View Full Version : 9/11
September 11th, 2006, 09:04 PM
Today we are commerating the 5th anniversey of 9/11 on the ruins of ground zero, heres to celebrating the 10th anniversey of 9/11 on the ruins of Mecca.
September 13th, 2006, 07:55 AM
heres to celebrating the 10th anniversey of 9/11 on the ruins of Mecca.
Erm, I'm kinda missing that one. Elaborate please..
September 13th, 2006, 10:46 AM
He's saying that in 5 years we should be commemorating 9/11 on the ruins of Mecca (being the rock that they pray to)
September 13th, 2006, 04:37 PM
We need a flag-raising in Mecca similiar to the one on Iwo Jima.
September 13th, 2006, 04:47 PM
Personally I am hoping it will be a radioactive crater. The jews also make good terrorists, and would seem far more likely to beg/borrow/steal some nuclear material and build a nuke. That is if some officially unsanctioned unofficial splinter cell in Israel does not just do the job with one of their nukes that officially don’t exist.
Hey, somebody call the boys at the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the ones in charge of the Devine Strake bomb, and tell them we found the perfect site for their test. Just in time for Ramadan I believe.
October 4th, 2006, 08:39 AM
3000 people dead for some retarded cause.
I'm assuming your referring to 9/11.
If you looked into the real cause of 9/11 you will find that Osama Bin Laden was not behind it. Really you would be bombing for a lost cause, on top of that not all Muslims are bad people.
Lets face it, attacking in the name of peace has caused more trouble than good, since the war on terror there has been a 95% increase in terrorists.
In no way do I support the cause of terrorists or Muslim extremists but we have to look at the facts not forcing the blame on the wrong people, even if they are evil Muslim terrorists otherwise you just become a sheep and a success in Bu$h's cause.
October 4th, 2006, 01:10 PM
Are you trying to say that 9/11 was a 'conspiracy'? I was waiting for this for a while but some liberal-socialist guy on one of the U.S. editorial shows said something to the effect the 9/11 victims were a bunch of 'little Eichmans' I am sure there are socialist radicals in Canada who curse the 24 Canadians who were killed there, for what reason I'll never know. . .
October 4th, 2006, 06:21 PM
I'm assuming your referring to 9/11.
Yes, I'm reffering to those killed in the four jet planes, both towers, the pentagon, and those killed trying to rescue the survivors. The muslims want us dead, and nothing else. You can believe whatever you want about the events on Sept. 11, but the fact that militant radical islam wants only to spill the blood of the 'infadels' is not refutable.
October 4th, 2006, 08:01 PM
I don't know where this conspiracy business got started, maybe it was the movie: "The Long Kiss Goodnight", if you remember the macguffin was a government conspiracy to allow a massive terrrorist attack with the end of maintaining some government agency's budget, I think they were referring to the fictional movie CIA.
October 4th, 2006, 08:29 PM
We know now that the president of the United States let the japanese attack Pearl Harbor, and ordered the armed forces to assume a non-ready state, to allow the japs to perform the 'heinous' act that would instigate the American people to get into a war they originally didn't want any part of.
I wouldn't be surprised if, in fifty years time, it becomes known that Bush either
A) Knew jihadists were coming and let it happen
B) Some faction of the US Government did it to us to create the 'Pearl Harbor' needed for Bush to seize power.
October 5th, 2006, 01:17 AM
Are you trying to say that 9/11 was a 'conspiracy'
Not entirely, videos like loose change and websites such as 911truthseekers don’t seem to be able to prove enough to show if the government was involved just that 9/11 was a controlled demolition.
Right now I’m sitting in the middle of the government conspiracy, as there may have been things covered up I cannot decide whether or whether not to believe.
I do however believe the Osama did NOT commit the attacks, the only piece of evidence I’ve seen to prove that was the bin laden confession tape, which was not him. His face is different, he is writing with and using his right hand for everything (his left handed). He is also wearing a gold ring and watch is his forbidden by Islamic law.
After being accused of the 9/11 attacks omasa sent out many real videos denying the attacks saying he tries his best not to lye because its against Islam, he would never kill innocent woman and children and the US government should try to find the real culprits, these videos were never aloud on the news.
5_seven, your views are short sighted, racist and completely wrong, you have been sucked in by the views of the media, not because you don’t believe the conspiracy or that Osama didn’t do the attacks but because you have a stereotypical view that all Muslims are bad murdering haters. This is far from the truth, just because a general majority are violent and religious doesn’t mean you can put the tag of 'terrorist' on all of them.
Maybe we should turn America into a 'giant glass bowl' as well because of lots of crime, or all aboriginal areas of Australia hell why not the whole of Australia to get them all, don’t forget Cuba, there supplying all your country with cocaine?
Not only that but more wars, more hate, more people like you will cause more terrorism as I said before "since the war on terror there has been a 95% increase in terrorists." enough said.
October 5th, 2006, 03:01 AM
Controlled demolition? You are saying there is enough evidence to 'prove' all those buildings fell down because of 'controlled demolitions'? I would need much more convincing on that score. As for the Shanksville thing, I don't know much about that either, except on the movie Flight 93 the comment at the end about 'where is the wreckage'. Was that plane moving fast? Will a plane travelling at 500 mph be finely divided/burned away if it hits the ground that hard? Have you not seen pictures of planes that ran off the end of the runway and so forth, they are largeley burned away, and they often have depleted uranium counterweights in them, that stuff must be hellacious when it gets to burning. That's a good question. I don't know if that is true or not, that they 'didn't find any wreckage', or some media bullshit put out for some reason.
Nobody gives a damn if a Muslim wears bling or whether he is right handed or not. Just that he'd better eat with the right hand, right? Sounds like they're really stretching things a bit, kind of like rolling shit into little balls or something.
9/11 was like a godsend to the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy people, as people were getting tired of hearing fairy tales about Aliens crashing in New Mexico, and watching video of a rubber prop being dissected on a table somewhere. The 9/11 'conspiracy' is going to be their new cash titty for decades to come.
