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September 2nd, 2006, 03:41 PM
Divine: Having the nature of or being a deity. Of, relating to, emanating from, or being the expression of a deity: sought divine guidance through meditation. Being in the service or worship of a deity; sacred. Superhuman; godlike. Supremely good or beautiful; magnificent: a divine performance of the concerto. Extremely pleasant; delightful: had a divine time at the ball. Heavenly; perfect.

Strake: A device for controlling air flow over an aircraft. A strake is also a part of a boat or ship used for generally the same purpose in water rather than air. It is a strip of planking in a wooden vessel or of plating in a metal one, running longitudinally along the vessel's side, its bottom or between them on the turn of the bilge.

Put them together and what’s that spell? Divine Strake, one hell of a high explosive charge. Divine Strake is a high explosive test sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). The test is a detonation of a 700 ton buried heavy ANFO charge above a tunnel structure. The main purpose of the test is to study ground shock effects on deeply buried tunnel structures. Of secondary interest is the airblast produced by a buried charge and its modification as it propagates over the local terrain. Scheduled for the summer of 2006, as of 01 April 2006 the test was planned for 02 June 2006.

Now the test has been delayed yet again. DTRA planned to move the test detonation to a Southern Indiana limestone quarry called Mitchell Quarry. A statement on Aug. 30 from Senator Dick Lugar's office said the agency confirmed in a letter that it would not conduct the test in Indiana. Environmentalists and some residents had objected to moving the test to Indiana. The military has confirmed testing up to 1.5 tons of explosives at the Mitchell Quarry in detonations between July 2004 and March 2005.

Gov-ment cheese:

DIVINE STRAKE is one of several "DIVINE" efforts under the Hard and Deeply Buried Target Defeat (HDBTD) program. DIVINE WARHAWK consists of deep underground operational tunnel facility defeat demonstrations using advanced weapons at the White Sands Missile Range. DIVINE HELCAT was a 2004 reconstitution exercise to determine reconstitution time for the C3I tunnel facility at Nevada Test Site (NTS). Also in 2004 planning began for DIVINE HATES, which is a WMD production and storage tunnel complex functional defeat effort.

DTRA's FY2006 budget request including furnding to "Conduct the Tunnel Target Defeat Advanced Concept and Technology Demonstration(s) (ACTD) Full-Scale tunnel defeat demonstration using high explosives to simulate a low yield nuclear weapon ground shock environment at Department of Energy's Nevada Test Site. Deliver validated analysis and planning tools to conduct the end-to-end use of nuclear planning tools to characterize and "weaponeer" the full-scale Tunnel Target Defeat Advanced Concept and Technology Demonstration(s) (ACTD) event. ... The Tunnel Target Defeat Advanced Concept and Technology Demonstration(s) (ACTD) will develop a planning tool that will improve the warfighter’s confidence in selecting the smallest nuclear yield necessary to destroy underground facilities while minimizing collateral damage. The focus of the demonstration is to reduce the uncertainties in target characterization and weapon effect/target response. Target characterization uncertainties include those related to determining the target function, layout, operational status, and the geological and geotechnical features. Weapons effects/tunnel response uncertainties are associated with predicting ground shock and tunnel response in layered and jointed media."

The US Department of Energy's (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) proposes to provide a test bed to be used by DTRA to conduct a single large scale, open air explosive detonation in Area 16 of the NTS. The proposed detonation, known as DIVINE STRAKE, would occur tentatively in mid 2006 above the existing U16b Tunnel Complex. DIVINE STRAKE would supply a relevant full scale simulation demonstration with a tunnel complex to create a post test underground environment sustaining light to severe damage.

The logical next step, in this portion of the HDBT program is the Proposed Action: a full scale test bed for final validation of the modeling effort. The explosive yield (700 tons (635 metric tons) of ANFO emulsion) was selected based on modeling predictions of the amount of ANFO that would be needed to cause the appropriate extent of damage to the underground facility, and on information gained from the small and intermediate scale tests. A larger amount of ANFO emulsion is not needed for the Proposed Action, and a smaller amount would not be adequate to significantly damage the full scale tunnel facility.

While the Proposed Action is not directly linked to the test and evaluation of any specific weapon system, one objective is to evaluate damage to a tunnel facility from a large yield surface detonation. A second objective is to provide field test ground motion and tunnel damage data for the improvement and/or validation of ground motion and underground facility damage computer codes.

In order to successfully conduct a project to obtain the desired results, DTRA requires a site or facility that accurately simulates a HDBT. Tunnel U16b at the NTS provides an existing facility that fulfills the needs of DTRA. The U16b tunnel is in a geological setting that simulates the characteristics of important potential, global adversarial targets. This U16b site was carefully chosen after reviewing the geological properties of a number of other locations on U.S. Government range complexes and other controlled land areas. For this reason, DTRA requested approval by NNSA to conduct an open air high explosive detonation at the U16b Tunnel.

A large scale, open air detonation such as DIVINE STRAKE is consistent with the mission of the NTS, and the remote location of the NTS ensures that impacts to the public would be minimal. Public Affairs announcements would notify the public prior to the detonation. The Proposed Action of the Large Scale, Open Air Explosive Detonation, DIVINE STRAKE, at the Nevada Test Site is designed to meet the purpose and need for NTS's large size, remote location, and extensive infrastructure offer a practical technology development site for the Proposed Action.

