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May 21st, 2003, 02:49 PM
once again i am having some trouble with the "coloreds" this time they came to my house and shit, there were like 15 of em outside on my lawn and sidewalk, My question is do you guys know what i can do legally if they try to force their way into my house?

Mr Cool
May 21st, 2003, 03:21 PM
You can do anything you like if you hide their bodies well :).
Trouble is, unless you kill them they might just come back and kill you if you do anything to try to stop them :(.
Chloropicrin solution from a super-soaker (:D)? Ah, "legally"...
I don't know. It depends where you are. But I know that if I was on a jury, I wouldn't convict anyone if they shot a member of a group of 15 fellas who bust into their house.

Hehe, put a big bucket of strong lye above the door or windows, on a precarious, unstable support. "Officer, it's my lye, I can put it where I want. How was I to know they were going to knock it off and splash it all over themselves?"

May 21st, 2003, 04:20 PM
Official self defense advice is to:

call the cops - and wait two hours for them to show up...
hide in a closet, under a bed
scream loudly if they're about to attack you

That;s it, I shit you not...

Being an American you could point and gun at them and tell them to fuck off (up to 8 years for that here:rolleyes: ). But there's 15 of them and one of you.

Call the KKK?

What do they want anyway? Do they know you're there, or are they just loitering?

Whatever you do, you stand of chance of getting a lot more harassed in reprisal (except mass murder or extreme GBH ;))

May 21st, 2003, 06:20 PM
Get yourself a bad dog. Or a couple of alligators. And put up a sign with all the legal mumbo jumbo so its their fault , not yours, if they get brutally savaged.

No wait! I've got a better idea. cordon off your property with biohazard warnings - say your being quarantined for SARS!

May 21st, 2003, 06:26 PM
When there's something black,
In your neighbourhood,
Who're you gonna call?


There's a big black gang,
And it don't look good.
Who're you gonna call?


I ain't afraid of no gang!

I ain't afraid of no gang!

I ain't afraid of no gang!

Etc etc. And I actually did a search for ghostbusters+lyrics on google - what does that say about me?

May 21st, 2003, 06:30 PM
Yea, the signs are a good idea, so they had warning and anything that happens to them on your property is their fault. If they are just loitering, I was thinking something like a lacrymator to make them not like your porch anymore. Something like secretly pumping the stuff from a tube inside the house. If they came into your house, this isn't good. I would just call the cops. It may create some reprisals, but if they get busted, they're going to be in for a while and you'll be gone when they get out. I cannot imagine the terror if these 'porch monkeys' invaded your house.

May 21st, 2003, 09:00 PM
Here in america, the law states that you can shoot to defend yourself and your loved ones, ONLY if you there is a clear and present danger to your life. A person can break into your house and take everything they want, and you cannt do anything about it unless they try to harm you. But, in the instance of 15 anythings breaking into your house at one time, Im pretty sure that would be viewed as a clear and present danger to you.


Of course, make sure what your local laws are concerning those sort of things because not everywhere is that law the same.

May 21st, 2003, 09:55 PM
Yea, they had some law saying you could shoot an intruder in your home in the state of Massachusetts a few years ago before some politicians argued about it in court. I'm not sure if the law still applies, but there may be similar laws in other states.

May 21st, 2003, 10:35 PM
all you need to know is, "but officer, how was I to know that chlorine gas was unhealthy? I mean, i was just trying to clean the air for them, because I know chlorine cleans water so why not air and lungs?" or possibly "drain cleaner is poisonous!?".

May 22nd, 2003, 01:46 AM
Another perfectly legit solution combines "lawn sprinklers' with 'automatic' and '15 minutes'. One could always add 'fertilizer' to the water flow, I believe phosphoric acid is quite beneficial as a foliar fertilizer, as is liquified manure.

May 22nd, 2003, 02:05 AM
Ah...a troop of porch monkeys has decided to squat on your yard, eh?

Is there a favorite place they like to sit? It might be productive to sprinkle some lye there just before they show up so they'll get in on them when they sit on it, or brush it off their "seat" with their hands. ;) Nothing beats lye on the 'nads to get a porch monkey to dancing. :D

Darn those annoying puddles of sulpuric acid that seem to accumulate around your premises...