October 5th, 2006, 04:10 AM
Nobody gives a damn if a Muslim wears bling or whether he is right handed or not. Just that he'd better eat with the right hand, right? Sounds like they're really stretching things a bit, kind of like rolling shit into little balls or something.
If you look at the video and compare it with his real others you will see its a completely different person.
October 5th, 2006, 08:59 AM
...just that 9/11 was a controlled demolition....
...5_seven, your views are short sighted, racist and completely wrong, you have been sucked in by the views of the media...
...don’t forget Cuba, there supplying all your country with cocaine?
Controlled explosion? Sounds like another broad strech with no evidence. I've pondered this a bit actually, I new there was something off about the theory, and it never struck me until I saw a program on the Discovery channel about a demolishion team, people who take down buildings with explosives. Every building that is destroyed in this manner, you always see the charges go off, dust and debris burst from the site, from bottom to top, followed by a perfectly structured collapse. You don't see the explosions with the twin towers, you just see the collapse. And you can't tell me that the footage was edited or tampered with, because I saw live coverage, as it happened. The buildings were destroyed by huge jets ramming into them, then exploding, releasing very, very hot burning fuel into the infrastructure, why the hell is that so hard to believe?
Calling someone a racist when stating fact is typical of conspiracy Phr3aks and liberals. I didn't get 'sucked in by the media', I read the Koran, participated in debates and conversations, watched interveiws of these people. They want us dead, they have no compassion for the 'infadels', we are to them what homosexuals are to Westboro church, an abomination of God.
What country doesn't have crime? If you want to nuke a region because of violent crime, why not South Africa? Or even South America? Higher death tolls, genocides, death squads, drug cartels and no class. Much better candidates in my [un]professional opinion.
Cuba only supplies us with cigars and immegrants, you're thinking of Columbia and Nicaragua.
October 5th, 2006, 09:04 AM
Marmaloon, here�s an interesting site about controlled demolition being used to take down the towers. Pictures of cutting charges going off and apparently a small hydrogen bomb!
October 5th, 2006, 10:17 AM
Controlled explosion? Sounds like another broad strech with no evidence
More evidence than what meets the naked eye, you should take a look at it some time then weigh up the facts like I did, you will be surprised on how much you don�t see when your not looking.
Every building that is destroyed in this manner, you always see the charges go off, dust and debris burst from the site, from bottom to top, followed by a perfectly structured collapse. You don�t see the explosions with the twin towers, you just see the collapse.
Wrong, you can see explosions coming out the sides, where would they have come from?
And you can�t tell me that the footage was edited or tampered with, because I saw live coverage, as it happened.
In the live footage it would have been hard to notice the explosions coming out the sides of the buildings, you would have been concentrating on the main collapse, especially because the media reporting live would have been further away.
I saw a documentary on 9/11 and even in that video there you could see the explosions, they wouldn�t have used footage that supports the fact of the controlled demolition whilst they were trying to say different.
In fact I�m not saying that the government assisted this, I�ve been saying this from the start, so my views don�t make me a �conspiracy Phr3ak�. The terrorists could have planted the bombs I just think it�s a controlled demolition.
The buildings were destroyed by huge jets ramming into them, then exploding, releasing very, very hot burning fuel into the infrastructure, why the hell is that so hard to believe?
Because it�s the science behind the collapse, if you had a look at the evidence behind it you would see too that this was no ordinary collapse.
Calling someone a racist when stating fact is typical of conspiracy Phr3aks and liberals.
Racist, you want all Muslims dead assuming they want you dead? It wasn�t an attack on your statements of 9/11 keep in mind what you said, �think we should turn that whole fucking region into a giant glass bowl.� As you can see it�s a completely different argument.
I didn't get 'sucked in by the media', I read the Koran, participated in debates and conversations, watched interveiws of these people. They want us dead, they have no compassion for the 'infadels', we are to them what homosexuals are to Westboro church, an abomination of God.
These people aren�t just Muslims, they are terrorists and extremists too.
What country doesn't have crime? If you want to nuke a region because of violent crime, why not South Africa? Or even South America? Higher death tolls, genocides, death squads, drug cartels and no class. Much better candidates in my [un]professional opinion.
I was only using the nuke as an over exaggeration mocking your idea of nuking the Middle East, or Afghanistan (whatever you were referring to).
Cuba only supplies us with cigars and immegrants, you're thinking of Columbia and Nicaragua.
Sorry I don�t know much about that region, but I�m almost sure I saw the documentary on Cuba but must have been mistaken.
October 5th, 2006, 10:25 AM
Alright, let's say it was a hydrogen bomb. What happened to the radiation poisoning? If it were the doings of a hydrogen bomb, it would have spread dangerous amounts of radiation throughout the immediate area. Emergency rooms would be packed with these cases. Though it is an interesting site, I have my doubts about it.
October 5th, 2006, 11:00 AM
I don�t think that the hydrogen bomb would have been used, to think anyone would get miniature hydrogen bombs planted into the buildings is nonsense. I even doubt it�s possible.
The extremely high temperature would have more likely been from thermite rather than hydrogen bombs.
October 5th, 2006, 11:36 AM
Hmmm, I was also wondering about the radiation poisoning. I think the hydrogen bomb part is too unbelievable.
I�m sure the pentagon was taken out buy explosives as well because the damage on the pentagon is so minimal considering it was hit by a Boeing 757 travelling at some ware near 500mph and weighing 255,000 pounds. The hole also looks too narrows to be made by a Boeing 757 considering the aircrafts wing span.
October 5th, 2006, 12:27 PM
Controlled explosion? Sounds like another broad stretch with no evidence.
Well sir, I'll let you be the judge of that.
9/11 Truth: Explosive Force & Volcano-Style Pyroclastic Flow
9/11 Truth: The Bogus NIST Report & The Lingering Questions
9/11 Truth: Steel Buildings Don't Collapse From Fire
9/11 Truth: Even More Video Proof of Controlled Demolitions
...and finally maybe even the hint of a reason?
