List of Amstrad CPC games

This list contains 1795 game titles released for the Amstrad CPC home computer series. This number is always up to date by this script.


Title Release Date Publisher
007: Licence to Kill1989Domark
10th Frame1986U.S. Gold
19421986U.S. Gold/Elite Systems
1943: The Battle of Midway1988U.S. Gold
1st Division Manager1992Codemasters
20000 Lieues Sous les Mers1988Coktel Vision
2088 (video game)1988Zeppelin Games
2112 AD (video game)1986Design Design
3D Construction Kit1991Domark
3D Boxing1985Amsoft
3D Fight1985Loriciels
3D Grand Prix1985Amsoft
3D Invaders1984Amsoft
3-D Monster Chase1985Romik
3D Pool1989Firebird Software
3D Quasars1985Solar Software
3D Snooker1990Players Software
3D Starfighter1987Codemasters
3D Starstrike1985Realtime Games
3D Stunt Rider1985Amsoft
4 Soccer Simulators1989Codemasters
4x4 Off-Road Racing1988Epyx
500 cc Grand Prix1987Microids
The 5th Axis1985Activision/Loriciels
720°1988U.S. Gold
750cc Grand Prix1989Codemasters


Name Release Date Publisher
The A-Team (video game)1988Zafiro Software
Aaargh!1989Melbourne House
Abracadabra1989Odisea Software
Abu Simbel Profanation1986Dinamic
ACE1985Cascade Games
ACE 21987Cascade Games
Ace of Aces1987U.S. Gold
Acrojet1985U.S. Gold
Action Fighter1989Firebird Software
Action Force1988Virgin Games
Activator1986Cascade Games
Addams Family, The1992Ocean Software
Adidas Championship Football1990Ocean Software
Adidas Championship Tie Break1990Ocean Software
Advanced Destroyer Simulator1990Futura Games
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of the Lance1988U.S. Gold
Advanced Lawnmower Simulator1988Gardensoft (claimed) Your Sinclair
Advanced Pinball Simulator1988Codemasters
Adventure A: Planet of Death1985Artic Computing
Adventure Quest1983Level 9
African Trail Simulator1990Positive Software/Dinamic
After Shock1986Interceptor Micros
After the War1989Dinamic
After Burner1988Activision
Aftermath1988Alternative Software
Agent Orange1987A&F Software
Agent X II: The Mad Prof's Back1987Mastertronic
Ahhh!!!1984CRL Group
Airborne Ranger1987MicroProse
Airwolf1985Amsoft/Elite Systems
Airwolf II1987Hit Pak
A Jax1987Konami
Aladdin's Cave1985Artic Software
Alex Higgins World Pool1985Amsoft/Gem Software
Alex Higgins World Snooker1985Amsoft/Gem Software
Alien1985Amsoft/Argus Press Software
Alien 81985Ultimate Play the Game
Alien Highway1986Vortex Software
Alien Storm1991U.S. Gold
Alien Syndrome1988Tengen
Aliens (Activision)1986Electric Dreams Software
Aliens (Software Studios)1987Electric Dreams Software
Altered Beast1989Activision
Alternative World Games1987Gremlin Interactive
A.M.C.: Astro Marine Corps1989Dinamic
Amelie Minuit1985ERE Informatique
American Tag-Team Wrestling1992Zeppelin Games
American Turbo King1989Mastertronic
Amsoccer1986IJK Software
Amstrad Shuffle1986Alpha Omega Software
Anarchy1988Rack It
Ancient Art of War, The1984Brøderbund
Android One: The Reactor Run1985Vortex Software
Android Two1985Vortex Software
Andy Capp: The Game1987Mirrorsoft
Angel Nieto Pole 5001990Opera Soft
Annals of Rome1986PSS
Apprentice, The1986Mastertronic
A Question of Sport1988Elite Systems
Arcade Flight Simulator1989Codemasters
Arcade Fruit Machine1989Zeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia1989Zeppelin Games
Archers, The1986Level 9/Mosaic Software
Archon: The Light and the Dark1984Electronic Arts
Archon II: Adept1984Electronic Arts
Arkanoid1987Imagine Software
Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh1988Imagine Software
Armageddon Man, The1987Martech
Army Moves1986Dinamic
Arnhem1985Cases Computer Simulations
Artura1988Gremlin Graphics
Ashkeron1984First Star
Aspar GP Master1988Dinamic
Asphalt1987Ubi Soft
Assault Course1990Players Software
Asterix and the Magic Carpet1988Coktel Vision
Asterix and the Magic Cauldron1986Melbourne House
Astonishing Adventures of Mr. Weems and the She Vampires, The1987Piranha Games
Astro Attack1984Amsoft
Astroball1988Power House Software
ATF1988Digital Integration
Atom Ant1990Hi-Tec Software
Atom Smasher1984Amsoft
Atomic Driver1988Loriciels
Atomik1988FIL Software
Atrog1988Zafiro Software
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes1986Global Software
ATV Simulator1988Codemasters
Auf Wiedersehen Monty1987Gremlin Graphics
Autocras1991Zigurat Software
Avenger1986Gremlin Graphics
A View to a Kill1985Domark
La Aventura Espacial (video game)1988Aventuras AD
La Aventura Original (video game)1989Aventuras AD
Awesome Earl in SkateRock1986Bubble Bus Software


Name Release Date Publisher
Back to the Future1985Electric Dreams
Back to the Future Part II1990Image Works
Back to the Future Part III1991Image Works
Baby Jo1992Loriciels
Bachou1986Central Solutions
Back to Reality1986Mastertronic
Back to the Golden Age1991Ubi Soft
Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja1988Imagine Software
Bad Max1985Transoft
Ball Bearing1993Radical Software
Ball Crazy1987Mastertronic
Ballbreaker1987CRL Group
Balloon Buster1989Blue Ribbon Software
Banger Racer1991Cult Software
Bangers and Mash1992Alternative Software
Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior1987Palace Software
Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax1989Palace Software
Bard's Tale, The1985Electronic Arts
Barrier Reef1987Power House Software
Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing1985Activision
Basil the Great Mouse Detective1987Gremlin Graphics
Basket Master1987Dinamic/Imagine Software
Batman (1986 Ocean game)1986Ocean Software
Batman (1989 Ocean game)1989Ocean Software
Batman: The Caped Crusader1988Ocean Software
Batman: The Movie1989Ocean Software
Battle Beyond the Stars1985Solar Software
Battle Command1990Ocean Software
Battlefield Germany1987Personal Software Services
Battleships1987Elite Systems
Battle Valley1988Rack It
Battle of Britain1987Personal Software Services
Battle of the Planets1986Mikro-Gen
Batty1987Hit Pak
Beach Buggy Simulator1988Silverbird
Beach Head1985U.S. Gold
Beach Head II: The Dictator Strikes Back1986U.S. Gold
Beach Volley1989Ocean Software
Bedlam1988Go! Software
Bells, The1986Blaby Software
Bestial Warrior1989Dinamic
Best of the Best: Championship Karate1992Loriciels
Beverly Hills Cop1990Tynesoft
Beyond the Ice Palace1988Elite Systems
Biff1992Beyond Belief Software
Big Foot1988Codemasters
Big Trouble in Little China1987Electric Dreams
Billy 21987Loriciels
Billy la Banlieue1986Loriciels
Billy the Kid1990Mastertronic
Bio Spheres1988Silverbird
Bionic Commando1988Go! Software
Bionic Ninja1989Zeppelin Games
Birdie1987ERE Informatique
Black Beard1988Topo Soft
Black Fountain1987Incentive Software
Black Magic1987U.S. Gold
Black Tiger1989U.S. Gold
Blade Runner1986CRL Group
Blade Warrior1989Codemasters
Blasteroids1989Image Works
Blazing Thunder1990Hi-Tec Software
Blockbusters1988TV Games
Blood Brothers1988Gremlin Graphics
Blood Valley1988Gremlin Graphics
Bloodwych1990Image Works
Blueberry1987Coktel Vision
Blues Brothers, The1992Titus Software
BMX Freestyle1989Codemasters
BMX Kidz1988Silverbird
BMX Ninja1989Alternative Software
BMX Simulator1987Codemasters
BMX Simulator 21989Codemasters
Bob Winner1986Loriciels
Bob's Full House1988TV Games
Bobby Bearing1986The Edge Software
Boggit, The1986CRL Group
Boinggg!1988Atlantis Software
Bomb Fusion1989Mastertronic
Bomb Jack1986Elite Systems
Bomb Jack II1987Elite Systems
Bomb Scare1986Firebird Software
Bonanza Bros.1992U.S. Gold
Booty1986Firebird Software
Bored of the Rings1985Delta 4
Bosconian '871987Mastertronic
Boulder Dash1985Mirrorsoft/First Star
Boulder Dash III1986Action Software
Bounder1986Gremlin Graphics
Bounty Hunter1989Codemasters
Bounty Bob Strikes Back!1985Big Five Software
Boy Racer1987Alligata
Brainies, The1991Loriciels
Brainstorm1987Firebird Software
Bravestarr1987U.S. Gold
Braxx Bluff1984Micromega
BreakThru1986U.S. Gold
Brian Bloodaxe1985The Edge Software
Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge1985Martech
Brian Jacks Uchi Mata1986Martech
Brick, The1989Diabolic
British Super League1990Cult Software
Bronx Street Cop1989Mastertronic
Bruce Lee1984U.S. Gold
Bubble Bobble1987Firebird Software
Bubble Dizzy1991Codemasters
Bubble Ghost1988ERE Informatique
Bubbler1987Ultimate Play the Game
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show1989Tynesoft
Bugaboo (The Flea)1983Quicksilva
Buggy Boy1987Elite Systems
Bully's Sporting Darts1993Alternative Software
Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy1992Loriciels
Bunny Bricks1992Silmarils Software
Burnin' Rubber1990Ocean Software
Buster Block1986Kuma Software
Butcher Hill1989Gremlin Graphics
By Fair Means or Foul1988Superior Software


