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April 18th, 2002, 03:22 PM
I have just done a search on the net for information about the gun laws in different countries. Surprisingly enough, there is hardly any info for countries other than the US and UK. Since the forum has a large international membership, I think the best way of compiling a database of gun laws around the world is for you guys to post what you know about your country's laws.

I'll start things off by posting what I've found and what I know. The US gun laws are different from state to state. The following website sums it up well:

<a href='http://www.nraila.org/GunLaws.asp?FormMode=state'>http://www.nraila.org/GunLaws.asp?FormMode=state</a>

I found this link describing Norway's gun laws: <a href='http://www.cybersurf.co.uk/johnny/dunblane/andrew.html'>http://www.cybersurf.co.uk/johnny/dunblane/andrew.html</a>

I did have the address of a great UK site that had a thorough overview of the current gun laws. I can't find it anywhere now :-( So this will have to do.

I can't remember what falls under all the different sections (1 to 7), but I know what's available and what isn't.

To start with, everything that is completely prohibitted falls under section 5. This includes full auto, handguns, semi auto rifles in calibres other than .22 rimfire, heavy artillery, tasers, and air pistols with greater than 6 ft/lbs muzzle energy. Now that we've got that out of the way, it doesn't leave much.

Section 1 is the main group. This covers all non-prohibitted rifles (.22 rimfire, other calibres in single shot), shotguns with magazines holding greater than 3 rounds, and air rifles with muzzle energy greater than 12 ft/lbs. To own any of these weapons, a license is required which is issued by the local police. I don't know the exact requirements, but you must not have been convicted of a violent crime, you must be of sound mental state, and you need at least one (maybe two) good reference such as a doctor, policeman, etc. And you need a good reason, which is either vermin control, hunting, or target shooting. Not self defense :mad:

The most common license is the shotgun license. This is required for any shotgun that doesn't come under section 1. This means single and double barrel, and pump action (with 3 rounds or fewer capacity). Getting one of these isn't too difficult. Reasons for having a shotgun include sporting (clays etc), vermin control and hunting.

Then there are black powder weapons. I don't know the law on these. Old guns like muskets aren't regulated, but you need a license to shoot them. The pistols need some kind of license, and you need a license to buy blackpowder (but not smokeless or primers!).

There are various rules covering antique guns (mostly de-restricted I think), and things like flare guns. I don't know them off-hand.

Air rifles and air pistols below a certain power limit are not restricted, except for the age limit (17) to buy them. The same goes for crossbows, but then they're not legally defined as firearms anyway.

Note that these apply to the UK mainland. The Isle of Man has much more relaxed gun laws, including the legal ownership of burst fire rifles in some cases. I wish I knew the address of the site that sums up all this information :(

So, post what you know about the gun laws in your country. If possible, go into detail. And I'm not wishing to pre-emptively flame people, but there's no need to repeat what's already been said (but correct things if they're wrong or out of date).

April 18th, 2002, 05:47 PM
I thought that you didn't need to give good reason for a shotgun license? I.e if you want one and fulfill the requiremnents (crimnal record, gun safe, secure home, good mental health etc) then you get one.

Long guns - revolvers with 12"+ barrels fall under section 1.

Cap and ball revolvers fall under muzzle loaders and so are still obtainable.

One thing you didn't specify, is that to fire slugs from a shotgun, you need a section 1 rather than shotty certificate. For shotguns, IIRC bore must not exceed 1.5", minimum of 5 pieces of shot, none greater than 3/8", I think fletchettes(sp) are also banned, as is explosive projectiles for any weapon.

April 19th, 2002, 09:41 AM
I may be able to help you with Australian gun laws

April 19th, 2002, 04:27 PM
<a href="http://www.cybershooters.org/" target="_blank">http://www.cybershooters.org/</a> this site J?

April 20th, 2002, 09:02 AM
Zaibatsu, thanks :) I was sure it was the cybershooters site, but I obviously didn't look properly on it. I've found a direct link to the section about laws: <a href='http://www.cybershooters.org/law.htm'>http://www.cybershooters.org/law.htm</a>

I am interested in Australian gun laws. Is it true that just about everything is now banned? Do different areas of the country have different rules?

Jacks Complete
February 8th, 2005, 09:44 AM
Just to correct the points of (UK) law on this thread, and update a little:

There must be more than 6 pieces of shot, none of which has a greater size than .36 of an inch on any dimension. The maximum bore size is actually 2" in diameter for a smoothbore.

Blackpowder is illegal unless you have an explosives license from the Police/HSE, and the guns themselves have the same storage and license requirements as shotguns and rifles, unless they are antiques for DISPLAY ONLY - yes, if you want to test fire it, you have to get the checks, get it put on a certificate, etc. and take it to a range that is licensed for the caliber you want to shoot. You will also need the explosives license to take a small amount of powder with you for the test shot!

Brocock air pistols are Section 5, which is weird, since you can have them on an FAC (which covers Section 1) because they can be converted into .22 single shots with little more effort than a solid steel rod could be...

Recent developments (i.e. Phony Tony Blair says) mean that firearms are almost lawful for use in self defence. The only reason for this is the Labour Party are so desperate to stop the Tory Party haveing anything to fight the election on, that they are running with it. Of course, the upside to this is that the new rules say you can actually defend yourself!

Needless to say, however, if you do, you will go to jail. Heck, even leaving them close to hand is almost certain to be called "insecure" and get you in to trouble!

February 8th, 2005, 11:14 PM
In france, getting a weapon, even legally, is very very hard.
tons of paper to fullfill, very long waiting time, etc...

I used to only get illegal firearms but my "dealer" is in jail now, that's why, if someone can supply me with firearms, just let me know (by email)
If you offer me good prices, we can make some good deals...

see ya.

February 9th, 2005, 01:58 PM
Short version
All firearms require licence, Rifles for hunting requires that one go a course, very hard to get license on 2 similar weapons. Pistols/revolvers require you to be a member at a shooting club for at least 1 year before you are allowed to buy any weapon over .22 (and naturally you need a licence). Air weapons have an age requirement of 18 years, including paintball weapons. Crossbows requires license but bows do not.
Strangely you can get licence on sub-machine guns as a civilian.

But on the other hand if you join the home guard you get a free H&K G3 :rolleyes:

February 10th, 2005, 02:32 AM
I had read somewhere that with the UK's gun laws, suppressors are unrestricted. The statement was that if the guns that support them are unavailable to average citizens, there is no need for any restrictions on such "accessories." I was wondering if there is any truth to that.

I also understand that in Germany, Glock full-auto conversion switches are not even acknowledged as gun parts by German law. There is/was a dealer who was selling them on the internet and shipping them unrestricted to the US. The ATF discovered what was going on and has been tracking down these switches from Americans who have purchased them. In the US you can receive up to 10 years in prison with a $250,000 fine just for possessing this switch, whether or not you even own a Glock.

Hobbit Porn
February 10th, 2005, 05:14 AM
Example of Australian Gun Laws


Weapons Act 1990 I think it outlines the laws with regards guns and weapons... just did a quick search, but didn't look to deep into it.
I'm not even sure if gun laws are State or Fed.

February 10th, 2005, 08:51 AM
i agree with stanfield acuiring weapons in France is very long, either getting a hunting or sport shooting license (at least 1 year of intensive practice on shooting range + contest,and it will only give you section 5 weapons) only tasers brass knuckles(sections 6 bladed and contact weapons) single shot and bolt action .22 rimfire (section 7 entertainment weapons,air soft guns air rifle and not semi-auto.22) and black powder guns (section 8 replicas, collection and deactivated weapons) are legal to acquire as long as you're 18.And for dimmujesus, i duno for UK but in france supressors are legal, at least 100% of .22LR accessories are "no questions asked just be 18" (you even have to declare yourself to the cops you've bought the bolt rifle) for silencers of larges calibers i dunno if you have to prove you own the gun or not,maybe but for sure it's not as hard to acquire as it is in US.so basically if you wanna enjoy yourself without fearing getting caught every time for buying black markt ammo here you have to manage to smuggle ONCE some nice .22 toy like american 180 or tec22 then buy thousands of ammo, or praying hard for a Green card :) (oh of course there's still army with free FAMAS but it's boring to death)

February 10th, 2005, 12:28 PM
Getting a first category license in France (357 mag, 44mag, 7.65, 5.56,... (all heavy caliber) is now almost impossible here for "young" shooter, they don't make confidence to young peoples, they are "afraid", they consider giving a license to older guys is "safer", it's really hard.

I'm interessed in a desert eagle, 357 mag or 44mag and in a colt M4A1, and why not a Kalashnikov...

but, even black market has been hunted down by cops

shitty country... :)

February 11th, 2005, 03:21 PM
Yes, suppressors/moderators/"silencers" are one of the very few things which are unrestrcited in the UK. There may be some truth in the reason you heard, but generally they have no sinister image. They are regarded as like silencers on vehicle exhausts.

Jacks Complete
February 12th, 2005, 06:14 PM
You are not quite right there. If you want to use a silencer on a firearm, you need to have it on ticket. However, since .22 air rifles are fine to have a silencer on, and the holes are the same size, you can get away with having a screw-cut barrel on your .22 rf rifle if you are careful. Get caught, and you are in a whole heap of shit. Get caught with a silencer for something like a .50 or other large calibre full-bore rifle, and you are screwed, too, if they take it away and investigate it. Then they do you for having "parts of a firearm", and you could get ten years!

February 19th, 2005, 10:05 AM
In Latvia you can get blank firing guns from 18 years age without any licence (and easely change it to fire 9x18mm Makarov ammo) as to real guns - 21 year and a licence (cop or bodyguard) can't take anything across border. 18 years and 2 years in hunters' guild - shotguns or carbines... Pretty shity isn't it? Almost impossible to quikly get a legal firearm, so only illegal ways stay...

February 19th, 2005, 10:07 AM
ah, i forgot, you cannot get any higher callibre handgun than 9x19mm Luger... AS also you can't get AK47 or M16 semi-auto carbines...

May 8th, 2006, 07:28 PM
In Canada firearms are divided into 3 categories: non-restricted, restricted, and prohibited. You must take a safety course and be licensed to own firearms. You must also be 18 years of age.

Non-restricted consists of semi-automatic rifles and shotguns, as well as bolt and pump action guns. Your magazine(s) must be blocked to five rounds. Rimfire rifles in .22 caliber have no restrictions on magazine capacity, so you can use the largest capacity you want to.

Restricted includes handguns and also longuns that are under 26" in length. Maximum capacity for a hangun magazine is 10 rounds. You must have an authorization to transport certificate(ATT) that allows you to transport your gun to the range or a gunsmith. You cannot take it anywhere legally without this certificate and can only discharge your restricted firearm at a gun range.

Prohibited consists of pistols that have a barrel that is less than 4 inches and fully automatic firearms. You may not own silencers or armour piercing ammunition. You may not own magazines that carry more than 5 rounds. You cannot get a prohibited license unless you had the previous types of firearms prior to 1998 and applied for it then.


Don't tab the beginning of sentences. It fucks with text flow. NBK

May 9th, 2006, 07:17 AM
In Australia different states have different gun laws, but they are all pretty similar. The laws for Western Australia are as follows:

There are several categories, with the most common being A, B, C, D, and H (there are obscure ones like E for model cannons and such but I won't go there).

First off, all detachable magazines over 10 rounds are banned.

Category A - Covers all rimfire singleshot and repeating rifles, and all shotguns excluding pump actions and semi-autos, and all air rifles regardless of power - Can be obtained by demonstrating that you have access to a suitable property to use it on or by demonstrating that you are a member of a gun club.

Category B - Covers all centrefire singleshot and repeating rifles - Can be obtained by demonstrating that you are a member of a gun club, or by demonstrating that you have access to a suitable property AND intend to hunt animals that could not be humanely killed with a category A firearm.

Category C - Covers semi-auto rimfire rifles with a capacity of 10 rounds or less, semi-auto centrefire rifles with a capacity of 5 rounds or less, and pump action or semi-auto shotguns with a capacity of 5 rounds or less - Virtually impossible for the average person to get, but permitted for farmers and professional animal cullers.

Category D - Covers semi-auto rimfire rifles over 10 rounds capacity, semi-auto centefire rifles over 5 rounds capacity, and semi auto or pump action shotguns over 5 rounds capcity - Virtually impossible to get unless you work for the .gov (i.e. police).

Category H - Covers handguns, including air pistols regardless of power - Can be obtained after being a member of a gun club for a certain period of time (I forget if it's 1 year or 2), but you must attend the club regularly (at least once per month IIRC) to keep your license. Semi-autos must have a barrel over 120mm and revolvers must have a barrel over 100mm. The largest calibre permitted is .45, and to have a calibre over .38 you have to compete in an event that has been approved for it (e.g. metallic silhouette)

You have to be over 18 to have any kind of license, and all firearms in all categories must be stored unloaded in a safe, all ammunition must be stored in a separate safe and all magazines must be stored empty. Random inspections are performed to check this. (Although SWIM would get around it by stashing a loaded mag somehwere hidden outside the ammo safe but still accessible, you'd still need to get the gun safe open and put the mag into the gun though). I can't remmber exactly, but there may be a law about storing your guns with the bolts removed and placed in the ammo safe as well...

Basically, the average person isn't allowed semi-autos or pump shotguns, and storage requirements mean that it'd take you a good couple of minutes to have a gun ready to fire.

May 9th, 2006, 07:26 AM
Short version of Australian gun laws, This is for Victoria but the other states are not vary different.

Shooters licenses are classed as A, B, C, D, E and H D and E are impossible to get.
A is for shotguns (excluding pump and semiauto) and rimfire Rifles (excluding semiauto's).
B is centerfire rifles (excluding semiauto) and muzzle loaders, blackpowder cannon etc.
C is for farmers and Pro shooters only unless you can prove you need it (very hard), in includes semi auto and pump shotguns up to five rounds, semiauto rimfires up to (I think) 15? rounds.

H is handguns but I don't have an H license and don't really know much about it so can't really comment.

Automatics and semiauto centerfires fit into D, military stuff of all sorts is E cat.

Almost anyone can get an A and/or B license (about AU$160 for five years), main restrictions is if you have a history of violent crime but even then I think it's possible to get one.
Firearms and ammo must be locked up when not in use and must be separate. Firearms are registered to a licensed shooter, no restrictions on ammo although you must be licensed to buy it (no record of what you bought though).

Anything more you would like to know just ask, if I don't know I will find out.

Edit= XYZ posted while I was typing, we have Vic. and W.A. are covered now anyway.

May 9th, 2006, 11:01 AM
Pretty much the same in South Australia, Class A includes paintball guns as well.

I think someone who has gone to TAFE and done Certificate II (or III) in Security Operations can get a H6 (handgun) license. I think that negates the need to be part of a gun club but only for H Class license. You aren't allowed to have a police record of violent crime, but anything else other than that shouldn't effect you getting a firearms license.

The license may indeed only be $160 AUD, but it's alot more when you factor in club membership and shooting days.

Gun laws in Aus suck hairy gorilla balls.

Red Beret
May 10th, 2006, 04:31 AM
NSW laws are basically the same, but for pistols, nothing over .38 cal. So, you can have a .357 magnum but not a .40! Doesnt make sense, it dosent matter if its a .357 or a .40, you'll be just as dead.

Also, there are no limits on ammo, powder etc.

May 11th, 2006, 07:03 AM
At this site you'll find the gun laws as PDF files from:

Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Lichtenstein (don't know the englisch name), Hungary, New Zealand, Russia, Slowakia, Czech Rep.. Unfortunately this laws are in their native language some have short explanation in German.

May 11th, 2006, 10:21 AM
Red Beret, I think that part of the logic behind it was that they banned all the decent auto calibres. Sure, .357 is still legal, but it's fired by revolvers (except a few rare autos like the Desert Eagle) and 6 to 8 shots is quite disadvantaged against a cop's hi-cap magazine of .40 in the case of a shootout.

They'd have banned 9mm too if it wasn't so common (read: costly to ban).

As always though, criminals don't obey laws, and the only guns that would have been surrendered after the ban were the ones that the cops wouldn't end up on the wrong side of. Just as is the case with all idiotic gun control laws, the people likely to use their guns for crime wouldn't have surrendered them. I've heard of more than one person with an SKS buried under a shed sealed inside a PVC pipe since 1996, and SWIM knows an individual still in posession of an unlicensed M1 carbine (but with fuck all ammo and no easy way to get more).