Where did all that half-gutted, fly-blown, and decomposing road-kill come from?

A few fire ants can ruin a porch monkeys day...so can wasps.

You haven't told us anything about what kind of place you live at. Is it city/country, house/apartment, upscale/ghetto, mostly white/mostly mud, etc. The more details, the more useful the advice, understand?

All monkeys hate fire. As long as they stay outside the house, they're an annoyance, but if they try getting in...let them. >)

THEN FRY THE NIGGERS! A pocket dragon isn't too terribly frightening outside when they can run from it, but a ten foot flame in an eight foot hallway? MWUHAHAHA!!

Though the smell of burnt toad skin and jerry curl might overpower you...

May 22nd, 2003, 02:57 PM
set up a number of (small)charges with some kind of explosives, wait for the apes to get closer.. closer... a little bit more..BOOM. it probably wont require something very big, if you just want to scare them away and give them hearing damage,
but they will still be out there wanting revenge and it�s not very discrete, thinking legally
this idea probably sucks, but it would be nice to see the looks on their faces.:D

seriously, I don�t think there is much to do legaly, unless you�re attacked and it is in self defence. in that case, a very big automatic weapon and some body armour would probably be the best thing, I doubt they will fight till the last man.
are they just hanging out there or does they have something "personal" against you?

btw, I saw a old thread by you were you was talking about some of them outside your school, and I want to know, what happened later, did you do anything against them, or did the problem solve??

May 22nd, 2003, 06:44 PM
I really think what NBK said about wasps and fire ants was good. As these occur naturally, the piggies couldn't frame you for anything. There are lots of "unpleasant" insects to be stung by, why not set up an aquarium where these could mate? Perfectly legal, they would be scared the hell away, and you would be satisfyed...

May 22nd, 2003, 10:43 PM
I had some niggers sitting infront of my house for a while smoking, after a couple of days of cigarette filter flicked all over my yard I had, got an idea I got a pack off my grandpa, and injected infront of the filters some flash and in the tabacco of some others with sulfur, you should of seen this one coughing while they were watching the one the cigarette with the flash went off the nigger fell off my fence and smacked his head right into the fire hydrant. But they still came back so I made up some M-80s with some quick match fuses, one of those black bastdards lost a finger nail :D I haven't seen them since.

May 22nd, 2003, 10:49 PM
How about a burning cross? :p Seriously though, they do make motion activated sprinklers. In fact I think I remember a thread where we discussed uses for them, in improvised weapons maybe. I think it was mostly about using them for homemade claymores or something but I'm sure just plain old water will keep the creatures away. If they smoke, you could run gasoline though the sprinkler out of some pessurized tank or something.

Oh, and can't you put a sign up saying if you trespass you will be shot at? I think I've seen a few around here. Maybe it's legal only in this state though.

May 23rd, 2003, 03:30 AM
Anything you do has to be deniable by you, at least to the cops, otherwise the cure will be worse than the disease.

You can't fry a bunch of niggers sitting in front of your house (no matter how right it would be :D) without expecting piggies to take an interest in you.

So RTPBs apply, in having deniability and proportionality, to prevent hassle.

Foul smells, stinging insects, and rotten animal corpses...these should be sufficient. Anything than burns or explodes is going to come back to burn you when piggies haul your butt off to jail to meet Tyron. ;)

May 23rd, 2003, 04:56 AM
We used to have lots of kids (of course, the ferals are up to 20 yrs of age, and still hanging out on the street) hanging around aour yard, as there was a school next door, and they used to hang out there to smoke etc.

We got a dog, and they left pretty quickly. The dog can't get at them outside the fence, but I let it bark at them non stop until they get sick of shouting at it to shut up and move on.

In a couple of Australian malls, they tried playing classical music to annoy the gangs out of the area. Play whatever they don't like, loud and proud. either way, they get annoyed away, as it's too much hassle for them to do anything. (tests showed it worked, at least on some 'current affairs' type program)

Maybe you could find out about a rascist gang nearby that wouldn't mind receiveing details of where to find a small gang of turds to hassle on your behalf.

