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November 5th, 2008, 12:17 AM
Just saw he's projected as the winner.

But the question is: Is he the lesser or greater of the two evils?

November 5th, 2008, 12:24 AM
No riots yet.

You guys still all freaking out? It's as quiet as it could be here.

November 5th, 2008, 12:39 AM
Obama triumphs, will be first black US president

By DAVID ESPO – 26 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Barack Obama was elected the nation's first black president Tuesday night in a historic triumph that overcame racial barriers as old as America itself.

The 47-year-old Democratic senator from Illinois sealed his victory by defeating Republican Sen. John McCain in a string of wins in hard-fought battleground states — Ohio, Florida, Virginia and Iowa.

A huge crowd thronged Grant Park in Chicago to cheer Obama's improbable triumph and await his first public speech as president-elect.

Obama and his running mate, Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware, will take their oaths of office as president and vice president on Jan. 20, 2009.

As the 44th president, Obama will move into the Oval Office as leader of a country that is almost certainly in recession, and fighting two long wars, one in Iraq, the other in Afghanistan.

The popular vote was close, but not the count in the Electoral College, where it counted.

There, Obama's audacious decision to contest McCain in states that hadn't gone Democratic in years paid rich dividends.

Fellow Democrats rode his coattails to gains in both houses of Congress, toppling Republican incumbents and winning open seats alike.

Obama has said his first order of presidential business will be to tackle the economy. He has also pledged to withdraw most U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months.

At my time, right now, the votes are 338-129.
Basically, McCain can't win now.


Thats the URL for the article I posted, but by the time most of you see it there will probably be better coverage.

November 5th, 2008, 12:49 AM
No riots yet.

You guys still all freaking out? It's as quiet as it could be here.

for dawn in Amerika. Had folks too stupid to know better shooting fireworks out here in earlier. I suppose the days of folks with the intelligence and foresight to actually research a candidate are long gone.

McCain truly was the less of two evils, but as soon as you convince the proles that you will pay their welfare collecting asses more to vote for you, then its all over for the decent among us.

November 5th, 2008, 01:14 AM
People are going to feel so fucking stupid down the track when they realise that they were played like utter fools. Maybe someone will put a bullet in this niggers brain, do us all a favor in the long run.

November 5th, 2008, 01:44 AM
McCain truly was the less of two evils, but as soon as you convince the proles that you will pay their welfare collecting asses more to vote for you, then its all over for the decent among us.

How sad... but true.
It's amazing how pathetic people have become.
I personally believe that if you are on welfare, that you should lose the right to vote, as welfare should only be temporary.... But where I live in KaliPhornia you go into my hometown... and theres 3 welfare offices.

Truly pathetic, because you see the people on welfare, 400lbs+ in a motorized scooter chair + not physically handicapped, just to lazy to walk and you think... "My taxes are paying for this...."
But, such is life.... we need a war on American soil lol.

November 5th, 2008, 01:46 AM
I know I am only 22 years of age, but this is truly the most disappointing moment in my life. I'm not exaggerating. To see our nation fooled by smooth talk and empty promises made me dry heave. I look forward to the point down the road where people realize what a horrible mistake we made. The influence of the United States in the world has dwindled, and we will soon no longer hold the super power status. With a liberal pussy too afraid to stand up for our nation, this will surely come to pass in little to no time.

Although I work for our government, I will not be working for him. I will see my job as a service to our citizens for their safety and as an attempt to keep our country the way it was meant to be. I am but one man and I am outnumbered, but I can try. For those of you who aren't too happy with the government, know that you have me in there trying my best to keep things right. As minuscule as that may sound, I hope it brings people some comfort knowing there are patriots left.

A man with NO executive experience, very minuscule time in government, has a history of playing dirty politics, has ties with domestic terrorists, racial hate groups and Muslim extremists, and has lied about several issues that raise concern (drug use, anti-American speech and activities, ect.), has just made president.

Having processed DoD security clearances in my last job, I can tell you that he would NOT pass a background check for a Top Secret clearance, yet he has just been elected. What is going on here? God help us...

November 5th, 2008, 01:51 AM
Now he gets to follow in the fine tradition of all U.S. presidents before him -
fighting with his wife and fighting with Congress ! Personally, I was
disappointed but not surprised. I voted for McCain. Part of the problem can
be laid at the feet of current president G. W. Bush. Like his father before him
he fucked up ! With his daddy, it was pledging "no new taxes" - the asshole
must have been lip-synching. With "W" it was not pulling out after Saddam
was hanged. We should have pulled out, dumped a shitload of weapons on
Iraq and said "You shoot it out - we'll talk to the winner !".

