skew record gun sales as the consequence of misguided paranoia of right-wing gun nuts, Obama�s public record lays bare his hostility towards the second amendment and strongly indicates that an Obama administration, backed by monopolized Democratic control of the legislature, will waste little time in undermining the second amendment and attempt to prevent Americans from exercising the right to defend themselves against criminals and a tyrannical government - whoever may be in power.

All big newspapers around the world write about this great concern. Obama wants to take away your constitutional right. In the long run he will most likely face the fact that Americans stand with their Constitution, but in the short run you might have to face indescribable fascism in means of Assault Weapons Ban, Federal Firearm Owner Register et cetera. So, bloody hell mates, pile up as much AR15's, AK's, tons of magazines and containerfuls of ammo while you still can! In 2009 it might be already late!

November 8th, 2008, 09:50 PM
Way ahead of you. There is no doubt that Obama will be pushing for strict gun control nation wide. What a dick. I have enough weapons to arm a squad of men right now. Unfortunately, having just moved, I'm poor. So the stockpiling of ammunition for my weapons probably won't start for another couple months which shouldn't be a problem. If I can fit a few more guns in there I will do that as well before it is too late.


- Rock River Arms AR-15 w/ Leupold MRT 1.5-5X illum reticle, YHM forearm, YHM backup flip sights, ergo grip, YHM bipod swivel, REDI-MAG mag holder, YHM muzzle break, and forward grip.

- WASR-10 AK-47 w/ red-dot sight

- Savage 10FP .308 w/ Bushnell 4200 5-15x Tactical Scope and Harris bipod

- Colt 1911 .45

- Marlin 995

- Mossberg 590A Combat Shotgun 12 gauge w/ extended magazine (9 shells) and pistol grip

- Browning BPS 12 gauge (This shotgun has killed more ducks, geese, and other animals than you can count :D)

- EDIT: I forgot my Glock 22 pistol. Its gov't issue though, so its not really mine.

I would like to buy a FAL and an H&K MP5 next before the ban. Maybe another AR too. Also, I had to show you guys my AR. It is so sexy.


November 8th, 2008, 11:44 PM
Be glad that one of the few things G.W. Bush got accomplished was to get 2
pro-gun conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court. This tilts the balance
slightly to the right. When I think how the Court struck down D.C.'s handgun
ban as unconstitutional I also think that Obama will be in for a tough fight for
any gun control measure. We'll wait and see.

November 9th, 2008, 09:40 AM
Remember, though, that the ban was struck down 5-4... and Obama will be making appointments.

I see this as an incredible profit-making opportunity. Those guns will rise in value faster than a crooked Commie from Chicago can rise to the presidency.

November 12th, 2008, 07:31 PM
The president makes appointments in cases of retirement or death. The 3
youngest members, Roberts - 53, Alito - 58, and Thomas - 60 are unlikely to
retire anytime soon and they're stauch conservatives. Scalia is the oldest of
conservatives at 72. Average age: 60.75 Youngest as a group.

The swing voters on the court: Souter - 69, Kennedy - 72. This is the real
danger if either of these justices retire/die. Average age:70.5

The liberals: Breyer - 70, Ginsburg - 75, Stevens - 88. Average age: 77.6
Oldest as a group. Obama replacing any member of this group is essentially
no gain unless replacements are made in 1 of the other 2 groups.

BTW, the 5-4 decision over D.C's gun ban probably wouldn't have happened
if it wasn't for Bush's 2 appointments.(Roberts and Alito).

November 17th, 2008, 06:40 PM
I would like to buy a FAL...

Get one, one guy on the Fal Files has 15,000 rounds through without cleaning, and a hole rusted through the gas cylinder, it's still reliable, and reasonably accurate.


[Sorry if this post is considered too off topic.]

November 17th, 2008, 10:41 PM
Yes! I wish I could. Moving destroys your bank account quickly however and I'm still recovering. After or right before my next field trip to the sand box I will get a FAL for sure if I can find one.

I actually sold an FAL today at the gun store. Quick story; When I'm on leave not working for uncle Sam, I work at a gun store that sells assault weapons and tactical gear to civilians and law enforcement. I know the owners and they let me work there when I'm back visiting my home town. I don't get paid, I just get free stuff. Today I got a new pair of 5.11 tactical pants :).

Anyway, we sold probably 12 guns today, all semi auto assault types except for a couple of bolt actions. Last week they said they sold 40 ARs, and lots of AR parts. They also said that AR manufacturers will be jacking up pricing to meet demands. Get your stuff while you can guys! LIKE RIGHT NOW.