View Full Version : Idiocy Concerning Hackers
July 29th, 2007, 04:43 AM
Well, I am to computers what mega is to explosives in "experience". Anyways I've noticed lately, since the release of live free or die hard that there have been an increase in anti-hacker reports on TV. I found an example of a lovely one here.
Anyways as funny as this video is, there are people who eat this shit up. Things like this really bother me, because of fucking script kiddies I see the computer world going much the same place as the volatile chemicals industry. I just wanted to tell you, if you think "k3wlz" make you guys look bad, this is worse. Personally i see some laws cookin'. For gods' sake what self-respecting intelligent individual says fucking "lulz"!
By the way the reason I mentioned live free or die hard is because a multitude of these reports mention it...just more anti-hacker media.
July 29th, 2007, 05:08 AM
How much professional experience do you have ? I'm just curious because
I had 18 years on the job as a systems programmer/analyst although most
of that was on older minicomputers and mainframes. My languages:
ALC, Algol, Basic(Visual), C++(Visual), Clipper, Fortran, Pascal(Visual). My
preference is for C. REAL men program in C - something that my Basic loving
pussy cousin doesn't seem to understand !
You're right about hackers giving us a bad name. Recently, a hacker managed
to drop a virus in my computer that fucked over my FTP software and
user/pw file.
I don't mind hackers who just poke around checking to see what's what.
As for the destructive types: High velocity lead-poisoning is a good cure ! :D
July 29th, 2007, 02:33 PM
Well I've been messing around with computers since the I got my 1st green-screen POS. At the moment I know VB, C++(visual), Java, Python, Perl, Jscript, mySQL, and I'm working a bit on, which seems pretty easy/useful. Being only 23 I only have 8 years of experience (started a little buissiness at 15 when i got A+).
Can't say I haven't been that curious type before, but i never defaced stuff, left death threats on people's shit etc. But thinking about it a little bit more the site on there is 4chan..what do you expect?
Chris The Great
July 29th, 2007, 05:08 PM
The bold capitalized words "ATTACK" "DIE" "INTERNET HATE MACHINE" and cuts to a truck exploding were a nice touch for a story about people having their myspace pages defaced.
July 29th, 2007, 06:59 PM
These faggots leave death threats to families. Chances are they're 35 year old creeps who have never had a girlfriend or touch with the outside world. All they know is World of War Craft and MySpace and they wouldn't know how to kill anything if you handed them a loaded gun.
How pathetic can you get? LULZ? Couldn't they get more kicks out of doing something productive with their 1337 skillz? It blows my mind about hearing stuff like this. What a waste of life.
I like the random clip of a car exploding too, that really helps the chemistry community out :mad:
July 29th, 2007, 08:39 PM
How pathetic can you get? LULZ? Couldn't they get more kicks out of doing something productive with their 1337 skillz? It blows my mind about hearing stuff like this. What a waste of life.
Are we talking about hacking or 4channers and the GNAA?
"Anons" aren't hackers so much as internet trolls:
So basically:
"Hackers on steroids": Trolls who go after Wikipedia Jews, Myspace pedophiles, and furry fetishists.
"Their secret websites": 4chan, 7chan, and 420chan.
"Domestic terrorists": The Gay Nigger Association of America (GNAA).
"Lulz": A word play on the use of "lol" in chatspeak.
July 30th, 2007, 08:24 AM
"Hackers on steroids": Trolls who go after Wikipedia Jews, Myspace pedophiles, and furry fetishists.
"Domestic terrorists": The Gay Nigger Association of America (GNAA).
That's very rich. I like it!
Charles Owlen Picket
July 30th, 2007, 01:20 PM
The Internet has been a public place for some years.....public as in public restroom. Everyone has read what has been written on bathroom walls. Can anyone expect anything different? A guy once said: "You can't be disillusioned if you don't have illusions in the first place".
Frankly, I don't expect anything different from the public. As for the term "hacker", there are some folks who would defend the term as having an innocuous meaning and that those who would do things that are malicious, are not "true hackers". "Symantics" gets us nowhere (pun intended).
The public ruins most things they are allowed to play with.
