Index of oncology articles

This is a list of terms related to oncology. The original source for this list was the US National Cancer Institute's public domain Dictionary of Cancer Terms.


10-propargyl-10-deazaaminopterin12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate – 13-cis retinoic acid – 17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin – 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging – 2-methoxyestradiol – 2IT-BAD monoclonal antibody 170 – 3-aminopyridine-2-carboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazone – 3-AP – 3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy – 3-dimensional radiation therapy – 4-demethoxydaunorubicin4-hydroxytamoxifen – 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide – 4-NQO – 5-FU – 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid – 5-hydroxytryptamine506U78 – 5Q- syndrome – 6-hydroxymethylacylfulvene – 9-cis retinoic acid – 90Y-DOTA-biotin


A33 monoclonal antibody – AAPabarelixABCD ratingABI-007ABT-510ABT-751ABX-EGF – accelerated phase – ACE inhibitoracetylcysteineachlorhydriaacitretin – acoustic neurofibromatosis – acridine carboxamideacrylonitrileactinic keratosis – action study – Activaseacute erythroid leukemiaacute lymphoblastic leukemia – acute lymphocytic leukemia – acute myelogenous leukemia – acute myeloid leukemia – acute nonlymphocytic leukemia – AD 32adenocarcinoma – adenoid cystic cancer – adenomaadenopathyadenosine triphosphateadenovirusadjunct agent – adjunctive therapy – adjuvant therapyadrenocorticalAdriamycinadult T-cell leukemia/lymphomaAE-941AEE788 – aerobic metabolism – aerobic respiration – aerodigestive tractaerosolizeaflatoxinAFPAG013736AG2037AG3340AG337agent studyagglutininaggressive lymphoma – agnogenic myeloid metaplasia – agonistagranulocytosisAJCC staging systemalanine aminopeptidase – alanine transferase – alanosine – aldesleukin – alemtuzumab – alendronate sodium – alkalinization – alkylating agent – ALL – all-trans retinoic acid – allogeneic – allogeneic bone marrow transplantation – allogeneic stem cell transplantation – allogenicallopurinolAllovectin-7aloe-emodinalopeciaalpha-fetoproteinAlteplasealtretaminealuminium sulfateALVAC-CEA vaccineAmanita phalloidesAmbienamelanotic melanomaAmes, Bruceamifostineamikacinaminocamptothecinaminoglutethimide – aminoglycoside antibiotic – aminolevulinic acidaminopterinAMLamonafideamoxicillinamphotericin Bampullaampulla of Vateramputationamsacrineamylaseamyloidosisanagrelideanakinra – anaphylactic shock – anaplastic – anaplastic large cell lymphoma – anaplastic thyroid canceranastomosisanastrozoleandrogen – androgen ablation – androgen suppressionandrogen-independent – anecdotal report – anemiaanetholtrithione – Angelica root – angiogenesisangiogenesis inhibitorangioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphomaangiosarcomaangiostatin – angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor – anhydrovinblastineanidulafungin – animal model – annamycinanorexiaansamycinantagonist – anterior mediastinotomy – anterior mediastinum – anthracenedioneanthracyclineanthraquinoneanti-CEA antibody – anti-idiotype vaccine – anti-inflammatoryantiandrogen – antiandrogen therapy – anti-angiogenesisantiangiogenicantibodyantibody therapyanticachexia – anticancer antibiotic – anticarcinogenicanticoagulantanticonvulsantantidepressantantiemeticantiestrogenantifolate – antifungal medication – antigenantigen-presenting cellantigen-presenting cell vaccine – antiglobulin test – antihormone therapyantimetabolite – antimicrotubule agent – antimitotic agent – antineoplastic – antineoplastic antibiotic – antioxidantantiparasitic – antiretroviral therapy – antisense c-fosantithymocyte globulinantituberculosis – antitumor antibiotic – Antiviral druganxiolytic – APC – APC vaccine – APC8015apheresisaplastic anemiaaplidine – apocrine gland – apolizumabapoptosis – appendix – arctigeninarctiinarginine butyratearomatase inhibitorarsenic trioxidearteriogramarteriographyasbestosascitesasparaginaseaspartate transaminaseaspergillosisAspergillusastheniaastrocyteastrocytomaasymptomaticatamestaneataxiaataxia-telangiectasia – ataxic gait – atelectasis – athymic nude mouse – ATLLATPatrasentanatypical hyperplasiaATRT atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor – augmerosenautoimmune diseaseautologousautologous bone marrow – autologous bone marrow transplantation – autologous lymphocyte – autologous stem cell transplantation – autologous tumor cellAvastinaxillaaxillary arteryaxillary budaxillary dissection – axillary lymph node – axillary lymph node dissection – axillary nerveaxillary veinazacitidineazoxymethaneAZQAZT


