View Full Version : Is this for real?
March 2nd, 2004, 08:25 AM
I know they are a pretty fucked up country, but
this ( story says that North Korea's state officials are peddling drugs around the world.
Now anything's possible, but to me there are a lot of holes in the story and it has the ring of a smokescreen. "ok, the commies are cooperating with the IAEA, we need another reason to go kick their butts".
It's the PREVIOUS war on something (drugs) being piled on top of all the war on terror stuff in an appeal to the moral majority in the US. (as they are being distracted from their real paranoia by all those nasty queers getting married in San Fran)
What do you lot think - is this real?
March 2nd, 2004, 03:36 PM
The US has said it is "highly likely"
I stopped reading there.
The US also once said that it was CERTAIN that Iraq acquired Uranium from Niger. :rolleyes:
March 3rd, 2004, 03:32 AM
They're obviously peddling these drugs under orders of Osama bin Laden, who's evil plan is to turn everyone into drugged out zombies so there will be no-one around to stop the Islamic revolution. So we must bomb the hell out of North Korea. Otherwise, if we do nothing, this will send a message to other states that they can get away with producing Drugs of Mass Destruction. And the more of these drugs exist, the greater the chance that they will fall into the hands of terrorists. And of course, there are loads of people in every country who produce drugs, so we should bomb every country in order to make the world safe from this threat. After all, George W Bush has shown us all the wisdom of not waiting for a threat to materialise before attacking, so we should launch an attack against everywhere as soon as possible. In fact, we should just kill everybody right now, rather than wait for them to eventually possibly decide to become terrorists who might consider attacking America (or one of it's satellite states). And we have to make sure we attack them long before any threat can possibly materialise - preferably before they are even aware America exists!
Jacks Complete
March 3rd, 2004, 04:56 PM
you have the same opinion as me then!
March 5th, 2004, 03:24 PM
Nearly every country sells drugs, its to profitable not to.
March 6th, 2004, 07:19 AM
Funny thing the US administration doesn't mention that opium production has skyrocketed in Afghanistan since the US took over. The ally of the US there, Pakistan, is also happy to open it's roads to the opium smugglers...
March 9th, 2004, 02:49 AM
Of course that is because the Taliban banned the use of such drugs, however they fully condoned the SALE of it. Apparently the Opium trade supplied a good chunk of their funds, so even though the Koran forbade it they had no problem selling it to the infidels! Now that the trade is competely unregulated it has become FAR more profitable, as the Taliban doesn't take most of the money!
Seeing as how Afghanistan is one of the worlds largest suppliers of Opium, it is no WONDER that the trade is booming, especially since the few soldiers stationed there are completely unable to police such an area.
Al-Qaeda...Taliban...Whatever, they both hate me.
March 9th, 2004, 05:07 AM
It was the Taliban that restricted opium growth & sale, not Al Quaeda.
Al Quaeda and the Taliban are two entirely different things. They just share a mutual enemy.
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