View Full Version : Race War Planned in South Africa?
February 7th, 2007, 01:43 AM
Former intelligence officer Gustav Muller speaks on recent developments of Uhuru, or "The Night of the Long Knives," a plot being developed by blacks in South Africa to kill the Boerevolk and White Afrikaaners.
Based on hard news he has found in the local papers, Muller puts together the pieces. It seems blacks are openly being trained right now for a mass black-on-white attack in Johannesburg when Mandela dies (Night of the Long Knives). The labor strikes, roadblocks, train violence, armored money transit robberies and mass transportation of "commuters" have all been exercises to train for the big genocide attack a week after Mandela's funeral.
Direct link to audio file:
February 7th, 2007, 03:39 PM
"The Right Perspective"? Who's the jackass putting on that horrid fake accent--and what's the point? How about when the guest tried speaking Afrikaans and he couldn't even answer. Zero credibility...nice.
I'm sorry, but if this guy had anything, he should have taken it to the BBC World Service or some other reputable African news agency. Does anybody out there have a current subscription to Jane's Intelligence Sentinel Security Assessments for South Africa? This pisses me off so much I might just upgrade my Jane's subscription and see for myself.
I hate to break this to you, but "putting the pieces together" based on "news you find in the newspapers" is a favored pastime of paranoiacs everywhere. Being a "former intelligence officer" doesn't automatically mean you know more than any other armchair analyst out there who's interested in current affairs. Actually, it doesn't mean you know jack fucking shit.
Muller may very well be onto something--and given the situation in Zimbabwe and the history of the ANC's relationship to Mugabe, it wouldn't surprise me. Unfortunately, this podcast sucks, so we'll never know.
February 7th, 2007, 07:47 PM
Given the history of african blacks, and how vastly outnumbered the Whites are in S. Africa, a slaughter is inevitable.
Not to say the niggers won't be equally slaughtered by the Whites, but the situation will become untenable for Whites to stay there. Once they leave, SA will become just another 'black shithole' of a country in the dark continent.
Where would the displaced whites go that they wouldn't see more muds?
February 7th, 2007, 09:31 PM
I've been searching the internet today for more information on this. Here's what I consider most relevant to the topic:
An opinion that "Uhuru" is a hoax:
(The above site can be translated into a barely readable English by going to, entering the URL and selecting "Afrikaans to English.")
An Ex-Pat S.Africa: The Brilliant Uhuru deception
Hi Jan
I've become very paranoid lately, not sure why, but you will have noticed my omission of any contact details, sorry.
Something I've been thinking about recently, it might seem a bit crazy but I can't help but come to this conclusion...
The Brilliant Uhuru deception.
Here is a theory of mine:
Most South Africans have heard of Uhuru, black or white we've all heard some or other version of it. So I'm not going to go into the details of it.
This might just be the single most brilliant deception that has been "put out there" to achieve the government's aims.
I use the term government very loosely, this is probably bigger then the ANC, this is about getting white people out of South Africa.
When facing an enemy you have two options, beat them physically or beat them mentally, either way the outcome is the same. But with the mental option you essentially get the enemy to beat himself before you finish him off physically.
Remember the first time you heard about Uhuru, what did you do? Sh*t yourself!
We all now have visions of marauding mobs killing, raping, burning and destroying. You see it in your head and the fact that you know white people are outnumbered you believe it. You believe that it is totally possible, that we stand no chance of prevailing. You can see your family being destroyed, you can almost smell the blood. You see yourself being beaten.
What do you do? You run! Grab your family, jump on a plane and leave. That takes care of the whites who are able to leave.
Now you're stuck with a couple of million you can't get rid of.
This is where the best part of the deception comes into play, parallel to the Uhuru myth, spread one that states that once Uhuru starts there will be large-scale bloodshed and upheavel followed by the whites banding together to defeat their attackers, let them believe that that will take thier country back and eliminate the "swart gevaar".
Start this part of the rumour off from within the white ranks (anybody heard of Siener van Rensberg... I'm not denying his abilities or wisdom, it just seems like a convenient source to start the ball rolling). This will make it all the more convincing.
Regardless of where this part originates from, there is general belief amongst white people that we will win in the end.
So what happens to the remaing white people is that they start to believe that there will be some form of retribution to Uhuru. So they wait for Uhuru, wait to take revenge, wait to re-claim their country. And while they wait for this huge catastrophe to come upon them, you can pick them off one at a time without any major fear of retaliation.
How many times have you heard people saying things like' "Just let them try, we will fight them to the death", "Eendrag maak mag", "We will take this country back". Now while we all sit around pounding our chests they are free to murder us as they please. Our retribution will probably never happen because by the time we realise whats actually going on it will be too late.
Another side to this whole deception is that the blacks start to believe the Uhuru part as well which emboldens them, makes them feel invincible, makes them believe that whites are there for the taking. And they act on it, robbing, raping, killing while we just take it waiting for this to turn in our favour. It also causes us to accept very high levels of violence and crime all around us, it causes us never to challenge these attacks. The liberals are too **** scared to do anything and the conservatives wait in vain for their retribution.
All the while we are being picked off.
One more aspect of this is the psychosis of fear which has now been instilled into white people, they are too scared to stand up for themselves. They have lost all belief in themselves, all trust in thier inner strength is gone. We roll over and allow ourselves to get taken out.
Now wether Uhuru actually takes place or not, the outcome is the same, even if it's pace is a bit slower.
If Uhuru happens (because enough black people actually believe it and follow it through) the wipe us out en-masse.
If it never materialises they get to kill us slowly without fear of us fighting back while we wait for it to happen.
Our only strength in this battle is our minds and this seems like the perfect way for us to defeat ourselves.
And I don't care who you are or wether you admit to believing in Uhuru or not, you can deny it, laugh it off or try to ignore it, but deep down inside you've been wondering... What if?
There you go, THEIR war has been won in OUR minds.
An opinion that a race war is possible, and whites are to blame for everything. This is based on the political situation back in 1995:
'"The United States Marine Corps In South Africa? A Look To The Future" by Major Timothy J. Kolb, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1995] Discusses the possibility of a future deployment of US forces to South Africa.'
The United States Marine Corps In South Africa? A Look To
The Future
Thesis: The current racial controversy in the Republic of South
Africa may eventually produce sufficient chaos to threaten the future of southern Africa. South Africa's racial discord may eventually force the United States into specific military response channels to ensure regional stability.