People may not remember when a politician does something good for them
but they have memories like elephants when they feel fucked over !

November 5th, 2008, 03:50 AM
Yes Obama has flip flopped, and yes he does not have experience. The terrorist ties is propaganda that has been proven to be rumors and the man who started them confessed to the fact. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/13/us/politics/13martin.html?_r=1&bl&oref=slogin

Point being he is a good judge of character, if he does not know something, he surrounds himself with people that do. McCain would have been far worse. Obama far less. The above comments just show how racist and close minded some of the people here are.

November 5th, 2008, 04:30 AM
I hope we will not all hale the Black Ill Noise from Illnois.

If I have understood even a little, I am in believe of that Mac favours The War on Terror, PATRIOT Act and all this general bullshit GWB grew up. Osabama would dislike GWB's ideology but there people must pay the price in means of private gun ownership issues.

Mr Science
November 5th, 2008, 05:43 AM
I just came back from the Obama rally in Chicago, just out of sheer curiosity to see everything.

There were at least several hundred thousand people in Grant Park. There wasn't any violence, but there were a few things that stuck out in my mind......
-There were easily a hundred people, if not more, openly smoking marijuana (despite armed cops being all over the place). It just surprised me to see people doing it in public with no worry for being caught.
-(Much) more importantly, there were a LOT of black people telling off random whites (ie ones who were either there to support him or voted for him)....this was going on everywhere I walked. It ranged from "What do you think about that you white motherf-" to things along the lines of "You're f-kd now cracker"

Here are a few pictures I took during my time in Chicago.....I have a few more on my friend's camera of armed police, DHS cars around, a group of like 100 cops covering a road, etc.

Skyscraper #1...

Skyscraper #2

Approaching Grant Park, the final 100ft of it not being packed.

A general idea of how packed it was there.....there was about this many people crowded around each large TV (outside of the security perimeter).

I have uploaded several videos to a youtube account. They are only crowd shots, but it will give you an idea of how massive this rally was.
I climbed up onto a statue (along with a dozen other people), which is why I am 15-20 feet higher than the other people. :p

People were cheering and chanting nonstop, people were crying in happiness, hugging and kissing each other, and were generally saying "this country is going to get to much brighter now." Walking back from the rally to go home, you heard cheers from tens of thousands of people echoing through downtown. That really did disappoint me and make me sad, because a lot of the people there did seem like good people, it was simply because they didn't know any better. It was very upsetting to see these people genuinely overjoyed to see him elected; if they only knew what he was bringing..

When walking back with my friends to the train station, I did make a few comments such as "Weren't there big rallies like this back when Bush was first elected?" This of course was returned with dozens of dirty looks and yelling back at me, but I made some people quiet.

To sum up my experience before going to bed, I will say this: deception is the politician's greatest weapon.

November 5th, 2008, 06:42 AM
Oddly reminds me of Hitler, he won over the country with words and when he was in power he could do no wrong in the eyes of the people. Took a while for that to change.

November 5th, 2008, 12:31 PM
Oddly reminds me of Hitler, he won over the country with words and when he was in power he could do no wrong in the eyes of the people. Took a while for that to change.

I've been saying this since the start of Obama's rise to fandom. I couldnt agree more. Glad someone else had the balls to say it.


November 5th, 2008, 02:53 PM
Only time will tell what will happen.

November 5th, 2008, 05:55 PM
The capitalists and the politicians (that worked for them, the capitalists) have reaped what they sowed. They wanted free labor (slavery) then cheap labor (illegal immigration). Now the descendants and offspring of this once free and cheap labor are here (USA) and can vote.

Didn't marx or lenin say (there is a debate about which one) "a capitalist will sell you the rope to hang himself with"?


November 5th, 2008, 07:56 PM
I cannot agree more that most politicians are lying, manipulative scum at times, but this applies to both sides of the political debate. McCain will be preaching as much shit as Obama, thats the point of elections, to make people think you are better than you are. But the argument that Obama will be worse merely due to the colour of his skin truly shows and narrow minded and racist some of you are.
To be honest with the whole system you are always going to get screwed by the govt. irrelevant of whos in power, and the idea that obama will be any worse than McCain when he hasn't even started yet is madness. Let him show what he can do before casting the first stone.

Plus the argument that he has no experience in politics, if I'm not mistaken, didn't Abraham Lincoln have even less experience in politics than Obama does, and more importantly that means there is less chance that Obama has been polluted by political lies.