An AMT .357 Automag (auto that fires a rimless bottleneck .357 cartridge with more power than a .357 Mag) would be the holy grail of Australia legal handguns in my opinion, pity they're about as common as pregnant nuns.

May 11th, 2006, 02:01 PM
This is a bit of topic, but anyone considering to get a handgun for self defense should have a look at: HOME WORKSHOP GUNS FOR DEFENSE & RESISTANCE, VOL. II. The Handgun. by Bill Holmes.

This pistol is an ingeniuosly easy design and could be build by anyone who isn't all thumps, without the need for a lathe or mill. And for self defense purposes a rifled barrel isn't neccessary at all. It is really very easy to build this pistol.

May 11th, 2006, 04:29 PM
...look at: HOME WORKSHOP GUNS FOR DEFENSE & RESISTANCE, VOL. II. The Handgun. by Bill Holmes.

...It is really very easy to build this pistol.

Did you build it? If yes, will you post a pic of it?

Well the overall design is not that difficult to understand, but building it with the dimensions given in it (or should I say not given in it) is another task.
It's not that easy as it might seem.

May 12th, 2006, 07:36 AM
The only difficult part in building this pistol is drilling a straight hole through the bolt for the firing pin and the right position of this hole in relation to the cartridges primer. There are very few critical dimensions in this design and most of them are related to each other so they can be changed to fit together.

But I guess it's too complicated for anyone who needs a cooking recipe type of instructions or who can't get a nail straight into the wall. Unfortunately it will not get any easier like that for building a semi-auto handgun. If it's easier to buy a handgun than it's a no brainer anyway, isn't it.

Btw. there is one crucial part missing in design described in the book at least in the edition I have.

Red Beret
May 13th, 2006, 12:37 AM
A lever action 12g would be a nice aquisition, but, the last one SWIM saw in Australia was $3200 second hand! The one SWIM looked at had a 5 round magazine. One can work a lever gun almost as quick as a pump.

Did anyone see the biased report on semiautomatic pistols on ACA? They went on with the usual BS, such as "These guns are dangerous in the hands of the criminals....so we should ban them from law abiding shooters". They had a poll, asking if you would support a ban on semi auto pistols, 68% said no.

Personally, where I am pistols can be had for $500, and I'm not talking about dodgy old .22 revelovers. They are 9mm autos, near new, but dirty as. All the gun laws did was provide the perfect scenario for a thriving black market, in pistols mainly. We can thank the cowardly faggots at gun control australia for that.

May 13th, 2006, 07:09 AM
There is a Chinese made lever action 12g with a five round tube recently hit the market here in Australia, it retails for around the AU$800 mark so is quite affordable to most shooters. It is completely legal on a Cat. A license.

Red Beret
May 14th, 2006, 04:53 AM
Thanks Irish. Could you tell me the model/brand?

May 14th, 2006, 03:12 PM

What's the crucial part that's missing? It might be missing in the plans others here have, as well.

May 14th, 2006, 04:52 PM
Hello NBK,

it's the ejector which is not mentioned in the edition I have, it is only shown in one of the cut-away drawings if one knows what to look for. Without the ejector the gun will inevitably jam.

June 24th, 2006, 08:47 AM
You wanna' known why, why we have restricted laws...

Because ol' Johnny doesn't wanna be like the Americans:(

that can be found here (http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=89123)

If he's got something against the US he's got something against me,
I'm from the US

What about pneumatic cannons? there not illegal, well in Queensland.
I'm making a pneumatic - CO2 powered, .68-50mm
with bolt-action and semi-auto attachments.

June 25th, 2006, 01:50 AM
Well, no. Not exactly.

Some of Australia's more restrictive gun-laws were introduced before Johnny's time. There was the invasion of an Australia Post office back in the 80's, followed by the Hoddle St massacre and don't forget the Port Arthur massacre of some 10 years ago.

In each of these cases, a substantial number of persons with no relationship to the shooter were killed on account of their being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Being as isolated from the rest of the world as Australia is has kept us somewhat insulated from the rest of the world in many aspects.
Keep in mind also the fact the we are a younger country, whose constitution was drafted quite some time after that of the US. Further more, there is nothing in our constitution that grants us the right to possess guns. As such, it is rather easier to outlaw them here that would be the case in the States.

Even if the will were there in the states, my understanding of the constitution and the mechanisms needed to change it leads me to believe that it would be a rather up-hill battle to regulate guns to the extent that they are here. In addition to this the NRA is a fairly powerfull lobying group. So while there is such a slim chance of an effective result, it is rather unlikely that any politician will start a serious push for the greater regulation of firearms. This in turn may lead to a perception that there is no desire to change the status-quo, nor anything wrong with the current situation.

In many regards the problem Australia has had with knives in the past 10 or so years mirrors that of gun-crime in the US. Once some people begin to carry knives, others feel more and more inclined to carry them to protect themselves from those that possess them already. This may quickly snowball until the situation is found to be somewhat hard to controll.

While not having the "right to bear arms" in Australia does limit one's ability to protect oneself, so too does it reduce the number of criminals with ready access to guns, that one would need to protect one's self from.

Also, in saying that "If he's got something against the US he's got something against me" you're indicating that you have missed the point somewhat. What was actually said was that he did not want to go down the path of the US and become a nation that is a slave to the gun. The people are not so much the problem as the situation that they now find themselves in.

Far more mischief occurs in relation to guns in any place where their procurement is easy. Although one may still obtain them in Aust for legitimate purposes, i.e target shooter, farmer, vermin eradicator, etc - they are not just available for 'fun' or 'protection' except in the last instance, which has exceptions for Police and some security guards.

If Johnny really was an ass, and didn't give a shit about us, he would simply tax the hell outta guns and make a fortune. On the other hand, his stance may conceivably have some relation to his own desire for political longevity.
Which once again, comes back to the fact the we have been a fairly insular society and that the majority of us would rather be without the things.

I myself have spend many happy hours with Colt 45s and Berretas before they were banned. But to be honest, the idea of every Tom, Dick and Harry in the street having one in their purse or bed-side table gives me the heebies.

Regards, fellow Aussie.

nocturnal shadow
June 25th, 2006, 07:10 AM
While not having the "right to bear arms" in Australia does limit one's ability to protect oneself, so too does it reduce the number of criminals with ready access to guns, that one would need to protect one's self from.

I don't know about the situation in Queensland, but in NSW gun laws don't affect criminals at all. Because criminals don't bother registering guns and therefore can have pretty much anything. And as for access, anyone in Sydney that has a spare hundred bucks can get a black market Glock with minimal effort, it'll be dirty as all shit (i.e. used in a murder) but that won't stop it putting a nice hole in your head.

I myself have spend many happy hours with Colt 45s and Berretas before they were banned. But to be honest, the idea of every Tom, Dick and Harry in the street having one in their purse or bed-side table gives me the heebies.

You might not be not be spending many happy hours with Colt 45s and Berretas anymore but how many criminals do you think handed theirs in? Very few, if any.

Hate to say it but I think you might be believing what the government is telling you a little too much.

June 25th, 2006, 08:51 AM
Extremely good point!

What I should of referred, was that some of the people
from his generation, i.e. my grandmother, has particular views that guns
make people evil and explosive are bombs to kill.

These I usually here this from pacifists, hippies, animal activists and people
who have been injured or have had other family members or friends injured.
My Great Uncle had some of his fingers blown of from a detonator. Don't ask
me how the story goes.

He doesn’t hated guns or explosive he still enjoys them. My great uncle was
once a cadet! On the other hand my grandmother hates anything to do with

I didn't mean to imply that John Howard is a bad leader, I respect him.
But there is a stench that’s be lying around for a while, coming from people
who grew up in their teens in the sixties.

Now that’s not everyone.

And your right, as I'll put them idiots, shouldn't be running around with

Well Steyr's are crap you can buy them in some states (very few) in the US.
I don't think there are any large scale Aussie gun companies left? They
should do something about it. What if war broke out and Steyr didn't supply
Australia anymore.

I personally want to obtain one of these:
Colt M4
H&K G36
KBI Dragunov model SVD
Springfield SAR-8 Rifle
Daewoo DR 200 rifle
Sig SG 550 Sniper

I had a vision that anachary would break out.

nocturnal shadow, that is exactly why I think the gun laws suck!

June 25th, 2006, 12:33 PM
I don't know about the situation in Queensland, but in NSW gun laws don't affect criminals at all. Because criminals don't bother registering guns and therefore can have pretty much anything.

While that is true, it makes it harder for them to get anything. If no one can (legally) get their hands on a large caliber, large magazine rifle then it means that criminals have to import, or get old ones, which in turn massively raises the cost of those illegal guns making it less likely that your average joe blogs criminal is going to blow you away with it.

On the other hand, if you've pissed off someone with enough money to get one, I think the gun laws are the last thing you should be worrying about.

June 26th, 2006, 06:22 AM
I know that this is slightly off the topic by I though some people would find this interesting AS IT IS NOT COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

In Victoria you can obtain a permit to hunt feral animals on crown land for about $11.00 from the D.S.E.

This covers rabbit,fox wild boar, feral cats and dogs etc.

This will in turn be a legitimate reason to own a firearm, (cat. A,B, longarm).

Happy hunting!


June 28th, 2006, 10:53 AM
So does anyone what exactly Queensland�s gun laws are?
I can never find it:( In weapons act 1990 it just classes them as
A, B, C, D, etc. Or am I completely blind?

I want a rifle with .223Rem or .308Win, semi automatic, and with a
cartridge of 10 rounds.

I like military style guns:cool:

Jacks Complete
June 28th, 2006, 11:03 AM
As far as I know, semi-autos are near impossible to own legally in Australia now.

I thought the whole Port Aurthur thing was exposed as a suss setup from the start? All the police being called away to a major but fictional event just before it all started, that sort of thing?

The article quoting Howard's fear of inanimate objects isn't quite clear, though. Does he think Americans are evil, or the guns? Wonder where he stands regarding the gangbangers? I bet they are just misunderstood!

June 28th, 2006, 11:28 AM
Wow that was a quick response.

This is from Wiki.
Port Arthur massacre
The gun control debate was significantly changed after the Port Arthur massacre in 1996. Thirty five people lost their lives in this spree killing, when Martin Bryant opened fire on tourists with two military-style semi-automatic rifles: an AR-15 and a L1A1 SLR which he illegally acquired.

Screw Port Arthur, Mr Bryant was insane and I wouldn't call 35 people
mass murder. What about the Holocaust? - 6 million Jews were killed, attemted
Genocide by the Nazi's. Anyway AK15 is Russian and L1A1 is British
I think.

Who cares, he got them illegally:mad: Thats why the gun laws here
suck. Crims don't go to their local gun shop and say:

"hey I wanna L1A1 and AK15"
"What do you need it for?"
"I'm going to pretend to be a lawn mower at Port Arthur tomorrow"
"Okay, that'll be $599.99"

And today there were mass rallies today all over the country about
the new IR laws and most of those people (Who support Beazley) hate
Mr Howard.


You managed to misquote yourself in the same post: AR-15 -> AK15

The AR-15 is the American civilian equivalant of the M-16.

June 29th, 2006, 01:20 AM
Jacks. You can decide for yourself if port arthur was a plot.

http://www.2012.com.au/DAT.html .

If you would like I can upload the whole disc for you to read. Just say the word.

Red w.r.t the shotgun.
http://www.hpgs.biz/ Look under managers specials.

Big Mac
June 29th, 2006, 01:57 PM
"And one of the things I don't admire about America is their ... slavish love of guns. They're evil."

Not to be a dick but we "evil" Americans and our "evil" guns also tend to be the remaining super power of the world and have yet to have a full scale invasion. Even Japan admitted during WWII that though they led a few skirmishes on the west coast they were afraid to try and launch a full scale D-Day style attack. They feared a "rifle behind every blade of grass" seeing as we Americans tend to possess more than one gun (I myself own about 9 weapons and have a Nagant M1895 sitting right beside me).

I honestly am not trying to start shit up with Aussies, I love you guys. I enjoy your sense of humor (especially the Drop Bear thing, that's the funniest shit), but your leader seems to think guns somehow create evil in people. Like any other inanimate object, guns don't make evil people, it brings out the underlying evil that exists in people. Just like a good person with a weapon will have a moral compass and know not to abuse his power from that weapon. It's about intent, not the implement.

Anyway, with that I'll give the run down of the Texas Firearm Laws.

Contrary to many of the international members, Texas does not have the most lenient gun laws in the US of A. I believe that would be Alaska and Vermont and we'll see why in a second.

It is legal in Texas to carry a shotgun around in your truck on a gun rack.

It is legal to possess a loaded weapon on your property without a liscense and perfectly legal to discharge it in self-defense. (I add this because I know some of you guys talk about having gun locks and safes which are not bad, but I can't have a locked pistol by the bed and expect it to defend me.)

You cannot carry a handgun unless you have taken the course for Concealed Carry. Unless you are a combination of the following: <1.) Obviously shit bonkers nuts. 2.) A piss poor shot. 3.) Blind. 4.) Salivating during the course. 5.) Have a criminal record.> it's a breeze to pass the course and from what I've heard (I'm not 21 yet but that's one of the first things I'm going to do when I hit 21) it's actually a little fun. Peace Officers (IE the Pigs) can carry concealed because they are liscensed by the state and can in fact carry in any of the 50 states. A few friends of mine who are cops say they subtly encourage officer to do it.

The reason I mention Vermont (which has the motto which is quite aptly to me: Live free or Die!) and Alaska (whose motto is: "We used to be a part of the Russian Empire and we touch Canada! Eh!) is that anyone who can legally possess a handgun can carry it concealed without a liscense. I know Virginia allows open carry (Holster out on the belt) but not concealed though a lot of lib's have cried wolf about it.

The ironic thing that I'm going to add is that Texas has some restrictions on knives that are peculiar. You can't carry knife that has a blade that is greater than 3" in length. Butterfly knives are also a big no-no as are switchblades. I find this funny because generally we enjoy quite a bit of freedom on guns and even if you pack on illegally and defend yourself, as long as it appears quite legitimate, most juries won't convict you.

I had a friend who was frisked by a cop because he was being a smart ass (as well as being quite lit up with some beer) and he had his Old Timer on him (one of those massive ones that you use at work) and just when he thought he was in deep shit, the officer opens it up, checks the blade, smiles and says, "Boy, it's a little dull." and hands it back to him, warning him about it being so dull.

I remember when they were pushing for concealed carry in Texas and how everyone was saying we'll become the Old West again, shootouts over fender benders and wrong looks. Actually, CCL holders tend to have a statistically less chance to be arrested for crimes. Often de-escalation of situations is heavily reinforced and guns are to be used as a last resort when there are no other alternatives.

One last thing and I'll shut up (for like, realies!): There was a shooting spree at a Luby's (a restraunt found in the southern states such as LA, AR, TX, AZ and OK) in Kileen where 24 people were gunned down. Suzanna Gratia Hupp, a lawmaker who witnessed her parents get gunned down in the incident was not allowed to carry her firearm into the restraunt. She claims, which is quite possible, that she had a very clear shot at him had she had her weapon. Ironically, instead of a push from her to ban guns, she actually pushed for less restrictions on concealed carry.

Sorry about this but I hate it when people blame guns for people's mistakes and evil-doings.

August 24th, 2006, 02:12 AM
Being an American and reading the posts here from other countries I didn't realize how good we actually have it here with regards to guns. I always get enraged when I here about some new gun law or some new proposed ban here in the states to the point where I think to myself, "this is going to end badly", like a civil war is going to erupt or something. But it won't, atleast not for a long time.

Every year in parts of this country the laws get more restrictive especially in states like Kalifornia, Illinois, New York, DC, and New Jersey, (those are the worst ones by far), but counter-intuitively as a whole, gun laws are becoming more relaxed even in the face of anti-terror zealots in government. I can get legally and easily any gun, be it .50 cal, M4, 12ga. or handgun. There are no restrictions of any kind where I live. The ONLY things that are regulated (meaning you can purchase by paying a $200 tax to the government, which also enrages me) are machine guns, short barrelel rifles and shotguns, silencers, and destructive devices.