Don't be worried about them getting into your house. You're not going to let them in, and there are plenty of things you can do to stop them getting in any other way. Try making sure all entry points are blocked / guarded one way or another. There are plenty of online 'self help' home defence guides. they are likely to be the best way, as the solutions in those are also most likely to be fully legal.

May 25th, 2003, 09:46 PM
Well if they are on your lawn and stuffing around drinking etc. and you really want to get rid of them:
1. wait and they will eventually leave.
2. If they are getting pissed turn on your stereo onto some music they wont like. classical works
3. If that dosen't make em move on then wait untill they are all pretty drunk then turn on the sprinkler system and watch em move.

May 26th, 2003, 05:21 PM
They know me, in fact they came to my house lookin for a fight, I called the cops and as Anthony said 45 minutes later the cops came. You are allowed to use any means nescessary to remove an intruder from your house, not property. They havent came back since so maybe the cops scared em off, they werent just loiterin either, they were throwin shit at my house.

May 27th, 2003, 12:09 AM
An interesting thing you might want to try is to put concentrated poison oak(whatever the poison is that is in the plant) in your sprinkler system. Also you might want to get some poison oak growing so that they know it came from your house( or else they won't know why they got it, and will still come back).

May 30th, 2003, 08:48 PM
Sounds like it's time for a good war plan!!! They were initiating the attack and you responded using a unreliable and limit resource - the police. And they are naturally going to take advantage of your pad while you are gone. Reinforce your doors and windows, do you have a mail slot? A shotgun? Bear Spray? Get a big can of foaming Bear spray or yes, three cans. Body armor and a close melee weapon, tomahawk? Can you set up a small camera system to get the evidence on tape at least of them outside your house? 15 to 1 Yes the KKK might be good but some Skins might be better. They are more combative and they are always looking to bust a few heads. I'm sure a couple cases of beer would be payment enough for your own gang.

I had a problem with a few Chiggars (Chinks that want to be Niggars) that wanted to get in a fight with my roomate. We called the police and he just invited them into the house to "talk it out" WTF? So I always kept my SPAS-12 Loaded and in the hall closet closest to the door. And if it camedown to it my AK in my room under my bed. They came by again and started beating on the door so I gave the SPAS a good rack and the noise kept them from coming back until we moved.

Jungle Bunnys are a lot more bold as the have had years of Gangster Rap to bolden there spirits and reinforce their belief that white folks are afraid of them. A sign on the door might help like "Please break in I would love the oppurtunity to kill you legally". Do you have any bad ass Militant looking friends? Have them come by frequently, I know that if I had those problems where I live now, those guys would be fucked!!!

What would I do? Get a shield or barrier behind your door, Kevlar police shield if you can afford one. A trap door for your mail and a huge can of Bear Spray and let 'er rip right into the Bastards. If they are thrill-seekers and assault your door and manage to break in, get your shotgun and stand firm. Fall back and transition to a handgun with high capacity magazine, if you run your gauge dry. Have a reinforced retreat with back-up firepower, AK or another shotgun preloaded and an escape route out the window or door if you have an extra one.

This is a worst case senario and legal ramifications will be high but, if it's your life we are talking about it will be worth fighting for especially of they are coming for blood.

Do you live in a house or apartment? Park your car in back and out of their sphere of knowledge
you need a gettaway vehicle if things go too sour and if they know it's your car they'll trash it just to piss you off.

War, it's fantastic. Be prepared for the worst. Good luck.

May 30th, 2003, 10:56 PM
Yeah i know some skins, unfortunately most skins aint what they used to be. I listen to a lot of skin music and hang out with em, but im worried about my family(i have a 3 year old sister). nothing has gone down since then my mom and sis are going to be gone for about 10 days though, so i shall have some time to act if it comes down to it... My house is a large house with far too many windows to barricade, so my plan must be based on what to do WHEN they get into my house, not if. I doubt that they will come back but if they do i think ill wait for them at the top of my stairs with a bat and play some blackie tball as they come up my stairs, even if they have a gun they wont see me theyll just see a bat in their face.