Name Release Date Publisher
Cabal1989Ocean Software
California Games1987U.S. Gold/Epyx
Camelot Warriors1986Dinamic
Capitán Sevilla1988Dinamic
Capitán Trueno1989Dinamic
Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann1986Mikro-Gen
Captain Blood1988ERE Informatique
Captain Dynamo1993Codemasters
Captain Kidd1985Bug-Byte
Captain Planet and the Planeteers1991Mindscape Software
Carlos Sainz1990Zigurat Software
Carrier Command1988Rainbird Software
Cassette 501983Cascade Games
Castle Assault1985Blue Ribbon Software
Castle BlackstarSCR Adventures/CDS Micro Systems
Castle Master1990Domark/Incentive Software
Castle Master II: The Crypt1991Domark/Incentive Software
Cauldron1985Palace Software
Cauldron II: The Pumpkin Strikes Back1986Palace Software
Cavemania1991Atlantis Software
Caves of Doom, The1985Mastertronic
Centre Court1985Amsoft
Cerberus1986Players Software
Chain Reaction1988Durell
Championship Baseball1987Activision
Championship Basketball1987Activision
Championship Jetski Simulator1989Codemasters
Championship Sprint1988Electric Dreams
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory1985Hill MacGibbon
Chase H.Q.1989Ocean Software
Chessmaster 2000, The1990Ubi Soft
Chevy Chase1991Hi-Tec Software
Chicago 901989Microids
Chicago's 301988Topo Soft
Chichén Itzá1985Aventuras AD
Chickin Chase1987Firebird Software
Chimera1985Firebird Software
Chip's Challenge1991U.S. Gold
Chopper Squad1985Interceptor Software
Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior1990Positive
Chubby Gristle1988Grandslam Entertainment
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer1987Electronic Arts
Chuckie Egg1985A&F Software
Chuckie Egg 21985A&F Software
Cisco Heat1991Image Works
City Slicker1986Hewson Consultants
Classic Axiens1987Bubble Bus
Classic Invaders1986Bubble Bus
Classic Muncher1987Bubble Bus
Classiques Volume 11987Titus Software
Classiques Volume 21987Titus Software
Cobra1987Ocean Software
Cobra Force1989Players Software
Cobra's Arc1986Dinamic
Codename MAT1984Micromega
Colony1987Bulldog Software
Colossus 4 Chess1986CDS Software
Colossal Adventure1983Level 9
Colour of Magic, The1986Delta 4
Comando Quatro1988Zigurat Software
Comando Tracer1988Dinamic
Combat School1987Ocean Software
Comet Encounter1986Livewire Software
Comet Game, The1986Firebird Software
Commando1985Elite Systems
Compendium1987Gremlin Graphics
Computer Scrabble1985Leisure Genius
Computer Scrabble Deluxe1987Leisure Genius
Confuzion1985Incentive Software
Conspiration de l'An III1988Ubi Soft
Contamination1985ERE Informatique
Continental Circus1989Virgin Games
Contra (See Gryzor)
Copter 2711991Loriciels
Corridor Conflict1987Power House Software
Corruption1988Magnetic Scrolls
Corsarios1989Opera Soft
Cosmic Sheriff1989Dinamic
Cosmic Shock Absorber1987Martech
Costa Capers1985Firebird Software
Count Duckula1989Alternative Software
Count Duckula 21992Alternative Software
Countdown1986Macsen Software
Countdown to Doom1987Topologika
Cowboy Kidz1990Byte Back
Cozumel (La Diosa De Cozumel)1990Aventuras AD
Crack Down1990U.S. Gold
Crack-Up1989Atlantis Software
Cray-51987Topo Soft
Crazy Cars1988Titus Software
Crazy Cars II1989Titus Software
Crazy Golf1984Amsoft/Mr. Micro
Crazy Shot1989Loriciels
Cricket Crazy1988Alternative Software
Critical Mass1985Durell Software
Crossfire1989Atlantis Software
Crystal Castles1986U.S. Gold
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy1992Codemasters
Cubit!1984Amsoft/Mr. Micro
Curse of Sherwood, The1987Mastertronic
Custard Pie Factory1985Tynesoft
Cyber Chicken2013AMC Soft
Cybernoid1988Hewson Consultants
Cybernoid II: The Revenge1988Hewson Consultants
Cyberun1986Ultimate Play the Game
Cycles: International Grand Prix Racing, The1990Accolade
Cylu1985Firebird Software
Cyrus II Chess1985Amsoft


Name Release Date Publisher
DJ Puff1992Codemasters
Daley Thompson's Decathlon1985Ocean Software
Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge1988Ocean Software
Daley Thompson's Supertest1986Ocean Software
Dam Busters, The1984U.S. Gold
Dame Scanner1988Chip Software
Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future1986Virgin Games
Dan Dare II: Mekon's Revenge1987Virgin Games
Dan Dare III: The Escape1990Virgin Games
Dandy1987Electric Dreams
Danger Mouse in Double Trouble1985Creative Sparks
Danger Mouse in Makin' Whoopee1985Creative Sparks
Dark Fusion1988Gremlin Graphics
Dark Sceptre1987Firebird
Dark Side1988Incentive Software
Darkman1991Ocean Software
Darkwurlde1986Top Ten Software
Dawnssley1986Top Ten Software
Deadly Evil1990Players Software
Death Stalker1988Codemasters
Death Wish 31987Gremlin Graphics
Death or Glory1987CRL Group
Defcom 11989Iber Soft
Defender of the Crown1989Cinemaware
Defenders of the Earth1990Enigma Variations Software
Deflektor1987Gremlin Graphics
Deliverance: Stormlord II1990Hewson Consultants
Demon's Revenge1988Firebird Software
Demon Lord1985Airstrip-One
Dervish1988Power House Software
Des Chiffres et des Lettres1987Loriciels
Desert Fox1985Accolade
Desperado1987Topo Soft
Desperado 21989Topo Soft
Despotik Design1987ERE Informatique
Devil's Crown, The1985Probe Software
Diamond Mine1985Blue Ribbon
Diamond Mine II1985Blue Ribbon
Dick Tracy1991Disney
Die Alien Slime1989Mastertronic
Digger Barnes1985Cable Software
Dive Bomber1988Acme Animation
Dizzy Dice1987Players Software
Dizzy Down the Rapids1991Codemasters
Dizzy Panic1990Codemasters
Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk1991Codemasters
Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror1986Micro Power
Dodgy Geezers1987Melbourne House
Dogsbody1985Bug Byte
Dominator1989System 3 Software
Dominoes1990Blue Ribbon Software
Don Quijote1987Dinamic
Don't Panic1985Firebird Software
Donald's Alphabet Chase1991Disney Software
Donkey Kong1986Ocean Software
Doodlebug1987Players Software
Doomdark's Revenge1985Beyond Software
Doomsday Blues1985ERE Informatique
Doors of Doom1985Amsoft/Gem Software
Double Dragon1988Virgin Games
Double Dragon 2: The Revenge1989Virgin Games
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone1991Storm Software
Downhill Challenge1988Loriciels
Dr. Doom's Revenge1989Empire Interactive
Dr. Scrimes' Spook School1988Mastertronic
Dracula1986CRL Group
Dragon Breed1991Activision
Dragon Spirit1989Domark
Dragon's Gold1985Amsoft/Romik
Dragon's Lair1987Software Projects
Dragons of Flame1989U.S. Gold
Dragontorc1985Hewson Consultants
Dream Warrior1988U.S. Gold
Driller1987Incentive Software
Druid1986Firebird Software
Duct, The1988Gremlin Graphics
Duel 2000Coktel Vision
Duel: Test Drive II, The1989Accolade
Duet1987Hit Pak
Dun Darach1985Gargoyle Games
Dungeon Adventure1983Level 9
Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists 'n' Everythin'1987Atlantis Software
Dynamic Duo1988Firebird Software
Dynamite Dan1985Mirrorsoft
Dynamite Dan II1986Mirrorsoft
Dynamite Düx1989Activision
Dynasty Wars1990U.S. Gold


