View Full Version : I am WEEPING
April 15th, 2003, 04:52 PM
About all the kit they are discovering in Iraq.........and just blowing up. So many guns, so much ammo and explosives. It's awful. I was just looking at a picture of a gold plated Kalashnikov with CASES of 9mm ammunition in the background.
When I grow up, I'm gonna be a dictator.
I wonder how many "trophies" are going to come back home.
Not sure this deserves a new thread, but really, I AM weeping:(
April 15th, 2003, 10:12 PM
Yes gold plated does seem to be a fetish of those with large quantities oil money. My friend just had sent me earlier a pic of a gold plated mp3sd, it was quite impressive. He found the link while hanging around his favorite ar-15 forum/msg boards which requires a membership to access, but a direct link to the picture is:
mp5sd gold plated (
Ghostcustom 24
April 15th, 2003, 10:56 PM
What a waste.
I could have put that to much better use :(
April 15th, 2003, 11:52 PM
In the last Gulf war some US soldiers tried to bring back a tank! There are these soldiers whose job is making sure the troops don't bring back anything "fun" from the battlefield. Americans can only be trusted with weapons on Uncle Sam's terms I guess.
April 15th, 2003, 11:53 PM
I saw a picture of saddams personall sporting gun, aw I wish I had them! brownings, greeners, H&Hs, SIGs, but there just going to destroy them :mad:
April 16th, 2003, 12:12 AM
Yhea that sucks mass ass. Though I read in todays propaganda delivered every monring to the sotre where I have my morning coffe andbagel that Saddams sons room had a lot of cool stuff in it including PICTURES of BUSH's Daugter Jenna.... the american soldiers took the pictures with them to protect the president......
Um.. How were they palning on taking the tank home... plus how would you manage time share with something like that "Hey Billybob you can have the tank this week but I need this weekend me and Billyjoe are goign to the movies and I wanna impress her" "Well I need tomorrow, damn hipppie at the gas station short changed me on time too many" :p
April 16th, 2003, 04:26 AM
I was watching the news a while ago, hearing about all the looting. They were stripping this Iraqi military building down, taking all the corrugated iron, wood, electrics, but leaving all the rifles, RPGs, ammo etc. If I was there, I'd have a large stockpile right now. IT sucks that they destroy it all, whenever they have a "gun" amnesty in the UK and you see a pile of weapons, I wish I could have one, just one, of those.
Then they throw them in a big furnace and melt them down :( oh well.
April 16th, 2003, 06:28 PM
Things like Saddam's personal gun collection, especially something as the infamous gold plated AK should be kept as historical pieces.
Who wouldn't be interested in the gun that eventually blew Hitler's brains out?
I wonder if "they" are just trying to erradicate the memory of Saddam completely?
April 16th, 2003, 07:06 PM
destroying guns.....grr
they should sell all the guns, tanks, ammunition, and everything else military like and use the cash to help rebuild some of iraq...or keep it!
either way atleast somebody is going to benefit rather than nobody.
April 16th, 2003, 09:47 PM
Three words come to mind that seem to always be heard from government funded environmental agences.
I'd be happy to donate my resources to the Re-useing part! :D
April 16th, 2003, 11:07 PM
Okay i see this as a big waste, since in what a year or so we will be giving them money to rebuild their army and get more wepaons... pointless as I see it.
April 17th, 2003, 01:06 AM
This is truely sad. I would have been more that willing to buy some SCUDs or the like from auction:p
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