November 5th, 2008, 08:15 PM
AUK2k7 - Perhaps. Although, I would argue that his rise to power will create more problems than many can see. You think we are racist? Fucking right we are racist, but that doesn't make us narrow minded. We call it as we see it, with no restriction by what is "socially acceptable".

You have read Mr Science's post above? I would suppose that you would say those niggers aren't being racist, they are simply exercising their right to free speech? :rolleyes:

But the argument that Obama will be worse merely due to the colour of his skin truly shows and narrow minded and racist some of you are.

Shows how much you have been listening. You moron, you can't think past your own astonishment that we might think that someone's skin colour may cause problems. Look at Mr Science's post. If that is a portent of what is to come, you are god damn right I have a problem with his skin colour.

I agree that politicians are politicians, and will screw you none the less. Perhaps a fresh mind will bring great change. Then again, perhaps he is open to manipulation. That is why this thread is here, for discussion. Not to have some idiot n00b tell us are a closed minded because of the opinions we hold.

Unless you have something that helps the discussion along, I suggest you shut the fuck up.

November 5th, 2008, 08:38 PM
You have read Mr Science's post above? I would suppose that you would say those niggers aren't being racist, they are simply exercising their right to free speech? :rolleyes:

I dont deny that the comments they were making are racist for one second, and you have as much right to voice your opion as anyone else, thats why we have freedom of speech. But to judge Obama based on the retards you see dancing around the streets, thinking that things are going to change for them ,is close minded. He is a well educated man and I can only hope a moral one who understands that the rights of people are more important than the power of his govt. If you say you are worried about him due to his political opinions and actions I fully respect your views, but for people to say hes a terrorist and what not is just racist.

November 5th, 2008, 09:28 PM

'Nuff said about the nignogs.

Calling him a terrorist is racist? HE IS! Are you blind? He's best friends with known terrorists, and is appointing one as Chief of Staff. Rham Emanuel. His father was a Mossad agent, Rahm is a former Irgun agent. Hell-bent on killing innocent Palestinians and British peace-keeping troops in the region.

If you deny Obama is a terrorist, I submit that you've been brainwashed by Television.

I'm tired of the truth being labeled racist, or a conspiracy "theory" when it's supported by page after page of fact after fact. Ugh.

November 5th, 2008, 11:55 PM
Yes Obama has flip flopped, and yes he does not have experience. The terrorist ties is propaganda that has been proven to be rumors and the man who started them confessed to the fact. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/13/us/politics/13martin.html?_r=1&bl&oref=slogin

Point being he is a good judge of character, if he does not know something, he surrounds himself with people that do. McCain would have been far worse. Obama far less.

WTF? So the fact he went to a racists church for 20 years and associated with Wright is made up? I don't think so. So the plethora of questionable ties with questionable people are not all made up? I don't think so. That whole article was about how Obama isn't a Muslim anyway. I NEVER THOUGHT HE WAS A MUSLIM. The statements I made all have to do with things that aren't just rumors, they are things he has admitted to but people are too dim witted to make a connection. The fact he associated with Wright alone would disqualify him for a position of national security if this whole thing were played by the rules.

I remember people would get turned down instantly without question if they had past connections such as his. Considering I processed DoD security clearances (Secret, Top Secret, and TS SCI) my last few months in the military, I think I would know. Hell, I was present for a couple of the TS SCI personal interviews. You want to talk about digging up someones past...

This isn't about race. I could care less if McCain had been black or Obama was green. Its about proven facts, such as his 20 year attendance at that fucked up church.

November 6th, 2008, 12:28 AM

Yes, there may be some people here who dislike Obama because of his race. I think it's a foolish line of reasoning, but they're within their rights to think it.

On the other hand, there are folks like Rbick and like me who oppose him because HE is a racist, and a socialist-fascist. Our assessment may be flawed, and if that's so, I know I'll change my tune. I don't know Rbick very well - I'm rather new here - but he seems to be honest and a critical thinker, and I'm sure he would as well.

The thing is... all the evidence tends to point to us being correct. I expect he'll be a truly horrible injury to this country.

November 6th, 2008, 01:39 AM
Everyone has the right to believe what they want, and to say what they want, but not on my god damn Forum! I tolerate only those beliefs in line with my own here, and that means Osama Obama can suck it. If you don't have anything bad to say about the fool, keep your mouth shut.

I was listening to the Stormfront radio station a little today, and they said their servers have been hit hard with new people flooding in. We may not like the outcome of the election, but this could be the crisis that unites more right minded people to wake up and take back our country from the despicible element that is running it now. We now have a common enemy, and something worth fighting for.

