View Full Version : Good idea/Already been done!
November 10th, 2004, 10:18 PM
I heard about what may be an urban legend; Gen. Pershing, in the Spanish American War, shot some Muslem guarillas with bullets dipped in pig blood.
This gave me an idea; How about using bullets dipped in pig fat. They could be called "Pig Rounds". They would be in a box with a caricature of Porky Pig on the front, so in Iraq it may make the enemy a little more reluctant to fight.
On the back of the box it could say in arabic "Sorry. No virgins for you. Youv'e been PORKED by Porky".
A friend of mine works in an ammunition plant in Idaho. Guess what he told me. The BULLETS are drawn and lubed with TALLOW, aka PIG FAT!!!
This should be printed on the boxes "list of ingredients".
While we're at it, let's spray all our ordnance with it.
Please pass this on.
You visiting terrorists; this should effect your actions. If it doesn't, maybe you should reconsider the rest of the crap in the manmade book called the koran.
One last insult;
The God of creation wrote a Book called the Bible. He made it so it can be translated and understood by anyone, anywhere, of almost any intelligence.
NOT SO with the koran. You have to learn Arabic, then have someone explain it to you. Reading on your own, you will reach the conclusion that mohamad was a nut.
November 11th, 2004, 01:28 AM
The Bible you're reffering to is also a manmade book. And the Vatican forbid its translation for centuries. The Koran can be translated to other languages, but the other translations just aren't considered "holy;" no big deal.
Christians too have their irrational non-scientific beliefs:
- If you aren't baptized (i.e., if a priest doesn't throw some "holy" water at your face), you will go to hell.
- A Host is the body and Christ and wine, the blood of Christ. Sure.
Christianty is also full of ancient polytheistic beliefs that have nothing to do with original Christianty: Saying "Amen," belief in the "Holy" Trinity, belief in the holiness of Mary, belief of Christ as being a supernatural being, belief in the Holy Ghost, etc.; and also full of stuff created by Saint Paul that has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ (e.g. faggots will go to hell, women are inferior to men, etc. PS: I like Paul).
Of course Mohammad was a nut. He heard voices that he supposed came from a being he called "God." So was Moses a nut; he too heard voices. Jesus claimed, without any scientific proof at hand, that he was chosen and sent here by a supernatural omnipotent being called "God" to "save" us. They all brought us nothing and clearly suffered from delusions of grandeur and clinical megalomania. Today they would all be sent to hospitals for the mentally ill, just like other men who hear voices and think they were chosen by a supernatural force to save the world.
Can't you see Religion 1 = Religion 2?
Hobbit Porn
November 11th, 2004, 01:34 AM
and God never wrote the bible anyway... Its just a bunch of stories about some dude named jesus, written by a bunch of old dudes.
The Koran was writtern by a dude named Mohummed... who obviously smoked too much of something caues he was going around having sex with 12 year olds and seeing flying donkeys.
On the note of the pig fat.... There was an idea put forward by some israeli group to hang bags of pig fat in buses as a deterrant to suicide bombers on buses. Not sure what came of it though.
November 11th, 2004, 08:22 AM
All religion is rubbish. Christianity, Islamism, Buddhism etc. All crap. If belief helps you to get on with your life then that's cool, but don't let it <i>be</i> your life.
Pray to live but don't live to pray.
God: So, what did you do in your life to make it worthwhile?
Religious nut: I spent all day, every day praying and thanking you for it.
God: So, you did f*ck all of any real use?
Religious nut: Erm, basically - yeah.
God: And you think that's why I gave you a soul?!
November 11th, 2004, 12:50 PM
Don't confuse Catholicism with Christianity. Most of your objections are Catholic creations.
November 11th, 2004, 07:39 PM
I dont think you need to teach either army about propaganda shooter and resorting to such methods is always a double edged sword. Furthur proof to them that we are evil invaders and not "just liberators".
Sarevok has a good point, the bible was stuck in latin for a thousand years and only interpreted by priests. The translation was forbidden by the church. The man who did translate it to english was publically executed for it, by garotting I think. That version became later on the king james version on which most versions today are probably based.
Theres also a neet footnote in history, in that by translating the bible into the particular dialect of southern english he spoke, and its later adoption as the official bible by king james, he chose the version of english we are all speaking now, completely different and totally incomprehensable compaired the english spoke in the north.
Not a bad legacy from someone who wanted to put religion in the hands of the people.
"Don't confuse Catholicism with Christianity. Most of your objections are Catholic creations."
Heaven forbid! If you dont like the 1500+ year old vintage, you can always choose something a little fresher. How about a newer version popularised by Henry in order to divorce his wife. Or how about one that adds chapters to the bible by newer authors. Or how about one only 100 years old thats still fairly popular dispite having said quite clearly then that the world should have ended by now and currently has more members that was originally stated were allowed in heaven.
Best to probably pick and choose which elements make sense like most christians seem to.
I myself am working on chapters to add to the bible, not replacing you understand, expanding, clarifying, encouraging. This will include such things as the most holy way to cavity wall insulate your house and the best places to buy double glazing together with punchy slogans ("Noone ever went to hell for buying New Forest double glazing"), ("Keeping the warmth in and the demons out with KO brand cavity wall"), telephone numbers, web addresses and of course, tear off coupons for household goods.
Dont mind me, I just still havnt forgiven the christians for burning the library of Alexandria. Lets keep the tallow for candles, I have a feeling we will need rather a lot after Bush has finished flattening everything that isnt under his direct control.
November 13th, 2004, 02:57 AM
The guy who translated the bible in German also was responsible for creating the language they now speak today. Back then there were many Germanic dialects, but the bible version became the standard because everyone wanted to read it.
A bible with ads :D Don't give them ideas
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