Name Release Date Publisher
E-Motion1990U.S. Gold
Edd the Duck1990Impulze
Eidolon, The1986Activision/Lucasfilm
El Cid1987Dro Soft
El Juego de la Oca1989Zafiro Software
El Poder Oscuro1988Zigurat Software
Electric Wonderland1986Gasoline
Electro Freddy1984Amsoft
Elektra Glide1987English Software
Elevator Action1987Quicksilva
Elidon1985Orpheus Software
Eliminator1988Hewson Consultants
Elite1986Firebird Software
Elven Warrior1989Players Software
Emerald Isle1985Level 9
Emilio Butragueño Fútbol1988Topo Soft/Ocean Software
Emlyn Hughes Arcade Quiz1990Audiogenic
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer1989Audiogenic
Empire!1986Firebird Software
Empire Strikes Back, The1988Domark
Enchanted1989Positive Software
Enduro Racer1987Activision
Energy (video game)1987Mastertronic
The Enforcer (video game)1990Trojan Software
Enlightenment: Druid II1988Firebird Software
Erik the Viking1984Mosaic Publishing/Level 9
Escape from Singe's Castle1987Software Projects
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters1990Domark/Tengen
ESWAT Cyber Police1990U.S. Gold
European Soccer Challenge1990Players Software
European Superleague1991CDS Software
Evening Star1987Hewson Consultants
Every Second Counts1988TV Games
Everyone's a Wally1985Mikro-Gen
Evil Donjon1989Genesis Software
EXIT1988Ubi Soft
Exolon1987Hewson Consultants
The Experience1986Players Software
Exploding Wall1989Byte Back
Explorer-1987Electric Dreams
Express Raider1987U.S. Gold
Extreme1991Digital Integration
Eye1988Endurance Software


Name Release Date Publisher
F-1 Tornado Simulator1990Zeppelin Games
F-15 Strike Eagle1986MicroProse
F-16 Combat Pilot1989Digital Integration
Fairlight1986The Edge Software
Fairlight II1986The Edge Software
The Famous Five (video game)1991Enigma Variations Software
Fantasia Diamond1984Hewson Consultants
Fantastic Voyage (video game)1984Amsoft
Fantasy World Dizzy1989Codemasters
Fast Food1989Codemasters
The Fear (1987 video game)1987Mastertronic
Fer et Flamme1986Ubisoft
Fernandez Must Die1988Image Works
Feud1987Bulldog Software
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O'Fun1990Mindscape
The Fifth Quadrant (video game)1987Bubble Bus
Fighter Bomber1990Activision
Fighting Soccer1989Activision
Fighting Warrior (video game)1985Melbourne House
Final Assault1987Epyx
Final Fight1991U.S. Gold
Finders Keepers1986Mastertronic
Fire and Forget (video game)1988Titus Software
Fire and Forget II1990Titus Software
Fire! (video game)1990New Deal Productions
Firelord1986Hewson Consultants
Fireman Sam (video game)1992Alternative Software
Firetrap (video game)1988Electric Dreams
First Past the Post (video game)1991Cult Software
Five-a-Side Soccer1986Mastertronic
Five-a-Side Footy1988Silverbird
Flash (video game)1987Loriciels
Flash Gordon1986Mastertronic
Flimbo's Quest1990System 3 Software
Flippit (video game)1988Splash (video game company)
Fluff (video game)1994Radical Software (UK)
Flunky1987Piranha Games
Flying Shark1988Firebird Software
Flyspy (video game)1986Mastertronic
Football Champions (video game)1990Cult Software
Football Frenzy (video game)1987Alternative Software
Football Manager1984Addictive Software
Football Manager 21988Addictive Software
Football Manager 31992Addictive Software
Football Manager World Cup Edition1990Addictive Software
Footballer of the Year (video game)1986Gremlin Graphics
Footballer of the Year 21989Gremlin Graphics
The Footballer (video game)1990Cult Software
For Gold or Glory1988Alternative Software
Forbidden Planet (video game)1986Design Design
The Forest at World's End1985Interceptor Software
Forestland (video game)1986Supersoft
Forgotten Worlds1989U.S. Gold
Formula 1 Simulator1985Mastertronic
Formula One1985CRL Group
Fourth Protocol, The1986Century Communications
Frank 'n' Stein1985Amsoft/PSS
Frank Bruno's Boxing1985Elite Systems
Frankenstein1987CRL Group
Frankie Goes to Hollywood1985Ocean Software
Fred1984Indescomp Software
Freddy Hardest1987Dinamic
Freedom Fighter1988Power House Software
Friday the 13th1986Domark
Froggy (video game)1985R&B Software
Frontline (video game)1988Zeppelin Games
Frost Byte (video game)1986Mikro-Gen
Fruit Machine (video game)1984Amsoft
Fruit Machine Simulator1988Codemasters
Fruit Machine Simulator 21990Codemasters
Fruity Frank1984Kuma Software
Fu-Kung in Las Vegas (video game)1984Amsoft/Romik
Fugitif (video game)1991Lankhor
Fun School 11986Database Educational Software
Fun School 21989Database Educational Software
Fun School 31991Database Educational Software
Fun School 41992Europress Software
Future Bike Simulator1990Hi-Tec Software
Future Knight1986Gremlin Graphics


Name Release Date Publisher
G-LOC R3601991U.S. Gold
Gabrielle1987Ubi Soft
Galachip1985Chip Software
Galactic Conqueror1988Titus Software
Galactic Games1987Activision
Galactic Plague, The1984Amsoft
Galaxia1984Kuma Software
Galaxy Force1989Activision
Galivan1986Imagine Software
Gallitron1987Bulldog Software
Game Over1987Dinamic
Game Over II1988Dinamic/Imagine Software
Game of Dragons, The1985Amsoft
Games: Summer Edition, The1989U.S. Gold/Epyx
Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal1988The Edge Software
Garfield: Winter's Tail1989The Edge Software
Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot!1988Gremlin Graphics
Gauntlet1984Micro Power
Gauntlet1987U.S. Gold
Gauntlet II1988U.S. Gold
Gauntlet III: The Final Quest1991U.S. Gold
Gazza II1990Empire Interactive
Gazza's Superstar Soccer1989Empire Interactive
GBA Championship Basketball: Two-on-Two1986Activision
Gee Bee Air Rally1987Activision
Gemini Wing1989Virgin Games
Get Dexter1986ERE Informatique/PSS
Ghost Hunters1987Codemasters
Ghostbusters II1989Activision
Ghosts 'n Goblins1986Elite Systems
Ghouls1985Micro Power
Ghouls 'n' Ghosts1989U.S. Gold
GI Hero1988Firebird Software
Giant KillerTopologika
Gilligan's Gold1984Ocean Software
Glen Hoddle Soccer1985Amsoft
Glider Rider1986Quicksilva
Gnome Ranger1987Level 9
Golden Axe1990Virgin Games
Golden Basket1990Opera Soft
Golden Path1986Amsoft
Goliath1986Rainbow Productions
Gonzzálezz1989Opera Soft
Goody1987Opera Soft
GP Formula 1 Simulator1991Zigurat Software
Graham Gooch's Test Cricket1986Audiogenic
Grand Prix1989D&H Games
Grand Prix 500 21991Microïds
Grand Prix 500cc1986Microïds
Grand Prix Circuit1990Accolade
Grand Prix Driver1984Amsoft/Britannia Software
Grand Prix Simulator1987Codemasters
Grand Prix Simulator 21989Codemasters
Grange Hill1987Argus Press Software
Granny's Garden1987
Great Escape, The1986Ocean Software
Great Giana Sisters, The1988Rainbow Arts
Great Gurianos1987Hit Pak
GrebitAlternative Software
Green Beret1986Imagine Software
Gregory Loses his Clock1989Mastertronic
Grell and Falla1992Codemasters
Gremlins: The Adventure1985Adventure International
Gremlins 2: The New Batch1990Topo Soft
Greyfell1987Starlight Software
Growing Pains of Adrian Mole, The1986Virgin Games/Level 9
Gryzor1987Ocean Software
Guardian Angel, The1990Codemasters
Guardian II: Revenge of the Mutants1990Hi-Tec Software
Guerrilla War1988Imagine Software
Guild of Thieves, The1987Rainbird Software/Magnetic Scrolls
Guillermo Tell1989Opera Soft
Gunfright1986Ultimate Play the Game
Gunsmoke1987Topo Soft/U.S. Gold
Gunstar1987Firebird Software
Gutter1985ERE Informatique
Guzzler1986Players Software
Gyroscope1986Melbourne House