I don't believe much will change under Obama. He will get pulled in 400+ different directions by Congress and the Senate just like every other president. The same special interests are still there, the same people are still in control.

Do not be suprised if Obama tries hard to distance himself from being a negro. Now that he has the job, he can remind the people who really run things that he is only a little black. Nobody wants to be black, no one is proud of that, so if you can claim a better ethnicity you would be a fool not to.

We will see how the fedgov pays for welfare when everyone is out of a job. This could be a good thing, they might slash the clandestine agency budget. The NSA will be reduced to a handful of Pentium 2 desktops and an ocilloscope :) The CIA will have to carpool in their black tinted SUVs, and share waterboards with the whole department. The Secret Service may have to do without sunglasses...

I make light of what could happn because I forsee a silver lining. Obama can't be worse than Clinton, and I heave a great sigh of relief that Bitchry did not get elected. In fact, my only desire this election was that she did not get elected. I don't care who won, as long is she did not.

No one here seriously expected our stolen Constitutional freedoms to be restored under McCain did they? It does not matter who drives the locomotive that is the US of A, we are headed for disaster regardless. We might as well sit back and watch Rome burn. Anyone got some marshmellows?

November 6th, 2008, 02:49 AM
None of these contentionary points have any moral implications...therefore they aren't debatable on that ground, simply on the ground of possibility. If any of my statistics are wrong, it's my sources fault...
Anyways, this to me is kind of a synopsis on him...some of it might be biased, but whatever, it's the 3 in the morning.

Ok, so let's begin with the crisis at hand, and some of the causes of it. I'm not talking specifically about the crisis on our hands as a result of the sub-prime lending crisis etc, more the economic crisis as a whole.

So where did we screw up you ask? The answer is really pretty simple...we privatized the federal reserve for some god-awful reason known only to those who made the decision. At the moment the current INTEREST RATE on the federal reserve is 5.25%.

What this means, is that because the federal reserve prints our money, every time we get more money as a country, we instantly lose 5.25% of that. Mull over the ramifications of this, essentially this means we have a system where every time we print money, we lose money. The more money that we lose, the more money that is lost every time we print.

Right now the board at least is run by the government, the people who decide what to do with the institution that prints our money. Obama wants that board to also be privatized which is ironic because he seems to want everything else to be socialized.

Let's move on,

Obama is going to lower taxes for middle and low income families more than McCain.

The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 per*cent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent�those below the median income level�now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes. These are proportions of the income tax alone and don�t include payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

The wealthiest people in America (the 25% most rich) make up for 85% of total tax income.

Do you know what happens when you tax the people who account for most economic activity in America? They conserve their money even moreso than they did to begin with. Investment grinds to a halt.

Obama also plans to raise the corporate tax as well. Oh, well Joe owns his own business. The Government raises his taxes. However, Joe wants to keep making the same amount of money he did before. What does he do? He cuts jobs or raises the prices of his products.

Now when I've told people in the past they've said something about Obama not taxing small businesses...this is absolute rubbish insofar as A) he has provided no criterion for evaluating such, and B) He hasn't directly defended this position, just kind of mumbled it in debates, things like this get "overlooked".

Moving on,

Alot of people think of hospitals as highly profitable institutions, which is true in areas like Kingwood...
But let's go to a place rather close...
Redding, River Oaks, and Shasta regional are 3 hospitals within 50 miles of us that have gone out because of our current system of health care. Certain regulations make it so that immigrants can get health care and provide absolutely no compensation, NONE. That would be fine if it was just "stabilize them and bounce them out" but instead they are forced to treat them to a rather greater extent based upon their condition. Unlike LEGAL Citizens these folks are not billed.

Under Obama's plan this is going to happen on a greater scale, he's going to be forcing hospitals, doctors, etc not to charge as much. While this may seem like a good thing to the average American it's really not. A lot of hospitals in very populated poor to middle class areas, they barely make their budget.
So when they are making less revenue guess what has to go? That new MRI machine, that new machine to detect tumors, research into that new heart valve operation program. So his plan is A) Limiting innovation, B) a lack of modern technology, C) a less qualified staff D) Less human resources (staff) available, thus more people dying in triage etc.

First of all, to establish a precedence for this little point of contention, the average American puts approximately 8.8% of his annual salary into a 401k. This includes the people that putting 0% (not investing into the 401k) annually...

If you take the same statistic and talk about all people putting at least .5% of their annual income into the same 401k plan, the statistic jumps to 10.11%.