9/11 Truth: Gods of Metal Worship
October 5th, 2006, 02:21 PM
Have you seen a show about a blacksmith in his shop pounding on a piece of cherry red steel to pound it out? Well it's pretty basic, the steel is so hot it's in the plastic state. About 13 years ago a small strip mall burned in my town, it was pretty much gutted and had to be torn down. When you went past you could see the high heat had caused the roof beams to sag, although it's doubtful the heat was high enough to cause them to turn cherry red. Once the steel loses it's temper, that's it. From what I have heard, WTC was not a normally constructed steel building, it had numerous high tension ties running all through the floors.
Where are all the 'conspiracy theories' about the Bali bombing? The conspiracy people want you to forget about reality.
October 5th, 2006, 04:25 PM
I've seen steel beamed roofs collapse. That's not uncommon.
But these are end supported spans of uninsulated steel.
The beams in the WTC were concrete encapsulated and insulated, as well as being well supported.
Also, vertical steel beams are nearly immune to heat damage because steel is far stronger in compression than flexure, and it conducts the heat from the hot top through it to the cooler bottom.
Oh, and an aviation fuel wouldn't reach steels transition point in a smothered fire like inside of the WTC building.
As for alien autopsy videos and such, ever think that might government originated?
Think of it.
By bombarding people with fantastic lies on a regular basis, you make it impossible for them to believe a fantastic truth if it ever leaks out. :)
40 years of fantastic lies about Aliens and Loc Ness and Big Foot make it impossible for most people to believe the truth about something like government complicity in 9/11.
Same principle as always telling the truth to immunize people against believing you are lying the one time that you actually are. ;)
Chris The Great
October 5th, 2006, 09:17 PM
I see a lot brought up about how the steel was insulated etc but nobody seems to think "well, it did just get slammed by a plane, so chances it probably took all that concrete and insulation right off".
The problem is that most people believing conspiracies seem so caught up in proving it that they often overlook details. And some are just right off their rocker, or right on a government paycheck, such as the guy claiming it was a hydrogen bomb.
Somebody needs to steal a plane and fly it into a few buildings. NBK, perhaps instead of banning someone, we could try to dupe them into carrying out the experiment? :D This way we arrive at a measure of truth and rid the world of another kewl at the same time lol
October 5th, 2006, 09:20 PM
Racist, you want all Muslims dead assuming they want you dead? It wasn’t an attack on your statements of 9/11 keep in mind what you said, “think we should turn that whole fucking region into a giant glass bowl.” As you can see it’s a completely different argument.
Racism implies, in fact means that I am discriminating because they are a different color. This is not the case, they are a violent people that only breed hatred for the western world, The hostage crisis in 1970's Iran, The first world trade bombing, Bombings of synagogues, churches, shrines, embassies, the London bombing, the numerous attacks on Israel, Hezzbollah, who leads Lebanon, and Iraq, and who's creed is to wipe out Israel and America of the face of the planet, etc. etc. etc...
When the Pope quoted a statement from a previous pope, the muslims rioted in the streets, fucked shit up, even killed a nun. These are not rational people, they cannot be reasoned with, they feel no pity, or compassion, and they will not stop until they are forced to stop.
This isn't about race, this is about destroying the enemy and making them either unwilling, or unable to fight. Just look at what the splitting of some atoms did for Japan. They went from feudal samurai's to one of the most technologically advanced country in the world
edited for spelling.
October 5th, 2006, 09:25 PM
Oh GOD, not more conspiricy theories, please Lord give Al-Qaeda nuclear weapons, so they and the U.S. can destory the world just to stop all this conspiricy BULLSHIT! :mad:
October 6th, 2006, 03:01 AM
Racism implies, in fact means that I am discriminating because they are a different color. This is not the case, they are a violent people that only breed hatred for the western world,
Colour or race, they are a different race and your discriminating against them hence racism.
Even if the Jews were being discriminant to Germans during WW2 in one way or another, it would still be classed as racism.
October 6th, 2006, 03:38 AM
But, when people discriminate against white people, then it's just a [insert race here] thing. I just love double standards. I'm not discriminating against them because of their race, I am discriminating against their actions. If they were to drop the radical Islam, rivers of blood, towers of bodies bullshit, and actually contribute to humanity as a whole, I'd welcome the bastards with open arms. But I'm not going to be all nice and friendly towards people that support, and act out violent deeds in the name of [as the muslims claim] a peacefull God.
October 6th, 2006, 04:35 AM
Anyone's welcome to "hold their nose" when it comes to 9/11. You can simply add it to a long list of catastrophes, mass murders, and incidents that go into the same general category of things that don't apparently add up for a variety of different reasons. For example, USS Maine, USS Pueblo, SS Mayaguez Crisis, JFK, and countless mysterious unsolved murders.
Whenever an old person dies, it's like a library burning down. My dad passed, and I'm sure he took a lot of things to the grave with him about the Occupation of Belgium. When his time comes, (not so soon) I believe my uncle will take to the grave things that happened to him in the Burma Theatre of Operations. If there is something going on, don't hold your breath waiting for the government to come clean.
October 6th, 2006, 06:04 AM
I'm not discriminating against them because of their race, I am discriminating against their actions.
Discriminating against a race for their actions is still racism, because your Discriminating against a race.
Lets stop arguing about this because its going nowhere, lets leave it at we both think each other are wrong, let the forums members decide from there.
October 10th, 2006, 02:51 AM
I am okay with disagreeing; " I am happy, you are happy?":)
June 16th, 2007, 01:43 AM
911 was an inside job (The "evil muslim" factor is for popular consumption).
With regards to the Osama confession tape, well, pick out the real Osama and and ask yourself why the CIA wasn't able to immediately determine that it wasn't Osama�
See also:
June 16th, 2007, 01:46 AM
4,000 Jews absent on 9/11
It's safe to say they were behind it.