"....Retaliation (against....the lunatic-fringe, Nazi-styled....Afrikaner Resistance Movement) by the predominantly militant members of the African National Congress' Youth League under radicals like Peter Mokhaba and Winnie Mandela, as well as black consciousness movements like the Azanian National Liberation Army could add to the explosive situation, resulting in uncontrolled black-on-white violence.... The eventual outcome could possibly see South Africa degenerating into a country with a series of ethnic and racial enclaves similar to Bosnia with familiar consequences."
I especially liked this part:
The racial violence within South Africa could merely be a sample of what our nation may eventually experience, if the United State cannot bring our "black and white nations" together.
Youtube videos by user rudiprinsloo:
"The Songs They Sing - Highlight: Kill The Boers The Racists":
"Carte Blanche report on farm murders in the new South Africa":
February 9th, 2007, 08:25 PM
You'd think that after years of apartheid they might actually want to try and live in harmony :rolleyes: .
Interestingly, I heard yesterday that the death toll from crime in South Africa is comparable to that of Iraq. That's a bit far-fetched (there are similar analogies for parts of the US), but 18,000 murders a year is hardly a happy rainbow land.
February 9th, 2007, 09:27 PM
If anyone actually cares, you can listen to African news and talk radio at the BBC World Service site. I think it really gives you a more complex perspective.
Having listened to it for over two years, the main thing I take away from it all is that corrupt governments and the idiotic UN/NGO handout system are far more to blame than the people themselves. Without the consequences of the Constitution and the rule of law (enforceable property rights, valid contracts, oversight and transparency, etc), we'd be every bit as doomed as they are. Frustrated, powerless, shit-upon citizens everywhere speak a universal language.
And as for the race problem, speaking from a purely Nietzschean/Darwinian perspective, if you colonize a country and steal the land for your own purposes but aren't strong enough to keep it, FUCK YOU. There's no sense in whining like a little bitch about how unjust it is when the next guy steals from you. Either get a set and fight back or shut the fuck up, because nobody respects a hypocrite.
February 10th, 2007, 12:05 AM
One could reverse that and say if they're not strong enough to keep colonizers out of their country and use it for their own purposes, FUCK THEM. :)
Das R�umungskommando
February 10th, 2007, 05:11 AM
anonymous, I would never and on any account rely on what the BBC says. They're just pro multicultural left-wing suckers.
Unfortunately, I was not able to find the exact quotation I was looking for, but instead I found this:
[...] BBC executives admitted the corporation is dominated by homosexuals and people from ethnic minorities, deliberately promotes multiculturalism, is anti-American, anti-countryside and more sensitive to the feelings of Muslims than Christians.
February 11th, 2007, 03:31 PM
I'd trust the BBC over the Daily matter what your political views are, it's one of the most biased and sensationalist newspapers in existence.
February 12th, 2007, 10:50 AM
The accepted statistic for murder in SA is 50 -55 people a day.
Personally I doubt the "night of the long knives" theory. The place has been sliding downhill since 1994. Hell 1992 actually, when the whites sold themselves out for some international sport.
All the whites who were able to leave have left and those who can't are pretty much screwed. Not easy to go anywhere with a crappy passport like that.
February 13th, 2007, 08:02 PM
Not easy to go anywhere with a crappy passport like that.
Especially when countries like the US frequently won't let Whites out because they served in the military and they have to prove they never did anything mean to the poor disadvantaged Africans. :rolleyes:
February 15th, 2007, 08:22 PM
I don't know what the big deal is, considering how niggers usually fuck up anything they try to do this "Night of the Long Knives" will probably turn out to be no more than a drunken riot where more kaffers get killed than whites.
February 15th, 2007, 11:30 PM
10 million monkeys with knives can be a messy situtation.
Good thing is that monkeys with guns aren't much more dangerous than monkeys with knives (probably less so!), so the Whites wouldn't be too terribly endangered.
But that's why the head negros are doing everything they can to disarm the Whites first. :mad:
If they allow themselves to be disarmed, the monkeys would come in and chop them up with machetes, just like they did in the Tutsi/Hutu slaughters.
February 16th, 2007, 10:23 PM
10 million monkeys with knives can be a messy situtation.
Give 10 million chimps knives and you'll end up with a lot of dead and wounded chimps. :) I can imagine a bunch of drunk/stoned jigaboos armed to the teeth rolling around to some white neighbourhood for some fun when all of a sudden somebody insults someone elses bitch and BANG, a dozen dead niggers! :D The fact is the kaffers were safer under apartheid.
Good thing is that monkeys with guns aren't much more dangerous than monkeys with knives (probably less so!), so the Whites wouldn't be too terribly endangered.
But that's why the head negros are doing everything they can to disarm the Whites first.
Hey they have to do somthing to look like they're doing somthing.
If they allow themselves to be disarmed, the monkeys would come in and chop them up with machetes, just like they did in the Tutsi/Hutu slaughters.
Well they promised them heaven didn't they, where is it?
February 26th, 2007, 06:13 AM
Here is a BBC documentary (Realmedia, just under 12 minutes)
It gives a brief insight into crime in SA. Although actually quite mild it got the SA President really uptight.
May 4th, 2007, 05:15 AM
Actually there are more than 10 million. The country's got a population of somewhere in the neighbourhood of 40 mil. or so, and I think it's around 80 % or so black. Add to this the new firearms laws they have there (because the government promised FIFA that they would guarantee fewer guns in the country for when they host the world cup!), and even a badly botched race riot would cause some serious damage. Add to this the fact that the military and police force are mostly black, and they are issued firearms (and the huge proliferation or illegal firearms there), well, you get the idea.
If Mandela dies and the police and army alone turn out to kill all the whites, then everybody's pretty much fucked, especially without firearms. Think of the roadblocks that will become slaughterfests? Everyone will try to get out the country, and all forms of transportation will be watched. Fucked!
And the more this rumour spreads, the more the black population hears about it, then more of the radicals hear about it (and like it), and the more it'll gain credence by sheer repetition, the more blacks will start to believe it. And prepare for it.
Oh well, could be worse. I think
May 4th, 2007, 07:57 AM
The next Ruanda. But now white people will be the enemy. And white people will get chop up with machete's by the roadblocks. The UN council is going to watch and masturbate quitely, like it always did in times of crisis.
May 4th, 2007, 02:22 PM
And as for the race problem, speaking from a purely Nietzschean/Darwinian perspective, if you colonize a country and steal the land for your own purposes but aren't strong enough to keep it, FUCK YOU. There's no sense in whining like a little bitch about how unjust it is when the next guy steals from you. Either get a set and fight back or shut the fuck up, because nobody respects a hypocrite.
Very few niggers actually lived in the area when Whites colonized it. Both the Zulu and Xhosa were primarily from up north.