B cell – B lymphocyte – B3 antigenB43-PAP immunotoxinB7-1 – Bacillus Calmette Guérin – bacterial toxin – barium enema – barium solution – barium swallow – Barrett's esophagusbasal cell – basal cell carcinoma – basal cell nevus syndrome – basophilbatimastatBAY 12-9566BAY 43-9006BAY 56-3722BAY 59-8862BB-10901BBBD – BBR 2778 – BBR 3464 – BCG – BCG solution – bcl-2 antisense oligodeoxynucleotide G3139 – BCX-1777 – Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome – beclomethasone – Bellini duct carcinoma – bendamustinebenignbenign proliferative breast diseasebenign prostatic hyperplasia – benign prostatic hypertrophy – benign tumorbenzaldehydebenzoylphenylureabenzydamineBeriplast Pbest practicebeta alethine – beta carotene – beta hemolytic streptococcus group B – beta-endorphin – beta-glucan – beta-human chorionic gonadotropin – bevacizumabbexarotene – Bexxar regimen – BG00001BI-RADSBiafine creamBIBX 1382bicalutamidebidi (oncology) – bilateral cancer – bilateral nephrectomy – bilateral prophylactic mastectomybilateral salpingo-oophorectomybile ductbiliarybilirubin – binding agent – bioavailablebiochanin A – biochemical reactions – biological response modifier – biological therapy – biomarkerBiomed 101biopsy – biopsy specimen – biotherapy – Birt–Hogg–Dube syndrome – bispecific antibody – bispecific monoclonal antibodybisphosphonatebizelesinBL22 immunotoxin – black cohosh – black snakeroot – blast – blast crisis – blast phasebleomycin – blessed thistle – blinded study – blood cell count – blood chemistry study – blood thinner – blood transfusionblood–brain barrierblood–brain barrier disruptionBMS-182751BMS-184476BMS-188797BMS-214662BMS-247550BMS-275291BMS-354825Bolus (medicine) – bolus infusion – bone marrowbone marrow ablation – bone marrow aspiration – bone marrow biopsy – bone marrow metastases – bone marrow transplantation – bone metastases – bone scan – bone-seeking radioisotope – Boron neutron capture therapy – boronophenylalanine-fructose complexbortezomib – Bowen's disease – BPH – brachial plexopathy – brachial plexusbrachytherapybrain metastasisbrainstem gliomabrain stem tumorbrain tumorBRCA1BRCA2breakthrough pain – breast cancer in situ – breast density – breast duct endoscopyBreast Imaging Reporting and Data Systembreast implantbreast reconstruction – breast self-exam – breast-conserving surgery – breast-sparing surgery – Brief Pain InventoryBRIP1brivudineBRMbromelainbronchiolebronchitisbronchoscopebronchoscopybronchusbrostallicin – broxuridine – bryostatin 1 – buccal mucosa – budesonidebupropionburdock – Burkitt's leukemia – Burkitt's lymphoma – burr hole – buserelinbuspironebusulfanbuthionine sulfoximine


C cellc-erbB-2c-kit – CA 19-9 assay – CA-125 – CA-125 test – cachexiacalcitonincalcitriolCAMCampath-1Hcamptothecincamptothecin analogcancer – cancer induction – Cancer Information Service – cancer of unknown primary originCancer stem cellcancer vaccineCancer.govCandidiasisCandidosisCAP-1capecitabinecapsaicincaptoprilcarbendazimcarbogencarbon-11 acetatecarboplatincarboxyamidotriazolecarboxypeptidase-G2carcinoembryonic antigencarcinoembryonic antigen peptide-1carcinogencarcinogenesiscarcinoidcarcinoid syndromecarcinomacarcinoma in situcarcinomatosiscarcinosarcomacarcinosiscarcinostaticcardin (oncology)carmustinecarnitinecarotenoidcarzelesincase reportcase series – case-control study – caspofungin acetate – Castleman's disease – CAT scan – catecholcauterizationcauterizecBR96-doxorubicin immunoconjugateCC-1088CC-49 monoclonal antibodyCC-5013CC-8490CCI-779 – CD34 antigen – CD40-ligandCEACEA assaycecumcefalexincefepimecefiximeceftriaxonecelecoxib – celiac disease – cell – cell differentiation – cell motility – cell proliferation – cell respiration – cell adhesioncellular adoptive immunotherapy – cellular metabolism – cellulitiscentral nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumor – central venous access catheter – CEP-2563 dihydrochlorideCEP-701cephalosporinceramide – cerebellar hemangioblastoma – cerebellopontinecerebral hemispherecerebrospinal fluidcerebrospinal fluid diversioncervicalcervical intraepithelial neoplasiacervixcetuximabcevimelineCGP 48664 – Chamberlain procedure – chemoembolizationchemoimmunotherapychemoprevention – chemoprevention studies – chemoprotectivechemoradiationchemoradiotherapychemosensitivitychemosensitivity assaychemosensitizer – chemotherapeutic agent – chemotherapychemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy – chest x-ray – chiasmachild-life workerchitinchlorambucilchlorinechloromachloroquinoxaline sulfonamidecholangiocarcinomacholangiosarcomacholelithcholestasischondrocytechondroitin sulfatechondrosarcomachordomachorioallantoic membranechoriocarcinomachoroid plexus tumorCHPP – chronic granulocytic leukemia – chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis – chronic leukemiachronic lymphoblastic leukemiachronic lymphocytic leukemiachronic myelogenous leukemia – chronic myeloid leukemia – chronic myelomonocytic leukemiachronic phasechronic phase chronic myelogenous leukemiaCHS 828CI-1033CI-958CI-980CI-994ciclosporincidofovircilengitidecimetidineCiprociprofloxacincirculatory systemcirrhosis – CIS – cisplatincitric acid/potassium-sodium citratecladribineclarithromycin – clear cell adenocarcinoma – clear-cell sarcoma – clear cell sarcoma of the kidney – clinical breast examclinical resistance – clinical series – clinical study – clinical trialCLLclodronateclofarabineCMLCMMLCMVcnicinCNSCNS metastasisCNS prophylaxisCNS sanctuaryCNS tumorco-cultureco-trimoxazolecoactivated T cell – cobalt 60 – Cockayne syndromecoenzyme Q10cohort studyCOL-3cold nodule - Coley's toxinscollagen diseasecollagenase – collecting duct – coloanal anastomosis – coloanal pull-through – Colorectal cancer (colon cancer) – colon polyp – colonoscopecolonoscopycolony-stimulating factorcolorectalcolposcopecolposcopy – combination chemotherapy – combretastatin A4 phosphate – comedo carcinoma – common bile ductcomorbidity – compassionate use trial – complementary and alternative medicinecomplete blood count (CBC) – complete hysterectomy – complete metastasectomy – complete remission – complete response – compound nevus – compression bandage – computed tomographic colonography – computed tomography – computed tomography colography – computerized axial tomography – computerized tomography – concurrent therapy – condylomata acuminata – cone biopsy – congestive heart failure – conizationconsecutive case series – consolidation therapy – contiguous lymphomacontinent reservoircontingency managementcontinuous hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion – continuous infusion – contralateral – control animal – control group – controlled clinical trial – controlled study – conventional therapy – conventional treatmentcooperative groupCoQ10cordectomycordycepin – core biopsy – corticosteroidCorynebacterium granulosumcoumestancoumestrolCP-358,774CP-609,754CP-724,714CP4071CpG 7909 – CPT 11 – CQScraniopharyngiomacraniotomycreatinecreatininecribriformcrisnatol mesylateCrohn's diseasecryopreservationcryosurgerycryotherapycryptorchidism – CSF – CT scanCT-2103CT-2106CT-2584 – CTC – cultured cell – cultured cell line – cumulative dosecurcumincutaneous breast cancer – cutaneous T-cell lymphoma – cyanogenic glucoside – cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitor – cyclophosphamidecyclosporinecyproheptadinecyproterone acetatecystcystectomy – cystosarcoma phyllodes – cystoscopecystoscopycytarabinecytochlorcytogeneticscytokinecytologycytomegaloviruscytopeniacytoplasmcytotoxiccytotoxic chemotherapycytotoxic T cell