Kid Orgo
June 18th, 2003, 06:51 PM
Um, for the record, most skins aren't in any way aligned with the right-wing racist dogma. The white supremacist skinheads are uniformly hated by the rest of the scene. At least in Boston, skin doesn't equal bigot.

They do like a fight, however.

Most of the suggestions so far would end up being prosecuted as chemical weapons use or hate crimes. Calling the cops would be the way to go. Even better, get what they're doing on tape. Good court evidence. And if they break in, bring em down however you can.

June 24th, 2003, 05:19 PM
If you want to shoot them, just follow them home. They're niggers, they're too stupid to notice that you're tailing them.:D

June 25th, 2003, 06:47 AM
most jungle bunnies know a little or have seen some kinda "magic" or heard stories of it from their ancestors that used sit around with bones through their noses telling tales of whitch doctors etc...
well. get a book or on Voodoo and start making etchings around your place, a few bloodied feathers and the odd chicken head laying around :)

alternatively, the other thing they fear the most is loosing their stash of crank or weed. set up a security cam outside your door, then "Accidently" leave a letter half in/out your letter box with the local police address on it, labled "Vice Dept"

if you do the Voodoo thing, take some pics, i enjoy a good laugh :)

July 16th, 2003, 07:15 AM
Fuck dooin it legaly. just SHOOT THE BLACK BASTARDS!!!!!

July 16th, 2003, 12:59 PM
Hello, I have a kewl name and a bird's brain, and I want to go to jail, because a nigger life is worth mine. :rolleyes:

July 16th, 2003, 01:17 PM
Really Arthis:confused: that must suck to be you:p. No i agree with you arthis. Nitroman i much prefer for me to live a happy and succesful life while the fucks end up shot by fellow homies or in jail for there stupidity. I was wondering what i could do legally so i could live a succesful life and keep my home and family safe. The problem seems to have died down, once cops get involved the younguns get scared. Thanks for all your advice.

December 9th, 2003, 06:41 AM
Does anyone remember the movie "Mars Attacks". The martians were destroyed
by the sound of bluegrass music. I wonder if 600 watts of this would drive the
rappers away ?

December 9th, 2003, 05:04 PM
No they would probably just start rapping to it, best way is to make their heads explode like in mars attacks.

December 9th, 2003, 11:41 PM
No, the best way is to tie a welfare check to a Greyhound bus traveling to another state.

December 13th, 2003, 01:50 PM
a few bloodied feathers and the odd chicken head laying around
Hehe, this might actually be a very effective tactic. Think the French Guy scene from Monty Python. Just get assorted animal parts at the supermarket (at mine next to the ground beef and chuck, there is an "assorted parts" section, my teach had a field day with them one time in class with an anatomy demonstration ;-)) Anyway get your bits 'n giblets, get yourself a nice bucket, trebucet, spudgun, whatever, and let 'em have it. I would certainly run for cover with bloody cow chunks flying at me, but then again it might just piss em off to the point that they bust your door down. If they aren't that violent (heh, what are the odds), then it would probably work without getting you in too much deep shit.

If you wanna get em out of there REALLY fast, and don't mind your social status dropping for a few days, take a nice hefty shit in a paper bag, mix in some sulfur, hair, ethyl merceptans if you can get some, light it, and chuck it right where they hang out. They certainly won't be smoking up, or breathing in for that matter.

December 22nd, 2003, 11:53 PM
A Small tank of NH3(anhydrous ammonia), open the door, crack valve, and throw it into the yard.

No more problem.

January 7th, 2004, 05:25 AM
I never have dealt with up to 15 yobs, but got in a lot of legal trouble for going outside to remove 4 blokes from using my girlfriends car as a trampoline many year ago. It was suggested I used a firearm when asking them to more on (never).

But because of this experience I figure it is best to be nice. I figure invite them in to my house first and than lay into them with a large blunt instrument (all in self defence of cause). The other option is kill them with kindness. If they are repeated returning, just leave them little gifts such as booze, food or whatever may draw their attention and be consumed (you just pick what additive you want to put in it)

January 10th, 2004, 06:40 AM
The Limey's are pretty grumpy about their legal situation after the travesty of justice that occired to Tony Martin. Here's an excerpt from Reason.com:

A show on BBC 4 Radio recently ran a contest asking listeners to suggest a piece of legislation that would improve life in Britain, promising that the winning proposal would be introduced by Labour Party M.P. Stephen Pound. Both Pound and the show's producers regretted the offer once it became clear that the most popular suggestion was a law allowing homeowners "to use any means to defend their home from intruders."