May 4th, 2007, 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by anonymous411 View Post
And as for the race problem, speaking from a purely Nietzschean/Darwinian perspective, if you colonize a country and steal the land for your own purposes but aren't strong enough to keep it, FUCK YOU...
Very few niggers actually lived in the area when Whites colonized it. Both the Zulu and Xhosa were primarily from up north.
I think that he Anon411 would also apply his logic to a people who tame a land, build a society and then let cheap labour monkies colonize it and take it over. There is a lesson for North America, Europe and Australia/New Zealand in this, how many more decades before the niggers, pakis and chinks reach majority status and decide its time for the "White Oppressors" to go bye-bye?
May 5th, 2007, 02:14 PM
PLEASE don't lump us Asians (pakis and chinks) with your niggers.
Thank you.
May 5th, 2007, 05:40 PM
PLEASE don't lump us Asians (pakis and chinks) with your niggers.
Thank you.
While I'd take pakis and chinks over niggers any day, but compared to whites they can all go hang. (Nothing personal.) :D
May 6th, 2007, 06:52 AM
While I'd take pakis and chinks over niggers any day, but compared to whites they can all go hang. (Nothing personal.) :D
Thats a good one. Sounds like a memorable quote to me. "Nothing personal (its just a racial thing):) "
May 6th, 2007, 11:21 AM
There are many races in Pakistan and I happen to be closer to "chinks" than most.
So you insulted me twice. :eek:
But it is ok. I only come here to be insulted, so it's on the house. :p
Then... in say 20 years... when it is clear who is flipping burgers and who is eating them, I'll perhaps think back to this post. :rolleyes:
May 6th, 2007, 04:27 PM
There are many races in Pakistan and I happen to be closer to "chinks" than most.
So you insulted me twice. :eek: [
Its so hard to tell a persons race just by the way they type isn't it?
But it is ok. I only come here to be insulted, so it's on the house. :p
The greatest insult on the internet is not to be acknowlodged.
Then... in say 20 years... when it is clear who is flipping burgers and who is eating them, I'll perhaps think back to this post. :rolleyes:
On an individual level me fliping burgers and you eating them wouldn't suprise me in the least, hey there is variation in races just as there is among races. :o
May 6th, 2007, 05:41 PM
Discussions of race are permitted, but when you get to the level of 'Corona, you paki' and 'Hirudinea, you burger-flipper', then things have gotten too personal.
Charles Owlen Picket
May 7th, 2007, 11:41 AM
South Africa was a very important country. In times past it was a major source for a variety of materials and goods. what happened was a horrible thing. I had had both relatives and friends from both Rhodesia and SA. They all left; a few stayed for quite some time. But all eventually knew it to be a lost cause.
Not many people can appreciate how much crime there is in the capital. It has become so vastly less productive than it was that even the socialist element is worried as to where they will get the needed funds for furthering the revolution. SA will go broke very, very soon.
The issues that have been discussed will arise (IMO) when the economic collapse cannot be covered up and the inflation gets out of control. However the violence will most likely be less than expected. The last productive members of society will simply leave, I predict. - Why fight over scraps from a table of garbage?
May 7th, 2007, 11:47 AM
Zimbabwe is a good example of black racism taking place against whites. There is an idiot dictator destroying his country, the UN does nothing, the world favors the idiot dictator because he is black and leftist. The result? a broken economy, a leading group who steal and plunder everything and all the other niggers can eat sand, all that in a fertile country.
In SA, there are many tribes of niggers, and if this idiot dictator ever appears in SA, he will favor one of the black groups over the others... blacks see differences between black and black so there is no unified black front... at best a unified zulu front.
May 7th, 2007, 08:56 PM
Discussions of race are permitted, but when you get to the level of 'Corona, you paki' and 'Hirudinea, you burger-flipper', then things have gotten too personal.
I didn't call Corona a paki personally, weather he is one or not I don't know, I've never seen a picture of him, he said he was more Mongoloid than Indo-Aryan I believe, I just used paki as a general derogitory term for Indo-Aryans, like nigger for Negroids (which seems to fly around here :D ) so what racial epithets can we use and what can't we, or are we just not to use them to other persons just in general?
Oh as for "Burger Flipper" I thought of that more as a class/status insult than a racial insult.
May 7th, 2007, 11:04 PM
Hirudinea will be taking a week-long break from RS as he contemplates the wisdom of arguing minutia with the Beast.
Charles Owlen Picket
May 8th, 2007, 12:13 PM
This may sound vary trite but many wonderful people fought and died for the continued independence of Rhodesia. They and their families, friends, etc do not use the pejorative term Zimbabwe. This denotes a sad loss on the part of a hard working productive people. If, in your heart you believe that the politically-correct, U.N. forced ruination of that nation was unjust, please continue to honor those people by never forgetting the name of a productive nation.
There was a horrible amount of true terrorism used on the peoples of Rhodesia during the time of "revolution" or the destruction of the republic. No one ever mentions how many families were murdered and how they died. News has been censored from that part of Africa for decades.
Only one of two nations stood with Productive Africa after it had become an evil in the eyes of the U.N. That history is very interesting as well as being hidden from the public.
May 8th, 2007, 12:53 PM
The UN? That institution is a bunch of clowns. The real threat is the leftist supranational consensus, a hydra with many heads. One of the heads is the present anti americanism inside and outside the US, another head is what used to be the hatred against apartheid SA, the hatred of all that is white. Let's hope the french ragheads create such a race riot that all of europe can see the truth.
May 8th, 2007, 11:41 PM
Are there any South Africans on this forum? If so, let us hear from them, for first-hand info on the situation there and in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia.
Chris The Great
May 9th, 2007, 03:08 AM
There was a member of another forum (different subject matter) I frequent, his experiences are basically summed up as the country is going to hell and he was getting the fuck out before he ended up being shot.
May 15th, 2007, 05:30 AM
Are there any South Africans on this forum? If so, let us hear from them, for first-hand info on the situation there and in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia.
Ex-SA. I left just over two years ago. I didn't feel like becoming a statistic and I got sick of hearing which of my mates had been shot, robbed, hijacked etc.
The country is on the slippery slope downhill.
May 15th, 2007, 12:32 PM
It saddens me to think what has become of the world. We had a great empire: the opportunists and far-thinkers were off to America, the criminals were off to Oz, and the areas of Africa and Asia that we owned were productive, reasonably stable, and useful.
As soon as we, in a fit of British idiocy, chose to leave/let these places become independent, it became apparent that the only places in the empire that could be self supporting were the ones populated almost entirely by people who were white and once-British. (USA, Oz.) India almost collapsed, and is only now getting back on its feet, with more people to feed than grains of rice, and Africa, as soon as the niggers got their "power", broke out in miniature wars all over, and collapsed into a useless, unproductive pool of dirty blood.