I really feel for you guys that have it much worse.

I guess it may be just a matter time until there is some terror plot, alleged or otherwise, involving guns, to incite some new politician-induced feel-good knee-jerk bullshit laws to appease the scared mass of sheep huddling around the governments conveyed false sense of security.

I have a pretty good base or knowledge with regards to US gun laws if anyone has any questions for me I'd be happy to share.

September 7th, 2006, 08:41 AM
In Poland you can get legally black powder guns from before 1850 and their replicas. However you need gun licence to buy black powder. Also, you can buy airguns and shitty alarm pistols up to .22.

Getting a real gun is practically impossible for an average man, neither legally, nor on black market. Legally, you have to over 21, sane, unpunished, have very good opinion, also much money and proper reason to posses the gun. The decision about the reasonability of the gun possesion gives the police chief and very unlikely make you allowed. For selfdefense etc. you cannot use get greater than 9mm.

The easiest way is to get licence fo sport shooting but this requires at least few years and also guarantees nothing. However it incredibly expensive for average Pole.

There is nothing like guns black market here. You can't buy a gun from drug dealer, etc. It is anlikely that you get mugged on a street by armed criminal, becouse polish criminals have only axes, cheap knives and similar shit.

I am very curious how hard is to obtain a gun on black market in western eauropean countries like Germany or Nederlands?

How hard is get BATF license in US for average citizen to buy a full auto or silencer?

September 7th, 2006, 12:33 PM
In the US you do not need a license to buy a full auto or silencer. All you need to do is pay a $200 tax per item you wish to purchase and get an approved title of transfer (much like the title of a car or house). It is very easy. If you have a trust you can purchase these for the trust without giving any info to the BATFE except the name of the trust, the names of the grantors, and the address. I have a silencer on transfer now to my trust. The typical wait for approval as of now is about 20 days.

Oh and you WILL be approved as long as: (summarized)

a. you are not a fugitive from justice
b. you have not been convicted of a violent crime
c. you have not been dishonorably discharged from the military
d. you have not renounced your citizenship

Basically if you can legaly own a gun (which is a basic right) you can own anything you want (machine gun, silencer, destructive device, etc.)

September 7th, 2006, 08:57 PM
And for irony in Canada it is legal to have a flintlock that fires a .75 metal ball at 1000 fps but illegal to have an air gun that fires a .177 metal ball at 500 fps, I love it when laws make so much sense.

September 10th, 2006, 02:19 PM
Is it possible for foreigner to get leggally a gun in US, including NFA weapons (machine guns, silncers, etc)?

Is it easy to get CCP for US citizen? Is this possible for foreigner?

What should you do to be allowed for buying chemicals for explosives preparing like penthaerythrite or nitromethane in US?

I'm asking these questions since I'm planning to emigrate to US in the future just becouse of my huge hunger for guns and shooting etc.

September 11th, 2006, 01:57 PM
I'm not sure about non-US citizens legally buying a gun but I am pretty sure that you have to be A US citizen. As for NFA items I'm certain that you must be a citizen. You can easily purchase a gun at say a gun show from an individual (dealers are required to do a background check), or just find an individual that wants to sell one to you. However, it may be a violation of the law for you to possess it as a non-citizen so I would not suggest that.

Most if not all gun rights in this country apply only to US citizens. Having said that, if you were to immigrate here and become a US citizen then all of these rights would of course apply to you as well.

Concealed carry permits are easy to obtain depending on which state you live in (it is state dependant). Most states allow for CC provisions, some don't, you would just have to pick a friendly state to live in i.e. Texas, Arizona, Kentucky, etc. As far as I know there are two states which do not require a licence to carry concealed and those are Alaska and Vermont (Vermont does not allow silencers though).

As far a chemicals are concerned I don't think that you need a licence to purchase most anything but you may have a hard time finding certain things like PET, chemical suppliers many times only sell to companies or universities not to individuals. NM is quite common in a dilute form from hobby shops but 100% concentrations are more rare although if one were to look around long enough I'm sure it would be quite available (used in model cars and racing).

I am not a lawyer but I *think* that it is perfectly legal to make an explosive and detonate it without a licence provided that you:

1. Do it on your own property or have permission from the property owner
2. Do not transport it once it is made
3. Use use it as soon as it is made (you can't store it)
4. Do not make money with it (like doing demolition for pay, or selling it)
5. Obey state laws (some states have laws against it and some don't)

Tannerite is perfect example of the above.

For instance:
I my state is says only that it is unlawful to make an explosive with the intent of harming someone or destroying property without their consent.
It also goes a step further and says that the mere possession of an explosive is not unlawful and cannot be punishable by law.:)

However, I am not 100% solid on explosive laws so if I am incorrect someone please smack my ass a call me a bitch.

The US welcomes you.

September 12th, 2006, 11:25 AM
Just to expand on my previous post regarding a H6 class firearms licence.

If you have a H6 licence, you are not allowed to possess a handgun unless it has been signed out to you by your security company. Possessing a H6 licence only lets you use a handgun or baton while on armed patrol.

Stupid fucking law.

September 15th, 2006, 06:06 AM
Having said that, if you were to immigrate here and become a US citizen then all of these rights would of course apply to you as well.
Maybe You know that receiving US citizenship is very very hard, long awaitnig task. My relatives has been living in US for about 15 years and still awaiting for citizenship. However they have green cards. You know how hard for green card? I have not any contact with my relatives that's why I'm not asking them. And what about applying gun possessing rights to non-US citizen with green cards?

So I am a bit confused: what would be better to do? Making very hard efforts to emigrate to US for illegal guns possessing, risking my freedom or even deportation possible if caught with one, not to mention if caught with one of the NFA weapons... Or living here where the chances are very unlikely, that I ever come by even a one gun... Or maybe emigrate to one of Western European countries like Ireland or Nederlands, what would be much easier than to US but chances that I find a gun dealer there I find very unlikely. However, if caught with illegal gun, silencer, full auto I wouldn't get such high penalty as in US (I don't take UK into my consideration).

you may have a hard time finding certain things like PET
Sodium azide, ethylene glycol, potassium chlorate, acids, hexamine, pure AN fertilizer, methyl alcohol?

I my state is says only that it is unlawful to make an explosive with the intent of harming someone or destroying property without their consent.
It also goes a step further and says that the mere possession of an explosive is not unlawful and cannot be punishable by law.
What state do you live in? So in state like yours the BATF license for destructive devices is only needed for storing the device, yeah?

However, it may be a violation of the law for you to possess it as a non-citizen so I would not suggest that.
I know but You see I wouldn't have any choice...

you would just have to pick a friendly state to live in i.e. Texas, Arizona, Kentucky
How much time or other penalty I would get being caught with illegal weapon in one of states You quoted? Maybe give any other gun/explosives friendly states? BTW, can I buy and possess legally a high explosive in US, like semtex? How is with job in these gun friendly states? What are people there? Are they friendly imigrants and gun lovers?

You can easily purchase a gun at say a gun show from an individual (dealers are required to do a background check), or just find an individual that wants to sell one to you.
Having found friendly gun lover, I can do so called 'straw purchase' as well.

BTW, what handgungun you prefer to selfdefense and combat shooting and what caliber assuming I'm average built after 20 of age person?
Glock, SIGp228, SIG PRO, S&W TActical, HK USP, Taurus 606, S&W 686 colt magnum carry, colt 1911 (or copy)? 9mm, .40S&W, .45ACP, 357SIG? I heard 9mm is a litle too weak, the 45s take too much of capacity, but I've read recently that 357sig has only a little harder recoil than 9mm , and nearly as effective stopping powe as 357MAGNUM. Is it True. I' handled and fired Glock 22c .40S&W and find it a bit too hard kick. In your opinion DAO or SA/DA handgun are better? BTW, can you approach me prices of quoted guns, at least a few of them, at gun shows or second-hand gun stores? And also: M4 HK version, spas12, mossberg500, ruger mkII, steyr aug, ak47, revolving shotgun. Thanks in advance.

Anyway, sniper rifles and high cap. drum mags are legal, yeah? And isit laegal for non-US to kill an assailant in selfdefense?

The wonderful and appealing US are one of the strangest, if not the strangest country of the world. You can very easily obtain and carry a gun but can't a shitty switchblade or butterfly. You can shoot an intruder dead on your possession but you mustn't have anal or oral sex or even masturbate in most of the states :). Fuckin' sodomy law. I'd be surprised if anyone ever respect it... It's fuckin' silly and deadly comic! You know what I mean...

The US welcomes you.

September 15th, 2006, 01:38 PM
responses in red
Maybe You know that receiving US citizenship is very very hard, long awaitnig task. My relatives has been living in US for about 15 years and still awaiting for citizenship. However they have green cards. You know how hard for green card? I have not any contact with my relatives that's why I'm not asking them. And what about applying gun possessing rights to non-US citizen with green cards?

I'm sorry, I am abysmally ignorant when it comes to immigration laws so I don't know anything about how hard it is to become a citizen or to aquire a green card. I do work with a few people who are here on a visa and I believe one of them has married an American and can now perhaps stay permenently (not sure if that expedites ones citizenship status). Sorry, I have no idea of gun rights being extended to green card holders.

So I am a bit confused: what would be better to do? Making very hard efforts to emigrate to US for illegal guns possessing, risking my freedom or even deportation possible if caught with one, not to mention if caught with one of the NFA weapons... Or living here where the chances are very unlikely, that I ever come by even a one gun... Or maybe emigrate to one of Western European countries like Ireland or Nederlands, what would be much easier than to US but chances that I find a gun dealer there I find very unlikely. However, if caught with illegal gun, silencer, full auto I wouldn't get such high penalty as in US (I don't take UK into my consideration).

Well If it is very hard to become a US citizen then I may try to immigrate to a country where it is easier and allows guns, but I am not even aware of another country that includes that as a right. The penalties for gun violations here are moderately severe especially with regards to NFA items. It may be worth it to you to try to become a citizen here anyways, given your parents are here. You also may want to contact them and ask for advice if they know anything about obtaining guns here while on a green card.

Sodium azide, ethylene glycol, potassium chlorate, acids, hexamine, pure AN fertilizer, methyl alcohol?

Most, if not all of these are easily obtained without any licence

What state do you live in? So in state like yours the BATF license for destructive devices is only needed for storing the device, yeah?

KY. Yes, if you want to purchase a grenade or claymore or rpg or something you have to go through that process as well as adhere to explosive storage and transportation laws. To the best of my knowledge this only applies when purchasing an already intact explosive, storing it, or transporting it. Making one without storing it or transporting it is a different matter.

I know but You see I wouldn't have any choice...

I would not come here to break the law no matter how stupid they are because this would bring unwanted hardships for you. For example, if you are convicted of a felony you lose all of your gun rights completely. I would follow the letter of the law even if it means waiting to be a citizen before you buy anything. I'm almost certain that you will find many friends here that will let you shoot with them and shoot their guns. There are even gun ranges where you can rent machineguns. In KY there is a machingun festival twice a year that thousands attend.

How much time or other penalty I would get being caught with illegal weapon in one of states You quoted? Maybe give any other gun/explosives friendly states? BTW, can I buy and possess legally a high explosive in US, like semtex? How is with job in these gun friendly states? What are people there? Are they friendly imigrants and gun lovers?

The penalties vary by state. Illinois, New york, New Jersey have very harsh penalties (and stupid laws). Also cities can have even more restrictions. On the federal level the laws are universal to all states and can be more or less harsh depending on the crime. NFA violations can land you jail time. No violation is worth it. Any of the above mentioned states would have reasonable penalties depending on the offence.

Yes, you can purchase high explosives but this may be quite an expensive endevour given the licencing requirements, BATFE regulations on storage facilities, and transportation issues. It would be far cheaper and easier to make them and detonate them the same day in the same place. Oh you will need some land, farm, or befriend someone who has that.

There are all kinds of people in all places here, there are many immigrants everywhere and they are friendly at least to me. I don't know many but most of them do not give guns a second thought. Jobs are everywhere as well, your field and salary requirements will usually dictate where you can work.

Having found friendly gun lover, I can do so called 'straw purchase' as well.

Yes, but this does not help you if it is illegal to possess a gun in the first place

BTW, what handgungun you prefer to selfdefense and combat shooting and what caliber assuming I'm average built after 20 of age person?
Glock, SIGp228, SIG PRO, S&W TActical, HK USP, Taurus 606, S&W 686 colt magnum carry, colt 1911 (or copy)? 9mm, .40S&W, .45ACP, 357SIG? I heard 9mm is a litle too weak, the 45s take too much of capacity, but I've read recently that 357sig has only a little harder recoil than 9mm , and nearly as effective stopping powe as 357MAGNUM. Is it True. I' handled and fired Glock 22c .40S&W and find it a bit too hard kick. In your opinion DAO or SA/DA handgun are better? BTW, can you approach me prices of quoted guns, at least a few of them, at gun shows or second-hand gun stores? And also: M4 HK version, spas12, mossberg500, ruger mkII, steyr aug, ak47, revolving shotgun. Thanks in advance.

I prefer DA/SA auto-loaders but it is a personal preference. My favorite caliber right now is .45, but I also like the .40. The .45 kicks harder than .40 BTW. The SAO 1911 .45's are also very nice. I carry an HK USP .45 and love it although it is a little big a bulk for concealed carry. I have fired the .357sig, it is VERY loud compared to the .40 counterpart, I don't think it is very popular here due to problems with core/jacket separations, it generally does not live up to it's claims IMO.

You can't get HK416's here due to some HK policies. The prices can vary wildly. Roughly civilian M4 is about $8-900 new not sure about the rest it just depends where you buy it I guess.

Anyway, sniper rifles and high cap. drum mags are legal, yeah? And isit laegal for non-US to kill an assailant in selfdefense?

Yes, sniper rifles are common as are high cap drum mags but some states restrict those. I have no idea about the self-defense thing but I have always heard that a good shoot (meaning legitimate self-defence) is a good shoot (meaning it's justified regardless of circumstance). Unfortunatly much of that depends on your defence attorney.

The wonderful and appealing US are one of the strangest, if not the strangest country of the world. You can very easily obtain and carry a gun but can't a shitty switchblade or butterfly. You can shoot an intruder dead on your possession but you mustn't have anal or oral sex or even masturbate in most of the states :). Fuckin' sodomy law. I'd be surprised if anyone ever respect it... It's fuckin' silly and deadly comic! You know what I mean...

It can be confusing because there are Federal laws, States laws, County laws, and City laws, all of which change often and must be obeyed. Many of those old sodomy laws are archaic and vestiges of a earlier time (they are widely not enforced)

Your welcome:)

September 20th, 2006, 08:49 AM
My last questions:

1. What are the chances of getting caught in US while possessing NFA weapons or detonating HE (in state where it is illegal) assuming that the owner would be carfull not to get caught? How much is the risk? And if caught is it certain that I get just 10 years and $250 fine? Maybe less? The judges aren't forbearing for gun lovers who sometimes has happen to break the law? What if caught with more than one NFA weapons?

2. Which of the following guns are the easiest ones to convert at home nowadays assuming it has to be reliable to shoot and fully functional?: mac10, hk94, AK47, M4 (hk version), hk36, uzi, intratec kg99, steyr aug? Which of them you can find as the best one?

3. The kits (unfinished parts of silencers and parts for full auto conversions) are still available in US?

4. Which of the EU countries are the ones to point out to looking for illegal guns? Is it true that in Italy you don't need to register a gun after buying, therefore you can very easily buy an illegal gun? This question is not pointed to you Simey...

5. What is it the 'background check'?

6. Would it be possible to mail some PET from my country to US if I failed to obtain some in US? IS it illegal to possess it for civilian? If it is how much time could I get? Is it risky to buy chemicals for illegal expolosives preparing from chemical suppliers (I believe they are warned to inform FBI if anyone bought certain group of chemicals)?

7. Is it legal to practice shooting in US just around a house (of course not to harm or kill anyone)?

8. Does still exist restriction on mags capacity ?

9. Regarding to canadian gun laws (much more restrictive than the US ones) is it easy for candians to smuggle guns across the canadian-US border?

