Gear and Equipment (Cora Supplement)

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Equipping Your Character

The world of Cora is a dangerous place, and it will do you well to equip your character appropriately. Below is a table for starting gold for new characters.

Starting Gold
Class Starting Gold
BinderToM200 gp.
Evoker160 gp.
Frontiersman240 gp.
Mercenary240 gp.
Order Initiate240 gp.
Soulshaper160 gp.
Stonemelder160 gp.



Melee Weapon GroupsCostDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRange IncrementWeight1Type2
Basic Weapons
Club1d41d6×210 ft.3 lb.Bludgeoning
Dagger2 gp1d31d419–20/×210 ft.1 lb.Piercing or slashing
Quarterstaff51d4/1d41d6/1d6×24 lb.Bludgeoning
Handaxe6 gp1d41d6×33 lb.Slashing
Battleaxe10 gp1d61d8×36 lb.Slashing
Greataxe20 gp1d101d12×312 lb.Slashing
Exotic & Double Axes
Waraxe, dwarven30 gp1d81d10×38 lb.Slashing
Axe, orc double560 gp1d6/1d61d8/1d8×315 lb.Slashing
Urgrosh, dwarven550 gp1d6/1d41d8/1d6×312 lb.Slashing/piercing
Claw Weapons
Gauntlet, spiked5 gp1d31d4×21 lb.Piercing
Dagger, punching2 gp1d31d4×31 lb.Piercing
Druid Weapons
Club1d41d6×210 ft.3 lb.Bludgeoning
Dagger2 gp1d31d419–20/×210 ft.1 lb.Piercing or slashing
Quarterstaff51d4/1d41d6/1d6×24 lb.Bludgeoning
Sickle6 gp1d41d6×22 lb.Slashing
Dart5 sp1d31d4×220 ft.1/2 lb.Piercing
Sling1d31d4×250 ft.0 lb.Bludgeoning
Bullets, sling (10)1 sp5 lb.
Scimitar15 gp1d41d618–20/×24 lb.Slashing
Spear2 gp1d61d8×320 ft.6 lb.Piercing
Shortspear1 gp1d41d6×220 ft.3 lb.Piercing
Flail and Chain Weapons
Flail8 gp1d61d8×25 lb.Bludgeoning
Flail, heavy15 gp1d81d1019–20/×210 lb.Bludgeoning
Exotic & Double Flails and Chains
Chain, spiked425 gp1d62d4×210 lb.Piercing
Flail, dire590 gp1d6/1d61d8/1d8×210 lb.Bludgeoning
Whip41 gp1d231d33×22 lb.Slashing
Heavy Blades
Longsword15 gp1d61d819–20/×24 lb.Slashing
Falchion75 gp1d62d418–20/×28 lb.Slashing
Scimitar15 gp1d41d618–20/×24 lb.Slashing
Greatsword50 gp1d102d619–20/×28 lb.Slashing
Exotic & Double Heavy Blades
Sword, bastard35 gp1d81d1019–20/×26 lb.Slashing
Sword, two-bladed5100 gp1d6/1d61d8/1d819–20/×210 lb.Slashing
Light Blades
Dagger2 gp1d31d419–20/×210 ft.1 lb.Piercing or slashing
Dagger, punching2 gp1d31d4×31 lb.Piercing
Sword, short10 gp1d41d619–20/×22 lb.Piercing
Rapier20 gp1d41d618–20/×22 lb.Piercing
Exotic Light Blades
Kukri8 gp1d31d418–20/×22 lb.Slashing
Maces and Clubs
Club1d41d6×210 ft.3 lb.Bludgeoning
Morningstar8 gp1d61d8×26 lb.Bludgeoning and piercing
Mace, light5 gp1d41d6×24 lb.Bludgeoning
Mace, heavy12 gp1d61d8×28 lb.Bludgeoning
Greatclub5 gp1d81d10×28 lb.Bludgeoning
Sap1 gp1d431d63×22 lb.Bludgeoning