It occurs to me that some Aussies/Americans might take offense at the above paragraph, so I assure both parties that none is intended. On the contrary, Australia particularly is a shining example of how much better even a disorganised, primarily criminal group of white people can do than any group of blacks whatsoever.
Perhaps the answer is to bring back slavery. At least, from the humanitarian point of view, a slave is fed and housed, otherwise they die, which is expensive. Some version of a "prevention of cruelty to dumb animals act" might be applicable, I think. Slaves are also good for the economy, even better than Chinese sweatshops or Mexican immigrants.
If, somehow, enough muds get together in a mildly-organised group and start a war, I think I'll just ignore it. Certainly the UN will, until someone is needed to go and mop up blood, and persuade the media that this still doesn't constitute proof that the continent's only worth saving because of the diamond mines, for which the animals are redundant.
Jacks Complete
May 15th, 2007, 02:14 PM
I wouldn't worry, as long as we control the high-tech side of things. Sadly, we don't hold it as well as we did, and the big manufacturers are all in the Far East now. China sends people all over the world to become world-class researchers and scientists, then they sometimes go home and help improve things there - which puts us closer to not holding the edge we need to hold.
If everyone is on the same technical level, it all comes down to one thing - numbers. Money makes no difference, since you can use slave labour to make food and create your economy, and then take everything from others. This isn't sustainable once you have everything, but by then, who cares? Rome collapsed because it ran out of places to expand to. Whoever is the next big warrior race will end up with the entire world (including the glowing bits)
Or else we will all be rendered for the robots.
May 15th, 2007, 08:16 PM
I guess I'd better get off my TV obsessed butt and contact the more than 75% of my family that lives in SA and see if the have any plans to go back to Europe. Hell, I still can't get my head around the accent.
I doubt the Uhuru resolve - everytime I've seen a black oriented riot, the black area gets burned to ash - not the homes of those they say wronged them.
Hey, which way do things spin when they circle the drain south of the equator?
May 15th, 2007, 11:20 PM
Rhodesia still makes me cringe. The slaughter, the rapes and pillages. My mind is still destroyed from those horrors. Friends killed. Mothers raped. The reason South Africans had apartheid was to keep themselves AWAY from the Africans. There were many abuses on both sides, but people must realize that tribes hate each others a lot and the white man is just another race, in an ongoing racial war. South Africa's indifference to Zimbabwe's crimes is a sad truth that the world is unwilling to face. Any white presence on Africa will be eliminated in approximately 100 years. The whole place will become a festering mess, with sadness and misery everywhere. I don't hate them, I just realize that the place is a mess that will never be fixed soon and the best solution is to get out.
June 28th, 2007, 06:17 AM
I'm from south africa, and this discussion came as an interesting surprise. I didn't think anyone out there are still interested in what is happenning in my country. The only reason I'm stil here is 'cause I'm one of those who does not have the means to leave (for now).
This country is going downhill fast, and has been going in that way for a long time now. This obsession with race is a big contribution to the problem. I'm doing my degree in engineering, and actually got a bursary from the state, something unheard of hear for a white male. The premier of the Western cape came to his senses and saw that black economic empowerment is destroying our infrastructure, and started awarding bursaries to whites ( but only one white busary for every 100 black bursaries) in engineering. He almost got fired, and has been threatened alot.
This last month there has been a lot of riots, the whole public sector has been down for 25 days, not even speaking of government institutions, and everyone has been losing big-time, even the rioters. It's illegal for for health workers to strike, but they just get away with it, no one is around to deal with it. Imagine the death toll in public hospitals! Some blacks don't want to take part in the strikes, but they get threatened. A lot of intimidation are taking place.
What is interesting is the speed at wich they can get a riot started. If 'Uhuru' actually happens, there wont be a lot of warning. And what can you do? It's almost impossible for a white south african to get a legal firearm.
June 30th, 2007, 04:03 PM
And the REAL reason for all the above? Overpopulation, pure and simple, due to there being too many f***wits around, who think they have a right, given them by Dog-Spelled-Backwards, to go ahead and reproduce without limit regardless of the effects on the environment and on other people, but blithely ignore the fact that the world is already overpopulated by a factor of at least 3. Not more than the 2 billion population that existed in 1925 is indefinitely sustainable, and not more than the 2.5 billion that existed in 1950 can be fed without using fossil fuels in the production and distribution of food and water. Either China-style one-child maximum families will have to be enforced world-wide for a century or so (and thereafter two-child maximum families forever), starting almost immediately; or else in large parts of the world, especially Asia and Africa, there will be mass deaths of billions due to starvation, epidemics, wars over resources, and natural disasters.
June 30th, 2007, 08:20 PM
And the REAL reason for all the above? Overpopulation, pure and simple
I agree, the world would be much better off with a total population of 1 billion at most.
Heres an idea, we release a world-wide plague and then distribute the antidote in single dose bottles closed with a "puzzle" lock cap. If you can figure out the puzzle you live, if not, well thats natural selection. VIVA LA PUZZLEORS! :D
July 1st, 2007, 01:27 AM
I agree, the world would be much better off with a total population of 1 billion at most. (cut)
World population stood at 1 billion in 1830. The world sure was a safer place then!
Winter Wolf
July 12th, 2007, 03:19 PM
And the REAL reason for all the above? Overpopulation, pure and simple, due to there being too many f***wits around, who think they have a right, given them by Dog-Spelled-Backwards, to go ahead and reproduce without limit regardless of the effects on the environment and on other people,
Certainly the "God-fearing fun-damn-mentalist" do-gooders have added to the problem, but let us not forget that the "bleeding-heart liberals" are also to blame. Both groups have caused conditions to worsen by prolonging the suffering. By providing food and medicine to the poor underprivileged, economically deprived people of Africa they have interrupted natural selection, and thereby exacerbating conditions.
The sick are allowed to live long enough to spread disease further, and the food distribution allows for a higher population than the environment can sustain on its own. These factors combine to cause more swollen bellies for the cameras to raise more funds for more food and more medicine which causes more population growth ad infinitum.
The only solution is either some type of serious war in the region or ethnic cleansing/genocide. Either of these sound like wonderful options insofar as I'm concerned.
July 23rd, 2007, 12:25 PM
Before I start I'd like to sort some things out:
1. I am a European-descended American
2. I'm not racist in any way.
I don't hate anybody based on their race, and if anything I hate racists. I don't agree with any kind of racism, be it white racism, black racism, or whatever.
