October 31st, 2006, 12:12 AM
I have a theory. It has not been proven. I would like to test it here to see how far it goes.
There is one common denominator that binds us all together. Most are too ignorant to realize it. Some understand, but use it to their advantage. Others just play along hoping for the best.
I do not mean money as in a means of exchange for goods and services, because that name can be given to anything and everything. I am talking about official government issue currency. From here on out I will use the word "money" to mean just that.
There was a time when money was not needed to live ones life. Somewhere along the line that changed. When and where that changed is something to debate, but for now please bear with me.
It is impossible in our current state of affairs to live a life in pursuit of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" without having a supply of money. There are exceptions to this but in the general scheme of things, it is not possible.
One cannot reside in this country without paying money for something. Certain taxes come to mind. I think I have scratched the surface of a much larger reasoning as to why we must all become "productive members of society".
Let me try and show by example.
Lets take a portion of your paycheck. How does a dollar sound.
For the sake of argument, lets say that it is a newly printed bill. You just cashed your paycheck and are the first to receive it....besides your bank.
(I am using examples of percentages that may not be correct)
(number at the end equals the governments take)
-You receive the dollar-taxed as income. (28%) .28
-You spend dollar at grocery store-sales tax. (8%) .08
-Store owner uses dollar to purchase bulk produce-sales tax. (8%) .08
-Farmer uses dollar to buy fertilizer-sales tax. (8%) .08
-Farm store uses dollar for payroll.
-Farm store worker gets dollar-income tax. (28%) .28
-Worker spends dollar on clothing-sales tax. (8%) .08
-Clothing store spends dollar on new hangers-sales tax.(8%) .08
-Hanger manufacturer spends dollar on payroll.
-Worker gets dollar-taxed as income. (28%) .28
Total so far 1.24
I can go on with this for a while. I won't.
If I have shown my thought correctly, then you should see that when the Government prints a bill, they expect to actually make more money than the bill itself.
Now, I know there is a cost to running any government. How much of that cost is waste? (another topic all together).
What I am trying to show is that somewhere along the line, we were transformed from just living, to becoming a "tool". A tool that someone else utilizes to get rich. A tool that is discarded when no longer useful. A tool that must earn its very right to exist.
I realize that this topic can explode in many directions. I encourage that. I encourage a productive discussion on every aspect of how we became slaves .
There is one common denominator that binds us all together. Most are too ignorant to realize it. Some understand, but use it to their advantage. Others just play along hoping for the best.
I do not mean money as in a means of exchange for goods and services, because that name can be given to anything and everything. I am talking about official government issue currency. From here on out I will use the word "money" to mean just that.
There was a time when money was not needed to live ones life. Somewhere along the line that changed. When and where that changed is something to debate, but for now please bear with me.
It is impossible in our current state of affairs to live a life in pursuit of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" without having a supply of money. There are exceptions to this but in the general scheme of things, it is not possible.
One cannot reside in this country without paying money for something. Certain taxes come to mind. I think I have scratched the surface of a much larger reasoning as to why we must all become "productive members of society".
Let me try and show by example.
Lets take a portion of your paycheck. How does a dollar sound.
For the sake of argument, lets say that it is a newly printed bill. You just cashed your paycheck and are the first to receive it....besides your bank.
(I am using examples of percentages that may not be correct)
(number at the end equals the governments take)
-You receive the dollar-taxed as income. (28%) .28
-You spend dollar at grocery store-sales tax. (8%) .08
-Store owner uses dollar to purchase bulk produce-sales tax. (8%) .08
-Farmer uses dollar to buy fertilizer-sales tax. (8%) .08
-Farm store uses dollar for payroll.
-Farm store worker gets dollar-income tax. (28%) .28
-Worker spends dollar on clothing-sales tax. (8%) .08
-Clothing store spends dollar on new hangers-sales tax.(8%) .08
-Hanger manufacturer spends dollar on payroll.
-Worker gets dollar-taxed as income. (28%) .28
Total so far 1.24
I can go on with this for a while. I won't.
If I have shown my thought correctly, then you should see that when the Government prints a bill, they expect to actually make more money than the bill itself.
Now, I know there is a cost to running any government. How much of that cost is waste? (another topic all together).
What I am trying to show is that somewhere along the line, we were transformed from just living, to becoming a "tool". A tool that someone else utilizes to get rich. A tool that is discarded when no longer useful. A tool that must earn its very right to exist.
I realize that this topic can explode in many directions. I encourage that. I encourage a productive discussion on every aspect of how we became slaves .