10. How hard is dor Americans to obtain on black market stuff like NFA weapons, frag grenades, HE like dynamite from rock quarries? How high are the prices? Is the stuff reliable and fully munctional? Is it possible to get factory made stuff like from above? Does the BATF licence for destructive device concern also factory made frag grenade?

11. How hard is to live in US? How hard is it for imigrants?

The penalties for gun violations here are moderately severe especially with regards to NFA items.
How severe?

given your parents are here
the relatives are not may parents! These people are rather unwilling to help anybody with anything! I'm going to go there ON MY OWN!

It may be worth it to you to try to become a citizen here anyways
It takes at least about 15 years! Can you imagine it yourself?!

Yes, if you want to purchase a grenade or claymore or rpg
Only those from before 1986?

Illinois, New york, New Jersey
How harsh are there, how in gun friendly states?

depending on the crime
gun possessing at HOME, not in public place, not an NFA item

Oh you will need some land, farm, or befriend someone who has that.
Must it be your own land? Can't you do it in forest? But then you have to transport it to the forest and you are dtroing it till detonate. What if caught just before detonating the device?

they are widely not enforced
Nice thing to hear about!

September 20th, 2006, 05:05 PM
Same color scheme
My last questions:

1. What are the chances of getting caught in US while possessing NFA weapons or detonating HE (in state where it is illegal) assuming that the owner would be carfull not to get caught? How much is the risk? And if caught is it certain that I get just 10 years and $250 fine? Maybe less? The judges aren't forbearing for gun lovers who sometimes has happen to break the law? What if caught with more than one NFA weapons?

Getting caught depends on how much exposure you have. There are no inspections, searches, or anything like that, but if you are doing mag dumps you will draw some attention. Just possessing an NFA item in your attic or something has an almost 0% chance of being discovered. Taking it out a shooting like at a range or something will probably end up with a range officer or police officer asking to see your paperwork (which must be with the item at all times). I have heard that there is no exceptions for violations, even first time violations, but I do not personally know of anyone who has committed this crime or has been sentenced for it. I have also heard that the BATFE has a hard-on for catching and convicting NFA violators. They have even caught police officers with unregistered NFA item and ripped them a new asshole. The 10 year sentence and fine is accurate I think. Getting caught with more than one NFA item, forgettaboutit, your going away for a long time. Bottom line is, DO NOT DO IT. If you are caught you will be in a whole new world of shit.

2. Which of the following guns are the easiest ones to convert at home nowadays assuming it has to be reliable to shoot and fully functional?: mac10, hk94, AK47, M4 (hk version), hk36, uzi, intratec kg99, steyr aug? Which of them you can find as the best one?

For the sake of knowledge I believe almost any gun can be converted easily at home with a minimum of effort, but I'm not sure of specifics as I have never done it. BTW, DON'T DO IT

3. The kits (unfinished parts of silencers and parts for full auto conversions) are still available in US?

Yes and no. Silencer parts are no longer available and individual pieces are considered NFA items. That means take a baffle out of one silencer and now you have two silencers. Yeah it's stupid but that is the law. You can buy a RDIAS (registered drop in auto sear) but it must be registered of course (and pre-'86)

4. Which of the EU countries are the ones to point out to looking for illegal guns? Is it true that in Italy you don't need to register a gun after buying, therefore you can very easily buy an illegal gun? This question is not pointed to you Simey...

5. What is it the 'background check'?

The FBI background check is required when purchasing a firearm from a FFL (federal firearms licence) dealer. It is done on the spot with a phone call and takes about 10-20min. The FBI scans their criminal data base to make sure you are not a convicted felon, a fugitive from justice, or diagnosed as mentally defective.

6. Would it be possible to mail some PET from my country to US if I failed to obtain some in US? IS it illegal to possess it for civilian? If it is how much time could I get? Is it risky to buy chemicals for illegal expolosives preparing from chemical suppliers (I believe they are warned to inform FBI if anyone bought certain group of chemicals)?

I doubt you could mail it to yourself here I really have no idea. I do not believe it is illegal to possess but I'm not sure about that either. I'm not sure about how risky it is to buy these things together. I would not do it because it may very well raise a red flag on you and my contention is that it is nobody's bussiness what I buy to do do what I want with and I don't want to stick out. I am a little paranoid about "Uncle peeping Sam" because they could look at me and think whoa this guy has guns, NFA item, and is buying chemicals that can be used for explosives, he must be a terrorist (which I am most assuredly not).

7. Is it legal to practice shooting in US just around a house (of course not to harm or kill anyone)?

This depends on local regulations. Most likely not in any residential or populated area, but if you live outside of the city then certainly it would be ok

8. Does still exist restriction on mags capacity ?

Not nationwide, only is certain states which retained the assault weapons ban from '94

9. Regarding to canadian gun laws (much more restrictive than the US ones) is it easy for candians to smuggle guns across the canadian-US border?

I have no idea but when I was a small child I remember my parents being harrassed at the border because they found a toy gun and a pack of sparklers in the car (which they confiscated)

10. How hard is dor Americans to obtain on black market stuff like NFA weapons, frag grenades, HE like dynamite from rock quarries? How high are the prices? Is the stuff reliable and fully munctional? Is it possible to get factory made stuff like from above? Does the BATF licence for destructive device concern also factory made frag grenade?

Have no idea even of the existence of a black market here. Why would there be when you can buy legally? Even though it is expensive, it is nowhere near as expensive if you were to be caught with illegal contra-ban. Yes all purchases of premade explosives are governed by the BATFE.

11. How hard is to live in US? How hard is it for imigrants?

It is easy to live in the US I think. Sorry, I don't know about immigrants, although it seems easy because where I work (science) is full of them

How severe?

Greatly depends on offence, local laws, lawyer, etc., and I'm not sure about details but I know it is severe enough to make you wish you had never done it in the first place. NFA, I have heard, is a mandatory 10yr sentence.

the relatives are not may parents! These people are rather unwilling to help anybody with anything! I'm going to go there ON MY OWN!

good for you, I like your spirit

It takes at least about 15 years! Can you imagine it yourself?!

That would really suck, I'm just glad I was born here.

Only those from before 1986?

No new machine guns can be produced or registered after 1986 I don't think that applies to destructive devices, although I could be wrong.

How harsh are there, how in gun friendly states?

Not sure on the details but it would be not worth it in any state.

gun possessing at HOME, not in public place, not an NFA item

It would obviously be a lighter sentence since it is not a violent crime. However, many NFA violations are also considered tax evasion which can have hefty penalties, including jail time (that's how they nailed Capone)

Must it be your own land? Can't you do it in forest? But then you have to transport it to the forest and you are dtroing it till detonate. What if caught just before detonating the device?

Again I'm not sure on specifics, but I would wager that it must be on privately owned land where the owner grants you permission. You might be allowed to go out in the vast desert region of the south west but I am not sure of the legalities. If you are caught transporting a ready made explosive device then you would be screwed. This may only apply to say transporting it in a vehicle or on a public road or something like that.

Nice thing to hear about!

Yup, you can have your boyfriend fuck your ass while giving you a reach around if you want to, nobody is going to care (haha just kidding:D )

Seriously though, whack off all you want. ;)

September 21st, 2006, 08:02 AM
There are no inspections, searches, or anything like that, but if you are doing mag dumps you will draw some attention. Just possessing an NFA item in your attic or something has an almost 0% chance of being discoveredSo you can simply shoot a full autos from a range and have illegal one at home:)

Not nationwide, only is certain states which retained the assault weapons ban from '94I hope these states are not these gun friendly ones like veromont or Arizona or KY...

Have no idea even of the existence of a black market here.
No black market?:confused: You know, there are many individuals who are banned to sell them legally guns (like punished criminals) so there is demand for illegal firearms even in US.

Greatly depends on offence, local laws, lawyer, etc., and I'm not sure about details but I know it is severe enough to make you wish you had never done it in the first place. NFA, I have heard, is a mandatory 10yr sentence.

I mean not NFA items here. Is it ceratain that I go to jail if violated state gun laws ? And I mean only at home not in public places. And I wonder why just full autos are so restricted. Are they the most destructive kind of firearms? Shotguns are even more destructive in short ranges and easier to point.

I would not do it because it may very well raise a red flag on you and my contention is that it is nobody's bussiness what I buy to do do what I want with and I don't want to stick outSo while buying you have to show ID, yeah?

I am a little paranoid about "Uncle peeping Sam"
Me too:D Even though I don't live in US

I'm just glad I was born here.
But I 'm very sad that I wasn't born there:mad: !

Yup, you can have your boyfriend fuck your ass while giving you a reach around if you want to, nobody is going to care (haha just kidding )
I hope you ARE kidding. I am not a gay! I only find sodomy laws as highly stupid

If you are caught you will be in a whole new world of shit.
The US prisons are hardcore but I belive western european countries are much less hardcore if not at all not hardcore.

I prefer DA/SA auto-loaders but it is a personal preference. My favorite caliber right now is .45, but I also like the .40. The .45 kicks harder than .40 BTW. The SAO 1911 .45's are also very nice. I carry an HK USP .45 and love it although it is a little big a bulk for concealed carry. I have fired the .357sig, it is VERY loud compared to the .40 counterpart, I don't think it is very popular here due to problems with core/jacket separations, it generally does not live up to it's claims IMO.
Tell me why you just don't like DAO i.e. glock and why you like just .45 what has a hard kick and very small capacity especially in 1911 and is expensive (ammo)? Why you AMericans don't like the wonderful 9mm what has relatively good stopping power, high capacity and mild kick? What about the kick of 357 magnum (I've never shoot from this)? For carry you SHOULD choose HK usp compact or subcompact version over the standard full version what is better for open carry. What is the core/jacket separation? One of my dreams is spas12 and steyr aug. maybe you know how much is it? Any restrictions on semi auto shotguns?

Unforunately, You are likely right that I have to be a US citizen:

The GCA also prohibits firearms ownership by certain broad categories of individuals thought to pose a threat to public safety.....

Any alien illegally or unlawfully in the United states or an alien admitted to the United states under a nonimmigrant visa.
Anyway, if I'm not subjected to jail or deportation I would take the risk of gun laws violation coz I wouldn't be able to wait any longer!

Thanks in advance!

September 21st, 2006, 11:31 PM
Red as usual
So you can simply shoot a full autos from a range and have illegal one at home:)

I'm not sure I follow what you are trying to say here.

I hope these states are not these gun friendly ones like veromont or Arizona or KY...

No, the states that have retained the mag capacity restrictions are the unfriendly states i.e. NY, Calif. New Jersey etc. Most states have no such restriction.

No black market?:confused: You know, there are many individuals who are banned to sell them legally guns (like punished criminals) so there is demand for illegal firearms even in US.

There no doubt is a black market in the US I am just not aware of it. Everyone I know get their guns legally, but then again everyone I know can legally possess them. The vast majority of criminals here either steal their guns or buy them from some underworld scumbag.

I mean not NFA items here. Is it ceratain that I go to jail if violated state gun laws ? And I mean only at home not in public places. And I wonder why just full autos are so restricted. Are they the most destructive kind of firearms? Shotguns are even more destructive in short ranges and easier to point.

No it is not certain for a citizen to go to jail, but it may be certain for a non-citizen who is in violation of a gun law. If it is a non-violent technical crime like having a pistol in your home in an area where it is prohibited like in Washington D.C. or New York City the sentence won't be as severe. You would most likely not go to jail for this, probably just get a fine and a misdemeaner charge or something, again this is for a citizen. I wish I knew more about gun laws for non-citizens, I'll see what I can find out.

So while buying you have to show ID, yeah?

Depends on what you are buying and how you pay. If you pay cash there is no paper trail but you still may be required to show ID. Like buying alcohol.

Me too:D Even though I don't live in US

It is unfortunate that it is like that now but it is our own fault, we have let our government become to big and powerful. Our current state of government is not what was intended by our founding fathers. People have become politically complacent, don't vote, and or vote for people who say soothing things to them all the while taking away more and more freedoms for the sake of safety or convenience. That is a whole other story though.

But I 'm very sad that I wasn't born there:mad: !

I'm sad for you, and for anyone who thirsts for freedom and must go through such trouble to have it. It also makes me mad that many Americans here take their freedoms for granted and are willing to just toss them aside when there are people such as yourself who must struggle in your own countries and then have to fight tooth and nail just to come here to enjoy thoses same freedoms that are not appreciated here.

I hope you ARE kidding. I am not a gay! I only find sodomy laws as highly stupid

Joking, It's another American thing, we like to kid each other, it builds comraderie.

The US prisons are hardcore but I belive western european countries are much less hardcore if not at all not hardcore.

We have the most prisoners per capita in the world, only because we have so many laws that make us all criminals. It sucks.

Tell me why you just don't like DAO i.e. glock and why you like just .45 what has a hard kick and very small capacity especially in 1911 and is expensive (ammo)? Why you AMericans don't like the wonderful 9mm what has relatively good stopping power, high capacity and mild kick? What about the kick of 357 magnum (I've never shoot from this)? For carry you SHOULD choose HK usp compact or subcompact version over the standard full version what is better for open carry. What is the core/jacket separation? One of my dreams is spas12 and steyr aug. maybe you know how much is it? Any restrictions on semi auto shotguns?

I don't like the trigger pull of the Glock, it feels mushy and springy. My wife has a DAO Khar 9mm and it has a smoother pull but I don't like triggers with long creep. I like crisp, clean triggers DAO's, don't have this.

The 1911 has a reduces capacity but it's frame it more slender and you can more easily carry more magazines (and they are very cheap, one 1911 mag is about 8-12 dollars, one HK mag is 50-60 dollars). I find the 9mm to be anemic, I much prefer the .40 or .45, however I think that the 9mm is the most popular in the US. Ammo prices are about the same between 9mm and .45 (roughly $250 per 1k).

The recoil of the .357 magnum is very sharp and considerably more than any of the auto calibers mentioned here. A very good and powerful round but your limited to a revolver or god forbid a Desert Eagle. I will probably get a Sig 228 or compact 1911 for concealed carry.

Core/jacket separation is when the copper jacket detaches from the lead core of the bullet and results in insufficient penetration. This typically happens with smaller caliber bullets traveling at higher velocity.

I think a Spas12 is around $800 and a Steyr AUG is roughly the same or a little more. I have never really been interested in those so I have not paid attention to their prices

The only shotgun restriction is that it must have minimum 18" barrel or must be registered as an NFA short barrel shotgun

Unforunately, You are likely right that I have to be a US citizen:

That's too bad. If you had an immigrant VISA it may be possible given that wording.

Anyway, if I'm not subjected to jail or deportation I would take the risk of gun laws violation coz I wouldn't be able to wait any longer!

I would tread very carefully because that is probably what would happen to an alien (I'm guessing). You could call the US attorney general and ask specific questions (I think that they would be able to answer the gun laws/immigrant issue.

Thanks in advance!

You bet:)

September 22nd, 2006, 06:34 AM
I'm not sure I follow what you are trying to say here.
I mean you can have an illegal NFA item at home but you cannot expose it and you have to practise shooting with full auto rented in a range. Sorry, but as now my english is far from perfect.

be required to show ID
The ID is recorded? Do you need to give any reason for buing the chemicals?

taking away more and more freedoms for the sake of safety or convenienceWhat of your famous freedoms have been taking away?

Joking, It's another American thing, we like to kid each other, it builds comraderie.
I' sorry I'm not to good at joking.:cool: :o

We have the most prisoners per capita in the world, only because we have so many laws that make us all criminals. It sucks.I believe it is so on account of unimagineably long sentences. Maybe you heard that prisons in Western Europe , like in Norway, are cool. I heard you can feel there like being on vacations. Prisons in my country are very old and dirty, so that not to cool. Thay are hard but not so hardcore as are in US, becouse of the lack of rascism.

I don't like the trigger pull of the Glock, it feels mushy and springyI see what you mean.

The 1911 has a reduces capacity but it's frame it more slender and you can more easily carry more magazinesI was always curious whay 1911s are so popular in US (how much is one?). However low capacity mags I believe are not too comfortable. There are plenty of others metal frame SA/DA .45 autoloaders with high cap mags.

I much prefer the .40 or .45
Are you strong and well built person?