D-20761da-huangdacarbazinedacliximabdaclizumabdactinomycindaidzeindalteparindanazoldarbepoetin alfa – darkfield microscope – Data Safety and Monitoring CommitteedaunorubicinDCISde novo – death cap – debulking operation – decitabinedecorticationdeferoxaminedefibrotidedegenerative diseasedehydroepiandrosterone – delayed-type hypersensitivity response – dendritic celldendritic cell vaccinedenileukin diftitoxdental implantdeoxycytidine – deoxyribonucleic acid – DepoFoam-encapsulated cytarabinedepsipeptidedermatofibrosarcoma protuberansdermatologistdermisDESdeslorelin – desmoid tumor – desmoplasticdesmoplastic melanoma – desmoplastic small round cell tumor – dexamethasonedexmethylphenidatedexrazoxanedextroamphetamine-amphetaminedextromethorphan acetic acidDFMODHA-paclitaxelDHEAdi-dgA-RFB4 monoclonal antibodydiagnosis – diagnostic mammogram – diagnostic procedures – diagnostic trialdiathermydiaziquonedidanosineDIEP flapdiethylstilbestrol – differentiation – difluoromethylornithine – digital mammography – digital photography – digital rectal examination – dihematoporphyrin etherdimesnadimethyl sulfoxidedimethylxanthenone acetic aciddiphosphonatedipyridamoledisease progression – disease-free survival – disease-specific survival – distal – distal pancreatectomy – distant cancerdistractiondisulfiramDJ-927DNAdocetaxeldockdolasetrondolastatin 10donepezildosedose-dense chemotherapydose-dependentdose-limitingdose-ratedosimetristdouble-blindeddouble-contrast barium enemadoubling timedoxercalciferoldoxorubicindoxycyclineDPPE – DRE – dronabinoldrug tolerance – dry orgasm – DTGM fusion proteinductal carcinomaductal carcinoma in situductal lavage – Dukes' classification – dumping syndromeduodenitisDX-52-1DX-8951fdyscrasiadysesthesiadysgeusiadysphagiadysplasia – dysplastic nevi – dysplastic nevusdyspnea


E7070E7389 – EBV – ecchymosisechocardiography – ecteinascidin 743 – ectocervicaledatrexateedotecarinedrecolomabEF5efaproxiraleffector cellefficacyeflornithineEGb761EGFREKB-569electroacupunctureelectrodesiccationelectrolarynxelectroporation therapyeligibility criteriaembolismembolizationembryomaembryonal rhabdomyosarcoma – embryonal tumor – embryonicEMD 121974emitefuremodinenalaprilencephalopathyenchondromaendocervical curettageendocrine cancer – endocrine pancreas cell – endocrine therapyendometrialendometrial biopsyendometrial disorderendometrial hyperplasiaEndometrial intraepithelial neoplasiaendometriosisendometriumendorectal ultrasoundendoscopeendoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatographyendoscopic ultrasoundendoscopyendostatin – endothelial cell – endothelin receptor antagonist – endothelin-1 protein receptor antagonists – eniluracilenoxaparinENTenterostomal therapistenucleation – enveloped virus – eosinophileosinophiliaEP-2101 – ependymal tumor – ependymomaepidemiologyepidermal growth factor receptor – epidermoid carcinoma – epigastricepiglottis – epinephrine – epipodophyllotoxinepirubicinepithelialepithelial carcinoma – epithelial ovarian cancer – epitheliumepitopeEPO906epoetin alfaepoetin betaepothilone – epothilone B – epothilone D – epratuzumab – Epstein-Barr virus – EPTERER+ER- – ERA-923 – erb-38 immunotoxinErbB1ERCPerlotinibERTERUSerythemaerythrocyteerythrocyte sedimentation rate – erythrodysplasia – erythroid dysplasiaerythroleukemiaerythroleukoplakiaerythroplakiaerythropoietinesophagealesophagectomyesophagitisesophagoscopyesophagramesophagusESRessential thrombocythemia – essential thrombocytosis – estradiolestramustineestramustine phosphateestrogenestrogen receptor – estrogen receptor negative – estrogen receptor positive – estrogen receptor test – estrogen replacement therapy – etanerceptetanidazoleethynyluraciletidronateetiologyetoposide – etoposide phosphate – ETSevaluable diseaseevaluable patientseverolimusEwing's family of tumorsEwing's sarcomaexatecan mesylateexcision – excisional biopsy – exemestaneexisulindexocrine pancreas cell – expanded access trial – extensive-stage small cell lung cancerexternal radiationexternal-beam radiationextrahepatic – extrapleural pneumonectomy


false-negative test resultfalse-positive test resultfamilial adenomatous polyposis – familial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome – familial cancer – familial dysplastic nevi – familial polyposis – Family history (medicine) – FAMMM syndrome – Fanconi anemiaFanconi syndromeFAPfatty-replaced breast tissuefazarabine – fecal occult blood test – fenretinidefentanylfiber – fibrin sealant – fibroblastfibroidfibromatosisfibrosarcomafibrosisfibrous – fifth cranial nerve – filgrastimfilgrastim-SD/01finasteridefine-needle aspiration – first-line therapy – FK463flavonoidflavopiridolflecainideflow cytometryfloxuridineflt3Lfluconazoleflucytosinefludarabine – fludeoxyglucose F 18 – fludrocortisonefluoropyrimidine – fluoroscope – fluoroscopyfluorouracilfluoxetineflutamide – FOBT – folate – folate antagonist – FOLFOX – folic acid – follicular large cell lymphoma – follicular mixed cell lymphomafollicular thyroid cancerformaldehydeFR901228fractionation – free radical – fulgurationfulvestrantfunctional magnetic resonance imaging – fundus – fungating lesionfusion protein