Name Release Date Publisher
Hacker1985Gremlin Graphics
Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers1986Activision
Halls of the Things1985Design Design
Hammer Boy1991Dinamic
Hammerfist1990Vivid Image
Hammerhead1992Zigurat Software
Hamsters en Folie1989Generation 5
Hard Drivin'1989Domark/Tengen
Hard Hat Mack1985Ariolasoft/Electronic Arts
Harrier Attack1984Amsoft/Durell
Harvey Headbanger1986Firebird Software
H.A.T.E.1989Gremlin Graphics
Haunted Hedges1984Amsoft/Micromega
Havoc1990Players Software
Hawk Storm1990Players Software
Head Over Heels1987Ocean Software
Heartland1986Odin Computer Graphics
Heavy on the Magick1986Gargoyle Games
Help Inc.1993WoW Software
Helter Skelter1991Audiogenic
Hercules: Slayer of the Damned1988Gremlin Graphics
H.E.R.O. (Amstrad Port)2005Flynn (Programmer)
HeroQuest1991Gremlin Graphics
Hero of the Golden Talisman1986Mastertronic
Herobotix1988Rack It
Heroes of Karn1985Interceptor Software
Hi Rise1986Bubble Bus
Hideous1992Alternative Software
High Frontier1987Activision
High Steel1989Screen 7
Highlander1986Ocean Software
Highway Encounter1985Vortex Software
Highway Patrol1989Microïds
Hit Squad, The1989Codemasters
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The1986Infocom
HKM (Human Killing Machine)1989U.S. Gold
Hobbit, TheMelbourne House
Hobgoblin1991Atlantis Software
Hold-Up1984ERE Informatique
Holdfast1984Kuma Software
Hollywood Hijinx1986Infocom
Hollywood or Bust1986Mastertronic
Holocauste1988MBC Software
Hong Kong Phooey1990Hi-Tec Software
Hopper Copper1989Silverbird
Hoppin' Mad1988Elite Systems
HotShot1988Addictive Software
How to Be a Hero1987Mastertronic
How to be a Complete Bastard1987Virgin Games
Howard the Duck1987Activision
Hudson Hawk1991Ocean Software
Humphrey1988Zigurat Software
Hunchback1984Amsoft/Ocean Software
Hunchback II: Quasimodo's Revenge1985Ocean Software
Hunt for Red October: The Movie1991Grandslam Entertainment
Hustler1985Bubble Bus
Hyper Sports1986Imagine Software


Name Release Date Publisher
I Alien1988CRL Group
I, Ball1987Firebird Software
I, Ball II: Quest for the Past1987Firebird Software
Ice Breaker1990Topo Soft
Ikari Warriors1986Elite Systems
Imagination1987Firebird Software
Impossaball1987Hewson Consultants
Impossamole1990Gremlin Graphics
Impossible Mission1986Epyx
Impossible Mission II1988Epyx
Incredible Shrinking Sphere1989Electric Dreams Software
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade1989U.S. Gold
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom1987U.S. Gold
Indoor Sports1987Databyte//Mindscape
Inertie1987Ubi Soft
Infernal House1991Lankhor
Infernal Runner1985Loriciels
Infiltrator1986U.S. Gold/Mindscape
Ingrid's Back1988Level 9
Inheritance, The1986Infogrames
Inspector Hecti in the Interchange1991Hi-Tec Software
Inside Outing1987The Edge Software
Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear1987Melbourne House
Interceptor Pilot
International 3D Tennis1990Palace Software
International Football1989Cult Software
International Karate1986System 3
International Karate +1988System 3
International Ninja Rabbits1991Microvalue
International Rugby Simulator1988Codemasters
International Speedway1988Silverbird
Into Oblivion1986Mastertronic
Into the Eagle's Nest1987Pandora Software
Iron Lord1990Ubi Soft
Iron Sphere2006Cronosoft
Island of Dr. Destructo, The1987Bulldog Software
ISS1989Electric Dreams
Italian Supercar1990Codemasters
Italy 19901990U.S. Gold


Name Release Date Publisher
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf1989Accolade
Jack the Nipper1986Gremlin Graphics
Jack the Nipper II1987Gremlin Graphics
Jack the Ripper1987CRL Group
Jail Break1986Konami
Jet Bike Simulator1988Codemasters
Jet Boot Jack1984Amsoft/English Software
Jet Set Willy1985Software Projects
Jet Set Willy II1985Software Projects
Jewels of Darkness1986Rainbird Software/Level 9
Jim Power in Mutant Planet1992Loriciels
Jimmy Business1985Excellence Software
Jimmy's Soccer Manager1992Beyond Belief Software
Jinks1989Rainbow Arts
Jinxter1988Rainbird Software/Magnetic Scrolls
Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge1991Zeppelin Games
Joe Blade1987Players Software
Joe Blade 21988Players Software
Joe Blade 31989Players Software
John Elway's Quarterback1987Virgin Games
Jonny Quest1991Hi-Tec Software
Juggernaut1985CRL Group
Jump1991Zigurat Software
Jungle Jane1986Bug Byte
Jungle Warfare1989Mastertronic
Jungle Warrior1990Zigurat Software


Name Release Date Publisher
Karl's Treasure Hunt1984Software Projects
Kat Trap1987Streetwise Software
Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager1990Zeppelin Games
Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match1990Impressions
Kentucky Racing1990Alternative Software
Key Factor, The1985Amsoft
Kick Off1989Anco Software
Kikstart 21987Mastertronic
Killapede1986Players Software
Killer Cobra1987Mastertronic
Killer Gorilla1984Micropower Software
Killer Ring1987Reaktör
Kinetik1987Firebird Software
Kingdom of HamilTopologika
Knight Force1989Titus Software
Knight Games1986English Software
Knight Ghosts1988Juliet Software
Knight Lore1985Ultimate Play the Game
Knight Orc1987Rainbird Software/Level 9
Knight Rider1986Ocean Software
Knight Tyme1986Mastertronic
Kobayashi Naru1987Mastertronic
Kokotoni Wilf1984Elite Systems
Konami's Ping Pong1985Konami
Kong Strikes Back!1985Ocean Software
Koronis Rift1987Activision
Krakout1987Gremlin Graphics
Kung-Fu Master1986U.S. Gold
Kwah?1986Melbourne House
Kwik Snax1990Codemasters