Although I'm not racist I think that the Afrikaaners in South Africa have every reason to be suspicious of an impending ethnic cleansing. I'm curious, do they [supposedly] plan on killing just Afrikaaners or all whites? Logically you'd assume they would kill only Afrikaaners, as they [Afrikaaners] were the whites who came to that area.
I don't think killing people for what their ancestors did is right at all, nor do I think somehow benefiting from something your ancestor had to endure at the hands of another race is right. By this I mean affirmative action, which I think is one of the silliest institutions in a long time. I mean, what happened in the past happened in the past. And besides, the blacks said they wanted EQUALITY, but what they got was favoring for jobs via affirmative action. Doesn't seem too equal to me.
Not to mention all the black-only scholarships, black-advancement organisations, etc. I haven't seen a white-advancement organisation yet that hasn't been deemed racist by everybody.
Same applies to black pride. White pride folks are called racist by everybody and anybody, the media especially.
Having knowledge of improvised weaponry come Uhuru time will be especially handy: When crazed marauding bands come to pop ya in the head, you'll have your homemade machine pistol to pop 'em back
Charles Owlen Picket
August 5th, 2007, 01:03 PM
There is nothing wrong with loving your race. But the joke (if you can call it that) is that there are very few "pure" races left. There are an enormous amount of genealogical background tracing organizations (many of them Mormon, however).
When a fellow at university did some research on racial make-up he found that in Europeans of Caucasian extraction, a very large percentage had virtually no purity to their genetic make-up. - Not so with the various tribes of Africa.
Frankly, I have found some amusement in the Nazi concept of racial purity. During the 2nd world war the vaulted SS allowed various untermenchen to compose separate SS units. But when push came to shove they opened the flood gates to virtually anyone who wanted a uniform. Many Semites wore the uniform of the SS. I can site source to this from both sides of the war, etc.
Racial purity of the SS was supposedly to go back to the 17th century or something.....If we were to believe that such records even existed some of the supposedly purest amongst us would be very disillusioned.
There is a sociological phenomenon called "self hatred" expressed within certain groups. European Jews often express this in a variety of formats. Even though I still don't think my Jewish dentist plans to take over the world, I see his liberalism as a form of self hatred. He appears to be one of those who would defend those very people who would wipe out his people.
Racial inter-mixing is not a 20th century phenomenon. It goes back to the dawn of time. And that is the basic reason why I cannot fully understand the racial pride issue. It appears to be a one way ticket to black supremacy.
August 7th, 2007, 06:57 PM
By providing food and medicine to the poor underprivileged, economically deprived people of Africa they have interrupted natural selection, and thereby exacerbating conditions.
The sick are allowed to live long enough to spread disease further, and the food distribution allows for a higher population than the environment can sustain on its own.
By the same logic, we should close hospitals and stop emergency food aid in Western countries as well. After all, if you were to get sick and die it'd just be natural selection, right?
The point of medicine is to cure diseases...consequently I don't see how doing that is going to "spread disease further". Yes, in a plague situation those with better immune systems are more likely to live, and pass on their genes, but why return to the Middle Ages when we can give everyone the ability to resist the infection?
The main problem with African food aid is that so much of it ends up in the hands of dictators or militias. Banana republics aren't usually very fair when handing out UN packages.
In the end, a lot of that continent would be better off under colonial rule. I'm not an imperialist, but think about it: so many African countries are already in civil war or oppressed by brutal regimes. If they've got to have someone ruling over them, a democratic country would be a lot better. They get food and security, we get natural resources.
August 7th, 2007, 11:52 PM
With genocide, you get all the resources, without the bureaucratic hassle of managing a nation full of niggers. :)
Charles Owlen Picket
August 8th, 2007, 11:42 AM
In the end, a lot of that continent would be better off under colonial rule. I'm not an imperialist, but think about it: so many African countries are already in civil war or oppressed by brutal regimes. If they've got to have someone ruling over them, a democratic country would be a lot better. They get food and security, we get natural resources.
No truer words.... I completely agree. Aside, what's really so wrong with imperialism? It's a 'game word" of politicos today and a PC construct. In fact since we are not dealing with empires or emperors in the strictest sense, it's misleading.
Africa is a one of the best examples. Somalia; one of the latest....If those "compassionate" idiots stopped to realize that working under "colonial rule" at least gave a modicum of sanity and safety to those living under it instead of the constant tribal/civil war which now faces Africa perhaps they would re-think their position.
But actually I doubt it.....this shit is not only a farce but a fad. If some of those 'compassionate" people had to live in the same conditions of terror instead of their apartment near their university they may sober up.... But only long enough to find another scape-goat.
The mining concerns in Productive Africa were realizing that the more humanely they treated their workers, the more productive those workers became and the more committed they were to the success of the enterprise.
That, however, was at the point of the fall of the Productive government in SA. The only trading partners of South Africa & Rhodesia were isolated east Asian nations & Israel. With most of the UN holding out and condemning them at every turn.
What happened over there makes my blood boil and from that perspective I would hope that every white still living there would simply leave. The alternative is death & injustice. But the memories still may help the world from repeating such folly as to let a nation run aground again.
What was once productive is now a joke of crime, chaos, disease, & self inflicted poverty.
August 8th, 2007, 03:30 PM
Ever see Lethal Weapon 2, where the 'bad guys' were White SA's?
It was fun to watch them making fun of the Whites, what with Mr. Gibbsons character going 'Big Smile!' and all that...knowing what fools they really were.
Now, of course, all the world gets to see just what a fuck up SA is without White leadership. Though you'll never hear all the anti-apartheid liberal fucks admit to what a mistake they made by supporting the niggers against the Whites. :rolleyes:
Charles Owlen Picket
August 8th, 2007, 10:40 PM
THAT is a glaring issue! No one even talks about it! Jesus Hyam Christ, it's a disgusting nightmare. Imagine being stuck there? The elderly are prisoners in their own home, etc, etc.
I was told a LONG time back they used to advertise for hunting trips, photography vacations, all sorts of things. Now, they just try to play all the disgusting shit down to keep the trading partners they have. No one wants to go there even to seal a deal.
I wouldn't go there for love or money....(prostitutes with HIV and paper money that is all to often traded for Krugerrands). It's actually seriously sad.
August 9th, 2007, 08:13 PM
NBK: People who try to kill millions of civilians tend to have a nasty end ;) . Just look at poor Uncle Adolf...
As for the SA issue, there's no doubt that the country has descended into near anarchy since the breakdown of apartheid. But that doesn't excuse the fact that it was run by a group of facist psychopaths with more fat than IQ. Social injustice was rife in pre-Mandela SA, and I'd have thought that more people here from the ironically named Land of the Free would be against the lack of civil liberties that existed there.