Pound denounced the proposal as a "ludicrous, brutal, unworkable blood-stained piece of legislation," saying, "The people have spoken...the bastards." He told The Independent: "We are going to have to re-evaluate the listenership of Radio 4. I would have expected this result if there had been a poll in The Sun. Do we really want a law that says you can slaughter anyone who climbs in your window?"

The vote apparently was part of the popular reaction against the conviction and imprisonment of Norfolk farmer Tony Martin for shooting a burglar. Martin, who was initially sentenced to life for murder but ultimately served three years of a five-year sentence for manslaughter, has endorsed the bill. His prosecution became a cause celebre for supporters of the right to self-defense--who clearly do not include enlightened thinkers such as Pound.

January 10th, 2004, 07:41 AM
A while ago I was playing around with air rifles made of pen parts using cans on compressed liquid refrigerant called "Air Dusters" (available at electronics stores). It shoots metal pen refills quite well, over 3" into heavy duty (dense) white foam from over 5m away with decent accuracy. I keep it loaded and hidden in my shed, as I am usually out there a few hours a day with the door open, lights on and plenty of expensive machine tools around. They have been stolen (my tools that is) before but if I did get a shot off at a burgler with this thing it would hurt like shit, inculding the fact that the round is still an operating pen cartridge that would no doubt infect the wound with ink, but it would be very unlikely to kill. That and that it is almost dead silent makes it a very good peace of mind deterant weapon, pity it looks so fake, a burgler is likely to laugh at me if I were to point it at them, that is unless they force me to pull the trigger.

Basically in my opinion any action you take to defend your life is right, unfortunately people do not realise that most people invading their houses would most likely not kill them if it came to that, and therefore shooting them with a leathal weapon is not the right form of defense. However if some little shit was trying to steal my VCR I would not hesitata to lay into them with a handy steel pole.

January 10th, 2004, 08:52 AM
This is a touchy subject, that's for sure. It would truly be better to do things the legal way and enjoy your freedom and actually be able to live your life. As mentioned a couple of times earlier about setting up cameras, this would be a good idea. Even just some pictures could come in very handy since if you do use legal means to drive them off, they may come back with various forms of vandalism. At least you'd have some pictures of the people you suspect.
I do also agree that if they break into your house, you should do everything you can to protect your family. Your mother and sister's lives are more than worth going to prison for. Hopefully if it goes that far the court won't see you are being in the wrong. But anymore, the courts seem to actually be against one defending their home. I actually heard some politician on the radio claiming that people would drag people onto their property, kill them, and then get away with it saying that they came onto their property. That is completely laughable. This was the politicians primary reasoning behind being against home protection.
Just use your best judgment, and be careful!

January 10th, 2004, 06:27 PM
Have a couple friends drive by while you are inside or with your parents somewhere (plausible deniability) and throw pepper spray grenades and whatever else you think appropriate into their little mob. Make sure the friends can't be connected to you, e.g. they don't use a car that they then drive to school in, and they are wearing masks etc. This will piss off the undesirables, keep them from doing anything for a little while at least, probably not get them mad at you and probably make them think they have a new more important enemy, which they will never find again if your friends do it right. Preferably get someone from out of town so you don't have to worry about the car being used. In fact you could even have people on bicycles or just running by do it.

January 15th, 2004, 01:41 PM
knowledgehungry, I think one of the best ways to stop anyone in their tracks is 1 or 2 big ass fast dogs.A south african boerboel will do the trick nicely . they are animals completely devoid of all fear, there are reports of them killing grown leopards and I have personally seen a picture of one swimming in a river with a wild hippo. A jungle bunny in their masters home would be an inviting treat for a boerboel to rip limb from limb. Oh I almost forgot to mention they also have one of the strongest bites,stronger even than a rotty...enough to crush bone to minute peices:D