G-CSFgabapentinGail modelgallium nitrategallium scan – gamma knife – gamma rayganciclovirgangliosidegastrectomygastric atrophygastrinomagastroenterologist – gastroesophageal junction – gastroesophageal reflux diseasegastrointestinalgastrointestinal stromal tumorgastrointestinal tractgastroscopegastroscopygefitinibgeldanamycin analogGEM 231gemcitabinegemtuzumab ozogamicingene expression profilinggene therapy – gene transfer – gene-modifiedgenetic analysisgenetic counseling – genetic deletion – genetic markers – genetic susceptibility – genetic testinggenisteingenitourinary systemgenomegerm cellgerm cell tumor – German Commission E – germinomagermline mutation – Gerota's capsule – Gerota's fascia – gestational trophoblastic disease – gestational trophoblastic neoplasia – gestational trophoblastic tumor – GI14721 – giant cell fibroblastoma – gimatecanGIST – Gleason score – Gleevec – Gliadel Wafer – glial cell – glial tumorglioblastoma – glioblastoma multiforme – gliomagliosarcomaglossectomyglucagonglucagonomaglucocorticoidgluconeogenesisglufosfamideglutamineglutathioneglutathione S-transferaseglycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase inhibitor[1]glycolysisglycopeptideglycoproteinglycoprotein 100glycosaminoglycanGM-CSFGM2-KLH vaccineGnRHgonadotropin-releasing hormonegonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist – Gonzalez regimen – Gorlin syndrome – goserelingossypolgp100gp209-2MGPX-100 – grade IV astrocytoma – graft-versus-host diseasegraft-versus-tumorgranisetrongranulocytegranulocyte colony-stimulating factor – granulocytic sarcoma – granulocytopenia – granulosa cell tumor – GTI-2040GVHDGW572016GW786034gynecologic – gynecologic cancer – gynecologic oncologist


HAARThairy cell leukemiahalofuginone hydrobromide – Halsted radical mastectomy – hamartoma – hand-foot syndrome – head and neck cancerHedyotis diffusaHeLa – helical computed tomography – helper T cell – hemagglutinin-neuraminidasehemangiopericytomahemangiosarcomahematogenous – hematologic malignancy – hematologisthematopoiesishematopoietic growth factorhematopoietic tissuehematoporphyrin derivativehemilaryngectomyheparinhepatectomyhepatichepatic arterial infusion – hepatic artery – hepatic portal vein – hepatic veno-occlusive diseasehepatoblastomahepatocellular carcinomahepatocyte – hepatoma – hepatomegalyHER1HER2/neu – HER2/neu gene – herba scutellaria barbatae – hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer syndrome – hereditary mutation – hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer – herpesvirusheterogenichexyl 5-aminolevulinatehigh-dose chemotherapyhigh-dose-rate remote brachytherapyhigh-dose-rate remote radiation therapyhigh-energy photon therapy – high-grade lymphoma – high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion – high-risk cancer – highly active antiretroviral therapy – hilarhistamine dihydrochloridehistiocytic lymphomahistologic examinationhistologyhistonehistone deacetylase – historic cohort study – historical control subjectHLAHNPCC – Hodgkin's disease – Hodgkin's lymphoma – holmium Ho 166 DOTMPhomoharringtonine – hormonal therapy – hormone receptorhormone receptor testhormone replacement therapyhormone responsivehormone therapyHorner's syndrome – host cell – hot noduleHPPH – HPV – HRTHTLV-1hu14.18-interleukin-2 fusion proteinHuang Lian – human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 – human leukocyte antigen – human lymphocyte antigen – human papillomavirus – human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 – Hürthle cell neoplasmhydrazine sulfatehydromorphonehydronephrosishydroureterhydroxychloroquinehydroxyureahypercalcemiahyperfractionationhyperglycemiahypericum perforatumhypernephromahyperplasiahypersensitivityhyperthermia therapy – hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion – hyperthermic perfusion – hyperthyroidismhyperuricemia – hypervascular – hypoglycemiahypopharynxhypotensionhypothalamushypothesishypothyroidismhypoxiahypoxichysterectomy


ibandronate – ICI 182,780 – ICI D1694idarubicinIDEC-Y2B8 monoclonal antibodyidiopathic – idiopathic myelofibrosis – idoxifeneidoxuridineifosfamideIH636 grape seed extract – IL-1 – IL-1-alfaIL-11IL-12IL-2IL-3 – IL-4 – IL-6ileostomyiloprostILX-295501ILX23-7553IM-862imaging procedure – imatinib mesylate – imipenemimiquimod – immune adjuvant – immune function – immune responseimmune systemimmune system toleranceimmunoassayimmunocompetenceimmunocompetentimmunocompromisedimmunodeficiency – immunodeficiency syndrome – immunoglobulin – immunological adjuvant – immunologyimmunomodulationimmunophenotypingimmunoscintigraphyimmunostimulantimmunosuppressionimmunosuppressive – immunosuppressive therapy – immunotherapyimmunotoxinin situ cancer – incisional biopsy – incomplete Freund's adjuvantindinavirindium In 111 ibritumomab tiuxetanindium In 111 pentetreotideindole-3-carbinolindolent lymphomaindometacin – induction therapy – infiltrating cancer – infiltrating ductal carcinoma – inflammatory breast cancerinfliximabinfrared coagulationinguinal orchiectomyinoperableinositol – inositol hexaphosphate – instillation – Institutional Review Board – intensification therapy – Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy – intercalatorinterferoninterleukininterleukin-1interleukin-1-alpha – interleukin-11 – interleukin-12 – interleukin-2 – interleukin-3 – interleukin-4 – interleukin-4 PE38KDEL cytotoxininterleukin-4 PE38KDEL immunotoxin – interleukin-6 – interleukin-7 – intermediate-grade lymphoma – internal radiation – interstitial radiation therapy – intestinal villi – intoplicineintracarotid infusionintracavitaryintracavitary radiation – intracellular – intracolonic – intracranial tumor – intradermal – intraductal carcinoma – intraepithelialintrahepaticintrahepatic bile ductsintrahepatic infusionintralesionalintraluminal intubation and dilationIntramuscular injection (IM) – intraocular melanoma – intraoperative radiation therapyintraperitoneal – intraperitoneal chemotherapy – Intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemoperfusion – intraperitoneal infusionintraperitoneal radiation therapyintrapleuralintrathecal – intrathecal chemotherapy – intratumoral, meaning within a tumour – intravenous pyelogram – intravenous pyelography – intraventricular infusionintravesical – invasive cancer – invasive cervical cancerinverted papillomainvestigationalinviable – iodine I 131 tositumomab – iododoxorubicinionomycinIORTIncontinentia pigmentiIRBirinotecanirofulvenirradiatedirradiationirreversible toxicityiseganan hydrochlorideISIS 2503ISIS 3521ISIS 5132 – islet cell – islet cell cancer – islet of Langerhans cell – isoflavoneisointenseisolated hepatic perfusion – isolated limb perfusion – isolated lung perfusionisotretinoinitraconazoleIUIVIVPixabepilone