Quarterstaff51d4/1d41d6/1d6×24 lb.Bludgeoning
Monk Weapons
Kama2 gp1d41d6×22 lb.Slashing
Nunchaku2 gp1d41d6×22 lb.Bludgeoning
Quarterstaff51d4/1d41d6/1d6×24 lb.Bludgeoning
Sai1 gp1d31d4×210 ft.1 lb.Bludgeoning
Shuriken (5)1 gp11d2×210 ft.1/2 lb.Piercing
Siangham3 gp1d41d6×21 lb.Piercing
Picks and Hammers
Pick, light4 gp1d31d4×43 lb.Piercing
Pick, heavy8 gp1d41d6×46 lb.Piercing
Hammer, light1 gp1d31d4×220 ft.2 lb.Bludgeoning
Warhammer12 gp1d61d8×35 lb.Bludgeoning
Scythe18 gp1d62d4×410 lb.Piercing or slashing
Exotic & Double Picks and Hammers
Hammer, gnome hooked520 gp1d6/1d41d8/1d6×3/×46 lb.Bludgeoning/piercing
Glaive48 gp1d81d10×310 lb.Slashing
Guisarme49 gp1d62d4×312 lb.Slashing
Halberd10 gp1d81d10×312 lb.Piercing or slashing
Ranseur410 gp1d62d4×312 lb.Piercing
Spears and Lances
Shortspear1 gp1d41d6×220 ft.3 lb.Piercing
Longspear45 gp1d61d8×39 lb.Piercing
Spear2 gp1d61d8×320 ft.6 lb.Piercing
Javelin1 gp1d41d6×230 ft.2 lb.Piercing
Trident15 gp1d61d8×210 ft.4 lb.Piercing
Lance410 gp1d61d8×310 lb.Piercing
Ranged Weapon GroupsCostDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRange IncrementWeight1Type2
Longbow75 gp1d61d8×3100 ft.3 lb.Piercing
Arrows (20)1 gp3 lb.
Longbow, composite100 gp1d61d8×3110 ft.3 lb.Piercing
Arrows (20)1 gp3 lb.
Shortbow30 gp1d41d6×360 ft.2 lb.Piercing
Arrows (20)1 gp3 lb.
Shortbow, composite75 gp1d41d6×370 ft.2 lb.Piercing
Arrows (20)1 gp3 lb.
Crossbow, heavy50 gp1d81d1019–20/×2120 ft.8 lb.Piercing
Bolts, crossbow (10)1 gp1 lb.
Crossbow, light35 gp1d61d819–20/×280 ft.4 lb.Piercing
Bolts, crossbow (10)1 gp1 lb.
Exotic Crossbows
Crossbow, hand100 gp1d31d419–20/×230 ft.2 lb.Piercing
Bolts (10)1 gp1 lb.
Crossbow, repeating heavy400 gp1d81d1019–20/×2120 ft.12 lb.Piercing
Bolts (5)1 gp1 lb.
Crossbow, repeating light250 gp1d61d819–20/×280 ft.6 lb.Piercing
Bolts (5)1 gp1 lb.
Slings and Thrown Weapons
Axe, throwing8 gp1d41d6×210 ft.2 lb.Slashing
Dart5 sp1d31d4×220 ft.1/2 lb.Piercing
Sling1d31d4×250 ft.0 lb.Bludgeoning
Bullets, sling (10)1 sp5 lb.
Exotic Slings and Thrown Weapons
Bolas5 gp1d331d43×210 ft.2 lb.Bludgeoning
Net20 gp10 ft.6 lb.
Shuriken (5)1 gp11d2×210 ft.1/2 lb.Piercing
  1. Weight figures are for Medium weapons. A Small weapon weighs half as much, and a Large weapon weighs twice as much.
  2. When two types are given, the weapon is both types if the entry specifies “and,” either type (player’s choice at time of attack) if the entry specifies “or,” or each end of the double weapon is a different type if the entry specifies “/.”
  3. The weapon deals nonlethal damage rather than lethal damage.
  4. Reach weapon.
  5. Double weapon.