Obama is currently pursuing legislation limiting the amount that you can put into your 401k to 5%. Obviously this is a huge discrepancy for the worst.
Supposedly this is to diversify spending, but why would people diversify their spending in a period of near-depression? The most likely thing is people taking out savings accounts in FDIC insured banks...
What effect will this have?
A) This is going to weaken the 401k program, so retiring is going to be harder on people, and furthermore it means your going to have to older to retire...in the status quo, people of the age of 60 and older are still working for retirement...these people are never going to be able to retire now!Thus intrinsic to the negative effect of weakening the 401k program the social security, Medicaid programs, and any other assistance to old folk are going to be more widely utilized, draining them.

II. Obama wants to force anyone over 70 to withdraw their money from their 401k.
This is just a stupid rule...why would you even do this? First of all, if these people die with their money in a 401k, it could be redistributed among the program, or other federal programs. Second, if someone is healthy enough where they're going to live to 80-100, as many are these days, why not let them work until they get tired of it?
This is really a double blow to these people. So now that we can only put 5% of our annual income it will take longer to get to the point of retirement...so those who weren't able to retire til 65-70 now will NOT be able to retire under the 401k plan. Great job Obama.

III. Obama wants to suspend 401k withdrawals for a undetermined period of time.
Do I even need to say why this is stupid? What about the people that want to retire in that period of time? These people are going to be unable to retire because your not very bright.

Now why haven't you heard about any of this stuff? Because Obama chooses to use surrogates so as to not illicit negative response in his direction. Michael Pfleger, Jon Corzine, just to name a couple of his surrogates.

What he's using is a similar policy as Carter, who basically used a huge amount of surrogates to produce a negative constituency without negative response, and while Carter was one of the most reviled presidents in history, he did a damn good job at this. Thus, why he's rather reviled. This permits the politician to avoid responsibility for the message.

Both of these surrogates have advocated "redistributing" the 401k accounts. So he wants to take your retirement savings and give them to poor people, how does that sound?

One proposed way (in writing at least) it would start is as a surtax placed on people with incomes above a certain amount. For example. American workers with incomes over an arbitrary amount might be taxed 5% of the amount in their 401K account in addition to any other taxes that are owed.

American workers with incomes over $80,000 might have a surtax of 10% of the total amount in the 401K account. The tax could be withdrawn directly from the 401K account.

The amount of the surtax on the amount of assets in the 401K account would increase with the income of the taxpayer.

I'm too tired to right more, if any of this was incomprehensible, just tell me.

Mr Science
November 7th, 2008, 03:05 AM
The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.
I promise you, we as a people will get there.

This part of his speech really bothers me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is what it translates to:
"You will not see any results in one year or even one term. I am going to be another lame-duck president, so this is my warning to you. From now on, any other failures we will see are all part of the plan, it is the sacrifice we must go through to meet "change." We as a country will blindly follow me, and I am hopeful no one will notice my agenda."

Am I right or am I right? :D

November 7th, 2008, 03:10 AM
I hope he's a do-nothing. I've never seen a politician that made things better. Leave everything EXACTLY as it is and I'll consider him a success. Certainly can't trust him to shrink government.

November 7th, 2008, 11:44 AM
I'm with 3287 on this one. Hopefully he doesn't change anything. If he does, it will have something to do with passing more laws, making the government bigger (a seemingly impossible task, but he will find a way), giving hand outs to lazy fucks with my hard earned money, letting fags get "married", or worse of all; banning guns and more chemicals. Not the change I was looking for...

He can take that "change" and shove it straight up his egotistical smooth talking ass. Yeah, change. He didn't specify how it wasn't going to be GOOD change.

November 7th, 2008, 12:34 PM
The only "change" we're headed for is a few steps closer to socialism... which in itself must be complete for us to become a communist state. Believe it. And it would not have mattered one bit if Obama had lost. We'd still be on the slippery slope toward communism. There's no difference between the two parties anymore.

November 7th, 2008, 06:58 PM
Yea, we've been sliding towards Socialism for quite some time, this may speed things up a bit, but with the Elections being basically rigged (only a Democrat or Republican will ever win) and their hell-bent philosophy of total domination of the populace, well all we can do is oppose it the best way we know how.

November 8th, 2008, 02:24 AM
It's obvious there are some aware citizens, for the first time an Independent (Ralph Nader) made it onto the ballot in every state.

It ain't over yet.

November 8th, 2008, 02:48 AM
It's obvious there are some aware citizens, for the first time an Independent (Ralph Nader) made it onto the ballot in every state.

It ain't over yet.

Sad thing is, a third party candidate will never get Electoral votes. Our Presidential elections are just a farce. It never fails, we end up with two stupid assholes to vote for (who will get electoral votes).