J-107088 – J-pouch coloanal anastomosis – jaundice – Jewett staging system – JM 216 – junctional nevus – Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia


Kaposi's sarcomakarenitecin – Karnofsky Performance Status – keloidkeratan sulfatekeratinocyte growth factorkeratoacanthomaketoconazoleketorolackeyhole limpet hemocyanin – KGF – killer cell – KinaretKlatskin tumorKlebsiellaKlinefelter syndromeKOS-862 – KPS – kretekKRN5500KRN7000Krukenberg tumorKW2189


L-377,202L-778,123 – L-carnitine (see Carnitine) – laboratory study – laboratory test – lacrimal glandlactate dehydrogenase – lactic acid dehydrogenase – LAK cell – lamina proprialamivudinelamotriginelaparoscopelaparoscopic prostatectomylaparoscopic-assisted colectomylaparoscopylaparotomylappa – large cell carcinoma – large granular lymphocyte – laryngectomylaser surgery – laser therapy – LCISLDHlectinleflunomideleiomyomaleiomyosarcomalentinanlepirudinleptomeningealleptomeningeal cancerleptomeningeal metastasesleridistimlerisetronLeser-TrélatletrozoleleucovorinleukapheresisleukemialeukocyteleukopenialeukoplakialeuprorelinleuvectinlevamisolelevocarnitinelevofloxacinLGD1069LH-RHLhermitte's sign – Li-Fraumeni syndrome – liarozoleligationlight-emitting diode therapylignanlimb perfusionlimited-stage small cell lung cancerlinac – liothyronine sodium – lipophilicliposarcomaliposomallisofyllineHepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) – liver metastases – liver scanLMB-1 immunotoxinLMB-2 immunotoxinLMB-7 immunotoxinLMB-9 immunotoxinlobaplatinlobectomylobradimillobular carcinoma in situlobulelocal cancerlocal therapylocalized gallbladder cancerlocally advanced cancerlometrexollomustinelonafarnib – loop electrosurgical excision procedure – loop excision – loperamide hydrochloride – losoxantronelow-grade lymphoma – lower GI series – LU 79553LU-103793lubricantlumbar puncturelumpectomy – lung metastases – lurtotecan – luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone – luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist – lutetium texaphyrin – LY231514LY293111LY317615LY335979LY353381 hydrochloridelycopene – lymph gland – lymph node – lymph node dissection – lymph node drainagelymph node mapping – lymph vessel – lymphadenectomylymphadenopathylymphangiogramlymphangiographylymphangiosarcoma – lymphatic fluid – lymphatic mappinglymphatic systemlymphatic vessellymphedemalymphoblastlymphocytelymphocytic – lymphocytic leukemia – lymphoepitheliomalymphographylymphoidlymphokine-activated killer celllymphomalymphomatoid granulomatosis – lymphoproliferative disorder – lymphosarcomalymphoscintigraphy – Lynch syndrome – lysislysosomelytic – lytic lesion


M proteinmacroglobulinemiamacrophagemafosfamideMAGE-3magnetic resonance imaging – magnetic resonance perfusion imaging – magnetic resonance spectroscopic imagingmagnetic-targeted carriermaintenance therapy – malabsorption syndrome – malignancymalignant – malignant ascites – malignant fibrous cytoma – malignant fibrous histiocytoma – malignant meningioma – malignant mesothelioma – malignant mixed Müllerian tumor – malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumormalondialdehydeMALT lymphomamammarymammogrammammographyMammotomemantle fieldmarimastatmast cellmastectomymastocytoma – matrix metalloproteinase – MDL 101,731MDX-060mean survival timemeasurable diseasemechlorethamineMEDI-507medial supraclavicular lymph node – median survival time – mediastinal pleura – mediastinoscopymediastinum – medical castration – medical oncologistmedroxyprogesteronemedullary breast carcinomamedullary thyroid cancermedulloblastomamega-voltage linear acceleratormegestrolmeiosismelanocytemelanoma – melanoma vaccine – melphalanMEN-10755 – MEN1 syndrome – meningealmeningeal metastasesmeningioma – menopausal hormone therapy – mercaptopurinemercury – Merkel cell cancer – mesenchymalmesenteric membranemesnamesonephromamesotheliomametaplasiametaplastic carcinomametastasectomymetastasismetastasizemetastatic – metastatic cancer – metasynchronousmeteorismmethotrexatemethoxsalenMethoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin betamethyl-5-aminolevulinatemethylphenidatemethylprednisolonemetoclopramidemetronidazolemetronomic therapy – Mexican valerian – MG98microcalcificationmicrometastasesmicromolar – microsatellite – microsatellite instabilitymicrostaging – microwave therapy – microwave thermotherapymifepristone – Miraluma test – misoprostolmistletoe lectinmitochondriamitolactolmitomycinmitosismitotanemitotic activitymitotic indexmitotic inhibitormitoxantronemivobulin isethionate – mixed glioma – MLN2704modafinilmodality – modified radical mastectomy – Mohs surgerymolar pregnancymolecular risk assessment – molecularly targeted therapy – monoclonal antibodymonoclonal antibody 3F8monocyteMontanide ISA-51Morinda citrifoliamorphologymotexafin gadoliniummoxifloxacinMPNST – MRI – MRSI – MS 209MS-275mucinous carcinoma – mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma – muJ591 monoclonal antibody – Müllerian tumor – multicenter studymulticentric breast cancer – multidrug resistance – multidrug resistance inhibitionmultifocal breast cancermultimodality treatment – multiple endocrine adenomatosis – multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome – multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome – multiple myelomamultiple sclerosismultiplicity – muromonab-CD3 monoclonal antibody – musculoskeletal – mycophenolate mofetil – mycosis fungoidesmycostatinmyelinmyeloablationmyelodysplasiamyelodysplastic syndromemyelofibrosismyelogenousmyelogrammyeloid – myeloma – myeloproliferative disorder – myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia – myelosuppressionmyelosuppressive therapymyometrium