Judging someone on the colour of their skin implies that the only education you got was learning to shoot on the back of Pa's pickup :rolleyes: . However, there's a big difference between doing that and making judgements about someone's personality, on the basis of their cultural background (among other factors).
For example, in the UK at the moment there's a big problem with Somali immigrants- many of them have no idea of law and order, and think that it's their god given right to butcher both rival gangs and random people on the street.
Personally I like the idea of throwing them in the ocean and telling them to swim home. But the real underlying issue isn't going to be fixed until our quasi-socialist "government" puts real limits on border control.
Right now they haven't got a clue how many immigrants are in the country. I'm not surprised- walking down the street, it's getting harder to hear my language being spoken. A while ago some guy speaking pidgin English tried to buy my fucking rabbit (I've also heard of pet geese/chickens being stolen from peoples' property and eaten. Guess who by.)
So yeah, in places like SA, there's a situation where two very different cultures are colliding and resulting in conflict. I guess you can think of it as similar to the immigration problems here, but in reverse.
Probably the best solution for that country is for every white person to get the hell out while they still can, and leave the hordes of rampaging natives to kill themselves.
Charles Owlen Picket
August 9th, 2007, 10:29 PM
As for the SA issue, there's no doubt that the country has descended into near anarchy since the breakdown of apartheid. But that doesn't excuse the fact that it was run by a group of facist psychopaths with more fat than IQ. Social injustice was rife in pre-Mandela SA, and I'd have thought that more people here from the ironically named Land of the Free would be against the lack of civil liberties that existed there.
Unfortunately it was the USA who really overthrew the SA government. You don't think that the UN did it, do you? What "justice" do you see in the present SA regime? The justice to be robbed , raped, or murdered?
Seems like you are addressing both sides of the issue here!
August 10th, 2007, 02:36 AM
Stalin and Pol Pot died of old age, and Stalin killed many more millions than Hitler. :p
Judging someone on the color of their skin implies that the only education you got was learning to shoot on the back of Pa's pickup.
Actually, it was my Grandfather who taught me to shoot, often camping out in a pickup while on the hunt, so fuck you. :)
But after implying that judging someone by their skin color is somehow inbred-hillbilly, you then go on to write several paragraphs detailing how fucked up your country is becoming...and I'll bet it's hordes of illegal White Canadian immigrants that are doing it, right? ;) :p
Hmmmm....time to call a spade a spade, isn't it? Or will the UK PC police kick down your door if you do?
Charles Owlen Picket
August 10th, 2007, 11:48 AM
Some people really believe that Clinton as trying to feed the Somali common folks. The reality is that Somalia would have made a fantastic submarine base as it could have developed deep-water harbors (if WE built it however as the labour pool was a joke of course). There is a underlying agenda in most everything big government does.
When we examine the basic & elemental issues present in social difficulties we have to examine some unpleasant truths. The Somali people are often drug addled tribes of low functioning, uneducated masses. THAT is not the ideal immigrant.
If we examine those who immigrated to various countries, those who gave back to the new country were motivated and didn't look for a hand out. In the USA we have the Mexican national. These are NOT the same as the European that immigrated over the last century(s).
I deeply believe that the reason we maintain our current immigration agenda is that we are facing some unpleasant facts......
A politically destabilized Mexico would cost our country MORE money than dealing with the hand-outs and exploitation that the present system supports. But what do the Mexican populations of illegal aliens bring to our shores? The same as the Somali s bring to the UK: crime, exploitation, and social deprecation.
If -=I=- were a UK citizen I would ask what the devil the UK receives from allowing the Somali invasion..... Sometimes we need to face reality as it presents itself.
But aside all that; what is the issue with firearms? Why does the act of hunting or shooting present such a hot-button for some? I seriously doubt that Churchill was a "hill-billy". The involvement with the shooting sports is not an educational indicator or for that matter even a political one to a greater extent. I WISH I had a father or grandfather who took such an interest in me that he would have spent some time with me when I was a child.
August 10th, 2007, 03:04 PM
Unfortunately it was the USA who really overthrew the SA government. You don't think that the UN did it, do you? What "justice" do you see in the present SA regime? The justice to be robbed , raped, or murdered?
I'm not saying that the present SA government is any good, but at least black people have the right to leave the country if they want to (they couldn't before, right?). But blaming the social issues on skin colour doesn't make any sense- it goes a lot deeper than that.
During apartheid, there was a severe lack of education and money in the poverty-stricken black townships. Consequently, people, as they always do in those situations, turned to crime to survive. When the SA government disbanded, they were stuck following the ways of their fathers.
It's no secret that kids from criminal backgrounds are more likely to be criminals themselves.
I'm in no way defending the actions of human filth, but the reasons for SA's crime rate are far deeper than "because they're black".
Stalin and Pol Pot died of old age, and Stalin killed many more millions than Hitler.
Good point.
Actually, it was my Grandfather who taught me to shoot, often camping out in a pickup while on the hunt, so fuck you.
Sounds fun- my point was that if that was the ONLY education you had, you'd be a hillbilly :p . As you've got what appears to be a decent education, my statement doesn't apply.
But after implying that judging someone by their skin color is somehow inbred-hillbilly, you then go on to write several paragraphs detailing how fucked up your country is becoming...and I'll bet it's hordes of illegal White Canadian immigrants that are doing it, right?
The thing is, most immigrants are fine. It's the minority (albeit a significant one) that's causing the problem.
If someone wants to join this country, and has something to offer, they're welcome to. But the government's letting everyone in regardless of whether they're going to be a drain on society.
I think you're missing my point slightly when it comes to skin colour- there's a huge difference between their colour and their culture. If a black child is brought up in an affluent, educated family, then they're likely to be affluent and educated themselves (providing they don't become rebellious teenagers and OD). If a white child is brought up in a poor ignorant background, chances are that they're going to be poor and ignorant themselves. And vice versa.
Immigrants from the 3rd World who bring their Dark Ages culture with them are going to pass that on to their kids. After being indoctrinated with the idea that he should massacre the kaffir for Allah, and flog women for not wearing a sack over their head, little Ali Iqbal is unlikely to become a respected member of society.
Or will the UK PC police kick down your door if you do?
Actually, they would. But while this country is PC crazy, it's no worse than the US from what I've heard. For example, a couple of months ago, an old lady in your country was smacked in the face by a police officer for not keeping her lawn tidy. And what about the Patriot Act?