I think that the 9mm is the most popular in the US.
Sure? I was thinking 9mm is the most popular in Europe but You Americans have born in tendences to large calibers like especially .45.

The recoil of the .357 magnum is very sharp and considerably more than any of the auto calibers mentioned here. A very good and powerful round but your limited to a revolver Revolvers are not too practical guns but I have a strong sentiment to medium frame 2,5' bareled revolvers:)

Core/jacket separation is when the copper jacket detaches from the lead core of the bullet and results in insufficient penetration. This typically happens with smaller caliber bullets traveling at higher velocityDoes it concern 357 Magnum too?

I will probably get a Sig 228 or compact 1911 for concealed carry.
Metal frame pistols are no too good for cancealed carry. Thay are too heavy, aren't they? It' better to get one of SIG PROs than old P228. Bear in mind that P228 is very expensive comparing to others , even to SIG PRO.

I think a Spas12 is around $800 and a Steyr AUG is roughly the same or a little more. I have never really been interested in those so I have not paid attention to their pricesSo, what do you like apart from ,40 and .45?

you may have a hard time finding certain things like PET
So if you can't get PET to prepare PETN you can simply get hexamine and fuming HNO3 to prepare RDX:)

Is it illegal to produces poisons like ricin , alkaloids or potassium cyanide or making poisoned ammo with these in US? Is required any BATFE licence?

Is it possible to legally convert a semi to full auto rifle (for US citizen) making the endeavour less expensive?

September 22nd, 2006, 07:29 AM
American prisons are full of niggers (blacks to you liberals), not because of any racism, but because their race are sub-human and incapable of either A) working, or B)committing crime and getting away with them.

Oh, and Mandatory Minimum sentences, 1-strike and 3-strike laws, 'Predator' laws, etc. etc., none of which makes a damned bit of difference in the crime rate of an ever darkening nation. :rolleyes:

September 22nd, 2006, 07:46 AM
because their race are sub-human

I think that is going a bit far nbk, as every man is born equal.

I'm not saying that there all good people, I'm just saying you cant say there race is sub-human, from birth they have the chance to get as far as any white man could.

Although all the abuse, poverty and slavery they suffered in the past has had a ripple effect, which caused their children and their children�s children to be in that situation too.

But some families are steadily rising up about the ranking on nigger and doing something with their lives.

It's like the aboriginals in Australia, many of the youth live in the country towns abusing anything they can get their hands on (petrol), but there are many good ones still there.

Just because of different races having the majority of the trouble causing criminals doesn�t mean the entire race can be classified as the same.

Just my two cents.

September 22nd, 2006, 05:03 PM
I mean you can have an illegal NFA item at home but you cannot expose it and you have to practise shooting with full auto rented in a range. Sorry, but as now my english is far from perfect.

It is possible but of course illegal.

The ID is recorded? Do you need to give any reason for buing the chemicals?

Not as far as I know. Not if you are buying something off the shelf. Ordering something always creates a paper trail.

What of your famous freedoms have been taking away?

They are all being infringed upon in some manner. The right to be free from illegal (warrantless) search and seizure. Many gun laws on the books are unconstitutional. The whole NFA anything would be blasphemy to the framers of the constitution. The CPSC trying to pull their shit with restricting chemicals. The FCC limiting the freedom of speech. You name it and it seems like everyone has an agenda, and it is not freedom.

I' sorry I'm not to good at joking.:cool: :o

I believe it is so on account of unimagineably long sentences. Maybe you heard that prisons in Western Europe , like in Norway, are cool. I heard you can feel there like being on vacations. Prisons in my country are very old and dirty, so that not to cool. Thay are hard but not so hardcore as are in US, becouse of the lack of rascism.

It might be easier to get a machine gun in Norway. Then when you are caught you get to go on vacation:)

I see what you mean.

I was always curious whay 1911s are so popular in US (how much is one?). However low capacity mags I believe are not too comfortable. There are plenty of others metal frame SA/DA .45 autoloaders with high cap mags.

1911's can range from $450 for a well used workhorse or up to 2-3K for a pristine Wilson or Nighthawk. $600 will get you a nice middle road Kimber.

Are you strong and well built person?


Sure? I was thinking 9mm is the most popular in Europe but You Americans have born in tendences to large calibers like especially .45.

We like 'em big and overkill, this is true.

Revolvers are not too practical guns but I have a strong sentiment to medium frame 2,5' bareled revolvers:)

Does it concern 357 Magnum too?

Not as much, because the magnum has sufficient velocity to still penetrate deeply regardless of core/jacket separation.

Metal frame pistols are no too good for cancealed carry. Thay are too heavy, aren't they? It' better to get one of SIG PROs than old P228. Bear in mind that P228 is very expensive comparing to others , even to SIG PRO.

No they are not to heavy if properly designed.

So, what do you like apart from ,40 and .45?

In pistols the .22lr is nice because it is so cheap to practice with. Then put a suppressor on it and it is no louder than just manually cycling the action

So if you can't get PET to prepare PETN you can simply get hexamine and fuming HNO3 to prepare RDX:)

I've never seen PET anywhere, but I have never looked for it. Hexamine is easy. HNO3 is not so easy, you may have to synth it from sulphuric acid which is easily obtained and a nitrate salt which is somewhat easily obtained, although it is getting harder to find.

Is it illegal to produces poisons like ricin , alkaloids or potassium cyanide or making poisoned ammo with these in US? Is required any BATFE licence?

This I have no idea about.

Is it possible to legally convert a semi to full auto rifle (for US citizen) making the endeavour less expensive?

No. You must purchase a registered pre-'86 machine gun which will be VERY expensive (probably at least 12k) because you can't make any more. Or you can purchase a registered pre-'86 drop in auto sear or registered lightning link (also about 10K). That is the only legal way. The price is so high because the demand is increasing and the supply has been cut off for 20 years.

September 23rd, 2006, 02:28 AM
Since poisoning is considered a capital crime in every state of the US that has a death penalty, I'd say it's a safe assumption that poisoning your bullets is illegal, and there is NO provision for doing so legally.

And please don't start up with that whole 'Racism, slavery, oppression' spiel.

There's a whole continent full of niggers that have never left their homeland, who've had nothing but time to improve themselves, and are still acting like the sub-human trash that they are...AFRICA.

Show me a single country in africa that had its act together, and I'll show you a country lead by Whites. Rhodesia and S. Africa come immediately to mind.

Pick any country run by blacks, and you'll find nothing but barbarism, anarchy, decay, filth, and squalor.

All men are created equal.

Were did you get that from, the US Constitution? If so, they were referring to all WHITE Men were considered equal. You'll see no provisions for non-whites or women having any rights until at least the late 19th century.

And if all humans are indeed equal, then where are the black Hawkings, Plato, Newton, Shakesphere, etc. etc.?

Oh, wait, the blacks never developed a written language, nor the wheel, nor domesticated animals, or even farming, did they?

Hell, the niggers had horses (zebras) for eons, but never learned to ride them! Even the ragheads figured that one out. The asians tamed elephants!

September 23rd, 2006, 06:14 AM
Were did you get that from, the US Constitution? If so, they were referring to all WHITE Men were considered equal. You'll see no provisions for non-whites or women having any rights until at least the late 19th century.

I actually heard it a lot as a reference to anti-racism stuff.

Every man on earth is born equal, if you a move them into a community that would raise and guide them well, they could be as good as anybody else, (that community would probably be white, as whites are much more advanced.) I agree with you on white communities being more civilised and advanced.

I don�t think I will say any more about this, I�m not trying to force my views onto you, I�m just giving my view, as you did.

September 24th, 2006, 02:18 PM

I found out some good news for you.

Yes, gun rights do apply to legal non-citizens as long as you have proper documentation of your immigration status.

Yes, if you are a legal alien and can own a firearm you can also own NFA items.

I asked a friend who used to work in a gun store for a number of years. I do not know much more than that.:)

September 25th, 2006, 09:40 AM
Great ! Thanks!:) :eek:

problems with core/jacket separations, it generally does not live up to it's claims IMO
I've read that these problems have been already solved?

HNO3 is not so easy
So, you can't simply buy nitric acid? Even 65% concentration? Why?

September 25th, 2006, 12:10 PM
If they have been solved then that's great. I had not heard that, but then again I have not paid much attention to this round. I just remember shooting it out of a sig 229 and having horrendous jamming problems (like every other round) but it functioned 100% when shooting .40, so I was not overly impressed with it and I lost interest.

Bonding the jacket and core is probably how you would avoid separation. Any idea how it performed in the FBI trials? I was pretty sure that the .40 won out above all popular calibers, which is why they chose it as their standard issue caliber, and why it has became so popular.

You could probably find HNO3 if you looked hard enough, and there would be no law against buying it, but I have never seen it ouside if the lab.

September 25th, 2006, 09:59 PM
Pick any country run by blacks, and you'll find nothing but barbarism, anarchy, decay, filth, and squalor.

Oh, oh, oh, not true, not ture, what about Jamacia, they also have some real good pot!

Ok, I've had my joke, I'll be quiet now. :o

September 27th, 2006, 06:34 AM
I didn't say that the blacks get to prisons becouse of rascism but they just are the majority in there and the whites are often being bullied by them just becouse of rascism.

NBK, bear in mind that majority of blacks living actually in US didn't come there of their own free will. They are descendants of the black slaves which were forced by your fore fathers to leave Africa for working in US for nothing! The America is built by their own hands, blood and suffering. Thanks to them the US are now the richest and most powerful country in the world! Your fore fathers had huge labour force just for free, with no salary wedges having to pay! In my country there very few niggers but they are often considers as very good workers espacialy as doctors along with arabs. I'm not pro blacks nor a rascist as I'm trying to be objective.

Are there any restictions on barrel lenghts of civilian version military style weapons like M4, AK, UZI or MP5

As to restriction on semi-auto shotguns I'm surprised you are wrong! High capacity semi-auto shotguns including Spas-12 and DAO12 revolving shotgun are already banned from civilian ownership since they are classified as destructive device by BATFE (wikipedia claims)!

And if you violated the federal law and state law both are you convicted only from federal law degree or state too?

How do you find .38 SPecial, Semey? I wonder why the modern DAO conception is considered so innovative? I read many times: the DAOs are safe till you pull the trigger? It is sensless, isn't it? Every gun is safe till you pull the trigger assuming that is decocked!

Do you know what is BMF device?

Another option over converting to full auto a gun is to convert only the trigger to make the pull very short so allow fo very rapid fire.

No. You must purchase a registered pre-'86
So you can't register a homemade silencer or a sawed-off shotgun?
I can't imagine how the hell one can buy a frag grenade just from before 86? It is something that can be used only once! And if you make DDs (with intent to store) you need only BATF licence for making it or you have register each one device separately? Do you need to obtain any additional explosive licence?

How the hell US goverment can just simply break your constitutional rights making any foolish bans, restriction, firearms acts etc.?! The second amendemant says CLEARLY:"...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." So the federal restrictions on firearms and other freedoms are a SERIOUS VIOLATION on your holy constitution, your given rights and therefore SHOULD BE NEVER RESPECTED! You all Americans should WAKE UP and STARTS TO FIGHT for your holy freedoms unanimously to gain respect before it's too late. I'm pretty sure that your goverment is provoking the international terrorism deliberately making a reason to take your freedoms away, among others. The terror is not fault of Bin Laden nor any other radical. This is only due to Israel and US politics of Bush and Clinton! Everyone sympathize with victims of 9/11, Madrid, London etc. But I ask: who the hell sympathize with those innocent people being killed in US bombings in the third world countries?! Who, I ask? THIS IS VERY VERY UNJUST, isn't it?! And this is the main if not the only reason of today terror what only few are able or are open to understand!

And there SHOULD BE no reason to take away you the right to "keep and bear arms", even the most bloody massacre involving guns! It is what I really liked in "Bowling for Columbine". The pronouncemnets of NRA's leader were NOT out of place absolutely! He was where he HAD to be and speak what he had to speak when the time of threat had came! Repeat, even the most unimaginable tragedies MUSTN'T threat your holy constitutional rights since the guns ARE NOT who kills but humen and only them should be punished! So if you won't wake up just now there could be a day that you have NO FREEDOMS, NO RIGHTS AND NO GUNS but only police, dictatorship and foolish goverment scaring you with terror threats, as mindless media do! I'm amazed you don't see this.

I see why in US so popular are disposable dirty silencers... But what if caught disposable homemade silencer crushed by yourself just before getting caught?

The FCC limiting the freedom of speech
You talk about books on bombs and poisons?

The right to be free from illegal (warrantless) search and seizure.
So THERE IS risk having full auto even with no exposure!

Since poisoning is considered a capital crime in every state of the US that has a death penalty
So you get capital punishment only for possessing a poison? For one, cyanides are poisons but they are also very usefull chemicals anyway!

machine gun which will be VERY expensive (probably at least 12k)
It depends what gun you choose. Mac10 is about $4000, UZI for about $7000, M4 for about $14000 but AK I believe would be considerably less expensive. Regarding that full autos are wasteful of ammo the AK would be one of the best choice due to cheap 7,62x39mm round.

just Visit www.autoweapons.com

I asked a friend who used to work in a gun store for a number of years.
If I ever go living to US probably the first places where I will start to look for a job will be gun stores and factories or chemical supliers :) Is it a good idea? I would have discounts for guns/ammo/chemicals:)

You could probably find HNO3 if you looked hard enough,
What about sulfuric acid? You wrote before that for acids are not needed any licences... Doesn't exist any other sources of chemicals like PET or HNO3 than chemical suppliers?

but I would wager that it must be on privately owned land where the owner grants you permission.
And could't the DD be detonated in a forest or a meadow ?

And what about drugs in US? What drugs can you possess legaly if any you can at all?

Doesn't the hell anobody (besides Semey) know how hard is for illegal guns in Western Europe countries?

September 27th, 2006, 08:08 AM
So you get capital punishment only for possessing a poison? For one, cyanides are poisons but they are also very usefull chemicals anyway!

Possessing poisons, and using them to kill someone (also known as 'poisoning'), are two different things. The first one is usually fine, but the second one is definately a no-no.

September 27th, 2006, 08:56 AM
Ok so as to get this thread totally off topic.

I lived my whole life in Africa before coming to Europe. Yes I lived under colonialism, apartheid and whatever other so called �Crimes against Humanity� you wish to call them. Shock and horror when you mention that to na�ve Europeans.

Hell in many European�s eyes I must have actively participated in these so called crimes. Mainly because I, like most other White males of conscriptable age, fought in the godforsaken continent�s wars. But hey don�t worry we won the military conflicts but always lost the �Free and Fair� elections. Also it�s not like any white veterans are getting the state pension or disability pay now, that�s reserved for �Freedom Fighters�. For that matter in Zimbabwe they will throw in a free farm for your veteran�s benefit. But I digress�

I finally left in disgust, since after freedom, independence, majority rule and whatever other crap you wish to call it, the place went down the sink hole. Seeing three technologically advanced countries get destroyed by affirmative action, crime, redistribution and the other glorious Marxist/Socialist policies of �Majority Rule� was too much. But as long as everyone gets to vote it�s ok with the rest of the world!

The previous statements by nbk2000 regarding countries in Africa are the absolute truth. Furthermore many African countries have had �Freedom� for quite some time now and where the hell is the technological advancement? After South Africa achieved independence from England, the white South African�s inherited a screwed up system from the British. Yet in a short while they managed to build a First World, industrial nation. This all accomplished in spite of international sanctions, pressure etc. For example, during the sanction years, the export of weapons to S Africa was banned by the UN. Yet S Africa actively developed and exported weapons of its own design. The same went for heavy earth-working machinery, rolling stock and a lot of other mining and industrial technology.

The �New South African� government has been in power for 11 years and during that time has managed to reduce the aforementioned industrial nation to a crime ridden hell hole with the economic status of a �developing market�. Now that was an achievement! Who needs black science when they can perform reverse alchemy like this and turn something valuable into shit?

Yes America got some cheap labour with the slaves but like all cheap labour (Guest worker system in Europe, South Africa etc) its coming back to bite then in the arse.