Armor and Shields

Shield Bonus
Dex Bonus
Armor Check
Arcane Spell
Failure Chance
(30 ft.)(20 ft.)
Light Armor
Padded5 gp+1+805%30 ft.20 ft.10 lb.
Leather10 gp+2+6010%30 ft.20 ft.15 lb.
Studded leather25 gp+3+5–115%30 ft.20 ft.20 lb.
Chain shirt100 gp+4+4–220%30 ft.20 ft.25 lb.
Medium Armor
Hide15 gp+3+4–320%20 ft.15 ft.25 lb.
Scale mail50 gp+4+3–425%20 ft.15 ft.30 lb.
Chainmail150 gp+5+2–530%20 ft.15 ft.40 lb.
Breastplate200 gp+5+3–425%20 ft.15 ft.30 lb.
Heavy Armor
Splint mail200 gp+6+0–740%20 ft.215 ft.245 lb.
Banded mail250 gp+6+1–635%20 ft.215 ft.235 lb.
Half-plate600 gp+7+0–740%20 ft.215 ft.250 lb.
Full plate1,500 gp+8+1–635%20 ft.215 ft.250 lb.
Buckler15 gp+1–15%5 lb.
Shield, light wooden3 gp+1–15%5 lb.
Shield, light steel9 gp+1–15%6 lb.
Shield, heavy wooden7 gp+2–215%10 lb.
Shield, heavy steel20 gp+2–215%15 lb.
Shield, tower30 gp+43+2–1050%45 lb.
Armor spikes+50 gp+10 lb.
Gauntlet, locked8 gpSpecial4+5 lb.
Shield Spikes, Light or Heavy+10 gp+5 lb.
  1. Weight figures are for armor sized to fit Medium characters. Armor fitted for Small characters weighs half as much, and armor fitted for Large characters weighs twice as much.
  2. When running in heavy armor, you move only triple your speed, not quadruple.
  3. A tower shield can instead grant you cover. See the description.
  4. Hand not free to cast spells.

Adventuring Gear

Backpack (empty)2 gp2 lb.1
Barrel (empty)2 gp30 lb.
Basket (empty)4 sp1 lb.
Bedroll1 sp5 lb.1
Bell1 gp
Blanket, winter5 sp3 lb.1
Block and tackle5 gp5 lb.
Bottle, wine, glass2 gp
Bucket (empty)5 sp2 lb.
Caltrops1 gp2 lb.
Candle1 cp
Canvas (sq. yd.)1 sp1 lb.
Case, map or scroll1 gp1/2 lb.
Chain (10 ft.)30 gp2 lb.
Chalk, 1 piece1 cp
Chest (empty)2 gp25 lb.
Crowbar2 gp5 lb.
Firewood (per day)1 cp20 lb.
Fishhook1 sp
Fishing net, 25 sq. ft.4 gp5 lb.
Flask (empty)3 cp1-1/2 lb.
Flint and steel1 gp
Grappling hook1 gp4 lb.
Hammer5 sp2 lb.
Ink (1 oz. vial)8 gp
Inkpen1 sp
Jug, clay3 cp9 lb.
Ladder, 10-foot5 cp20 lb.
Lamp, common1 sp1 lb.
Lantern, bullseye12 gp3 lb.
Lantern, hooded7 gp2 lb.
Lock1 lb.
- Very simple20 gp1 lb.
- Average40 gp1 lb.
- Good80 gp1 lb.
- Amazing150 gp1 lb.
Manacles15 gp2 lb.
Manacles, masterwork50 gp2 lb.
Mirror, small steel10 gp1/2 lb.
Mug/Tankard, clay2 cp1 lb.
Oil (1-pint flask)1 sp1 lb.
Paper (sheet)4 sp
Parchment (sheet)2 sp
Pick, miner’s3 gp10 lb.
Pitcher, clay2 cp5 lb.
Piton1 sp1/2 lb.
Pole, 10-foot2 sp8 lb.
Pot, iron5 sp10 lb.
Pouch, belt (empty)1 gp1/2 lb.1
Ram, portable10 gp20 lb.
Rations, trail (per day)5 sp1 lb.1
Rope, hempen (50 ft.)1 gp10 lb.
Rope, silk (50 ft.)10 gp5 lb.
Sack (empty)1 sp1/2 lb.1
Sealing wax1 gp1 lb.
Sewing needle5 sp
Signal whistle8 sp
Signet ring5 gp
Sledge1 gp10 lb.
Soap (per lb.)5 sp1 lb.
Spade or shovel2 gp8 lb.
Spyglass1,000 gp1 lb.
Tent10 gp20 lb.1
Torch1 cp1 lb.
Vial, ink or potion1 gp1/10 lb.
Waterskin1 gp4 lb.1
Whetstone2 cp1 lb.
  1. These items weigh one-quarter this amount when made for Small characters. Containers for Small characters also carry one-quarter the normal amount.