Then we have the retards who spout off about how voting for a third party candidate is a waste etc... I just want to strangle them.

There will have to be a very dramatic set of events to get out of the Republican or Democrat disaster we are stuck in now.

November 8th, 2008, 05:01 AM
By limiting 401K contributions you prevent people from having too much of their income wrapped up in the market, and losing their shirt when it crashes. Unfortunately this is something that will not help anyone now since the market already crashed, but it could help in the future. You could still invest your salary in a Roth IRA, CD, or money market, so you are not limited as to your investment options, you would just be capped in one particular investment.

When politicians start throwing around statements like "tax the rich" and "small businesses don't need to worry" I have to question what they define as "rich" and "small." Wages in New York are much higher than in Montana, but the cost of living in NYC is astronomical, whereas you can live dirt cheap in Montana. What defines rich then? $100,000 a year? $50,000 a year? $35,000 a year? Owning a home? Being married? Being White?

As for businesses, what do they define as small for tax break purposes? I know there are classifications for defining small businesses already, but these new taxes may only include every business with 1 or more employees, meaning only independent operations would be spared. Even then every business may get hit with a big tax, just the small ones get hit a little less.

If the libs want their universal health care, which has probably been pushed to the back burner now, they will have to tax us blind. This will throw the breaks on our economy so hard our growth rate will drop to 0 for decades to come. The good news is we will all be healthy. The bad news is the leading cause of death will be suicide due to lack of money, and starvation due to waiting in line to see the doctor.

Whatever the libs had planned for their glorious demorat revolution must now take a back seat to the economy. Osama Obomb-a has already stated fixing the financial crisis will be his priority. As a new president he may just have the power in his "hundred days" to get some changes, but it will be at least a year, maybe 2, of hard fighting to stabilize this mess. After two years he will have to switch gears to run for reelection, so little can be accomplished after that.

Basically the only thing Osama Obomb-a can do for his entire first term, at least what he will be remembered for doing, is fixing the economy. If he fails at this, which includes things not getting worse and things getting only slightly better, he will not get reelected. There will be no health care changes, no negro rights, no aid to Africa, none of the liberal crap the libs are having wet dreams about because the Afro-Presidento will be busy fixing a problem that traditionally Republicans handle.

How ironic then that we elect a tax and spend liberal to fix a problem that should require major belt tightening. The fickle people blame Bush and the Republicans for the problems without considering demorats will make this even worse. We can't spend our way out of debt, and we can't tax what is not earned. Will the Prez be willing to slash fedgov spending across the board when the economy is in such dire straits that desperate measures need to be taken? I doubt it.

The commander in tribe chieftain also inherits a war, let us not forget. That problem can't be set aside like health care. I would not be surprised if his pullout gets hundreds of thousands of people killed. The ragheads will flood into the vacuum of power so fast the thundercrack will be heard around the world. The Chinese sweatshop workers will not be able to keep up with the demand for American flags that the Jihadists will be burning until the tide of blood of beheaded victims drenches the flames!

Meanwhile, four years from now the jungle bunnies will be huddled around burning trash barrels mumbling about Uncle Tom not giving them any reparations, veterans by the thousands will be panhandling from their wheelchairs, the only restaurant with “billions and billions served” will be soup kitchens, and the only companies doing good business will be making cardboard boxes –slash- our homes.

November 8th, 2008, 01:16 PM
Sad thing is, a third party candidate will never get Electoral votes. Our Presidential elections are just a farce. It never fails, we end up with two stupid assholes to vote for (who will get electoral votes).

Then we have the retards who spout off about how voting for a third party candidate is a waste etc... I just want to strangle them.

There will have to be a very dramatic set of events to get out of the Republican or Democrat disaster we are stuck in now.

I agree, but it's a sign of a slight rise in awareness.

I've got a friend that thinks voting 3rd is a waste because they'll never get elected.. I think if a 3rd party candidate got the majority of the votes; and wasn't elected.. that there would be a rather nasty uprising. It would serve as an effective catalyst, if nothing else.