Bush knew
Israel knew
Explosives were used
The plane that hit the pentagon "mysteriously" wasn't even there....
Had to be a missle..
Loose Change is a good video for food for thought.
June 20th, 2007, 05:58 PM
Now I'm not going to be biased and completley rule anything out without researching it, but... The idea that Jews were in on 9/11 seems pretty far fetched. I have family memebers who are Jewish, and they certainly weren't involved. You could link any body to anything if you really wanted to. For example:
The Virginia Tech shooting was staged by the government so they can have an excuse for gun control. This can be "proved" by the fact that the police took 4 times longer than usual to respond.
Go ahead, try it with any situation. Anything can be made to sound possible.
And explosives were used? How do you know? Are you an explosives expert? Several tons of high octane jet fuel traveling 600 mph into a building seems like enough to make an explosion of that magnitude. Again, I'm not insulting anyones idea, but it just seems to me like people are pointing the finger at who they want and then bending the facts to make them seem right.
Please direct me to where I can find information on the idea that Jews were involved. I would like to research it before I regard it as totally rediculous.
June 21st, 2007, 12:58 AM
One item never addressed by the conspiracy theorists is, if the toppling of the trade centers were a contrived event, why would they go to all the trouble- double the time, expense, and most importantly, the chance of being discovered in the act of placing charges- to bring a building straight down, when a sideways fall would've caused untold more damage?
June 21st, 2007, 10:14 AM
Sideways fall is something terrorist would want to do. Clean downward fall/demolition of twin towers is then suspicious because it minimize "collateral damage"? It must be goverment....really guys c'mon ;) who else.
June 21st, 2007, 11:13 AM
Plus I have yet to see any concrete evidence of explosives being used. The only real "proof" has been people saying "Look right there in the video! It looks like an explosion!" Of course it's an explosion! 747 jets filled with jet fuel smashing into a building at high speed... You ever seen those test videos were they rocket airplanes into concrete walls at supersonic speeds (if you havn't, click here ( Nothing is left. In the video, they describe the plane as "atomized" from impact. Yeah, thats pretty much what happened here, just on a bigger scale, and with people and lots of high octane fuel in them. So why didn't they find large identifiable pieces at the Pentagon? Because it was an airplane flying into a concrete wall, just like the video.
Forensic scientists have methods, such as tests kits like these (, that are used to identify whether explosives were used. If you can show me evidence of this, then I will believe you. I would be suprised if there weren't any tests conducted for this. If the government didn't, someone would have. Don't say the government covered it up, 'cause if explosive were found, the media would have gone CRAZY, and we know the government doesn't control our liberal media. For example, I saw News Week with the cover saying "Life After Bush". The entire article was about how bad of a job he has done. Even if an expert pointed to the videos saying that it LOOKS like explosives, I still would question it.
I also heard a rumor and saw a video of the apparent use of Iron Oxide and Aluminum (thermite) being used to melt the buildings structural beams. Again, this is speculative, as it is only assumed from watching the video. You're telling me you can accuratley identify the use of thermite from a crappy video taken from a mile away? Show me some samples of the byproducts of a thermite reaction (Al2O3 and Fe) and I will give it a second thought.
My point is that I have yet to see concrete proof that this was a staged event. It has all be speculation and finger pointing by idiots like Micheal Moore who have no knowledge of explosives, politics, or anything for that matter. We have individuals who spoke to their family members on those flights and the Taliban openly claimed responsibilty for harboring Al Qaeda for the attacks. Why is it so hard to believe that terrorists attacked our country? They've been blowing stuff up and hi jacking airplanes since the 1960s. Is it possible the government is using it as an excuse to place more restrictions on us Citizens? You bet, but that is a different issue. For those who think the government is behind every act of terrorism, there is a line between questioning your government and losing grip on reality. Ever seen Fight Club? :p
Charles Owlen Picket
June 21st, 2007, 11:36 AM
The idea that Jews were in on 9/11 seems pretty far fetched. I have family memebers who are Jewish, and they certainly weren't involved.
That's what they all say. Your family members were in a "Star Chamber" -type gathering several month ago with my dentist plotting the next gas price increase and assassinating Benjamin Franklin. I can prove this by taking a dollar bill turning it upside-down and looking at it through a mirror. Do you see the pyramid turn into a flying saucer? See? That's all the proof you need! :eek:
Until someone can offer real proof that Jews as a group do anything on a collective level I have to reserve judgment on this issue. I believe that I am open minded as the next guy but I just can't see this type of thing being real. YES there ARE a large percentage of Jews in the entertainment industry but there are a large group of Presbyterians in the oil industry. Does that mean that Presbyterians control world oil prices? Personally I DO have some feelings regarding racial issues but I have yet to hear conclusive evidence regarding the above.
June 21st, 2007, 12:23 PM
9/11 was an inside job.
Whether directly through their action, or inaction, our government knew about it beforehand and did nothing to stop it.
There are WAY too many 'coincidences' for me to believe it went down the way They want us to believe...evil arab terrorists working for Al-Quaida, with help from Saddam, etc. etc.
Jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to turn steel into a free-flowing liquid. Hell, it barely softens it up.
Yet we see white-hot liquid steel running out in streams, along with white (aluminum oxide) smoke, and they tell us 'Oh, that's melted aluminum from the plane.'. Uh huh...even though you can't heat aluminum hot enough to glow like that in the open, let aone with jet fuel.
There are videos that explain these things in far greater detail that I can get into here.
June 21st, 2007, 01:44 PM
Someone mentioned watching "Loose Change". I would direct you to watch this video ( where a man from Popular Mechanics debates with the creators of Loose Change. Needless to say, Popular Mechanics rips them apart, and presents facts that are undeniable. I would also refer you to my earlier post and watch the video I had a link to of a plane crashing into a concrete wall, one that would be similar to the ones constructed for the Pentagon. Please watch all 5 sections of the debate, its pretty funny. It should have been called a "rape" instead of debate.