Special Substances & Items

Acid (flask)10 gp1 lb.
Alchemist’s fire (flask)20 gp1 lb.
Antitoxin (vial)50 gp
Everburning torch110 gp1 lb.
Holy water (flask)25 gp1 lb.
Smokestick20 gp1/2 lb.
Sunrod2 gp1 lb.
Tanglefoot bag50 gp4 lb.
Thunderstone30 gp1 lb.
Tindertwig1 gp

Tools and Skill Kits

Alchemist’s lab500 gp40 lb.
Artisan’s tools5 gp5 lb.
Artisan’s tools, masterwork55 gp5 lb.
Climber’s kit80 gp5 lb.1
Disguise kit50 gp8 lb.1
Healer’s kit50 gp1 lb.
Holly and mistletoe
Holy symbol, wooden1 gp
Holy symbol, silver25 gp1 lb.
Hourglass25 gp1 lb.
Magnifying glass100 gp
Musical instrument, common5 gp3 lb.1
Musical instrument, masterwork100 gp3 lb.1
Scale, merchant’s2 gp1 lb.
Spell component pouch5 gp2 lb.
Spellbook, wizard’s (blank)15 gp3 lb.
Thieves’ tools30 gp1 lb.
Thieves’ tools, masterwork100 gp2 lb.
Tool, masterwork50 gp1 lb.
Water clock1,000 gp200 lb.
  1. These items weigh one-quarter this amount when made for Small characters. Containers for Small characters also carry one-quarter the normal amount.

Cora Stones

Black17 gp.5 lb.
Blue8 gp.5 lb.
Brown15 gp.5 lb.
Clear10 gp.5 lb.
Gray17 gp.5 lb.
Green12 gp.5 lb.
Red15 gp.5 lb.
Yellow20 gp.5 lb.
White15 gp.5 lb.


Artisan’s outfit1 gp4 lb.1
Cleric’s vestments5 gp6 lb.1
Cold weather outfit8 gp7 lb.1
Courtier’s outfit30 gp6 lb.1
Entertainer’s outfit3 gp4 lb.1
Explorer’s outfit10 gp8 lb.1
Monk’s outfit5 gp2 lb.1
Noble’s outfit75 gp10 lb.1
Peasant’s outfit1 sp2 lb.1
Royal outfit200 gp15 lb.1
Scholar’s outfit5 gp6 lb.1
Traveler’s outfit1 gp5 lb.1
  1. These items weigh one-quarter this amount when made for Small characters. Containers for Small characters also carry one-quarter the normal amount.