November 8th, 2008, 01:24 PM
Mega: I hope you don't mind that I copied your response so I can show it to other people. It made me laugh while bringing some very cogent points to light. Yes, this is a liberal revolution of sorts no doubt. However, if they get too out of hand, we are the ones with the guns :D

I wanted to share with everyone my utter disgust with Obama supporters. Read the following quotes I pulled from the circus that they call moveon.org. For those of you who don't know, moveon.org is a neosocialist, anti-anything-not-liberal organization that prides itself on perverting our 2nd amendment and getting more things that sound "scary" banned. Anyway, these people literally worship Obama, yet he hasn't done anything yet. As a matter of fact, he hasn't really accomplished anything up until this point in his life. Actually if you consider cheating your way into a short term in congress and voting "present" on most major issues then I stand corrected. When he did actually vote it was usually in support of gun bans or pro-abortion, both of which disgust me to no end. Anyway, here they are, with my commentary in tow of course:

Patricia L, SeaTac, WA
What does Obama's victory mean to you?: Finally, I am proud again to say I am an American!!

What should we do next?: Support his agenda for peace and equality, and pray for protection for him and his family!

Dumb bitch. Why the fuck couldn't you be proud before? So you're only proud when its easy? What kind of bullshit is that? It sounds like the majority of American's views on Marriage: "If its easy, I love it. But if its difficult... Fuck that I'm getting a divorce!" Some American you are, fucking whore. She lives near me. I'm going to light a bag of dog shit on fire and throw it on her doorstep and punch her in the head when she comes out to stomp on it.

Patricia H, Eugene, OR

What does Obama's victory mean to you?: I got out of bed, after four brain surgeries in the past two years and walked and talked many hours for Obama. I get $630.00 a month from disability. I sent in $15.00, five dollars at a time to Barrack Obama. I have more hope and energy than I have had in years. Thank you and your family for standing up and working tirelessly for the people of the United States.

What should we do next? :Pick the smartest and brightest for you cabinet, as soon as possible. Hope is like a drug, I want more.

Holy shit... These are the nut jobs I have to put up with on the West Coast. Shoulda stayed in bed asshole. This ladies profile picture is exactly as you would imagine it.

Karlla B, Lancaster, PA

What does Obama's victory mean to you?: It really means that my children will grow up in a world where they knew their mother made a choice for change, thinking of them and the future of their generation. It means overcoming the scars of the past to elect a truly noble and gracious man, a true role model for all in this great land.

What should we do next?: The spirit of community and sacrifice that was elemental to his campaign needs to continue now that the hard work truly awaits us all. We need to continue to be involved and informed, and continue to use our voices to see real change take place.

I swear some of these people were stoned or just mentally handicapped. Suddenly this guy is going to change the face of the planet as if by magic? Scars from the past? Yeah, I'm sure life has been so hard in your soccer mom suburban world. The most difficult time you've had was when you had to decide between a new BMW or a Benz for your drug addict 16 year old gay son.

Carol F, Santa Cruz, CA

What does Obama's victory mean to you? I wept with relief and joy that we actually prevailed! After watching Ohio get stolen in 2004, I was SO happy for the good people of Ohio.

What should we do next? Get ready to work hard WITH the whole country to mend our broken country and our hurting world. We each need to bring a spirit of "Service and Sacrifice" in order to make the most of this opportunity.

People actually cried. Cried for what? HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING. He promised us everything like every other president except made us all believe it.

This was my response:
I'm not giving him credit until he actually accomplishes something considering he hasn't really done anything aside from getting elected.

Anyway, I'm done ranting. It feels good. I would have put more quotes up but I couldn't continue reading that bullshit without clawing my own eyes out. Well the libs are in for a surprise when the only thing that changes is the size of their paycheck so we can feed the drug dealers on welfare. (getting smaller of course).

With the 3rd party, it is good to see awareness. However, I doubt a 3rd party will get elected before humans wipe each other out of existence. If you want to get elected, all you need is good looks, smooth talk, and about 500 million dollars to spare. Pathetic...

November 9th, 2008, 11:02 PM
This is why the Canadian government does so well. Most of the governments that get in are minority and even then if they have a majority they are answerable to the other parties. This almost never happens and they have to toe the line and not do anything drastic.

November 10th, 2008, 12:42 AM
This is why the Canadian government does so well.Yea, well, just the same- I'll be damned if I will trade for Canada's government.

November 10th, 2008, 01:11 PM
Taken from this website: http://special.cjonline.com/stories/110908/loc_353922770.shtml

Planning under way for Obama holiday
The Capital-Journal
Published Sunday, November 09, 2008
Plans are being made to promote a national holiday for Barack Obama, who will become the nation's 44th president when he takes the oath of office Jan. 20.

"Yes We Can" planning rallies will be at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. every Tuesday at the downtown McDonald's restaurant, 1100 Kansas Ave., until Jan. 13. The goals are to secure a national holiday in Obama's honor, to organize celebrations around his inauguration and to celebrate the 200th birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, who was born on Feb. 12 1809.