I have to also comment on the immaturity displayed by the makers of Loose Change during this debate. After watching it, I don't need to watch their video, they proved to me that they cannot be taken seriously. You can't laugh at a well educated man from Popular Mechanics on international TV and expect to be respected or taken seriously. This seems to be the case with all of the conspiracy therorists on 9/11(i.e. Micheal Moore, the guy who made "Terror Storm"). They all have no expertise in journalism, mechanics, explosives or engineering, and they all seem to act immaturely when questioned. Its kind of like sticking your fingers in your ears and going "NAH NAH IM NOT LISTENING TO YOU!".
Maybe the government did know, maybe they didn't, I havn't decided on that one yet. If they did, there is probably a better reason than world domination and oil. But I refuse to believe that planes did not crash into those buildings, that terrorism wasn't involved, and that a cruise missile was used on the Pentagon. The facts speak for themselves.
EDIT: I found this video ( on youtube. The guy (Mike Walters) CNN interviewed is actually my buddies cousin. Anyway, this video should be all it takes to prove that a plane hit the Pentagon. He actually, literally watched it happen. He says it on CNN! I also like his little quip about jews in the beginning of the video. :D
By the way, I did research on the idea that Jews were involved, and its a fricken ridiculous idea. There were no 4,000 Jews warned, no name list or any proof. Actually, over 400 Jews DIED in the WTC. They had no warning. Nazi ass holes, grow up. AMAZING. The human race is doomed.
Excuse me, I have a meeting in a Star Chamber type gathering with my aunt, uncle, and Charles' dentist. We are planning on turning the World's water supplies into acid and raising oil prices even MORE!
June 22nd, 2007, 03:14 AM
'Facts' are a matter of perception and perspective.
For thousands of years, the Earth was flat and the Universe revolved around the Earth. Those were 'facts'.
And why is it Jews are always so ready with ridicule about 'conspiracies'?
Not even the nuttiest nigger believes that EVERY White, like the driver of the bus that takes Mr. Afro to the welfare office, is part of the Great White Conspiracy to keep such a Prince of Africa oppressed.
So naturally not every kike is part of the international power elite, either. :rolleyes:
But what about those kikes that ARE a disproportional part of the international power elite? Was there a single one in the WTC complex on that day?
Where was the kike owner of the WTC? It sure wasn't in the towers.
And it's too coincidental that he had the towers double-insured against terrorism only a week before they BOTH get annihilated.
I'll watch the linked videos this weekend.
June 22nd, 2007, 04:34 AM
He had the towers double insured a week beforehand? I know what the police would say if a murder victim had a life insurance policy placed on him a week beforehand...
Who benefited the most from the towers being destroyed? Did the Great Satan plunge in financial disarray because a few building fell down? No. Did Americas vast armies desert because its command post was damaged? No.
Did not two Arab nations get their nuts cut off, both sworn enemies of the juden, and are not more Arab nations likely to follow in the years ahead? Iraq couldn't have harmed the US in any meaningful way, Afghanistan was a tiny mosquito. To the jews these were dire enemies and persistent threats. With Hezballah all riled up in the last year they got a sound thrashing by the jews, armed with a massive shipment of US weapons, and now Iran looks like it is next. The other Arab nations are either aligning with us, or getting fitted for their own Saddam style neck tie.
I think the jews are making out pretty good in this conflict.
As for 911 being a fedgov operation, I don't know. There are real terrorists out there, why not just give them a pile of cash and let them do what they want to do to us? We just look the other way until after the job is done, and then we kill them off before they can name names. Is that not one of the RTPB's?
I should bring up another point. It is nearly election season, and Osama is still in the wind. I wonder if he will be apprehended just in time to make Hillary and Obama choke on their condemnations of el presidentae? A ten cent reduction in gas prices would buy a lot of votes :)
June 22nd, 2007, 05:28 AM
I should bring up another point. It is nearly election season, and Osama is still in the wind. I wonder if he will be apprehended just in time to make Hillary and Obama choke on their condemnations of el presidentae? A ten cent reduction in gas prices would buy a lot of votes :)
And this leads to a related question. What will US give to Pakistan to make us arrest O'Binbin? (if he is in Pakistan... which I doubt)
Yesterday the first of the new weapon systems for the airforce arrived... (unspecified number of latest version of F-16s with all the trimmings). Much much more to come. So maybe something's up?
And if anyone still doubts Dubya and O'Binbin aren't in cahoots, here is something else to think about:
Osama bin Laden May Have Chartered Saudi Flight Out of U.S. after 9/11.
June 22nd, 2007, 08:51 AM
If "Our Government" leveled the towers, what did the "terrorists" who were behind the piloting of the jets, gain?
Why both towers?
Why not an iconic national treasure:p like the statue of liberty?
To have the gov't knock down two fully staffed buildings like the WTC, plus all the other damage, would make the government a bunch of sociopaths.
Hmmm, starting to make sense now...;)
June 22nd, 2007, 09:07 AM
Just to clarify, I won't deny that our government could have been involved with the attacks. I certainly can't prove its not true, and articles like that do make you wonder. There are tons of possiblities, for example maybe our government funded the terrorists to hi-jack the planes, either knowing full well what was going to happen or not at all. I still havn't come to a conclusion on what I think our government was doing, but as of now I'm leaning towards no involvment.
Things you can't deny are the terrorists were real and from the middle east, Jews had no idea what was going down(over 400 died in WTC), and real Airplanes did crash into WTC and the Pentagon. Claiming otherwise is rediculous. In one of the videos I linked, an eye wittness clearing states his account on seeing an "American Airlines Jet" fly into the Pentagon. Even if this is a conspiracy, its not as deep and outlandish and many people are making it out to be.
June 22nd, 2007, 10:42 AM
If anyone in the government wants terrorist incidents to occur (and I'm sure some do since it helps consolidate their power), all that is required is to sit back and wait for the career CYA bureaucrats to do their usual looking-really-busy-doing-nothing-except-sucking-our wallets-dry-and hassling-innocent-citizens shtick.