N-acetylcysteineN-acetyldinalineN-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosaminenaloxoneNational Cancer InstituteNational Institutes of Healthnatural killer cellNB1011NBI-3001NCInebulizerneck dissection – needle biopsy – needle-localized biopsynegative axillary lymph nodenegative test resultnelarabine – nelfinavir mesylate – neoadjuvant therapyneoplasianeoplasmnephrotomogramnephrotoxicnephroureterectomynerve blocknerve graftingnerve-sparing radical prostatectomynerve-sparing surgeryneuro-oncologistneurobehavioralneuroblastoma – neuroectodermal tumor – neuroendocrineneuroendocrine tumorneuroepithelialneurofibromaneurofibromatosis type I – neurofibromatosis type 2 – neuromaneuronneuropathologistneuropathyneuropeptideneuroradiologistneurotoxicityneurotoxinneurotropismneutropenianeutrophilnevusNF1 – NG-monomethyl-L-arginine – niacinamidenicotinamide – NIH – nilutamidenimodipinenipple dischargenitrocamptothecinnitrosourea – NK cell – NMRI – node-negativenode-positivenodular parenchymanolatrexed – non-Hodgkin's lymphoma – non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) – nonconsecutive case series – noncontiguous lymphomanonhematologic cancernoninonlyticnonmalignantnonmalignant hematologic disorder – nonmelanoma skin cancer – nonmelanomatousnonmetastaticnonopioidnonprescriptionnonrandomized clinical trialnonseminomanonspecific immune cellnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugnonsteroidal aromatase inhibitornovobiocin – NPO – NR-LU-10 antigenNSAID – nuclear magnetic resonance imaging – nuclear medicine scannutraceuticalnystatin


O(6)-benzylguanine – oat cell cancer – objective improvementobjective responseoblimersenobtundationoccult stage non-small cell lung canceroctreotide – ocular melanoma – ofloxacinOGX-011oblimersenoligoastrocytoma – oligodendroglial tumor – oligodendrogliomaoltiprazomega-3 fatty acid – omentectomy – omentumomeprazoleOmmaya reservoironcogeneoncologistoncologyoncology nurseoncology pharmacy specialistoncolysateoncolysisoncolyticOncolytic virusOnconaseondansetronONYX-015oophorectomyopen biopsyopen colectomy – open label study – opioidopportunistic infection – oral and maxillofacial surgeon – orchidectomyorchiectomyoropharynxOSI-7904Losmolality – osteitis deformans – osteogenic sarcoma – osteolyticosteoporosisosteosarcomaostomyovarian ablation – ovarian epithelial cancer – ovarian suppression – Overall Survival (OS) – overexpress – overgrowth syndromeoxaliplatinoxandroloneOXi-104 – oxidative metabolism – oxidative stress


P-32p-value – p53 gene – Pacific valerianpaclitaxelPaget's disease of bone – Paget's disease of the nipple – PALApalatine uvulapalliative care – palliative therapy – Palmar plantar erythrodysesthesia – pamidronate – Pancoast's tumor – pancreatectomypancreatic cancerpancreatic duct – pancreatic enzyme – pancreatic juicepancreatitis – PAP, same as Pap smear – Pap smear – Pap test, same as Pap smear – papillary serous carcinomapapillary thyroid cancerpapillary tumorpapilledemaparacentesisparageusiaparamyxovirusparaneoplastic syndromeparathyroid glandparathyroid hormoneparenchymaparesthesiasparicalcitol – parietal pericardium – Parkinson's diseaseparotidectomy – paroxetine hydrochloride – partial cystectomy – partial laryngectomypartial mastectomy – partial nephrectomy – partial oophorectomy – partial remission – partial responsepassive antibody therapyPaterson–Kelly syndrome – pathological staging – patient-controlled analgesia - Patient derived tumor xenografts – PCAPDQpeau d'orange – PEG-interferon alfa-2a – PEG-interferon alfa-2b – PEG-MGDFpegaspargasepegfilgrastim – PEITC – peldesinepelvic exenterationpelvic lymphadenectomy – pemetrexed disodium – penclomedinepenicillaminepentetic acid calciumpentosan polysulfatepentostatinpentoxifyllinepeptidepeptide 946percutaneous ethanol injectionpercutaneous transhepatic biliary drainagepercutaneous transhepatic cholangiodrainagepercutaneous transhepatic cholangiographyperfusionperfusion magnetic resonance imagingpericardial effusionperifosineperineal colostomyperineal prostatectomy – peripheral blood lymphocyte therapy – peripheral neuropathyperipheral primitive neuroectodermal tumorperipheral stem cell – peripheral stem cell support – peripheral stem cell transplantationperistalsis – peritoneal cancer – peritoneal infusionperitoneal perfusion – pernicious anemia – pertuzumab – PET scan – petechiaePeutz–Jeghers syndromephagocytepharmacokinetics – phase I trial – phase I/II trial – phase II trial – phase II/III trial – phase III trial – phase IV trial – phenethyl isothiocyanatephenoxodiolphenylacetate – phenylbutyrate – pheochromocytomapheresisPhiladelphia chromosomephotodynamic therapyphotothermal therapyphotofrinphotopheresisphyllodes tumorPhysician Data Queryphytic acidphytoestrogenphytosterolPI-88pilocarpinepilocyticpineal region tumorpineoblastomapineocytomapiperacillin/tazobactampirfenidonepiritreximpixantrone – PJS – PKC412plasmacyticplasmacytomaplasmapheresisPlenaxispleomorphicpleural effusionpleurodesis – plexiform neurofibroma – plexopathyploidyPlummer–Vinson syndromepluripotent – pluripotent stem cell – pM-81 monoclonal antibodyPNETpneumonectomyPNU 166148PNU-93914polifeprosan 20 carmustine implantpoly-ICLCpolyglutamate camptothecinpolyglutamate paclitaxelpolymerase chain reactionpolymorphismpolyneuritispolyppolypectomypolyphenol – Polyphenon E – polyposisponspontineporfimer sodiumporfiromycinport-a-cathpositive axillary lymph nodepositive test result – positron emission tomography scan – postremission therapyPR+PR-precancerous – precancerous dermatitis – precancerous dermatosis – precancerous polypspredictive factorprednisoloneprednisonepreleukemiapremalignantpretracheal spaceprevascular spacepreventive mastectomyprimary central nervous system lymphoma – primary endpoint – primary myelofibrosis – primary peritoneal cancer – primary tumorprimitive neuroectodermal tumorprinomastatpro-oxidantprobenecidprocarbazineprochlorperazineproctoscopyproctosigmoidoscopyprogesterone receptor negativeprogesterone receptor positiveprogesterone receptor testprogression-free survival (PFS) – progressive diseaseproliferative indexprolymphocytic leukemiapromegapoietin – promyelocytic leukemia – prophylactic cranial irradiation – prophylactic mastectomy – prophylactic oophorectomyprophylactic surgeryprophylaxisprospective cohort studyProst 30 monoclonal antibodyprostate-specific antigen – prostate-specific antigen test – prostatectomyprostatic acid phosphatase – prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia – prostatitisprotease inhibitorprotein kinase Cproteoglycanproteomic profileproteomics – proton beam radiation therapy – proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imagingPS-341 – PSA – psammoma bodyPSC 833pseudomyxoma peritoneipsoralenPTCPTCD – PTK787/ZK 222584 – ptosis – pulmonary sulcus tumor – PV701pyrazine diazohydroxidepyrazoloacridinepyroxamide