The statement that America is built by the blood and suffering of black people is blatantly untrue. What made America one of the greatest countries is good old fashioned hard work!! Something that is unfortunately foreign to most Europeans with the socialist, welfare state, culture of entitlement. After having lived here for some years I often think that all the hard working Europeans left the place as the original immigrants to America!

Sadly this same entitlement mindset is starting in America and will possibly be its downfall.

September 27th, 2006, 12:56 PM
As a retired journalist and current author living in southern Spain I've had a need to check out national gun law from time to time.

The usual exists with regard to automatic weapons although the UK nonsense of magazine limitation re shotguns doesn't exist. Anyone can get a shotgun licence, provided they have no criminal record, have undergone a medical suitability examination (you've got both eyes? Magnifico, se�or!) and the local Guardia Chief is happy about you - the Guardia Civil actually control licensing.

Re handguns for self defence - no way unless you are a jeweller or transport large sums of cash. Security guards known as vigilantes often carry revolvers.

Incidentally, a shotgun licence entitles you to use a .22 calibre rifle in addition.

Re the Brocock, no problem. They can be bought openly. A form from your local Town Hall should be filled out if you intend to use the weapon on a public range. This generally applies to all air weapons. Min imum age for these is 14.

September 27th, 2006, 01:39 PM
red again as before I have to type here to get it to post
I didn't say that the blacks get to prisons becouse of rascism but they just are the majority in there and the whites are often being bullied by them just becouse of rascism.

NBK, bear in mind that majority of blacks living actually in US didn't come there of their own free will. They are descendants of the black slaves which were forced by your fore fathers to leave Africa for working in US for nothing! The America is built by their own hands, blood and suffering. Thanks to them the US are now the richest and most powerful country in the world! Your fore fathers had huge labour force just for free, with no salary wedges having to pay! In my country there very few niggers but they are often considers as very good workers espacialy as doctors along with arabs. I'm not pro blacks nor a rascist as I'm trying to be objective.

Are there any restictions on barrel lenghts of civilian version military style weapons like M4, AK, UZI or MP5

Rifles must have a minimum barrel length of 16". Pistols have no barrel length restriction however they cannot have a stock or a second grip for holding it with two hands. Oh and non-black powder/muzzleloading rifles must have an overall length of at least 26" and a bore of no greater than .50

As to restriction on semi-auto shotguns I'm surprised you are wrong! High capacity semi-auto shotguns including Spas-12 and DAO12 revolving shotgun are already banned from civilian ownership since they are classified as destructive device by BATFE (wikipedia claims)!

Holy shit, you're right! :eek: I used to see those all the time so I assumed they were title 1, but I researched it and found that the BATFE has changed their minds and ruled that these shotguns have no "sporting purpose" and thus fall under the destructive device category. They are notorious for changing their minds on little more than a whim.

And if you violated the federal law and state law both are you convicted only from federal law degree or state too?

Not sure but I think they would throw the book at you, meaning you are tried on all charges.

How do you find .38 SPecial, Semey? I wonder why the modern DAO conception is considered so innovative? I read many times: the DAOs are safe till you pull the trigger? It is sensless, isn't it? Every gun is safe till you pull the trigger assuming that is decocked!

I find it outdated. It is under powered, has poor terminal ballistics compared to other calibers, and restricts you to a revolver. A .357 mag would be much better if you were intent on packing a revolver, and you can also shoot .38spl though it if you want.

The FBI was forced to rethink their choice in caliber after that big shootout in Miami (I think) where two suspects were shot many times with the .38spl, as well as other common calibers at the time, and they did not go down but continued to fight and kill agents.

Yes, DAO is probaby marketing hype. Any gun is safe until you pull the trigger. I've never understood the little secondary safety trigger on the Glock. It won't allow you to pull the trigger until you pull the trigger, what fucking logic.:confused:

Do you know what is BMF device?

Big Mother Fucking Device? Sorry I don't recall.

Another option over converting to full auto a gun is to convert only the trigger to make the pull very short so allow fo very rapid fire.

Yes this is referred to as "bump-firering" or "feathering". It is easy once you get the hang of it, and legal, at least until the BATFE changes its mind and rules that your finger is now funtioning as an auto-sear and must destroyed or if you were born before 1986 tatoo'd with a serial number and registered.

So you can't register a homemade silencer or a sawed-off shotgun?
I can't imagine how the hell one can buy a frag grenade just from before 86? It is something that can be used only once! And if you make DDs (with intent to store) you need only BATF licence for making it or you have register each one device separately? Do you need to obtain any additional explosive licence?

Yes you can, there is what is called a form 1 which is an application to make and register an NFA item. The same process applies to buying one except you fill out a form 4 when purchasing.

You need to register EACH device. That is if you want to buy two grenades you must fill out two form 4's and pay $200 tax for each ($400 total), as well as all the BATFE licences the extent of which I do not know.

Oh and I believe the '86 law only applies to machine guns but I could be wrong.

How the hell US goverment can just simply break your constitutional rights making any foolish bans, restriction, firearms acts etc.?! The second amendemant says CLEARLY:"...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." So the federal restrictions on firearms and other freedoms are a SERIOUS VIOLATION on your holy constitution, your given rights and therefore SHOULD BE NEVER RESPECTED! You all Americans should WAKE UP and STARTS TO FIGHT for your holy freedoms unanimously to gain respect before it's too late. I'm pretty sure that your goverment is provoking the international terrorism deliberately making a reason to take your freedoms away, among others. The terror is not fault of Bin Laden nor any other radical. This is only due to Israel and US politics of Bush and Clinton! Everyone sympathize with victims of 9/11, Madrid, London etc. But I ask: who the hell sympathize with those innocent people being killed in US bombings in the third world countries?! Who, I ask? THIS IS VERY VERY UNJUST, isn't it?! And this is the main if not the only reason of today terror what only few are able or are open to understand!

And there SHOULD BE no reason to take away you the right to "keep and bear arms", even the most bloody massacre involving guns! It is what I really liked in "Bowling for Columbine". The pronouncemnets of NRA's leader were NOT out of place absolutely! He was where he HAD to be and speak what he had to speak when the time of threat had came! Repeat, even the most unimaginable tragedies MUSTN'T threat your holy constitutional rights since the guns ARE NOT who kills but humen and only them should be punished! So if you won't wake up just now there could be a day that you have NO FREEDOMS, NO RIGHTS AND NO GUNS but only police, dictatorship and foolish goverment scaring you with terror threats, as mindless media do! I'm amazed you don't see this.

Arnold, I see this and much more but I will refrain from comment to keep this thread on track.

Yes, it is a serious violation of the constitution. Many people recognize that. The way around the constitution is slick legal manuvering. Hire a bunch of scum bag lawyers and politicians and you can bend and manipulate anything. It all started with gun restrictions against blacks and that set the precedent, next came prohibitions agains drugs, then alcohol. Now the everyone thinks that the government has the power to encoach into peoples lives, people who harm no one. Remember, yesterdays convenience is todays outrage is tomorrows complacency.

I see why in US so popular are disposable dirty silencers... But what if caught disposable homemade silencer crushed by yourself just before getting caught?

Might work but the BATFE has all the forensic tools at their disposal to put that crushed tin can on the end of your barrel.

You talk about books on bombs and poisons?

I meant how now there is a $350k fine for saying something naughty on the radio (and tv I think).

So THERE IS risk having full auto even with no exposure!

There is always risk.

So you get capital punishment only for possessing a poison? For one, cyanides are poisons but they are also very usefull chemicals anyway!

Well I know you can buy rat poison almost anywhere so I don't think it is illegal to possess. My garage is full of potential poisons.

It depends what gun you choose. Mac10 is about $4000, UZI for about $7000, M4 for about $14000 but AK I believe would be considerably less expensive. Regarding that full autos are wasteful of ammo the AK would be one of the best choice due to cheap 7,62x39mm round.

just Visit www.autoweapons.com

Yes that is true it depends on the weapon I was mainly referring to the M16 because that is mostly what I am familiar with. 7.62x39 may be a little cheaper, but ammo prices across the board are skyrocketting.

If I ever go living to US probably the first places where I will start to look for a job will be gun stores and factories or chemical supliers :) Is it a good idea? I would have discounts for guns/ammo/chemicals:)

Yes, good idea but gun stores do not pay very well (between 7 and 11 dollars an hour to start). They will usually give discounts, although a friend work for a real shit bag who would mark up the price when an employee wanted to buy something.

What about sulfuric acid? You wrote before that for acids are not needed any licences... Doesn't exist any other sources of chemicals like PET or HNO3 than chemical suppliers?

Sulphuric acid easy, drain opener at ace hardware. I have not seen the others OTC.

And could't the DD be detonated in a forest or a meadow ?

Yes, if you had permission from the owner or if you are the owner

And what about drugs in US? What drugs can you possess legaly if any you can at all?

Don't know all of them but no pot, crack, meth, pretty much anything "hard", alcohol, tobacco is fine. Anything you have a prescription for is legal.

Doesn't the hell anobody (besides Semey) know how hard is for illegal guns in Western Europe countries?

September 28th, 2006, 07:52 AM
What made America one of the greatest countries is good old fashioned hard work!!
Yes difinetely, hard work of black slaves with no salaries, forced to come to US by your fore fathers!

Possessing poisons, and using them to kill someone (also known as 'poisoning'), are two different things. The first one is usually fine
So the matters of poisons and poisoned bullets are not regulated by BATF?

I meant how now there is a $350k fine for saying something naughty on the radio (and tv I think).

SURE? I'm amazed!:eek: So, what about books on poisons, bombs and killing?

Don't know all of them but no pot, crack, meth, pretty much anything "hard", alcohol, tobacco is fine. Anything you have a prescription for is legal.

What?!!! Alcohol is illegal in US?????:eek: :eek: :eek: :mad: What about marihuana?

Yes, DAO is probaby marketing hype. Any gun is safe until you pull the trigger. I've never understood the little secondary safety trigger on the Glock. It won't allow you to pull the trigger until you pull the trigger, what fucking logic.
Apart from this polymer frame pistols are too light to shoot larger calibers than 9mm. But they have an advantage over other guns: they are extremly resistant I heard (I talk about Glocks, HKs and SIGs are probaly less resistant but more precised instead). Also they have extremely large capacity.

I was mainly referring to the M16 because that is mostly what I am familiar with.
The M16/M4 rifles family are very modern and ergonomic but are unreliable and tends to jam compared to AKs.

And last important thing: has the federal ban on mag capacity (up to 10 rounds) already expired?

suspects were shot many times with the .38spl, as well as other common calibers at the time
I guess, 9mm?

Arnold, I see this and much more but I will refrain from comment to keep this thread on track.I see but aren' you afraid a day will come taht you wake up and find out that simple hadguns like your HK USP are banned for civilians or they fall under NFA at least since some fools from the gov consider it as criminal conceleable weapons and in order to protect you they muust be just banned?

Yes, good idea but gun stores do not pay very well (between 7 and 11 dollars an hour to start).
So where to look for a job would be the best?

While after the assault gun ban came into live, the goverment banned import of several semi-automatic rifles including AK and AUG and instead other manufacturers started producing their poor substitutes like Norinco NHM 90/91 for AK. Now the AGB is expired, so what about the import bans? Are the imports renewed?

Having about $30.000 spare is it enough to buy a small house for one or to people and starting small but reliable buisness in US? Do you know any imigrants from Poland, Semey? Do they like living in US or not? They plan to stay there forever or come back after certain time?

September 28th, 2006, 12:44 PM
I have to fill this area with words for the post to work
Yes difinetely, hard work of black slaves with no salaries, forced to come to US by your fore fathers!

So the matters of poisons and poisoned bullets are not regulated by BATF?

I don't think it is illegal to possess a poison considering just about everything under my sink is poisonous. The BATFE does not regulate poison, only alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives. I would think that shooting someone with a poison bullet would be a huge no-no. I don't know if possession of poison bullets would be illegal or not, I'm sure it would not help you in court though. I don't know why you would want poison bullets anyway, just use a high performance bullet and practice your aim.

SURE? I'm amazed!:eek: So, what about books on poisons, bombs and killing?

I don't think these are illegal

What?!!! Alcohol is illegal in US?????:eek: :eek: :eek: :mad: What about marihuana?

No, alcohol is legal. Marijuana is not.

Apart from this polymer frame pistols are too light to shoot larger calibers than 9mm. But they have an advantage over other guns: they are extremly resistant I heard (I talk about Glocks, HKs and SIGs are probaly less resistant but more precised instead). Also they have extremely large capacity.

I think polymer framed pistols are fine in larger calibers if they are designed well. For instance an HK has a steel skeleton under the polymer frame and it very rigid almost like steel. A Glock does not and you can actually bend the frame around a little. I think Glocks are tough but I don't like them. All the top makers are going to be tough like, HK, Colt, Sig Sauer, Glock, etc. All double stacked magazine will hold about 15 rounds of 9mm, my HK holds 12 rounds of .45

The M16/M4 rifles family are very modern and ergonomic but are unreliable and tends to jam compared to AKs.

This is a current myth. The M16 had jamming problems in Vietnam after the stick powder it was designed to work with was changed by the ARMY to ball powder. The problems have since been fixed but the reputation lives on to this day. The AK is a very reliable weapon but not very ergonomic or accurate. I believe that today the M16/AR15 platform is every bit as reliable as the AK, more accurate, more ergonimic, and has a ton of accessories. It is the weapon of the professional soldier. The AK was designed for conscripts.

And last important thing: has the federal ban on mag capacity (up to 10 rounds) already expired?

Yes, it has expired nationally. Some states still have this restriction though.

I guess, 9mm?

Yes, I think so. I think what finally killed them was 00 buck from a 12ga.

I see but aren' you afraid a day will come taht you wake up and find out that simple hadguns like your HK USP are banned for civilians or they fall under NFA at least since some fools from the gov consider it as criminal conceleable weapons and in order to protect you they muust be just banned?

There is always risk, but this will be highly unlikely any time soon. The gun control crowed has pretty much left the building. Any politician who condones gun control these days is almost laughed out of town.
It became clear that gun control does not work after the sunset of the AWB because pretty much nothing happened. Crime was not affected during or after the ban. However, crime has gone down in every place where concealed carry has been allowed. The aftermath of hurricane Katrina showed the absolute neccessity of firearms. How can they argue with that? Gun control laws are actually being rolled back and repealed at a steady pace.

So where to look for a job would be the best?

Big cities pay big money, the best paying fields are computer stuff. Science is probably your best bet, it pays decent, and even though you won't get gun discounts, the discounts you would get would not be that great (there is very little mark-up on guns).

While after the assault gun ban came into live, the goverment banned import of several semi-automatic rifles including AK and AUG and instead other manufacturers started producing their poor substitutes like Norinco NHM 90/91 for AK. Now the AGB is expired, so what about the import bans? Are the imports renewed?

I'm not sure about imports but there are very good domenstic manufacturers of the AK (ARSENAL in Las Vegas makes a great AK). You can find almost anything you want at a large gun show though.

Having about $30.000 spare is it enough to buy a small house for one or to people and starting small but reliable buisness in US? Do you know any imigrants from Poland, Semey? Do they like living in US or not? They plan to stay there forever or come back after certain time?

Yes, this would be enough for a down payment on a decent house and still enough left over for a startup bussiness. Most of the immigrants I know are Chinese, Russian, and a few Indians. These are the predominant races in science. They seem very happy here. The Indians always talk about how dreadful their country is, the Russians about how their country's leaders are fools, and the Chinese, well I can't understand what the Chinese are saying but I imagine it is something similiar. They all seem to be happy here.

September 28th, 2006, 01:09 PM
I have to fill this area with words for the post to work

Or, you could just quit with the colorful text shit and do it like everyone else does... :rolleyes: That's not too much to ask, is it?

September 28th, 2006, 01:45 PM
Yes difinetely, hard work of black slaves with no salaries, forced to come to US by your fore fathers!

Yeah right, plantations really made the American economy very powerful. Factories with salaried staff contributed nothing. Industry would have had nothing to do with American commercial achievements.;)

Anyway enough of that. I have no wish to argue about black economic contributions.

Arnold I know a few people from Zimbabwe and S Africa who have gone to the US. All of them qualified, professional people. All of them found it a long and difficult process.

It''s very hard for someone planning on going it alone. By that I mean without a "family reunion" type visa. If you haven't got a "sponsor", skills that they want or a lot of capital it can be problematic.

