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May 13th, 2003, 10:24 AM
1) According to megalomania synthesis 100% Nitric Acid is required to
prepare R.D.X. if 550 ml of 100% nitric acid is required then can I add
30% more of the 70% Nitric Acid that I already have in plenty yet make
powerfull enough R.D.X. crystals ?

2) Can somebody tell me how to prepare 100% Nitric Acid from 70% Nitric
Acid ? Some say add some Urea to the 70% Nitric Acid to make it 100% red
fuming Nitric Acid, so neccessary to make R.D.X. Crystals.

3) Should I use a black powder detonator to detonate dynamite made from
Nitroglycerine mixed with 60% saw-dust or only H.M.T.D. detonator will
be enough to detonate the above mentioned 40% Nitroglycerine 60% saw-dust
Dynamite ?

4) Megalomania synthesis on the net gives details about fuming nitric acid
to a very small extent as follows:

nitric acid HNO3 1
mp -41.59 bp 83 d 1.4134-1.5129 m 63.01 c $?.??
Safety Data: MSDS Corrosive, Oxidizer
Synonyms: aqua fortis; azotic acid; fuming nitric acid; hydrogen nitrate; Nital; nitric acid red fuming; nitryl hydroxide; red fuming nitric acid; Rfna; Salpeters�ure
Synthesis: The densities listed are for 70% and 100% acid. A density of up to 1.544 can be reached with 12.7% dissolved nitrogen dioxide in fuming nitric acid. Nitric acid forms an azeotrope with water at 68%, it this has a bp of 120.5 �C (yes, this bp is higher than either water or the acid boils at pure).

The only data given by Megalomania Synthesis on the net on nitrogen dioxide
on the net is very limited and as follows:

nitrogen dioxide NO2 1
mp -9.3 bp 21.15 d 1.448 m 46.01 c $?.??
Safety Data: MSDS
Synonyms: nitrogen oxide; nitrogen peroxide; NO2
Synthesis: This is made accidently or as a waste product, I only listed it here because its so dangerous. You should know how to avoid making this, as well as how to deal with it if you do.

5) On the net I also find a lot of details on making nitric from Sulfuric Acid
but as I have as mentioned above I have unlimited access to 70% - 60% Nitric Acid
and I have to make enormous amounts of Nitroglycerine and R.D.X. primarily R.D.X.
crystals dissolve in water once they are made using 70% Nitric acid thus making the proccess more difficult
anyway I need further details on how to make R.D.X. crystals using the 70% Nitric acid supply
that I have, here is what I found about making nitric acid but it does'nt suit me
for it won't help a guy make enough Nitric Acid to make beyond 50 Gms. of R.D.X. :-

Nitric Acid Sec. I, No. 4

Nitric acid is used in the preparation of many explosives, incendiary mixtures
and acid delay timers. It may be prepared by distilling a mixture of potassium
nitrate and concentrated sulfuric acid.

Materials Sources
--------- -------

Potassium nitrate (2 parts by volume) Drug store, improvised, (Sec. I
No. 2)

Concentrated sulfuric acid (1 part by vol) motor vehicle batteries,
industrial plants

2 bottles or ceramic jugs (narrow necks

pot or frying pan

Heat source

Tape (paper, electrical, not cellophane)

Paper or rags

Note: If sulfuric acid is obtained from motor vehicles, it must be concentrated
by boiling until white fumes appear. Do NOT inhale fumes. Also, the amount of
nitric acid produced is the same as the amount of potassium nitrate used, so
for 2 tablespoons of nitric acid, use 2 tablespoons potassium nitrate and 1
tablespoon sulfuric acid.


1. Place dry potassium nitrate in bottle or jug. Add sulfuric acid. Do not
fill more than 1/4 full Mix until a paste is formed.

Note: Treat sulfuric acid like any other acid, wash affected skin with water,
and dont inhale the fucking fumes.

2. Wrap paper or rags around necks of 2 bottles. Securly tape necks of
bottles together. Be sure bottles are flush against each other and that
there are no air spaces.

