View Full Version : Hypothesis
April 19th, 2003, 08:17 PM
Clearly this is just speculation, but what if Saddam,like the Viet Cong, when faced with anihilation, decided to "fade away into the jungle" and wait until we reduce forces and drop our guard. Then at a specified time his army reassembles and does a "time on target" hit. Doing as much damage and killing as they can, all in one or 2 days.
Remember, there is still a fairly large army out there that just dissapeared. It's the same soldiers. They're just dressed in "civies" now.
If this is a possibility, how would you defend against/destroy this "plan".
Ezekiel Kane
April 19th, 2003, 08:59 PM
Well, two things of interest. Hussein's status is currently not known/disclosed - he could even be dead. Furthermore, we're not letting our guard down anytime soon. The "war on terror" is Bush's "war on drugs." And we all remember how well the war on drugs went, right? Because now, you can't even GET drugs anymore. Unless your friend leaves them in the backseat of your car.
Oh well. No, I don't really think Hussein is going to become Iraq's Kurtz.
April 20th, 2003, 04:27 AM
Such a plan sounds far too clever and well organized (for them) for it to not have already been learned (beaten) out of Iraqui soldiers (sand monkeys) at the hands of kind citizens (CIA). Certain elements of the Republican Guard (like 2 guys) will likely surface months or years from now by railing (complaining on AlJezera) against the Westernization (Americanization) of their culture (women hating). Look for Ronald McDonalds plastic head rolling down the street and cans of Coke being recklessly poured down the drain. Beyond that we have yet another country (shit hole) to civilize (corrupt) with Starbucks (overpriced crap) and shopping malls (personal debt).
April 20th, 2003, 01:58 PM
Starbucks seems to have allied itself with the tree-huggers.
May 4th, 2003, 01:37 AM
Saddam has lost 99% of his power, most forces loyal to him have been destroyed and the regular army doesnt give a shit due to the poor treatment they recieved. Hes probley dead anyways
May 4th, 2003, 02:44 AM
The army isn't nearly loyal enough for that to happen, they just wouldn't come back.
Oh, and Bitter, thats a very large avatar you've got there!
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