At 7:30 a.m. on Inauguration Day, Obama Cake will be served at the downtown McDonald's, and a celebration is scheduled for 8 p.m. to midnight Jan. 20 at the Ramada Hotel and Convention Center, 420 S.E. 6th.

For more information, contact Sonny Scroggins, (785) 232-3761, 845-6148 or at biasbustersofkansas@yahoo.com; Lamont Lassiter, McDonald's general manager, 608-2739; Ava Chander-Beard, (785) 234-9138, ava.beard@sbcglobal.net; or Rhoda Carr, (785) 220-5883.

How about we let him get in office and do something constructive before we lobby for a holiday? :rolleyes:

November 10th, 2008, 01:54 PM
slarter: WTF is right! This guy is literally being worshiped, and for what? He hasn't done anything yet. His track record is so non existent... I'm at a loss of words, and you guys have heard it all before anyway about how much he sucks. My heart sank when I read your message.

I realize that many people here are not Christians, which is fine. I'm just saying that if you read the bible, Obama fits the definition of the Anti-Christ pretty well, especially now that people are worshiping him. Call me crazy. Hopefully he is so I can die and be at peace. I'm fed up with all of the bullshit.

November 10th, 2008, 02:45 PM
I'm sure there's enough whackjobs out there to try to get something like this in motion but it's never gonna happen. Great way to incite rioting in the streets, though, if you ask me.

November 10th, 2008, 02:56 PM
I realize that many people here are not Christians, which is fine. I'm just saying that if you read the bible, Obama fits the definition of the Anti-Christ pretty well, especially now that people are worshiping him.

Funny thing happened in Illinois on the 5th of November. The winning lottery numbers for the Illinois pick three were: "666" :eek:


November 10th, 2008, 05:49 PM
We will see four years from now how the people feel about Obama once he actually does something. If he does a good job, great, then we celebrate, but if he ends up being a lackluster do-nothing like Clinton, or his inexperience manifests itself in a crisis he bungles, his worshippers will be casting the first stones...

I seem to remember a similar feeling of jubilation when Bush was elected, ending the 8 abominable years of the Clinton tyranny. Bush may be a lot of things, but he did a lot more than sit on his ass and get blowjobs from fat homely chicks.

Obama is not Kennedy, he will have to earn the respect of the people through action. So far he hasn't done anything more than make promises and speeches, just like every other politican stumping for a vote.

November 10th, 2008, 06:46 PM
Funny thing happened in Illinois on the 5th of November. The winning lottery numbers for the Illinois pick three were: "666" :eek:

Hahahaha that's hilarious. I'm not taking it that seriously, I was just saying the similarities are stunning.

Mega: I was thinking the same thing. While I do love my country, I hope he fucks up bad enough to show people that hes just like any other president, except with A LOT less experience. A catastrophic failure on his part should put the libs in their place and get them to STFU for a few minutes. Although I would put a bet down saying that they would try and place blame on Republicans for Obama's mistakes, since he cannot do wrong in their eyes.

November 10th, 2008, 10:50 PM
Slarter - Happened on the 23rd of Oct as well. Maybe NBK was onto something with the "Hail Satan!"

At 7:30 a.m. on Inauguration Day, Obama Cake will be served at the downtown McDonald's

Obama cake? What the fuck? Is this a wedding now? Obama is the second husband of Liberty. He speaks such sweet words, but we all know him to be a wife beater.

November 11th, 2008, 08:16 PM
What about that place in Japan called Obama? Does that mean he is part-Japanese? I also heard in the news that an ancestor of his came from Ireland in the 1840s, so he may really be O'Bama, then.

Jacks Complete
November 16th, 2008, 08:33 AM
I'm not sure whether to comment on this thread. Obama to me, and most of my friends, (those who care or have any opinion) seems like the least worst choice. He may turn out to be a disaster, or he may turn out to be great.

However, one thing is for certain. Your markets have already crashed, and you lot actually got a vote to decide who did that, and who got to try and fix it.

We got no vote for the clown who steered us into this economic disgrace, and he's holding off elections as long as he can so he can (to try) fix it. Except his fixing has so far fucked our economy over totally, and yet the sheeple here think that because he is "doing something" it is good. But take a look at the pound vs. the dollar charts for the last 4 months. (Hint: down from $1.80+ to an almost record low!) Or the Euro (Also dropped massively.)

So yes, you'll have to wait and see. We already have, and never got a say either way!

November 18th, 2008, 09:57 PM
Jacks - I feel your pain.

November 19th, 2008, 07:58 AM
That's too fucking true to be funny...