View Full Version : The muslim member of the BNP
May 4th, 2003, 09:38 AM
The british nationalist party now has a muslim as a member, whats next. The first kkk lynching done by a black person.
I hate the Bnp as they only transcribe vulgar racism, but god almighty why is there a muslim there. Is it to prove "we accept other cultures"
That goes against nationalism somewhat doesnt it?
May 4th, 2003, 10:49 AM
Ever heard of "black tokens" ?
All that is to protect themself from the appelation of racist party. Don't forget that a major goal of a party is to "rule" the country, to get the elections, or whatever, in order to be able to apply their policy. If that image of being racist makes them lose some votes, then they need to soften their image --> then they are black tokens.
Don't be too surprised it's just a strategy to gain more votes. (I don't take any party it's just a fact, whether I would dislike or agree with racism). BTW every extremist party does that, the principle of softening their image, from communism to nationalism.
May 4th, 2003, 11:26 AM
If the BNP have got a token black guy, then good for them! It's about time they had a good defense against the racial mudslinging they recieve.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I hope that you've actually taken the time to read the BNP's manifesto (avilable on their website), russian_chemist?
If you have, then oh well, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. If you haven't, then I'd assume that your opinion of the BNP is founded on the lies told by the tabloid press, and the influence/control a certain prime minister has on them.
The BNP has evolved from a Neo Nazi group to a credible alternative political party. Since replacing their leader with a less fanatical one, they've really let up on the white supremacy and concentrated on much more important policies, that affect the daily lives of you and I.
They'll certainly be getting my vote in the upcoming general election. It's unlikely that they'll win, but if they get a lot of votes, it should send a wake-up call to the main political parties, hopefully resulting in some policy changes.
May 4th, 2003, 11:49 AM
I won't personnally criticize the BNP as I don't really know their revendications and didn't read their manifesto.
However, we have in France the Front National, about the same type of nationalist party, extrem-right and so-called fascist party, and the correlation may be made.
The fact is that we are far from the times where just racism and nationalism would rally votes, and in our society today a party really needs to have a real policy because over nationalism we need to have an economic health. And BNP knows it, and that's why they can't keep a fanaical man as president. Therefore, they keep the nationalist votes, and try to gain more votes with some soft discourses and manifestos.
The fact is we mustn't be blind and we must all know that they want more than what they pretend to. We know that many things are not mentionned in their manifestos that will happen if elected.
So care to appearances. One should vote for them if he agrees with their old speeches as they may be deeply the same. Once told that, everyone's free to vote for any party, and all of them tell lies. But one may think some lies are more or less dangerous for democracy and his country.
May 4th, 2003, 02:51 PM
I don't know about the BNP. We need more sensible parties, and they seem to be getting a bit popular. I've read through some of their policies, and they seem sensible, but I distrust them still - they can never move completely away from their neo-nazi roots. However, if it's a choice between a left wing or right wing government, I know which I'd choose :)
Just to mix things up a bit the conservatives get my vote - they're the only choice for a credible government, which in itself is saying something.
May 4th, 2003, 06:35 PM
I agree that there's every possibility that the BNP is hiding Nazi motives/ideology. But if they do even half of what their manifesto promises, it's risk I'm willing to take :)
Even if they did go Nazi, would it be *that* bad? If you ignore the Hitler stigma that is... I suppose I'm arrogant enough to say that their Nazi policies wouldn't affect me, so I wouldn't worry too much.
But then hiding the Naziness and then going way out if elected wouldn't get them relected very fast. Unless of course the great british public discovered a hidden taste for Nazism...
I wonder if that'd persuade NBK to emigrate? :D
May 4th, 2003, 07:57 PM
It might persuade me to.
May 5th, 2003, 12:27 AM
Or maybe they share similiar feelings of anti-semitism....or maybe its a giant master plan by ZOG and the world will crumble under the evil cabal by the fist which bears the 6 pointed star.
Just joking, no I'm not crazy, just get those cracked out moments from time to time.
May 5th, 2003, 07:48 AM
all i am saying is, how can WASPS (white anglo saxon protestants) willfully let in a muslim, it just shows they dont mean what they say.
I hope the BNP liquidate any way as i feel there manifestos are a lost cause.
I read the BNP FAQ on their website some time ago. I seem to remember laughing quite hard at their pathetic attempt to pretend not to be racists. It's something along the lines of 'we don't mind blacks and asians, so long as they don't breed with white people'. It's sad that they're the only party that seems willing to tackle several serious issues that the others are doing bugger all about.