June 23rd, 2007, 01:35 PM
First of all, we must clear up something about conspiracy theories:
1) It was Alex Jones who made Terror Storm, a right winger, even the right wingers find him to be farther right than themselves.
2) Michael Moore's videos are not about conspiracies but rather than blow ups by our beloved dubya.
For example he (M.M.) exposed the fact that Dubya instructed FBI to flee Saudi Families including number one terrorist's family (bin ladens) even without slightest interrogation, despite the fact that there was a nationwide flight ban in force.
But Alex Jones is somewhat extremist, an awowed enemy of New World Order. For example his pre 9/11 vidoes include occult group activities, e.g. Bohemian Groove, a very interesting video showing a group of the most influential politicians not only from USA but throughout the world gathers in a grove and performs some strange rites. :eek:
The guy had a fixation / obsession on occult organizations, which I believe he has some point. What are those strange organizations scattered throughout the world?
Now he has a fixation / obsession not only on the foregoing but also on 9/11 and events surrounding them.
First of all while there are some sites denying presence of Arab terrorists and claiming that Jews did it (like or something like that), Alex Jones do not deny that the towers were attacked by Moslem terrorists.
However in the first video he asks several questions which are always omitted and failed to be replied by official theories.
To give a few examples:
1) Why the best protected place not only in USA but in the world was left defenseless for 102 minutes? Did really someone (i.e. V.P. Cheney) instructed NORAD to be down?
2) What is the chance of three different buildings (two of them towers hit by planes, but the third one, Building Seven, is not hit by planes) fell exactly in the same fashion as if being demolished, i.e. on their footsteps without tilting, etc.?
How on earth fire broke up in Building 7 (which was shaded from the alleged shockwave coming from the collapsed towers by WTC6) despite their neighbor buildings (which are at the same distance to the collapsed tower with WTC7 but not shaded by WTC6 from the alleged collapse shockwave) sustained minimal damage from the collapsed towers and repaired and still continued to be used (verizone building and a financial building)?
If we buy that towers fell since the burning kerosene weakened the structure (which most probably shall cause bending and tilting of the building not vertical collapse), how shall we explain the fire and collapse of Building seven?
The list might go on for a long time. Alex Jones in the first video he made asks about 60 questions to this end.
Actually conspiracy theories imply that we must keep a sharp eye on the political maneveours by the elite and creme-des-creme people of the world. Regards.
June 23rd, 2007, 04:26 PM
I understand your questions, as they are good ones to be asked indeed. However, I do ask you to watch the debate between the creators of "Loose Change" and a man from Popular Mechanics magazine and another man who wrote a book on debunking the 9/11 conspiracies. They answer several of those exact questions very well while the creators of "Loose Change" laugh like idiots and make fools of themselves. The towers in fact did not fall in their exact foot prints, as one of the WTC buildings was actually crushed. This is also discussed in the debate and more specifically in other videos, which I have provided links to above.
Furthermore (this is just an observation I myself have made, it is not discussed in any videos), some of these questions are quite similar to the ones asked about the Nuclear attacks on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, or after hurricanes or tornadoes rip through a town. In all instances, there always seems to be bizarre happenings, such as random buildings still standing at ground zero or a house is left completely intact while within a mile radius everything else is leveled. Does this mean the Nuclear attacks in WWII never happened? No, it means we simply don't have the means to fully understand the forces of nature.
I have yet to see any sound evidence supporting conspiracy, and I have actually seen some conspiracy ideas crushed. Thus far, a majority of engineering and explosives experts are leaning towards no demolition devices were planted. As for the Pentagon and those who say a "Cruise Missile" hit it, there is an eye witness in a video, which I have provided a link to above, who actually saw the "American Airlines Jet" crash into the Pentagon. He made the statement on national news just hours after it happened. Convinced yet?
I am a person who relies on common sense and scientific proof, and so far the most solid proof that has been provided is coming from the no conspiracy side. Not the "well it looks like" or "it could be". Everything else appears to be speculation and guess work, especially that idea that Jews were involved. Before you say "Well common sense says a building won't fall into its foot print", watch the damn videos, read your stuff, and then voice your opinion. I wondered about that as well until I looked into it more. Only when someone listens to both sides of the story can they make a worth while inquiry on the situation.
Again, I'm not saying that I'm sure about whether our government was involved or not. They very well could have been, just not to the extent some people believe. But I have decided that I don't think explosives were planted, Jews were not involved, I know airplanes did hit all 3 targets (not a curise missile, thats just ridiculous), and terrorists from the Middle East were the ones who hi-jacked and crashed those jets.
Charles Owlen Picket
June 25th, 2007, 01:27 PM
And this leads to a related question. What will US give to Pakistan to make us arrest O'Binbin?
Pakistan clearly understands to what level China has captured the American market-place. Why should India have that market? Pakistan is already doing a good job getting a foot-in-the-door for small manufacturing in the US. NAFTA & GATT allows large corporations to "farm-out" lots of hand labour intensive work to firms in Pakistan. So why let India get the Lion's share?
This type of work needs to be done. Mostly skilled and semi-skilled manufacturing and hand-fitting. Who would do that; MEXICO? That's simply a rich and grotesquely crooked little country that never really had a productive day in it's history without a helping hand from a more advanced civilization. Mexico is actually incapable of the type of manufacturing needed. It's very interesting to read how many firms went into Mexico and then LEFT after they found out what a joke it was (from most every direction).
Pakistan only needs to start exerting a much more influential level of control over their boarder region and start serving up the enemies of both nations. Thus sealing a firmer trading relationship; edging out India in the process.
June 25th, 2007, 02:08 PM
The Loose Changers v. Popular Mechanics debate didn’t explore the issues in depth – nor do I base my opinion on what Dylan Avery or the Hearst Media Group says.