Divine Strake reflects a concern in the Pentagon over what is said to be an increasing number of a underground facilities in potentially hostile countries. The 2001 Nuclear Posture Review warned that the existing B61-11 nuclear earth-penetrator does not have sufficient capability against certain deeply buried targets. The Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator was supposed to provide additional capability, but Congress has refused to fund the weapon due to concern that it could lower the nuclear threshold.

Divine Stake is not an RNEP-type experiment because it simulates the use of a very low-yield nuclear weapon against an relatively shallow underground target. Divine Strake follows a previous 3D computer simulation conducted by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2004, which examined the use of a 10 kt nuclear detonation inside the U16B tunnel as an agent defeat weapon. The experiment concluded that the relatively large yield was necessary for radiation to penetrate through the entire length of the tunnel "indicating that such yields might be necessary to guarantee agent destruction stored inside large tunnel complexes."

Divine Strake, in contrast, does not simulate agent defeat destruction but simply envisions using the explosive yield of a small nuclear weapon to destroy or severely damage and underground structure. Also important is that the simulation is not directed against the tunnel entrances, but involves detonating the explosives on top of the surface above the tunnel.

The contract for collecting the seismo-acoustic data from Divine Strake was awarded to Southern Methodist University on March 16, 2006.

Contrary to most of the media reports, Divine Strake is not testing a conventional bomb but simply detonates a huge pile (700 tons) of Ammonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil (ANFO). For comparison, the largest conventional weapon in the U.S. inventory is the MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast) bomb, which contains nearly nine tons of explosives with a yield of approximately 0.012 kt TNT.

The explosive power of Divine Strake will be approximately 593 tons of TNT equivalent, or roughly 0.6 kt. This is about double the lowest yield option on the non-strategic B61 nuclear gravity bomb, and suggests that Divine Strake may be intended to fine-tune use of the B61 bomb. There are three modifications of the non-strategic B61 bomb in the U.S. stockpile with yields ranging from 0.3 kt to 170 kt.

The B61 also exists in a strategic version (B61-7) with four yields up to 350 kt, but given the strategic mission of this weapon the lowest yield option may be higher than the non-strategic version. Finally, the B61-11 has a single yield of 400 kt.
Divine Strake is not the first large-scale, open-air, high explosive detonation conducted by DTRA. Such events apparently play an important role in fine-tuning the plans for using nuclear weapons against underground and surface targets. Since 1977, at least 10 similar events have been carried out at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The events have involved from 24 tons to as much as 4,744 tons of high explosives.

Other detonations have included an underground detonation of 1,410 tons in the U12n tunnel at NTS in 1993. In addition, Seven 120-ton detonations were carried out at Misers Bluff at Planet Ranch in Arizona in 1978. Finally, in 2002, an 18 tons explosion was set off at the Nevada Test Site.

Experience obtained from these detonations were used to develop the plans for Divine Strake originally scheduled for June 2, 2006, at the U16B tunnel complex at the Nevada Test Site.

Divine Strake will be conducted at the U16B complex on the Nevada Test Site. U16B consists of a hook-shaped tunnel drilled through a limestone formation and connected to three portals and a vent hole. Each of the tunnel entrances are sealed by large steel doors 14x13 feet and 1.5 foot thick.

The U16B target was "carefully chosen" for Divine Strake so that it "simulates the characteristics of important potential, global adversaries," according to the DOE. The detonation will be conducted in a limestone bed with specific geological properties, according to the DOE's draft environmental assessment for Divine Strake: "As a number of potential adversarial military targets are based in similar limestones, [Divine Strake] needed to be sited in a similar geological setting to actual military targets."

According to the DOE, such HDBTs are used by adversaries for command and control, storage of munitions (including weapons of mass destruction, and long-range missiles), modern air defenses, a variety of tactical weapons, wartime refuge for national leaders, and a multitude of other offensive and defensive military uses.

An example of such a target may be the Chinese airbase at Feidong, which includes what appears to be a large underground facility for hiding aircraft and potentially also other of the capabilities mentioned by DOE.

Thank you Global Security and the Federation of American Scientists for the info…

September 2nd, 2006, 04:15 PM
This research also has value to the powers that be in case of the need to take out one of our own hardened sites. Either due to encroachment by parties unknown, or if seized by a domestic military faction bent on destruction.

The argument could even be made that "W's" lair shouldn't be unbreachable- presidents can go mad, too.

Never mind the fact that a 700 tons of HE going up all at once would have to be a woody producer...:D

September 4th, 2006, 06:48 PM
This research also has value to the powers that be in case of the need to take out one of our own hardened sites....
Last I heard ( a couple of years back, mind you) All our hardened sites have provisions to be cut off from the world if someone takes them over. Then they will be allowed ot rot in there, if need be.

September 8th, 2006, 12:46 AM
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, thought you might be interested in this: "Operation Sailor Hat" February 6, 1965. . .


another equally dramatic picture:


The main information page:


this is a lot bigger than the run up test to Trinity at .1 Kiloton, or Operation blowdown at .05 kiloton. Amazing, .5 Kiloton! Also interesting to note that 'our own' HMCS Fraser was present for one of the tests.:cool: