View Full Version : Teenager caught for selling TATP
May 8th, 2003, 10:54 PM
Heres the news story:
I just hate the way the media used the word "bombs", and they said " it takes great skills to make," can't bealve how ignorent the media is.
May 8th, 2003, 11:01 PM
There is already discussion of this topic in the "why we need the anarchists cook book" thread here ( . I do, however, find it humourus that the police "crews were planning to move the substance to another location and set it off. " I would like to have that job. One kilo of it, all at once :eek:
May 8th, 2003, 11:30 PM
God I really hate stupid people like this. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Watch here in a few years if the government has its way......You will need 5 different licenses just to buy some fucking gasoline at the gas station.
May 9th, 2003, 04:40 PM
It seems the media gets stupider, and stupider by the day. It really pisses me off, next thing you know they'll be claiming its takes complex chemistry to make tacos.
May 9th, 2003, 04:54 PM
Media just try to sell some news. The crustier the more they sell. And imagine you're journalist and one if speaking of one growing some bacterias in his house, even if you don't believe all what the police tells you, how will you check ?
By the way, that's good they think it's difficult, because if people come to think it's easy to make explosives, then everyone will be more and more suspicious about everything.
People with knowledge are always fed up when earing craps. But we should accept media not to be chemists, and that deserve our cause in a way.
May 9th, 2003, 05:42 PM
I especially hate the way they say he had "20 to 25 advanced chemistry textbooks". It just makes regular citizens further associate chemistry with bombs. Notice how he said "Level a building" instead of "level the building". Just planting the Oklahoma and WTC images in peoples' heads makes them think "scary, dangerous".
May 9th, 2003, 07:47 PM
I think it would be interesting to follow this case through the courts if possible. Too bad newspapers never follow up on things like this. The media and general public is generally utterly convinced that chemistry and explosives are evil. Naturally this will effect the laws but in the end a judge has to sentence someone. I think (and would pray if I was religous) that judges are vastly more intelligent than the mobs. I hope to find that though the media and police made a big deal out of it, the judge will not be fooled and the 'offender' will get a light sentence (but never light enough). In any case I think the obvious lesson is that selling any sort of explosive, even to friends, is a very, very bad idea.
May 10th, 2003, 03:45 AM
Maybe there are ways to sell your explosives, to people you know, who are sure contacts. (e.g. important dealers, who have relationship and that will not get busted for explosives, if they happen to be once).
Of course, to your friends is a bad idea, depending on the proportions: as affordable noisers that's still alright.
And I keep in mind not to stock some, the info on my computer and the reagents would be enough for them to condemn me, without having to be condemned for "illegal detention of explosive classified material"...
May 17th, 2003, 08:50 AM
Well, NBK was right. If they can't find the facts, they'll make do with lies and inuendo.
Rat Bastard
May 29th, 2003, 02:57 AM
More dumb teens in action:
May 29th, 2003, 03:32 AM
Same story, more detail.,1413,86~10671~1419692,00.html
What site do you think they are referring to in the story?
Sgt. Bruce Olson said the teenager found the recipe for the explosives on a Web site. The free site, which police did not want released to the public, carries about 100 articles on bomb making.
Just a google search on the internet about 'teenager' and 'explosives' brings up some interesting stories.
Because what is discussed here is purely theoretical, does anyone think that gives us any sort of protection in relation to the media and law enforcement?
May 29th, 2003, 05:09 AM
The trick is if they want to close this forum they may be able to do it whether it's legal or not.
Just harassing Mega would be damn annoying for all. Think about the times when this member (I don't remember his name) committed suicide in Denmark, killing many other people... Journalists knew the forum and that was pretty boring for Mega to get mails.... You get the point.
Some people do not formulate their post in a hypotetical way, and in case there's a problem in the US, with some connection to the forum, we're not sure it won't be closed. For sure some members here are from the FBI...
Big Brother's watching you !!!!
May 29th, 2003, 10:12 AM
Looking for scoop, and not looking for advanced information, in these topics.
It takes us some time to do tests, to research, and they want fast information, to be the first that speak about that before other journalists to have written their article.
But if you want to send to the newspaper an erratum to precise exactly what it deals with, what is wrong and what must be corrected, feel free ;); though I think, even if they read it, they wouldn't care.