With regards to the Pentagon witness you refer too – check out the Pentagon's video release to Judicial Watch ( Freeze frame it where the white smoke trail is half way across the frame. According to the governments official story the airliners starboard engine hit a lamp post causing it to smoke. A 757's engines are approximately mid ship, so if the smoke trail ends in the middle of the frame there should be an airliner visible forward and behind the smoke trail. There isn’t.
If you prefer relying on witnesses, Google “911 Witnesses” and you’ll find 100’s of witnesses (including first responders, reporters, etc) who heard or were blown off their feet by explosives in Towers 1 & 2. Some of these witnesses reported explosions to the 911 Commission – but such reports were completely omitted from the 911 Commission Report. Instead, after a year of investigation, the 911 Commission concluded that were no internal columns in the Towers which resulted in the Towers pancake collapse after being damaged by planes and the ensuing fire weakening the steel. The problem with this official explanation is that the towers derived most of their strength from their massive internal columns:
A second problem is that there was molten metal in the basement of WTC Towers 1 & 2, as well as Building 7 up to and including three weeks after 911. By all reports the fires were approximately 600 degrees, so the only rational explanation for the 2000 plus degree metal is incendiaries or explosives.
A third clue is that WTC 1, 2, & 7 fell at free fall speeds. A building simply can’t collapse upon itself at the same speed as an object freefalls through air in a vacuum/without wind resistance.
After 911 the media incessantly showed the exact same footage of a plane flying into the respective towers, followed by the Towers collapses. Incessantly isn’t too strong a word. We were being brainwashed.
At the same time the media scarcely covered the collapse of WTC 7 – which wasn’t hit by a plane - but collapsed into its footprint at freefall speeds after Larry Silverstein (the leaseholder of the complex) recommended that the fire department “Pull It” (demolition talk for blow-up). Scroll up to my last post and check out the links I provided regarding 7’s collapse – do you honestly believe it wasn't a demolition job - and if so explain how the BBC reporter announced Building 7’s collapse 20 minutes before it fell. The damn building is standing behind her as she discusses its collapse!!! The BBC explained on its website that the reporter doesn’t remember where she got the report from, and that the BBC lost all its footage on 911.
WTC 7 is often referred to as the smoking gun of 911 because it occurred five hours after the planes struck the Towers. It takes weeks to set up a demolition of the magnitude and skill involved on 7 - which is indicative of advanced planning, foreknowledge, and complicity.
The problem isn’t that there’s no evidence that 911 was an inside job, there’s ample evidence – way more than I’ve gone into here.
June 25th, 2007, 11:09 PM
I was wondering about how the US has become Pakistan's no.1 trading partner.
US will allow tax-free import of stuff that is produced in the tribal areas, theory being that if they encourage the folk there to send their stuff to the US, they won't shoot at US troops. I doubt that is going to work, unfortunately, as they were making far more money in the largest smuggling operation the world (ATT) ... which the US put a dent in, just by being there.
ATT (Afghan Transit Trade) is an agreement to not charge any taxes or duties on stuff that arrives in Pakistan but is meant for Afghanistan, Afghanistan being land-locked. So Afghans import all kinds of luxury goods into Pakistan (for delivery to Afghanistan) which we can't tax. However, those goods go across the border... and come back... or just go across the border on paper. The stuff is sold in Pakistan for heavy profits (no taxes, remember).
THIS is why "the taliban" shoot at American troops.
I doubt there is anything the US can do to replace the attractiveness of the ATT-abuse with trade deals for the area.
Anyway, I wasn't talking about economic side. We can make economic deals with the US whenever following the Chinese model.
I was talking about the military stuff.
Right now we have had to take an unspecified number of F-16s (probably more than a hundred... they won't go into numbers), a plane we no longer need since we started making our own fighter aircraft. Plus half a dozen Orions, more C-130s, largest ever order of over 500 air-to-air missiles, plus other stuff that hasn't been mentioned (airborne radars, etc). And this is only the airforce I am talking about.
Last year they gave us a newly retired warship (Spruance class) for free.... this one:
We seem to be turning this thing into a missile "arsenal ship"... it has got a 61 cell Tomahawk launcher anyway in which our own Tomahawk-clone cruise missiles should fit nicely. Just this one ship can fuck up India's junk midget aircraft carriers.
Point I am asking is... why is America acting like some favorite Uncle, all of a sudden? Why have they turned into Super-Santa? For like forever, we were never allowed to even look at such stuff much less buy it.
What the hell did we promise them? It can't be O'Binbin, because if he was going to be caught, it would have happened long ago. Besides, I doubt he is in Pakistan (not one shred of hard evidence... no humint, no electronic intercepts, no sat-pics, no nothing).
What is the game? Or the US just wants to keep Pak happy, figuring "it is better to have them in the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in"?
June 26th, 2007, 01:22 AM
India is aligning with China, the only threat to America's global hegemony, thus 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' treatment you guys are getting.
June 26th, 2007, 01:38 AM
India also won't play ball with the whole respect our pharmaceutical patent thing. India has no law that protects foreign pharmaceutical patents. The Indian chemical industry is cranking out cheap knockoffs of American drugs within weeks after the patents are filed in the US. You think those Mexican scrips are actually made in Mexico?
To solve this game we should follow the money... America might end up like the Arabs someday soon, complaining that "5000 years ago we used to be the greatest in the world."
September 8th, 2007, 07:58 PM
Here's a video I found a couple of weeks ago. I thought I had posted it on here, but it didn't show up. Up to 36:56 it talks about how Religion is a hoax. If you wanna skip all that though, just let it load and go to 36:56. It talks about the Pentagon, United 93, and the Twin Towers(and more) all being planned out. Check it out, pretty neat.
September 23rd, 2007, 02:37 AM
its so funny to hear people talk about conspiracy like its a myth, even the official b/s report says angry muslims conspired the attack, all conspiracy is , is when 2 or more plan something thats a pretty common occurence, believe it or not!