If -=I=- were a UK citizen I would ask what the devil the UK receives from allowing the Somali invasion
We get higher taxes, but that's about it. Unfortunately, most politicians are so far removed from reality that they simply don't understand what's going on, and anyone who mentions immigration issues is branded a white supremacist (strangely enough it's usually white loony-liberals who brand others racists). The race issue is so ingrained in society that any meaningful debate is impossible. Recently, an ex-army MP was sacked for saying that some black soldiers under his command would play the race card as an excuse for their crap behaviour. He was kicked out for "racism", even though the (black) officers who served under him all said that he was a good and fair commander.
Why does the act of hunting or shooting present such a hot-button for some?
Because guns are evil, you fool! Someone could be murdered. The gun might misfire and blow up in the user's face. A child could swallow and choke on a bullet! Oh won't somebody please think of the children?
In a nutshell, society's both paranoid and illogical :rolleyes: .
The involvement with the shooting sports is not an educational indicator
That's not really what I meant- my point was that the stereotypical hillbilly can fire a shotgun but doesn't understand any sort of social or intellectual argument. Hence blaming 'dem niggers for every single problem.
If I had something against people who support or participate in shooting then I'd have to have something against myself ;) .
August 10th, 2007, 03:56 PM
Q: Why is that every African country is (or is getting) fucked up?
A: Because "people" having a strong tribal "culture" (identity) will never settle for democracy (or anything like that). Killing your enemy and wiping out his family and friends is still the best way to win the elections.
(OTOH... that doesn't even sound that bad. How come we're not doing that?)
P.S: Tribal identity >> black and brown gangs in every major western capital city...
October 17th, 2007, 06:26 AM
Maybe it's because of this :
Nobel Prize winner for his part in the unravelling of DNA gives a pretty convincing argument...
Charles Owlen Picket
October 17th, 2007, 10:31 AM
Those who are familiar with the "Bell curve" are most likely familiar with Watson. Remember though, the concept is politically incorrect but never stated that there were not exceptional black men and women who tested quite high & whites who tested very low. It's simply that the curves don't mesh from the samples of the two groups.
Culturally, in America there is the concept of "stupid is cool" as put forward by Rap stars, etc. Ask a question of these fellows and you get an "I do' know" response due to the posturing of the ghetto superstar being above common "book learning" and "too street" to be bothered with "that shit".
This has been popularized by black men, Asians and Jewish people seem to treasure learning and they appear to be the only ones testing ahead of white in the original "Bell Curve" work.
While Mexican peoples actually were a fraction below blacks in academic samples in high population sample areas (Los Angeles), they were under represented in the study. Thus the study (Bell Curve) centered on blacks [and it shouldn't have, in reality]. This mis-representation also affected J. Watson's work.
While personally I have found it hard in the past to believe that blacks are genetically intellectually limited, (or any single group for that matter) I can believe that culturally they may have a "stupid is cool" mentality and thus the point is moot. The "nature or nurture" aspect over-rides limited population samples to me.
I feel that way because of the numerical limits to the "Bell Curve's" samples; not because I feel that blacks are or are not as intelligent as others. I simply believe the population sample was too small due to the efforts to suppress that type of study. Perhaps blacks are less gifted. How many are represented on science study projects or even boards like this one? I would say that their are virtually no black members here. Which in itself means nothing but in context with other science oriented boards perhaps means a great deal.
October 17th, 2007, 12:04 PM
There are exceptions to every rule, but I believe James Watson is correct. The "stupid is cool" theory sort of proves that point.
The question of why is it that every African country is (or is getting) fucked up? Well, there is the answer... Stupid is cool doesn't really apply to African nations, their sub-standard intelligence is in their DNA.
Should we have separate but equal intelligence tests? ;)
I don't think so, if certain races as a whole can't keep up, they should be left behind. No more special treatment.
October 17th, 2007, 08:40 PM
One of the world's most eminent scientists was embroiled in an extraordinary row last night after he claimed that black people were less intelligent than white people and the idea that "equal powers of reason" were shared across racial groups was a delusion.
Celebrated scientist attacked for race comments: "All our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - whereas all the testing says not really" (
And the response to this says much:
Anti-racism campaigners called for Dr Watson's remarks to be looked at in the context of racial hatred laws. A spokesman for the 1990 Trust, a black human rights group, said: "It is astonishing that a man of such distinction should make comments that seem to perpetuate racism in this way. It amounts to fuelling bigotry and we would like it to be looked at for grounds of legal complaint."
In other words, they can't refute him on facts, so they must attempt suppression through use of the legal 'club', to beat him into conforming to the party line.
October 17th, 2007, 08:57 PM
It isn't racism, it's fact. Pure genetics. I hope Dr. Watson sticks to his guns and never apologizes, because that is just an admission of guilt, and he is most certainly not guilty of racism.
I guess all the spooks are going to take him to civil court, we all know how they like free money.
October 18th, 2007, 12:05 AM
That's right Vitalis.
By actively seeking to lower their intelligence, they effectively breed intelligence out of their genetic make up and is it racism if their whole race is stupid. How is that our fault? Just because we say they are stupid, then it immediately becomes our fault?
Just a conspiracy to pull our bell curve down to match their filthy subhuman template.
I still maintain that equity is just a nice term for making everyone into a mud...
Charles Owlen Picket
October 18th, 2007, 12:50 PM
In other words, they can't refute him on facts, so they must attempt suppression through use of the legal 'club', to beat him into conforming to the party line.
No, they can't refute him on a factual basis. But this is an old lawyer's trick: If you have him on legal; argue law. If you have him on factual terms argue facts. If you have neither, attack him personally.
What I believe has been a problem is that other areas of research has been stymied due to it being non-PC. We have had no problem with looking into medical research for Sickle Cell anemia from a genetic perspective. But when it comes to an issue such as why Johnny (or Pedro) can't learn, we balk.
Holding back classrooms full of children due to the "stupid is cool" issue is a disgrace. Perhaps it's an issue of "stupid is accepted"! I know that what I am seeing is not unique. I am not a viewer of MTV, as it's not my generation, but from what I once saw a few months back at a friend's home was astonishing! But that it should be accepted among many young people is remarkable only if the level of intellect of the viewer is SO low as to find entertainment in a product like MTV. Do we REALLY have that many low-functioning young people?
If [the level of intellect among] young people find MTV entertaining, that must reflect a very low level of processing power. I have a hard time believing that.
Perhaps "stupid" is not cool, it's simple the commonality between peoples.
ETCS (Ret)
October 18th, 2007, 07:34 PM
The whole of humanity upon planet earth (the common, non-elite folk that is) are being jerked around like puppets on strings by a small group of elitists who manage to always remain out of sight.
For them it is somewhat of a game. Amusement. They effectively have no care about or compassion for those whom they consider to be cattle and useless eaters.