Name Release Date Publisher
L.A. SWAT1987Mastertronic
L'Affaire Santa Fe1988Infogrames
L'Aigle d'Or1986Loriciels
L'Aigle d'Or: Le Retour1992Loriciels
L'Anneau de Zengara1987Ubi Soft
L'Ile1988Ubi Soft
L'Oeil de Set1987Ubi Soft
La Abadía del Crimen1988Opera Soft
La Chose de Grotemburg1987Ubi Soft
La Crypte des Maudits1991Lankhor
La Dernière Mission1988MBC Software
La Espada Sagrada1990Topo Soft
La Geste d'Artillac1986Infogrames
La malédiction1991Lankhor
La Secte Noire1990Lankhor
Lancelot1988Mandarin Software/Level 9
Las Vegas Casino1989Zeppelin Games
Laser Squad1989Blade Software
Last Days of DoomTopologika
Last Duel1989U.S. Gold
Last Mission, The1987Opera Soft
Last Ninja 21988System 3 Software
Last V8, The1986Mastertronic
Lawn Tennis1987Mastertronic
Lazer Tag1988Go! Software
Le Chevalier Blanc1987Cobra Soft
Le Manoir de Mortevielle1988Lankhor
Le Manoir du Comte Frozarda1988MBC Software
Le Millionnaire1985ERE Informatique
Le Mystère de Kikekankoi1985Loriciels
Le Nécromancien1987Ubi Soft
Le Trésor d'Ali Gator1991Lankhor
Leaderboard1986Access Software
Leather Goddesses of Phobos1986Infocom
Lee Enfield: Space Ace1988Infogrames
Legend of Apache Gold, The1987Incentive Software/Medallion Software
Legend of Kage, The1986Imagine Software
Legend of the Amazon Women1986U.S. Gold
Legions of Death1987Lothlorian
Les Aventures de Pépito au Mexique1991Belin Software
Les Passagers du Vent1986Infogrames
Les Passagers du Vent 21987Infogrames
Les Pyramides d'Atlantys1986Microïds
Leviathan1987English Software
Life Expectancy Zero1985Blaby Software
Lifeterm1987Alternative Software
Light Corridor, The1990Infogrames
Light Force1986FTL
Line of Fire1990U.S. Gold
Little Computer People1987Activision
Little Puff in Dragonland1989Codemasters
Live and Let Die1988Domark/Elite Systems
Liverpool1990Grandslam Entertainment
Living Daylights, The1987Domark
Livingstone Supongo1986Opera Soft
Livingstone Supongo II1989Opera Soft
Lode Runner1989Loriciels/Brøderbund
Lop Ears1991Players Software
Lord of the Rings: Game One1985Melbourne House
Lords of Chaos1990Blade Software
The Lords of Midnight1984Amsoft/Beyond Software
Lords of Time1983Level 9
Lorna1990Topo Soft
Los Inhumanos1990Delta Soft
Lost Caves and the Tomb of Doom1989Players Software
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge1990Gremlin Graphics
Lurking Horror, The1987Infocom


Name Release Date Publisher
Macadam Bumper1985ERE Informatique
Mach 31987Loriciels
Mad Mix Game1988Topo Soft
Mad Mix 21989Topo Soft
Madballs1988Ocean Software
Magician's Ball, The1985Global Software
Magic Johnson's Basketball1989Melbourne House
Magicland Dizzy1991Codemasters
Manchester United1990Krisalis
Mange Cailloux1987Ubi Soft
Manic Miner1984Amsoft/Software Projects
Marble Madness Construction Set1986Melbourne House
Mario Bros.1987Ocean Software
Marmelade1988MBC Software
Marsport1985Gargoyle Games
Martianoids1987Ultimate Play the Game
Master of the Lamps1985Activision
Masters of Space1994Radical Software
Masters of the Universe: The Arcade Game1987U.S. Gold
Masters of the Universe: The Movie1987Gremlin Graphics
Masters of the Universe: The Super Adventure1987U.S. Gold
Mata Hari1988Loriciels
Match Day1985Ocean Software
Match Day II1988Ocean Software
Match Point1985Psion
Maze Mania1989Hewson Consultants
Mazie1988Zeppelin Games
Mega Apocalypse1988Martech
Mega-Bucks1986Firebird Software
Megablasters1994Radical Software
Megacorp1987Aventuras AD
Megawar1990Genesis Software
Mercenary1985Novagen Software
MERCS1991U.S. Gold
Mermaid Madness1986Electric Dreams
Message from Andromeda1984Interceptor Software
Metal Army1988Players Software
Metalyx1987Alternative Software
Metro-Cross1987U.S. Gold
Metropolis1988Power House Software
Meurtres en Série1987Cobra Soft
Miami Cobra GT1991Players Software
Miami Dice1986Bug Byte
Miami Vice1986Ocean Software
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker1989U.S. Gold
Mickey Mouse1988Gremlin Graphics
Micro Mouse Goes Debugging1989Mastertronic
Microball1988Alternative Software
MicroProse Soccer1989MicroProse
Midnight Resistance1990Ocean Software
MiG Busters1990Players Software
Mig 29 Soviet Fighter1989Codemasters
Mike Gunner1988Dinamic
Mike Read's Computer Pop Quiz1988Elite Systems
Mikie1986Imagine Software
Milk Race1987Mastertronic
Mindfighter1988Activision/Abstract Concepts
MindshadowInterplay Productions
Mission Genocide1987Firebird Software
Mission Jupiter1987Codemasters
Mission Omega1986Mind Games Software
Mister Gas1989Xortrapa Soft
Misterio Del Nilo, El1987Zigurat Software
MLM 3D: Evasion de la Lune1986Chip Software
Molecule Man1986Mastertronic
Monopoly1985Leisure Genius
Monsters of MurdacTopologika
Monte Carlo Casino1989Codemasters
Monty Python's Flying Circus1990Virgin Games
Monty on the Run1986Gremlin Graphics
Monument1991Zeppelin Games
Moon Blaster1990Loriciels
Moon Buggy1985Anirog
Moon Cresta1986Incentive Software
Moontorc1991Atlantis Software
Mordons Quest1985Melbourne House
Morris Meets the Bikers1984Automata UK
Mortadelo y Filemòn (Clever & Smart)1988Magic Bytes
Mortadelo y Filemòn II: Safari Callejero1989Animagic
Mortville Manor1987Lankhor
Moto Cross Simulator1989Codemasters
Motor Massacre1988Gremlin Graphics
Motorbike Madness1988Mastertronic
Mountain Bike Simulator1991Codemasters
Mountie Mick's Death Ride1987Reaktör
MOVIE1986Imagine Software
Moving Target1989Players Software
Mr. Freeze1984Firebird Software
Mr. Heli1989Firebird Software
Mr. Pingo1986Rainbow Arts
Multi-Player Soccer Manager1991D&H Games
Mundial de Fútbol1990Opera Soft
Munsters, The1989Again Again
Mutan Zone1988Opera Soft
Mutant Fortress1989Players Software
Mutant Monty1984Amsoft/Artic Software
Mutants1987Ocean Software
Myrddin Flight Simulation1985Myrddin Software
Mystery of the Indus Valleys1987Alternative Software
Mystery of the Nile1987Firebird Software/Zigurat Software
Myth1989Magnetic Scrolls
Myth: History in the Making1989System 3 Software
Mythos1990Opera Soft


Name Release Date Publisher
NARC1990Ocean Software
Navy Moves1988Dinamic
Navy SEALS1991Ocean Software
Nebulus1988Hewson Consultants
Necris-Dome, The1986Codemasters
NEIL1988Alternative Software
Nemesis the Warlock1987Martech
Nether Earth1987Argus Press Software
Netherworld1988Hewson Consultants
Neverending Story, The1985Ocean Software
New York Warriors1990Virgin Games
New Zealand Story, The1990Ocean Software
NEXOR1986Design Design
Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix1988Martech
Nigel Mansell's World Championship1993Gremlin Graphics
Night Booster1985Cobra Soft
Night Hunter1990Ubi Soft
Night Raider1988Gremlin Graphics
Night Shift1990Lucasfilm Games
Nightshade1986Ultimate Play the Game
Ninja1987Entertainment USA
Ninja Commando1988Zeppelin Games
Ninja Hamster1987CRL Group
Ninja Massacre1989Codemasters
Ninja Master, The1986Firebird Software
Ninja Scooter Simulator1988Silverbird
Ninja Spirit1990Activision
Ninja Warriors, The1989Virgin Games
Nocturne1986Alpha Omega Software
Nodes of Yesod1985Odin Computer Graphics
NOMAD1986Ocean Software
North Star1988Gremlin Graphics
North and South1991Infogrames
Nosferatu the Vampyre1986Piranha
Nuclear Heist1986Players Software
Number 11986Bug Byte