Food, Drink, and Lodging

- Gallon2 sp8 lb.
- Mug4 cp1 lb.
Banquet (per person)10 gp
Bread, per loaf2 cp1/2 lb.
Cheese, hunk of1 sp1/2 lb.
Inn stay (per day)
- Good2 gp
- Common5 sp
- Poor2 sp
Meals (per day)
- Good5 sp
- Common3 sp
- Poor1 sp
Meat, chunk of3 sp1/2 lb.
- Common (pitcher)2 sp6 lb.
- Fine (bottle)10 gp1-1/2 lb.


PoisonTypeInitial DamageSecondary DamagePrice
NitharitContact DC 1303d6 Con650 gp
Sassone leaf residueContact DC 162d12 hp1d6 Con300 gp
Malyss root pasteContact DC 161 Dex2d4 Dex500 gp
Terinav rootContact DC 161d6 Dex2d6 Dex750 gp
Black lotus extractContact DC 203d6 Con3d6 Con4,500 gp
Dragon bileContact DC 263d6 Str01,500 gp
Striped toadstoolIngested DC 111 Wis2d6 Wis + 1d4 Int180 gp
ArsenicIngested DC 131 Con1d8 Con120 gp
Id mossIngested DC 141d4 Int2d6 Int125 gp
Oil of taggitIngested DC 150Unconsciousness90 gp
Lich dustIngested DC 172d6 Str1d6 Str250 gp
Dark reaver powderIngested DC 182d6 Con1d6 Con + 1d6 Str300 gp
Ungol dustInhaled DC 151 Cha1d6 Cha + 1 Cha11,000 gp
Insanity mistInhaled DC 151d4 Wis2d6 Wis1,500 gp
Burnt othur fumesInhaled DC 181 Con13d6 Con2,100 gp
Black adder venomInjury DC 111d6 Con1d6 Con120 gp
Small centipede poisonInjury DC 111d2 Dex1d2 Dex90 gp
BloodrootInjury DC 1201d4 Con + 1d3 Wis100 gp
Drow poisonInjury DC 13UnconsciousnessUnconsciousness for 2d4 hours75gp
Greenblood oilInjury DC 131 Con1d2 Con100 gp
Blue whinnisInjury DC 141 ConUnconsciousness120 gp
Medium spider venomInjury DC 141d4 Str1d4 Str150 gp
Shadow essenceInjury DC 171 Str12d6 Str250 gp
Wyvern poisonInjury DC 172d6 Con2d6 Con3,000 gp
Large scorpion venomInjury DC 181d6 Str1d6 Str200 gp
Giant wasp poisonInjury DC 181d6 Dex1d6 Dex210 gp
DeathbladeInjury DC 201d6 Con2d6 Con1,800 gp
Purple worm poisonInjury DC 241d6 Str2d6 Str700 gp
  1. Permanent drain, not temporary damage.

Vehicles and Mounts

- Medium creature×2×1
- Large creature×4×2
Bit and bridle2 gp1 lb.
Dog, guard25 gp
Dog, riding150 gp
Donkey or mule8 gp
Feed (per day)5 cp10 lb.
- Horse, heavy200 gp
- Horse, light75 gp
- Pony30 gp
- Warhorse, heavy400 gp
- Warhorse, light150 gp
- Warpony100 gp
-- Military20 gp30 lb.
- Pack5 gp15 lb.
- Riding10 gp25 lb.
Saddle, Exotic
- Military60 gp40 lb.
- Pack15 gp20 lb.
- Riding30 gp30 lb.
- Saddlebags4 gp8 lb.
Stabling (per day)5 sp


Carriage100 gp600 lb.
Cart15 gp200 lb.
Galley30,000 gp
Keelboat3,000 gp
Longship10,000 gp
Rowboat50 gp100 lb.
Oar2 gp10 lb.
Sailing ship10,000 gp
Sled20 gp300 lb.
Wagon35 gp400 lb.
Warship25,000 gp

Special Materials

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