View Full Version : Ammonium Nitrate banned in Australia.
April 5th, 2004, 09:09 AM
Well my friends it's been a long time coming and it certainly is a sad day in the history of Australia.
No more going down to your local fertilizer store to purchase some AN for those weekends away in the country :(
Fuck stupid people!!!
Here is the article.
April 5th, 2004, 10:29 AM
It hasn't been banned, a major supplier has just decided nto to sell it. They will sell it again sooner or later, everyone likes making money.
April 5th, 2004, 03:50 PM
Other fertilisers, such as calcium ammonium nitrate and calcium nitrate, will continue to be available from a number of sources
ROFLMAO. Ah well, required filtration skills will atleast rule out 50% of the population... :rolleyes:
Dave Angel
April 5th, 2004, 08:20 PM
In a recent BBC news page it is mentioned that ammonium nitrate was used in the Bali bombing:
Yet on the Australian page linked to it states:
"Ammonium nitrate was not used in the Bali bombings"
Some conspiracy nuts say it was a Small Atomic Demolition Munition, put there by the US to encourage Australia to support their war in Iraq.
Who knows which it is for real but I learnt a long time ago to take much of what the media say, especially about things they have no understanding of, with a large pinch of salt.
April 5th, 2004, 10:55 PM
"It also planned to introduce restrictions on the sale and storage of a similar product, calcium ammonium nitrate, which can be used as an explosive."
That could be a pain
April 6th, 2004, 09:08 AM
80% of the country's supply is a pretty big dint in the availability of Ammonium Nitrate. This is seriously becoming ridiculous. There hasn't been a single attack here and if there is going to be then it's enviable anyway, the government could ban basically everything to the point where only companies have access to certain chemicals (so the country doesn't shut down obviously) and it would still happen. Materials and chemicals can always be stolen or obtained in other ways if an individual is serious enough, and it's a safe to say someone willing to die for their course is.
When will common sense pervail, sigh...
April 6th, 2004, 10:44 AM
I wonder what would happen if we sent some info to the Herald Sun or Today Tonight about the deadly explosives ingredient diHydrogen Monoxide...
April 6th, 2004, 10:17 PM
Just because they are going to TRY to regulate it, do you really think that the Powers That Be can seriously keep track of the Tonnes and Tonnes and Tonnes of AN that is used every day in the Agricultural, Mining and Domestic markets. My grandmother uses AN on her roses!
Knowledgehungry, I agree with part of your statement, the bit about everyone likes money. The largest producer of AN Prill in WA is just up the road a bit from me, I have worked there, and I dont see them slowing down production at all. One door may shut to help the Gumbiment pass their new "restrictions", but does anyone really believe that this supplier is not profiting somewhere out of this. Remember, there is a lot of talk of elections at the moment.
This does not help us get AN though. Buy a lawnmower man a carton of Crownies. Problem solved.
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