R-flurbiprofenr-tPAR101933R115777radiation fibrosisradiation oncologistradiation physicistradiation surgeryradiation therapistradiation therapy – radical cystectomy – radical lymph node dissection – radical mastectomyradical perineal prostatectomy – radical prostatectomy – radical retropubic prostatectomy – radioactive drug – radioactive iodine – radioactive palladiumradioactive seedradiofrequency ablationradiographerradioimmunoguided surgeryradioimmunotherapyradioisotoperadiolabeledradiologic examradionuclide scanningradiopharmaceuticalradiosensitizationradiosensitizerradiosurgery – radiotherapy – raloxifeneraltitrexed – randomized clinical trial – ranpirnaserapamycinrapid hormone cyclingrapid-onset opioid – ras gene – rasburicase – rattlesnake root – ravuconazolerebeccamycin – recombinant tissue plasminogen activator – reconstructive surgeon – reconstructive surgeryrecurrent cancerRed blood cellReed–Sternberg cellreflux – refractory cancer – regional cancerregional chemotherapy – regional enteritis – regional lymph noderegional lymph node dissectionrehabilitation specialist – relative survival rate – relaxation techniqueremission induction therapyremote brachytherapyrenal cell cancer – renal collecting tubule – renal glomerulus – renal tubular acidosisretinoblastomaretinoidretinolretinyl palmitateretroperitonealretropubic prostatectomyretrospective cohort study – retrospective study – retroviral vectorretrovirusRevM10 gene – rhabdoid tumor – rhabdomyosarcomarhizoxinribavirinribonucleotide reductase inhibitorrifampinrisedronateritonavirrituximabRK-0202RMP-7RNARo 31-7453Ro 50-3821rofecoxibrosiglitazoneRPI.4610RPR 109881ARSR13RSV


S-1 – S-phase fractionsafingolsalpingo-oophorectomysalvage therapy – samarium 153 – saponin – saquinavir mesylate – sarCNUsarcomasarcosinamide nitrosoureasargramostimsatraplatinSC-70935SCH 54031SCH 66336SCH-58500 – Schiller test – Schwann cellschwannomascintimammographyscleroderma – screening mammogram – Scutellaria barbataSDX-102SDX-105second primary cancer – second-line therapy – second-look surgery – secondary cancer – sedoxantrone trihydrochloridesegmental cystectomy – segmental mastectomy – selective estrogen receptor modulatorselective serotonin reuptake inhibitorsella turcicasemaxanibseminal vesicle biopsyseminomasemiparasiticsemustine – senile keratosis – sentinel lymph node – sentinel lymph node biopsy – sentinel lymph node mapping – seocalcitolSERMserotoninsertralineserum albumin – serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase – Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase – serum tumor marker testsesquiterpene lactonesestamibi breast imagingsevere myelosuppression – Sézary syndrome – SGN-00101SGN-15SGOTSGPT – sham therapy – shave biopsySho-saiko-tosialic acidsialyl Tn-KLH – side-to-end coloanal anastomosis – sideropenic dysphagia – sigmoidoscopesigmoidoscopysignal transduction inhibitorsignet ring cell carcinomaSILsildenafilSilybum marianumsilymarinsimple mastectomysimple nephrectomy – single blind study – single-photon emission computed tomographysiplizumabsirolimus – small cell lung cancer – small intestine – smoldering leukemia – smoldering myeloma – SMT-487SnET2 – SNX 111 – soblidotinsodium borocaptatesodium salicylatesodium sulfitesodium thiosulfate – soft tissue sarcoma – solar keratosis – solid tumor – somatic cell – somatic mutation – somnolence syndrome – sonogram – sorivudinespecific immune cell – SPECT – SPF – spiculated mass – spindle cell cancer – spindle cell sarcoma – spiral CT scan – splenomegalysputum cytology – squalamine lactate – squamous cell – squamous cell carcinomasquamous intraepithelial lesionSR-29142SR-45023ASR49059SSRIstagingstaurosporinestavudinestellatestem cellstem cell factor – stem cell transplantation – stentstereotactic biopsystereotactic body radiation therapystereotactic external-beam radiationstereotactic injectionstereotactic radiation therapy – stereotactic radiosurgery – stereotaxic radiosurgerystereotaxissteroid therapySTI481STI571stomastomatitisstreptavidinstreptozocinStromagenstromal tumorstrontium-89 – Sturge-Weber syndrome – SU011248SU101SU5416SU6668 – subcutaneous port – subependymal – suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid – subglottissubset analysissubtenonsucralfatesulfonamidesulindacsuperior vena cavasuperior vena cava syndrome – supraclavicular lymph node – supraglottic laryngectomysupraglottissupratentorialsuramin – surgical oncologist – survival ratesymptom managementsyncytium – syngeneic bone marrow transplantation – syngeneic stem cell transplantationsynovial membranesynovial sarcomasynthetic protegrin analogsynthetic retinoidsystemic chemotherapysystemic disease – systemic lupus erythematosus – systemic therapy