Name Release Date Publisher
Obliterator1988Melbourne House
Obsidian1985Artic Software
Off Shore Warrior1988Titus Software
Official Father Christmas, The1989Alternative Software
Oh Mummy1984Amsoft/Gem Software
Olé1987Firebird Software
Olli and Lissa III: The Candlelight Adventure1989Codemasters
Olli and Lissa: The Ghost of Shilmoore Castle1987Firebird Software
Olympiad '861986Atlantis Software
Omeyad1989Ubi Soft
On Cue1987Mastertronic
On the Oché1984Artic Software
On the Run1985Design Design
One Man and his Droid1986Mastertronic
Operation Gunship1989Codemasters
Operation Hanoi1990Players Software
Operation Hormuz1989Again Again
Operation Thunderbolt1989Ocean Software
Operation Wolf1988Ocean Software
Orion Prime2009CargoSoft
Out Run1987U.S. Gold
Out Run Europa1991U.S. Gold
Out of this World1987Reaktör
Outlaw1990Players Software
Overlander1988Elite Systems
Oxphar1987ERE Informatique


Name Release Date Publisher
P-47: The Freedom Fighter1990Firebird Software
Pac-Land1989Grandslam Entertainment
Pac-Mania1988Grandslam Entertainment
Pang1991Ocean Software
Panic Dizzy1991Codemasters
Paperboy1986Elite Systems
Paperboy 21991Mindscape Software
Para Academy1990Zeppelin Games
Para Assault Course1988Zeppelin Games
Parabola1987Firebird Software
Paranoia Complex, The1989Gremlin Graphics
Park Patrol1987Firebird Software
Pasteman Pat1989Silverbird
Pawn, The1987Rainbird Software/Magnetic Scrolls
Paws1985Artic Software
Peasant's Tale, A1988Crysys
Penalty Soccer1990Gamebusters
Penggy1986Chip Software
Peter Pack Rat1989Silverbird
Peter Shilton's Handball Maradona!1986Grandslam Entertainment
Phantom Club1988Ocean Software
Phileas Fogg's Balloon Battles1991Zeppelin Games
Philosopher's QuestTopologika
PHM Pegasus1987Electronic Arts
Pick 'n' Pile1990Ubi Soft
Pinball Dreams1992Digital Illusions CE
Pinball Magic1990Loriciels
Pinball Power1989Mastertronic
Ping Pong1986Imagine Software
Pink Panther1988Gremlin Graphics
Pipe Mania1990Empire Interactive
Plaga Galàctica1984Amsoft
Plasmatron1988CRL Group
Platoon1988Ocean Software
Play your Cards Right1986Britannia Software
Plot, The1987Firebird Software
Plotting1990Ocean Software
Pneumatic Hammers1987Firebird Software
Pogostick Olympics1987Firebird Software
Poogaboo1991Opera Soft
Popeye1986Piranha Games
Popeye 21990Alternative Software
Popeye 31992Alternative Software
Postman Pat1988Alternative Software
Postman Pat 21989Alternative Software
Postman Pat 31992Alternative Software
Potsworth and Company1992Hi-Tec Software
Power Boat Simulator1989Codemasters
Power Drift1989Activision
Powerplay: The Game of the Gods1986Arcana Software
Predator 21991Image Works
Prehistorik1991Titus Software
Prehistorik 21993Titus Software
The Price of Magik1986Level 9
Prince of Persia1990Microïds/Brøderbund
Prison Riot1990Players Software
Prize, The1985Amsoft
Pro BMX Simulator1988Codemasters
Pro Boxing Simulator1990Codemasters
Pro Golf Simulator1990Codemasters
Pro Skateboard Simulator1989Codemasters
Pro Tennis Simulator1989Codemasters
Pro Soccer Simulator1990Codemasters
Pro Tennis Tour1990Ubi Soft
Prodigy, The1986Electric Dreams
Profanation1987Chip Software
Professional Ski Simulator1987Codemasters
Psycho Hopper1989Mastertronic
Psycho Pigs UXB1988U.S. Gold
Psycho Soldier1988Imagine Software
Pub Games1987Alligata
Pub Trivia1989Codemasters
Puffy's Saga1989Ubi Soft
Punch and Judy1989Alternative Software
Purple Saturn Day1989Exxos Software
Puzznic1990Ocean Software
Pyra Mydya1986Bug Byte
Python1986Chip Software
Python Pete1986Optyx
Pépé Béquilles1987Softhawk


Name Release Date Publisher
Q-10 Tank Buster1991Zeppelin Games
Qin1987ERE Informatique
Quack a Jack1984Amsoft
Quest for the Golden Eggcup, The1988Mastertronic
Quick Draw McGraw1990Hi-Tec Software


Name Release Date Publisher
R-Type1988Electric Dreams
R-Type (new version)2012Easter Egg
Race, The1990Players Software
Rad Ramp Racer1989Mastertronic
Radius1987Players Software
Raid!!!1985U.S. Gold
Rainbow Islands1989Ocean Software
Rally Cross1989Anco Software
Rally Driver1986Hill MacGibbon
Rally II1985Amsoft/Loriciels
Rally Simulator1988Zeppelin Games
Rambo1985Ocean Software
Rambo: First Blood Part II1986Ocean Software
Rambo III1988Ocean Software
Ramparts1988Go! Software
Ranarama1987Hewson Consultants
Rasputin1986Firebird Software
Rastan1988Imagine Software
Raster Runner1990Mastertronic
Rat Connection1988MBC Software
Rath-tha1989Positive Software
Real Ghostbusters, The1989Activision
Real Stunt Experts, The1989Alternative Software
Realm1986Firebird Software
Rebelstar1987Firebird Software
Reckless Rufus1992Alternative Software
Red Heat1989Ocean Software
Red LED1987Starlight Software
Red MoonLevel 9
Red Scorpion1987Quicksilva
Reflex1987Players Software
Relief Action1987Loriciels
REM1986Blaby Software
Renegade1987Imagine Software
Renegade III: The Final Chapter1989Imagine Software
Rescate en el Golfo1990Opera Soft
Rescue from Atlantis1988Dinamic
Rescue on Fractalus!1986Activision
Return to Doom1988Topologika
Return to Eden1984Level 9
Return to Oz1986U.S. Gold
Revenge of the C51986Atlantis Software
Revolution1986Vortex Software
Revolver1988Alternative Software
Rick Dangerous1989Firebird Software
Rick Dangerous 21990Micro Style
Ricochet (Firebird)1987Firebird Software
Ricochet (Blaby)1986Blaby Software
Riding the Rapids1987Players Software
Rig Attack1985Tynesoft
Rigel's Revenge1987Bulldog Software
Rik the Roadie1988Alternative Software
Road Blasters1988U.S. Gold
Road Runner1987U.S. Gold
Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote1991Hi-Tec Software
Robbbot1986ERE Informatique
Robin Hood1986Codemasters
Robin Hood: Legend Quest1993Codemasters
Robin of Sherlock1986CRL Group/Delta 4
Robinson Crusoe1987Coktel Vision
RoboCop1988Ocean Software
RoboCop 21991Ocean Software
Robozone1991Image Works
Rock 'n' Roll1989Rainbow Arts
Rock 'n' Roller1988Topo Soft
Rock Raid1985Kuma Software
Rock Star Ate My Hamster1989Codemasters
Rocky Horror Show, The1985CRL Group
Rodland1991Storm Software
Rogue Trooper1986Piranha Games
Roland Ahoy!1984Amsoft
Roland Goes Digging1984Amsoft/Gem Software
Roland in Space1985Amsoft/Gem Software
Roland in Time1985Amsoft/Gem Software
Roland in the Caves1984Amsoft/Indescomp
Roland on the Ropes1984Amsoft/Indescomp
Rolling Thunder1988U.S. Gold
Room Ten1986CRL Group
The Royal Quest1984Timeslip Software
Ruff and Reddy1990Hi-Tec Software
Rugby Boss1989Alternative Software
Run for Gold1986Hill MacGibbon
Run the Gauntlet1989Ocean Software
Running Man, The1989Grandslam Entertainment
Rygar1987U.S. Gold