Personally I won't bother voting, they're all a bunch of lying useless bastards who never honour their pre-election promises, and are ultimately in it for themselves, fuck the rest of us.
The conservatives were ok, at least they didn't bother me that much compared to Labour with their increased taxes and their continued assaults on my privacy. But they seem to change their leader every 5 minutes, Hague was the last one who was any good. I'd much rather have him as a PM than Blair anyway. My attitude to other people is in line with traditional conservative thinking; do what you like so long as it doesn't interfere with my life.
May 7th, 2003, 01:58 AM
Nazism brought a broken and defeated country to the brink of global domination, so it could do wonders for the brits, who've prior experience with empire. :)
But then hiding the Naziness and then going way out if elected wouldn't get them relected very fast.
If it creates jobs, lowers crime, and gets rid of the darkies and pakies that the WASP voters loath, then I don't think they'd have any problems getting re-elected. Thought it'd be bad for them to use the term Nazi to describe themselves. Really, it's only because of the kikes (ZOG cabal mo' fos'! ;)) that gave Nazism a bad rap.
Unless of course the great british public discovered a hidden taste for Nazism...
I wonder if that'd persuade NBK to emigrate? :D
Damn right it would! :D
Though I'm afraid it'd be like the old groucho marx joke that I couldn't be a member of any club that'd have me, what with me being a anti-social criminal sociopath, and Nazism demanding personal sacrifice for the greater social good. :p
Don't worry about the token towel head. Even the Nazi's had a token jew till their position was secure enough to make the ruse unnecessary any more. The towelhead would be dumped the moment the BNP was the majority party.
May 31st, 2003, 09:27 AM
this is what one delegate said.
"we are not anti-black, we are "pro white"
Kid Orgo
June 18th, 2003, 06:54 PM
Bigots come in any color or creed.
Sorry NBK, it's the GENOCIDE that gave nazism a bad rap.
June 20th, 2003, 09:37 AM
we have 2 seats held in this locale by the BNP, it`s about time too!
i aint voted for them for the past 10 years for nothing!
i`m sure you`re all aware of the terrorists held at Camp X-Ray,
some of them are from a small town in the west-midland UK called Tipton...
i LIVE in Tipton!, these raghead ba$ts al queda affliates deserve to be there..
my wife and best mate went to school with thses people, and a more obnoxious, loathsome pair of people you couldn`t wish to meet! white or paki !
the fact that their ragheads is just a bonus.
when i joined this forum i swore i wouldn`t talk politics, i make an exception here tho. until you`ve lived here or areas like Bradford etc... you`ve got no idea just how unfair the law is regarding us TRUE British and the pakis, even the police know it`s unfair and will admit this (off the record).
sure, live and let live is a nice philosophy, but when it`s one rule for one and different rule for another, THAT annoys me!!!
BNP all day long as far i`m concerned, `bout time the scales were tipped in OUR direction for a change or at least made level.
my Grandfather didn`t fight to win a war and many Brits die, just to make a lovely little hiding place for terrorists and ragheads, complete with their own rules and "free lunches"
Alah... Blow me!
June 20th, 2003, 01:20 PM
I sincerely hope you do not intend to use any forum knowledge in a quest for vengance....
June 20th, 2003, 01:44 PM
i`m not a venegefull man by nature, but Justice on the other hand MUST prevail!
and rules for the REAL BRITISH MAN in my little town must be at least equal to those of the raghead that get all on a golden platter for f*ckin free!
sorry if i offend, it`s not my intention, but you must really live here to know :(
as i`m sure other Britons in other areas may (or maynot) appreciate.
with regards to this forum. it is merely a place to share information, as is the local pub!
why you should think such things re here i don`t know, i`ve been about for past 2 years , and into "pyro" since age 6 when i stole my 1`st box of matches and burned my lovely snowman coloring book :( 30 years ago
sure, i`ve learned a good many things from here, and dare i say it alot of things that were from "crap books" as i think it`s called now, before i was here. at least here is open/HONEST and most of all FACTUAL!.
beleive me, if i was so inclined, i`de have blasted a good many curry munchers long before now without the aid of this forum!
"A determined man will ALWAYS find a way!"
fact is, i vote at the ballot box, i enjoy a good pyro display and the occasional big bang! when time and circumstances allow. credit me with enough IQ to know right from wrong, and all the little grey bits in between :)
Kid Orgo
June 23rd, 2003, 02:17 AM
See, if I ever were to start a revolution, it'll be all about the common man's right to not give a fuck.
First people against the wall would be the Christian Right.
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