Jacks Complete
August 5th, 2007, 07:44 PM
Which is why we all say thanks to NBK every time we find something nice here. :-)
August 14th, 2007, 01:00 AM
I hate the way that the media always terms these people as "hackers." There no more "hackers" than I'm a "sniper" because I practice marksmanship. A hacker is a programmer, a coder who is incredibly good at his chosen language(s): C/+/++/#, Python, VB, Fortran, or any others. All of these kids are inspired by watching movies like Firewall or Die Hard (Interesting factoid, in Firewall they actually show a clip of the Ethereal packet sniffer).
These kids think that it's "cool" to be able to hack into a church website and deface it with beast pornography. It makes me sad to see that the real hackers, who create programs that are as much works of art as the Mona Lisa, are being replaced by these script kiddies who don't even understand what they're doing.
kevin Mitnick was a real cracker; an artist who broke into systems thought un-crackable. Even the lowly cracker who brakes WEP keys to get onto wireless networks is higher up than these kids who download off-the-shelf tools, boot up their parents' Windows XP laptops and start defacing.
It really saddens me to see these kids having no real sense of pride or desire to learn. They only seem to care about the cheap thrill, not the long term struggle to achieve knowledge.
August 23rd, 2007, 01:27 AM
Whats wrong with lol?.. I'm not of lower intelligence, but I say lol to piss dumb people of! esp. when I say it to there face:p [only works on the 15-20ish year olds]
Anyways, I agree with you guys C, is a real mans language. The only reason why I'm learning C/++/#, well a number of reasons, , .net pages, writing my own programs, get even with a brat etc. One day some brat some how got though my fire wall[s] and put a modified copy of the MS Blaster worm in the the machine. Norton couldn't fix it, so I reinstalled.. You can youtube "fake virus" and you'll find a plethora of kiddies using batch files or disguising shortcuts as shutdown.exe.
Batch files are easy. example: a loop that opens itself that says "PWNED" (pronounced "owned")
Here's and example:
@echo off
echo You have just been PWNED
start name_of_file_here
goto :hack
Or the other thing kiddies do is the shortcut "virus". I like to call it a prank because it doesn't affect the computer and its quite amusing to watch people in a hysterical panic.
Make a new shortcut and put some thing like this in the text box:
shutdown -s -t 60 -c "Windows has encountered an error. Windows is now shutting down."
Change the name and icon to lets say Internet explorer... and wahla, instant prank. And to stop the prank type in command promt shutdown.exe -a. Might as well use this to shut down the computer after a download...
And since those craptacular "viruses" are easy to "write" if thats what you want to call it, they are well publicized with youngen's. As what has been said before me, C is for real men.
Also, hackers are usually talented social engineers aswell.
August 23rd, 2007, 02:49 AM
6. C programming
As the Web takes over, C languages are also becoming less relevant, according to Padveen. "C++ and C Sharp are still alive and kicking, but try to find a basic C-only programmer today, and you'll likely find a guy that's unemployed and/or training for a new skill," he says.
Charles Owlen Picket
August 23rd, 2007, 10:33 PM
I was under the impression that real men coded in assembler. Oh heck, I could be wrong but when I was a touch younger they didn't even like macro coding.......:mov grin, 061h
Some years back there were contests for the Fastest Typist in the World. The big one was held in Las Vegas. Secretaries abounded. But the winner time and again were programmers with 130+ wpm (no errors)!
August 24th, 2007, 12:11 AM
I haven't used that in years. It's mostly Visual C++ for me although I want to
take a crack at C#. My uncle(PhD in Computer Science) told me that pointers
were virtually eliminated. Fine with me. Debugging those things can be a
pain if you're working with another person's code and that person isn't
Back on topic: Malcious hackers should still be wasted ! :D
August 24th, 2007, 07:15 PM
Many of the high-level languages greatly interest me. I read an article on Lisp once. It has been around for a while, but still looks like one of the most intuitive languages. Maybe someday we will just jack in and have our thoughts carried out by the computer. Viruses will really suck then. Hopefully, Microsoft is gone by then.
At the opposite end, the assembly language is cool in the sense that it gets you down to the machine level. I have several ebooks on assembly, but I shudder when I open them. :(
Charles Owlen Picket
August 24th, 2007, 09:18 PM
I really hunted for C# compiler, Ebooks, etc as I was considering uploading what was tasty to the FTP. I couldn't find what I thought would be worth the space.
Many moons ago people bristled in defensiveness as "hacker" was used as a term of endearment for someone who made positive contributions to something by tweaking it for higher performance, etc.
But today we have assholes who (I'm not bullshitting) fucked up a Vietnam Vet club's homepage to "protest the war"...the web page originally was targeted toward health care & veteran's benefits not some pro-war Rambo crap! So the snot-nosed fucks screwed up some info {example} on how to get your VA benefits to help with wheelchair payments.
Hours of work from some guy went down the drain so some smart ass can scream about Iraq.... They had a back-up of course and it's back up but they never thought someone would fuck them for fun like that.
August 25th, 2007, 10:29 AM
That's a terrible shame that a person who provided information for Vietnam
Vets got his site fucked over by a liberal jerk. My stepfather served 18
months in Vietnam and mind-wise that war fucked up a lot of people. Mom
worried when he went but understood why he did. He came back with some
bad memories but they never interferred with his life.
I have the C# compiler loaded on my system - somewhere. I've never seem
to have the time to get to learn it. One thing I found out though - it's not
supported in older versions of Windows - 98 and earlier. Just as well because
Windows 98 was a total piece of shit.
August 25th, 2007, 03:00 PM
Does it really matter what programming language you use as long as the program does what you want it to? End results matter; real programmers make programs... It seems like you can do far more damage with a clever java exploit than with some other type of program.
As for the defacing of the veterans website, sounds like script kiddies got in to one of the easies t websites possible because their skills were far far from l33t or fearsome. I suppose if hackers really wanted to "protest" the war than they should be trying to issue recall orders to 20,000 troops or something like that.
I just saw the Die Hard movie a couple of days ago, great entertainment, a little over the top. Movies make hacking look so easy; so easy it attracts all the script kiddies asking our equivalent of "how do you make a bomb out of household ingredients," "can someone tell me how to hack something."
Hard work is always a guaranteed route to success, and having struggled with piles of books, sifted through endless worthless websites, and gleaned many pearls of knowledge and wisdom, people are not likely to divulge their secrets to anyone who asks. Real scientists, hackers, engineers, etc must learn for themselves. There is nothing wrong with helping out a fellow scientist in answering a question, but it is human nature to loath and despise the idiots who want all the answers handed to them on a silver platter. Being knowledgeable is a trial by fire, a rite of passage or initiation that these juveniles simply do not understand.
August 26th, 2007, 04:24 PM
As the Web takes over, C languages are also becoming less relevant, according to Padveen. "
That's exactly what major closed source OS producers and vendors try to make and indoctrinate us to believe that. :mad:
Actually, if you are an evil genius ( :)) trying to capture entire world and have computer system that's secure and unique on its own essence, you need to modify some linux kernel source code, with Microsoft marketed tools like dot net, C sharp, you cannot do such low level shit.
I can code in Delphi (aka object pascal), however with pascal one cannot program low level things operating at hardware level.
So it's essential to learn C and then C++ to make something serious.
Now, I started studying C and C++ on linux, so I can learn, examine and modify any code I want. Regards.
August 26th, 2007, 05:53 PM
Real Men code in assembly. :p
August 27th, 2007, 10:17 AM
Real Men code in assembly. :p
:D Actually I tried that. However that's not my thing, :( since when you learn a high level language you get used to abstraction level of that language. So if you did not receive a full fledged programming education (which is the case for me), it's difficult to understand real thing and differences between the architectures (of various brand CPUs) makes it complicated to learn ASM.
The gist of C and C++ is portability which holds true for standard libraries and if you do not use system calls.
So in theory a C program which can be compiled on one system (let's say an (W)intel machine) can also be compiled on another system (e.g. Alpha, Motorola, PowerPC, etc).
In addition, there is another reason for learning C and C++, which I shall try to explain with analogy of our pyro and E&W endeavor.
Most of the users are trying to find out how our granddads used to produce pyrotechnical mixtures and / or explosives and / or chemicals, because our beloved government(s) horde the knowledge from us.
Similarly, when you get used to high level languages and IDEs even highly abstracted languages like dot NET (which, somebody claim, MS released for undermining Java), basics of programming is hidden from you.
So in order to get yourself free from shackles, you need to learn how our granddads used to program. :D Regards.
Charles Owlen Picket
August 27th, 2007, 10:29 AM
The subroutines in C give many a chance to learn what they would need on a day to day level in asm and still think in C (or whatever), Most people don't remember pascal but there was a "visual pascal" from San Diego State Uni that MS BOUGHT and put on the shelf. That was fucked up. But that the way MS does their thing.
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