T cellT-3T-cell depletionT-cell lymphomaT138067T4N5 liposomal lotionT900607TAC-101tacrolimus – TAG-72 antigen – talampanel – talaporfin sodium – tamoxifentariquidartaurolidinetaxanetechnetium tc 99m dextran – technetium tc 99m sulfur colloid – tegafurteicoplanintelangiectasiatemoporfintemozolomideteniposideTENSteratoma – terminal disease – tetanus toxoid – tetrahydrouridineTG4010theophylline – thermal ablation – thermographythiotepa – third-line therapy – thoracentesisthoracoscopythoracotomythrombocytethrombocytopeniathrombohemorrhagic eventthrombophlebitisthrombopoietinthymidinethymidylate synthase inhibitorthymoma – Thyrogen – thyroglobulinthyroid follicular cell – thyroid hormone – thyroid-stimulating hormonethyroidectomy – thyrotropin alfa – tiazofurin – time to progression – tin ethyl etiopurpurintin Sn 117m DTPAtinidazoletioguaninetipifarnibtirapazaminetissue plasminogen activatorTLK286TMTransplacental carcinogenesis – TNF – TNFeradeTNM staging systemTNP-470tocladesinetomography – topical chemotherapy – topoisomerase inhibitortopotecantoremifenetositumomabtotal androgen blockadetotal estrogen blockadetotal nodal irradiation – total parenteral nutrition – total-body irradiation – TP-38 immunotoxintPATPA – trabecular cancer – transabdominal ultrasound – transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation – transdermaltransferrin-CRM107 – transitional cell – transitional cell carcinomatransperineal biopsytransrectal biopsy – transrectal ultrasound – transurethral biopsy – transurethral needle ablation – transurethral resection – transurethral resection of the prostate – transvaginal ultrasound – trastuzumabTraumeel Streosulfantretinointriacetyluridinetriamcinolone – Triapine – tributyrintrichothiodystrophytriiodothyroninetrimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole – trimetrexate glucuronate – triptorelintroglitazonetropisetrontroxacitabineTRUStuberous sclerosis – tubulovillous adenoma – tumortumor antigen vaccinetumor board reviewtumor burden – tumor debulking – tumor infiltrating lymphocyte – tumor loadtumor markertumor model – tumor necrosis factor – tumor suppressor gene – tumor-derived – tumor-specific antigen – TURTURP – TVS – tympanitesType I and type II errorstyrosinase peptidetyrosine kinase inhibitorTZT-1027


ubiquinoneUCN-01UGT1A1 – ultrasonogram – ultrasonography – ultrasound-guided biopsy—see ultrasound and biopsy – ultraviolet radiation therapy—see ultraviolet radiation and radiation therapy – uncontrolled study—see clinical trial – unconventional cancer treatments—see experimental cancer treatment – undifferentiated—see cellular differentiation – unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy—see oophorectomy – unresectable—see resection – unresectable gallbladder cancer—see gallbladder cancer – unsealed internal radiation therapy—see radiation therapy – upper GI series – urachusuracil – urea nitrogen—see blood urea nitrogenureteroscopy – urine cytology—see urineurokinase – urologic oncologist—see urology and oncologisturotheliumursodiol – UV radiation – UVA radiation – UVB radiation – uvula


vaccine adjuvant – vaccine therapyvaccinia CEA vaccinevaginal cancervaginal melanomavaginal tumorsvalacyclovirvaldecoxib – valerian – Valeriana officinalis – Valerianae radixvalganciclovir – valproic acid – vancomycinvapreotide – varicose vein – vascular endothelial growth factorVEGFVEGF Trapvenlafaxinevideo-assisted resectionvideo-assisted surgery – villous adenoma – villusvinblastinevinca alkaloidvincristinevindesinevinorelbineviral vectorvirotherapyvirtual colonoscopyVirulizin – virus replication cycle – virus-neutralizing antibody – viscotoxinvisilizumabvisual pathway gliomaVNP20009VNP40101M – von Hippel-Lindau disease – voriconazolevorozolevulvar cancerVX 853VX-710


Waldenström macroglobulinemia – warfarinwedge resection – Wermer's syndrome – Whipple procedure – white blood cell – Whitmore-Jewett staging system – whole cell vaccineWilms' tumorWobe-Mugos E


x-ray – x-ray therapy – xenograftxeroderma pigmentosumxerogramxerostomiaXK469XR9576


YM598yttrium Y 90 ibritumomab tiuxetan – yttrium Y 90 SMT 487 – yttrium Y 90-DOTA-tyr3-octreotide


ZD 1839ZD0473ZD6474ziconotidezidovudinezileutonzoledronate – Zollinger-Ellison syndrome – Zoloftzolpidem – zosuquidar trihydrochloride

gollark: Also, is there some way to convert my m4a audio-of-some-sort files to Opus (which I think is just ogg in some weird container) without losing quality?
gollark: DON'T DO IT!
gollark: TC2020 or osmarks.tkcraft™™™™™?
gollark: Which aforementioned project?
gollark: See, osmarks.tkcraft™ would, hypothetically, as it does not exist, have maybe 60 mods, and I wanted to know how to manage updating them easily.


  1. "glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase inhibitor". Dictionary of Cancer Terms. National Cancer Institute. Retrieved 2 December 2008.
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