View Full Version : perfume salesmen knockout robbers
May 27th, 2004, 07:29 AM
alright, I just heard about this and heard that they are active in places over the US and in my small town right now, they are "designer perfume salesmen/women" working in gangs traveling around coming up to people in parking lots and such asking them what kind of perfum/cologne your wearing, then they say they sell designer perfume/cologne and try to hand you a sample to smell if you accept and take a whiff of the sample is some kind of card soaked in ether or other incapacitating agent and when you get wousy dizzy or knocked out, they rob you and then leave. That is pretty crazy, I have not seen any media reports of this yet, I haven't looked though or watched the local news. But my friend, when I told him this, said some guy came up to him a couple days ago and said "hey what kind of cologne you wearing buddy?" and my friend just ignored him and walked away. can some one tell me if this is in anyway possible because I am believing it right now, i dont know. it could be some bullshit passed along as a joke but I heard they have done it to people in my town, what do yall think about this?
May 28th, 2004, 05:46 PM
I've had people try this shit with me at work several times. I never touch the shit because:
A) I got rid of my TV because I don't like TV ads, nor pop-ups on the 'net, so why would I want to encourage a F2F pop-up ad at my work? :D
B) The very reason that I don't know what the fuck is in that bottle. Could be cyanide, could be goats piss, or hell knows what else.
Whatever it is, I'm not sniffing it just 'cause some lame asks me too. That, and I don't wear any kind of deoderant or cologne. Did The Duke? No. Therefore I don't either. :p
Besides, you shouldn't need to use such crap because you take a shower more than once a week! ;)
And if anyone ever approaches me and says "What kind of cologne are you wearing?", I'll instantly know they're trying to pull some kind of shit on me, therefore becoming prey for me to attack.
This might be one of those urban legends, but it could just as easily be true, as criminals are infinitely creative blokes.
Be especially wary if an attractive women approaches you with this BS. Really, how often do attractive women approach strange men in parking lots or anywhere for that matter? Unless you're Brad Pitt, it doesn't happen.
I remember of reading of a mugging scheme in brazil where an attractive woman would approach a rich man in a night-club, smoozch him, then take a taxi back to a motel. But, before getting there, the woman would pop out one of her ample tits, and tell him to suck on it.
It was a literal Booby-Trap! :D A fast acting narcotic was on the nipple, causing the man to pass out, resulting in the mugging of his pockets and watch.
Well....easy to see how even men who had heard of it continued to fall victim to it, what with "little head" overriding "big head" at the moment. ;)
May 29th, 2004, 08:25 AM
I guess I'm lucky being as old as I am, white hair and all. The only thing anyone would want to sell me in a parking lot might be bootlegged "Viagra".
May 29th, 2004, 01:27 PM
try to hand you a sample to smell if you accept and take a whiff of the sample is some kind of card soaked in ether or other incapacitating agent and when you get wousy dizzy or knocked out, they rob you and then leave.
When some salesman/salesperson comes to my door and offers me some products to try, I mostly return them even without deigning to listen to them (saying I am busy and I have to complete an urgent job) or if I am interested in the product I tell them to try it before my very eyes before I try it. If person in question hesitates I simply turn them down with a scolding and threatening them with reporting to police. Be careful. Worse the economy more muggers emerge!
May 31st, 2004, 02:18 AM
This goes back to one of the key principles of personal safety that we all learned as kids.
Don't talk to strangers! Even as adults breaking this rule can lead to danger when we are distracted by something or led to believe that we are going to get something out of it. I constantly drilled my students that following this rule would keep them out of most (cant really put a percentage on it....) of the trouble that comes their way.
It's not that I'm anti-social, It's just that I watch 1st and trust, well 9th or 10th....
June 1st, 2004, 05:21 PM
A) Someone is ringing and probably wants to sell something: I take a look through the peephole and when I see this, I do not open the door. I don't care about successfulness of some loser-seller-robber(possibly) in front of my doorway. I just monitor him and he leaves soon.
B) Someone approach me on the street/parking lot/highway/etc. and probably wants to ask for something or sell something: I ignore him. I don't care about him and he hasn't to care about me. I am self-supporting enough:) to live without some strange man which I didn't even seen.
Conclusion: Don't believe anyone unknown.
June 1st, 2004, 09:24 PM
If you don't feel like you're an intimidating person: There's nothing wrong with asking them for identification in such a situation. Make them hand it to you for closer observation. (you DO go through this every time you buy beer, don't you?) If they refuse to provide it then chances are they either aren't legit or eager enough to make a "sale" (easy mugging). BYE BYE, then...
If they do provide it, it could be a fake. Hold it and tell THEM to take a big whiff of the "product" or you'll be turning the ID into the piggies. (hell, if it's a fake and they run then you'll still have a pretty good physical description for the fuzz (in the form of a picture ID...which aren't all that easy to produce, anymore, mind you. [I'm trying to provide sound legal recourse here, folks. The piggies wouldn't do much around here but finish their lunch]), and if not they'll take a whiff. You still aren't interested, ARE you?!). BYE BYE, then...
Curiousity satisfied, nothing lost.
I prefer to "push the pusher", however. Make them feel uncomfortable by taking noticably long looks at their watch or rings or anything of value they might have with them. Keep a straight face and avoid eye contact until you're sure they noticed your intentions. This has ended many an encounter with unwanted soliciters for me. But if you are in the presence of a lady friend, just plain threaten to bash them. You are not the prey.
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