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View Full Version : Armed man stormed Bilary Clintons office, has hostages.

November 30th, 2007, 04:18 PM

It's on news channels right now..

It's too bad she wasn't there, but could this be a catalyst for further anti-Bilary movements?


November 30th, 2007, 05:20 PM
Maybe he's angry that all the candidates FUCKING INSULT EACH OTHER! You cant see just ONE debate where they don't bite at each others throats, looks like I'm not voting again this year...

On a side note... they are definitely going to try and kill that man, then make it look like a suicide.

November 30th, 2007, 08:04 PM
Maybe he's angry that all the candidates FUCKING INSULT EACH OTHER!I hope they kill each other ! :D:D:D Too bad she wasn't
there. I wouldn't shed tear if she got capped. Double for that bitch she's
married to !

November 30th, 2007, 09:16 PM
I hope they kill each other ! :D:D:D Too bad she wasn't
there. I wouldn't shed tear if she got capped. Double for that bitch she's
married to !

Mabye she planed the whole thing herself, hey it gives her a sympathy boost and allows her to rev up her attacks against guns, shoring up her core support, without anyone being able to attack her as disengenous, hey, her office was invaded after all, poor woman.

December 3rd, 2007, 10:44 PM
Anyone else notice the name Eisenburg? I just thought I would point out the jewery of that name.