Name Release Date Publisher
Sabotage1988Zeppelin Games
Saboteur II: Avenging Angel1987Durell
Sabre Wulf1985Ultimate Play the Game
Sacred Armour of Antiriad, The1986Palace Software
Sai Combat1986Mirrorsoft
Saigon Combat Unit1989Players Software
Saint and Greavsie1989Grandslam Entertainment
Salamander1988Imagine Software
Samantha Fox Strip Poker1986Martech
Samurai Trilogy1987Gremlin Graphics
Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo1988Firebird Software
Santa's Christmas Capers1990Zeppelin Games
SAS Combat Simulator1988Codemasters
SAS Strike Force1987Mikro-Gen
Sauvez Yurk1990Ubi Soft
Savage1988Firebird Software
Scalextric1987Leisure Genius/Virgin Games
Scapeghost1989Level 9
Scientific1987Chip Software
Scooby-Doo1986Elite Systems
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo1991Hi-Tec Software
Scoop1990Generation 5
Score 30201988Topo Soft
Scout Steps Out, The1985Amsoft
Scramble Spirits1990Grandslam Entertainment
Screwball1986Blue Ribbon Software
Scruples1987Leisure Genius
Scuba Kidz1989Silverbird
Seabase Delta1986Firebird Software
Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, The1985Level 9/Mosaic Software
The Secret of Bastow Manor1985SoftGold Dotsoft
Seesaw1985Amsoft/Andromeda Software
Sentinel, The1987Firebird Software
Sergeant Seymour Robotcop1992Codemasters
Seymour Goes to Hollywood1991Codemasters
Shackled1988U.S. Gold
Shadow Dancer1991U.S. Gold
Shadowfire1985Beyond Software
Shadow Skimmer1987The Edge Software
Shadow Warriors1990Ocean Software
Shadow of the Beast1990Gremlin Graphics
Shadows of Mordor: Game Two of Lord of the Rings1987Melbourne House
Shanghai Karate1988Players Software
Shanghai Warriors1989Players Software
Shao Lin's Road1987The Edge Software
Shard of Inovar1987Bulldog Software
Shark1989Players Software
Sharkey's Moll1991Zeppelin Games
Sharpe's Deeds1987Incentive Software
Sherman M41990Loriciels
Shinobi1989Virgin Games
Shockway Rider1986FTL
Shogun1986Virgin Games
Short Circuit1987Ocean Software
Shufflepuck Café1989Microïds/Brøderbund
Side Arms1987U.S. Gold
Sideral War1989Delta Soft
Sigma 71986Durell
Silent Service1986MicroProse
Silent Shadow1988Topo Soft
Silkworm1988Virgin Games
Sim City1990Infogrames
Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants, The1991Ocean Software
Sir Fred1985Made In Spain
Sir Lancelot1984Melbourne House
Sirwood1989Opera Soft
Skate Crazy1988Gremlin Graphics
Skate Rock1987Bubble Bus
Skate or Die1989Electronic Arts
Skateboard Joust1988Silverbird
Skateboard Kidz1988Silverbird
Skatin' USA1990Atlantis Software
Skull and Crossbones1991Domark/Tengen
Slap Fight1987Imagine Software
Slightly Magic1991Codemasters
Slug1988Alternative Software
Sly Spy: Secret Agent1990Ocean Software
SMASHED1987Alternative Software
Smash TV1991Ocean Software
Smirking Horror, The1991WoW Software
Snoball in Hell1989Atlantis Software
Snooker Management1990Cult Software
Snowball1983Level 9
Soccer 861985Activision/Loriciels
Soccer Challenge1990Alternative Software
Soccer Director1990GTI Software
Soccer Pinball1992Codemasters
Soccer Rivals1991Cult Software
Software House1988Cult Software
Sol Negro1988Opera Soft
Solar Coaster1987Optyx
Solar Empire1990Players Software
Solo1989Opera Soft
Solomon's Key1987U.S. Gold
Sonic Boom1990Activision
Sootland1989Zafiro Software
Sooty and Sweep1989Alternative Software
Sorcerer Lord1987PSS
Sorcery+1985Amsoft/Virgin Games
Soul of a Robot1986Mastertronic
Southern Belle1985Hewson Consultants
Soviet1991Opera Soft
Space Ace1987Gremlin Graphics
Space Crusade1992Gremlin Graphics
Space Gun1992Ocean Software
Space Harrier1986Elite Systems
Space Harrier II1990Grandslam Entertainment
Space Rider1990Hi-Tec Software
Space Smugglers1989MHT Ingenieros
Spaced Out!1987Firebird Software
Spannerman1984Amsoft/Gem Software
Speed King1986Mastertronic
Spellbound Dizzy1991Codemasters
Sphaira1989Ubi Soft
Spherical1990Rainbow Arts
Spider-Man and Captain America in Doctor Doom's Revenge1990Empire Software
Spike in Transylvania1991Codemasters
Spiky Harold1986Firebird Software
Spindizzy1986Electric Dreams
Spindrone1988Atlantis Software
Spitting Image1988Domark
Splat!1985Amsoft/Incentive Software
Split Personalities1986Domark
Spooked1989Players Software
Spooky Castle1990Atlantis Software
Sport of Kings1986Mastertronic
Sporting Triangles1989CDS Software
Spy Hunter1986U.S. Gold
Spy Snatcher1991Topologika
Spy Who Loved Me, The1991Domark
Spy vs. Spy1985Beyond Software/First Star
Spy vs. Spy II: The Island Caper1987First Star
SRAM1986ERE Informatique
SRAM 21986ERE Informatique
St. Dragon1990Storm Software
Stainless Steel1986Mikro-Gen
Stairway to Hell1986Software Invasion
Star Control1990Accolade
Star Driver1994Radical Software
Star Firebird Softwares1986Insight Software
Star Paws1987Software Projects
Star Raiders II1987Electric Dreams
Star Ranger1986Tynesoft
Star Sabre2008Cronosoft
Star Trooper1988Players Software
Star Wars1988Domark
Star Wars: Droids1988Mastertronic
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi1988Domark
Star Wreck1987Alternative Software
Starglider1986Rainbird Software
Starion1985Melbourne House
Starquake1986Bubble Bus
Starstrike II1986Firebird Software
Starting Blocks1988Coktel Vision
Stifflip & Co.1987Palace Software
Steel Eagle1990Players Software
Steve McQueen Westphaser1992Loriciels
Stockmarket1985Amsoft/Argus Press Software
Stop-Ball1988Juliet Software
Storm Warrior1988Elite Systems
Stormlord1989Hewson Consultants
Streaker1987Bulldog Software
Street Cred Boxing1989Players Software
Street Cred Football1989Players Software
Street Fighter1988U.S. Gold
Street Gang1988Time Warp Software
Street Gang Football1989Codemasters
Street Hawk1985Ocean Software
Street Machine1987Software Invasion
Street Sports Basketball1988Epyx
Strider1989U.S. Gold
Strider II1991U.S. Gold
Striker1990Cult Software
Striker Manager1990Cult Software
Striker in the Crypts of Trogan1992Codemasters
Stryfe1986ERE Informatique
S.T.U.N. Runner1990Domark
Stunt Bike Simulator1988Silverbird
Stunt Car Racer1990Micro Style
Stuntman Seymour1992Codemasters
Subbuteo1990Electronic Zoo/Goliath Software
Subsunk1985Firebird Software
Subterranean Stryker1985Amsoft/Insight Software
Subway Vigilante1989Players Software
Sultan's Maze1984Amsoft/Gem Software
Sun Star1987CRL Group
Super Cars1990Gremlin Graphics
Super Cycle1987U.S. Gold/Epyx
Super Hang-On1988Electric Dreams
Super Hero1988Codemasters
Super Monaco GP1991U.S. Gold
Super Off Road1990Virgin Games
Super Pipeline II1985Amsoft/Taskset
Super Robin Hood1985Codemasters
Super Scramble Simulator1989Gremlin Graphics
Super Seymour Saves the Planet1992Codemasters
Super Ski1987Microïds
Super Skweek1991Loriciels
Super Space Invaders1991Domark
Super Sports1988Gremlin Graphics
Super Sprint1987Electric Dreams
Super Stock Car1989Mastertronic
Super Stunt Man1988Codemasters
Super Tank Simulator1989Codemasters
Super Trolley1988Mastertronic
Super Wonder Boy in Monster Land1989Activision
Supercars1990Gremlin Graphics
Superkid1990Atlantis Software
Superkid in Space1991Atlantis Software
Superman: The Game1986Prism Leisure Corporation
Superman: The Man of Steel1989Tynesoft
Supernudge 20001989Mastertronic
Superted: The Search for Spot1990Alternative Software
Supertrux1988Elite Systems
Surprise Surprise1986Central Solutions
Survivor1987Topo Soft
Survivors1988Atlantis Software
Sweevo's World1986Gargoyle Games
Switchblade1990Gremlin Graphics
SWIV1991Storm Software
Sword Slayer1988Players Software
Sword of the Samurai1992Zeppelin Games