A friend of mine planning on starting his own company had to present his business plan and guarantees of capital in the hundreds of thousands.

In the case of a job offer they want to see your academic qualifications and the guaranteed offer, contract etc. If you lose the job, resign or whatever the next job you take better be in the same field or they can deport you for being in violation of your visa terms.

September 29th, 2006, 08:02 AM
I find the 9mm to be anemic
I think for concealed bcarry/self defense it's better to have larger capacity gun with moderate recoil and relatively good stopping power. The caapcity may give you the overpower.

It''s very hard for someone planning on going it alone. By that I mean without a "family reunion" type visa. If you haven't got a "sponsor", skills that they want or a lot of capital it can be problematic.
I'm planning go to US, find employment, buy a house, make efforts to get green card and live:)

I believe that today the M16/AR15 platform is every bit as reliable as the AK, more accurate, more ergonimic, and has a ton of accessories. It is the weapon of the professional soldier.Bear in mind, you can only get pre 86' M16/M4 and they are no the today ones.

The M16 had jamming problems in Vietnam after the stick powder it was designed to work with was changed by the ARMY to ball powder. The problems have since been fixed but the reputation lives on to this day. I mean M16/M4 family can be very easily jammed with some dirt in certain place (I can't say it in English). The Colt and HK clones have a different mechanism than original m16/m4 thus are more reliable (therefore I asked about HK 416).

It became clear that gun control does not work after the sunset of the AWB because pretty much nothing happened.I belive gun control would never work in US too good. But in countries like mine it works quite well! But let's take a look on NFA. It works even in US! SInce it is national ban and serves very high penalties! Take a look on UK: I believe it's very very hard for average UK citizen get illegal guns despite the news about gunn crime in UK! As now gun control in some states doesn't work simply becouse guns can be easily obtain in gun friendly states and they come to unfriendly states this way. Neverthless, sudden gun ban in US wouls surely destroy America and that's why it isn't coming as now!

Yes, this would be enough for a down payment on a decent house and still enough left over for a startup bussiness.
What buisness would be good to start this way in your opinion?

That's not too much to ask, is it?OK, EOT;)

September 29th, 2006, 09:36 AM
Here's an example of 'Black Contribution':

11-Year-Old Sexually Assaulted

Posted by: TMJ4 Staff - 9/7/2006

MILWAUKEE - Police have arrested one more suspect in the sexual assault of an 11-year-old girl on Milwaukee's north side.

A 16-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy have already been charged with assisting in the crime and a 40-year-old man is in custody, accused of raping the young victim in a home near n. 6th and Vienna.

According to the criminal complaint, the girl says she performed oral sex on as many as 15 boys and had sex with several of them, including the 40-year-old.

The 11-year-old girl has HIV. Her mother died of AIDS.

The incident sparked community outrage. North side Alderman Michael McGee said, "We really have to hold those accountable who committed this horrendous crime. There's outrage and as stakeholders in the neighborhood, we gonna find out who all had a part in this situation."

Police expect to charge additional suspects.

No doubt the perps were niggers, and the 'victim' too. They probably thought they'd caught themselves an 11 y.o. virgin. Boy, did they ever pick wrong! :p

The dead mother was more like-than-not a crack whore, or a heroin junkie, if she died of AIDS and passed it on to her niglet.

September 30th, 2006, 12:27 AM
They could have worn a condom, if not serves them right.

At least if they get caught and sent to jail they will spread the virus even more, it will benefit the community with more dead and dying criminals in prison spreading the virus ever further.

I know what I would yell if about to get raped in prison "BUT I'VE GOT HIV" everyone would keep their distance then :D. Stabbings, rape, I would avoid it all.

Hobbit Porn
September 30th, 2006, 03:10 AM
I know what I would yell if about to get raped in prison "BUT I'VE GOT HIV" everyone would keep their distance then :D. Stabbings, rape, I would avoid it all.

Until you come across the guys who replies to your "BUT I'VE GOT HIV" with "So do I....now drop your pants and grab your ankles or I'll shiv ya"

September 30th, 2006, 10:20 AM
They'd know you were lying, because everyone is tested before they go in, and those who have 'The Shit' are sent to special housing, not general population.

Besides, most people in prison are not there because they thought their actions through into the future, now are they? ;)

So drop your linen and start to grinning, 'cause the rough riders are home tonight! :D :p

September 30th, 2006, 11:29 AM
nbk, I think in Australia we would have different prisons to the US and IMO there probably wouldn�t be special facilities that prisoners are sent to if they have HIV, although I could be mistaken.

Even if that one line probably wouldn�t work, if your about to get raped its worth a try.

I know they have a protection facility in Barwin prison where the rapists and most paedophiles are kept in for the obvious reason that everybody wants to hurt them, this is where they could keep the HIV positive people if there is any.

We have trailed slightly off topic here, so back to the point of the thread. The Firearms Act 1996 (http://www.dms.dpc.vic.gov.au/Domino/Web_Notes/LDMS/PubLawToday.nsf/2184e627479f8392ca256da50082bf3e/4ebeea8d0d6b27ccca2571f700129c23!OpenDocument&Highlight=0,firearm) and Control of Weapons Act 1990 (http://www.dms.dpc.vic.gov.au/Domino/Web_Notes/LDMS/PubLawToday.nsf/2184e627479f8392ca256da50082bf3e/468e5095206ebcebca2570e400825520!OpenDocument&Highlight=0,firearm)for Victoria Australia if anybody is interested.

October 12th, 2006, 07:52 AM
Here's an example of 'Black Contribution':
I see what mean NBK. Neverthless it doesn't change the fact that it's your fore fathers' fault that they are actually where they are.

I've recently read through some US emigration law websites and find it complicated. I know a few of you live in Europe so PLEASE APPROACH WHETHER or not IT IS EASIER AND BETTER to TRY TO EMMIGRATE TO US or start looking for illegal guns in western Europe and tell me which country is the best to start!!! I believe some of you possess guns illegaly so please the hell let me know! It is one of the most important matters in my life, so please DON'T be ignorant!

As to Glocks: Semey, there's a few things that makes glocks better over other guns, despite your opinions. With these pistols every trigger pull is the same and they have no external safety or decocking levers, so it is much easier to master operation of this. It has no external elements so they don't catch to clothes while putting it out. And the famous safety system: as I mentioned every trigger pull is the same, it has no external hammer that is cocked after each shot. A cocked SA/DA gun if falls on the ground or if forgot to decock it after pulling the slide back can be easily discharged accidently. But the glock cannot! While you are in danger (mugged or so) you are under stress and you are more likely to make a mistake in operating guns like SAO or SA/DA which are more complex than Glocks. You don't need to play with cocking/deckocking
and safeties. I know you may carry a SA/DA gun decocked as well but the first trigger pull is long and harder (Double Action) since it is also cocking the hammer. The criticism of this design is that it forces the shooter to learn two different trigger pulls and accuracy often suffers on the first double action shot. Most accidental discharges with these sorts of pistols are the result of the shooter forgetting to de-cock the hammer.
There are DAOs that have trigger pull quite heavy and long and I agree they can be very unpleasant to shoot but Glocks have light triggers. When you pass one step of glock's trigger it is like you have a cocked SA/DA handgun. But when you release the trigger it "decocks" automatically so if it falls it is not discharged by no means. Glocks are also quite inexpensive in comparison. They are always ready to fire. They have LARGER capacity mags comparing to other pistols. Most 9mm standard full size autoloaders has 15rnd mags but Glock 17 has just 17 (+2 if you use extended mag). A different matter is Glocks are too light to shoot accurately someting larger than 9mm. I'm not certain if the fast shooting the glock is problem due to the long trigger pull. Anyway, I agree that other guns are better for sport shooting since then their complexity is not a problem but for self defense/combat purposes as well as for beginner shooters Glock is probably the best choice! Becouse of mentioned features many countries accepted Glocks as the standard military/police/special forces pistol. In my country Glocks 17 are standard issue of security agents but Police chose Walthers P99.

Maybe it's a silly example but I've heard on any holywood action movie a discussion between 2 policemen, something like
-"what gun do you use?"
-the second showed a silver taurus pistol
-"throw away this shit, buy yourself a glock!!" he heard

This is quote from any article on survival guns:

In my experience, the Glock pistols are by far the best choice. They
are very light because of the plastic receiver (frame) they have. Even so,
they are about the strongest pistol on the market. The factory not only
allows, but recommends that you shoot a steady diet of hot submachine ammo
in them. They say that their pistols will handle any cartridge currently
manufactured in the world that is the proper caliber. That's a far cry
form S&W and other brands of light alloy frame pistols, which you have to
call the factory first to see it they will handle the hot loads. Many
models are not capable of handling hot loads.

Since the Glock has a plastic frame, it cannot rust. The barrel,
slide and the parts are coated with a black substance that will not come or
wear off, with a hardness second only to diamonds. The pistols are highly
reliable and _very_ accurate, but moderately priced. They all have high
capacity magazines.

In my opinion, it is no use looking at pistols more expensive than the
Glocks. They can't do anything the Glock won't do as well, or probably

What are the hotloads?

As to poisons in US I asked becouse I've read in "Silent death" that for possessing rectified ricin or nerve gas "you can likely get life term".

As to explosives in US I've heard that it is perfectly legal to possess (and also buy) HE like anfo since it is used there for blowing up moles. Also the discussion in "Bowling for Columbine" movie between Micheal Moore and Terry Nichols (one of the Oklahoma bombers' brother) disclose that FBI and ATF while searching the farm found blasting caps, black powder, fuses, Al dust, "but it is standard farm stuff"claimed Nichols.

October 12th, 2006, 07:44 PM
My ancestors, on both sides, came to the United States from Nordic countries at the time of the first World War, so none of my ancestors had a thing to do with slavery. :p

But even if they were all born in dixieland in the 1800's, I'd still not give a shit about the niggers. The sins of my (fore)father are not my sins.

You don't have to be from the south to recognize the inferior nature of the black.

There's not one culture on earth where 'Black is Beautiful'. Not even in africa. Even the niggers prefer the lightest shade possible.

Asians despise them. Arabs despise them. Whites depise them. And they despise themselves.

What's that tell you?

Jacks Complete
October 12th, 2006, 09:09 PM
It's been said before, there are those who revel in being "Nigga's wit attitude" and those who work hard and better themselves. The UK is full of wannabes who think they are hard, they watch rap videos and wear baseball caps, and are niggas, regardless of skin colour.

I'm a firm believer that people should go with what they are good at. Most people, if they tried really hard in the field that they were best suited, could get up to a very high level, national or even better. The issue is, most won't even try to find the area, let alone work hard at it once there.

Tiger Woods has been training hard since he was 3, as have most other world class atheletes, thinkers, programmers, etc. Those who were primed for the area they went in to have done better than those who are also-rans.

Blacks make great fighters, warriors, athletes, etc. as they were born with the genetic disposition to be able to run faster for longer, and get hit harder without noticing as much. Natural selection did that.

Jews tend to be higher IQ kids, and crap at sports. Slightly guided natural selection in the Jewish community did that, as they went for brains over brawn.

Mixed races are generally the most robust, but are more average, without a doubt, so they have a flatter range of areas they can be world class in, but can easily get very good in almost any area.

That's my theory, anyway. Genetic potential. And it slips away every time another welfare mom drops another sprog optimised for breeding and claiming dole from the welfare office. That's what 40 years of the welfare state has selected for in this country, and I think it's the real reason why girls are hitting puberty earlier - it's because the faster you drop a sprog the faster you get a council house!

October 12th, 2006, 10:37 PM
Blacks make great fighters, warriors, athletes, etc. as they were born with the genetic disposition to be able to run faster for longer, and get hit harder without noticing as much. Natural selection did that.

WTF? And here I thought TV and Hollywood did that.


End of a Myth

by W. S. Hogun

You've heard the stereotypes: white men can't run. They can't jump. And they can't fight, either.

At least that's what the PC media-machine would have us believe. So far it appears to have worked remarkably well. If you say it loudly enough and often enough, people will believe anything.

There are plenty of white athletes out there who are breaking down the stereotypes that whites cannot run and jump. But what about the myth that white men can't fight?

If the recent takeover of boxing by white men, from lightweight to heavyweight, hasn't done enough to dispel the PC myth that white men can't fight, allow me to introduce you to another group of white men who are proving, in dominating fashion, that white men CAN fight: mixed martial artists.

Mixed martial arts is a combat sport that combines the striking and kicking of kickboxing with the throws, holds, and joint locks of wrestling, judo, and jiu-jitsu. To excel in this sport, an athlete must be well-rounded and proficient in every facet of the sport. If you're weak in one area, your opponent will exploit it and beat you. If you decide to watch a mixed martial arts event, let me warn you:

It can be brutal.

Despite the fact that no fighter has ever died as a result of trauma received in a fight, fighters are routinely knocked out and injured during fights. Copious bleeding is common. To win at this sport you have to be tough, smart, and versatile, traits that white men have always had in abundance.

This past weekend in Japan, Pride Fighting Championship held the finals of a single elimination tournament that started with sixteen fighters. Three of these sixteen men were white; the rest, a mix of Japanese, Brazilians, Samoans, and blacks. Who do you think fought in the final bout for the Pride Open Weight Grand Prix Championship? Must have been the black guys, right? Everybody knows they're tougher and more athletic than everyone else!

No? Not even one? Hmm. Then it must have been a Samoan. Those guys are huge!

No? No Samoans? No Japanese or Brazilians, either?

That's right: two white men fought for the championship in the tournament's grand finale. Mirko "Cro-Cop" Filipovic, of Croatia, faced off against Josh Barnett, USA.

Cro-cop and Barnett had to fight twice in the same night, beating their first opponents of the night in order to even make to the championship round. Mirko Filipovic, or "Cro-cop" as he is known to fight fans, won the fight to take home the Pride belt. Cro-cop received his nickname when he started his career in kickboxing while a member of the Croatian anti-terrorist unit 'Alpha'. Lest you think Mr. Filipovic is all brawn and no brains, he also ran for and won a seat in the Croatian parliament. Like his racial cousins, the Klitschko brothers, Cro-cop is a man of both strength and intellect.

Josh Barnett, Cro-Cop's opponent in the finals, wasn't expected to advance far in the tournament. Barnett was a professional wrestler in Japan, as well as a mixed martial artist. His self-effacing demeanor, soft physique, and history of injury had many expecting Barnett to make an early exit from the tournament. But Barnett beat some of the best that the sport has to offer, before finally succumbing to Cro-Cop in the final
bout of the tournament.

Both of these men are great examples of what tough, no-nonsense white men are like. They comport themselves well, they're articulate and well-spoken, they do not talk trash, they are not covered in tattoos, and do not engage in thug behavior. They have no need:

They do their talking in the ring.

The myth that white men cannot fight is ended. It has been defeated in combat, as it should be. And there are tens of thousands of young white men like Cro-Cop and Barnett training in mixed martial arts gyms all across Europe and America.

The tide has turned.

October 14th, 2006, 12:50 AM
My $.02, this is the Canadian 'situation', bound to get worse, if we get another minority Conservative government when the present government concludes.


I belong to this organization:


I am waiting for your opinions as to the utility of these types of advocacy organizations. Like it or not, short of starting an insurrection, they are the only way to stem the bullshit tide of prohibition. Why not exhaust legalistic means to challenge the anti's before resorting to blowing them to kingdom come?:D

Jacks Complete
October 22nd, 2006, 08:25 PM
Defendu, you aren't quite understanding what I'm saying. I was talking about genetic potential, not the cream of the crop. "In general, the black man..." not, and very different from, "This specific black man...".

The fact that a specific white guy can work damned hard and beat all the people who are slightly better naturally, but who are a little bit lazier. That applies to the other white guys too. For something like mixed martial arts, it's going to be brain power as much as taking a hit. If you are going up against someone who can take a good shot to the head without blinking, and you can't, and it is boxing, you are shit out of luck. If you can kick them in the kneecap, or grapple them, then you might be ok. If they hit you hard in the head before you think of that, well, you lost.

I still don't see any white heavyweight boxing champs. I'd suggest that might be because white men can't take a hit to the head like a black man can, and boxing is less complex than a mix of 17 martial arts. You can draw your own conclusions from that.