3. Support bottles on rocks or cans so that empty bottle is slightly lower
than bottle sontaining paste so that nitric acid is formed in receiving
bottle will not run into other bottle.

4. Build fire in pot or frying pan.

5. Gently heat bottle containing mixture by moving fire in and out. As
red fumes begin to appear periodically pour cold water over empty receiving
bottle. Nitric acid will begin to form in the receiving bottle.

Note: Do not overheat or wet bottle containing mixture or it may shatter. As
an added protection, place bottle to be hated in a heat resistant container
filled with sand or gravel. Hear this outer container to produce nitric acid.

6. Continue the above process until no more red fumes are formed. If the
nitric acid formed in the receiving bottle is not clear (cloudy) pour it
into cleaned bottle and repeat steps 2-6.

Note: Do not inhale fumes, and nitric acid should be stored in a sealed glass
or ceramic container.

6) What is the proccedure of adding urea to less than fuming nitric acid to increase it's concentration
when making crystals of R.D.X. ?

7) The proccedure I have for making crystals of R.D.X. is from megalomania synthesis ( I have delibrately ommited the proccedure using acetic anhydride since I donot have access to it and making enough would be an impractical method for amount of R.D.X. required) and is as follows:-


melting point
205 �C boiling point
--- RDX molecular mass
222.12 g/mol density
1.82 g/mL
class (ABC) sensitivity
low chemical formula
C3H6N6O6 explosive velocity
8500 m/s estimated cost

RDX, or cyclonite, is a very insensitive high explosive compound. The actual chemical name is cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, although the chemical names hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine; Hexogen; trimethylenetrinitramine; sym-trimethylenetrinitramine ;Hexolite; 1,3,5-trinitrohexahydro-p-triazine; 1,3,5-trinitrohexahydro-s-triazine; cyclotrimrthylene-trinitramine; 1,3,5-triaza-1,3,5-trinitrocyclohexane; trinitrohexahydrotriazine; and T4 are also used. RDX itself stands for Royal Demolition eXplosive and comes from Great Britain, cyclonite is the American usage, Hexogen is for Germans, and T4 is Italian. RDX is a very powerful military explosive that can be stored for long periods of time and handled safely. RDX is usually mixed with other explosives and plasticizers to make a variety of useful compositions for military and civilian use, C-4 and Semtex are two such compounds. It seems so much RDX is made that most scientific books give industrial schematics for thousands of pounds instead of lab preparations. The laboratory methods here are not as efficient as in industry, but are fine. The first method uses methenamine, or hexamethylenetetramine, which can be purchased as heating tablets or synthesized in the lab. The second makes use of acetic anhydride, forbidden by the DEA, but it can be synthesized as well. CHEMICALS APPARATUS
acetic anhydride 500-mL beaker
acetone 1000-mL beaker
ammonium nitrate graduated cylinder
methenamine stirrer/stirring rod
nitric acid thermometer
sodium bicarbonate

Put 335 mL of 100% nitric acid in a 500-mL beaker, cool the acid to below 30 �C by setting the beaker in a salt-ice bath. The nitric acid must be as concentrated as possible, it must also be free of nitrogen oxides. Slowly add 75 g of methenamine in small portions to the acid while stirring. The temperature must be kept between 20 �C to 30 �C during the addition. Once all of the methenamine has dissolved, slowly heat it to 55 �C while stirring, hold it to between 50-55 �C for 5 minutes, keep stirring. Now cool the mix to 20 �C then let it sit for 15 minutes. After standing, it is gradually diluted with three or four times its volume of cool water, this should precipitate the RDX from solution. Depending on how the gods of chemistry feel about your reaction it may take from minutes to hours to fully precipitate all of the RDX. Decant most of the liquid then add 1 L of 5% sodium bicarbonate solution to neutralize the remaining acid. Filter the mixture to collect the crystals of RDX that should have formed. Wash them with cold water, then with hot 5% sodium bicarbonate solution, and again with water. The RDX can be dried at room temperature or in an oven. Further purification can be accomplished by recrystallizing from acetone. You will need a graduated cylinder for measuring liquids, a stirring rod or magnetic stirrer for mixing, and a thermometer to monitor the temperature.