May 29th, 2003, 09:28 PM
Ratbastard thats story about those teenagers are really shocking. That is because I live so close to the area. . Really ignorent idea, he shouldent be bring those devices to school in the first place.As it said " hydrogen bomb", it seems to me like those teenagers got obtained the imformation from the anarchist cookbook. It only seems like some crapbook would write crap about making false nuclear fusion devices.
June 17th, 2003, 09:38 PM
Related only because it is 'newsworthy' News article today about the recover of some 450kilos of HE (including dets, cable..etc) With the terrorist activity what it is didn't seem to take them long to find it (long enough, I would think)...bout 10 days.
Mostly dynamite and about 15-20 bags of Amex...but what is always 'funny' is how they immediately want to compare it to things like Oklahoma..just to get a rise out of people, and freak them out.
(Sigh)...what a busy I could have kept with this...
articles and images (poor) found at
June 18th, 2003, 08:02 AM
The media promotes every scruff looking kewl teenager to a real terrorist but have they thought of themselves?
A terrorist is merely someone who uses certain techniques to plant fear in the heart of a civilian population. Sending letters with powdered sugar is an act of terrorism but it is not illegal.
So, a terrorist is simply a person who creates insane fear amongst the population.
Then, what does the Media do? Exactly.
Then what are the media themselves? Exactly, terrorists of the most vilest (sp?) sort because they even make LOADS of money in the proces!
June 18th, 2003, 12:22 PM
NERV: it does take advanced chem to make a good Taco, it`ll all about the right ballance of Cummin to Chilli ratios :))
OEZO: the site was probably the totse lamers! i`ve seen them mentioned here across the threads many times, it got my curiousity going so i thought i`de go take a peek at what ya`ll are talking about. Well... OMG! i can only think that they`ve done this as a joke, it really beggers beleif at some of the SO OBVIOUS horse pucky thats on there. and yet ther is SOME fact (albeit incomplete) in parts, great if ya don`t want to live long! but really wanna make a good bang while ya lie there bleeding to death! so in a way i`m a bit 50/50 as to wether or not such sites should be allowed, though i`m dead against censorship (contradictory i know)
on another thread Meglomania was talking about re-writing some of these "crap books" i`m all for it, a little knowledge is dangerous, but being in possesion of ALL the facts may make people like this think twice? maybe?
As for selling the stuff.. well that in itself is a dumb move!. i think NBK and Meglomania summed it up pretty good about trusting no1 !
unless you can be there 24/7 with the teenybomber to make sure he/she and others stay safe, and provide guidance in it`s usage, then he`s got no common sense whatsoever and probably deserves a good slap for it!
but hey, what do i know, i`m just dreamin` :)
Kid Orgo
June 18th, 2003, 06:19 PM
Mailing sugar and calling it anthrax, although maybe not illegal, could certainly get you sued.
June 18th, 2003, 06:30 PM
Actually anthax hoaxes are illegal in the US, and penalties have gotten increasingly severe after all the bullshit that's happened.
Kid Orgo
June 18th, 2003, 07:14 PM
Well, there you go. Jail time, and a lawsuit to boot.
June 19th, 2003, 02:52 PM
It's at least "wasting police time", probably a charge of imitation too.
yt2095, plz drop da crp spllng :rolleyes:
June 19th, 2003, 03:41 PM
In the US, mailing sugar and calling it anthrax, is considered the same as actual anthrax, because it's a "Terrorist Threat". As such, you'll do life without in a federal prison.
Thanks to patriot act, the definition of a terrorist is now pretty much applicable to anyone they want to hang it on.
A "terrorist" is anyone who does anything that inspires fear in people, with the intent of changing their behavior to what you want them to be doing.
So, if idiots on the bus keep bothering me, and I eat a big bowl of chili prior to getting on the bus with the intention of farting to keep them away from me, does that mean I'm a terrorist using a CW to "terrorize" them into submitting to my desire to be left alone? :D
Sonny Jim
June 21st, 2003, 06:27 PM
Most certainly. They will do you for being in posession of chemical weapons. Wait... I think I hear the police at your door right now...
The cops certainly will show no mercy on fake anthrax hoaxes. It works on the same principle of armed robbery. Even if you robbed someone with a water pistol, it's still just as serious as if you used a real gun.