Hobbit Porn
October 25th, 2006, 03:55 AM
I still don't see any white heavyweight boxing champs.

Granted, that in the last 40 years or so there haven't been many in comparison to black boxers but there have been some.

I've also read in a few places that now the trend in boxing championships is moving away from african americans to boxers from former soviet states, with the heavyweight titles of the four major boxing sanctioning bodies held by them.

Wladimir Klitchko (current IBF and IBO world heavyweight champ, former WBO heavyweight champ.
Nikolai Valuev (current WBA heavyweight champ)
Oleg Maskaev ( Current WBC champ)
Sergei Liakhovich ( current WBO champ)

And then there are heaps of white boys in the lower weight divisions;
Zsolt Erdei ,Joe Calzaghe ,Mikkel Kessler, Arthur Abraham, Vic Darchinyan, all of whom currently hold at least one internationally recognised championship. (boxing has too many international bodies).

I think this thread has gone off-topic, unfortunately I don't have anything to add that would put it back on track.

Big Mac
November 24th, 2006, 06:27 PM
The wonderful and appealing US are one of the strangest, if not the strangest country of the world. You can very easily obtain and carry a gun but can't a shitty switchblade or butterfly. You can shoot an intruder dead on your possession but you mustn't have anal or oral sex or even masturbate in most of the states :). Fuckin' sodomy law. I'd be surprised if anyone ever respect it... It's fuckin' silly and deadly comic! You know what I mean...


Texas struck down its sodomy laws nearly 3 or 4 years ago. In reality they also didn't enforce (especially here in Austin, imagine all the gays in this town going ape shit). You can own both switchblades and butterfly knives, but you cannot carry them on you in Texas. Getting them here is pretty easy. I just ordered a wonderful switchblade from Italy that ran me about a 100 bucks with express shipping included (3-5 business days overseas). It is high quality and has yet to malfunction. Texas is generally a very weak-government state that has one of the highest number of amendments in its constituition. I wish it was the good old days where you could lug around a pistol on you and no one batted an eye. And you could drink and smoke in peace without some hippy saying "Oh man, 15 feet from the door!". Man I hate the hippies in Austin.

November 30th, 2006, 09:01 AM
I've recently read through some US emigration law websites and find it complicated. I know a few of you live in Europe so PLEASE APPROACH WHETHER or not IT IS EASIER AND BETTER to TRY TO EMMIGRATE TO US or start looking for illegal guns in western Europe and tell me which country is the best to start!!! I believe some of you possess guns illegaly so please the hell let me know! It is one of the most important matters in my life, so please DON'T be ignorant!

January 9th, 2007, 01:40 AM
Show me a single country in africa that had its act together, and I'll show you a country lead by Whites. Rhodesia and S. Africa come immediately to mind.

This is, of course, a history lesson. Rhodesia's no more (and Zimbabwe's fscked) and South Africa is going downhill fast.

But back on topic : gun laws in South Africa. The "new" act (FCA 2000) calls for competency training and mandatory relicencing [*3] every 5 or 10 years (depending on whether it's a firearm for self defence or sport or collecting).

In theory there's a process to follow with a shall-issue at the end of it (if you've jumped through all the hoops correctly). This includes the training, fingerprints, interviews with relatives and neighbours and ex-wifes.

In practice this takes a while (about a year for competency, no idea how long the actualy licence takes (still fighting)). And most of the time the output is a letter stating that "the registrar is not convinced of your need" or something like that. Unless you have the money to take them to court, a local collector received his licence for an AK-47 (an otherwise prohibited weapon which features in the news almost daily since all the criminals have them [*1]) two days or something before the court date.

In the mean time a Chief of Police, one Robert McBride [*2], rolled his car, was reportedly drunk, and will not be prosecuted for any of this. They didn't even bother to test his blood (although one of his flunkies would have donated on his behalf if it got to that anyway).

And one Tony Ngeni is having the time of his life in jail (care parcels hand delivered by his wife and "consumed" behind closed doors) after being convicted of corruption -- the ANC is treating him like a hero.

I for one would be very surprised if this place does not end up looking very similar to Zim soon...

[*1] The ANC never bothered to hand in the AK-47s they used in the "struggle".

[*2] Who was found guilty of bombing a bar in Durban, I guess that's what it takes to get a cushy job in this country.

[*3] Seems that 80% of the people are refusing to renew their licences, so we're in for, shall we say, interesting times... :D

January 11th, 2007, 02:57 PM

I didn't catch from which European country you are from... never mind. First, your guess in this thread, that in Italy gun can be bought without to register is false.

Moreover the best country in Europe to bought a gun (illegaly) is still one of former states of Yugoslavija like Serbia or Monte Negro. There if you are not very picky (cz 7,65 mm,Glock 17 9x19, ... ) a gun can be bought even on street market along with fruits :). Not to mention, low prices and great food, which those cuntries offers. Oh and I'm not trying to sell you a holiday packet ;).

January 21st, 2007, 06:36 AM
I find Switzerland very interesting and uniqe, in regard of firearms possesion. For every young man, a millitary training is an obligatory and when one finished that, he is part of miilate reserve and it is his right, that takes home with himself his rifle SIG 550 or SIG-Sauer P226 pistol- if he is an officer. Along with that, one also gets pack of munition. Switzerland is generally very tolerant of firearms.

Befor posting I was checking some facts and find wikipedia very useful... For those who want to know more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Switzerland .

But as stated in wikipedia, those gun laws are gonna changed (become EU compatibile) in 2008, when Switzerland will be joining Schengen treaty (mutually EU border control).

February 6th, 2007, 07:19 AM
What about buying a gun from drug dealer or someone from shooting range in countries like Nederlands or Geramany?

February 8th, 2007, 07:36 AM
not very picky (cz 7,65 mm,Glock 17 9x19, ... )Maybe you know what else? Any .357 revolver, mossberg shotgun, uzi, mac10,sig p228, silencers....?

February 9th, 2007, 01:08 PM
Arnold: Most of guns are leftovers from former war. So any revolvers or other none military guns, are going to be hard to find. From what you have listed, p228 is most likely, one could bought. Silencers are harder to find, but with little effort, that can be accomplished too.
I would never go buy a gun (illegaly) to Neadeland, especially because of their radical border control. Germany would be better choice, although there are better countries, in that matter.

February 28th, 2007, 10:38 AM
Germany would be better choice, although there are better countries, in that matter.
so plese tell me what? (except Yugoslavia)

March 5th, 2007, 06:20 PM
Arnold: Most of guns are leftovers from former war.
I would never go buy a gun (illegaly) to Neadeland, especially because of their radical border control.

Which border ?
The european borders are open ;)

March 10th, 2007, 03:33 PM
What about buying a gun from drug dealer

Only if I get to shoot his worthless ass with it :D

Just as a possibility, how hard could it be, if you had the contacts, to get weapons from somewhere like Afghanistan? The Pakistan border's completely open, although getting them back to the West from there would be fairly difficult (unless you have a ship and enjoy long voyages through darkest Africa :p) .
Otherwise, Serbia would be the best place. You could easily ship weapons through the Mediterranean and up towards the UK. And who's going to argue with your cover story of a relaxed fishing trip?

March 20th, 2007, 08:53 AM
Which country of the EU is the best to point?

MAybe one knows how much would I pay for cz75, glock17, sig p228 and ak47 with folding stock in Serbia or Montenegro? What are the ranges of prices?

And what about other Balkans countries like Croatia?

March 20th, 2007, 05:55 PM
Assuming you get the guns without getting robbed instead, how do you get them back? That's the real question.

March 21st, 2007, 12:48 PM
From Serbia, you could ship them through the Med to the UK, if you have access to a boat. Overland, you don't stand a chance.

For transport to the US, the only option I can see would be a cargo ship. If you were only moving a small quantity of guns, you could dismantle them and put the parts inside various electrical equipment. Or at least, something impenetrable by scanners. It's hardly a work of genius, but if you cover your tracks properly (even better, get someone else to do it), then it might be worth the risk. And the risk is pretty damn huge.

March 21st, 2007, 02:22 PM
Arnold: Which country would be better than Germany, it depends on how much are you willing to spend and how much you are willing to risk. Balkans route goes through ...,Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia (EU border), Italy (Schengen border),... In that direction travels drugs and guns; and in opposite stolen cars and other stolen goods. So short answer to your question... Italy.

Arisaka: Although Neadeland border is open as all other EU borders to other EU coutries, their border control is more strict, because of loose soft drug law in country.

NBK2k: The best way to prevent being robed at guns buying , is not to buy guns in some dim street, but at market/bazaar so salesman can offer you various guns along with clothes which he also sells ;) . And yes, smuggling is an art and every artist has his own ways.

March 22nd, 2007, 05:52 AM

If you're serious about coming to the US, don't bother buying anything (or at least nothing you want to keep) firearm-wise. Getting it into the US would likely prove to be a real pain. We may have more lax laws than a lot of other countries, but there are certain parties in the US that do whatever they can to get them tightened. Sometimes they win, sometimes they don't. The result is a very confusing and often changing set of laws that may or may not apply to you. The US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) is in charge of enforcing laws regarding firearms, and they're quite notorious about changing their mind about existing definitions and selective enforcement. Look at the recent Benelli m4 shotgun as an example. Since they're imported, they fall under the BATFE 922r regulations. The BATFE has given many conflicting opinions on what it takes to keep an m4 legal when adding a full-length magazine tube or adjustable stock. In short, importing is likely to be more trouble than it is worth.

Secondly, if you've absolutely got to have a fully automatic weapon, as others have pointed out, you will be heavily restricted on what you can have. Modifying any weapon to be FA is a strict no-no. Essentially, you're looking at pre-1986 firearms, and the price will always be quite inflated since the number available can only decline. Even having the parts to do a conversion yourself is a big no-no, so if you do manage to 'procure' some, make sure you bury them in your secret stash, only to be retreived in very specific situations.

Also, pick a state to settle in before you begin shopping. State laws can and often are more restrictive than the federal laws. You can pretty safely rule out California if you want a combat-worthy firearm, their laws are downright draconian.

NFA weapons like short-barreled rifles or shotguns are also subject to state laws, so you may not be able to make them depending upon where you are. Beyond that, getting the paperwork filled out requires signatures from local law enforcement or other parties, so that could cause problems depending on how the local chief of police feels about civilians having guns. There are usually ways around that, though. Also, expect to pay steep taxes on the order of $200 a pop for anything like that.

Lastly, DO SPECIFIC RESEARCH on the laws regarding the item you want. As mentioned above, we have some really stupid laws for specific items. For instance, 32mm flare launchers are not restricted. 32mm beanbag rounds are also unrestricted. Having the two together, however, is quite illegal. 40mm launchers such as the M203 also get pretty silly, as they are considered destructive devices, as are each HE round. That's $200 tax for the tube, plus inflated market price, plus $200 in tax for each shot, plus inflated price. Quite stupid. Our firearm laws are full of stupid 'gotchas', so I must stress the need for specific research on the items you want. Bear in mind that the laws are likely to change depending on who holds power in the federal government at the time, and that laws becoming less restrictive is almost unheard of. The AWB of '94 was an exception, thankfully.

March 30th, 2007, 07:55 AM
Why just Germany and Italy?

Ever about illegal guns trade in Czech Republic?

March 30th, 2007, 09:04 AM
In Hungary you're not allowed to have any kind of firearms. Exceptions: registered hunter (pretty expensive), your a cop or member of other armed services (but even custom officers aren't allowed to take their guns out of the customs building). Illegal possesion of ammunition 2-5 years in prison. Illegal possesion of firearms 5-10 years.

March 31st, 2007, 09:34 PM
Aussie gun laws change with startling rapidity at present and vary from state to state, although pressure from the Federal Govt has ensured they are all very similar. Basically you are looking at: All rifles to be bolt action (centrefire hunting rifles are VERY hard to get a permit for) with military calibers only with a special permit. No semi-autos of any kind. No handguns over 9mm in caliber, & you must be a member of a pistol club. Replica weapons must be licensed. All knives over a 3" blade must be licensed. All ammunition must be kept in a locked safe. A situation exists where someone I know well is being taken to court for having a child's toy plastic gun in the house. He also has children.

April 1st, 2007, 07:12 PM
Man, rules are increadably strict in hungary! To bad :). In Canada, like someone else said, you can have an sized maganzine capacity you want. Anything more than 9mm is looked at very suspisiously. All you need to be asked is "why are you taking that MP-40/.50 cal Barrett/bazooka/grenade launcher to go hunt ducks?" and volia, your screwed.

I am currently building a "Luty" model 9mm machine pistol, its really beginning to come togeather, looks really good. If it works as good as it looks then I will be really happy! :) I think I will build a 30 or so round magazine, ammo ain't going to be cheep!

April 2nd, 2007, 07:56 AM
Just thought I'd add to raptor1956's post.

In South Australia, you don't need to register your knife. What kind of hell hole state do you live in?

But all the rest looks ok, although I think that you can get bigger calibers of pistol in SA (up to .45).

Basically, if you want a gun in Aus, you would be better off finding one on the street, even if it is hot, than having your name, number, etc contained in a gov database.

Hide it and don't play with it. If you want to get practice in, go to a gun club (you can walk off the street and have a shoot for the right price).

April 2nd, 2007, 10:50 PM
The law is little more than a codified rule of conduct written to generate income for the state and the elite class to control those "under" them.

The elite don't apply the law to themselves, and neither should non-sheeple.

The average person's code of ethics is far superior to the justice instituted by a sovereign's courts, which are intended to raise revenue, quell dissent through an appearance of justice, and maintain the status quo.

Its not the system that justifies respect but those administrating the system, and till those administering the law deserve more respect than the average individual its best to ignore the words they codify as law.

Hobbit Porn
April 3rd, 2007, 03:37 AM
All knives over a 3" blade must be licensed

I don't know where you heard this, but it doesn't sound right at all. All kitchen and butchers knives are blades larger then 3" (and wouldn't Australian legislation use metric units?), and I don't know one Chef or Butcher, or anyone, who has had to register a knife. This is just down right impossible to enforce.

Are you sure you don't mean you can't carry a blade that is greater then 3inches ( or 11cm?) in public? I know there definately are laws regarding carry knives in public places (however, I don't know the specifics of them for different areas).

April 3rd, 2007, 07:10 AM
I think you may have hit it on the head Hobbit Porn. As I understand the legislation, 3" is a guideline. If someone deems your 5cm pocket knife as a "Offensive weapon" then you might as well have been carrying a machette. Same goes with if they deem your clothing (plated with metal ofcourse) offensive as well.

Off on a tangent, a friend of mine was denied entry to a nightclub because he had "Offensive facial hair".... Wtf? You know the beard that is divided into two braids, kind of like a viking war god? How the hell is that offensive?

Anyway, this is rather off topic. Back to international gun laws. Pretty much, if you want a gun, you don't want to live in Australia..... same goes with protecting your loved ones and feeling safe at home....

April 13th, 2007, 11:50 AM
bah Australian gun laws suck. All they did was take guns off lawful people, i guess they thought the criminals would just hand in their weapons too.

I remember they took some vintage guns off a RSL because they couldn't afford to have them made inert, into the crusher they went :(

All because some nut got some illegal weapons and went crazy, if you want a 'clean' gun the easiest way is to make it yourself. Airsoft is also banned, which is a utter joke.

Most ammo is easy enough to get, got in shit from customs for having 10x 5.56 bullets posted to me from the UK. Have no idea why they confiscated them.

June 2nd, 2007, 09:37 AM
Since April 07 UK gun laws have change again.
This thread needs updating for the uk.
Can uk members please add there knowledge of the law as it stands now.

You may not obtain or try to obtain most components without FAC.
You may not purchase any live ammo with out a FAC.
You may not purchase shotgun cartridges without SGC.
You may not purchase Black powder without BPC.

No certificate.
You may own shotgun cartridges.
You may purchase KNO3(in small amounts) Charcoal,Sulphur & ball mill.
You may purchase Reloading press & tools.
You may purchase Musket & Percussion caps.
You may purchase Lead balls,shot & bullets.

I would like to know weather we can purchase empty shotgun cartridges with live primers without SGC or FAC.