View Full Version : ISPs are pressed to become child porn cops
November 22nd, 2008, 02:35 AM
ISPs are pressed to become child porn cops: "New technologies and changes in U.S. law are adding to pressures to turn Internet service providers into cops examining all Internet traffic for child pornography."
"One new tool, being marketed in the U.S. by an Australian company, offers to check every file passing through an Internet provider's network � every image, every movie, every document attached to an e-mail or found in a Web search � to see if it matches a list of illegal images."
But will they stop there? I wonder what else they could use this for? :)
November 22nd, 2008, 05:13 AM
Thank god we have the fedgov to protect us from pedos looking at child porn in their mother's basements...
Oh, how I hope they can apply this to a dangerous field like "science" :rolleyes:.
November 22nd, 2008, 05:56 AM
Sometimes I feel ashamed to be an Australian.
How would it be possible to scan all files without slowing down the net significantly? How do they compile this list? Do they have a room full of fedgov employees surfing the net for child porn?
"Hey, Franky, come over here, check this out"
*whistle* "Would you look at that......isn't it......disgusting? Man, she must be so tight.... she's what? 16?"
"Yeah, I'd say about that. Same titties as my daughters friends actually. When they came over the last week for the barbeque."
"Hey, pass the hand hands are dry...."
"Sure Franky, pass the tissues when your done yeah?"
Remember guys, women don't have tits or good looks till they turn 18.....
November 22nd, 2008, 05:59 AM
It's just a first step.
They start with child porn because it's the easiest to get the laws passed.
Once it's started, it expands to music, movies, and other copywritten material. Not only that, but they get to make the ISP's responsible for keeping "there" networks clean and turning in anyone caught.
If you read the article you will see that this "technology" is from a company called "Brilliant Digital". They have been in this field for a long time, but not trying to prevent child porn.
After settling a lawsuit with the music industry, Brilliant Digital decided to approach file sharing from a new direction, selling products designed to help copyright holders protect their intellectual property. It now describes itself as a "significant online provider of licensed film and music content." ..............................................
Now the company wants to expand into a new product line: fighting child porn.
November 22nd, 2008, 07:26 AM
As NBK said, watch out for the "Four Horsemen of the Internet Apocalypse ("
1. Terrorists
2. Pedophiles/Kiddie Porn
3. Criminals
4. Kidnappers
As soon as any of these are mentioned, you can be pretty sure that it is a ploy to fuck you over in the end.
Sure, they may be fucked up, but by banning them you wont change how people think. You need to fix the problem for which it is a symptom.
Stupid fucks.
November 22nd, 2008, 01:07 PM
Funny thing about child porn, the largest collection in the world is held by the U.S. Postal Service. They use it to set up and bust 'Child Pornographers.' :rolleyes:
Saw a show years ago showing how they 'Trap' these guys. Pure entrapment.
November 22nd, 2008, 04:26 PM
How would it be possible to scan all files without slowing down the net significantly? How do they compile this list? Do they have a room full of fedgov employees surfing the net for child porn?
To my knowledge, there's a very similar NSA sponsored ECHELON program running in the UK.
November 22nd, 2008, 08:52 PM
Hinckley - It appears to me that ECHELON does not read all data, merely randomly analyse packets and report suspicious packets.
Actively looking at EVERY SINGLE PACKET would slow things down a lot. Reports here on the Australian Governments idea of "Clean Feed" suggest it may slow the net down by 80%.
There will be hell-fire and brimstone by the gaming community if things are slowed down that much.
Also, how do they distinguish between normal porn and child porn? Obviously, if it is porn of 9 year olds, then it is a human. But a machine?
All it probably does is just compare a known list of addresses to those being accessed and then if there is a match, flag it. Later investigation leads to more links which get added. Repeat.
This is the reason they will never win "the war on terrorism/child porn/criminals/drugs" because they are constantly catching up. It is obvious to anyone that thinks about it that it is just an excuse to restrict freedoms, gain control and to control us.
The government are the biggest bunch of voyeurs there are.
November 22nd, 2008, 09:29 PM
The conflict between parties is exactly what encourages progress. (not to be confused with political parties, which there is little difference, if any).
November 23rd, 2008, 11:13 AM
This is another step to push reluctant ISP's out of the market. The end of the road will be when all ISP's either bow before state imposed acts and censorship or move out and let goverment ISPs take their place. Childpornography and terrorism are their favourite weapons of choice to gain control over an uncensored free information source - the world wide web - and every of its bit and bytes.
November 24th, 2008, 07:31 AM
Found out something interesting about the Australian federal governments internet censorship plans � if implimented it could be easily gotten around by using a Virtual Private Network.
One popular freeware VPN program is called OpenVPN, and can be downloaded at:
You can use the standard, in built proxy, or manually set your own.
And all this info was on the Australian 7:30 Report! On the Federal Government owned ABC! :rolleyes:
November 24th, 2008, 10:04 AM
Practically every censorship program that does not force it's victims to install software on their pc can be easily gotten around by using a Virtual Private Network.
November 24th, 2008, 12:16 PM
Have any of you tried to use VPN to circumvent or reach a blocked server? Cause I did. For example I used VPN to get access to (only access for U.S. residents). It has the same disadvantage like using proxies. Your broadband connection will appear to have the speed of snail. That does not mean there arent any "fast ones" around. There are good ones (with big bandwidth) which are mostly crowded and there are the ones run by sloths. Eight out of ten times you get shit. IMHO
November 24th, 2008, 09:05 PM
Let�s get this clear from the start: the people pushing this effort have no concern whatsoever about child porn. This is an absolute certainty of being a smokescreen with the real goal of protecting the pocketbooks of a handful of big corporations. They use the thin veil of �child porn� as a psychological lever to manipulate people into accepting their anti-piracy agenda.
Using their logic, peddlers of pedo porn are out for a buck, so all commercial activity is actually contributing to the spread of child porn. The only way to combat the scourge of child porn is to take away all financial motives, so it should be illegal t buy or sell any goods and services on the Internet. Only freeware, pirated materials, individual websites, and charitable organizations should be allowed online.
This type of scaremongering is a common trick the corporations use to drum up support for an unpopular idea or law. This is akin to Bush saying �if you are not for the war, you are for the terrorists.� They will use the child porn angle to beat anyone who dares criticize the flaws and obvious ulterior motives of this effort by branding the dissenters as pedophiles.
They could just as well tack a rider onto such a bill, like the �Legislation against the sodomizing and torture of babies, puppies, and mentally handicapped.� Subsection q, paragraph 47, line 13 of the 25,000 page bill mentions something about repealing the Constitution of the United States and all Amendments. If you bring that up, you are obviously a sodomizer of babies, puppies, and retards, and supporter of the same.
Only a sheeple would fall for such a blatant manipulation of an emotionally charged issue. Unfortunately, the country is full of sheeple. Not only will this effort snowball into increasing more nefarious uses beyond its child porn roots, it has been designed specifically with that in mind. I can�t even say this will manifest as unintended consequences because they know full well what the intentions will be.
People like this actually make it harder to stop child porn because their flimsy excuse makes it seem like something is being done when they are just out to protect their own selfish interests. Child porn will continue to proliferate while the anti-porn bill is being used to instead to squash the latest Disney movie, or Titney Spheres album.
The people who propose laws like these are the real perverts. They disgust me as they are far worse than pedophiles, rapists, and murderers. They are greedy opportunists cheapening a noble cause to line their own pockets. Who is the real criminal, a man who rapes a child, or a corporate bureaucrat who fucks us all?
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