Kid Orgo
June 23rd, 2003, 02:41 AM
The mere words "Patriot Act" make me somewhat sick. It seems like a direct appeal to people's belief in their country to make them accept a HUGE sacrifice of civil liberties. And it is.
We're all terrorists now.
June 23rd, 2003, 02:51 PM
A "terrorist" is anyone who does anything that inspires fear in people, with the intent of changing their behavior to what you want them to be doing.
Somebody call the congressmen and tell them the media are terrorists!
Imagine the website of Homeland security:
Dear citizens, terrorists have found a way into your homes without you even being aware of it!
They come through the television, the radio and the newspaper. Should you find a newspaper in your mailbox, DO NOT OPEN IT! Instead, immediatly CALL LAW ENFORCEMENT and get the neighbours to EVACUATE THE PREMISES.
Should any TV or audio set in your home activite itself, IMMEDIATLY grab a blindfold and hearing protection to prevent terrorism to get into your head! Again, CALL LAW ENFORCEMENT and EVACUATE THE PREMISES, AFTER CUTTING THE POWER SUPPLY.
May god continue to bless America,
The office of homeland security.
December 21st, 2006, 09:50 PM
A hundred years ago a person could go buy dynamite at the local hardware, you could order a morphine kit from the Sears Roebuck catalog. Now we have a shitload of laws against these things. Even though you can't buy these things has it stopped anyone who is determined to obtain them? Nope. They are probably more readily available than ever. So what is the point of the laws?
I think what happens is that something bad happens and the goddamn crisis a minute news media works everyone into a frenzy. Then the politicians get worried about looking like they're doing something to protect the public and they pass another law, which looks good on the surface but doesn't do a goddamn thing but take away more rights from the rest of the the poor dumbfucks who didn't do anything and were just sitting around watching the news and being terrorized. It's just one big circle jerk between the media, politicians and the gullible public.
December 25th, 2006, 09:11 AM
Burning of the Reichstag effect, a lesson well learned by todays governments (9/11, London subway bombings, hello?) that needs to be amended to "The Prince."
December 28th, 2006, 06:42 PM
That's positively absurd.:eek:
What kind of "building" can you "level" with a pound of AP? maybe a toolshed?...maybe.
I'm suprised the stuff didn't go off under its own weight.
The media are fools when it comes to this kind of thing. They've got this prejudice against AP because the ragheads have been using it recently. It was not invented as a "terrorist explosive" as they often say and it doesn't take a PhD in chemistry to make, I'm positive a trained chimpanzee could do it. (I'll start working on that right away, tremble before my AP chimps liberal media!!!)
A century ago this person would be considered a merchant or a researcher, but middle east affairs have slandered the good name of explosives and caused anyone that researches the subject to be labeled a "terrorist" instead of the former term "hobbyist". It's not that I approve of selling a sensitive primary HE to people too inept to make them themselves, but it seems like they are trying to persecute anybody that has any knowledge on the subject.
I fear we are losing touch with the importance of chemistry and dumbing down our future generations by instilling in them this fear of all things "sciency" It's like people are being condemned for having certain knowledge, it makes me sick!
You can't even find a worthwhile chemistry book in a high school these days, it's horrible.:mad:
High School Chem. Teacher:"Here little jimmy, this is how the red food coloring goes into the water, notice the color change of the water, what color is it jimmy?" "No, not green, but red. This is a physical change can we say physical change??" "This will be the extent of our HS chemistry classes, no hazardous chemicals like potassium chloride, that's what's used in lethal injections don't you know?" "Chemicals are bad little Jimmy, they do bad things"
I could tell you stories that would make you physically ill, just take a look at some of the chems they have banned in high schools.
Most of them are understandable, but the fact that all copper, iron, and lead compounds are restricted makes me furious. I remember being in 9th grade and my teacher gave a lesson on reactive metals, she had Lithium, Potassium, Sodium, and Calcium these were dropped into water and then we understood what reactive (alkali) metals were. The sheeple will make sure that fun demonstration will never happen in a Florida high school again...sigh.
Anyways, enough ranting..I thought the EOD procedure for really sensitive stuff was to not move it??
December 29th, 2006, 07:26 PM
There is a book called Rash by Pete Hautman.
It's about how in the future everybody in the world is nothing but a bunch of pussies.
Guns are banned, gasoline is too dangerous to use due to its unstable properties.