8) I donot have access to Keiselguhr to stablise nitroglycerine can any one give
proper ratio of saw dust to be used to stablise nitroglycerine enough so
that a two gram detonation charge of H.M.T.D. would detonate the dynamite made of nitroglycerine.
Also send me more combinations to be reliably used to successfully detonate nitroglycerine after stablising it with the help of a detonator containing a two gram charge of H.M.T.D.

9) I have from the net gathered the following information about stabilising
Nitroglycerine, please could someone let me know if a two gram detonator charge of
H.M.T.D. will help detonate any of the following combinations :

Dynamite is nothing more than just nitroglycerin and a stablizing
agent to make it much safer to use. For the sake of saving time, I
will abbreviate nitroglycerin with a plain NG. The numbers
are percentages, be sure to mix these carefully and be sure to use the
exact amounts. These percentages are in weight ratio, not volume.

no. ingredients amount
#1 NG 32
sodium nitrate 28
woodmeal 10
ammonium oxalate 29
guncotten 1

#2 NG 24
potassium nitrate 9
sodium nitate 56
woodmeal 9
ammonium oxalate 2

#3 NG 35.5
potassium nitrate 44.5
woodmeal 6
guncotton 2.5
vaseline 5.5
powdered charcoal 6

#4 NG 25
potassium nitrate 26
woodmeal 34
barium nitrate 5
starch 10

#5 NG 57
potassium nitrate 19
woodmeal 9
ammonium oxalate 12
guncotton 3

#6 NG 18
sodium nitrate 70
woodmeal 5.5
potassium chloride 4.5
chalk 2

#7 NG 26
woodmeal 40
barium nitrate 32
sodium carbonate 2

#8 NG 44
woodmeal 12
anhydrous sodium sulfate 44

#9 NG 24
potassium nitrate 32.5
woodmeal 33.5
ammonium oxalate 10

#10 NG 26
potassium nitrate 33
woodmeal 41

#11 NG 15
sodium nitrate 62.9
woodmeal 21.2
sodium carbonate .9

#12 NG 35
sodium nitrate 27
woodmeal 10
ammonium oxalate 1

#13 NG 32
potassium nitrate 27
woodmeal 10
ammonium oxalate 30
guncotton 1

#14 NG 33
woodmeal 10.3
ammonium oxalate 29
guncotton .7
potassium perchloride 27

#15 NG 40
sodium nitrate 45
woodmeal 15

#16 NG 47
starch 50
guncotton 3

#17 NG 30
sodium nitrate 22.3
woodmeal 40.5
potassium chloride 7.2

#18 NG 50
sodium nitrate 32.6
woodmeal 17
ammonium oxalate .4

#19 NG 23
potassium nitrate 27.5
woodmeal 37
ammonium oxalate 8
barium nitrate 4
calcium carbonate .5

May 13th, 2003, 11:05 AM
I'm glad to see your banned! How on earth did you manage to post the same question in EVERY section in such a short time I have no idea!

If this isn't the definition of a idiot, then I don't know what is!

Mr Cool
May 13th, 2003, 11:09 AM
"How on earth did you manage to post the same question in EVERY section in such a short time I have no idea!"

He was clearly very skilled in the art of being an idiot! But I've banned him, and am now deleting all his posts, so it doesn't matter anymore.

January 1st, 2007, 04:51 PM
Why did he post this in issues and opinions? And damn that's a hell of a lot of questions, crap, and totaly obvious information!:eek: :mad: I have never seen that much shit ever compiled in one place. He must have been a total retard!:rolleyes: That was his first post!?

Jacks Complete
January 1st, 2007, 08:54 PM
Yes, nice of you to bump it back up after what, 4 years?

Necromancy is great when there is a reason. Otherwise, it is offensive. Be warned.