View Full Version : Crazy Court Ruling
December 9th, 2003, 09:13 PM
I can't believe he was senticed to 80 months in federal prison for selling professional fireworks to consumers and was also fined $10,000 and sentenced to three years of supervised release.
Read the whole story below
Crazy Court Ruling (
Yet, our country lets some wacko killers out of prison, or rapist out, knowing they are multiple offenders...and give a guy like Shearer, that kind of a fine, although what he did was wrong indeed, if he was a professional businessman, and had the proper permits. I cannot believe he removed hazmat stickers for transporting. That sucks for him though :) I wonder who ended up turning him in, or ratting him out...never know :D
December 9th, 2003, 09:25 PM
I can't see the link but the sytem is screwed up I agree, and this should have gone in issues and opionions.
December 9th, 2003, 09:54 PM
Moved to Issues and Opinions.
December 9th, 2003, 10:25 PM
Sorry about that :) By the way, Rhadon, can you see the link?
December 9th, 2003, 10:51 PM
Yes, it's there.
January 7th, 2004, 10:48 AM
I agree here! We spend so much time and tax money going after piddly things while we have MUCH bigger fish to fry. I like that you pointed out letting people out who are known multiple offenders, it's an issue that gets brought up a lot in my converations on law. We need more severe penalties for repeat offenders. Chances are, these people aren't going to stop doing what they do. Many don't want to change, or are so set in a habit they feel they cannot. Some are so mentally ill that there is no hope of rehablitation. And with the problem of sex offenders, when we have recorded statistics that they are almost always going to be repeat offenders, why are they let off so easy for first offenses?
Justice is something that man has been trying to perfect since the first crime was ever commited. I try to have faith that the system will keep evolving and get better. But it won't on it's own. As corrupt as it is now, everyone must take action and do their part in this "democracy" to fix it.
January 7th, 2004, 08:11 PM
I know this looks harsh- But I'm afraid that I agree with the judge. This guy put a fuckload of 1.3 fireworks on the streets- $25,000.00 worth of display fireworks is a LOT. I've seen too many stories of dead idiots who got hold of display fireworks. If you don't know what you're doing with these, they can very well kill you or your audience. I don't have such a problem with those who make fireworks themselves that would be 1.3. If they have the smarts to make such things they are likely to also be smart enough to set them off without their heads over the mortar. Also, they aren't likely making them by the truckload. The issue of shipping and storing the stuff improperly and without placards or proper labeling is another hot button issue. If you want to hang around explosives, fine. It's YOUR choice and your ass if something goes wrong. Storing them improperly risks your neighbors too- Not cool. And shipping without proper signage exposes emergency personnel to the danger. Would you want to be a volunteer fireman putting out a burning wreck full of explosives and not know because some asshole was cutting corners on shipping properly? Once again, if it's your own life- Fine. Deliberately putting others at risk is not to be done.
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