Name Release Date Publisher
Tai-Pan1987Ocean Software Ltd.
Tales of the Arabian Nights1985Interceptor Software
Tanium1988Players Software
Tank Busters1985Design Design
Target Plus1988Dinamic
Target: Renegade1988Imagine Software
Targhan1990Silmarils Software
Task Force1989Players Software
Tau Ceti1986CRL Group
Technician Ted1984Hewson Consultants
Technocop1988Gremlin Graphics
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles1990Image Works
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Coin-Op1991Image Works
Teenage Queen1988ERE Informatique
Tempest1987Electric Dreams
Tennis Cup1990Loriciels
Terminator 21991Ocean Software
Terra Cognita1986Codemasters
Terres et Conquérants1989Ubi Soft
Terrormolinos1985Melbourne House
Theatre Europe1985PSS
They Stole a Million198639 Steps
Thing Bounces Back1987Gremlin Graphics
Thing on a Spring1986Gremlin Graphics
Thing!1988Players Software
Thingy and the Doodahs1987Silverbird
Thomas the Tank Engine1990Alternative Software
Three Weeks in Paradise1986Mikro-Gen
Through the Trap Door1987Piranha Games
Thrust1986Firebird Software
Thrust II1987Firebird Software
Thunder Blade1988U.S. Gold
Thunder Burner1991Loriciels
Thundercats1987Elite Systems
Tiger Road1987Go! Software
Time Scanner1989Activision
Timelord1985Alpha Omega Software
Time and Magik1988Mandarin Software
Times of Lore1989Origin/Mindscape Software
Tintin on the Moon1989Infogrames
Tiny Skweeks, The1991Loriciels
Tir Na Nog1984Gargoyle Games
Titan1989Titus Software
Titanic1988Topo Soft
Titanic Blinky1992Zeppelin Games
Titus the Fox1992Titus Software
Tobruk1987Personal Software Services
Toi Acid Game1989Iber Soft
Tomcat1989Players Software
Top Cat1991Hi-Tec Software
Top Gun1986Ocean Software
Tornado Low Level1985Vortex Software
Total Eclipse1988Incentive Software
Total Eclipse II: The Sphinx Jinx1989Incentive Software
Total Recall1991Ocean Software
Tour 911991Topo Soft
Tournament Snooker1986Magnificent 7 Software
Tracksuit Manager1988Goliath Software
Traffic1985Amsoft/Andromeda Software
Trailblazer1986Gremlin Graphics
Train: Escape to Normandy, The1987Accolade
Trantor: The Last Stormtrooper1987U.S. Gold
Trap Door, The1986Piranha Games
Trashman1986New Generation/Virgin Games
Treasure Island Dizzy1989Codemasters
Trial of Arnold Blackwood, The1985Nemesis Software
Tribble Trouble1985Amsoft/Mr. Micro
Trigger1989Opera Soft
Trivia: The Ultimate Quest1989Shades Software
Trivial Pursuit Genus Edition1986Domark
Trivial Pursuit: A New Beginning1988Domark
Trollie Wallie1986Players Software
Tuareg1988Topo Soft
Turbo Boat Simulator1988Silverbird
Turbo Chopper1989Codemasters
Turbo Cup1988Loriciels
Turbo Esprit1986Durell
Turbo Girl1988Dinamic
Turbo Kart Racer1990Players Software
Turbo Outrun1989U.S. Gold
Turbo the Tortoise1992Hi-Tec Software/Codemasters
Turlogh le Rôdeur1987Cobra Soft
Turrican1990Rainbow Arts
Turrican II1991Rainbow Arts
Tusker1989System 3 Software
Twice Shy1986Mosaic Software
Twin Turbo V81988Codemasters
Twinworld1990Ubi Soft
Typhoon1988Imagine Software


Name Release Date Publisher
Ulises1989Opera Soft
Ultima Ratio1987Firebird Software
UN Squadron1990U.S. Gold
Untouchables, The1989Ocean Software
Up for Grabs1988Alternative Software
Uridium1987Hewson Consultants


Name Release Date Publisher
V1986Ocean Software
Vector Ball1988Mastertronic
Vendetta1990System 3 Software
Vera Cruz Affair, The1985Infogrames
Very Big Cave Adventure, The1986CRL Group
Viaje al Centro de la Tierra1989Topo Soft
Victory Road1988Imagine Software
Video Card Arcade1990Blue Ribbon Software
Video Poker1986Entertainment USA
Vigilante1989U.S. Gold
Vindicator (The)1988Imagine Software Ltd
Viz: The Computer Game1991Virgin Games
Volley Ball1987Chip Software
Voo Doo Rage1986Artic Software


Name Release Date Publisher
Wacky Darts1992Codemasters
Wacky Races1992Hi-Tec Software
Wanderer1989Elite Systems
War in Middle Earth1988Melbourne House
War Machine1989Players Software
Warhawk1987Firebird Software
Warlock1987The Edge Software
Warrior Plus1986Rainbow Productions
Way of the Exploding Fist, The1985Melbourne House
Way of the Tiger, The1986Gremlin Graphics
WEC Le Mans1988Imagine Software
Weetabix vs. the Titchies, The1984Romik
Wells and Fargo1988Topo Soft
Werewolves of London1987Viz Design/Ariolasoft
West Bank1986Dinamic
Western Games1987Magic Bytes
Who Dares Wins II1986Alligata
Who Said That?1994Radical Software
Wibstars1987A&F Software
Wild Bunch, The1984Firebird
Wild Streets1990Titus Software
Wild West Seymour1992Codemasters
Willow Pattern, The1986Firebird Software
Willy Wino's Stag Night1988Silverbird
Wings of Fury1990Brøderbund/Loriciels
Winter Games1986U.S. Gold/Epyx
Winter Wonderland1986Incentive Software
Witness, The1983Infocom
Wiz-Biz1987Alternative Software
Wizard Willy1989Codemasters
Wizard's Lair1985Bubble Bus
Wizball1987Ocean Software
Wolfman1988CRL Group
Wombles, The1990Alternative Software
Wonder Boy1987Activision
Wooky and Moty1987CRL Group
World Championship Soccer1991Elite Systems
World Class Leaderboard1987U.S. Gold
World Class Rugby1991Audiogenic Software
World Cup1985Artic Software
World Cup Carnival1986U.S. Gold
World Cup Challenge1990Players Software
World Cup Soccer: Italia '901990Virgin Games
World Games1986Epyx
World Series Baseball1985Imagine Software
World Soccer League1990E&J Software
Worm in Paradise, The1985Level 9
Wrath of Olympus1986Alpha Omega Software
Wreckless Roger1986Blaby Software
Wrestling Superstars1993Codemasters
Wriggler (Blaby)1985Blaby Software
Wriggler (Romantic Robot)1985Romantic Robot
Wulf Pack1988Blue Ribbon Software
WWF WrestleMania1991Ocean Software


Name Release Date Publisher
X-Out1990Rainbow Arts
Xarq1986Electric Dreams
Xeno1986Binary Design
Xenon1988Melbourne House
Xenophobe1988Micro Style
Xevious1986U.S. Gold
Xyphoes Fantasy1991Silmarils Software


Name Release Date Publisher
Yabba Dabba Doo!1986Quicksilva
Yarkon Blues1990WoW Software
Yarkon Blues II: Space Station Zebra1992WoW Software
Yes, Prime Minister1987Mosaic Publishing
Yie Ar Kung-Fu1985Imagine Software
Yie Ar Kung-Fu 2: The Emperor Yie-Gah1985Imagine Software
Yogi Bear1987Piranha Games
Yogi Bear and Friends1990Hi-Tec Software
Yogi's Great Escape1990Hi-Tec Software
Young Ones, The1986Orpheus


Name Release Date Publisher
Z1986Rino Software
Zampabolas1990System 4 Software
Zap't'Balls: The Advanced Edition1993Elmsoft
Zarkon1987Budgie Software
Zarxas1987Chip Software
Zoids: The Battle Begins1986Martech
Zolyx1987Firebird Software
Zombi1986Ubi Soft
Zona 01991Topo Soft
Zone Trooper1988Gamebusters
Zork I: The Great Underground EmpireInfocom
Zork II: The Wizard of FrobozzInfocom
Zork III: The Dungeon MasterInfocom
Zox 20991987Loriciels
Zynaps1987Hewson Consultants
gollark: I don't get why people wanted Macron, given how well it works.
gollark: We don't need a spec. I implemented it. It works perfectly, although it isn't actually very good.
gollark: I implemented it yesterday. It was actually really easy. I don't know why nobody did this sooner.
gollark: It was because of Macron?
gollark: That is not what "natural" means.

See also


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