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September 5th, 2006, 02:15 PM
I have heard a lot of you mention "that one savior high school teacher" who caused you to blossom as an individual and become serious about your own education. Is that something that is common to most of the rogue science forum visitors?

Should we do outreach? Or would that bring more attention to the forum than is likely good.

Jacks Complete
September 5th, 2006, 06:55 PM
I'd be damned careful preaching explosives and weapons to people. No-one knows who I am, or that I come here. Not at home or at work or the gun club, and only one friend, who I believe only ever visited once.

In this day and age, it is only a few who can handle the idea that they can handle truly dangerous knowledge. Most sheep would rather not be trusted with things that can hurt or harm, for they fear themselves as much as others.

September 5th, 2006, 07:37 PM
I would definitely say that my best teacher has been my parents. By the time I started to have teachers who's heads were not up their asses, I had already learned to think for myself.

September 6th, 2006, 10:43 AM
I could see it now...

Breaking news!

Local High School teacher arrested by Homeland Security after an undercover sting by Federal agents uncovered a local Al-queda cell operating out of an area school!

Federal prosecutors say the teacher was attempting to recruit local youths for an internet terrorist network by teaching them how to make deadly explosive devices.

*Cut to shadowy figure with distorted voice*

"He kept telling the students that people used to be able to make explosives in the past...legally! Obviously, that's a lie. Only terrorists make their own explosives. Legitimate explosive users buy it from DuPont."

The teacher has been transported to an undisclosed location to face capital charges in front of a military tribunal.

September 6th, 2006, 10:43 AM
I think how things are at the moment is pretty ok. If your here, let this forum be your saviour.

If you arent, then you are most likely a sheeple ready for the wolves.

My saviours were my enemies. Nothing like getting the shit kicked out of you to expand your mind.

As the general saying goes - I am blessed by having strong enemies.

September 6th, 2006, 01:40 PM
No-one knows who I am, or that I come here. Not at home or at work or the gun club, and only one friend, who I believe only ever visited once.

Now, all you need to do is off the one friend who visited...
But seriously, keeping out of view is the best bet. Friends and family, at your own risk.

I prefer to keep it all under the table. That way, I don't worry that a friend or loved one will be placed in a compromising situation if asked questions by the state.

And, a divorce or falling out can place former allies in a position of advantage over you.

No "outreach" for me.

September 6th, 2006, 08:55 PM
Compromising situations by the state? Has anybody here ever heard of someone actually being detained, questioned, etc. for activities pertaining to amateur chemistry or questionable online activity?

In my opinion it is certainly probable that Rogue Science and any webpage containing information deemed disputable by governments could arouse attention, but an actual questioning session? Perhaps, but I am willing to bet government agencies have a little more on their plates just now.

September 7th, 2006, 12:11 AM
And, a divorce or falling out can place former allies in a position of advantage over you.

That's a tricky one, because it's quite hard to keep secrets from a long time partner, especially if you�re living in the same house with your lab in it.

October 6th, 2006, 02:37 AM
I had one teacher that, during a low point in my life, told me: No matter what you do with your life, do it the best you can, if you're going to be an artist, paint the best pictures out there, and if you're going to be a junkie, be the best goddamned junkie that ever lived.

As for outreach and such, hell no. This is a names are changed to protect the innocent kind of thing. And I think a lot of people, not just the ones here, have teachers like that, unless they have the misfortune of being currently enrolled in a public school.

October 6th, 2006, 06:09 AM
And I think a lot of people, not just the ones here, have teachers like that, unless they have the misfortune of being currently enrolled in a public school.

What�s wrong with public schools? The teachers at my school are good, we have good people and it�s really a nice place to be. Private schools have all the rich snobs *shudders* but I didn't mean all rich kids are snobs or all the people at private schools are snobs, they just have a higher majority.

October 6th, 2006, 09:53 PM
I went to public school as well, I don't know about the schools in Australia, but over here, at least the one I went to, the teachers were all frustrated burnouts that seemed to despise the students, the school, and themselves, nothing new is learned past the seventh grade, except for math. The school was filled with little gangsta wannabes that get high in the bathrooms, and 'tag' the walls after dark. Dope dealers were, and still are in heavy abundance around and in the school.

There's two+ real cops and five armed security guards that, since Colombine, are probably even more trigger happy. When you enter the main doors, there's a metal detector with a guard, you have to wear an ID badge or you're given in school suspention (you sit in a room in a cubicle for the whole school day doing jack shit, by the time I left they had to take over the auditorium) until you pay the five dollars for a ten cent peice of plastic. When you enter the school, you give up all humanity and become a prisoner for 8 hours a day.

Took my brother to school this morning, nothing's changed, except (probably because of the recent shootings, or they were given a called in threat of some kind) there were some cops in full swat gear with dogs roaming around. American public schools, where your kids are treated like they were convicted of a violent crime, before this shit drives them to commit one...

edited for spelling and minor adjustments in wording