The facade that we are exposed to day after day is all a manipulation.
Thankfully, according to the prophets, the day will soon be upon us when the deceptive darkness will be exposed and those few who control the many will finally be brought to justice.
In the meantime, things are going to get very ugly, to the point where millions will hope for relief and escape through death.
The plan of the ages does have a happy ending though. All will live again.
The Book has many details.
October 18th, 2007, 10:57 PM
Uhhh. Fair enough. Each person can have their opinion I suppose, but I would prefer to trust in a good rifle or three over something divine. I agree with the first half of your post though.
Charles - I do not live in the US, but from what I have seen of MTV it is all about the idea that sex sells. The more pussy and ass they have on the screen, the better the "music" seems to be liked.
Religion used to be the opiate of the masses, but now it is television and sex. Don't get me wrong, I like sex as much as the next guy, but I can certainly see how we are becoming a slave to it, and that is never a good thing.
At a higher level, it all comes back to money. Television gives the viewers what they want, a way to escape a life they have become frustrated and resentful of but don't know why, and then viewers give the television companies their attention. Undivided. Total.
And that means ratings, which means advertisements, which means sales, which ultimately means money.
It is absolutely disgusting that people "sell" their life to work, to television, to Mammon..... *sighs*
Charles Owlen Picket
October 19th, 2007, 10:36 AM
Alexires: I actually DON'T think it's about sex. Just as pornography is actually not about sex but about the "representation" of sexual activity in a socially safe, no risk format for the immature, frightened type of consumer.
MTV-type commercialism is the safe way to vicariously experience a risk, no commitment, no losses (or gains). It's pathetic. What's more it points to a commonality of low-functioning consumerism that is SO easily manipulated, that something like that can be successful!
Here's my point: We are being "dumbed down" as a people. The Aussie may indeed experience the same issues. We are bombarded by low-level elements of communication as that is what reaches the "masses". Thus we come to expect a "stupid" approach to issues. Complexities are neatly packaged in slogans - because that's all we can comprehend anymore.
So while sex is part of a wonderful big picture of human interaction, it now becomes a sales pitch for some item and the human sexual focus is not on the person but the "person as object". Women become tits & ass, men become a large penis. It would be laughable if it weren't so destructive and so declarative of our waning intellect.
What's more, if you are a woman and don't posses a fine ass and tit's you are less than human, etc. Further....while this has been "sold to us"...WE ARE THE ONES WHO BOUGHT IT (by furthering the marketing agenda of those who use those techniques & buying the products associated with them).
ETCS (Ret)
October 19th, 2007, 05:29 PM
Your analysis is concisely poignant.
Those at the top of the hierarchy possess occult understanding of the human emotions.
And the bond created between the manipulator and the manipulated as emotional reactions are stirred among the masses. The "Stockholm Syndrome" in essence - only much perfected in its application.
The unwary are "hooked" on the emotional "high" of being "aroused."
And we tend to join the pack as it scurries off to its never ending search for new/more stimulation.
October 21st, 2007, 01:57 AM
Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored.
October 23rd, 2007, 01:45 AM
Charles - Upon rereading my post, it was worded badly. I agree entirely that companies are "weening" the populace off of natural experience and into a world of "emotion" (fantasy) only they can provide.
For example, most deodorant advertisements portray the image that if you wear "Unsmell (TM)" women will throw themselves upon you. They appeal to the most base desires of the human race and in doing so, you become a little less "aware". That is the only word I can give it.
It is something like stupidity, but where as stupidity is inherent (genetic - a lack of intelligence), lack of awareness is something that can be overcome.
Another direction of attack that these MTV like companies use is, as I have said above, giving you experiences that they convince you is just like the real thing.
In this category lies sex, soap operas and most television shows. By telling you that they not only mimic actual experience, but the emotion and feeling they give is in fact superior to the real world, you (the consumer) become addicted to MTV/Home and Away/The OC/etc. and it becomes your only way to "vicariously experience a youth" as you put it so eloquently.
Charles Owlen Picket
October 23rd, 2007, 09:54 AM
I gotcha'....My tone was conversational in any event; I certainly don't mean to be strident in my response. That's one thing about the written method of communication; "smilies" and frown-faces" help get the tone across.
However, ever since I actually watched an hour or so of MTV, I have strong opinions about it. - What fucking drivel! Mindless fad and fashion consciousness; urging the viewer on to spend money on the fleeting concept of "a look".... It's like if you keep on going you're going to get that one good high that will satisfy your craving for the narcotic of the market in question.... Seriously destructive shit!
October 23rd, 2007, 01:14 PM
Destructive? It's a fucking atomic bomb on anyone who watches that for an extended period of time and is easily manipulated, which is well over 3/4 the population!
It's also plainly a propaganda tool I think on the real world there's a nigger and he's a faggot.. Double dose of "diversity"... Diversity is the destructive shit. Without it, we would have no MTV, or an MTV that actually stuck to it's name, music television..
Jacks Complete
October 24th, 2007, 07:06 PM
Ha, MTV play music? Heresy!
I watched many, many thousands of hours of TV when I was younger, much of it MTV. This is back a decade or two, when it still played a few songs between self-serving adverts for the channel I was already watching, and the music was about the music, not the porno video that goes with it. Didn't lower my IQ - but then, I would say that!
The idea that Charles is putting across has been summed up long before.
Television is the opiate of the masses.
It's an opiate that the people want, that keeps them quiet and tells them what to think. Better than actual medication, however, is that it is self-administered, self-financed/ing, and the distribution is a lot easier.
As regards the issue of blacks being thick, well, in English law that a fact is true is no defence against it being illegal to say it, if it is possible to perceive it as racist. It is also completely subjective, hence a man being arrested for "revving a car in a racist manner." Suffice to say, it is nice to know that since they won't use multiple bell-curves, we are all assured of being in the top half without effort. But perhaps that is also part of the plan?
Charles Owlen Picket
October 24th, 2007, 09:32 PM
Another sad issue is that the same Britain that gave us "English Common Law" as a basis for much or the world's legislation is now hobbled with English Law that curtails freedom of common speech.
October 28th, 2007, 07:34 PM
Another sad issue is that the same Britain that gave us "English Common Law" as a basis for much or the world's legislation is now hobbled with English Law that curtails freedom of common speech.
English Law (which is defined as Lex Non Scripta) is basis for legal systems of former and current colonies of Britain the rest of Europe uses Roman Law (which is defined as Lex Scripta) based legal system.
And no matter which legal system, if the top capitalist elites decide to form a single world government, an individual has very little to say. And it's also known those top notch capitalist elites uses Hegelian principle to form that one world government. Regards.
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