Things like ibuprofin are perscription and the average life span is something like 115
Football and hockey are illegal and you have to wear full riot gear to run track on a sponge track.
Welcome to our future. :mad:
January 21st, 2007, 11:30 PM
I didn't want to have to start a new thread for this so I chose a TATP thread in the ''law'' section...
According to the Government of Canada (,
1) Except as authorized by or under this Act, every person who, personally or by an agent or a mandatary, is in possession of, sells, offers for sale, makes, manufactures, imports or delivers any explosive is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and is liable
(a) for a first offence, to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars; and
(b) for each subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.
But now for something interesting, in the definitions section...
"explosive" means any thing that is made, manufactured or used to produce an explosion or a detonation or pyrotechnic effect, and includes any thing prescribed to be an explosive by the regulations, but does not include gases, organic peroxides or any thing prescribed not to be an explosive by the regulations;
Possessing organic peroxides seems to actually be legal in Canada! Now I'm thinking this is dumb and impossible as backpacks full of AP are perhaps the most used explosive devices in suicide bombings next to surplus tank shells... I'll be conducting some more research on the govt site.
January 26th, 2007, 12:58 AM
Regardless of whether AP is legal(which I can't imagine it is) I like that law, first time being convicted of making/selling an explosive is only a fine! Second time the most you get is a 6 month sentence!!!
I might move, then I would feel comfortable experimenting again. Plus I hear that there is great fishing :D!
April 3rd, 2007, 09:46 AM
Making chemicals illegal to possess is a retarded and fucked up thing to do.
It's like saying, "Let's ban ownership of the chemical dihydrogen monoxide. It causes burns in its gaseous form, is a major component of acid rain, causes dehydration in small doses, and is therefore a DANGEROUS chemical."
Would you believe it, I tried to buy a gallon of acetone and the clerk demanded a poison handling license. A POISON HANDLING LICENSE! Acetone's a fucking solvent, for God's sake! k3wl clerk bastard...
The law is an ass. :mad:
April 3rd, 2007, 07:35 PM
I find it funny how the media protrais things Takes great skill to make:confused: :rolleyes: Huh?? TATP (AP) is the worlds easiest thing to make, I find it is harder to make good quality BP than AP. The media jumps on everything so people can go OOOHHH MY GOD, PARIS HILTON GOT A NIPPLE RING, OOHHH MY GOD! I fucking hate the celebrity worship even more than the news.
BUT what really gets me? Man was killed today, man commited suicide today, man was crushed to day, man cut his arm off with a chainsaw today. To tell you the truth, I dont give a flyin fuck, it has zero relivence to anything. This is the only reason people watch the news, so they can go "oh my god, that really happend to someone". If there wern't murders, car crashes and bombings on the news, no one would watch it, it is all a big scam of your time and money.
April 3rd, 2007, 10:52 PM
Keep in mind that the average sheeple fear and loathe all things chemistry related. People hate chemistry, its that stupid class they have to take that terrifies them, assuming they ever have to take it in school. Thus anything chemistry related would be a "great skill" to them. These are people who only eat take out because cooking is too much of a bother, and the closest they come to chemistry is microwaving a hot pocket.
Portraying some evil terror compound as being extremely difficult to make will also discourage many of the 11 year old kewls who upon hearing how easy it really is to make the stuff would have the peroxide aisle sold out. The media sacrifice the truth for what they perceive as being in the public interest. They sacrifice one set of ethics (journalistic integrity) to assuage another (the illusion of public safety).
April 5th, 2007, 08:42 PM
I recall an article I read about two months ago in TIME that had the percentages of Getting hit by lightning, dying in a car accident, ect. The possibility of being killed by a terrorist bombing (domestic or otherwise) is about half that of the possibility of being struck by lightning... And the possibility of dying in a car accident... Well I won't even go there, but you get the idea, it's astounding.
So here is my idea: Ban cars or any motorized vehicles, sit in your basement during lightning storms, and ban acetone and pool cleaning chemicals. Hell, just close all hardware stores. Ban Xylene, Alcohol and gasoline too, because if you mix them with fertilizer (oh, gotta ban that too) they make a high explosive. Why is this so hard to understand? Man the media is stupid.
Just be praying that the Liberal Domocrats don't get the White House, 'cause you can kiss your firearms and any hobby involving chemicals bye-bye. Or any video game that involves violence for that matter.
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