-the buildings fell at free fall velocities
-witnesses and recue workers reported the it was just like a controlled demo, they heard bang bang bang and saw flash flash flash
-wc7 collapsing and nothing hit it, they said there was a fire, so a little fire causes the entire building to collapse over the entire structure all of a sudden
-no steel frame building has ever collapsed like this in history and on 9/11 3 times. think about how a steel frame buiilding is so interconnected with support beams and to have it just suddenly disintegrate and give no resistance to the collapse or fall to either side
-hundreds of videos and pictures were confiscated and still not released
-the pentgon lawn was untouched small hole no damage where wings would have been
-people saw flight 93 shot down, witness reports seing fireball in sky, wreckage strewn over miles
-molten steal
-huge skyscrapers compacted into such a tiny volume and so much dust
-steel framework is like a giant heatsink wicking away the heat from fires, most of the jet fuel is cunsumed in the fireball as we pyro know.
-look at how much has been gained by the elite, more control, billions in defense contracting, easier to control sheeple, israel safer, dick cheney's company(not his co. but he was ceo and is a major stock holder) haliburton ran a natural gas pipeline through afghanistan after it was "cleared of terrorists"
-there were 67 jet fighter scramble interceptions with out of contact aircraft in 2001 previous to 911 , when a small jet goes out of radio contact jets will be scrambled in minutes, on 9/11 3 airliners go for nearly an hour, undisturbed
-all the propaganda trying to discredit truth seekers just shows how desparate an attempt is being made to silence the movement, the history channel owned in part by General Electric who is makeing $$$ off the terrorism sham, ran a bs show showing the wackiest of truth seekers making the weakest of points being discredited by the "experts", the editors of popular mechanics lol
- and this is merely the tip of the iceburg of all the shit that just doesn't add up , so yeah its pretty obvious that this event was sponsered by those who gained the most
Mr Science
November 5th, 2007, 05:50 PM
They had a special on the history channel last night regarding 9/11 "conspiracy theories." They gave the "myth," then the 'facts.' For people who did little to no research, I am sure it would have proved to them that the official story is true. But to people educated people like myself and others, it just reinforced that 9/11 was indeed an inside job. A few examples in this documentary:
-Never mentioned once firefighters reported hearing explosions prior to the demolition.
-Never mentioned a relatively nearby seismograph recorded several large tremors just seconds prior their collapse.....hmm wonder what that is?
- The C-130 flying over the pentagon on 9/11 was claimed to be a routine flight........but at that time, only military fighter aircraft and fedgov aircraft were allowed to fly....what reason did the C-130 have to fly right above the pentagon literally minutes after the explosion?
-Did not mention pentagon officials reporting smelling cordite.
-When the topic of the pentagon having hidden other video, they said they only had one camera out there, meant to take one frame per second. A single camera on one entire side of the pentagon? Bullshit.
-Did not mention how there were multiple cameras in the area that got an angle of the pentagon, and FBI officials immediately confiscated the tape, and said not to repeat what they just witnessed....
The list goes on and on and on.
A short excerpt from loose change worth watching on the subject.
I just find it ridiculous how so many people believe the lie. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of these coincidences that too many dismiss as insignificant or irrelevant.
November 15th, 2007, 03:16 PM
I urge everyone to watch "Terrorstorm" by Alex Jones, of Prison Planet.. You can get it on Netflix.
/FTP/UPLOAD/NBK2000/Conspiracy and NWO/
November 29th, 2007, 02:50 AM
Another good documentary to watch is "Marshall Law" by Alex Jones.
I have read most of your comments and all of you have forgotten to mention that the "Twin Towers" and building No.7 were both owned by the same man, Larry Silverstein (Another Rich Jew). He received a huge insurance payout once the buildings collapsed.
So in the movie "Borat" where Borat says "We decided not to fly in cause the Jew's repeated there attack of 9/11". He is PARTIALLY right.
November 29th, 2007, 01:01 PM
Building No. 7 was quite impressive! I've never seen a building just collapse out of the blue like that ;)
November 30th, 2007, 02:04 AM
Yes it's all a conspiracy :rolleyes:
I guess ZOG faked the moon landing and the death of Elvis.
God forbid a couple of sand niggers hijack planes and fly them into towers.
November 30th, 2007, 09:10 AM
Regardless of why the buildings fell, one thing seems clear: Israelis knew it was going to happen in advance. They even may have infiltrated Al Qaida (by posing as Muslims) and then instigated the attacks, knowing that Israel would ultimately benefit from the US reprisal.
I just came across this video clip about the five Israelis who were arrested, detained, and eventually quietly deported after having been seen filming the attacks:
Obviously there IS much about 9/11 that the US government is covering up, just like with the USS Liberty attacks.
November 30th, 2007, 03:02 PM
I guess ZOG faked the moon landing and the death of Elvis.
WHAT? The King is dead? No way, I just ran into him at Kroger...
God forbid a couple of sand niggers hijack planes and fly them into towers.
It seems sort of a false dichotomy, couldn't both be true? To wit, A couple of sand niggers flew planes into towers at the behest of certain Israelis...? I am not asserting that they did or didn't but knowing the jew, it's not something I would put past them.
November 30th, 2007, 08:53 PM
It seems sort of a false dichotomy, couldn't both be true? To wit, A couple of sand niggers flew planes into towers at the behest of certain Israelis...? I am not asserting that they did or didn't but knowing the jew, it's not something I would put past them.
Could the Israeli government funded this attack ? Yes.
Is it possible the USA government either by ineptitude or desire for a reason to attack ME turned a blind eye to the intel? Yes.
Did the Mossad sent their operatives to places explosives and/or termites in strategical location ? Hell no. Tactically it makes zero sense. Why risk all when either way, WTC down or not; we'd still be in A-stan and Iraq.
Was there a missile strike on the pentagon ? Not only no; BUT FUCK NO! This absurd theory involve the disappearance of a whole airplane, the silence of hundreds of air traffic controllers, radar operators, etc
November 30th, 2007, 11:18 PM
You quoted me. I can only assume that you agree that the possibility of jewish sabotage, by proxy, certainly eixists...
But more importantly, are you sure about Ebliss? :)
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